#if I had an accoutnability partner
scoups4lyfe · 3 years
Hey , I'm back. So yeah I do want to know about your Revice ships. Because Revice is the first show where I'm unable to show anyone. Literally, everyone turns about to be a backstabber or a traitor. If I lived in Revice world, I wouldn't even trust my shadow lol
Ahhh Valentines-Anon <33. Welcome back,,,
Revice is complicated because of how everything relates to eachother. Like the healthiest ship in the entire show was probably Hiromi x Ikki. (Two halves of one whole those two)
And man *THAT* was fking obliterated,,,,, LMAOOO.
If I lived in Revice I'd either be one of three people:
Oltecca, Daiji, or George
Right, so I'm gonna answer my ships below the cut
So, I'll explain each of the ships, and I'll give a ranking out of 10 (10 being best ship, and 1 being, ehhhhh according to how I vibe with them)
Ikki x George
Rank: 11/10 (very compelling)
So, at first I was just vibing along, but George......hmm. Once we got to episode 18 this ship really solidified for me, and now just even more so.
Ikki is.....so alone. George is the first person to actually give him *power*. For the first time Ikki was the one being gifted things, and not vice-versa.
Their interactions in the beginning were mostly very sparse,,,,because well,,,Ikki never really went to Fenix unless he had to. My guy really avoided that place because it had nothing to do with his family. But then, Ikki helped George in episode 13 and that was a major turning point in their relationship.
Even more so in episode 17 when Ikki becomes George's labrat.
During that time, George watched as Ikki went through mental / physical torture all so that he could save the 3 enemies that have been trying to kill him.
Now, if that isn't the perfect definition of a Kamen Rider, then Idk what is.
Being alone with Ikki during this time allowed George time to actually 'experience' what the other is like. In such close proximity, the other literally at his full mercy, 100% trust in him, well.... he couldn't help but grow soft.
This is literally George's dream come true. Ikki is his perfect Kamen Rider. He continually surpasses George's expectations, and that surprises George. My guy likes to lord over his knowledge of other people. And yet, for as predictable as Ikki can be, he ALWAYS manages to somehow impress and / or go beyond what George thought was going to happen.
Which is why in ep 18, George is so remorseful and guilty. It's not because 'his favorite toy got broken' but because the object of his dreams/desires almost died because of something he made,,,,,
Yet Ikki STILL manages to come out on top and surprise George.
But of course, the great Hiromi-Demons scandal came to light and now their relationship has changed. Before, Ikki put his blind faith in George, but now......now he's understandably doubtful of what George gives him, or makes for him.
George understands it. But it irritates him.
It irritates him because George knows he would never do something like that to *Ikki*. Either way, his response is super toxic
During the Daiji + Ikki HQ confrontation, he takes Ikki's grip/anger and puts enough pressure on it to put *HIMSELF* in control. Which....is a very interesting thing George does whenever he's being attacked (emotionally or otherwise)
He becomes meaner, in order to throw the other person off balance so he can take control of the situation. We see this behavior again at the beginning of ep 22, when Ikki asks if "this is just another experiment".
Already things between the two of them are tense because of Hiromi going MIA. AND on the day of his father's death anniversary? When he's giving Ikki a gift?
(Also Notice here, George sought to 'cleanse' himself at their bath house. There are so many places George could go to take a bath. This 'cleanse' thing really sounds like nonsense. But if this is George seeking out comfort from the (1) source he actually feels a connection to? Damn. That's......
And then if you see the stamp as an extra peace offering? Of George hoping to make amends / apologize, in his own way? Just, wow.
Of course, since Ikki questions him, his tune changes. And there is what I find really interesting about their dynamic,,,,
George reminds Ikki that the one who has all the power in their relationship,,,,is infact George. George is the one who gave Ikki the things he can use to fight, he's the one that made and designed them. Basically, Ikki's "freedom" so to say, is in the palm of his hands.
Even more interesting are Ikki's microexpressions. I already said this in my liveblog, but I'll say it again. Ikki feels GUILT for questioning George. Both because his father scolded him (yes) but ALSO because Ikki only has George now that Hiromi's gone.
And losing that scares him. Being betrayed by his only "living" non-familial connection is something he's so so soooo deeply afraid of. Ikki doesn't like feeling used.....but he would much rather be used and hurt then to lose the only source of comfort he has left from the stresses and pressures of his family life. It's why even tho he has doubts about the Rolling Stamp,,,, Ikki still decides to use it.
(That, and Vice needing help.)
It's because Ikki WANTS to trust George. If Ikki loses George then he has to go back to handling EVERYTHING on his own. (Yeah his family helps, but again, Ikki doesn't CONFIDE in any of them. Or really let them support him/lighten the burdens from his shoulders)
This creates a really toxic co-dependency between George and Ikki.
Ikki wants George's comfort, not his ire. (Hence him touching George's hand unnecessarily while taking the stamp. Whether this is a subconscious choice or not, Ikki wants George to comfort him. If George had like idk, hugged Ikki here, or something, Ikki probably would've broken down into tears and never questioned a thing George said ever again 🤪🤪🤪🤪 )
But George pulls back. He *KNOWS* that Ikki is feeling both remorseful and shame. He recognizes that Ikki most likely wants some form of comfort. But George wanted to punish Ikki for questioning him to begin with.
It's why he pulls back so quick and leaves. It's like he's saying: *I* don't need yOU, YOU need ME.
Now, is that manipulative and fcked up? Hell yeah.
But it's the fact that Ikki ALSO has power over George that really gets me. Ikki is everything George has ever wanted for his "ideal" kamen rider. AND Ikki is also HIS creation (Kamen-Rider, wise.) Ikki has more of an effect on George's emotions than he realizes.
(I mean it doesn't help that the Igarashi fam doesn't have a single braincell in any of their genes 🤪 lmao)
Anyways, I just find their dynamic *SO* interesting. And 1001% ship it.
Ikki x Hiromi
Rank: 7.9/10
Ahhh the other-halves. I was mostly joking when I made ship-y comments of these two earlier on. But wow, episode 20 REALLY gives. As I said before, these two really like the only non-toxic ship in this show LOL!!!
They support and understand each other. Unfortunately. Hiromi is a lil too much like Ikki.
Either way, I do ship them, and there's a lot there <33.
Oltecca x Julio
Rank: 11.2 /10
lemme explain myself before you start throwing rocks LOL.
I've already started writing a gen-ISH fic for revice, and there are SO many thing for these two??
Basically, basically, basically.
Julio was the oNLY PERSON Oltecca was actually connected to. That was his closest and most positive relationship, perhaps in his life. Oltecca is very obv someone who experienced severe neglect growing up. His lack of solid attachments, and rather sheltered more upper-class upbringing made him prime rib (metaphorically speaking) for that Davy Jones Mfer to whisk him off the streets and into the Deadmans cult.
After researching Cults, it only made me really appreciate the complex relationship these two had. Oltecca knew Aguilera was going to be sacrificed, but Julio? Julio and him were on the same playing field. They were equal. And since they were ALWAYS with each other ----because cults like to isolate cult members from most other cult members,,,,, that led to them basically living together. Being together 24/7.
If y'all think Aguilera choking Julio is fked, just know that sh*t more than likely happened to Oltecca as well. He has also been through intense psychological, emotional, and physical abuse.
(Maybe worse....which I'd rather not consider.)
Of course Julio put Aguilera first. Which probably irked Oltecca, who knew she was just a fake stand-in. But what was he going to do? Tell that to Julio? Nawwwww. Oltecca probably doesn't even KNO how much Julio knows.
(Cults are secretive afterall, because if members get talking they won't be as isolated;;; which means it'll be easier for them to start to form doubts. )
I feel like you can write some really compelling sh*t between the two of them. Is this ship toxic asf? Helllllls yeah.
Is it a ship we should be shipping? 👀.....no 👻. Probably not. But there's a lot of unearthed history there, as well as intense emotions. So idk?
I guess for me,,,, when it comes to shipping I really like reading things that make for an interesting narrative. Like yeah 'wholesome' ships are cute, but I like drama and angst LOL.
Kagerou / Daiji x Oltecca
Rank: 9.3/10
Hahaaaa comE ON, now.
Of course I'd ship these two <33. Oltecca really sees himself in Daiji, and he wants Daiji to y'know wake up and realize something along the lines of "your family never loved you, you will always be nothing to them, they will never care about you" kind of way.
Like, Oltecca WANTS to corrupt Daiji. It's like he's looked into a really sh*tty mirror of himself, and now he's obsessed with getting Daiji to break like he did.
(Idk ppl really do be obsessed with being 'understood' and Oltecca on some level, believes that Daiji is someone that COULD understand him. Which is why he's always so interested in Kagerou. Very Hannibal-Will Graham-esque kind of thing )
This dynamic <333.
Sakura x Aguilera
Rank: Hmmmm 6.7/10
Do I even really need to explain this one?
It's not as highly ranked, but mostly becuase y'know its not really tailored to my tastes? Like I have a bad tendency of forgetting females exist (hHAHoahoahOHAHAHAH rip) , sh#t ain't on purpose but idk neither of them are really 'my type' and so that zaps my interest, babyyyy.
But I DO see their appeal, and would like to see how they evolve from here :33.
George x his evil co-workers /co-works in gen I guess
Rank: unrankable
So George I think is someone that is very shippable. Same vibes as like Jim Kirk from Star Trek,,,,but like with more chaotic evil vibes going for him.
I would not be surprised if George has slept with their director, the commander (pre-death), the fake-chameleon-commander, or any older DILF guy, or just more powerful man working in the same vicinity as him.
He just appreciates having that power over others lmaOOOO.
Now do I ship George with like jsut a single one of these dudes? Eugh. No. He can fck around with them as much as he likes. But imo none of them are like what he would consider a valid option for constant companionship hahahahaha.
Honorable Mentions
(cause this is wayyyy too fking long, hELLO??)
Daiji x Hiromi: 8.5/10
more compelling for me than Ikki and Hiromi, but only because I know that Daiji gets really fked up dealing with ppl like Ikki (self-sacrificial martyrs) and so essentially at first his desire to help is because of projection (Daiji wants to help Ikki but y'know...IKKI, yada yada yada),,,,
So then his new mission is to help Hiromi. Hiromi ALSO ain't the easiest to help tho. Which fuels Daiji's obsessive hovering. He wants to do for Hiromi what he wasn't able to do for his brother. (Is Hiromi closer to Ikki? Helllllsssss yeah. Not the point tho)
Anyways, this makes for a really interesting ship.
Daiji x George: 7.4/10
George *appreciates* Daiji. Daiji isn't Ikki,,,,that's for sure,,,,but he IS still great Kamen Rider material.
George x Hiromi: 7.6/10
Enemies to begrudging allies to lovers
Oltecca x Ikki: 8/10
Oltecca is irked that Ikki is someone that seems to have it all. Someone so 'perfect.' I could see him wanting to mess him up a bit. Healthy ship? Nope. But it involves Oltecca,,,like wht did you expect?
But would make really interesting material.
Oltecca x George: unrankable
these two never would have crossed my mind as a viable ship,,,,,just cause y'know? They've never really interacted? but someone sent me this:
Tumblr media
and I've been haunted ever since.
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babyawacs · 4 years
howold isthe trick: separating fortune from owner,but inthiscase: separating from the p e r f o r m a n c e additionally,which made the fortune  /// letsnot be ignorant. redbag mixes got into then_jarmixes got othe r jarmixes overtime is it better whats injarmixes compared to redbagmies isit r e a l l y better itlikely shifted from intel killtricks with intelstuff to cockroach d rugs harms with intel access rescue minors always theydontknow afuck but are setupfor allkindofmess prevention is critical //// turns out how?many?knew allalong during daytimecharging what .@law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @sno wden @laws #lawyers. criminal systems that covered scums neverprotected civillians they q uell+overtape+letmore: sero tolerance with criminal systems making ambiguity to scums for theft harm inteldependency and muchmore like hookersleaze. they rape people with inte ldrugs immunised bywho todowhat layer1 causing authorities thatmade thesystem that syn chronise that causethemess the criminal agenda german govt with timecontrol accomplice the supranational system layer2 the cockroaches the scums the clowns allthe sleaze and mes sers that try sth immunised by who todo what dowhattttttthey want with civillians hands d own theonly thing there is has alwaysbeen quell it and letmore shuffle harms and see who can exploit pillageit  itis a fraudsystem as charged so sero bullshit with causin g authorities granting scums wiggle room minors always rescue if a then_minor cou ldnt  know even who setup who prepared and aftermath returned todowhat  is helpful too fo r demystification butgranting smear and wiggleroom toadd harm and degrade that is dir ect system authorites /// wesave the minors no ifs ors ands or but s and we checkba ck what theycouldveknown of the mess earlier or only the crimes .@law @harvard_law @ap @r euters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden @laws  latter is helpful too but someon e setemup prepared thecase returned and afterprepared the case had tostayout of daytime   why that why is weakened recent years but thatsnot howit was before in germany  ///// thecase charged intelcoma crimes daytim e. howmany did they admit accidentally tryint to chain or fraud the case #thefix is base d on realities them deny under sacrifice to commit more crimes daytime charging intel things is quelled its solved its quelled hooray its solved and and and and if we try this ?  and another sexcockroach braindamages someone thatinvents the atom  /// m e a d o w s. fluffy bunnies inthe sunshine then princeharry in hitler uniform. see?how he holds h is kid today? allthe innocent german meadows  .@fisa @judge .@judge .@judges .@law .@laws .@harvard_law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom ****** which. ef forts. did. system. cause. to. fraud. the case. into. daytime. used fools to fine posti ng their crimes? sgerman sgermany ****** /// lets ask or figureout if hooker buzzwo rd clowns wish hoped you may signup for it. because noone ever did. they abuse civillian s. and reinterpret it. as intel dependency to molest civillians. itisone of many many man y tricks each bunch has their own trick to steal. example somebunches didnt even know c hristian kiss. others acted hey look what ifound. longafter. or not tooshortly before and muchmore  #howitallbegan #howitallstarted withabitluck hedge agree not agree helmets in state ofmind point a to g or a to h orso inthatbook //// youknow they shuffle stand ard stigmas on abysmal situational basis they shuffle harms shuffle proxies  and pla y plausible deniability games //// youknow its germangovt agenda allalong they shuffle proxies and harms playgoodcop badcops and plausible deniability .@fisa @judge .@judge . @judges .@law .@laws .@harvard_law @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzco m #by #the #way #btw #lawyers  there should be no resistance from the german govt and shapeshift unweasel from this strategy  of accountability for their scums how many time s did they try anytrick to weasel outofit  victimblame letmore decoy unhappensness and make it equal tothe scums they shuffled h osted caused /// tryitout: enforce preve ntion. learn from earlier preventions who started themess then  #lawyers  #the #germa ns #murdered #support #to #toss #in #kid #fuck #orgies #as #fix #then #heart #trick #agai n . inthis very case youdont uplift criminals to negotiation partners that willnot hap pen they can repeat outloud none of my matters is of their concern then direct accoutn abiltiy for the harms caused  implants damamges rapes the authorities that caused it h oste dthem shuffled them why would the causing authorities make it seem like its a qua rrel of two equal or legit parties they get inthe first lineof acccoutnability to hunt their scums and theycompensate their crimes they caused host idont care what their crimi nalcockroaches want the authorities donteven c o u n t the rapes  thepoisons the dmaa mges we had to force em into accountability for their criminal govt agenda withtheir co ntrolaccomplice time control accomplcies they shuffle proxies  inthis we donot elev ate their proxies they shuffle as negotiationpartner you confirm that ideology fools th at do outof ideology can make enforce prevention and seee howlong it takes until scums f uckem inthe ass with a terror I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophisti cation #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWACS. com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
howold isthe trick: separating fortune from owner,but inthiscase: separating from the p e r f o r m a n c e additionally,which made the fortune
letsnot be ignorant. redbag mixes got into then_jarmixes got other jarmixes overtime is it better whats injarmixes compared to redbagmies
isit r e a l l y better
itlikely shifted from intel killtricks with intelstuff to
cockroach drugs harms with…
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