#ietm authoring tool
featuresofietm · 2 years
Features of IETM
IETM is equipped with User management tools, content management tool, Authoring toolsUser Dashboard
User Dashboard consist of features like Manage Bookmarks, Manage Annotations , View Activity, Change Password, Enter IETM, Logout
Admin can control the documents access based on user profile. I.e. For Operator user , only manuals related to operator can be given access and for maintainer user only Maintenance related documents can be give access.
Admin can see user login history and user Annotations and feedback etc.
View Activity
View Activity Feature consist of Last login, Created Date and a Table with all the previous login and logout’s gets displayed.
Change Password
This Feature enables User to change his own password and to update his own security questions.
Enter IETM
This Feature enables User to enter into IETM Core and access the IETM Data by selecting the desired module.
IETM core consist of IETM Content section on the Right and Tree Menu on the Left for navigation of content, IETM Core consist of Global Search, Local Search, Print, Annotation, Bookmark, Help and Select Module, History Navigation and Home options.
Annotations are displayed by an icon at the Top Right beside the Global Search with Annotations Count of particular page. User can select the text with mouse and Add Annotation option appears to users to add new annotation in the content page.
Print IETM Core
Print feature is provided in IETM Core to print the current page content
A Bookmark Icon is provided at the top of content section to bookmark a particular page and can be added by clicking the Bookmark icon, A popup with Name Bookmark name field gets appeared.
Word Explainer
Word explainer feature helps in providing a Description/Explanation to a word by clicking on the word and is highlighted with a color in IETM Content
Image Explainer
Image Explainer feature helps in linking a related image to a word in the IETM content, the word with the image explainer is highlighted with a color in IETM content.
Video Explainer
Video Explainer feature helps in linking a related Video to a word in the IETM content, the word with the video explainer is highlighted with a color in IETM content.
Hotspotting functionality is used to link a word to respective image/Drawing of the same page, works with mouse hovering or selecting text or part of a image by which respective drawing or image will highlighted.
Hyperlinking feature enables user to navigate from one page to the other related hyperlinked page by mouse click, the hyperlinked data is highlighted with a color and underlined.
Image Viewer
By clicking on image or enlarge icon of the image at the right bottom of image respective image is displayed in a popup of image viewer.
Page Navigation
Page navigation feature enable the user to navigate to next and previous pages , by clicking on Prev Button at the left bottom of content area user gets navigate to the previous page of the content.
History Navigation
This feature enables the user to navigate to his previous steps based on his navigation history of the current session, by clicking on the right arrow in the top header user gets navigated to the forward.
Global Search
Global Search provides a functionality to search a keyword with matching page name and also content text form entire IETM Core and the results are displayed in tabular format with Page Title and Module Name. by clicking page title user gets navigated to that page.
Local Search
Local Search provides a functionality to search a keyword in the same page and the matching text is highlighted with a color in that single page.
Related Content
Related Content features is located at the right bottom of IETM content section. We can link the Related Pages of IETM Core, Document and Drawings which are related to this page content in this feature.
Page Expand View
IETM Page can be expanded upon clicking the arrow button provided at the bottom of the tree menu section
Manuals Tab
Manuals tab is provided in the header above the tree menu. All the manuals related to can be placed in this tab and can be viewed with the help of pdf viewer provided in the IETM application.
Logs Tab
Logs tab is provided in the header above the tree menu. This section enables User to add and store the logs of required data for the user
Glossary Tab
Glossary tab consist of Add, Sort , Find options with a tabular display of the glossary Related to content in IETM Core
Select Modules
User can be navigated to desired module form this Select Module Button, A list of all available modules will be displayed in dropdown.
Help for IETM
This consist of two pages About IETM and How to use IETM with the information related to IETM and a video how to use IETM.
Logout enables the User to close his session and logout form the IETM dashboard and redirects out of application from his access to login page of IETM.
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e-learningsoftware · 22 days
IETM Software: User (Operator, Maintainer)- Administrator & Super Admin/ Authoring
Learn about powerful IETM software that simplifies access for Administrators, Maintainers, and Operators. Rapid, role-specific logins together with a strong Super Admin tool for managing OEMs.
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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codeandpixels-1 · 3 years
S1000D Authoring Software
Code and Pixels Interactive Technologies Private Limited (CNP) is an IT service provider based in Hyderabad (India). We provide end-to-end Software development and IETMs (INDIAN STANDARD IETM JSG 0852:2001, LEVELS 3,4,5 and European Aviation Standard IETM S1000D, Class 4), specialized in innovative use of technology. We have developed Robust Frame work and authoring tools and we have successfully executed 25 + IETMs design and Development projects.  Contact us today!
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digitalteacherhyd · 4 years
Introduction to IETM and IETP (JSG-0852 and S1000D)
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Technical manuals (e.g. maintenance, user, training, operations, etc.) published in electronic format are becoming more and more popular than paper-based manuals for their interactivity, convenience, and ease of use.
For example, the maintenance and operation manuals of a warship, which used to occupy 300 -350 sq. feet of prime area with thousands of pages of technical literature
It is difficult to refer to some operating process or troubleshooting from thousands of hardcopies
To address these issues IETMs were introduced
IETMs are a portable, electronic “library” that contains thousands of pages of documentation and images, Videos, and allows end-users to trace technical documentation in a more efficient manner, and the digital nature provides a more agile and accurate method of updating technical documentation.
• Level 0 :- Scanned Image / Digital format
• Level 1: Simple PDF with multiple pages
• Level 2: PDF with hyperlinks to index along with Images.
• Level 3: HTML-based pages, similar to a website, where all the content is presented HTML pages along with a Table of content at onside. Linear format following the logic of the content. Next previous buttons with very limited search functionality
• Level 4: Advanced IETM with database, and user management, Powerful search and Content, and Document management facility.
There are two specifications/standards that exist.
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IETM — (JSG 0852:2001)
Standards are Designed and Developed by the Directorate of Standardization Department of Defense Production. Ministry of Defense, New Delhi
Guidelines Framed by:
Stakeholders and steering committee:
Army, Navy, Air force, Scientist of Defense labs, Capt., Lt. Cdr from various organizations
Labs: BEL, ADG systems, NHQ, ACAS, HAL, BDL, GRSE, Goa Shipyard, MIDHANI, MDL, BEML, DQAL, Dte Standardization, CQA, DS cell Bangalore, etc.
IETP — S1000D
Stakeholders and steering committee:
Jointly produced by Aerospace and Defense Industries Association of Europe (ASD), Aerospace Industries Association of America (AIA), and ATA e-Business Program.
JSG — 0852: 20001
1. Needs Raw content to covert to SQL Database
2. HTML/SGML as source file
3. IETM has an inbuilt Authoring tool, Content management tool, User Management, and reporting
4. Works in Standalone and Client-server mode
5. IETM has Viewer and Administrator and Author Modules
6. Content can be edited by OEM without any tool
7. In short, OEM need not have any software to deploy IETM.
Needs Raw content to covert to XML Database
XML as a source file
OEM or the place IETM is being deployed must have a CSDB webserver to host the Data Modules/ s1000d XML files to have user management and content management.
The vendor gives s1000d files to OEM. If OEM has a CSDB studio server then IETP can be hosted on that server. Otherwise, it plays in a standalone machine as a Viewer.
OEM needs an S1000d author tool, commercially available off-the-shelf software to edit.
OEM must have an s1000d CSDB server to deploy s1000d files. If no CSDB Server is available then S1000d can still be viewed in Viewer without any Administration tools.
Common Source DataBase — CSDB
In S1000D Documentation, 2 software’s are used
Authoring Tool:
• It is like in simple words, MS word, where we write the content and put images, etc.
• IN MS word its .doc file, in S1000D, it’s XML Data Module.
• In this authoring tools we need to write content in S1000d defined XML Tags, so that all the documents designed by all the OEMs will be in the same lines across the globe.
• This is server software that stores all the databases and also tracks versions and manages Data modules
• S1000D needs some codes so that every Data Module has a unique code.
• CSDB server creates these unique codes automatically.
• Helps in publishing IETMs, PDFs, and Source XML files
Major advantage of s1000d
• Let’s say each ship is built by has 50 OEMs and all 50 OEMs supply IETMS in different formats, then it will be difficult to maintain uniformity.
• If all 50 vendors give the end-user s1000d IETMs then all the IETMs will almost in a similar format.
• To achieve this, the end-user must have an S1000d CSDB server with them to host all the files received by various vendors.
• If Navy/IAF/Army do not have CSDB suit then, still they can run IETM, but a standalone version where no user management will be done by IETM Viewer.
• (User management will be done by end-users CSDB Local server which hosts all the data modules of various OEMs)
S1000D and its basic principle
Content or data produced following the standard is in Data Module
This data module is the smallest and self-contained content or data unit within a technical publication
A data module must have sense and meaning when viewed without any supporting data other than images and diagrams
These data modules will be stored and managed in CSDB, Common Source Database
Using this CSDB we can publish output in a page-oriented or Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
These Individual data modules are re-usable components and can be used repeatedly in an output.
Benefits of S1000d?
One of the greatest advantages of S1000D is
In JSG 0852 IETM, first, documentation has to be done in JSS 251 format, in MS word then IETM activity starts.
In S1000D, Separate documentation need not be done. Whatever we do in MS word will be done using s1000d Author software.
Once all the documentation is done, we can simply export them either as PDF or as IETM or XML files with Project manifest file so that these can be deployed in any other S1000d distribution servers/ CSDB studios of the end-user (Navy/IAF/Army)
Reusability of data hence reduces production cost
Standardization of data and naming conventions
Open source and non-proprietary
Good for legacy data conversion
Proper documentation and version control management
Zero printing cost and zero occupancies of space as no Hard copies are to be maintained. Achieved by reusing instead of recreating information each time it is required
Easily to maintain and distribute: Facilitates transfer of information and electronic output between systems very easily and conveniently
Multiple Vendor support
Fastest reference to operator or maintainer than traditional paper-based documents
Many different output forms can be generated from a single data source i.e. from CSDB we can generate IETM and also PDF format which can be used for printing if need be
Customized Output creation: Allows sub-sets of information to be generated to meet specific user needs and user levels.
Common information sets provide the following data: -
Crew/Operator information
Description and operation
Maintenance information
Wiring data
Illustrated Part Data (IPD)
Maintenance planning information
Mass and balance information
Recovery information
Equipment information
Weapon loading information –
Cargo loading information
Stores loading information
Role change information
Battle damage assessment and repair information
Illustrated tool and support equipment data
Service bulletins
Material data
Common information and data
List of applicable publications
Maintenance checklists and inspections
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codeandpixels1 · 4 years
S1000D – Why Do We Need it and How Does it Work?
S1000D is A new buzz word in the technical publishing world. New word? Not exactly new, but surely it’s a new word in Indian Defence Technical Publishing segment.
What S1000D Means?
S1000D is an Interactive Electronic Technical Publishing IETP. Of course, it’s also called IETM too.
S1000d is not new but very few Indian companies, which support documentation of foreign Airline documentation are similar to S1000d word. But almost 90% of the people who do S1000d conversation do not know what S1000d is.
Few tools available in the market which are used to make XML files But they are not an IETM creating tool, Just XML conversion tools. After converting to XML, they send to foreign airlines company, where they foreign airline companies plug-in theses XML into their S1000d suits.
S1000D History In Brief
A few years back S1000d is mainly used in the Aerospace segment, because S1000d is basically governed by Steering Committee formed by ASD, Aerospace Industries Association of America (AIA) ATA e-Business Program  These organizations form the S1000D Council Hence, it’s more apt for the Aerospace industry.
Currently, Defense systems – including land, sea, and air products, civil aviation, Ship industry of the US have adopted these standards while making documentation.
Adoption of S1000D
Now Indian Defense system is also trying to adopt S1000D for their documentation activities. When Navy/IAF/Army wants S1000d IETM, it is implied that the navy has CSDB Suit /Local CSDB Server 20- 50 OEMs or Service providers will give S1000d data Modules of various systems and the Navy CSDB Local server will host them and monitor them and does the user management
If the navy does not have a CSDB suit then, still they can run IETM, but a standalone version where no user management will be done by IETM Viewer.(User management will be done by Navy CSDB Local server which hosts all the data modules of various OEMs)
Is S1000D suitable for Smaller Systems?
No. S1000D is not suitable for smaller systems. It’s very apt for the systems which have around 1 lakh pages of documentation and the project has just initiated the documentation.
One Of The Greatest Advantages Of S1000D Is In JSS 0852 IETM, first, documentation has to be done in JSS 251 format, in MS word then IETM activity starts. In S1000D, Separate documentation need not be done. Whatever we do in MS word will be done using s1000d Author software.
Once all the documentation is done, We can simply export them either as PDF or as IETM or XML files with Project manifest file so that these can be deployed in any other S1000d distribution servers/ CSDB studios of navy
Do We Need s1000d?
Well, to be honest, the answer is Yes and NO. It depends on how big is your System/equipment.
S1000d mostly suits to airline industry where every part has a unique number may it be AIRBUS, BOEING BUSINESS JETS, BOMBARDIER AEROSPACE, CESSNA AIRCRAFT. Parts and part numbers are the same.
How Does S1000D Work?
In S1000d documentation, every part is developed as a standalone module/document (data Module). While delivering a document, they compile all data modules and deliver. And all these companies have their own S1000d suit which costs in crores.
They maintain a centralized repository. They maintain their own software which takes care of publishing, document management.
In our context, it won’t suit our needs and purpose. To maintain s1000d, even Clients must have s 1000d CSDB Studio or Server, and all the s1000d publications supplied by various OEMs/ Vendors will sit in that CSDB Server
For that client has to share BREX, business rules to vendors, and guidelines to all vendors so that all the documents will sit properly in the client’s S1000d CSDB Server
This is needed when the system has around 2 lakhs of documents to share.And its commercially very costly solution. If, IETM costs you 20 lakhs then S1000d costs you 80 Lakhs.
If the system is very big, like documentation for the entire Ship /flight, and documentation has just been initiated, then S1000D is the best solution. Because One S1000d is made, then we can export PDFs and also IETM from the same source files.
The Major Advantage Of S1000D
let’s say each ship is built by has 100 OEMs and all 100 OEMs supply IETMS in different formats, then it will be difficult to maintain uniformity.
If all 100 vendors give navy s1000d IETMs then all the IETMs will almost in a similar format.
To achieve this, the Navy must have an S1000d CSDB server with them to host all OEMs received by various vendors.
If the Navy does not have an S1000d CSDB Server with them, then the purpose and  benefits of S1000d cant be achieved
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For the past 7 years, we have been executing IETM projects for Army, Navy, and Air-force in JSG 0852 format.
In 2018, the first time we received an enquiry from a Dubai-based oil and gas firm. We have also come across the s1000d term in various Navy documentation meetings. we have then initiated R&D activities on S1000D Implementation and hired S1000d experts who have worked on various defense Aerospace projects.
we have interviewed 50 members who mentioned s1000d in their profiles. We picked them from LinkedIn. They don’t even know what s1000d is. They were told that the project was s1000d, and they blindly did data entry work on the conversion of word to XML.
We initially tried to develop software for S1000d. We later realised that S1000d is not just making Doc files into XML files. It has thousands of standards of XML tags as mentioned by S1000d documentation. We have searched for an organisation that is already an expert in delivering S1000d solutions. After almost 6 months of evolution, we have done a technical tie-up with one of the best s1000d service provider company. (US-based firm);  We have executed projects in S1000d successfully.
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s1000dcodeandpixels · 6 months
Technical 3D Animation Capability of Code & Pixels
Code and Pixels is a pioneer in creating 3D Animations for describing a process in detail with 3D Highlights and Hotspots. To provide the greatest possible technology-based user experience, and training, we integrate component-level 3D animations with interactive blowups and 3D Highlights with realistic lighting and rendering techniques.
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sereious · 8 years
Associate Pubs Engineer
Location : Uniondale, NY, USA, Uniondale Company: Lockheed Martin Corporation Description: Demonstrated proficiency in composing Integrated Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs) using X-Metal and VULCAN authoring tools, and create supporting illustrations using Microsoft VISIO graphics  Apply Now ➣ Associate Pubs Engineer is published on 2017-03-11T05:05:59-05:00 and last modified: 2017-03-11T05:05:59-05:00 by Shiån Serei
Read more about Associate Pubs Engineer at The Kingdom of Meridian - Romance Novels by Shian Serei
from Publishing-Jobs – The Kingdom of Meridian http://ift.tt/2nfLhBI
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s1000dcodeandpixels · 6 months
Walkthrough of the Company Code and Pixels
Code and Pixels Interactive Technologies Pvt Ltd, based in Hyderabad, India, offers excellent eLearning, CBT, and IETM Software development services. With over 50 completed IETMs and 10 years of expertise, our company continuously meets customer expectations. Come take a look around today!
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s1000dcodeandpixels · 6 months
IETM Level 4 Development Process -Code and Pixels
An Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) or Interactive Electronic Technical Publication (IETP) is a type of technical documentation that is written in XML or HTML-5. Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs) range from Level 3 to Level 5. We use an IETM authoring tool in our development process for creating glossaries, hot spots, related subject connections, and dynamic hyperlinks.
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s1000dcodeandpixels · 6 months
Features of IETM Software
IETM is equipped with User management tools, content management tool, Authoring tools: 1. User Dashboard consist of features like Manage Bookmarks, Manage Annotations , View Activity, Change Password, Enter IETM, Logout 2. Admin can see user login history and user Annotations and feedback etc. Contact Code and Pixels for IETM Software design and development services. We assure you that with our 10 years of exclusive supremacy in IETM delivery and having delivered 50 + IETMs, we will surely stay above your client's expectations.
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s1000dcodeandpixels · 6 months
Features of (IETM) Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Code and Pixels
IETM comes with authoring tools, content management tools, and user management capabilities. Features like viewing activities, managing annotations, and managing bookmarks are all part of the user dashboard. We also discuss how administrators may access user login history, assessments, feedback, and other useful information.
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s1000dcodeandpixels · 8 months
IETM Software: User (Operator, Maintainer)- Administrator & Super Admin/ Authoring
2 types of individuals will use IETM software. Users and Administrator.
Let’s take a scenario where you (OEM) delivered one engine to some Shipyard.
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Basic Purpose of IETM:
The basic purpose of IETM is for easy and quick access to the content. When an issue arises, the user should be able to reach that point in a few clicks. Using various features of IETM, especially search, users can reach the desired place in a single click.
Users will access the IETM software through the workstations provided to them when the issue arises.
IETM User Login:
Using these credentials, the user will access the IETM.
Based on user credentials, i.e. operator or maintainer, the related content will be displayed to the user.
It means the Operator can access all the topics related to engine operations and the Maintainer can see all the topics related to the maintainer.
In a general scenario, all the topics will be made available to both users. Because, the purpose of IETM is to refer when an issue arises, hence, restrict access to documents may not be a good idea.
Administrator Login: (IETM)
Their reporting head or some senior will act like an Administrator, who creates user names and passwords and shares them with the users. They are called Administrators.
Administrators can see all the topics i.e. topics related to Maintainer and Operator.
Whatever features are available to the User will also be available to the Administrator. Administrators can also use IETM like a user.
Apart from that, the administrator has additional features than the user.
They are, Administrators can create, edit, and delete users. All the user’s activity can also be viewed by the administrator. Admin can also see the annotations of users and feedback shared with an administrator. Other features like creating hotspots, Search index creations, print/Report creating etc In short, as the name indicates, the Administrator is the person who administrates IETM software at the user premises.
Super Admin or Authoring Tool:
Only User and Administrator Logins are given to end users i.e. Navy, Army, IAF.
Super Admin will be maintained by OEM only, because OEM is the ultimate owner of the equipment and IETM documentation.
Super Admin is not a Deliverable to the user. OEMs use this software to make IETM in-house.
The authoring tool or Super Admin is software that is used to build IETM. Using Super Admin Log-in Credentials, OEM can build IETM or update IETM.
Article written by
G. Gopi Krishna Code and Pixels IETM R&D team
Please visit [www.codeandpixels.net] to learn more about the “IETM Software“.
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s1000dcodeandpixels · 11 months
IETM Level 4
In Level 4 IETM the data to be stored in a relational database, obtaining benefits of data integrity and removal of data redundancy. Level -4 has Inbuilt Authoring tool. Any one with little training can edit and update the content after delivery.
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IETM Development Process
Code and Pixels is an S1000D and IETM development company delivered 25 projects. Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) range from Level 3 , 4 and 5. Using the IETM authoring tool, these hyperlinks and hot spots, links to related topics and the glossary is created dynamically. There is a misconception about IETM. As the name indicates interactive, then people assume that it is a 3d based on blowup software. Interactive means, users can browse or cross-refer or interact with the software to search for a particular topic/sub-topic. Assume that you have 3000 pages in 10 different manuals, you cannot refer to all the pages quickly. But this interactive electronic technical manual searches the entire database of 3000 pages in a second and displays results. Because all the text is converted into the database.
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Documentation standards Vs IETM Standard EED-S-048 |DME 452 |NCD 1470 |JSS 251 |JSG 0852
Technical documentation is a very broad word used in tender documents/Scope Documents. They put the heading as Technical Documentation and in brackets write IETM Level -4 or IETM class-4 mentioning EED-S-048 OR DME 452 OR NCD 1470 JSS 0251 and JSG 0852 standards and ask OEM to deliver in DVDs and some sets of Hard copies.
Some SOTRs may even have Training Aids under Technical documentation.
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Steps for Creating Technical Documentation:
(step 1&2 is done by OEM and Step 3 is executed by the IETM Software Vendor)
STEP 1 (Content writing)Writing content/ preparing the manual based on the standards (EED-S-048, DME 452 OR NCD 1470.)
STEP -2 Standardising / formatting the content Converting the raw content into a proper technical document using JSS standard.
STEP -3 Converting the final PDF manuals to IETM Converting the approved/vetted Manul to the IETM database using the IETM authoring tool / IETM software.
Your Scope or SOTR shared by the Indian Navy to make IETM will have the Standard names i.e. EED-S-048 OR DME 452 OR NCD 1470.
EED-S-048These are Naval standards. Specification of Documentation for new Construction Ships,
DME 452 The Directorate of Marine Engineering (DME) is a part of the Materiel Branch and works under the overall command and control of the Chief of Materiel, as PSO, and Assistant Chief of Materiel (Dockyard & Refits) as APSO. Documentation Specifications
NCD 1470 Director of Standardisation – Department of Defence Production Requirements For Preparation of Documentation For Hull Equipment, Structure, Material and System
JSS 0251-01:2015 (Rev no. 2) JOINT SERVICES SPECIFICATION (JSS)Procedure for preparation and production of technical publications for electronic and electrical equipment
JSG 0852: 2001 Reaffirmed 2019
Joint Services Guide (JSG)Indian defence standard to make IETM
EED-S-048, DME 452, and NCD 1470:
are purely standards defined by the Navy guiding OEMs to follow these guidelines while making documentation. These are purely technical stuff, and only Defence scientists or technical teams of OEMs who were involved in the development of equipment/devices can prepare. They need domain expertise.
These are absolutely in no way relevant to IETM development.
By adhering to EED-S-048 OR DME 452 OR NCD 1470 these standards your technical team will make manuals i.e. User handbooks, Technical Manuals, Maintenance manuals, MRSL etc.
The content may be written poorly formatted by the domain experts as, aesthetically arranging and making a table of contents, header, footers etc. is not the work of technical people.
Once this content is written by the experts the documentation team will come to the picture.
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Following is the Sequence of Contents to Be Followed While Making Document:
Front/cover page which is printed on thicker paper or laminated
The title page is the same as the Front-page
Record of changes
List of other associated handbooks
Safety warnings in red colour
First-aid instructions
Cautions & Notes
Demolition instructions
Change Notice
List of contents
List of illustrations
Text/ content
The separate card titled Illustrations
Sepaarte card titles Appendix “A” , B,C
Appendix or appendices
Back Cover Page
Once the document is made available this will be shared with DGQA and other competent authorities i.e. defence labs etc.
Once these documents are fully vetted they enter into to next phase which is IETM.
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In short, the work of the IETM service provider starts, once your final manuals are frozen or vetted by the end client.
The IETM service provider is not an expert in the domain, and the IETM team consists of all the software development team like, Angular Java programmers, database engineers, content integrators, and Quality assurance team etc., and they are not experts in the domain hence what whatever manual is made available to the team they simply convert every line into database and creates Database of the manuals.
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