#if Vash follows him home he'll be in for a surprise
whispdoodle · 1 year
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Honey, I'm home!
Just headcanons between the reader and Vash who just moved in together.
WARNINGS: Literally none, this is pure fluff. The reader is gender neutral and the setting is modern/irl. Enjoy!
Let's face it, he's unbearable the first few days. But in an oddly charming way. He makes an emphasis whenever he addresses the fact that the two of you now share most of your belongings. He would do stuff like prepare dinner and then call for you saying stuff such as "dinner's served! you know, at OUR table!"
The first time the two of you walk through the threshold, he absolutely insists that you let him carry you in. There is no arguing, not when he's staring at you like a beaten god damned labrador.
So, he tries. Emphasis on the "tries". Because, guess what? The man is so excited that he ends up messing up in all the possible ways. Your head definitely hits the doorframe, and while he's panicking and apologizing Vash loses his balance and the two of you land on the floor. In his defense, you're inside at that point. While the two of you laugh like it's the funniest joke out there, he gives you the corniest grin and just says "uh... nailed it?" You lose it on the spot.
Every day, he says he'll make you breakfast. Every day he oversleeps and you make it for him instead, gently ruffling his hair while he pouts and setting his brew on the nightstand saying "you'll get there, hon." You never really had confidence in that one, but you didn't mind. Making him breakfast first thing in the morning was oddly a charming way for you to spend the first moments of your days. The pride on his face and the surprise on yours when he finally makes good on his promise.
He announces his return. Every. Single. TIME. It's gotten to the point that at a certain hour, when you know his shift's been over for a while now, you just expect it. He even held a grudge when you didn't say "welcome back" that one time. He walked around the apartment all evening, just kicking dust and grumbling. You had the best solution though. "Are you still angry?" "...no." "Ah, well... damn. I guess i'm gonna have to eat these honey glazed donuts with strawberry filling and ALLLLL these sprinkles all by myself." And he just jumps you, hugging you so tightly you feel like you might get crushed. "Over it! Now hand over the goods."
You do not. I repeat, you do NOT sleep separately. Hot outside? Vash will start the fan. You came back late after work and don't want to wake Vash up? Though shit, he's already pulling you down, ignoring your nagging that you gotta shower first. He didn't move in with you, the love of his life, so that one of you ends up sleeping on the couch. Try him, he'll swear he'll throw the damn thing out the window.
Affectionate to the bone, both of you. While more often than not Vash is the one to pepper you with it, you have your moments. And these things can be subtle, too. Sometimes it's just a hand on your hip, a shoulder touching your own. But sometimes it's so much more, like ruffling of hair, or kisses on his beauty mark. He's so grateful for you. And what he's grateful for, he cherishes.
With different work schedules, you tend to miss each other in the morning or in the evening. And when either of you comes back home late, neither of you wants to disturb their sleeping lover. But at some point, you've just developed this... instinct, I guess? Even before the apartment door opens, you just know Vash is back. You stir awake, rubbing the sleep off your eyes with a yawn. Your getting up is lazy and clumsy, tripping over your stretched out night socks. That's okay, Vash is there to make sure you don't kiss the floor. You kiss his cheek instead, and while he nags you to go back to sleep, you just follow him around until you're both back in your shared bed. For all the complaining he does, he can't deny how his heart skips a beat every single time.
I've had fun with this one! Admittedly, I wrote it while I was talking a bus back home from work so it's pretty short. Just something that kept me occupied during the traffic 💕
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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tenabrye · 1 year
Whats good buddy!? I hope that you’re doing alright! Take your time and do what you need! Were all here to support you while you go through the stuff 💕
In the meantime for when you get the chance, can I request 2 things pwease?
1) sfw and nsfw yandere Vash and Knives headcanons (separately)
2) a fic for vash x afab reader where he just dominates her and bangs her against the shower wall or a hotel wall? I love our soggy pathetic man but i feel like he could be a beast if in the right mood 🥵
Thank you fam i love you ❤️❤️❤️
The second request will be a separate post since it's a fic. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did writing it. ;)
warning(s): stalking, murder, imprisonment, manipulation, light dubcon, and other yandere things
minors dni w/nsfw
It's very difficult for anyone to even tell he's a yandere. His personality throws them all off and they all think he's nothing but a sweet, loveable goofball. He is but make no mistake about his layers of possessiveness. He's incredibly sweet, yet also smart when he needs to be.
You don't mind how clingy he's gotten with you, shrugging it off as it being part of his personality. Vash is always around just when you need it, and you can't help but joke about it with him. He shrugs it off with a laugh every time, even including his own joke about how he must have a sixth sense.
He's very expressive with his gifts. They tend to range from cutesy things such as flowers, edible treats, and things you've talked about in passing to gifts that are a bit over the top, such as jewelry, clothing, or even expensive outings with him. You really don't think much of it since your other friends do the same when celebrations occur. Speaking of friends...
They really don't like Vash. You're not sure why that is since he's never done or said anything to cause the dislike. They tell you he gives off vibes that make them uncomfortable, and that surprises you. What surprises you even more are the days that follow and eventually lead to those friendships ending. Lucky that Vash is at the ready shortly after you come to him, his shoulders ready to be cried on. He has such a way with words, able to soothe your worries about the issue.
You trust him so much and he knows this, has waited for this moment since he first laid his eyes upon you. He's practically grinning at how dependent you are on him, how you come to him now for every little thing, how you even take his suggestions little by little when he offers solutions or advice.
With your friends gone, he won't let anyone else get close to you. He's still a pacifist and will still choose nonviolent methods to get his points across, such as sending little glares here and there when you aren't looking. Vash is also capable of exuding a presence that acts as a warning to others that even dare try to become your friend. They don't deserve you and you really don't need them. He's all you need and he's all you ever will need.
You're too far down into his trap so that when you finally do notice his behavior towards you has changed, well, it's really too late. He's such a soft yandere that doesn't have too tight of a leash on you, however, that doesn't mean you can get out of punishments.
He will never harm you. Ever. It would break him oh so much to lay a hand on you in such a manner. Instead, he will withhold nourishment and even resort to restricting hobbies and going out in public for fresh air for a set amount of time, or until you cave in.
Vash is so tender with you. He wipes away your tears, lets you smack him, curse at him, anything. He knows you don't mean it. You're just angry and he'll let you get all of that out of your system.
He won't ever make you feel like a prisoner in your shared home. He also gives in too easily to you. He knows he shouldn't because he knows you could be lying about loving him the first few days, but he can't help it.
He doesn't ask for much from you. Just be his little darling. Let him shower you with so much love and affection that you drown in it. He knows you'll learn to love him the same way he does you. It takes time, and he's the most patient man on the planet.
He's very easily recognized as a yandere by most, but he's also the type of yandere that is so precise and methodical with planning for you that everything he does is without fail. He saw you one night in the city when he escaped from his little establishment for fresh air. He never planned this encounter, but it wasn't as though he hated the universe for it, either.
You never know who he is or what he looks like. Only that his penmanship is neat and how he has a way with his words. The letters are the highlight of your days, always inquiring about your wellbeing while the sender talks about his within the contents of the letter. This is how you fall into his trap. The letters are soon followed by gifts, oftentimes the ones you've mentioned when writing him back.
He follows you when you go out. For his large, well-built self, he's surprisingly quiet and able to sneak around in the shadows as he pleases. Knives knows you can sense someone is following you, yet you can't pinpoint who when you turn and see no one is there. You grow to be more on guard with this, especially when the certain things start to occur.
Knives can't and won't sit back and watch while others try and make a move on you. Such scum dare to take what is rightfully his? They think they have a chance with his darling? How absurd, how foolish, how disgusting. It's not long before word gets out about the bodies that begin to show up. The bodies of those that pursued you. It frightens you, but he knows it must be done.
Things take a turn for the worse when he sees just how close you are with your friends. Knives doesn't like that, so, he gets to planning. It isn't long before the results present themselves, causing those so-called friends to bail on you, except the one that confronts you.
This is what causes things to go awry and for his plans to be cut shorter than he would like them to be. The blond watches from the shadows as the friend stands there and yells at you for the awful things you had been spreading around to the other citizens. You deny such a thing, raising your voice at them and earning a smack across the face. You're not exactly sure what happened, only that you're staring at their shredded corpse a second after the altercation. You blink, eyes going from them and to the figure that now stands before you.
Knives is surprised when you put two and two together, and try as you might to fight him, you're no match for him as he whisks you away. You're such a little brat to him. Cursing, clawing, biting at him when he goes to caress your face. You say you're not afraid of him, not even when he glares at you with such anger that could kill a person if possible.
Unlike his twin, he's not the soft type of yandere. His darling will be obedient, even if he must be harsh with you. Of course, he knows his own strength, so he has to be gentle yet also get the point across. If physical punishment doesn't work, well, there are other ways. He'll take away your nourishment, watching as you writhe in pain after a few days of not having any, waiting for you to give up.
He's not above calling you the cruelest names known to your kind. If it's what gets you to break and bend to him, so be it. He wants you entirely dependent on him, to rely on him, yet he knows not all humans are like this. Some will fight, such as you, but he doesn't mind. He can play these little games for as long as you want, darling. Just know that he'll be here when you're finally ready to give in.
You don't have much to worry about him when it comes to anything sexual. He's very patient and will wait for you to be ready. Besides, he can satisfy his needs easily. All he needs is your underwear. He won't tell, but he has quite a few of yours prior to you becoming his darling. They smell like you. So delicious, so sweet, so intoxicating that it sends him over the edge quickly.
When you're ready for him, or at least needy to the point where you absolutely have to have your insides stuffed with his cock, he's on you faster than you can let out a little squeal of surprise.
Vash is very gentle with you, or at least tries to be. He's holding back so much that it's agonizing, but he does it for you. Your discomfort isn't what he aims for with this. Though when you tell him to just hurry up and fuck you senseless, well, how can he refuse to say no to that?
You know this is all wrong, but it feels oh so right with Vash for some reason. As though you really were made for him, to be his darling as he claims you to be.
He doesn't leave marks unless you want him to, and even then, they're only hickeys or red spots from little love bites of his. He's full of euphoria throughout the entire thing, your name leaving his lips in moans that are squished between little whines.
When he cums, he cums hard and he holds you flush against him, inhaling your scent. You make his head spin in such a good way. A way he can't get enough of.
He's not as patient as his brother, but still, there's an inkling of hesitation with such an act. He wants you, to taste you, to see you stuffed with his cock, to breed you, yet he doesn't want you to be so stiff towards him. As if you don't want him, because he knows that you do.
It isn't until you cry that something changes inside of him, something that he likes. It isn't long after that he's balls deep inside, with you both crying in pleasure and fear. He's kissing the tears away to try and soothe you, but he knows it doesn't work. He's not ashamed of this, of what he's doing. He knows you'll learn to love it eventually and, if need be, he can make you.
Knives is rough to an extent. As said before, he knows his own strength and he knows he could easily break you apart if he wanted to. Perhaps that's what excites him the most? He knows he could end you right here and now. He knows he has the power to strip your life away, yet he doesn't.
The sex is wrong, and you know the pleasure your body is feeling is wrong, yet it feels so good. Why does it feel so good? You can fight it all you want, but even you know that you'll eventually grow to love it, to love him.
He leaves all sorts of marks on your body. Hickeys, light bruises, just marks that let others that follow him know just who you belong to. He also has no issues showing them, but he really doesn't want anyone but him to see you in such a state as this. It's for his eyes and his eyes only, and he'd quite literally kill anyone that dared to peek.
When he cums, it's hard and quick, your name ripping from his throat with a groan as he makes no motion to remove himself from you. Oh no, did you think this was it? Darling, please, he's got the entire evening planned out for you.
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linkdedruid · 1 year
The Trigun Folks and Buying Period Supplies for Their Partner for the First Time
I'd like you to know that I *cackled* when I saw this in my inbox. Sorry it took so longggggg! So, I'm basing this off a mix of TriStamp and Tri98 (only reason not TriMax is bc I haven't read it yet I'm sorryyyyy) Big thank you to @abject-indulgence for helping with Legato (go follow him; he's pretty rad) Dividers by @benkeibear
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he's such a sweetheart he offers to go get more supplies because your cramps are really bad he gets to the store and is very overwhelmed by the range of options he'd just text you to ask which ones you preferred to make sure he gets the right ones he also picks up your favorite dinner while he's out because at least it'll be a nice surprise
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this man runs an orphanage, so he knows what's up you ask him to grab some more when he's running errands he checks with you before he leaves to make sure he gets the right brand, size, etc. he's gonna maybe give you a little funny remark but he's back later that day with the supplies and some of your favorite snacks and he'll give you a uterine massage if your cramps are particularly bad also, he's the world's best heating pad because he runs so warm
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poor, sweet Vash is trying his best he's never really had a partner before and wants to make sure he does everything right so he's doing a store run and notices pads and tampons are on the list doesn't look at the list before he goes and just panics nearly has a breakdown in the aisle because he doesn't know which ones to get he's too nervous to ask you or the employees he ends up getting one of each that he can find because he can't get it wrong if he gets all of them, right
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he's gonna complain like, he's gonna say some crap about how humans are such a pain and a nuisance and he'll make someone else do it he will, however, make sure there's someone keeping an eye on it in future so you never have to ask again but he won't ever admit to it
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look me in the eye and tell me this man doesn't have this on lock I dare you because you'll be dead wrong this man has been around the block no hesitation just asks which ones you want like it's no big deal to him it's just another part of life
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he's just confused why you're asking him to do it he's not grossed out or upset, just confused like, anybody could go do that and he's got things to do that only he can do anyway, he makes sure it gets done though he just has one of the lower level grunts do it with the threat of an excruciating death if they mess it up
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you never have to ask her to pick up supplies because she's already on top of it like, she knows when anything is running low at home what makes you think she'd be anything less growing up with a big family means making sure there's plenty of household supplies you're actually more likely to have the issue of there not being enough space she always accidentally ends up buying too much
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she's the one who's gonna forget to supplies honestly she's too busy focusing on everything else to check and so she's doing emergency runs to get something to tide y'all over until she can get to the store to actually get the ones y'all want spoiler: she forgets and the cycle repeats
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noorionoodles · 3 months
Vash and Wolfwood with a Muslim!F!reader (PLATONIC)
tw/: none
(98 and tristamp coded)
def gonna create a 2nd part with more characters. i loved writing this
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𓆩𓆪Vash The Stampede
• Vash, in his many years of traversing the desert plains of Noman's land, has definitely seen a group of Muslims or, in a rare case, an entire Islamic colony.
• I can imagine that Islam as a religion is a minority here, most of them comprising of people from Earth settlements and building upon that. Either way, it's rare to see a muslim, much less a hijabi around these parts.
• He met you right alongside the insurance girls (or meryl and roberto in tristamp)
• I can imagine you two hitting it off really well.
• Since he's been to a Muslim community before, he's kinda familiar with the rules and customs you follow and thinks your religion is admirable.
• 98' Vash would lowkey forget that he shouldn't initiate physical contact with you, so you have to remind him a lot lol
• But give him a fistbump or a head pat, and he's got the goofiest smile on his face—
• Both 98' and tristamp Vash would relate to your feeling of isolation, even if in your case it's a bit murky.
• Imagine the gang finally stopping at a town for respite, and all of them rush to the local bar to crack open a cold one. BAM! Suddenly, you're reminded that you're different.
• He's a plant, and the hard truth is that it's inevitable he's gonna feel isolated from humans.
• But you don't have to go through that.
• Vash would notice you standing near the vehicle watching the sunset, alone, and he sets the drink he just paid for back down to join you instead.
• You'd insist that you're fine and that he should go relax with the others. But instead of complying, he'd offer the two of you to walk around town, maybe buy something to eat along the way.
• You are NOT safe from his trinket collection, and that includes the rare occasion he finds a merchant selling tasbeehs and other knick-knacks. They remind you of home, and your heart warms at the sweet gesture.
• Is really protective of you once you get closer.
• He can't help it. You just take up so little space in a world where the loud ones win. It's not like he doesn't believe you can't fight for yourself.
• You're just so...pure and good-hearted.
• You can't blame him for wanting to cherish that.
• If you wear a hijab, he saw you without one accidently THAT ONE TIME and lowkey felt really guilty even tho you said it was okay
• Some nights when he can't sleep and watches the golden embers of the campfire slowly die, he'd find solace in the soft murmurs of your prayers. The simple act of your devotion to God is a beautiful reminder as to how humans can survive in this desolate land.
• Maybe one day he'll get the courage to ask you about them. Would do him good.
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♱Nicholas D. Wolfwood
• I thought a lot for this one
• Both Wolfwoods would honestly treat you the same like they do with everyone
• You know: being a little sh—
• I think 98' Wolfwood would have some vague idea of what muslims are
• Tristamp Nico would have no freaking clue lmaoo like my man just got out of a torture chamber
• The first encounter would be like: "Name's Wolfwood." And he extends his hand to shake yours
• But you obv can't do that so now the two of you just stand there like:
• 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️
• Im sorry they're def the type to ask those questions like:
• "Don't you feel hot under all that?" "How do you wash your hair?"
• And my personal favourie:
• "Not even water??"
• The first time he asks is because he's genuinely curious. But as soon as he realizes just how pissed off you get when he asks them? God may be merciful, but this preist sure ain't—
• It was a challenge to get close to him
• I mean, both of you have completely different perspectives on religion, and you clash a lot on that.
• Can't blame him. Man grew up in a literal cult—
• But there'd be a point where you two set aside your differences and just...co-exist lol
• Is surprised when you laugh at his dark jokes
• You know he's officially taken you under his wing once he gives you a stupidly endearing nickname
• Would seize every opportunity to noogie your head
• Def big brother vibes. Would glare at the person judging you for wearing a scarf when you're just trying to buy supplies.
• If he ever takes you to his orphanage, seeing the children innocently ask questions and look at you with a curious gaze would def warm his heart.
• Not that he would ever admit it.
• Nights when the crew camps in the middle of nowhere and he can't sleep. He'd sit beside you against the trunk of the car in silence. The smoke from his cigarette dissolving in the air faster than he can wrap his mind around his frequent nightmares. There is vulnerability in his eyes, and you're one of the few to provide him his well-earned peace. Not advice, but just listening. For some reason, you're really good at that.
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