#if astrology isn't real.......
twinkinspector · 2 years
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kaminari denki ❥ astrology masterlist ❥ generational planets
❥ birth date: june 29, 2126
❥ birth place: saitama prefecture
❥ pop astrology analysis: cancer sun, libra moon, leo rising. the only placement in his big three that strikes me as odd is his cancer sun. i don’t see a TON of emotion out of him besides anxiety, but that could be something we just haven’t seen yet. my guess for his sun would have been sagittarius, but i’m satisfied with his big three overall.
❥ in-depth under the cut ❥
❥ cancer sun: emotional. strong survival instinct. nurturing. sensitive. compassionate. seeks and offers security. loyal. protective. highly intuitive. associated with psychic abilities. charismatic. mommy issues. same sun as shinsou.
kami often goes out of his way to make others feel comfortable and confident, especially regarding their quirks. from the wiki: his role is to tie class 1-a together with his personality, just like eijiro. both of these point to him being intuitive – i wouldn’t say highly intuitive, but he’s definitely picking up vibes that others don’t. he seems to crack under pressure often, which shows his emotional and sensitive side. he often sticks up for his friends and is hesitant to use his quirk around anyone who could potentially get hurt. (the next part is just a guess.) i’ve seen a few people speculate that he could have some mommy issues, and that’s why he seeks validation from women.
i also wanna mention something that @fandomluke​ brought up in their tags! whenever kami overuses his quirk and goes completely brainless, he gives the thumbs up. i didn’t realize until TODAY that’s because he’s making sure everyone knows he’s okay. he’s trying to keep everyone confident and comfortable. i definitely think this ties in with his libra moon, but this feels more like cancer energy to me. he embodies this type of energy all the time – he always tries his best so his teammates don’t have to worry and it’s just sooooo uwu
❥ libra moon: peaceful. naturally charismatic. relationship-oriented. communicative. intelligent. witty. social. optimistic. easygoing. cooperative. excellent planner or strategist.
i think his libra moon really shows in his interactions with others even though the moon is more of your internal world. i think he really tends to wear his heart on his sleeve and isn’t very guarded, so we see more of this placement than his peers’ moon placements. he’s almost always kind and reassuring no matter who he’s talking to – big libra energy there. he doesn’t have the best grades, so he’s not often considered intelligent. but he randomly drops facts that he wouldn’t know unless he’d researched the topic. he also has a surprisingly large vocabulary...... but i’ll touch on this later :) he’s very cooperative in combat and often helps to come up with really intricate strategies to keep others out of harm’s way when he uses his quirk.
❥ leo rising: hair!!!! confident. generous. attractive to others. strong mind. clear intentions. self-aware. body-conscious. ruled by the sun!!! warm. eager to stand up for what he believes in. loves new tasks.
i don’t think i need to point out his hair, but i’m gonna. he has such distinctive hair – apparently, the lightning bolt is natural. from the wiki again: denki's surname contains the kanji for "above, hair." leo energy???? kami has two distinct sides – confident and anxious. his confidence definitely comes from this placement. he gets a lot more confident in combat when others are out of harm’s way. and he’s really confident when talking to women even though he’s rejected kind of often (my poor baby T.T) i have an interesting take on the “strong mind” aspect here. he fries his brain ALL THE TIME, right? he should be a bumbling idiot more often than right after he uses his quirk..... but he’s not. i think his self-awareness and body-consciousness come in with how careful he is in combat and how he knows when he should and shouldn’t use his full power. he also gives me SUCH SUN VIBES he just feels like a warm, sunny day to me.... i dunno. he also sticks up for his friends a lot!! especially during his provisional exam.
❥ gemini mercury: quick-witted. can come across as scattered, but this is because they have broad interests. seem to know a little about everything. knowledgable. mercury is in its domicile here.
kami gets anxious under pressure. even tests bother him. i think the “scattered” aspect could definitely manifest as anxiety here. like i said above, he shows knowledge about things aside from academics. THIS is where i think his vocabulary really comes in. he’s definitely quick-witted – he has to be with a quirk like his. he talks a loooooot. and that definitely comes from the fact that mercury is in its domicile, so his mercurial energy is expressed easily.
❥ gemini venus: social butterflies. curious. social chameleon. charming.
kami is literally friends with anyone and everyone. he’s a social butterfly AND a social chameleon. he can fit in with whatever group he wants. you can tell he’s curious because of his random knowledge. and i’d say he’s pretty charming to have so many friends. ALSO his little choker in his hero costume gives me big gemini venus energy...... again, i can elaborate but
❥ cancer mars: indirect. passive-aggressive. inclined to control their feelings but can seem moody. can later erupt. protects themselves. driven to action based upon emotion. mars is in its fall here.
this shows a lot in his combat style. he’s very hesitant to use his quirk when allies are around (for good reason) and tends to get anxious. when he knows everyone’s safe, however, he’s able to fight much more effectively. his quirk is a parallel to his feelings in a lot of ways. it’s tough to control and he can’t leave it unchecked. but the second he’s free to use it, it’s like an eruption. mars being in its fall makes sense. while he makes his combat style work for him, it’s not the most conventional or easy to use.
❥ sagittarius jupiter: this is considered one of the luckiest placements to have. optimistic. inspirational. can indicate a spiritual person. usually a scholar. jupiter is in its domicile here.
kami has always given me big sagittarius energy, although he doesn’t have many sag placements. i could just be picking up on his jupiter though! it’s funny because he’s not super lucky in his interactions with women, but he seems to be pretty lucky in most other respects. he’s definitely optimistic and inspires others to also better alongside him. again, he’s not a scholar. but he does seem to follow his interests and learn more about those specific things, which is a characteristic of a lot of scholars.
❥ virgo saturn: introspection and change as a result of that introspection. adaptability.
i don’t notice a lot of introspection as far as his own personality (I think this actually might come in the future.), but he’s definitely applied this to his quirk and is majorly adaptable. i keep mentioning his quirk and combat style, but i feel like that’s really the best and most obvious representation of his placements. he quickly learned that just going all-out wasn’t the best use of his power, so he changed his approach. 
❥ overall
kami’s chart is actually pretty similar to shinsou’s. this..... doesn’t surprise me. the fandom has really latched on to the fact that the two of them balance each other out, and i have no doubt that this is why. they both have similar natural tendencies, but their experiences (and the placements they have that are different) have shaped those natural tendencies into different things entirely. but they would be able to understand each other on a really deep level.
regarding kami specifically, i expected more sagittarius placements, but his gemini placements have a similar effect overall. do i agree with his chart as a whole? hesitantly, yeah. but i also think this is because he hasn’t personally had a ton of character development yet. like i mentioned earlier, he might get some more development soon – this would check out if he and shinsou had their development at the same time.
❥ chart
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astrobiscuits · 10 months
Solar Return obs 1
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Before we start...
For the best results, always ALWAYS compare your Solar Return chart with your Natal chart. For pinpointing the exact timing when something will happen in your love life, look up at your upcoming Venus Return chart. When does it start? Now compare it with your next Solar Return. If you have planets in your 7th house in Solar Return, notice if they are proeminent in your current Venus Return chart. Bingo! You've just found out when these planets are going to get activated (around the date of the Venus Return chart)
Without further do, let's roll the SR observations!💗
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🦩 Jupiter in 4th house indicates moving abroad that year
🦩 While Uranus in 4th house brings sudden, unexpected changes in your home life. Moving to another house? You bet. Redecorating your whole house because you just woke up with the urge to do so? Could be another possibility
🦩 Jupiter trine Venus in SR brings an easiness to manifesting everything you want that year. If Jupiter/Venus is in 2nd house trining the other planet, then you might also get lots of gifts
🦩 Venus in 2nd house also indicates spending more than usual on material possesions that year (compulsive shopping much)
🦩 Sun conjunct Saturn and Venus in 6th house = becoming "that girl". Your main focus will be on building a solid, stable routine for yourself, that also looks aesthetically pleasing
🦩 Stellium in 10th house/11th house = high chance of becoming (internet) famous. Bonus points is Jupiter is involved (i started my blog while my current SR has a 10th house stellium and i have to thank you guys for showing such big support for this blog🥹 thank you)
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🦩 Jupiter in 9th house can indicate travelling abroad for the purpose of experimenting different lifestyles (For ex. you visit Guatemala because you want to experience what is like to be a Guatemalian - you want to try all their traditional dishes, learn their traditional dances and open up your mind to a different culture)
🦩 Another meaning of Jupiter in 9th house is that you might go abroad for college or if you start college in your homecountry, then you're probably going to major in foreign languages, philosophy or religion
🦩 Pluto in 4th house could mean uncovering a family secret. Don't be surprised if you find out that you're adopted or you have family members alive that you didn't know about👀
🦩 Moon in 4th house means that you'll feel much more nostalgic that year. You might spend more time with your mother than usual, reminescence on your childhood memories or look through old photos of you and your family
🦩 If you're in a relationship and you've got Neptune in 7th house in your next SR, then i'm sorry to disappoint you, but expect a year where you might question your partner's loyalty. I'm not saying your partner is going to cheat, but for some reason you might feel more suspicious of them than usual
🦩 Mars in 8th house = expect more sex than usual lol
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🦩 If Pluto squares Mars and one of these planets is in the 4th house/5th house/7th house/10th house/11thouse, beware of power plays and toxic dynamics in your family/friendships/relationship (for 4th,5th,7th or 11th house) or at your workplace (for 10th house)
🦩 Moon in 12th house indicates that you're going to be more secretive with your emotions. You won't tell people how you feel and at times you might be confused about your own emotions, because you'll have the tendency to surpress them
🦩 With Jupiter conjuncting Ascendant (doesn't matter if it's in the 12th house or 1st house), expect to be constantly blessed by the Universe without doing anything. One of the most luckiest placements you could have in your SR
🦩 Neptune trine Mercury indicates a high chance of coming up with a creative masterpiece that year (it can be in any domain: arts, music, writing, acting, u name it)
🦩 Saturn in 2nd house can indicate going on a diet that year
🦩 Mars in 3rd house indicates being more argumentative that year than usual. You might speak at a faster pace or speak before thinking twice
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🦩 Indicators in SR for meeting your future spouse:
SR Juno conjuncts SR Sun/Moon/Venus
SR Juno conjuncts SR Descendant
SR Juno conjuncts one of your natal, personal planets
Natal Juno conjuncts one of your SR planets
If the 5th house/7th house is involved, then you'll also start dating them/be in a relationship with them that year!!
🦩 If you've been struggling with fear of dying, Sun in 12th house indicates a year when you'll probably overcome this fear. During this year, you're more prone to dive deeper into what happens after death, which will naturally ease your anxiety
🦩 I had Capricorn rising with Pluto and Saturn in 1st house this year and it was ROUGH. Capricorn risings sets the theme for the year as a year with hardships, obstacles and difficulties in achieving happiness. Saturn in 1st house brings a lower than usual sense of self-esteem, while Pluto in 1st house tells us about a major change when it comes to how others perceive us. This change isn't as sudden as the changes Uranus brings, more like something that has been boiling for a while in the dark and now it finally comes up to the surface. This year i decided to pursue astrology as my (future) career and i've also told people in my life about it. I felt like i was truly reborn compared to where i was last year
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bleaksqueak · 4 months
Elias: its pride month. You know what that means.
Audric: what- what do you mean? Do I make rainbow fire?? Become a gay reaper? Beans, explain!
Elias: lol
Elias: butterswitchs, its pride month. You what that means!
Maia: huh??? What???? Do I make gay potions??
Elias: hahaha ha!
Dunno if pride month exists in the Veil but eh.
To be entirely fair, I do think Maia makes gay little potions whenever possible. Lovingly hand crafted! Though it's funny, Audric was initially planned to have a same sex love interest during older iterations of planning, but the character he was being set up with never ended up working out... largely because a different character rode in on a tractor and snatched him up like a damsel (distress not required). He *is* canonically bi though. So he can be a bi reaper. A breaper if you will.
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discluded · 2 years
I love how opposites mileapo are and how it always show in their interviews lol because miles mostly analytic so he remembers the detail experience of their encounter while apo leans on the emotional side on how he felt although he doesn't remember if he gets good vibes its worth noting for him. They really lean into their astrology dynamic so much. Idk much about astrology but from what I read they literally fit the healthy soulmate vibes Capricorn-Pisces built despite being opposites.
I don't think they're so much opposites as complements. :)
You can tell from the Journey quick Q&A how well they match each other in terms similar where they need to be and puzzle pieces when they need to be.
(credit to @nattaphum for the gifs)
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I don't know much about astrology nor do I believe it in (my toxic and typical capricorn trait lol) but capricorns and pisces are known to have high compatibility.
Maybe if I tag @sinnadreams she'll show up and do their star charts for us 🥺
As for their first gym meet-cute, Apo has said he doesn't remember many details, but hilariously, the one telling he did for an interview also coincided with the Apo calls him p'mee reveal 🤭🤭🤭
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simpjaes · 2 months
I feel like for me- PERSONALLY- the way you write the members through your view has actually influenced me into seeing them in a light I never thought of before, and now I realize how well you seem to read them even without seeing them act upon super sexual situations, although we may never know what they’re like 100% (even though I’m sure Jay is spooning you and reading this over your shoulder rn)
jay is absolutely spooning me rn like "good job babe, now if you could stop sharing how i am in such an intimate light it would be nice, that's for you only."
no but really, my opinions of them both outside and inside of sexual situations come solely from their astrology charts bc i'll be fucking damned if that shit isn't accurate in my own experience.
ppl can write mommy kink jake all they want [me] but it doesn't change the fact that if he has a mommy kink u better be begging him later bc he needs what the stars say he needs KJFHDSKJFHSDK
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saebaragi · 2 years
he's not just some guy. he's a pisces
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tuituipupu · 1 year
HÄÄRIJÄ IS A LEO ???????????
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waspsinyouryard · 1 year
Just woke up from a nap in which I dreamed I was in a heated argument on here, desperately trying to convince literally the entirety of the site that I could somehow bewitch plants to grow faster.
People were pulling out massive essays with cited sources to debunk me and my proof basically began and ended at "trust me bro"
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gxlden-angels · 7 months
What else can I do if I can't be a false prophet??
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balladofsallyrose · 1 year
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graham is always the fussy one who doesn't like unnecessary change-
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beatriceportinari · 11 months
predicting her own nearing death to try and convince me she's so funny
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whomturgled · 2 years
aries venus drives me absolutely bonkers with how it's very not me but also when i let myself be very open and honest w/ myself SOME of it does resonate EXCEPT i sure have to reach to find the ways in which is does fit me. i just feel like aries venus as a placement SUCKS (personally. for me.) and it makes me MAD ! i just wanna LOVE and BE LOVED
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twinkinspector · 2 years
kami’s astrology analysis comes out on monday but i just wanna point smth out......
🚨 he is a LEO RISING 🚨
astrology isn’t real???? explain THAT
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dankovskaya · 2 years
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FUCKING libra I knew it I can smell it from a mile away.
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youjustgotlawyered · 2 years
When you get Covid right before New Year’s:
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hollow-prey · 1 year
Trying to manifest getting a job in a library not only so I can leave Retail Hell, but also so my f/os can visit me and pretend to browse for books while stealing glances at me from behind the shelves and be able to say their girlfriend is the cute librarian.
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