#if I could afford therapy in this country I'd do something other than self-treat like this
thrythlind ยท 11 months
My Let's Playing
I started LPing as a way to manage my mental health because I found depressive episodes often included me doing nothing but video games with my free time or doing absolutely no video games in my free time. Having a perceived external obligation has kept me where I do enough gaming to be in that healthy middle which in theory can help moderate my moods. I don't include my tabletop gaming as those are social interactions primarily. I was pretty happy with how it kept me doing stuff even when I didn't feel like doing anything but wasn't sure it was really stopping me from binging. And then Baldur's Gate 3 came out. Guys, I'm pretty sure I'd have gotten out of Act I by now if the plan wasn't working as intended. I'm playing a bit off recording here and there but mostly I look forward to gaming with my friend Branwen. And seriously, I love this game, and it would be a huge binge risk for me normally.
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