#if I can't do something I challenge me to then I won't sacrifice my health to do it
sunderedazem · 2 years
Corrain as a Companion
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Selection line:
Let's get moving.
Need help with something?
Perfect timing, I hate sitting around.
Don't tell anyone I skipped a meeting for this!
Battle lines:
Time for a nice warm-up.
Not again, can't we talk this out for once?
I always did negotiate best with my lightsabers!
[Dark, rare] The only mercy I can show is a quick death.
Exiting battle:
Well, that was fun - for us, at least.
Seems the diplomatic way failed this time. Pity.
That was quicker than expected.
KO'd/ Low Health:
No, I have to finish...what I've started...
I can't hold out forever!
Master Orgus...are you there...?
Note to self - dying hurts.
Thanks for patching me up.
I'm sorry you had to see me like this.
Misc. click lines:
I've missed running around the galaxy like this. It never gets old.
[Alderaan-specific] I was raised here, you know. If you were ever looking for a tour guide I'd be happy to oblige.
Did you want a Jedi proverb, or were you looking for my actual opinion?
I know the galaxy won't save itself, but it would be nice if it at least stayed peaceful for once, don't you think?
My sister taught me how to braid my hair, but I'm still pretty bad at it, so I appreciate your tact.
If you wanted a topic of conversation, I could talk about baked sweets all day. Have you ever had a starblossom tart?
[Dark, rare] Sometimes I think I'll never wash away all the blood on my hands...all I can do is atone.
Cultural Artifacts [favorite]: I'm not sure I deserve such kindness. Thank you.
Republic Memorabilia, Technology [love]: Oh, wow! This is wonderful, where did you find it?
Military Gear, Luxury, Imperial Memorabilia [like]: For me? Thank you, I'll see that it's used well.
Underworld, Courting, Trophy [indifferent]: Huh, what a strange item.
Likes: Kindness, pragmatism, fairness, protecting the weak, standing your ground, challenging authority
Dislikes: Cruelty, harming others for personal gain, bullying, callous sacrifices, blind loyalty, following the rules, hypocrisy
Tagged by: @fenrisprime2003 (thanks for the tag!)
No pressure tags for anyone who wants to do this: @sith-shenanigans, @sithwarblade, @should-i-say-it-like-a-spy, @borealtwilight, @voiceofthetraveler, and @darthcatboy!
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echo-three-one · 3 years
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Chapter 27
Who's still reading this? Have fun!
CW : character death (This spoils a lot I'm sorry but I have to put it.)
Previous Chapter : What's behind door number two?
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Staying in Shape
John Price
MacTavish Residence, Glasgow, Scotland
It has been almost three days since the culmination of the New York Attack and most of his contacts regarding Nero and Shepherd's movements were quiet. He was getting anxious to step back into the fight, but without sufficient intel, or even better weapons, they couldn't do anything.
Price scanned the room, everyone else started to pair up with each other, a dynamic he expected to happen anytime soon. With all the challenges they've been through, finding love within each other was inevitable. And Price was fine by that. Heck, when he was younger, he had his fair share of romance during missions.
With the thought of Nero and Shepherd resurfacing any moment soon, Price devised a plan, to keep his crew in shape and always prepared to deploy as soon as sufficient intel is presented.
With the help of Jack, they created a training and endurance exercise schedule, where the soldiers, including Price himself, would follow to still continue to stay in shape and prepared for battle. They asked permission from Soap who was more than willing to help, an excited grin all over his face.
"I'll help you set up." he said, gaining a nod from the old man.
"France will train at the basement gym." He added and Soap nodded.
From that moment, the team started training, improving their physical abilities and endurance. Weapons training wasn't possible at the moment as they left it all in Brazil.
Jack overlooked the team from afar, Samantha and Maxine were at the gym helping out France's version of the training. They did the regular set of training from standard 141 protocol, using everyday materials in exchange for some of the equipment Soap didn't own. Price also instructed a specific dietary plan for the soldiers instead of just eating whatever they liked.
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While on break, the two girls, Samantha and Maxine approached Price with an excited look in their eyes. Priced raised an eyebrow and asked what they were up to.
"Everyone's doing their best and We both wanted to offer our help." Samantha explained as Maxine inserted.
"We'd like to apply as the team's dietician and health consultant. My resumé is that I have vast knowledge in cooking along with their nutritional information." She grinned.
"And Samantha here has little background on tending to physical wounds and pain. You could see how fast Alex's face healed!" Maxine added. Price was more than happy to accept their offer, it goes to show that they were willing to give whatever it takes for the people and cause they cared about.
"Alright. Guess you're both hired." he chuckled as the two cheered and made their way to their respective 'partners', probably out to share the good news.
Wiping his sweaty forehead with a towel, he looked around the main room where everybody was. Jack was by the office, looking up something on the laptop or probably just playing solitaire. Soap and France were at the gazebo, he could barely see them by the angle he's at but he couldn't miss that flashy mohawk.
To his left, he saw Samantha sitting on Alex's lap as she carefully cleaned Alex's bruise, Roach sat on the other end of the sofa, chugging a bottle of Gatorade while Maxine stood behind him, he could barely hear it, but it looked like the newly hired dietician was already lecturing him about the benefits of said drink, saying the word 'electrolytes' somewhere in the sentence.
He felt proud that this team stood by him ever since he made that choice. He was very grateful that he had someone whom he shared common goals with.
"Price. It's for you." Jack called from the office, causing him to immediately get up and answer the call.
"Aye, this is Price. Got anything for me?" he muttered.
"John. Looks like your friend is on the move." Kate Laswell spoke on the other end of the line, her voice was authoritative as always.
"Which one?" he chuckled, it was about time he received some news.
"Shadow Company. Looks like they're brave using the same car again. Same plate and all." she informed, giving Price the last route they went before going cold once again. It led them to an empty warehouse just by the docks.
"Just what are these bastards up to…" he muttered.
"I have no idea. Think you'll do recon? It doesn't strike as a threat to warrant an official team, this leads really calling your name, John."
Laswell hinted. Despite him being out of the force and one of Fbi's most wanted, Kate insisted to use such perk for further trapping the suspicious Shepherd.
"I worked hard forming the 141 and he easily disbands it like it's nothing…" she added, her voice sounded very bitter.
"Now now, Kate. Take it easy. We'll get him. He's bound to fuck up anytime soon. Keep in touch, mkay?" he said as they both said their goodbyes and ended the call.
"A little recon mission won't hurt, right?" he nudged to Jack who grinned proudly at the solitaire victory screen, cards bounced all around the edges of the screen.
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John Price found himself unable to sleep. It was either he's actually excited to do some missions or he's too worried about what they're about to discover, what would Shadow Company be up to and what is the quiet Nero planning behind the scenes? His thoughts raced to a dozen possibilities, all calling for drastic measures and sacrifices. He knew he had allies by his side, allies that are always ready to do whatever it takes to fix this mess.
He lazily dragged his feet to get a glass of water in the kitchen, despite being huge, the house was awfully quiet. Too quiet that he could hear every soft rustling from the halls.
He wasn't one to eavesdrop but he couldn't help but hear soft murmuring near MacTavish's bedroom.
"So.. um.. same time tomorrow?" said a low Scottish voice a chuckle followed. It was obviously Soap and Price thought only enemies were doing something behind the scenes.
"You wish.." a female voice giggled.
"But seriously… Thanks for tonight John." she added.
"No problem, Francine. So.. what's stopping you from staying overnight?" he chuckled. Price knew this was wrong but his glass of water was still half full.
"You know that I'd love to… but Maxine also needs me right now. Especially that she's slowly recovering bits and pieces of the past." she reasoned and Price knew it was time to head back to his room quietly.
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Maxine Winters
MacTavish Residence, Glasgow, Scotland
It felt real. She looked around and felt that this was more than just an ordinary dream. The vision was too dark with a small ray of light peeking from the slightly ajar door.
She knew where this was. She liked hiding here, her parent's closet.
She was waiting for Francine to find her, Francine always knew where she hid. But in this certain memory, she wasn't there.
She giggled quietly and hushed herself as soon as the door opened, France was going to find her. But instead, what she heard was her Dad saying words of assurance followed by heavy breathing. She was curious enough to peek through the small opening.
Her dad carried her Mom to the bed, his hands held hers tight, wiping the sweat off her forehead as her chest rose and fell quickly, her breath was labored and her eyes looked tired.
"Hang in there, love. The doctor's on the way." his father assured, making his wife comfortable as they wait for help to arrive.
"I don't think I can make it anymore…" She whispered.
"No no no. Don't do this to me Coraline, don't you want to see our angels grow up?" he sobbed, tears fell on her hands as he kissed it. Maxine remained still, she wanted to cry but she just sat inside the closet, peeking, frozen in a mix of fear and worry.
"I do , Love … but it looks like my body can't make it to that day… I'm sorry…"
"Don't! Please Coraline, stay strong, for me… for the kids…"
"I am… and I know that you know it." she exhaled, panting heavily after the last sentence. Her Dad hugged her until her breathing stabilized, while Coraline weakly raised her hand and hugged him back.
"Promise me you'll see the kids grow up…
Promise me to tell them how much I love them every single day…
And promise me that you'll never forget how much I loved you… Francis Maximus Winters." tears fell from her tired eyes. Her dad held her cheek and wiped it off, sobbing as she slowly closed them.
"I'm not sure if I could keep all of those promises… but I will try… I love you Coraline Winters, I always have and I always will, until the time we'll meet again." he muttered. Maxine witnessed it all, the way her father's face frowned when he realized he just lost his wife. It was one of her saddest memories.
Maxine gasped and opened her eyes, touching her face as soon as they opened. Tears. She was crying while asleep. She flicked the lamp and looked around her, France wasn't around. Just as she pulled the sheets so she could leave the bed, the door knob slowly turned and a soft creak was heard. It was Francine.
"France!" Maxine gasped and immediately ran to her side, hugging her tight as she began crying. France smelled different, almost masculine, but she didn't mind.
"Max! What happened? Are you okay?" France quickly hugged her, rubbing her back as she quietly bawled out her emotions.
"I saw… " She panted.
"I saw… Mom…"
"Mom died…" She exhaled as Francine escorted her downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water to calm her heart.
"You were in the closet. We were supposed to be playing hide and seek." France muttered as Maxine turned to her.
"Francis… Maximus Winters." she recalled.
"That's dad's name. It's quite long, right? Mom actually liked him because of it." France enlightened, trying to make Max calm down.
"Yeah… is he ?" Max asked.
"Yeah… but he's kinda forgot about us now. Every time we visit he just looks for Coraline."
"He kept his promise." Max said.
"Huh?" France tilted her head.
"Mom's last words. Promise me you'll see the kids grow up…
Promise me to tell them how much I love them every single day…
And promise me that you'll never forget how much I loved you…" Max recalled from her dream and as more words were added, France's sobs were louder.
"He… he did them all…" France cried as they both hugged each other. And it was the moment that Maxine remembered what France looked like when they first met, her smile… It was the smile of someone who was finally reunited with her only family, and it was painful how the only ones she could cling to couldn't remember her.
"What's that smell?" Maxine asked as she killed the mood of the sisterly hug. France's face turned red, even in the dimly lit room, Max could tell that she was blushing.
"N-Nothing… I don't smell anything." She laughed nervously.
"I swear I passed by that scent somewhere…" she looked at her suspiciously and laughed, shrugging it off which actually made France relax her shoulders.
"Let's go back to sleep." Maxine invited her sister and they both got back to their room.
Next Chapter : Docked and Loaded
Notification Squad my Beloved
@beemybee @enderio @smokeywhalee @samatedeansbroccoli @whimsywispsblog @ricinbach
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snegalisajju · 2 years
" I've destroyed peace and am still doing it ",has been the first reply that comes to my mind whenever someone asks, "What are you doing now?". Honestly, this is not the only question I dread or I'm not the only one who dreads being asked this most heartless (atleast to me it is) question. But when all you have ever done and have been doing is just nothing, it's hits harder. Makes you dread being wherever you are at the moment. Makes you want to either throw everyone off into space and live happily ever after or just run away, maybe fake your death, and live a life like never before. I won't lie if you ask me if I've tried planning on that. It's feels more like the only salvation I could reach at the moment.
Been quite a long time since the covid-quarantine-lockdown-blabla-lockdown-blabla and what not has been our current lives. Added to this, the frustration of being the only one who couldn't successfully get into any college sucks.
Expectations. That's what hurts every one says. But, I don't remember the last time I ever had any expectation from anyone or anything. All I wanted to be was be normal, be like everyone else. But the number of times time never let me make that a reality is something I still can't count today.
Yes. Ambitions. Goals. Dreams. Hardwork. Sacrifices. They're all good. Just like they always have been. And many a times, worth it.
But, just because someone in some corner of the world did something similar and came out great when I just proved to everyone how much of a failure I'm again isn't actually that great.
Like.... I'm done being the failure I always have been. I'm done being the monster, the mess, the destruction I always have been. Yes. Great congratulations to those who did spectacularly well. Hats off to them. But they did what they want.
I do what I want. You comparing me to others just makes me feel all the more horrible about myself even if you think that'll make me want to challenge you. It just doesn't work that way. Telling someone you are a fit for nothing, only makes them hate themselves more. Not everyone takes it as a challenge to prove you wrong.
And this year, was unexpectedly kind to me. Nothing bad, sad or hurting just seemed to happen which just kept increasing my anxiety the entire time that something really dreadful will happen soon. And today, after a long time, I finally had another outburst. And while it does make me worry less about that, "dreadful something" which I declared was bound to happen, it still stings your will to live. Will to let others live, in worst case scenarios. An uncontrollable urge to destroy everything you find in your reach. Now that's, what a monster would do. But I do not understand how it makes me feel more human at the end. Makes me feel like myself. Is this why they say venting out is always more strong than being strong. That a catharsis does more good than harm even if it doesn't feel like it at the moment.
I don't know what I'm blabbering about at this point. Things never stay on track when it's my turn to talk. I don't know if it's something I want to change or should or just call it a part of myself and collect it along with all the other broken pieces I threw away that I broke myself. But, writing this was indeed good. It didn't really help me identify what the problem was, it distracted me from it and wiped my tears instead.
And this is what I don't understand. Why I always feel more comfortable of doing the opposite of everything that others tell me to do. They say journal, everyday, keep track of your daily mood and habits, and come back to it later and see how much you have grown. But, why does it feel more like I'm just being the substitute for a mental health assistant, and that tracking myself makes me feel like I'm making myself a much worse patient. Like, am I really the only one that thinks that way? Born to live, enjoy and live your life to the fullest, but all what you do is diagnose yourself with disorders you aren't even sure are present and try to track a betterment that never existed in the first place. Isn't it sad what living has come to?
I think I'm again loosing track of whatever I'm talking about, but in the end, I have only one request, live for yourself, and stop asking what the other person is doing as long as it doesn't hurt you, and stop calling someone a failure just because they didn't do what everyone else did. I don't know if it's my fault. But I seriously never found myself fitting in anywhere. Be it my taste in music, or my favourite movies, or even the simple things I do to make myself happy, and the huge things I have planned for my future self. Somehow all of this feels too "unrealistic", "weird" and just "totally stupid and dumb" to almost everyone I've shared about it with. But for me, it feels like "me". Like it's me myself. You make fun of me when I don't watch your favourite movie. You laugh at me when I tell you I've never heard about a singer that the world calls its favourite. You think I'm just setting myself up for disappointments.
But whatever you think, has nothing to do with me. And this year, was my decision, my choice, something I wanted for myself to work on myself. I was tired being the one that let all the negative energy in and wanted my own time to learn to block it. And you calling me a failure just because of that, does more harm than good. And yes, it sometimes helps it honestly speaking. It helps me lose focus from what is really important to everything that never mattered and never will. Stop minding other's business when you have your own. Unless someone does something that hurts you, you are given no right by anyone whatsoever to speak against it. And yes, by hurt, I mean all the different forms of it. Stop It.
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