#if I can add on a lil bit to the 4 hour nap I took earlier maybe I'll feel a lil better
anothermonikan · 9 months
'In 33 hours this will all be over, whether you do it good or not you wont have to worry about it anymore, cmon Andy, you got this! You got this!' <<< trying to do their last assignment
#I have not been able to focus today. I'm half way through the writing but itsa presentation video thing#so I gotta film it! I would just take the easy way out with a presentation but....#it's a 1k word limit. and the video has to be. 12 - 15 minutes long. no ones getting a 12 minute video off 1k words alone#and it's gonna be easier to get to that 12 minute minimum limit if I can like insert clips and stuff.#so I'm doing like an ACTUAL video. so I gotta edit it as well#I hope I reach that 12 minutes because IDK what I'm gonna do if I write this all and put all the clips in and what-not and it's under#make my title cards longer IG??#asdshsddsds#Ugh. I'm not like tired or anything but I know I'm gonna be later because I made plans....#so idk whether to bite the bullet finish this paragraph. sleep for a bit more. and then go back to work after#but considering idk how long I'm gonna be out for.....I'm gonna guesstimate like 3 hours#That leaves me with. 20 something hours after I go out if I pull an all nighter which I will almost definitely have to do#if I can add on a lil bit to the 4 hour nap I took earlier maybe I'll feel a lil better#also my brains like bugging me because I really want to spend time with bby aha#is 20 hours enough time for me to finish a script. film a video. find all the clips and materials I need for it. edit it all together.#Space out my transcript correctly. and hope there's no issues with the upload process#I'm dual uploading onto two platforms in case one of them fails but how long does a 12 minute video take to upload...#wahhhh#I think I should sleep a lil more maybe#yeah I'm starting to get tired again oops#one last thing and then I'll take another nap#Android.txt
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Med log Day 3(? I think it's 3)
Today, has been a day. I am very very sleepy writing this, but we hope for the best. I choose to look at this day positively though. Instead of 3 hours of sleep like last night, i got 4! I'm super duper hopeful tonight i will get at least 5 hours, since tomorrow is the first class for my new fancy zero hour class and I really want to do well in it.
So anyways, back on topic. Took my meds when I woke up and drank milk with it. Did laundry and more school work, which went well for two hours and then I started getting spacey. Stopped doing work around 4-5 hours after i started as I was sick of it and I had to help clean for guests. By the time we finished it was time for my second dose, and oh boi, i was not expecting how sleepy it would make me. If the sleeping problems don't work themselves out by day 7 or 8 I'll call my doctor. After a, sadly, brief nap our guests showed up. Noticed that i was significantly not as anxious as i normally am when they come visit, though the kid still gets on my nerves but i managed my rage haha. I couldn't contribute much to conversation as most of what they talked about was stuff i know nothing about, as old dudes and sports bros do.
We went out for lunch, and the food was really good! But i could hardly eat any of it, which was kinda awkward. Food was already Weird, and now that i have no sustainable appetite it's Extra Weird. It was during this i realized I probably wouldn't get anything productive done for the rest of the day and gave in and had a soda, which I've decided to avoid when taking my meds. We went back home and played games and then they left. I was the dealer and passed around cards and helped explain the rules. I didn't feel like i did anything special, but after they left my uncle told me that i did good and that he was proud and that makes me happy and a lil bit teary eyed lol.
I don't think i have any other symptom updates. Still horrible at memory recall and had some strange struggles counting cards on sight. Oh, but i did have some pressure in my head when I first took the pills, but quickly faded. I don't seem to be nauseous or have a major headache again though.
In other news, my cousin will potentially be home soon and I'm getting progressively more worried about her reaction to the new meds. Should I have told her? I know, logically, that she loves me and just wants the best for me, but i just keep thinking back to how badly she reacted when I tried bringing it up. But there's nothing I can do, it's not something I can control. I can only control how i let it affect me. Doesn't mean it doesn't duck though. But i think that my uncle will have my back if it does become a problem, and i appreciate that. I've also been making really good strides in self advocacy, though i haven't tried it on these meds yet haha. Anyways, just gotta stay hopeful and determined.
Overall: Sleepy, and more importantly, loved
Edit; forgot to add tags haha
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soysaucevictim · 3 years
Week 1 of new stuff - some yoga and HIIT.
Apr. 17
I woke up after 9AM, I got started on today’s exercise pretty soon into things.
First, today’s DD. 20 jumping lunges with EC. This was a bit rough/intense... but manageable work.
(Wound up taking a nap after that and watched a bit of YouTube...)
Second, Day 1 of Yoga with Adriene’s BREATH Yoga Journey / Program. This morning, I did watch the introductory videos first. Decided to experiment with my yoga blocks here. I think it’s better to be sitting on both next to each other for better support as seating. Observed a small stitch in the sides for the revolved crescent lunges. Did a mix of the variations in intensity as I went along, too. All-in-all, this was a very soothing sequence and a nice way to ease into things again.
Last, Day 1 of the 1′ HIIT Program. Figured some cardio would be a good pairing with the yoga. Level 3, 1′ rest. One thing I like about the HIIT paradigm is how short the workouts can get. 7′ of active time doesn’t sound like a lot of effort in other structures, but whew. Short but not super sweet - did note the third high knees interval was awkward to pace, fresh after loaded the left calf with more fatigue than the right (due to hopping on just that leg quickly). Don’t have a Level goal/benchmark in mind, given that sometime Adriene can kick the ass a little every now and then.
After a bit of the usual, made today’s Hello Fresh Meal. Mexicali black  bean soup. A tasty little revisit, nothing too new to say about the experience here.
After some dishes, spent rest of day on the usual and reading fanfics. Went to bed obscenely late, later than yesterday.
Apr. 18
I woke up around noon and one of the first things I got started on was exercise.
First, today’s DD. 20 side plank crunches with EC (10/10). Manageable, if slightly intense!
Second, Day 2 of BREATH. A bit more heat today, but still very soothing during the more relaxing segments of the sequence. Always an interesting idea the themes to focus on, such as today being “Arrival“. I see that as a valuable insight. It made me think of the starting moments of my fitness journey - in a sense, I looked at every day as a new start. Now it generally feels a bit more continuous - I trust myself that I’ll make my arrival to the mat when I need to.
Last, Day 2 of 1′HIIT. Level 3, 1′ rest. Ab/back work. Though it’s nice to be able to have visual of the monitor on my desk, did carve a couple seconds off the first 10″ of bridges just to get down into position upon timer reset. Might break out the phone for the next instance of floor work for the timer part, maximize the active time. Nevertheless, fun work. :D
Hit the showers.
Watched “Blade” and “Down Periscope” with a friend for Movie Night. Rest of it on the usual stuff.
I got to bed a couple hours earlier than yesterday, but still in the red.
Apr. 19
I woke up around 11AM and started to prep notes for an appointment today.
The appointment went well enough. As soon as I got home, I got going on my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 elbow plank hold step-outs with EC. I alternated sides, this time around, got into a nice rhythm with the pendulum like movement here. Did also get intense and felt my abs working near the end. Doable work.
Second, Day 3 of BREATH. “Anchor“. One of the focal concept this time around is that there Ujjayi Breath, it was nice to return and reacquaint myself with it. This sequence was particularly meditative at the start and did kick my but a lil when we got to moving around more. Perhaps arms and abs were a bit tired after the DD or being modestly sleep-deprived made this more of a challenge. But it feels good to get through it.
(After a bit of the usual...)
Last, Day 3 of 1′HIIT. Level 3, 1′ rest. There were a few moments I thought about knocking the level down a bit - but decided I was up for Level 3. Def got me winded and my arms a touch shaky from fatigue near the end. Was a good call to have the workout + timer open on phone, since it was more floor work... worked up a sweat, too!
Spent rest of the day on more of the usual stuff. Got to bed obscenely late again (hours later than yesterday.)
Apr. 20
I woke up around 2PM... and one of the first things I did today was start on exercise.
First, today’s DD. 10 burpees with EC. Incorporated the push-up and jumping parts this time - did start to feel a bit more winded after the first 5 or so reps, but I knew I could string together 10 on the fly just about handily.
Second, Day 4 of BREATH. This was a SUPER chill workout. Low to the floor and nice and slow (relatively speaking). Definitely one for my favorites list - since it was more on the meditative side. Lotsa meditative breathing in relaxation poses here. Very nice! =w=
Last, Day 4 of 1′HIIT. Level 3, 1′ rest. Relatively more chill because it wasn’t much impact work (squats and calf raises). Definitely appreciated for current energy levels. I did still try to go as fast as possible, as per the HIIT paradigm.
Did some dishes, got aggravated about the filthy state of the laundry machines and needed to wipe them down before doing some of my laundry. Yeah, finally properly did some laundry in MY OWN HOME. So that was nice. Despite feeling disgusted by the smell of the storage room... thanks to a certain family member having been holed up there for over a year... =_=
Spent rest of night on the usual stuff. Got to bed a few hours earlier than yesterday, still in the red.
Apr. 21
I woke up around 1PM and started on exercise pretty soon after.
First, today’s DD. 30 torso twists with EC. Fun and breezy.
Second, Day 5 of BREATH. “Replenish“. Okay, despite that theme, this kicked my butt a lil. Rather, my quads def felt some fatigue build up as we went along. The chair pose variants, and some lunge/warrior stuff - made the one arm downward dogs hard (more than the notion of finding my center/balance there).
Last, Day 5 of 1′HIIT. Level 3, 1′ rest. Arm work, intuitive sense after yesterday’s leg work. Again nice reprieve from impact work. Relatively breezy - but still felt it nicely in the arms.
I took in some deliveries, including a new lamp that I’m not sure how much I liked. It was frustrating me and I was grumpy about a lot of stuff, already...
But I made myself to get started sewing stuff in earnest, since the last thing I needed for the sewing project arrived today. I found some of my chill back, despite body complaining about my posture throughout the session. :P
I’m pretty sure I got to bed later than yesterday, despite everything starting to hurt from DOMS and being on my feet for a few hours there....
Apr. 22
I woke up after 8AM, in order to attend a new support group for me.
It was in regard to Depression and COVID stuff and went alright - but that’s all I’m going to say there.
Got home and scheduled my own vaccine shots and arranging for transportation to them. And then took a nap.
When I got back up, spent more time scheduling trip reservations for the next few weeks’ appointments/groups. Then got going with today’s exercise..
First, today’s DD. 20 single leg deadlifts with EC. Manageable - not super refined form, but acceptable for my energy levels.
Last, Day 6 of BREATH. “Burn“. Okay, given how little sleep i was running on and how sore my calves are - I’m surprised I mostly went for the “full expressions“ today. Lotsa ab work. Didn’t really think about it very much before, but it was very nice we did some Breath of Fire practice - made a deeper sense of connection with it and what my abdominal wall is doing in the breath cycle. Did wake me up too (I like how stimulating this type of breathing is, even if my rhythm is still a bit slower than Adriene/others.)
Did some dishes and made today’s Hello Fresh Meal. Mushroom and soy ramen. Tasty... but might add oil to the cooking water for the noodles or even just throw in the noodles into the broth, near the end of the mushrooms saute step. Just because I’m still having a bit of difficulty executing the ramen noodles without them tangling and sticking together into masses. *Shrugs.*
Did dishes and spent rest of night on the usual. Got to bed earlier than yesterday, I think. Still in the red.
Apr. 23
I woke up after 8AM, to accompany bro and our dog for a vet appointment.
Appointment went well enough and got some iced coffee before taking a nap.
Shared with grandma my sewing project progress, booked more trip reservations out to a month, chatted, and played a game of contract rummy with her and dad. After all that, I did some exercise.
First, today’s DD. 20 full bridges with EC. Very manageable.
Last, Day 6 of 1′HIIT. Level 3, 1′ rest. Lots of jumping jacks, glad I decided to raincheck this a day, since yesterday was a busy yet low energy day. Enjoyable work, though.
I spent time updating some logs, after this. And then pulled an all-nighter working on that sewing project again.
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sorenissuperior · 4 years
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You really do. I want nothing but the best for you. For as long as I've known you, you've never given up. You've always kept going, and I love that about you. Strong lil krys. Very brave. I really mean it. You're incredible. I adore you.
I took a bit of a nap earlier but I'm pretty sleepy now. That's why I took a little to respond to you earlier. And I do wanna get at least an extra hour of sleep. Yesterday I got about 4, and after today I'm off for a day. I'm really proud of you for still working on your island c: I think it looks wonderful. I really love it. So much about it just screams you. I mean it should, you're the one making the changes and adding stuff. I know for sure you're one of the reasons I'm still playing animal crossing. It's really weird. Before we started to talk again in april, you didn't tell me you loved animal crossing so much. Such a coincidence that new horizons was the one I got, and that we started to talk about it together. I saved all sorts of things for you, we shopped together before you had your switch, and came up with outfits for one another. I'm really glad we have this to play together. I love playing games with you. It always makes me happy. I hope to play it with you for a long time, krys. I want to see all the updates and things they add with you. I should sleep now. Oh and were your wigs delivered? I'm sure they look amazing on you. You've always been so gorgeous, and you have such a wonderful style. Sorry if I'm saying too many gushy things on this post. Okay I'm gonna sleep. Talk to you later, okay? 💚 I hope you can fall asleep easy. I meant to ask earlier, but I hope your anxiety hasn't been bad lately, and no panic attacks too :c do your best okay? Lots of deep breaths and counting. Goodnight, krys. Sleep well.
3:24 am. June 13th
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Dream a Little Dream of Me - Ch4/4
It becomes sort of a thing with us. Me and Tony. Every now and then, whenever the exhaustion hits too hard, whenever sleeping and the dreams and the lack of dreams are too much to take, JARVIS makes sure we always find each other. He was subtle about it at first, thought he was being clever having us coincidentally meet in the kitchen or gym or the roof.
Took us just few days to figure out the AI is most definitely plotting against us.
Or for us, I suppose.
Since our impromptu meetings started, things got…better. Not great or perfect but better. No more falling asleep dreading what’s to come, no more waking up miserable and angry…I’m nowhere near okay but I think maybe, just maybe I could be. Maybe there’s still a place for me in here. After the war, after HYDRA and the Winter Soldier…after seventy years living in my own personal nightmare I might be able to do something with my life after all.
Current goal number one? Make Clint stop stealing my favorite fruit loops!
“Yikes! Do you have your will sorted out bird brain?” Tony waltzes around me into the kitchen, looking between me and Clint. “Because if glares could kill…” he trails off, walking to the fridge.
Clint turns around, freezing when he spots me looming in the doorway. “What?!” he frowns at me, mouth full of my delicious –
“It’s the fruit loops, Katniss,” Tony hums.
“They’re mine,” I glare harder at the archer, who in turn widens his eyes.
“Th…they’re delicious,” he stutters.
“I know.”
“I’ll uh…buy some more! For both of us!”
“Yes, you will.”
He glances at Tony, who’s too busy searching for potential breakfast in the fridge to notice him. “O-kaaay.”
“Right,” he nods and bolts out of the kitchen.
“Well…that’s one way of getting rid of morning annoyances. Very handy. No pun intended,” he glances at me, eying the left hand for a second. “Making friends?”
“Clint’s cool,” I shrug. “Not cool enough to share these with him yet though.”
(Read-more ahead!)
He watches me with eyebrows raised as I sit down where Clint’s been just moments ago, confiscating the bowl of deliciousness. “Looks like you’re okay with sharing,” he chuckles, picking a blueberry jam out of the fridge and grabbing a couple slices of bread from the counter.
I almost drop the spoon, making a double-take at what I’ve just witnessed. “Are you…making breakfast?!” I blurt out.
“I’m hungry.”
Only that never stopped him from not eating anything for days. Steve of course gave me the Tony Stark 101, thinking he could pass it off as an excuse for almost strangling the man. Almost made me want to strangle him, but after a quick notes comparison with Natasha I found he was mostly right about everything.
Barely sleeps, barely eats, is reckless in battles, doesn’t listen to anyone, makes jokes out of everything to dodge anything serious…still not an excuse for what Steve did. Luckily for Steve, he’s behaving himself lately so I won’t have to punch him anytime soon.
And…so is Tony. He’s still doped on coffee most of the time – he does like his coffee, alright – but doesn’t look like he’s just crawled out of his own grave.
Wait…was he humming a minute ago? He was.
“Morning,” Natasha sneaks in, sitting opposite of me with a smirk.
“Nat,” Tony winks at her, finishes his PB&J’s and heads for the exit. “See ya around, James,” he adds on his way out.
I gotta go for a run after this. Clear my head. Before…before I start thinking about something that’s so not possible.
“James?” Natasha snorts, smirk widening.
I glare at the spy, wishing it would have the same effect as it does on Clint. “S’ my name.”
“Yeeees. It is,” she purses her lips, eyes dangerously…knowing.
On second thoughts, I’m gonna go for the run now. I back out of the kitchen, noting that as soon as I’m three steps away from the table, the still half-full bowl of fruit loops once again changes owners.
Damn Natasha.
Tonight’s one of those nights. Nights I know I should go to sleep, but don’t want to at all. I don’t even have to tell JARVIS where to take me after I step into the elevator. It goes straight up, stopping at the penthouse.
Guess I’m lucky, because Tony would usually be in the workshop this early into the evening and I w –
And he’s asleep.
Right there on the couch, still wearing his ragged and dirty workshop clothing and his left hand holding onto a wrench.
“JARVIS?” I whisper, unable to hold back a smile.
“You may wake him up, Sergeant. He’s been asleep for five hours like this, which is sufficient for now,” he replies just as quietly.
The couch is comfy, but sleeping on it for too long isn’t exactly comfortable. And if he sleeps for too long, he delves too deep into whatever nightmare decides to pay him a visit.
I walk across the room without making a single sound. Every now and then I find a good use for all the assassin skills HYDRA bothered to train me. Moving silently like this comes in handy all the time – like this, on the battlefield…or if I want to scare Sam shitless when I catch him spying on Natasha. The dude couldn’t be more obvious if he tried. I told him that…and didn’t really appreciate the comeback.
“Look who’s talkin’, Sergeant I’m-just-watching-Iron Man-for science! Or whatever excuse you’re making!”
Damn bird brains…
Crouching down next to the couch, I take a moment to observe the seemingly relaxed face of the man that would without a doubt be haunting my dreams by now – if I had any.
Maybe it’s for the best.
“Hey,” I try at first, but his peaceful face doesn’t even stir at the sound. Startling him awake would be as bad as letting him continue sleeping so I have to be as sneaky about it as I can. Taking my chances, I place my metal hand on his warm, flesh one, hoping the wrench it’s holding won’t deck me in the face next. “Wake up, Tony.”
It’s not exactly a smooth awakening, but with a sharp intake of breath and a slight jolt he opens his eyes, wide and wild for a moment.
“Sorry. J said nap time’s over so,” I smile at him, but it falters the instant I see the sheer terror in those brown eyes.
“S’okay,” he sits up, his PR face falling into place. “Didn’t wanna sleep anyway,” he yawns, looking down at our joined hands.
I stand up, making it a subtle excuse to break the surely offending contact. The way his eyes sadly travel up with the motion confuse me enough to regret doing it immediately. “You a’right?”
“Hm? Sure,” he nods, frowning at the wrench he then places on the coffee table.
It’s the kinda ‘sure’ that makes me really restless and by me I mean whatever is left of the Winter Soldier somewhere down there. Steve used to say it, usually while his bony little face was all bloody and beaten, but ‘sure’ - he was okay.
Tony is not okay.
Whatever expression forms on my face must convey that message with absolute clarity, because he sighs and sits back against the back of the sofa.
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” he grumbles and it’s the closest thing to an admission of not being okay I’ll ever get from the man, if past experiences are anything to go by.
“It’s…stupid,” he continues in a lowered voice. “Anyway. What brings you up here at this hour?”
“Tony, it’s just a lil’ over 6 PM.”
“It is?! Oh. So…wanna hang out?” he smiles, but the press façade is still at hundred percent.
“Yeah,” I return the smile, bright and honest.
His face falls all of a sudden. “Well, we’ve got about ten minutes. I totally forgot about Prague,” he mumbles, teeth gritted.
Ah. The International Astronomical Union thing. “I thought that was tomorrow.”
“It is. And I’m supposed to have a presentation on something that’s not even built yet!” he glares at the wrench. “Gotta go hit the workshop and do some hard core overnight inventing, just like old times. I’d tell you to come along but…”
“S’fine. Would only distract ya.” And freak out the second I stepped in there.
“You’ve got no idea…I mean,” he clears his throat and gets up, pacing around the couch. “It wouldn’t be a problem. Seriously. If you ever wanna try coming down there you can. Anytime. I’ve already trained DUM-E to make sure he wouldn’t be a bother…or spray you with a fire-extinguisher. Don’t ask, he’s got a fetish that one,” he explains with a snort, seeing my confusion.
“He sounds like fun. I’ll uh…I’ll think about it.”
“Sure. So…five minutes to go. Need a drink? Or a movie recommendation? You can stay here if you want. Or - ”
“Thanks. That’s alright. Gonna read something and go to sleep, I guess.”
He looks at me with the same ‘I see right through your bullshit’ look I used on him a moment ago.
“Fine! So it’s not alright…s’not like you can do anything about it. Or anyone, really.”
He hums in thought, eyeing the piano with what I can only guess to be determination. “Even if you can’t dream, you can occupy your mind with something, right? Imagine something? That’s what I try doing. To chase away the nightmares. Or the fear of them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.”
“It’s been workin’ lately, huh?”
He freezes…and is that a blush? Did Clint slip something into my tea? I’m seeing things now. Great. I’m gonna murder him.
“Yeah…kinda. Anyway. Thought I’d suggest it…in case it might work for you, too,” he shrugs.
“I tried, actually. My imagination suffered over the years, though. It just wouldn’t work for me.”
His lips twitch into a subtle, mischievous smirk and he moves to the piano. “Maybe we just need to give it some incentive.”
“I don’t think a little bit of Mozart is gonna help,” I roll my eyes, but he starts playing anyway.
And that’s not Mozart. Or Chopin or Bach or whoever. I don’t really know anything about music, but I know this song.
Everyone born in the twenties knows this song. It would be playing in the background while you were slowly dancing with ya sweetheart and getting your first kiss. And second, third, and so on. I don’t remember a single dance or event where this didn’t play at least once.
The melody starts rolling and Tony hums along with it. He’s made it clear ain’t nobody’s gonna hear him sing, ever.
I move to my VIP chair – as he calls it – not sitting down, just next to it. Next to Tony.
The songs brings back good memories, that’s for sure. But I don’t understand how this is supposed to be some kinda incent –
Oh. Oh.
...while I’m alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me...
I thought the chair was the only thing capable of wiping my mind completely clean, but this right here manages to out-do it. I gape at the engineer, who’s still playing and humming the tune with a content smile, trying to make sense of what’s happening here.
By the time he’s done and rotates on the piano stool to look at me, my brain finally decides to cooperate and in a rare moment of clarity I return eighty years into the past to switch the Bucky Barnes mode on. “Are you…flirting with me in a song?”
He raises his eyebrows and for one single moment he looks shy. Tony goddamn Stark looks shy. Before I can take that in, he’s back to that mischievous smile. “Too High School Musical for you? Or not enough? Wait, you don’t know what that is, do you. Good, don’t ever let Clint bully you into watching it. Seriously, he’ll be sneaky about it and - ”
He goes on babbling in the speed of light about something something Clint, but all I heard was…the lack of a ‘no I’m not, you fool’ in that sentence. Not only didn’t he deny the flirting bit, he basically confirmed it. HYDRA spent seventy years trying to break me…and by the stunned, silly way I must look right now I guess this man succeeded in doing that in only five minutes.
“…so the question is, is it enough of an incentive for you to survive the night while I’m off to plot revenge against those damn astronomers for demoting Pluto? And yes, that’s the only reason I even agreed to the presentation. That and a chance to hit the pubs for some good beer. You’re a beer guy, right? I’ll bring you some. There’s one called ‘Demon’…and it tastes exactly as the name suggests – deviously good. Only they don’t bottle it…oh well, I’ll bring the whole cask! Uh…you okay?”
I shake my head a little, trying some sorta hard reset or somethin’ before he calls 911. “You…you’ve just told me…in a song to…dream of you,” I sum it up, more for myself than anyone else, really, because his growing smirk is telling me he knows all too well what he’s said and what it means.
He shrugs, raising a challenging eyebrow. “The song’s telling you to do a lot of things, actually. I don’t remember all the lyrics, but I’m pretty sure at one point there’s something about saying nighty night and kissing and holding tight. I guess we can skip that – even though that’s my favorite bit – and you can just tell me you’ll miss me, go do the dreaming part and we can revisit the rest tomorrow after I crush that presentation.”
He says it so matter-of-factly that the million questions flooding my brain disperse into thin air this instant. He’s dead serious. He’s…deadly seriously flirting with me. With. Me.
As if reading every word of my inner dilemma, his cocky smile eases into this gentle little quirk of lips I’ve only ever seen him use…well…with me…and stands up. Taking two swift steps right into my personal space he grabs both my arms in a gentle hold and leans close enough his lips brush against my left ear. “How does that sound to your imagination?” he whispers in a tone that is probably just as innocent as Clint’s apologetic pout. Not at fucking all.
I finally manage to will my head to move and lock gazes with the engineer, his eyes more alive than I’ve ever seen them. And I have been paying special attention to them lately, alright?
I’m not the Bucky Barnes of old…he would definitely do something more than just imagine things right now. But HYDRA and all the fuckery it’s put me through be damned – the Bucky Barnes I am now is NOT out of the game yet. I still know how to play it. So I will.
Finding the courage to put one of my very own smirks on, I return the gentle hold, place my hands – flesh and metal – on his hips and lean closer to whisper as well: “I’ll miss you.”
Not at all innocent – voice or hands.
And now that I’ve said what he suggested, I’m gonna go and do what he suggested as well. So I take a few steps backwards, memorizing that partly satisfied, vulnerable and partly something-else-entirely way he’s watching me right now and turn around, walking back to the elevator.
It’s already here and opening, but I decide to give into the swirling curiosity after all. “Is that what you’ve been doing lately?” I glance back at the now openly grinning man. “Dreaming of me?”
He shrugs. “Maaaaaybeeee…? Although, lately is a bit…inaccurate, to be honest.”
Day one hundred of discovering useful Winter Soldier abilities – the ability to maintain eye contact with a stone cold, unreadable expression despite a volcano of emotions is exploding in my head. That’s right, HYDRA, I’m about to utilize seventy years worth of your training efforts not to assassinate people, but flirt with Tony Stark.
So while I leave my already wild mind deal with Tony’s revelation, I back into the elevator, watching him – and him watching me – until the doors slide shut and JARVIS automatically moves it down to my floor.
“Yes, I have already downloaded the song to your StarkPad music library,” he answers before I can even ask.
That just goes to show how brilliant the AI is. Like father like son. But there’s one more th –
“I have also taken the liberty of including a full version of Sir’s instrumental performance of the song. There is also one where he sings along, but I wouldn’t recommend it for listening-before-sleeping purposes. But if you are ever feeling down and in need of a good laugh then it is available to you as well.”
Okay…there’s a fine line between brilliance and actual mind reading. Gotta watch out for this one.
I go through my evening routine and when I’m all clean and tucked in, I put the piano piece on repeat. The volume is gentle enough to be almost soothing and it doesn’t really take long to be lulled to sleep by it, the melody going on and on in the background until morning.
“Before you murder me, I did not eat your fruit loops!” Clint throws a disclaimer my way as soon as I enter the kitchen.
I glare at him – and Sam, Steve and Natasha too, for good measure – not believing a work of it. When I make it to the cupboard I indeed find the box of fruit loops completely empty and just left in there as evidence of the unforgivable deed.
A mocking, teasing gesture. Oh when I find who’s done it I will…nevermind. Bird brain is lucky, because this fine early morning I am in a very good mood.
So I might not have dreamt last night, not really. But the events of the evening kept replaying in my head – with the added bonus of my not so brain-dead imagination throwing in a little bit of…somethin’ to keep my mind occupied for a while, that’s for sure.
“For once, Katniss isn’t lying,” Tony materializes in the doorway, ready to storm the conference, fancy suit and all.
That fancy suit however wouldn’t stay there very long…courtesy of my imagination.
“For once? What’s that supposed to mean?!” Clint pouts, glaring at a suspiciously amused Natasha.
“How do you know he’s not lying?” I narrow my eyes at Tony, trying my usual intimidating look but god! Is that difficult to do to him. When he’s all suited-up and grinning and…what aftershave is that?! Without a doubt designed to torture me.
“Why, James, isn’t that obvious?” he beams and brings an empty bowl he’s been hiding behind his back into view. “I know, because I ate them.”
Clint chokes on air, eyes bulging out. “You’ve got a death wish?!”
“What’s going on?” Steve frowns in clear confusion, looking between the all of us.
Tony only grins more, setting the bowl on the table next to Clint. “Sharing is caring,” he shrugs, raising just one eyebrow in quite the practiced fashion.
I couldn’t agree more…but he’s not getting away that easily. “Well in that case…” I turn around and pour myself the remaining Stark Potion of Life.
The way Tony’s grin breaks and molds into absolute horror in a second as I bring the cup to my lips almost makes me burst into laughing. Him and his coffee, seriously…
I torture him but a moment longer, before offering the untouched cup to him. “Sharing is caring, huh,” I smile but narrow my eyes immediately. “Some things I’m not gonna share. Just so you know.”
He takes the cup, pouting. “Good. Me neither.”
“Speaking of sharing!” Clint ruins the moment by jumping between us, putting his hand around my shoulders, leaning close with his patented smirk of conspiracy. “I’ve heard all about Nat’s ninja dream, Steve’s weird riding on the subway dream…so, your turn!”
“You dreamt about riding on the subway? The fuck?!” Tony turns his attention to Steve, who’s still blinking between us like we’ve just erased his brain or something.
“I’ve had…you could call it a dream I suppose,” I tell Clint, leaning against the counter behind me. “I dreamt a little dream of a little someone. Well…not so little now that I think about it.”
“Eeeeyyy! Now we’re talking dirty, metal man!” Clint exclaims, hitting my metal upper-arm with his fist. “Tell me everything!”
I lock gazes with Tony, who is back to grinning like a mad man. “Not sharin’ that with you, bird brain. And what are you lookin’ at? Go, you’ve got to avenge Pluto and get back here with the beer.”
“Bossy…I’ll be off then. Behave, boys…and ninja,” he gives Natasha a courtesy bow and with a wink my way, he walks out of the room.
I can’t help but watch his retreat – studying all the curves for science purposes of course – and it seems to be the last straw for Stevie, who definitely noticed with all his confused staring.
“Did you just…never mind. I’ll be in the gym,” he shakes his head and all but runs away.
With sudden wave of clarity I didn’t think my brain would ever be capable of again, I realize it should really be me running out of the room.
I should be flinching out of Clint’s bro half-hug, I should be freaked out by yet another one of his dream questions and I should most definitely be even more freaked out by the fact that I am not.
Not flinching away, not freaking out, not running away.
A man can’t afford any of that while on a flirting mission with Tony Stark. And said flirting mission needs more…research. JARVIS will help, I think.
Looks like I’m just gonna have to wait until the evening for…the man of my dreams. And make sure I’m a man of his dreams as well and not the nightmares.
And I have plenty of incentives on my mind for that.
~The End <3
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aliceellablog · 7 years
I wish...
I wish I could have really enjoyed my single launch gig and not just focused on trying to get through it.
I wish I didn’t have to rest in bed for two weeks after performing for 45 minutes.
I wish I could follow my dream and put everything into it.
I wish I didn’t have M.E.
I know I sound like a right moany Mary, but it just sucks. So a few days before the gig I was feeling really rubbish, but had over 200 people on the guest list including industry, friends, family and fellow musicians, so by that time there was no real option but to power through and do it! Thank god for adrenaline!
I had to head into town for around 4pm for sound check, which went well, but that was basically singing the whole set through before the gig had even begun! Then I went to get my hair and makeup done (Thank you so much Harry and Katie!!) and by the time I got back to the venue it was 8pm, the support acts were on, and I was performing in an hour! AHHH!!! I tried to relax and do some vocal warm ups but I was so freakin’ nervous!!!
I had Nick filming me, who was making a lil’ behind the scenes video (now on youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WnqT7RnoAM - Thanks Nick!!!) and I was also trying to be a good ‘host’ and talking to everyone backstage etc…. I should have had a nap or something really!!
Anyway, 9pm came and it was tiiiime!!!!
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My god, nothing feels better than walking on stage to a packed out room of people who are there to support you- What an AMAZING crowd too!!! I can’t thank everyone enough who came down and it was SO lovely to see you all!!! I sang my 45 min set with my amazing band and everything went as well as it could have! There were a few times when I really had to stop between songs and have a little drink of water and BREATHE!!! -I was so out of breath and obviously found the whole thing exhausting but it felt like the audience really understood and had my back!
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During the gig I did chat a LOT of rubbish but did try and explain my M.E. and what I was going through a little bit. There was a moment where I almost broke down into tears on stage but I pulled it together and probably made a bunch of inappropriate jokes. I shouldn’t be allowed a microphone!!!
I was selling merchandise there too- the money of which is going to the charity I am working with ‘Action for M.E.’ and was so happy at the amount of teeshirts, cd’s, and pens sold and people donated too! - If you would like to buy any just gimme a shout, I still have some left ;)
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So the last song we performed was the new single ’24 Obsession’ and it was actually mental… people KNEW THE WORDS!!! I was so overwhelmed that I took one of my friends phones from the front row of the audience and filmed them as they sang along!! MIND BLOWN hahaha - there’s a first time for everything and that moment is something I will never forget!!
So two and a half weeks later and I am finally starting to leave the house again and be up and about a bit more! I don't know what's worse, being given a taste of what life could be like and it taken away from you every time, or just not tasting it at all…
To be honest I think it was all the preparation, admin and pressure that took it out of me so much as well as the gig itself! Putting on a gig completely by yourself takes a lot of work! Especially when you feel like shit!!
From booking support acts, to the band and band rehearsals, ordering merchandise with money you don’t have, and not knowing if you will sell any!! To booking the venue, photographer, hair and makeup, videographers, DJ, host, outfit, invites!!! And then actually getting people to sign up to the guest list and come to the gig!! Advertising the gig, learning the songs, releasing the single!!!!! It all adds up, and was really quite stressful! But I do want to thank EVERYONE involved as you all helped so much!! - Support acts killed it!! - Louise Golbey, Joshua KYEOT and Beat Fox - DJ and Host Nate James was amazing :) - my band were beyond unreal!!! - Manolo, Martin, Matt and Frankie <3 and I even had the amazing Jamie Nichols doing magic on the audience at the bar!! :) 
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Hopefully one day I will be in a position where I can focus on the music and the performing, but I guess for now its still just lil’ old me tryna get my music heard!
So after the gig I met as many of the audience as I could and was so overwhelmed by the support <3 And then it was home time…. Via McDonald’s with one of my besties Grace!! YAAAASSSS!!! - my god that maccers was probably one of the best of my life!!
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I went to bed at around 1am but didn’t fall asleep until around 7am!!! That’s classic Brian for ya!! He can be such an asshole!! (Brian aka my brain)
But then I slept most of the next day and the day after that too…
I knew I’d be knackered afterwards but I didn’t think it would last for two weeks. I shouldn’t complain because I did it and it could have all gone a lot worse but just things like, I had to cancel a video shoot I had planned and that’s now not until October!!! LOOOONG!! So I guess patience is the key here!!
Anyway I am feeling super positive the last few days!! I’ve been REALLY trying to do that Lightning Process thing I’ve written about before and have found it really helpful, and I bought a FitBit but a cheap brand that was like £15 ;) It’s called a ‘VeryFit’ which is so ironic LOOOL!! But I am genuinely loving looking at how many steps I’ve done at the end of each day and seeing the progress that I am making!!
I HAVE to find a way to keep this up!! Plan for now :
1. Don’t over do it
2. Don’t under do it (so even if I feel like death I HAVE to leave the house and go for a walk)
3. Be stupidly positive!! (I have even taken to fake laughing around the house… which then leads to real laughing.. my housemates think I am mental.. they are correct)
4. Eat healthily (well… within reason!!!)
5. Gradually increase my activity level
6. Not put so much pressure on myself
7. Take each day as it comes
Plan?? I think so!!!
So today I have written this!! WOOP! And am gonna start sorting through all the CRAP I have to Ebay!!!! I literally have boxes upon boxes of clothes to sell.. oh the effort! I definitely have some kind of hoarding problem!! But then man needs the moneys!!! Then I’ll walk to Nero’s and get a soy hot choc YASSSS and then have a lovely chilled eve with the loves of my life :) (my housemates - well… best friends!! who have been ridiculously supportive through this whole thing!!!)
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Please get in touch if you want to, don’t it you don’t want to ;) Also I went on London Live TV recently and spoke about ME etc a bit on there - heres the link ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOA7zmCQRXU ) :)  Sending love and hugs to everyone with this silly bladdy illness and one day we WILL figure all this out!!…or some amazing scientists will… PLEASE!! :) xx
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aerisosweet · 7 years
170428 EXO’rDIUM IN LA (tl;dr)
*Note: I’m such a high-key fan (is this the correct term?) that I spazz over EVERYTHING. If you heard @captivatesme​ videos you would hear me either yelling, laughing, flailing, or talking. I even cried so... yeah, warning.
So when they announced that EXO was coming to LA, I managed to get @captivatesme to agree on doing Global Package for the twin room and so that we could sit together. I had done GP in 2015 when EXO went to Japan and loved the seat (it was actually in the pit!) and the fact I got a hotel and transportation to the venue. And for this concert, I wanted good seats, and if we were going to go up there (down here for her case) and staying in a hotel, I wanted it to be taken care of because tbh, driving in LA scares me. We only had to add an extra day to our stay so that we can have a non-concert hang out day :) This is really long, so skip towards the middle to read about the actual concert lol otherwise it’s like things that happened before the concert lol 
So, I actually worked this day. I was hoping to leave early but since I had conferences all day, I had to wait until my last student came, which was actually after I was supposed to leave, but it was the only time they could do it. But right after, I left. I went and got cash because I didn’t want to keep using my card if I didn’t have to, got gas, and then was on my way to go to LA. I did make a short stop to the Daiso in San Diego because I wanted to make an uchiwa/fan for Baekhyun’s birthday and for Lay as support even though he wasn’t going to be there. After getting that and a few supplies, I was on my way!
The only thing is... it took me an hour extra then it should have because of traffic. But if you know anything about LA ... and coming from SD, like nearly the border, it’ll take awhile to get up there.
Anyways, long story short... I made it to our hotel and met up with @captivatesme in the lobby. We checked in and went upstairs because the drawing of the tickets wasn’t going to happen for like an hour or so.
When it was time to get our tickets, we went downstairs and waited for our contact person to come down... when it was time, we got to draw our tickets. So the tickets are in envelopes and you would pick one, thus the tickets are given at random. When our contact person laid them out, I immediately looked at the one that had a 1, but then there was one that had a 4 and being both @captivatesme and my favorite number, she picked it. Upon opening it, we saw that we were in section 127, which was to the left (if looking at the stage) of the stage. Alongside with our tickets, we got our name badges that we had to wear to show that we were part of the Global Package and then two eco bags. They’re fairly nice and has the symbols at the bottom of the bag.
After settling down everything, we went to eat at BCD. The one I usually go to on Wilshire was actually closed and I was super surprised because it’s never closed. BCD is actually 24 hours. I jokingly was saying that if it’s closed, then there’s like someone in there. Someone being a celebrity. I tried peeking in as there were people inside but couldn’t recognize anyone. We ended up going to the other one which seemed a bit pack -- probably because the Wilshire one was closed -- but we didn’t wait too long :)
After we ate we went back to our hotel so that we could sleep and get ready for the next day.
Pre-concert activities
Sadly, when I say sleep for the next day, it was more like naps for me. I’m having trouble sleeping -- especially since coming back from Japan a week prior so adjusting to time and in just in general has been hard. So I woke up every 2 hours and then finally around 6ish, I stayed awake. I ended up making my banner for Baekhyun and Lay. I used this puffed up board paper for Baekhyun and Lay’s name and the hearts, but I wasn’t too confident on how it was because it was hard to cut and my glue wasn’t very strong. But I was determined and managed to finish before 8am.
Afterward, when @captivatesme​ woke up, we went down for breakfast and ran into a few people who were also there for global. It was a lil nice set up. Food could’ve been better but hey, it’s free, so can’t complain, right! Then after that, we went back up to get ready for our mini LA tour. And me being panicked and overthinking LA traffic, I had made @captivatesme give me her con outfit and lightstick and I stuffed my sign into my bag. BIG MISTAKE because all the puffy letters were coming off T_T and I was like AHH! But tried to be calm about it. I had put the glue stick in my bag just in case something happened.
The tour took us to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. To be honest, the area kinda creeps me out. I didn’t have anything really I wanted to do so we went to Muji and looked all the awesome Japanese things. I got this high moisturizer lotion, a few pens, and socks haha We actually stayed there for most of our time and then we went to get food at a nearby place. We took the food out so that we could eat on the bus.
From there, and scarfing down my street tacos (lol), we went to the Griffith Park to see the Observatory. It was super windy so I kept blaming Sehun, but @captivatesme​ kept saying it was her haha It can be both :P Anyway, we were able to see the Hollywood sign from there, teeny tiny, but still there. And then we went inside! That was fun because I actually didn’t go in last time with my parents. And being the science teacher that I am, I was like !!! because I had taught some things that were on display haha *nerd alert*
Afterward, we went outside and just walked around a bit until we ended up by another girl from global package. We started talking to her about EXO and the concert and things. She had go to the NJ con too (but not global) and was telling us a few things. After a few minutes, we walked back to our bus so that we can get ready for the concert!
I was actually in constant communication with a friend who was already at the venue. She actually had been waiting since early that morning and she told me things were not going well. This was also another reason why I opted to do Global because the wait at the venue is ridic, even if we had a seated section and all. Things can still get crazy~
Anyway, we went back to our hotel and @captivatesme and I got ready for the concert. Because of my lovely EXO-L Japan FC perks, I was able to get us the Japanese jerseys (and they had a different size than M) and we put those on. It was funny because our guide was surprised when we came downstairs in a different outfit. She was like “You changed?” And we were like “Yes” hahaha of course! Earlier we didn’t have anything EXO on! LOL For me, I was quite surprised that not a lot of people were wearing EXO things. But I guess that’s part of me being a !!! type fan and needing to wear things for support.
We boarded the bus and I noticed that it suddenly got a lot more fuller than it was earlier. Apparently, the Japanese fans (and Chinese? Korean?) fans had come! There were a few that were actually coming in from the concert in Mexico as there was now two contacts for our group. The one that came from Mexico actually has better English but I was still partial to ours as she was trying her best, especially in speaking. Her Japanese was a bit more confident than her English, but still understandable :)
At the venue; still pre-con
As we pulled up to the venue, you can hear a collective “Oh” and gasp as we saw the huge lines to get into the venue. It was wrapped around so much already! This was another reason why I was glad for global package. After we parked, we walked over to a section and we were lined up by our section -- seating v.s. standing. There were people who were confused and were trying to get in our line but because we had the badges, it was easy to tell who was part of our group. We actually waited quite a bit outside and our contact I think we getting frustrated. She had passed out goods to people who pre-ordered. I wasn’t sure what we were waiting for but they kept talking to each other and then standing got their wrist bands. There was another group who were the Tastemakers that got to go in for standing too.We were finally allowed to go inside and while they took the standing to the area, we had to wait a long time before we were actually allowed to our seats. We actually were on the opposite side and our contact was getting frustrated more because we were global and she kept contacting someone. But one of the staff was like “leave them” kinda thing while the guy helping us was determined to get us to where we had to be but he was of course following orders so yeah. We were by the club section and I noticed a lot of people coming in and out and it was like ??? haha like.. WHO ARE YOU hahahaAnyway, finally we were able to go to our seats and as we walked, you can see all the staff holding in the people... that was quite scary because at any moment they were gonna let them in and we still hadn’t gotten to our seats. I was almost to our section when they did let them in and there was yelling and a lot of people filling in. The only thing is... if you’re seated.. You HAVE a seat. You don’t necessarily need to fight your way to it. But probably from all the excitement and waiting people were !!! I did get separated a bit from @captivatesme but made my way to our section and our seats had such a great view! It was a way better view from last year and tbh, I don’t think I would have gotten it on our own. I know the seats below us must have been some type of VIP because there was staff that would order food and then bring it to them! And so once again, WHO ARE YOU? Lol 
Anyway, we finally settled down and we were ready for the concert
VTR #1 - They showed each of the members powers and of course I was really excited to see LAY (will be interchangeably called Yixing throughout) even if it’s on the screen.
Monster - It was really fun to hear all the fans sing along to Monster. I’m not entirely sure if everyone did the fanchant because I was doing it so loud lol that I only heard myself hahaha And then Baek’s solo dance for Monster was so good (since Yixing wasn’t here, I was pretty much screaming for Baek, but in actuality I screamed for all the members, it’s really hard not to)
Wolf Remix - I had told @captivatesme that I really wanted to record when Yeol did Chogiwa, which I did but once again, because I was so excited, my fancam has me yelling it over Yeol T_T but still really fun. I’ll post it because I got super close-up view of Yeol. And then omg, when they went to do the dance remix part!!! There was the obvious space for Yixing next to Xiumin and I was so happy *_* And then the BaekChen duet was to die for! I really was excited to see that live and really hope there will be a studio version one day.
Ment (Talk) #1 - First of all, the translator this year was SO much better than last years. There were times where she didn’t translate right away but it was so much more... it flowed much better. Suho spoke so much English and it was really good! I was really proud of it. He spoke a bit to say they were going to do introductions. It went:
Chanyeol > D.O. > Kai >  Chen > Xiumin > Baekhyun > Sehun > Suho
I did not get any videos of this because @captivatesme​ was capturing it and so I think this was the only talk part that I didn’t record them. But that’s okay. I was holding my sign wishing Baekhyun “Happy Birthday” and I really think he saw it. I know we were a bit further up than pit and like the VIP section, but my friend in pit was able to see it, so I can only hope that he saw it before it was destroyed. The puffy letters I had used were coming off and I didn’t have my glue stick. I had left it back at the hotel :(
Xiumin went “It’s showtime”
When it was Baek’s turn, I went crazy with my sign XD
Suho was able to say “EXO’rDIUM” instead of “EXO’luXion” which he done at the previous North American concerts heheheKai went over to his spot before Suho was done and so he walked back and then Suho also said “It’s Showtime” and they started the next round of songs
White Noise - Soo was facing towards us but we also had Sehun lol
Thunder - Chensoo in the beginning was *_* Xiumin was also towards our side (side stage) and (because I like to think that whenever they pointed in our direction, it was towards me, but I know i KNOW) he pointed in my direction (haha -- but it’s in my video!)
Playboy - On our side we had Suho/Kai and Chanyeol/Sehun doing the dance together. And then when they go around the sage, Suho was the closest to us and he “pointed” at me (haha)
Artificial Love - Freakin’ cane dance. Suho/Chen was on our side and then in the middle of the main stage was Kaibaek (omg I can hear Yixing in the backtrack T_T) And Suchen with the cane T____T like could they not. Is it really necessary for this. I believe it was Xiumin/Chanyeol who did the cane dance together. Then Kai’s dance in the middle of the stage and the blindfold (I’ll upload this in a bit, it’s pretty good but it’s a side view)
VTR #2 (Invitation) - They started with Yixing and then went to each of the members but I feel this had a lot of Yixing in comparison to the other members. Baekhyun and his lightstick was so cute. At one point though, I think when they started hanging out together and Yixing and Chanyeol were playing around and I started to cry. It wasn’t even sad! But I guess them being playful and of course Yixing not being at the concert made it even harder. So I ended up crying hahaha But it’s okay, I knew I was gonna cry at some point of the concert LOL
Acoustic Medley - Suho kept trying to get those in the pit to “Step back for your own safety” (in English) and if they didn’t step back they couldn’t start the performance. After the ones in pit stepped back and filled out fuller than how it was earlier. It was actually nicer to look at. Anyway, then Chanyeol played some blues riff on the guitar (this is where it probably should have been Monodrama T____T) and then they started with the actual songs.
My Lady - Soo’s voice is so nice to listen to <3
My Turn to Cry - Vocal line is so killin’ it
Moonlight - Kai would of course start dancing along haha <3 And Suho hahaha
After Moonlight, they had a short talk and Baek mentioned how we’re from LA but all the songs are in Korean and it must be hard but I guess the fans said “No” and Baek said something that made the translator say, “It’s not?” which he then repeated in English haha Then said we would know the next song
Call Me Baby - the chants though were so good <33333 And Kai of course would start dancing along to it while sitting lol
Love, Love, Love - Awww Kai’s part and then Soo holding the mic for Chanyeol <333333 hahahaha My Chansoo But seriously who said they can’t sing? They’re so good T___T And then Chen starts and you’re like omggggggg Love, Love, Love gesture
Lady Luck - Then as Baek said, the “Dancing Machine” (Kai) goes out to dance and then Sehun goes to join Kai to dance in the middle.
Tender Love - Everyone was doing the lightstick dance for it and was so fun. I know I probably did it wrong but it’s okay, it was super a lot of fun. Soo was on the side closest to us and then they moved around and we got Sehun lol While in front of us was Suho who was super into it at the “Tender Love” part haha then Soo was in front of us again
Love Me Right - I love LMR and it’s dance so I was super !!! And then the uniformity for Sehun’s line “Shawty, Imma party till the sun down” was so strong hahahaha
Stronger - Vocal line <3
VTR #3 (Lucky) - This was super, super cute. Where they split to be 3 members in a group and did silly things with those cone hats and shoes lol Soo kept trying to sleep and xiumin would be like “Nope!” hahaha Then it was SeChanXing and their characters just kept laughing at each other XD then Chanyeol and Yixing composing music while Sehun would be such the maknae lol This is actually one of my favorite songs :)
Heaven - I completely forgot they were gonna do this song! So they came out with their elf shoes and haha I heard “Hello Angel” I flipped out lol I really like this song <3
G x Friend - Kai was on the side part by us at one point and he was waving towards our section (so naturally in my fancam, it looks like he’s waving to us hahaha). Then there was a slight XiuChen moment that I was trying to get for @chenrrerorocher hahaha and he too “waved” towards us haha
3.6.5 - This was one of my favorites from the XOXO album and I get so excited when they sing it (although I miss the m version cuz I know it more, it’s okay) And everyone just having so much fun. Baek was on our side <3 I think this is where he went crazy with his arm waving hahaha he was holding the light stick When he walked away he was holding on to his arm aha Yep haha I went back to check my fancam lol  Then Chanyeol came to our side <3 It’s always so funny to see the tallest member in shorts lol
VTR #4 - Chanyeol/Sehun doing that one thing they do and then dance line dancing and gah Yixing so good <3 And the screams for him just makes me so happy
Transformer - YESSSSSS! EXO, LET’S GO! I heard about in Mexico it stopped so I was hoping everything would be okay for ours and it was! They’re such good performers gah Then Xiumin’s dance in the middle <3 Everything about it was so good
Lightsaber - Not gonna lie, whenever this song goes, all I remember is Baekyeol doing the lightsaber thing in the car haha and using the flashlight from the cell phone lol But for this we had Baekchen on our side <3
Ment (Talk) #2 - I don’t even know where to start with this one. It was just super crazy altogether lol A lot of laughter and fun :) It was D.O., Suho, Chen, and Kai who were left while Baekhyun, Xiumin, Chanyeol, and Sehun left to go get changed. Suho mentioned how the energy was much stronger than last years and was like “Stronger than last year” in English. His English was so good, accented, but really good. He mentioned how L.A. was his favorite place so he was really happy to be there and kept mentioning that but said besides his home in South Korea (lol) And also mentioned “La La Land” I was confused because I didn’t know if he meant the movie or the store by the Hollywood Walk of Fame haha but I knew the movie lol Then they had D.O. sing a bit of “City of Stars” and Chen mentioned how he was practicing it on the piano too. Then for some reason Suho got super excited and ended up dancing to it. He even went as far as to sitting down and then dancing lol His shoes looked so big in comparison to his skinny legs lol And then as @captivatesme mentioned, at this point one of the staff members, she was taking care of the section by us that I think were handicap/VIP as they would order things and they would get the food and stuff and she was like “YOU’RE CUTE! YOU’ER SO CUTE!” and then was asking who the “cute” one is. And not sure about @captivatesme but I was like “uhhhh” cuz all of them are “cute” haha We assumed it was Kai and when she said he has “brown hair” (which I went “uhhh” again because lol we all know about hair color and exo lol). So when it panned to Kai we were like, “Him?” She immediately was like ‘He’s alright, the other one” and then it panned to Chen and she was like “Him!” and I was like “His name is Chen! C-H-E-N!” LOL so it was quite interesting to see that haha The next thing I know, Suho was mentioning about different beaches like Santa Monica (TOTAL NAME DROP AS HE WAS ACTUALLY THERE ON SATURDAY WITH SEHUN), Malibu, etc. but then also mentioned you had to be careful with the pronunciation (of beaches lol) and was saying like “You know that?” but chen was like “I don’t know that”. Then they asked Soo what he liked about L.A. and he mentioned “Hollywood” but I guess that answer wasn’t good enough so they got him talking about food like “hot dog” WHICH SUHO WAS LIKE “PINK’S HOT DOG” (AND IF YOU’VE BEEN FOLLOWING ME AND/OR ARE AN ARASHI FAN, YOU KNOW THAT HE’S A MATSUJUN FANBOY AND LIKE OHNO/MATSUJUN WENT TO PINK’S HOT DOG A FEW YEARS BACK AND HE TALKED ABOUT PINK’S HOT DOG LAST YEAR TOO ANDFL KAJFKLSADJFASLKFJALKFJADLF) and then Soo also mentioned eating “In-N-Out” and how we should eat hamburger for dinner (lol) and like how Chen wants to eat In-N-Out too lol Then Suho tried to make another joke but most of us didn’t understand it (but @captivatesme says he was trying to talk about BOCA lol which is a veggie burger?)
After Kai was trying to talk about how they flew 3 hours from Mexico and was talking more things but then the other boys came out so they did a switch -- well all but Sehun came out at this time (Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Xiumin)
Chanyeol then mentions about Baekhyun’s hair is like he just woke up. And Baek did something cute haha Then after a few more minutes of them talking, Sehun came out and then sat down and tied his shoe lol
Chanyeol said we had to do 3 things: 1) how loud we can be (cue the screaming), how well we could jump, and how well we could dance (which Sehun and Xiumin showed by “Erotic” and “Goofy” lol)
Gacchi Gacchi - I don’t really care much for this song but seemed pretty fun regardless
Full Moon
Drop That - At this point lol I noticed the staff member standing there with her mouth opened and all I could think about was “Yep!” Anyway, But gah Chen’s high note was so beautiful and I can’t even ;fjalskfjalkfjalkfjalfkjafkl lol
Lucky - Gah they performed this even though the earlier VTR had it and I was like YES <3
Run - One of my favorites from Overdose album aldkfjaskldfj Chanyeol and Chen was on our side for this song and then the streamers came out (T__T too far to get any).
After this song they said their “goodbyes”
VTR #5 - The first VTR that we watched is connected to this but like it was so weird with the random family in this lol But definitely screamed for Yixing’s parts lol At this point too the bg song was Sing For You. I personally don’t know the lyrics much but someone started singing, or a group of fans did and it kinda started everyone to sing too. It was really nice <3
Growl - They were so casual with this song. I’m not sure if too many people knew the fanchant as it wasn’t as loud as the other song, but I definitely did it lol Kai and Chen was on our side and of course Kai would be the only one to do the actual Growl dance lol (I’ll gif later). At this time people started throwing gifts and I know at one point Chanyeol threw it back -- a lot of the gifts hit the boys too T_T
Lucky One - Yay! And we all know whose favorite song this is (D.O.) lol They always seem to pan on Soo during this part especially with him doing that head thing lol
Ment (Talk) #3 - At this point, there were so many gifts on the stage and the boys were getting lined up. Chanyeol did manage to find a Deadpool mask which he proceeded to wear; also at this point the fans started to sing Happy Birthday to Baek (they tried doing it at every other time they talked) but I think it wasn’t until Suho took out his earpiece that he finally understood what was going on and they started to sing it to him but Baek ended it by going “and Suho~” hahaha awww Subaek lol Baek was really cute like saying thank you and throwing out hearts and stuff haha <33333 and by then Yeol had the Deadpool mask fully on. And he even went on the floor like his computer wallpaper lol but also managed to pick up these ears that he wore over the Deadpool mask. And then Sehun put on this tiara for Baekhyun lol And then lol Chanyeol was wearing the owl mask. Lol Suho asked Chanyeol to “focus” in English he was like “Chanyeol, focus, FOCUS!” and Chanyeol responded by cooing back like an owl (I cry from laughter) and then Suho kept calling Chanyeol again and at this point Chanyeol took off the owl mask and had the Deadpool one still on and was like “I’m not Chanyeol” (ROFL, these are the boys I love haha). After, D.O. found these tiny doll fingers. He proceeded to wear them and then even play around with them and he got a foot and was like “OH MY FOOT!” and was pointing to his foot. At this point Chanyeol and Kai are like dying from laughing. Chanyeol ends up holding one and putting his hoodie over it so that it looks like it’s his hand and was like just being so cute about it. And that’s when Baekhyun was like “OH! OH! NICE TO MEET YOU!” and they proceeded to shake hands. Suho then was like “Don’t throw this” I think about the gifts because it kept hitting them and then he was like “IT’S OVER!” lol But it was so funny and cute but please don’t throw them at them directly T_T  Suho did mention about a new album and that they’d be back. They did also find Tony Testa and they kept hollering for him and like were like “Handsome guy” lol And yeah... I don’t remember the order of that but the highlight was definitely Chansoo lol
Angel (Into Your World) - Of course Kai would be the only one that was dancing to the song haha while everyone was waving to the fans and then we have Chanyeol and his tiny hand lol And then they went away but not before Baekhyun started singing Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You while they were all just being so cute gahh and they were gone T___T
At this point our whole row were taking pictures and decided to walk back to the bus together. Luckily since we were on the other side from where we initially started, we were closer to our bus. @captivatesme and I walked to our bus and waited til we got back to our hotel. Despite being tired we were hungry so we ended up going to BCD again but I just got the hot bimbimbap instead of the soup lol Then we went back to the hotel and I gifed a few things before I forgot lol But yeah... then we slept cuz the next day we were going to go to Universal Studios (HARRY POTTER!!!)
**And actually we found a fancam from pit that showed where we were seated and I would definitely like to think that Baekhyun saw my sign during the first ment heehehe
Overall the concert was such a great experience, especially spending it with @captivates me. And as she said in her own fan account, it’s a personal decision on whether or not it was worth it. We definitely had to budget, still have to budget for this. I had the best time ever. Last year, we were super far back and then I even got a headache towards the end so I felt like I was a party-pooper lol not as fun as this year.
**I have a ton of videos and pictures that I might post later, especially the HQ ones lol but considering I’m not in pit and my camera doesn’t go that far, it’s not as nice as all them fansites haha but it’s still something I treasure <3
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9r7g5h · 7 years
Modern X&G Headcanon: For some reason I can't help but picture Argo as a gigantic dog that Xena dotes on and talks to like a human being. She looks like she's part bull mastiff, part great dane, and part semi truck fully grown, but she started out as a runt that fit in Xena's hand. She's fully aware of her size and used to pounce on Gabrielle when she and Xena first started dating. She stopped eventually when they got to know each other better but it took a while.
Add in a small sliver of golden retriever for coloring, and you’ve broken down the perfect mix of dog for Argo. 
Ok, but imagine Xena just stopping by the pound to play with dogs occasionally, because her little apartment has a size limit and she’s a big dog person, so she just can’t have one. But a friend (Marcus. Marcus is my fav of Xena’s exs, and he works at a no-kill pound) Marcus always sneaks her in after hours so she can play with all the puppers she wants, and on a daily basis Xena’s just bowled over by dogs wanting cuddles. 
But then this box of like, week old puppies is left on the step of the pound one morning, and the staff start freaking out because week old puppies?! These should be with their mother, but they’re not so we have to bottle feed them, and it becomes a 24 hour thing with everyone taking extra shifts to take care of the babies. And Xena shows up and helps out with feeding them (I imagine Xena a bouncer/bartender in like, a biker bar or something like that, where she gets into a good number of fights breaking up other people’s fights and wear ridiculous amounts of leather), and it’s a common thing to see her that at six in the morning asleep half covered in puppies, having come over right after shutting the bar down. 
And she loves all of them, but there’s this tiny little thing, the smollest of them all, and she’s just like ??? You’re so tiny and lil and adorable. You’re mine now. And she basically signs all the paperwork right then and there, though the pound won’t let her take the puppy home until after she’s a bit older, since Xena isn’t a train puppy handler. But, Argo often rides around in Xena’s jacket pocket, her head just sticking out while she naps as Xena helps out around the pound. 
And because they’re such a wide mix of breeds, no one has any idea of what’s in the mix, especially since there’s such a wide range of sizes (Argo’s like, 4 pounds soaking wet, while her older sister’s almost 15), so Xena’s totally about to convince her landlord that lil baby Argo will totes be in the weight limit, and when she’s still only 10 pounds at the time she’s old enough for Xena to take home, Xena’s just like welp, looks like I’m a small dog person now. 
Except sike, jokes on all of them, because Argo goes through a growth spurt and ends up like, 250 pounds of pure muscle and almost tall enough to just rest her chin on Xena’s shoulder while keeping all four legs on the floor, and the landlord’s POed but what can he do? He agreed to let her stay and signed all the paperwork, so Argo’s easily the largest animal around. But Xena takes her to work with her each day so she doesn’t push the landlord’s buttons too much, and Argo just becomes a staple of the bar. 
Like, she legit becomes the mascot. Argo learns early how to open beer bottles with her teeth, and she just wanders around the bar opening people’s beers in exchange for dollars (that she takes Xena) and treats (that she happily eats herself). And she’s a great deterrent to fights, because who wants to go against this monster of a dog with teeth as long as their finger? No one, that’s who, and while Xena misses the tumbles on occasion, the bar owner is just glad that properly damage expenses go way down and profits go way up.
And Xena and Argo love everything, and on days off Xena takes Argo on runs through the park. And that’s actually how Xena and Gabrielle meet! Gabrielle has like, something small and fluffy and probably yappy, and Argo and Gabrielle’s puppy start playing, so Xena and Gabrielle just stand there and talk and watch their babies. Talking turns to flirting, flirting after seeing each other in the park a couple more times turns into dating, and the moment they exchange numbers is the first time Gabrielle lands on her ass in a mud puddle, because Argo’s possessive af. 
Like, she comes to love Gabrielle, don’t get me wrong, but that only happens after almost a year of them dating, once it became clear that Xena wasn’t getting rid of Gabrielle anytime soon. But before then? Before then, Gabrielle made it a point to never get ready for a date at her own place unless Xena was coming to pick her up, because if she went over to Xena’s, any work she’d done would end up ruined because of Argo. She’d just come over in old clothing, take the smooshing from Argo, and then kick Xena out of her bedroom so she could get ready. It was annoying, but Gabrielle took it with good grace. 
Of course, she only stopped getting muddy paw prints all over because Xena sat Argo down and had a real talk with her, about how much she liked Gabrielle and how much she really wanted it to work out. Argo listened and adjusted accordingly. She still mushed, but only with clean paws. 
But by the time Xena and Gabrielle move in together, Argo loves Gabrielle almost as much as she loves Xena. And they’re quite a happy little family, Xena, Gabrielle, Argo, and Gabrielle’s “yappy little poof ball,” as Xena likes to call him. 
(And surprise, grandkids through Argo and Poof’s puppies, because Xena and Gabrielle are semi-irresponsible pet owners and didn’t think about what would happen if you put unneutered male and female dogs together in one room. Though, how that happened with the extreme size difference, they aren’t sure, but the proof’s in the six squirmly little beans that won’t shut the fuck up and just go to sleep, much to everyone’s chagrin).  
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