#ieytd ideas
agent-toast · 11 months
thinking about a 2 player ieytd game where:
-the two of you take turns, one as the agent and one as the agent's handler
-the agent gets the normal ieytd puzzle room, but without any of those cards and notes that clue them in on the solution. why?
-because that's the handler's job now; they have this control room similar to the ieytd2 van, with notes and things pinned to the board or lying on the table that they need to find in time and instruct the agent on what to do. of course the notes are different each mission. and the handler gets a sandwich. and cool hats.
-it's basically just Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes in VR
-there's a screen in the middle of the handler's room that shows the agent's pov
-the agent and handler never actually see each other so no need to make any 3d models
-and of course the agent and handler can talk to each other, either through ingame comms or in real life
-it's even more funny if you do one way comms where the agent can hear the handler but they themselves can't talk
-just imagine your handler screaming in your ear "STOP DRINKING THE FRICKING ALCOHOL-"
-at the end of the first mission, both players can enter in their agent codename, and they can use what happened in the first mission for ideas
-i might write the missions and storyline for this in the future?
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ask-agent-phoenix · 9 months
what's this? my playlist? yes indeedidedo!
-derivakat songs
-ieytd intro songs. because they are nice.
-bo burnham because why not
-skyfall (james bond) cause it's good
-'debriefing at headquarters' because it gives such handler vibes
-set it off songs
-CG5 songs wee
and not that many more!
the songs will definitely come and go so save the songs you take a liking to :)
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icecreampizzer · 9 months
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Wish I could give them some fashionable hats, but alas...it would ruin the spikes in their hairs
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stellar-collective · 2 months
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random idea i had to explain how Agent Phoenix can replay missions and also an attempt to integrate my Angel Phoenix AU into my main lore
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randombikite · 8 days
I completely forgot to post this but a while ago I had an idea - IEYTD but like one of those dating sims - so here!
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Also one without my Phoenix so, if you want to, feel free to draw your Phoenix in (Please tag me if you do! I love seeing people’s designs)
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I will definitely be doing more of these with other characters!
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salezmanradioz · 6 months
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I ❤️ U
More affectionate stuff with Prism and Phoenix (Polyblank) + more info in tags
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Ok but
can you imagine
James Bond and Agent Phoenix interacting
Agent Phoenix: So you're the best spy in your world?
James Bond: Yes, I am.
Agent Phoenix: Sweet. How much arson do you commit?
James Bond: ...What?
Would they become friends or not
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blueorchid-95 · 2 months
something random I was thinking about but. There are Lore Implications in the Reginald Mimic Mask
In Operation Stage Fright, the handler distantly recognizes the Fabricator’s voice after she gives her first instructions to you. Once you get to the combat bit, Reginald fully recognizes her and identifies her order to kill you as “not an idle threat”, meaning he’s likely had experience with her while he was a field agent—and considering his concern, it wasn’t a good one. It’s also worth noting that she’s the only one of Zor’s henchmen that he’s genuinely afraid of in the main games—he doesn’t react to Hivemind or Caliente, and most other Zoraxis employees don’t get much of a reaction from him, like the Zoraxis defector during the train operation. (Note: these examples are all from the first I Expect You To Die game, where he is actively keeping himself emotionally distant from the agent.)
Later, during Operation Jet Set, Juniper claims that the plan has been “years in the making”, which tells us he’s been working with Zoraxis for quite a while. The plan he’s referring to seems to be the airplane traps, but that seems too small-scale to be worth so much credit, especially with the nuclear codes plan going on behind the scenes. It’s worth noting that this plan would also probably never work again: the agent’s death/disappearance would warn the Agency of Juniper’s alliance and they would take extra care when arranging transportation for the remaining agents to avoid a repeat incident.
This brings up a new question: What plan was Juniper referring to? What necessitated our death on that plane?
The nuclear codes, of course. The Fabricator can’t make a mask of such intricacy in such a short time, after all. Nobody could. I’ll admit that the world of I Expect You To Die is a little less than realistic (looks over shoulder at Agent Phoenix standing directly above boiling lava in Operation KBOOM) but between the sheer amount of masks and other relevant tech she’s made for the operation (the Citizen’s Arrest device, the snack cart on the airplane), there’s no way this would have been a fast-moving op.
So, with this in mind, it’s easy to assume this plan was in its preparation phase for many years until the week Agent Phoenix sends it all down the drain. Since it was so slow-moving, I can imagine Dr. Zor trying other things in the interim to keep the Agency from finding out too much—the Death Engine, for example. Something like that could also be used to support their regime once the long plan is through, and likely took just as long to make because it is another incredibly intricate project.
But I’m getting off track. Even with all of these important plans and many, MANY pieces of technology to create, the Fabricator still has a mask styled after the Handler, seemingly made only to fool an agent that nobody in Zoraxis thought they’d have to deal with again. Considering the time span of The Spy And The Liar against the sheer amount of projects she was handling, it is physically impossible for her to have made the Handler’s Mimic Mask. She can’t have just programmed it in to the original mask, because the game implies that there’s a separate mask for each world leader. After all, the Fabricator still has a mask stored in her desk despite sending one to Juniper already, and it wouldn’t make sense to keep passing the mask back and forth between imitations—plus, if Juniper has to have the Fabricator alter the mask every time he acts as a world leader (the only reason I could identify as to why he’d give it back to her after getting it) the plot would take much longer than it actually does because of the finicky technology that would need to be reworked each time. Plus, why the heck would Juniper give a functioning mask with all four relevant leaders back to the Fabricator? There’s nothing to be improved there, and even if she wanted to there’s no possible way she could add the Handler’s face and voice so perfectly in under four days, regardless of whether or not she already knew him. Not to mention that she seems to be a bit of a perfectionist, focusing on making the entire mask as perfect as she can—down to the smallest wrinkle. Therefore, I believe that all four world leader masks and the Handler mask are separate pieces.
So now we’re hit with the big questions: What, exactly, does the Handler have to do with any of this? Why did the Fabricator make a mask of him?
I believe that the two of them crossed paths when Reginald was an active field agent. There’s no way to know what happened between them, but whatever occurred prevented either of them from forgetting the other.
Perhaps, the Reginald Mimic Mask was made as a failsafe. In case the Agency managed to get ahold of the nuclear briefcase, Juniper could don the mask and infiltrate agency headquarters to retrieve it with very little question. But then Reginald became a handler, and the mask became essentially useless—if Reginald wasn’t out on the field, it would be near impossible to mimic him and get away with it. So, the mask sits in the Fabricator’s desk, forgotten and pointless—but then Agent Phoenix comes back from the dead.
How would the Fabricator have known Reginald was involved? Easy. The Masque of the Red Death. He explicitly tells us that he managed to “snag a ticket to the show”, so he’s sitting in the audience. Considering that the Fabricator is likely acting as the technical director or a similar backstage role, it’s not impossible to believe she could have seen him. However, her lack of reaction implies she doesn’t see him as a threat, so she fails to take action concerning him and his agent until she’s discovered that the agent is responsible for the destruction of the Death Engine.
If we subscribe to the theory that there’s five Mimic Masks instead of just the one, then the mask we encounter in Operation Eaves Drop is one that’s been sitting in storage, unused, in years. The Fabricator likely gave it to Juniper during Operation Party Crasher, and he retreated to his office to practice the new role after spending time with the guests. The mask we send up to him is likely the new world leader mask mentioned in Operation Jet Set.
This accounts for several factors. Juniper’s had years to practice and prepare to act as all of the world leaders, but he’s had hours at most to prepare for his role as the agent’s Handler. Therefore, when he needs to deceive the agent, his acting isn’t on point. He’s got all of the world leaders down, but he’s never even heard Reginald speak (unless you count the phone call that starts off the Operation Jet Set song on the soundtrack, and even then that isn’t much). He knows nothing but what the Fabricator tells him, and all of that information is from when the Handler was a field agent, since that’s the last time she had contact with him.
In contrast, though, I think the Agency set was built around the time Reginald was a field agent. Why? Simple: it was built for our handler, not us. If Juniper was going to retrieve the briefcase by imitating a certain agent, he’d need that specific agent to be out of the way first, stored away for an indefinite amount of time. So, build a small set to make him think he’s still at the Agency, and keep him there. If he discovers the illusion, use the citizen’s arrest device to keep him nice and imprisoned. That explains why there’s Zoraxis equipment in the locked drawer—Juniper forgot he left it there after so many years, likely only remembering when Agent Phoenix reached for the drawer. While the rest of Juniper’s set saw use as he practiced his roles (which incidentally also accounts for why the Zoraxis emblem is still polished if the set is years old—he’d need to clean it any time he wished to rehearse with it, which would probably be often during The Spy and the Liar considering how the plan is coming into play), he would have very little reason to maintain the Agency set—which explains why it’s so poorly designed. I mean, the logo falls off the wall with incredible ease, and we’re being given an agency meal in the medical wing, of all places. Juniper didn’t anticipate having to use it in the long run, since that set wasn’t designed for us.
Summarized, here’s our main takeaways from this:
Reginald must have been one hell of a field agent, since the Fabricator saw fit to make a Mimic Mask of him.
Whatever encounter Reginald had with the Fabricator likely proved decently traumatic for him. She seems unbothered by it.
The Handler Mimic Mask likely doesn’t look exactly like Reginald, because of the time difference. The Fabricator may have estimated how the Handler would look when he’s older to fit with the timetable, but human biology doesn’t always work how we want it to.
Overall, the fact that the Fabricator had a mask of Reginald’s face ready has allowed us to set several basic events on a timeline that makes relative sense.
I apologize for the wall of text. Thank you for reading though ^v^
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Roxana Prism before Pride Month is over
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 7 months
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agent-toast · 9 months
ieytd but i made it vines
this was made pretty long ago and i keep forgetting to post it here
(videos taken from youtube)
if you notice any problems please tell me!
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ask-agent-phoenix · 10 months
Division: EOD
Subject: Agent Phoenix
Contributor(s): Support Agent, codename 'Jared Mason'.
Agent Phoenix. Skilled agent of Enhanced Operatives Division. Has had close contact with certain Zoraxis Operatives. Said to simultaneously be the Agency's best and worst.
Agent Phoenix may appear overconfident and extroverted to others, but many agents have said that they're surprisingly quiet at the office, choosing to use hand gestures over speech. The reason for this is unknown. According to their Support Agent/Handler, Agent Phoenix tends to talk more in the heat of battle, either for efficiency in giving information, or talking to their opponents in the form of witty one-liners. Their Support Agent notes that they're more quiet and reserved when with people they don't know (minus Zoraxis Operatives--they do not care how they act to them), and 'frankly, a lot more annoying when with people they know, like me.'
This concludes the base report on Agent Phoenix.
Written after the events of Operation: KBOOM.
NOTE: This report should remain private. Do not copy or post it to any external sites.
thought some people might like to see this.
oh, the thing at the end? don't worry, handler'll bail me out. anyway, the eod wouldn't do anything to hurt their precious phoenix >:)
They might take away your vacation time.
Well, no. But they might drop it into the negatives.
eh that's fine
By the way, you still haven't yet returned the five dollars I lent you.
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icecreampizzer · 7 months
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um. yeah. so ever since I got into this series I already had like . a fanfic idea rotating in my head, which basically boiled down to "what if the 'main' antagonists of all three games interacted with one another. what if they became friends. there's a lot of interesting reflection and introspection to be made i think". And so this was born. "Ex-Zoraxis Support Group" isn't very accurate since they literally just bumped into each other and it's an informal thing. they're currently friends (in the loosest sense of the word) living together off the grid from both Zoraxis and the EOD, sitcom style!
This thing takes place after IEYTD3 and I've added a lot of ideas to it, but they're still kind of rough. I wanted to doodle some stuff for it though!!! I've been planning to do something like this for a very long time, but the thing that tipped me over was my desire to draw juniper freaking it whiteboy style. sorry.
more stuff to come (MAYBE. big maybe. i have chapters 1 and 2 written down and 3 in progress...but i keep getting distracted LMAO) i just have to say the last part of the 2nd picture is not entirely accurate to their first meeting SKDJFHEUWDHS
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stellar-collective · 1 month
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“I DID mention him in my Hot Water report, didn’t I? Surely someone would’ve thought to tell us!”
“Feeling a bit out of the loop, here…”
sequel to this! Reginald recognized Ollie’s voice right away, but Ollie still doesn’t have a clue why now both the legendary Agent Phoenix AND the EOD’s head handler know who he is. i’m sure they’ll get around to explaining it eventually
first ~ prev ~ next
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randombikite · 1 month
I’ve been completely stuck on what to draw recently so I decided to redraw a drawing from a while ago -
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Original -
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I’m fairly happy with it! If anyone has any ideas/requests for drawings please mention them in tags! I might take a while to do things but you know :D
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lonelywriter26 · 9 months
HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT: So, Rising Phoenix, right? That had to have been An Awful Night for Handler. So I'd imagine he'd have nightmares about it.
Maybe he has a nightmare about it. Or that image of the elevator crashing, or of the smoldering remains of the building, or whatever is keeping him awake. It's 2am. He's having a bad night. He connects his headphones to the earpiece and Phoenix, who doesn't know what a sleep schedule is, answers. They hear there's something abnormal in his voice, ask what's wrong, and he briefly explains. They sign off soon after that.
And Phoenix comes crawling in through the window 10 minutes later like "Hey so I heard you were upset and I brought you whiskey! :D" meanwhile Handler's like "Thank you but also what the fuck."
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