#if anyone has watched the jjk0 movie
yuesya · 8 months
do you have any of the third years (and fourth years? i didn’t know they existed until the latest chap lol) in mind for appearing in Shiki’s first year? I think Ino would be at Tokyo High at the same time as her so I’m kinda looking forward to her meeting her seniors :))
First years are 15-6 years old; second years 16-17, third years 17-18, and fourth years 18-19.
At the time of canon (2018), Ino Takuma is 21 years old. The current year in zenith of stars as of chapter 46 (update 49) is 2016. Putting things together: Right now Ino is 19 years old, and he's currently a fourth year student in Tokyo Jujutsu High.
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xjulixred45x · 11 months
I was watching Coraline and out of nowhere this idea came to me...
Platonic yandere! Kenjaku for Geto's child.
like, Geto had a child with Reader (anyone) and everything was happiness in a certain way, Geto and Reader loved and cared a lot about their baby, and the family loved them, they taught them the "proper" way of seeing the world, everything was fine until the events of the JJK0 Movie. Geto dies, Reader may even suffer the same fate.
and poor (child's name) is devastated, but they is taken care of by Mimiko and Nanako (their dear older sisters) and everything goes WELL, not great, but good.
but then Kenjaku possesses Geto's body. Consequently, he finds out about the existence of (child name), and since the child could inherit Geto's cursed ritual, he decides to see if this is the case to see if it is worth it.
What he didn't expect was to start to care in some way about the child, maybe it was because of Geto's body, but he definitely started to have some interest in the child apart from their possible usefulness.
stalking them became a normal ritual for him, in a way taking note of certain "important aspects" that he said would help him if the child came under his wing (which was really just making sure the child ate well or if they was physically healthy), things they were allergic to, he even searched Geto's memory for things they liked and didn't like, all to have a profile of the child.
So, when Mimiko and Nanako appear to him, he KNOWS that (child's name) is nearby, and decides to take the chance. He disappears in front of them and they quickly realize what he was trying to do and go to look for (child's name). but when they find them, they are running straight to their ""father"" and Kenjaku says goodbye to the twins with his shit-eating smile.
The girls yell at (child's name) something, but they're is so happy and glad that somehow their father is alive after a year of anguish, but then they realizes something, the way he hugs them, how he refers to them, and when they look at him and see THAT scar...they realize that they made a big mistake.
that THING is not their father....
Kenjaku is still smiling, but he is in "character" and asks them if they are not happy, but they turn away (or try to) and say the OBVIOUS...he is not their father.
Now, what does this have to do with Coraline? well, precisely the scene in which the other mother transforms for the first time.
Something similar would happen with (child's name) and Kenjaku, who continues to treat them as if they were father and child, introduces them as such to Mahito, Jogo, Hanami and Choso, talks to them like Geto used to do, makes them participate in the games he has with his colleagues, etc.
and (child's name) IS FED UP. Fed up with this man-thing holding them against their will, using the body of their ACTUAL FATHER, ripping them away from the twins and the Family that REALLY loved them, and they feels this is a twisted game for Kenjaku.
So he goes and tells him exactly that, that they are FED UP OF HIM, that they want HIM TO LET THEM LET GO, THAT THEY WANT TO RETURN TO THE TWINS AND THEIR REAL FAMILY.
Now, even after everything, they were never "mean" to Kenjaku, mostly out of fear and uncertainty of the situation, so Kenjaku is a little shocked by this change of attitude, but he's definitely a little irritated that make HIM look like the bad guy when it was THEY who ran into his arms (manipulation there, eh, manipulation).
So he gets more serious, and tells (child's name) that "That's no way to talk to your FATHER."
And (child's name) is like "YOU'RE. NOT...MY. FATHER"
(Mahito, Jogo and Hanami look like a surprised pikachu)
Kenjaku is losing his patience, and although he loves (child's name) very much (something like that) he stops, stands in front of them and gives them one LAST CHANCE to apologize for their lack of respect.
"I'm going to give you up to the count of THREE"
and using his Curse Manipulation, he throws (Child name) a bunch of small curses that while "harmless" are definitely terrifying. The poor child is screaming and crying in horror and Kenjaku leaves them like that for a while so that they can "learn to be a good child"
and when he decides they have had enough, he destroys the curses that tormented them and returns to his normal patient self. When (child's name) goes to him, all scartched, they lets out an almost inaudible "I'm sorry" and Kenjaku just gives them a Headpat and tells them that "we all tend to have bad mood days" and gives them a cookie.
(I also imagine he uses gravity manipulation to make (child's name) go directly to him, or force them to come and give him a hug.)
I imagine that Mimiko and Nanako are constantly not only trying to kill Kenjaku, but also to find out where he is holding (child's name) captive and save them (let's pretend they don't die, please) along with the family.
I think they would only have a chance in the Shibuya arc, when the twins go to claim him for Geto's body, they also claim him for (Child's name), but obviously Kenjaku doesn't comply with either of them.
but fortunately since Dagon is killed, (Child's name) manages to get out to the outside world, asking for help from whoever, that is, Nanami, Maki and Naobito... until Jogo roasts them and tries to grab them.
(Child's name) runs away, but Jogo is hot on their heels, fortunately they manages to run into the twins and SUKUNA (they is not so lucky, the Twins survive! With horrible scars that Sukuna left, but survive).
While Jogo and Sukuna fight, the Twins take (Child's name) away, happy to see them safe and sound again.
although of course, when Kenjaku realizes it, he won't be happy at all.....
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(^his live reaction when he found out that (Child's name) run away)
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titanjujuzist · 2 years
After I have watched the new JJK0 movie on Tuesday I’m even more in JJK hype xD So here are some fluffy headcanons for the cuties Toge & Yuta😁 At the moment I’m working on some other writings, but if you want send me some new requests I will try to answer them, but please don’t be too specific with your wishes😊
Toge Inumaki
~ At first it was really hard for you to understand Toge. Because of his cursed speech he talks only in Onigiri ingredients, but when you get to know him better you slowly understand what he means also because you learn to read his facial expressions better.
~ Toge seems to be cold and withdrawn, but actually he is a very cute and protective person. He would never let anyone hurt you and sometimes he is afraid that he could curse you with his cursed speech one day.
~ It's very rare, but when he is calling you by your name his voice sounds so soft and wonderful.
~ He enjoys the little things in a relationship like small, soft kisses on his cheeks, your fingers playing with his hair or you two just sitting side by side and enjoying the sun.
~ Even though he seems like the calm, shy boy, he actually is really confident and when you two are alone Toge likes to pull you against him and kiss you very passionately and playfully. It often ended in some play of your tongues. 
~ He loves to play videogames, so it's not really rare that your dates are often a day full of videogames and ordered food.
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Yuta Okkotsu
~ Yuta is such a sweetheart! To be honest he would do anything for you and would stand by your side no matter in which situation. It's not your day and you are feeling bad? Yuta would immediately prepare your favorite food, wrap a blanket around you until you are a burrito, start your favorite movie and pull you in his strong arms, giving you soft little kisses on your head.
~ At first Rika is a little problem for your young relationship, but when Yuta explains to her how important you are to him and how happy you make him, she will stop being angry at you and she will slowly start to like you. You make Yuta happy and he is still by her side so she has no reason to hate you anymore.
~ Lots of PDA! Yuta is a very sensible and soft boy and loves to show you how much he loves you. He likes to lay his arms around you and feel your body near his own, he also loves to kiss you a lot. Yeah he is a little bit clingy, but that's cute. 
~ His kisses are very soft and full of his love for you. In public he often kisses your head or forehead and smiles his little smile after that. Also when he says goodbye because he has to go on a mission he gives you a kiss on your forehead and tells you that you don't have to worry about him, he will come back to you.
~ Yuta loves to go out with you, it doesn't matter if it is shopping, going to the cinema, visiting a restaurant.. He is open for anything! In this time he can forget the hard world of a Jujuzist and just enjoy the time with you together. 
~ He would never give you something like a ring, he has learned after all what happened with Rika. But his little gestures for you are enough to show his love, he knows what makes you happy and is very careful and thoughtful in your relationship. And his cuddlings are the best!
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sojo-gatoru · 2 years
Okay I just watched JJK0 for a second time and have...thoughts I need to spill out into the void or else I will go insane
I haven't watched the after credit scene the first time around, but could stay this time for it and....my brain is connecting some dots (idk if this is A Thing known to everyone but me or just my sleepy overly excited brain talking but LISTEN) ramblings, thoughts and opinions under the cut
It just struck me as odd to add that certain scene at the end of this movie with its arc and all. Because as I understood it it's the "Yuta if anything happens to me please take care of the kids" scene that occurs in the manga shortly after Yuta saves Yuji and reveals his true intentions to him.
But in the context of the movie it implies something that I haven't even thought about before. What if Gojo knew? What if he knew that he would curse Geto with his last words, and over the months that followed grew more and more suspicious about the possibility? He made such a big deal about the whole "I believe love manifests the most distorted of curses" theory of his, that it has to apply to him as well.
I just can't shake the feeling that he somehow knew that there was a possibility of Geto coming back in a way, because we know he didn't dispose of his body, even though he knew better, possibly aware that he actually cursed him with...well...love. The decision to put that scene there can't be a coincidence? Right?
Which in return got me thinking about Shibuya and how Gojo was confronted with his one mistake. Like, sure, he was initially shocked, but reacted weirdly collected shortly after. Maybe this is me reaching too much, so please forgive me for that one, but I can't help but think that he was for some reason prepared for this exact situation, that he saw this coming, one way or another.
And lastly, the one time we see him in the rubiks cube and him being oddly calm about his predicament, going "eh, whatever. It'll be fine." even though nothing is fine. So maybe, again, this could be me reaching here, he simply trusts Geto that much, that he is confident that he will eventually regain his body again, piece by piece, even after death not betraying this strong bond and trust they share. That Gojo is still relying on Geto, knowing he cursed him...
Again, could be me reaching and interpreting more into it than necessary, but I thought I might share it anyway heh If anyone read this far, thanks for your attention!
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