#if caleb and kaylee were counselors she would like them i think!
spectrophobias · 8 months
@dollhidden asked: What are Kaitlyn's thoughts on the other counsellors before/after that night at the camp? Who does she like the most? Is there anyone she likes the least?
OH THIS IS SUCH A GOOD ONE thank u so much u bless me with the best asks.......
ok ok ok so i'll start with jacob bc he's the one she has the most history with!! they both give absolute only child energy LMFAO so i feel like they connected pretty quickly and realized they made a pretty good team!! lil baby kaitlyn was definitely a tomboy, usually preferred to hang out and roughhouse with the boys, but she is such a little cutie i just know jacob took one look at her tried to be like "lol ur a girl u cant do this" and she jumped his ass 😭 and idk something about a good fist fight can be so bonding!! like honestly they are this text post in a nutshell
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she doesn't really blame him for what happened that night. if she'd thought that they'd be putting themselves in danger, she wouldn't have told him how to sabotage the van to begin with. she obviously wouldn't have ever expected actual literal werewolves LMAO she knows he wasn't trying to get anyone hurt. she does think he needs to chill and let emma be once she's expressed disinterest and she tells him so, but her view of him doesn't really change. he's still one of her best friends, he's just a little stupid and has some growing up to do which! mood tbh!
she's very much not quiet about her crush on ryan but also it's not something she takes super seriously. a summer fling would have been nice but she doesn't actually really know him ? she wouldn't mind getting to know him better, but over the summer pretty much all she's picked up about him is that he's quiet, hot, and a little weird but like in a cute way LMAO. i think she'd like him a lot and they could potentially work well together if they actually got to know each other, but that have to involve things feeling way less one sided on her end. also we all know she's too busy kissing emily to even think twice about it!
she actually really starts to like dylan over that last night, even if ryan did choose to kiss him and not her LMAO. she never outright disliked him or anything, but after the scrapyard and trying to take their last stand at the lodge she has a LOT more respect for him and considers him way more of a friend. before it was kind of like "oh he's a work friend" and maybe a little bit of a competitive feeling on her end knowing they were both crushing on the same guy, but it was all very unserious to her hgkskfk just a bit of friendly competition!! LMAO. so they come out of it closer than she expected, i think they would keep in touch after! he's the only one that i think she would go out of her way to keep in touch with, besides ofc jacob who she already knows.
nick was absolutely not on her radar for most of the summer lmaooo. he is just very not her type, romantically or friendship wise ! he absolutely weirded her the fuck out right before he turned though LMAO so even though she knows he was really messed up at the time she is perfectly happy not getting to know him better!
part of that is probably that she just feels weirdly protective of abi, even though they're not like besties or anything. she thinks abi is a sweetheart and she just seems so tightly wound and anxious all the time fjdjkd she reminds kaitlyn of a kicked puppy!! she thinks abi is pretty cool, she's talented with art and good with the kids, so she wants to see her give herself a little more credit!! she knows abi is way closer to emma, and that kind of is also something where she's a little worried for her after seeing jacob all worked up over emma? bc jacob is a crybaby (affectionate) but he's hard headed he'll get over it LMAO she's a little more concerned about how abi would handle emma switching up on her. also she ships it!
so with emma, kaitlyn definitely doesn't want to be all buddy buddy with her after watching jacob piss his pants over her all summer LMAO but again it's the type of thing where she doesn't necessarily dislike her? she doesn't trust her but she doesn't think she's an inherently bad person or anything, she doesn't really think there's a Right side in emma being straight up about not wanting anything more than a fling vs jacob catching feelings anyway bc he's a sap, but she's like yikes ! i will not be touching that one !
bonus: laura hot. no thoughts head empty !
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tiburion · 2 years
Werewolf Hackearny AU [Part 1]:
(It’s quite a while I have this idea in mind so let’s see what I can pull out... Also I’m sorry if the enemies to lovers is super rushed but i’m a slut for established relationships so I suck on the “getting together” parts)
The night of the fire of Harum Scarum goes almost the same as the canon events with the only exception that Travis is present too with Chris, Caleb and Kaylee.
He was vice-sheriff at the time, and on his off -duty day he decided to tag along with his brother and nephews to see the show.
Kaylee and Caleb started the fire, but they were caught by Travis right after they unlocked the door of Silas 'prison to set him free, with the result Silas bit the policeman in his escape instead of the kids.
On that same night the sheriff died, and Travis took his place soon after, but he also became a bearer of the curse.
In the six years till the events at Hackett's Quarry camp, Travis ended up biting Chris and his children during full moons, infecting them too. He's super miserable after the fact, and surely Constance added something in the mix to make him even more guilty than he already is.
"A good boy protects his family, Travis. And you are not a good boy!"
With the weight of his actions on his shoulders and the pressure from his parents he started using his position as sheriff to cover the family.
He dragged his little brother into this hell. His young nephews got their lives ruined because of him, they want to get out and have fun, do what normal teens do but they can’t, not anymore, not until they manage to kill the one that started it all.
Years went by without any progress brought the family more and more desperation, to Kaylee in particular, who keeps asking her grandma why she can’t leave, she’s sick of North Kill and wants to get out! Sometimes Chirs told Travis about these episodes over a beer, and how he feels sorry for his kids and how sad he is to being unable to do something for them.
Some nights, after his brother took his leave and Travis sat alone in the dark with a couple of empty bottles of beer and some burbon, the older Hackett wonder how easy it would be to let Bobby or their father put a silver bullet in his head the next full moon, sparing his family more pain.
Moving at the start of the events of the game, Max and Laura wouldn’t be stopped by a creepy cop the night they arrive at North Kill (they still go out of the road with the car and all), but, without Laura managing to pull the location of Hackett’s Quarry out of Travis, they end up wandering all night never reaching the camp till the moring after.
At the camp they tell Chirs about the night and the strange creature they saw in the woods, the man tries to keep a pokerface in front of them but there are cracks in his tone and posture and Laura notices, even tho she doesn’t think much of it.
Chris immediately tells his family about what the two counselors told him.
Silas has returned. After years there is hope.
Using the excuse of the almost car crash and mysterious witnesses, Travis pulls up at the camp to question Laura and Max, hoping to gain more informations about Silas. Max is vague, and Laura doesn’t like the creepy cop and his train of (strange) questions. Why does he keeps calling her “ma’am”? And why does he looks like he has been sick all night? 
She answer the questions, even tho unable to keep herself from taunting the policeman at some point. When he took his leave after the interrogation, Laura swears she saw something strange in his eyes, but dismissed it quickly. 
It’s just a creepy little town, with it’s creepy woods and it’s creepy sheriff. The summer just began and it will be good.
Fast forward till the next full moon.
Attempting to find the white wolf, Jebediah and Bobby, disguising themself with blood, also brought to hunt the werewolfs of the family.
That night, while sneaking out of the camp to have some alone time near the lake, Laura and Max have an close encounter with werewolf Chirs, who bites Max and knock out Laura. They were found right in time by Bobby who manage to scare away Chris. Jebediah then decides to lock the two counselors inside the police station’s cells and have Travis deal with them later.
Officially, the couple left the camp early due to an emergency back at home that had them depart before the dawn.
The detention goes like in the game for most part except more messy: Travis lies to his parents about having dealt with Laura and Max, on their side both Constance and Jebediah have no reason to not belive their son, the son who’s always so obedient seeking their acceptance and grew up with the motto “you must protect the family” in his head. Also the realization for Laura is faster because “the thing that attacked us right in front of my eyes surely wasn’t a fucking bear!”
The woman notices how Travis is prone to anger whenever they mention the creature, expecially after the sheriff confessed to Laura the whole curse thing and she suggested to kill it to save Max.
Sexual tension for days. Travis is usually more collected, but this young woman and her attitude is threatening to wake the beast inside him from it’s slumber even if the full moon is still far. The worst days are those right before turning, he can smell her, and it’s driving him insane, he just wants to pin her to the wall and sink his teeth into her neck drawing blood. Even in his sleep he’s haunted by her presence, he lost count of the mornings he woke up hard.
During the detention Laura and Max’s relationship went through a rough phase, resulting in distancing themselves from each other. 
The day of the full moon they decided to escape from prison to kill Chirs, Laura almost ended up to have sex with the sheriff: she asked for coffee, and against  all expectations he let her out of the cell and brought her in one of the others rooms, they drank and chatted and before she knew it his lips were on hers, harsh and hungry, almost like he longed to eat her  (and not in the funny way). After the initial shock, he found equally greedy lips against his. 
She straddled him on the chair, coffee long forgotten, and roaming her hands on his body making him shiver, she managed to take the utility belt off his waist. Travis left his fingers slide on her neck down to her waist, and on her thighs. Buring his face into her shoulder, inhaling her scent, the only thing that kept him from biting her was the taste of his own blood on his tongue. Unconsciously biting down on his own lips he snapped out of it and in no time, without meeting her eyes, he rushed out of the room, leaving a confused Laura behind. 
Did she saw a yellow glow or was her immagination playing tricks?
In the rush of the moment, Travis’ belt with the gun and the keys was left on the floor. At first in conflict with her feelings, Laura eventually decided to snatch the belt and went to free Max, but right after the two were about to exit the cells they were stopped by the sheriff.
In the fight, Max acidentally shoot Travis right in the chest with the stolen gun. He was slowed down just in time to let Laura lock him inside one of the cells, but when he didn’t drop dead on the ground with a wound right on the heart, Laura realized Chirs wasn’t the only werewolf in the Hackett family.
“You choose the wrong night to make me mad” said Travis, half growling half grunting behind the steel bars looking up at the shocked pair in front of him with pale yellow eyes.
The floor beneath him began to turn red with blood gushing out of the open wound. 
hey @lovesomehate my gift to us all werewolf travis x Laura stans 
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
Ya’know, the game has a hard time showing you who the true villain is. Ya could argue that either the Hacketts or Eliza is the villain but everyone is just in the gray for me.
Asides the counselors, they were just a bunch of dumb young adults who didn’t listen to Chris advice and got themselves all wrapped up in the nights problems tho I suspect irl, they’d still get wrapped up in the problems even if they stayed inside.
Everyone seems to have a problem of not explaining their motives or why they are there in the first place which definitely does not helping in clearing the air of whether they are the villain or not.
Eliza was the mother of Silas, she knew him better then the Hacketts. We don’t know if he was constantly locked up in the cage or if he was only locked up around the times of the full moon. Plus we don’t know how Silas got the infection, could have been born with it or Eliza could’ve done some shady shit and used her son as a stepping stone. But we don’t know that, we don’t know anything about her and her sons past.
Eliza was also sorta manipulative when talking to her during the card sessions, “We are friends aren’t we?” “After all I’ve done for you!”, she could’ve been guilt tripping us and also guiding us to a more favorable outcome via the cards.
Silas just seems more like a victim, he’s a young feral boy with no control over his situation and no one to turn to. He’s constantly being hunted too. I desperately wish there was a way to save him without killing everyone.
The Hacketts seem like they genuinely what to fix what they started but are just super evasive about telling other people. If Travis had said that he was Chris’s brother and that Chris wasn’t around, then Max and Laura wouldn’t have gone threw what they did but he didn’t, he was a dick to them and helped further to paint a bad picture upon the family.
If he hasn’t locked Laura and Max up then the chances of Kaylee still being alive would be significantly higher. Not to mention that if she wasn’t there, then like none of the counselors would’ve have know about the werewolf’s weakness to sliver, granted I can see Dylan talking about silver but then Kaitlyn swoops in and asked where they can get silver from and the Abi points out her bracelet.
This could also segway into Abi transforming into a werewolf considering that she can be bit by Kaylee when Nick gets attacked. Then the group would be left without a silver bullet and completely clueless. This could make for a more difficult game, no awareness of weaknesses and no bullets, more lives at stake and toss in another werewolf too.
Enough of what I think could’ve happened in the game, back to my rant.
Mama Hackett is just a bitch but she is trying her best to pull the strings of keeping the counselors safe. Sending her husband and sons out to hunt and protect the counselors. I honestly thought she was going to play a bigger role here but I was disappointed lol.
Tho once she finds out that her granddaughter is dead she’s over trying to help them and I can see that but she didn’t tell Jed or Bobby to explain to the counselors that they were they to help and to not kill any of the wolves expect for the white one.
As a matter of fact, it’s not even any of the adults who start this whole conflict, it’s the children. Kaylee and Caleb. They saw a bit locked in a cage and took it at face value, a young boy locked up and put on display.
This could’ve been all to it but we don’t know that so who can really blame them for doing what they did? Tho they were stupid to set hay on fire, I feel like they were taught that hay goes up quick so perhaps this leaves some room to hint at something darker with the Hacketts. Maybe there were more sinister and darker motives and decided to use the kids as their escape goat. 
Everyone is in the gray here, if any of them just explained what their motives were then maybe there’s be less bloodshed and more reason to chose a side.
Hell, if ya gonna bitch bout lack of final battle or progressive conflict then how bout ya chose sides between Eliza or the Hacketts. Magic vs humans.
This could be where the true villain gets reveled. Maybe Eliza did actual mess with darker magic and used her son as a vessel and cursed him, Maybe there’s some lingering lengthy family history between Eliza’s family and the Hacketts family that shows the Hacketts being massive dicks and chasing harm and misfortune to Eliza’s family.
The whole “who’s the true villain?” Question has been super blurry to me. It all falls down to what you think happened or believe. Personally? I have no fucking clue, both sides can be classified as good and bad.
A family trying to help a caged up boy and a mother who’s trying to get vengeance upon those who kill her family.
And also a family who released a deadly curse upon the world and a mother who caged up her son and possible did something to cause him to have this curse.
What are y’all’s thoughts on who’s the villain?
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AU: Chris from Until Dawn is also Chris Hackett in The Quarry
Let’s deep dive into this:
So basically this au would include a lot of depth into things and would make the relationships between Chris and the counselors a tad different.
Chris, when he was younger, went through the events of Until Dawn with the wendigos, nearly got slaughtered in front of Ashley, and he also witnessed his best friend’s mental health decline into mass hysteria/mania. Not to mention on one occasions he was tricked into believing he killed his best friend and later on had to choose between himself or Ashley. These events alone affected him as a whole and gave him a new perspective of life.
Chris becomes even more protective in the end of Until Dawn. To him there is no safe-place and with his family being rather… strict with things he felt trapped. Ashley helped him through and that’s when he realizes that his escape was her and her escape was him. He gets away from the Lodge with his surviving friends and finds himself staying with his family within the forest. His interest in things plummets as the trauma is to much for him to handle. Let’s not forget that he is, once again, within the deep woods so that alone makes him on edge. Granted they have transportation and ways out but he can’t get over it. The summer camp, in this au, would have already existed and he was next in line to run it and didn’t have time for his mental health.
Let’s be real the Hackett family didn’t seem so keen on anything other then loyalty and strange morals. Pushing Chris into the front lines of work once he was healed made more sense then sending him to therapy.
All of a sudden you have this young, just escaped a vicious beast that used to be his friend, very traumatized, fresh out of police interrogation, anxious Chris running a summer camp for years to come. He is a mess during the beginning. He hated the loudness of the forest, it brought back memories of Alberta that he never wants to remember such as the frozen land and the Flamethrower Guy. Thankfully he had his friends on his side, especially Ashley, so he strung through most of it. The challenging part was managing kids who tended to get hurt a lot.
Chris was already known for being protective so add in a near death experience and some little kids? Yeah he’s panicking every step of the way.
It took him a long time to truly understand the anxiety he felt when a child got injured and it took even longer for him to realize that he can’t control accidents. If a child were to fall down during, let’s say, a hike Chris would usually fret around to the point of isolation. Feeling like he failed protecting these kids was a common occurrence so when the nurse got ahold of the injuries he would lock himself away. Ashley, who became a councilor along with the rest of his friends, coaxed him out and it took a long talk with Mike and Sam for him to sit down and realize that things happen and accidents are part of life. He learned to cope in the end but by then he was in his early 20’s. Kaylee and Caleb enter the equation.
Caleb and Kaylee, in this au, are not Chris’s children. Who wants kids after messing with wendigo’s in Alberta? Instead, they’re younger extended family that was adopted by the Hackett’s. Chris treats them like little siblings and teaches them all the ways of the world but this led to them being very curious about everything. It doesn’t help that Ashley is also an extremely curious person by nature so she often encouraged them to figure things out and go explore. This goes on for a while, they get in trouble sometimes but it’s nothing big bro Chris can’t fix. Around 30 is when Ashley and Chris finally marry and all seems well in life. He’s still a little fucked up and misses his best friend but hey, what can you do? He reaches his early 40’s with no trouble and things look fine, he’s happy at his job and adores his wife. It’s a summer camp though which means new faces pop up every year along with a million personalities.
Around this time I think Ryan would come in. Chris sees him and questions some things. A young kid with poor communication skills and a somewhat goofy aloof side mixed with complexity? Sounds a lot like someone Chris used to know.
We all know that Ryan and Josh are completely different people and Chris knows this but sometimes he would look at Ryan’s antics and see his old friend. Ryan would be the kid to follow him around and ask questions, normally excited about horror podcasts and the wildlife, and Chris would listen and think about Josh who was also a horror movie fan who grew up in the mountains. Chris didn’t despise Ryan for reminding him of Josh, he helped him out instead.
Personally I headcanon that Ryan has autism, this is based off my gameplay and also he reminds me of the children I used to work with (I used to be a part-time special needs aid during my highschool life) and in this au Ryan’s autism does get to him the first few days of camp when he was younger.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed, all the new faces and things being moved, but Chris felt prepared. He used to help Josh when he was having moments so he applied the same idea with Ryan. Use earbuds with a calm podcast to block out the extra noise and try to give Ryan his own bunk so he can organize how he likes and not worry about others touching his stuff. If it’s not that it’s communication and teaching him ways to talk that doesn’t need many words or harsh action. Use crayons on paper to talk instead of tears is what he taught Ryan.
This is one of the things that brought him and Ryan closer and when the kid got older is when Chris started to feel a sense of longing for the past.
Then the freak show rolls in, things take a turn for the worst, and suddenly Chris and his younger adopted siblings are infected with this curse.
The feeling of terror is sickeningly familiar and Chris hated every second of it. He can’t get over it and he refuses to. Shifting was painful and gruesome, it actually terrified every one of his friends into quitting, but Ashley stuck by his side. It’s not like his friends quit and left for good, they’re still around, but they weren’t up for messing with curses after what happened years ago. Chris doesn’t blame them one bit because he would feel the same. His dear wife was very adamant that she could handle being around Chris and he does appreciate her for it but trusting himself during the full moon was a no-go. When the time came around he begged her to stay somewhere else and she would begrudgingly agree.
Things are… rough for Chris. He isn’t over the whole lodge incident, his friends (while they still talk) quit their jobs as counselors out of fear, he has to be separated from Ashley for her own safety as he becomes a vicious monster, and now his favorite camper is becoming too old for summer camps. His heart hurts because it feels as if this curse not only took away his humanity but also the people he loves. When Ryan turns 18 is when Chris is full-on sobbing sad because this teen, who he saw a son, couldn’t come around anymore. He was too old. That is, until his job application came in along with 8 others.
Chris was overjoyed. He could hire these new younger councilors instead of the old farts he had around before and the kids would love it! They have people who could keep up with them and mess with… but he is still cursed as a wolf.
When he accepts some applications and brings the entire Quarry crew in is when Chris’s heart aches even more. He learned things about these young adults that make him feel old and he gets some deja vu. Emma likes to make people smile, she has a perfect mix of spunky snakiness combined with a known beauty. It makes him think of Jess. Meanwhile Kaitlyn is tough as nails, a shorter woman who knows how to take down any one and tries to think before taking any action and her intelligence is unmatched… she’s a lot like Emily.
Jacob? God he acts like a high-school version of Mike. Kind of a dick with not much going on in his head until someone knocks sense into him. It’s all surreal in a way how history is literally repeating itself but Chris just ignores it.
His bond with the counselor crew is rather strong and with Ryan by his side things went smoothly. Chris hated seeing them get hurt as well, same still goes for the kids, but unlike his younger self he actually helped them out this time. When Nick got burns from cooking Chris would show him how to fix it and when Abi slipped outside Chris either helped her up or guide Nick to go to her rescue (often he teases the crushes amongst the counselor group but it’s all fun) or the times Jacob messed up in front of Emma it was Chris who handled it. Not to mention he was an emotional support shoulder for these teens because while they may not know the full story of the Washington Lodge they understand that Chris has seen some stuff and has their backs.
Then the van breaks. Suddenly he feels trapped again. Something similar happened a few years ago, he and his friends got stuck in a remote area and no help was available until the next morning. There’s a threat in the woods that is inhuman and no one knew who she was until the last second. That was the lodge though, this is a summer camp, but Chris knows that there’s a inhuman threat out here.
He’s one of them, afterall, and he could hurt the counselors. He freaks out a little but it’s not anger directed at anyone it’s rooted to panic and anxiety but it comes across as aggression. He didn’t intend to startle anyone with an outburst but what else could he do? His councilors, all 9 of these teens he swore to keep safe, have their necks on the line and they don’t even know it. The people in the past to put their lives out in the open like this didn’t turn out well. Flamethrower Guy, Sam and Mike… Josh. Only two made it out alive.
So what does Chris do with no transportation? He asks Ryan to convince everyone that the basement is the safest place and hopes for the best. Last time Chris tried to hide in a basement ended with him, Sam and Ashley leaving and trying to find Mike but… Chris knows that Ryan and his fellow friends are smart. He trusts the teens to keep their heads and make it out alive. They have to, Chris will be damned if any of them get hurt.
Would Chris tell them about the curse? No, it’ll just freak them out even more and they would probably think he’s crazy. Who would believe that he, a 47 year old man with a limp in his step and an irrational fear of sawblades, was a werewolf capable of killing?
Instead Chris will put his trust in everyone and no matter how much he wishes to stay with them he can’t. He needs to leave before the full moon so no one can get hurt. They need to all make it out alive and Chris will make sure of that in the end. He watched Flamethrower Guy sacrifice his life and Chris didn’t understand it back then but he does now. He’s ready to put his neck on the line.
He saw what Wendigo’s can do, he knows what werewolves can do, and he’s not about to stick around a find out what he himself can do.
So… yeah this is my deep dive into my au about Until Dawn Chris Hackett. I need to come up with a better name but for now we shall call it UDCH. There’s more depth to the relationships between Chris and the counselors as well as the rest of the Until Dawn gang but this is my overall gist. Feel free to add onto this or even use the au!! All I need is credited. Have fun with this one gang I might turn it into more later on.
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The Hacketts are really interesting because the whole “family first” rule implies that you are obligated to sacrifice your own personal needs for the sake of the Family and get over whatever mental issues you have or else your a bad boy/girl/child and, therefore, the scorned one. It’s implied in Kaylee’s letter that she has nightmares about the fire and can’t stop thinking about it (possible signs of PTSD) and none of her family members ever mention this. Despite suffering the same fate, they treat other werewolves who aren’t part of their circle as mindless rabid animals (see Travis calling Silas wildlife in the prison + Constance taunting Nick) and keep their own in electric prison-like cells.
Honestly feel like Silas dodged a nuclear bomb by not getting “adopted” into that shithole of a family and got radiation poisoning instead. (Sorry for the ramble these guys are just fascinating specimen)
Yeah! I'm not a big fan of the Hacketts but yikes, they had a rough time.
I think they might have been ok once upon a time, but the fire was the beginning of the end for them. It's clear they're all struggling to let go - at least Kaylee and Chris (who kept the ticket stub). And while I think the werewolves were the start of the Hacketts being outwardly dangerous, I think the fire was the start of them being inwardly dangerous, which made everything worse.
Caleb likely turned the night of the fire, sure, but they are separate events in terms of how I think the family handled them. Because I think had Caleb just been bitten, the Hacketts wouldn't have had such a downward spiral.
Because before Caleb turned, I'd imagine someone grabbed Kaylee by the shoulders, shook her, and told her to never ever talk about the fire.
The fire would have caused them to rally themselves, battening down the hatches and letting no one else in. Travis was immediately put to work covering their asses. Kaylee and Caleb were immediately told to shut up and forget it.
And all of that tension bled into the handling of the werewolves. They can aim their hatred at the werewolves like they can't at the kids. Because they need someone to hate.
And when that isn't enough, they go just as rabid as the werewolves themselves. Because they've become so accustomed to the us against the world mentality that they can't see people outside of themselves as anything more than risks. They all handle the counselors poorly, and they jump straight into unabashed murder on a dime.
Every single time they take a step further into the darkness they have to push down any and all doubts. If they ever think one of those steps is a step too far, it would make them wonder if any of it was worth it.
(never apologize for rambling, I've become a rambling monster apparently)
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lovesomehate · 2 years
Hey! It’s booty shorts Jacob again aka Annie. I’ve come to drop a new au. I hope it’s not too long and it wasn’t cut off or anything. Also, it’s been a little while I popped in. How are you as well? Have you been good? I just got caught up on some assignments. Here’s the au:
(Ryan, Jacob, Chris, and Bobby are around the same age. They’re within three years of each other. Laura is 7 years older then them and a year younger than Travis. Caleb and Kaylee are Travis’ kids. 🤫. Anyway, Hackearney, Chryan, and Jacobby supremacy!!! iPhone items are around because I’m lazy.)
Travis sat in his car hidden by the tall trees in the dark. He angled his car just enough in the tree line, he was bored and damn near ready to 10-7 out of there. He was tired, until a green suv sped past him. He clocked the speed and sighed, “Of course we got some kids speeding.” He flickered on his lights as he passed the route 919 sign. He followed behind them for a few minutes before the car stopped, he pressed on his radio. “Dispatch, 10-28… New York license plate.” He rattled off the numbers, the voice called back. “It’s coming back to a Caleb Kearney… it’s clean.” Kearney brought back painful memories he didn’t want to relive. ‘Family is supposed to be the most important thing in the world to you travis. How do you want to protect us when you won’t leave them? I thought I was your family!’ ‘You are Laura. But those are my parents… I can’t… look just stay and we can talk.’ ‘No, you made your choice. I guess blood is thicker than water. Enjoy your REAL family.’ That argument was stupid. It started for no reason, it was like Laura loved to start with him. They needed an occasional argument but this one was too sensitive. And things happened. Travis opened the door at that and made his way to the car. He could hear hushed whispers in the car, it was two people from what he could see. He stopped by the window.
In the car the young kids jumped briefly, he knocked on the window. The boy rolled it down, “Great night we’re having huh officer?” Travis sighed as he looked at them, “Are you aware of why I stopped you?” The boy looked at the girl who fumbled a bit. “Uh… because you can tell we’re lost?” He gave them an unamused look, “You were speeding. Would you mind telling me why you were going triple digits on a 65?” The boy shrugged at him, “Hey sir, it’s dark and spooky here. We’re camp counselors. We’re just trying to get away from the trees and shit.” Travis clicked his tongue, “License. Both of you.” The girl reached up and pressed the over head light on, she gathered it out of her purse and his wallet. She handed it over. He nodded, “I’ll be right back.”
Travis went to his car and got in, his body was unforgiving to his car. No matter how many times he adjusted the seat. The years has not been good for him. He remembered how he used to roll out of bed unbothered, now he needed a few pep talks, at 43, he should be retired. He clicked his overhead light and paused, “Caleb and Kaylee Kearney. Huh? Kearney… there’s plenty in the world. They’re twins. 22 years old.”
Kaylee shifted in her seat and looked behind them, “That dude is giving me odd vibes. Why was he staring at us like that?” Caleb shrugged at her, “How am I supposed to know. Jeez though, he’s creepy.” She groaned as she looked down, “You think mom is going to notice us here? I mean our lie about cross country was kinda thin.” Caleb scoffed, “She’ll be animals. She’ll be fine.” He shifted in his seat, “Plus, we help the kids. We dig into our background for our father and maybe our moms parents and we’ll go back home before college.” Kaylee nodded, “Sure. Sounds easy.” The cop eventually came back to the window, Caleb jumped again. “Come on dude. You need a bell or something. Your feet doesn’t make a noise.” The cop didn’t say anything, he cut his eyes towards Kaylee. She fidgeted in her chair, her dark eyes locked onto his. “What are you two doing out this late?” Kaylee looked away, “Uh, you know… we’re camp counselors at the Quarry. Hacketts Quarry.” Caleb frowned, “Don’t say Quarry. Quarry is a place where you get minerals out of or extract them is the proper term. It’s a summer camp.” Travis shook his head, “Uh, counselors aren’t expected tonight. Tomorrow morning. Yes. Not tonight. I can point you to a motel to rest in.”
Kaylee looked from him to her phone, it said mom across the screen. She answered it and was speaking to a face but Travis couldn’t see or hear. It wasn’t until he watched her brush some of her hair behind her ear, he seen a headphone. Caleb nodded, “Yeah, we’ll take the motel. She gets cranky like our mom if she’s no where on time but I could use some rest.” Travis nodded, he watched Kaylee end the call because her attention was back on them. Both the children looked vaguely familiar, yet he couldn’t place them. They’re too young to be related to any Kearney he knows and the oldest ones are dead. They died young. The one that grew up with him, Laura, he doesn’t think they could be directly related. But Caleb’s blue eyes are something that can’t be ignored. Same way Kaylee’s dark eyes seem familiar.
He cleared his throat when he realized he was just staring. “Uh, I’m letting you go… just… be careful. If you two follow the road, it will be the next right to the Harbinger Motel. Okay?” Caleb and Kaylee both nodded and watched him slowly walk away from the car. “What did mom want?” Kaylee shrugged, “Wanted to know if we got here yet and how she’s disappointed that she learned we were coming out here from uncle Ryan.” Caleb groaned, “Man uncle Ryan can’t hold water!!! He’s always telling on us!” Kaylee looked at her phone, “Should we turn our location on just in case?” Caleb nodded, “Mom already knows we’re here. It’s only right. And let’s get a room too. I’m tired.”
Kaylee looked over at her phone, she groaned, “Ugh. This guy. Caleb your step dad is calling.” Caleb looked down, “Max is your stepdad. I’d rather find out who our real dad is. Mom went to school here. We just find uncle Jacob and uncle Ryan and we crack the code.” Kaylee finally answered the FaceTime and pulled her airpod from her ear. “Hi, Max.” He grinned, “Hey kiddos. Did you make it safe? Do you need money? Did you get stopped? You weren’t speeding were you? What cop stopped you?” Caleb started to squeeze and crunch an old chip bag in one of his hands, “Uh oh. The connection… I can’t hear you- oh no.” Kaylee clicked the end button before she laughed, “You’re a bully.” Caleb laughed too, “Yeah, we need to get mom and our real dad back together. This guy? He sucks Kaylee… he’s so nonchalant. He doesn’t push mom. He gets pushed over. I know whoever dad is… he has to be like perfect or something.” Kaylee nodded, “I mean, yeah, mom talks about the guy a lot. How many people do you think remember them being together?” Caleb looked up at the motel they were nearing, “The Harbinger… sounds like a murderer stays here.” Kaylee laughed, “You’re stupid. Come on. Let’s get our room.”
Laura paced her bedroom, she ran her hands down her face. “Laura, you’re being over dramatic-“ She whipped around, “Max! Shut up! I let them go cross country to California! Why are they in North Kill huh? Why’d they stop at the Harbinger motel?” Max shrugged at her, she sighed, “They’re going to meet him. Or he’s going to meet them.” Max reached for her hand, “You shouldn’t care. We’re together now…” Laura looked down at him, “Max… do you realize I still love him. We had plans. We planned our lives out with each other. I chose that college because it was near his police academy! I never even told him I was pregnant. He must think I’m a bitch for withholding information.” Max shook his head, “You did what you thought was best for you.” Laura pulled her hand free from him, “No! I wanted him to choose between his family and me because he loved me! Not because I was giving him kids. But no, Constance and Jedediah get sick and he has to stay to take care of him. Ugh…” She sat down on the bed, Max looked at her, his eyes were sad. She groaned, “Look, I know I keep putting off what we are… Max… I’m sorry for all of this coming out now. But I couldn’t be alone with my thoughts. I couldn’t be alone with my guilt.” He stood up and looked at her, he cross his arms as his eyes flamed. “I stayed with you for over 10 years. I thought things might bloom. But it was like we were best friends raising some kids. I loved them like they were my own… this… Laura maybe you are selfish. Maybe if you do show your face, he wouldn’t want you back. I want you know that you’ll deserve it.” When he left the room, she heard the front door slam shut. She was alone with her thoughts. Her thoughts on how she inadvertently messed up both relationships.
Chris smiled as he looked at the counselors, Nick, Emma, Abigail, Caleb, Kaylee, Kaitlyn, Dylan, and Silas stood in front of him. “Hacketteers welcome!” Caleb rolled his eyes and looked at Kaylee, she looked up at Chris. They’ve technically grew up knowing him, he was their uncle through their uncle Ryan. They just didn’t know how close their family was in actuality. “Alright, Caleb, Sports Coordinator.” Caleb nodded, “Kaylee, nurses station.” He went on to assign the rest of the counselors. Nick was the cook. Emma was doing theater. Abigail was art. Kaitlyn was the activities coordinator. Dylan was announcements. And Silas was activities assistant and sailing coordinator. Everyone was chatting and talking, Caleb looked at Kaylee, “I’m going down to the town… go get some snacks. And adult stuff.” Silas cut his eyes at him, “Mind if I come?” Caleb shrugged, “Shit, more hands to carry stuff.”
Constance held onto Jedediah’s forearm as they walked out the market. She went stiff when she seen Travis coming towards them, only it wasn’t their son. The blue eyes told her everything she needed to know. “Oh my Heavens… Jed… do you…” He nodded, “I do. Is he… is that our boys son?” She swallowed, “No, because Travis would’ve told us. He and the girl, they broke up. What was her name?” Jed shifted his weight to hold them, “Uh, Lucy? I can’t remember… it was years ago… the Kearneys… they’re dead. They’ve been gone for awhile. Their house is still boarded up down the road.” Caleb got closer as a plastic bag fell, he kneeled to gather the groceries, “Hey, here. I don’t think you guys need your produce bruised up.” Constance looked at him like she seen a ghost, especially the goofy way he smiled. It looked like their son, but their son was void of any humor. Any light. His dark eyes looked haunted ever since the girl left. Their relationship strained but he wouldn’t admit to it. Constance knows, she knows he blames them. But they had Chris and Bobby, he made it his choice to stay with them. He had someone worth fighting for but he- “Ma’am… are you alright?” She coughed and Jed looked down at her with a warning in his eyes, “I’m fine. Thank you young man. For help.” Caleb nodded, he had the goofy grin again, “Hey, you know, it’s always good to help. Mom raised me and my sister to help people. Just like family. All you have is family. They’re the most important thing in the world.” Silas was in the background, Jedediah narrowed his eyes at the boy just slinking about. “Erm, that’s great! Sounds like your mom is a nice woman… uh, bye.” He pulled on his wife, she finally took her eyes off Caleb and looked at Silas. The boy looked familiar. But she couldn’t linger. Silas whistled a funny tune, “That old woman recognized you.” Caleb scoffed, “I’ve never seen her a day in my life. Anyway, you a beer or a liquor guy?” Silas frowned, “Uh, neither. Mother doesn’t let me drink…” Caleb frowned, “Lame. I’ll get both… you can never go wrong with with too much alcohol.”
Chris held his face in his hands, Ryan scratched his head, “Uh, you mean to tell me you guys don’t know that Caleb and Kaylee is Travis’ kids?” Chris looked up, “No! Travis didn’t tell us! And how was I supposed to know! There’s like Kearneys all over the world!” Ryan sighed, “No, your big brother made his choice. And I guess Laura made hers.” Chris moved his hand to his mouth he bit down on his knuckle, he immediately paused. “Travis doesn’t know does he?” Ryan cringed and Chris groaned, “Oh god! I know now! I can’t lie to him! He’s going to kick my ass because he’s going to think I’ve known! What the fuck Ryan!” Ryan shrugged at him, “Jacob knows! Why are you yelling at me?” Chris sighed and stood up, he pressed a kiss to Ryan’s lips, “I will be buried alive when Travis finds out. Make sure my funeral is lively… don’t let him just leave me in a hole. Invite people.” Ryan rolled his eyes, “Now you’re overreacting.”
Caleb found Kaylee on the side of the road, she was on someone’s porch peering in through slats of wood. Silas looked over, “Isn’t that your sister?” Caleb was already unbuckling his seatbelt, “Regretfully. Here, I’ll be back.” He got out the car and ran up to the porch, “Kay, what are you doing?” She looked over her shoulder, “This is the old Kearney house. I thought we’d at least meet some grandparents. I guess not. The phone book had this address in it.” Caleb grabbed her bookbag and slung it over his shoulder, “Jeez. You lugged this all the way here? This weighs as much as you.” Kaylee shoved him, “I found out from uncle Ryan before he stopped talking, our fathers name is Travis. I think it starts with an ‘H’. He made a ‘ha’ noise before running and locking himself in the room with uncle Chris. If you take me to the library before the kids get here tomorrow I think we can google.” Caleb nodded, Kaylee followed him to the suv and climbed in. She looked at the bags, “You do realize we’re going to have to hide the beers and liquor. We’re around kids.” Caleb nodded, “We’ll party when they’re asleep.” Silas shyly smiled at Kaylee, she smiled back, “You’re quiet and observing Silas. You should liven up a little. It’s camp.” He shrugged to himself, “Mother didn’t want me to make noise unless it was howls and growls for some extra money.” Caleb looked in the rear view mirror, she caught his look. It read, he’s been saying shit like this the whole ride. Please stop it. She nodded, “Well your moms not here.”
Jacob and Bobby covered for Caleb and Kaylee without knowing it. They were just up there talking with Chris when Ryan noticed they were missing. Kaylee signed in to use a computer, Caleb looked over her shoulder as she typed. “Okay, Travis Haack.” Kaylee hummed, “Died as a baby. Next.” Caleb tilted his head, “Travis Haag?” Kaylee clicked around, “In prison longer than we’ve been alive… longer than mom has been alive.” Caleb ran his finger down the line, “Travis Habecker.” Kaylee looked at the screen, “He died by drowning… in 1970.” Caleb stopped at a name, he hummed, “This is familiar… Travis Hackett. Uncle Chris’ and Bobby’s last name.” Kaylee shrugged and typed the name in. “Oh… he’s the sheriff-“ Caleb pushed her aside, “That was totally the creep that pulled us over… see if you see a yearbook. He probably went to school with mom.” Kaylee found one and clicked on it, “Class of 1983… but mom was a junior. I found Kearney…” LAURA KEARNEY, JUNIOR. They zoomed into their mothers smiling face, she had huge hair. They couldn’t stop laughing. The librarian sent them several looks. “Okay… Caleb you have moms eyes… and her smile. But you don’t look like her. I do.” Caleb nodded, “You probably have dads coloring. I mean, aside from the blonde hair. I have to have his hair.” Kaylee searched and found TRAVIS HACKETT, SENIOR. Kaylee’s jaw dropped, “Caleb. That’s you. That’s you if you wore glasses. That whole awkward face you make… Eww our dad is a creepy cop.” Caleb rolled his eyes, he looked down as he studied the image. “Wait. Do you think that’s why he let us go? Wow. He missed 22 birthdays and said, hey I’ll let them off with a warning.” Kaylee looked at Caleb, her brother was a hot head and quick to get in any emotional distress. She knew he was going to be beat up over this. Especially because their mother raised them with family in mind. “Come on, let’s cool down before we go back.”
Laura’s hands gripped her steering wheel as she sped down the street. She passed the Route 919 sign on her right. She needed to explain it to her children, she can’t let them find out. But judging by Caleb’s text ominous text, ‘Thanks for everything mom.’ They definitely know who their father is. “Shit! Fuck! God dammit!” She was nearing familiar territory when blue and red lights flickered on behind her car. “UGHHHHHH!!!!” She couldn’t see who was in the car, but god, if it was Travis she could keep going. She wouldn’t stop. She didn’t care. But if it wasn’t… she finally slowed down and pulled over. Laura brushed her blonde flyaways from her face and finger combed her hair. The officer was not Travis at all. It was some young kid that had a pimple sprouting on the top of his nose. She beat her hands against the wheel, this was going to take forever. “Good evening ma’am-“ Laura cut him off, “Look. Give me your sheriff. Your supervisor. Whoever. Get me Travis Hackett.” The young officer called out on the radio, she couldn’t hear Travis’ voice. But she knew he had to be irritated. The call was short. But she didn’t know how police radios worked.
Travis pulled up behind one of the older police cars and walked to the officer on scene. “Meyers. Why am I here?” He rested his hands on his hips, “The lady called you by name sir. But, she was clocked at going 125 down here heading towards the Quarry summer camp.” Travis ran a hand through his hair as he tried to incline his head to see who was in the car, “The lady… is she blonde? Does she have blue eyes-“ Meyers nodded, “Yep. She’s uh, beautiful. I mean… I don’t have her license…” Travis leveled him with a look, “That woman is a mother. And I don’t think a child is her type. You can go Meyers. I can take care of this.” Travis cupped his hand over his mouth and breathed out, he sniffed before he straightened his uniform and fixed his hair. He rested his large hand on his gun while he walked towards the car, he felt shell shocked when he locked eyes with Laura. She froze too. It’s been 22 years. It was one argument. It was one little fight and that resulted in them separating. But god, the connection was still strong because they both stared at each other and just stayed like that. No one uttered a word. “Ma’am… you do know you were clocked at 125?” Laura rolled her eyes and smiled, “You do know I don’t care right. I have to fix something.” Travis leaned against the car window, all propriety was out in the open. “Fix what? And don’t get bratty with me, I’ll take you down to the station.” It was easy between them, it could never be like this with her and Max. She felt the words roll off her tongue, “I bet you wish you could have me handcuffed at the station… you’re a naughty sheriff or something?” He couldn’t help the slight smirk, “Maybe only for you…” It’s like their argument hadn’t happened. It’s like them being separated never happened. It’s like they just got out of high school. Like no time passed, but Travis straightened up and felt his back crack all the way up to his neck and realized he was still old. “You didn’t say what you were going to fix…” Laura reached out and grabbed his hand, he laced their fingers together. “Why don’t you hate me… you know. I know you know. You know because I know you’re not stupid. You know?” He looked down at her as he clicked his tongue off his teeth, “Because I made the choice. I had to keep my family out the well but I left you stranded at the bottom… I wasn’t thinking.” Laura looked at him with sad eyes, “I wasn’t thinking. My parents died and… and I just didn’t want to lose you too and I did by making you choose.” He shook his head, “You never lost me. I uh… there’s been nobody else Laura. I pushed everyone away. Hell, my relationship with the family took a nosedive when you left. I worked and worked and look, Sheriff of North Kill.” She smiled, “I have my own animal hospital downtown, Kearneys Klinic.” He reached down to fix a strand of hair, it was a force of habit. When they were younger, he didn’t want her eyes covered by anything. “You know your son drives like you?” Laura laughed, “Oh, he does? Did he get out a ticket like me?” Travis shook his head, “He sounded like a smart ass. Your daughter was just as quippy as you were though.” Laura sighed and looked over, “Why don’t I park my car at your house and you take me to the Quarry?” He looked at the watch on his right wrist, “It’s 2 in the morning… why don’t you get some rest?” Laura nodded and unloosened their fingers, “Well, guess I’m sleeping at your place too.” He snorted as he stood up, “Yeah… uh, I’m not trying to be a homewrecker Laura. If you’re happy-“ She reached out for his tie and pulled him down to her head level, he tried to swallow to keep from choking. She glared at him with flamed eyes, “It was never a home to begin with without you Travis. And there was somebody but he wasn’t you… I missed you.” She pressed her lips to his but pulled away just as fast, “Lead me to your house. I’m tired and I haven’t had a decent nights sleep since I left all those years ago.”
Caleb frowned at Laura, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. Kaylee cringed as she looked at the man in a flannel and dirty jeans. Jacob and Bobby were making busy like they were cleaning the bar but they were trying to eavesdrop, “Oh no, Jacob. This glass fell.” He pushed it off the bar. Jacob cleared his throat, “I’ll get that for you Bobby. Don’t you worry.” Travis wanted to yell at them but this was as private as they could get. “So…? Uh…” Laura closed her eyes to breathe deeply, “Children. Your father and I loved each other like a lot. But he had duties and I had duties and I was hoping to like tell you guys sooner. First of all, I didn’t know you were offered a summer camp job. I would’ve said no. But, look, travis is your dad. And I’m sorry you didn’t know it sooner.” Caleb glared hard until a grin popped on his face, “When you said I was handsome like my father… you lied?” Kaylee giggled and looked away. Laura scowled, “Your father was hot. He was peak hotness when I was at school. Yeah, he wore glasses but he didn’t have acne or braces.” Kaylee nodded, “No, because you had the braces mom. We took pictures of your yearbook pictures. 1983 what a time to be alive.” Jacob snorted and Travis looked back, both he and Bobby ducked behind the bar. Travis sighed, “Look, I can’t erase 22 years of me missing from your lives but I can try to be there for the next 22.” Caleb raised his eyebrows, “How do you know you’ll live that long?” Travis rubbed the back of his neck, “My parents are still alive.” Laura looked at him, “Still?” The kids noticed she said it like she was surprised. “I thought they were sick?” Travis shrugged, “Yeah, they were. They started to hate this woman from some odd sideshow and I guess hate keeps them alive. She had a ‘dog boy’ it’s some kid that makes like wolf noises for money. He’s albino and kinda freaky looking. I had to shut down the attraction a few times in the past.” Kaylee looked at him, “Holy shit! Silas? He’s a counselor. His mom doesn’t let him live. Like Caleb destroys his liver on a nightly basis and that kid won’t even sniff a beer bottle.” Laura arched her brow at Caleb, Bobby spoke, “He gets it from Travis. We seen the old aged whiskey in his car. Real top shelf product-“ Travis cleared his throat, “Leave.”
Everyone was surprised at the way the family showed up to the Hackett house. Constance fell in love with Kaylee, it was probably because there was never girls around. She was excited to meet her. Jedediah was talking about how he knew Caleb had to be his. Laura thought things would be awkward, she didn’t tell them or him about their extended family. Instead everyone welcomed them with open arms, even Constance’s judgy face never showed up once. When Laura got pulled in a hug she knew the older Hacketts had to be replaced. Constance used to say she was never enough for Travis, but here she is getting a hug from the surely woman. Laura looked over at Travis, “If I ask you now… would you leave?” He shook his head, “North Kill has always been our home… it’s my turn to ask you… would you leave?” Laura looked at how excited and talkative everyone was. Jacob and Bobby were sitting by Constance hearing about Kaylee’s future dreams. Ryan and Chris were with Jedediah and Caleb, the sports talk and science talk had them interested. “Honestly… the city has been a little too loud for me lately. I think a change of scenery could do me good. And, you guys have a lot of animals that need help.”
The end. Travis and Laura get together and stay in North Kill. Laura finds out he bought her a ring all those years ago, she demands he marry her now definitely or she’ll leave again. He does. Half of the town show up. Chris stays running the Quarry. Kaylee actually became a reoccurring counselor because she loves kids. Silas was able to live a little by being friends with Kaylee, she begged her father to look into the obviously illegal practices that Eliza ran. Travis arrested the woman for abuse, private property damage, among other things. Ryan’s animated pilot for Hacketteers’ Nightmares gets the green light. The first season is about werewolves. Jacob and Bobby stays in all the town gossip because of sportsbar and people are drunk when they talk to them. Caleb dropped science and just took up football, after all he had an arm on him. Max moved on but old memories hurt when he seen Caleb being drafted on tv and seen Kaylee, Travis, and Laura behind him. Travis and Laura were wearing matching rings and looked genuinely happy. And he was oddly, happy for her.
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That was a whole ass trip gjsnfnsnfnsbfn Booty Shorts Jacob you never disappoints. This was soooo good 😂 I love the idea of everyone that knew young Travis taking a look at Caleb and being like “yep that one belongs to Travis for sure” 😂😂😂
Laura and Travis being that one couple from school that everyone knew would end up married. Well they weren’t wrong, just took them 22 years to do it😂😂😂😂
I’m going to be thinking about this au for a while now 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴
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pixie-mask · 2 years
[1] [2] (Hackearney) Pokémon AU pt3
Okay this is the very last part as I’m still trying to figure this out. Despite having at least 7 other wips. As of this I believe that the Hacketts will have a big hand in the plot. Currently stand at 40% on that thought
Also everyone in the Hackett family has at least one ghost type Pokemon as ghost type are their signature type 
Counselor and considered the next head of the family, Travis having been passed over. He’s nearly on the same footing as his parents. When unable to debate them down he tries to make sure they at least lessen their actions somewhat. 
Aegislash; Presented as a Doublade to Chris when he was decided to be the next head of the house, Chris was then given a Dusk stone to evolve Doublade into Aegislash to show his acceptance of the role.
Falinks; Chosen for the whole Hackett motto of family being the most important thing in the world and how I imagine Chris likes his campers and counselors to act together.
Samurott; I gave this to Chris for not only strong appearance of it but also for the authority and underlying anger that I think is Chris manages to hide from others. It’s not known for it anger but is known for being intimidating.
Aipom; Chosen for the general funny-goofiness of this Pokemon which I think can apply well to Chris.
Tropius (shiny); This one chosen fully from the perspective of Chris being head of the summer camp and the fact that Tropius produces fruit that is known to be popular with kids. 
Constance still has her typical personality but it’s emboldened by having her specific Pokemon around her. She has no qualms for using Pokemon as she sees fit, though her personal ones she treats very kindly. Same goes for some of the family member’s Pokemon.
Gengar; Captured Gengar while she and Jedediah were dating. Her stubborn, forceful and unflinching personality won Gengar over. Gengar is happy to be out by Constance’s side but is equally happy to go about playing tricks and spying on people she doesn’t like.
Kommo-o; Let out and sometimes kept out when Constance is on a disciplinary roll. She has and will use Kommo-o as a way to make her point or punish.
Slowking (Galarian); Constance makes me think of the shelder in this transformation with her slowly taking over and controlling everyone’s lives.
Kaylee is slightly less confined. While she hasn’t left “New York” she isn’t restricted to North Kill. Would like to journey further out and get a good grasp of what she wants to do.
Froslass; Wanted and went about getting her own Froslass after learning that her mother had a Froslass of her own.
Cinccino (shiny); One of Kaylee’s first Pokemon that she’s kept though a few contests. Cinccino is a comfort to her and she often ends up cuddling with Cinccino when she’s upset or sleepy.
Chikorita; A very recent addition to Kaylee’s team that she’s hoping with be a key part of her team once she can leave New York for real. Very mischevious and to playful to follow commands.
Lapras; One of Kaylee’s favorite things to do is relax on the lake(s) on Lapras’ back. She bought diving equipment so that she and Lapras can dive beneath the water as well.
I don’t know much to do with Caleb. In this AU I made him more a stoic and loner like type and as such secluded to him to a single Pokemon
Decidueye; Caleb and Decidueye have a similar personality though Caleb can handle surprises a bit better. Decidueye is always out and pretty much Caleb’s best friend.
Bobby also hasn’t changed much for this AU.
Golurk; Golurk is rumored to have been ordered to protect people who made it and I think that matches up to Bobby. Plus their large size makes them good for doing repairs and other heavy related work.
Gogoat; Thought Bobby could use a Pokemon that’s empathetic to talk to. It feels like he doesn’t sometimes understand much about what’s happening, so having a Pokemon to talk to I think would be good for him.
Jedediah also hasn’t changed for this AU.
Aegislash (shiny); Presented to him by his father and so he did present Chris his own Aegislash. Aegislash is always out by Jedediah’s side to some degree.
And that’s every one and everything character wise for this AU.
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