#if anyone has classical pieces they -need- Henry to play I am ALL ears
inexplicablymine · 9 months
Some Sentences Sunday
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(Okay this is actually exactly seven sentences I am a little proud of myself. This is a short excerpt from Not So Silent Night my advent calendar fic comes out on Dec 21st.)
Sure, he can admit, in the deepest recesses of his mind, at two in the morning, when the Liszt is playing forlornly like some kind of bugle call for grief, that whoever the fuck lives next to him is on another level with the keys.  It is a little hard to feel warm and fuzzy about the world class concert he has been on the receiving end of, on a near nightly basis, when it is coming at a time when Alex should be asleep. No. Should denotes that it is okay that he spends hours every night staring at the wall like he is going to magically gain some kind of x-ray vision that will both allow him to see what is going on next door, and somehow through radioactive osmosis, stop the damn piano player from keeping him up.  Maybe when he was in undergrad he wouldn’t have minded. Maybe in law school he would have been up anyways, and the music might have been a nice touch. But now?
Thank you to all of the amazing people who tagged me (I did not think I was going to post today but y'all put on the PRESSURE so here I am lol) so to @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @happiness-of-the-pursuit @14carrotghoul @anincompletelist @suseagull04 @notspecialbabe @orchidscript @kiwiana-writes @firenati0n this abomination is all your fault
tagging some lovelies because it is still technically Sunday for me so it is for you too ;)) @welcometololaland @xthelastknownsurvivorx @historicallysam @cheesecurdsgravyandfries @clottedcreamfudge @everwitch-magiks @indomitable-love @read-and-write- @affectionatelyrs @kill8a @saintlynomenclature @gay-flyboys @dumbpeachjuice @daisymae-12 @smc-27 @three-drink-amy @tintagel-or-cockleshells @thinkof-england
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Hello there :) I don‘t know if you are taking requests but I saw a very touching video seconds ago where a young boy gave a best man speech at his fathers & step moms wedding. I was thinking what if Henry had a little boy whose mother left and is now doing a best man speech at Henry’s & the readers wedding saying how his dad is his superhero and that he finally has a mom?!
Okay, this took me an extended amount of time to write for some reason and nonnie, I am so sorry about that! But I hope this is everything you hoped for! 
The first time you met Henry, you were working a booth at the Durrell Challenge. Your company volun-told you to be there and you begrudgingly went. Thankfully, it was the best decision because that’s how you met the love of your life. Yours was a meet-cute straight out of a movie. While moving things from your car to your vendor booth, a box ripped, things went falling, and Superman himself came to the rescue. Though his son was four at the time, Grant was a whirlwind of a child, keeping Henry and his family busy throughout the event. Still, somehow, Henry found time to find you and sheepishly ask you out on a date. And that was it. 
After two years of dating, you moved in with the Cavill boys and began playing house. After three, Henry, Kal, and Grant asked you to be a part of their family, permanently. Through your tears, you said yes. A few months later, the four of you had a wedding to mark the occasion. Grant was the best man while Henry’s four brothers were the other groomsmen. It was a day of complete happiness and love. 
Despite having such a short time to plan everything, you and your sisters put together a beautiful wedding. Everything was simple, yet elegant; classic, yet specifically catered to your respective styles. How you pulled it off, you’ll never know, but you were eternally grateful to your family. 
After the ceremony, everyone gathered in the hall you had booked for the night. Once everyone had the chance to eat and get settled, the speeches began. Normally, the best man started, but Grant was nowhere to be found in the moment. Your maid of honor, your sister, got things going while Charlie went to find his nephew. As she was finishing up her speech, Charlie came back carrying a very hyper Grant. Quietly, he explained to him what he needed to do and grabbed some papers for him. Then he handed him a microphone, standing to the side ready to be “bodyguard” in case he bolted. Grant held the papers in one hand and the microphone in the other. 
“Do I start now?” he asked, looking a little confused at his uncle. Charlie nodded as several people in the hall laughed. “Okay, hello everyone,” he recited from the piece of paper, his voice monotone. “My name is Grant Cavill. I wanted to say thank you to everyone for showing up to have fun with us!” the audience breaks out in applause and Grant waits for them to finish, then starts again. “We’re here today to celebrate my dad marrying the coolest, prettiest, nicest person in the world, y/n,” his voice was becoming more confident as affectionate ‘awe’s’ ring out throughout the audience. Tears were already forming in your eyes. “In case you didn’t know, I’m my dad’s best man. I’m actually his best friend, but today I’m both. Another cool fact you may not know is that my dad is actually Superman,” a few hollars erupt from the audience and Grant smiles up, distracted. Charlie leans in to point at the page, getting Grant back on track. “No really, he’s Superman! He wears the suit, the cape, and he has muscles that are bigger than anyone else’s!” Grant looked over at Henry and so do you. His eyes are misty as he watches his son. 
Looking back at the paper, it takes him a second to find his place again. “I know, I know, he only plays Superman for the movies, but my dad is a superhero in real life too. He spends most of his time learning new ways to help the planet, help the animals, and help his family and friends. More than that, he takes care of me. He was there when I was really sick and when I won my first football game,” he pauses to flip the page over and you hear Henry sniffle a little next to you. Quietly, you reach your hand out for his, intertwining your fingers. “My dad teaches me every single day how to be a man like Superman. That type of man is kind to others, shows respect to everyone, and tells those around him that he loves them, every single day,” another round of applause breaks out. You and Henry let go of each other to clap for Grant. “Every year, he runs in the Durrell Challenge to help the most awesome place ever! That’s where we met y/n. My dad thought she was really nice,” he looks up from the paper at your table, looking you directly in the eye. A small smile forms on his lips when he sees you. “It wasn’t always easy with her in our life at first. Y/n, I don’t know if you remember, but I didn’t like you very much at first,” more laughter erupts from the crowd. 
“Oh, I remember!” you call out teasingly, winking at your little man. He smiles wide back at you. 
“Yeah, we didn’t always get along, but y/n made my dad smile, which made me smile, so I decided she was probably okay,” you smile and laugh, looking over at Henry who mouths ‘probably okay’ back to you. You roll your eyes at your husband. 
“Y/n is actually the nicest, kindest, most awesomest person ever,” Grant continued. “She really is. She picks the best stories to read at bedtime, she leaves notes for me in my lunch, and her food tastes better than my dad’s sometimes - sorry dad,” he glanced over at Henry, who was struggling to contain his laughter. “What I love the most about y/n is that she makes my dad happy. That makes me really happy because as my dad’s best friend, I want him to always be happy,” he turns to face you and Henry. “Y/n, I’m really glad that you picked my dad to be your husband. You get to marry a real-life superhero and you get to be my mom. I think that’s a pretty sweet deal,” finally done, he drops the paper to his side. The roar as everyone in the room claps for Grant is overwhelming. He stands there smiling as you rush past the table toward him and wrap him up in your arms. 
“I love you so much, little man,” you whisper in his ear. 
“I love you too,” he whispers back as you pick him up. Henry is standing next to you, openly weeping. He wraps his large arms around the both of you, pulling you in for a family hug. The applause continues around you, everyone cheering for the little family with all the love. 
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everything-person · 6 years
So here it is. The next chapter. This story will never be abandoned. I'm going to try to get at least one chapter out a month. This chapter has gone through a lot of edits. So hoping it came out good.
Chapter 7
Killian, Emma, and David walked back into the station, to find the girl pacing back and forth in the cell like a crazed animal.
“Ah! Storybrooke’s Avengers have returned! I need to report a theft.” She threw herself against the bars, she seemed almost in a panic.
Emma reveals the items that had been weighing heavily in her hand and her heart. The girl shoulders dropped and she sighed with relief, even as her grip on the bars tightened. “Those are mine. Give them back.” She ground out through her teeth.
“I would like to remind you that as a prisoner you aren't one to make demands. Nor are you privileged to have these items.” Emma said authoritatively. Then after glancing at her husband, her voice grew soft. “But as my daughter, if you asked nicely, I might give you the drawing back.”
The girl froze in her place and soaked in the revelation. “So, you finally came around? You really do need evidence for absolutely everything, don’t you? You can’t even trust your own eyes.”
Emma tried not to flinch as she nonchalantly rebuffed, “Nothing wrong with double-checking your facts.”
She rolled her eyes and took a step away from the bars. “Well now that you did your homework, let's get this started.”
“Get what started?”
“One of these is unlike the others but it was also the only one that was seen. Find it, then find its reflection,” she replied and with that turned her back on the group and plopped down on the cold floor.
“A riddle? Seriously?” Emma deadpanned. The girl shrugged in response.
“Why won’t you just talk to us?” asked Killian, a hint of desperation in his voice.
“The best lesson is the one earned not taught.”
David placed on a hand on his son-in-law’s shoulder. With a sigh Killian asked, “What about your name? Can you tell us your name?”
She said nothing for a while, but just as they turned to get back to work she spoke,
“I am the dreaded pirate Roberts.”
“Yeah, sure. And my name is Inigo Montoya. Watch out for rodents of unusual size, Buttercup.” said Emma. Leave it to my daughter to be a pop culture smartass, she thought.
Regina's mansion
The parlor door cracked open. The spy scanned the room that held his mom, his aunt, Robin, and his grandmother. They were all watching the scene in the station play out on a mirror.
He held back his laughter when the references started flying. She definitely knows her stuff, he thought to himself. The mirror showed the sheriff and her backup leave the girl alone in her cell again. Just because she’s in a cell doesn’t mean she should be alone.
“What the hell was that?!?!” Zelena shouted.
“It’s a clue,” Snow replied.
“I don’t want a bloody clue! I want--I need my daughter back! I’m going down there and getting some answers. A little fireball should do the trick.” Zelena said as she turned towards the door. Henry quickly hid. Before Zelena could storm out of the room, however, she was stopped by her sister. Regina waved her hand and Zelena’s feet were stuck to the floor.
“No, you are not. I told you you were only allowed to be here, to be involved, if you promised to behave. Now, behave.” Regina waved her hand again and released Zelena. “Besides if the Dark One couldn’t scare her you won’t either.”
As the adults continued to argue, the parlor door silently closed. Quiet feet ran up the stairs. Operation Princess Bride was about to begin.
Footsteps echoed through the empty station.
“I must be the luckiest prisoner in all of Maine. Getting so many surprise visitors, and by none other than Storybrooke’s most famous. First the Dark One, and now the Author.” She leaned further back against the furthest wall from the cell bars. “Let me guess you want to add my story to the book?”
“No. I just figured you might be bored,” Henry lowered himself to the ground and began rummaging through his bag, “so, I brought you some stuff.”
Her curiosity got the better of her as she moved closer to the bars. He pulled out some comic books, a hand-held video game, and a portable DVD player. “I figured you might want some entertainment,” he said holding up the handheld video game. “But I wasn't sure what you liked. So, I went with some of the classics.” Showing off the DVD’s he brought with him.
“I prefer D.C. over Marvel--”
“Lucky for you I have a couple of Justice League comics right here.”
“And Star Wars isn't a classic.”
“What are you talking about? Star Wars is so a classic. Where would Sci-Fi be without Star Wars?”
“In a much better place. Sci-Fi started with Frankenstein, with actual science. Now it's all about outer space and aliens.” She scoffed, but Henry still caught a smile creep to the girls face and counted it as a victory.
“You're such a Leia,” he said exasperatedly. He heard a faint “more like Anakin” and filed it away for later but did not respond to it.
“Oh, I also brought you some snacks,” he said, holding up a couple Apollo bars, “and an offer to sneak you all the hot chocolate with cinnamon you want.”
“I don't care for chocolate.” At Henry’s shocked face, she burst out laughing.
“Are you sure we’re related?” Henry asked teasingly, recovering from his shock.
As her giggles faded away, she asked, “What are you doing here Henry?”
Henry shrugged. “Like I said thought you would be bored. ” he continued after noticing her unconvinced look, “And I thought maybe we could talk.” He looked at his sister. His sister. He still hadn’t processed it completely. He was a big brother. He had a little sister. Of course he had Roland and Rebecca, and he loved them like siblings, but it wasn't the same.
“Talk about… what?” she asked cautiously.
“We can talk about anything. We could talk about movies or books. We can talk about people around Storybrooke,” he offered. Then hesitantly added, “about mom, about our family?”
“Or we could talk about why I'm here. What happened, why I decided to come back. That's what you want to know right? My motives?” She took a step back and scowled.
“Look, we can talk about anything you want. I'm your big brother. You can tell me anything.”
“Oh, is that it? Operation Big Brother, huh? You're my big brother. So, now I'm suppose to spill my guts to you. We have a bonding moment. You convince me that I'm wrong and I deliver the kids to you, huh? You're a town hero and they don't have to worry about the kids or about me, right? That’s why you came here! Why you are giving me this shit trying to butter me up?!”
“No--,” he tried to speak, but she was lost to him.
“Hate to push you off of your ‘big brother’ high-horse. But we don't know you. You're not our big brother. You left and never came back. Being the hero of your own story was more important to you than your family!”
“That's not true. It can’t be...I wouldn’t…I couldn’t...”
“Don’t believe me? Look at the picture again. He barely knows who you are! He doesn’t care about you!” She started shouting, “All he cares about are his mama, his papa, and his great big sister,” she paused a moment to breathe.
Her eyes shined with angry tears and her chest heaved. “You weren’t there, you never were! So stop trying!” Henry looked stricken, but his mind focused on one word.
“He?” he whispered. Then, he remembered the drawing... and the little boy.
Her eyes widened as she realized what she’d given away.
“Get out.” she demanded. She backed away from Henry.
“You...you didn't draw that picture. Our little brother did.”
“Why don't you go report that big bro?” She snapped, as she turned away from him.
Henry paused for a moment before asking, “What happened to him?”
She stiffened. Henry waited a moment before realizing that he’d pushed too far. With a sigh, he pushed off the ground and said, “I really did bring these so you wouldn't get bored. I’ll be back later.” He waited a moment for something, anything from her. “Bye Anny.”
Henry left with his eyes downcast and shoulders slumped. She glanced over her shoulder and watched him leave. Both too trapped in their own heads to notice the shadow in the corner that was watching them.
Regina’s mansion
“So,” Zelena started “does anyone know what we are actually looking for?”
“Something that seems to stand out.” Regina answered her sister.
“It has to be Hansel.”
“Nicholas.” Emma corrected without looking up from the papers in front of her.
“We really need to figure out if everyone goes by their curse names or Enchanted Forest names,” said Snow.
“Almost everyone in Storybrooke is registered as their curse name so let's go with that. Those that don't have curse names will be called by their fairy-tale names.” Emma kept looking through papers as she followed the conversation.
“Can we get back to this stupid riddle?” Zelena snapped.
“It has to be Nicholas he was the only abduction that had a witness. The only one that was ‘seen’.”
“That would mean that all the other kids were seen being taken. That everyone is lying and watched her take these kids. That Henry is lying and saw Roland-”
“Wait...Roland!”, Emma finally looked up, her eyes wide and mouth agape. “It has to be Roland!” When no one seemed to get it she continued. “She also mentioned ‘reflection’. You see your reflection in the mirror."
“Roland was taken in the middle of the day. Roland is also the only one with a parental figure attached to mirrors.”
“What the bloody hell are you going on about?”
“Regina, if you focus on Roland through your mirrors we might be able to find the kids.”
Comics were clumsily strewn across the station’s floor. DVDs were thrown all around the room. The handheld was in pieces next to the wall. The cot and it’s bedding was flipped upside down and ripped apart. The abuser lay on all fours and panting. Voices and phantom noises ringing in her ears. Images flashed behind her eyelids. Her eyes burned with the tears that she held at bay. Her teeth were grinding into each other as she held back the frustrated screams that so desperately wanted to escape. The damn was about to break, the mask flaking off, the facade fading away. She was on the verge of letting it all out. Cracking her eyes open, trying in vain to catch her breath, preparing to let go. It was only when the fluorescent lights began flickering that she brought herself back from the edge of a breakdown.
Before she could lift herself off of the ground, a pair of sleek black oxfords appeared in front of her. She looked up to find a dark handsome man with a gleaming smile plastered on his face. She scrambled away from him while simultaneously trying to get to her feet. Though her movements were nervous, her eyes burned with fury.
“Such power in such a small, beautiful package.” His voice was like velvet she once wrapped herself in and longed for. Now, it only made her skin crawl.
Finally steady on her feet, she took a step back from the man before her.
“Why are you here? You’re not supposed to be here.”
He tilted his head. His eyes were full of curiosity and he seemed almost disappointed. “It seems that I’m at a disadvantage,” his disappointment faded away and he smirked, “but I have a feeling that the next we meet, the advantage will be mine.”
"What do you want?!” She demanded.
“I’ve just come to pay a visit to the newest resident in Storybrooke. Possibly make a deal?”
“Get out! You’re nothing more than a Dark One wannabe!”
The man pursed his lips. “I see a deal will not be made today. But we will make a deal that will benefit the both of us.”
The girl shook her head and snarled, “I will end you.”
“I’m sorry but that is not in your cards,” He chuckles. The lights flickered and she was once again left alone in her cell.
They all stood in front of Regina’s round, ornate mirror that once upon a time inhabited Sidney Glass. Regina raised her hand in front of the glass.
“Are we sure that this is what she meant? Mirrors didn’t work before and they might not work now,” said Zelena.
“There’s only one way to find out.” Regina said. Robin grabbed her hand and squeezed it in support. She closed her eyes and focused on the little boy she had come to care so much for. She thought of all the moments she shared with him and how she had come to think of him as her son. She poured her love and her magic into the mirror. Her fear of losing Roland and watching Robin lose the last remaining piece of his family made a tear roll down her cheek. Finally, the mirror shimmered and glowed. The looking glass rippled before landing on a scene of children running around and playing.
It’s them. It’s the kids.”
The mirror pivoted across the room and focused on Roland watching over a playpen that held three giggling infants.
“He’s okay,” whispered Regina. She squeezed Robin’s hand.
Emma smiled, “They all are.”
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14th May 2020 - Dutilleux
Henri Dutilleux (1916-2013) (bloody hell 97, good work)
Metaboles (1964) - https://open.spotify.com/album/0yFGj6tFqU6lgaQKnwjmEq?si=-08D-hqoTFyh7te8fCGTEA Tracks 16-20
D is another letter with lots of composers to choose from...most of whom are French. I’ve gone modern this time in terms of composer, some music written to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Cleveland Orchestra according to wikipedia. I actually chose this because of the title. I’ve had an up and down relationship with my own metabole-ism (I’m not greedy, it’s the way I’m made...), and also been through some tough shifts dealing with metabole-ic medicine. Let’s hope these metaboles are more comforting. Considering this is classical music written in the 1960s, I suspect they won’t be.  
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Above - A zoomed in picture of a pair of jeans.
1. Incantatoire – Translating the title doesn’t help as I don’t really know what incantatory means either. First chords live up to my estimation of this not being a pleasant listen, but let’s not make our minds up just yet. I don’t like the opening, and I dread to think what the music looks like on the page. 0:28 onwards it starts to have more meat to it. The woodwind figures are tricky-sounding, and capture some attention. High bassoon at 0:48 a nod to Stravinsky? From 1:00 I’m excited. The solo trumpet, accompanied by random interjections which are very multi-textured; I couldn’t tell you what is playing them. The chord after the silence at 1:50 is pretty tasty. In fact, the whole string section at this point is really rich and thicc (with two cs). It becomes a bit more chaotic towards the end of the movement. 
2. Lineaire – Linear. Of course. Makes much more sense. Starts in the same ‘sound world’ as the rich string section in the last movement, but with less comfortable harmony. The triumph of this movement is in the texture, I think. From full, rich strings, to a quieter section with solo violin (I think!) and then a real pull back with some very high, and delicate playing in the upper strings at 1:20. It’s really cool. Nice build-up to a sort of fake climax (of which musicians are quite familiar I’m sure), then the real deal hits at 2:00. I have to say I’m getting ‘Neptune’ a la Holst vibes from this movement. I think I prefer this though. 
3. Obsessionel – Or, you guessed it, Obsessional. Attaca into this movement again. Double bass pizz is weird, I’m not sure I like it. Then echoed by some stacatto bassoon. I love the kind of sectional feel, almost like a concerto for orchestra. Plenty of tuba too around 1:30. Nice. I bet the next section looks absolutely mental. I would certainly be having a panic attack reading all these rhythms. 2:30 it sort of splits between the upper woodwind, and everyone else. It’s a nice effect, done well in this case. As is the following string scratchy scratchy with Bass trombone pedal nice and quiet underneath. The penultimate note of the movement, I legitimately looked out of the window to see if there was a plane. 
4. Torpide – Here’s a new word of the day: Torpid; mentally or physically inactive. Syn: James, the author of this blog. 0:38 (actually most of the movement) has come straight out of the middle section of a brass band contest piece and don’t tell me otherwise. Ooh maybe I should do some of that. The name is right, it does feel inactive, but not heavy. Just stick in some harp glissando at 1:50ish. There’s nowhere that sounds inappropriate. 
5. Flamboyant – This needs no translation, for me particularly. Ooh the first minute’s quite exciting. Then there’s almost a hint of a tune starting at 1:12. More trumpet fun at 1:50 ish...although they really do sound like cornets. I have to say it doesn’t really go anywhere until 2:50, although it’s nice all through this time. Back to that horrible opening chord unfortunately at 3:18 (from the very beginning). Oh 3:40 is super cool, and gets better into 4:00. In fact, the end is amazing. 4:28 that low entry by the tuba and probably many others is so fat. The last movement is really the highlight of this whole piece. Ten seconds of dead space at the end, but we’ll blame Spotify for that.
Overall - 7/10. I am scared of modern music generally. Mostly because of bad experiences not being able to read rhythm, so entirely self-inflicted. I think this piece shows what I love and hate about some modern repertoire. I hate stripped back textures with horrible high, dissonant woodwind chords. I love thick textures with overlapping rhythms, and still a hearty amount of dissonance, but that doesn’t hurt your ears (and soul). Really cool piece, glad I listened.
Here’s some of the metaboles I’m more used to. £100 to anyone who can get to the end of it. And here’s the link to a great charity that supports children with metabolic disorders like MCADD. https://www.metabolicsupportuk.org/
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