#if desmond and ezio can also negate or lower the desire for something
teecupangel · 10 months
Submitted by @saberamane
So…I’ve had another plot idea attack me at work today that I thought I’d share.
It’s a combo soulmate/super power au but with a twist.
Everyone in this au has some sort of power and at least 1 soulmate, and the soulmate can be platonic or romantic, but you don’t know which one it is, and it’s a predetermined factor. So you can’t meet a platonic soulmate and change them into a romantic one, and a romantic one can’t be changed into a platonic one, so a romantic soulmate always has some level of intimacy to the other.
I should add romantic soulmates don’t force feelings of love on the other person. It can be something like a best friend you sometimes have sex with. A friends with benefits if you will.
Now where the two mingle in the point of the plot. You have a power on your own, but your power gets stronger, or an ‘upgrade’ with your soulmate.
So my idea was Desmond’s power would be something like a dream-walker, which would be a 'psychic’ based power. I feel it would fit him, and eludes to the Animus. (also, I should mention that alone Desmond can only dream-walk in his soulmate’s dreams.) Clay could be his platonic (or romantic if you’d want) soulmate. Clay’s power is electric/tech based. So he can basically unlock any sort of tech, be it a phone, computer, or a biometric lock.
Their power together would allow Desmond to basically 'dream walk’ in technology that Clay basically 'plugs’ him into. And Desmond would be able to absorb whatever knowledge they’re looking for in the computer. It’d be faster than searching the device and reading it. And while they’re connected, any knowledge Desmond gets from the device is automatically shared with Clay.
Altair’s power would have to be knowledge based. Also psychic based. Maybe his power is kind of like an opposite of Clay’s, in that he can absorb knowledge from simply touching something? Like he can touch a book and have it memorized word for word. It also makes him a cheat in academics, because he doesn’t even have to try.
For his power combo with Desmond, I’m thinking it would allow one of them to enter someone else’s mind. Basically mind reading? Only for Desmond/Altair it’s like they’re actually standing in someone’s mind, kind of like the animus loading screen. They can hear the persons thoughts as if it’s their own.
Ezio…I so want Ezio’s to be something sexual because of how he is. But maybe it’s more of a 'desire’. Alone Ezio can feel what other people desire, like money, sex, a job, free coffee, etc. And with Desmond Ezio would be able to project false desires to other people. Like he could make an abstergo guard let them into somewhere they shouldn’t be because he projects the desire to help them into the guard. And something this powerful would have a time limit, so it would wear off eventually.
Ratonhnhaké:ton’s is probably going to sound lazy but…he can talk to animals? Any animal, even fish. And maybe even transform into a few. And Desmond’s combo power with Ratonhnhaké:ton would allow him to see through an animal’s eyes, like in the Layla trilogy the main assassin has a pet bird they can 'see’ through.
I should add that most 'combo’ moves can only be used if the two people are touching. Like holding hands. Maybe some powers can be used alone once the soulmate bond has been activated, but it’s weaker or has a chance of failing.
Altair, Ezio, and Ratonhnhaké:ton can also have soulmate bonds with each other if you want, but they’re all connected to Desmond regardless. (And lets be real, whether they were romantic or platonic bonds, Desmond would date all of them regardless.)
(One last minute thing that popped into my head. For an Altair/Ezio combo, maybe Ezio can project his desire to learn something, and Altair would be able to 'transfer’ the knowledge to him.)
Additions by teecup:
We can have this idea?
Being soulmates means these two people will bring the best of each other and help each other to reach their dreams and aspirations. The soulmate system does not force any feelings at all, the feelings they develop are theirs to cultivate.
For Clay and Desmond: I’m just imagining Desmond getting ‘plugged’ to have this main character gets sucked into a Tron-like miniworld with antivirus programs appearing as patrolling guards and encrypted or password protected information having minigames that needs a bit of time to unlock.
Altaïr’s power sounds like psychometry but it’s a knowledge based psychometry where he can gain knowledge of what’s written in books. When he touches something else, maybe he gets their composition? Like touching a belt would tell him what kind of animal was used for the leather, what metals were used and how they were crafted (to know who used it, he’d have to touch it longer). This means he’s almost always wearing gloves that covers his hands. When combined with Desmond’s power, this becomes half-Animus Loading Screen half-White Void that appears when they assassinate someone. It also takes practice for them to get a hang of the target’s thoughts because they are dealing with 3 thoughts happening all at the same time: Altaïr’s, Desmond’s and their target.
Ezio and Desmond’s combined power sounds like it would become a kind of light hypnosis and the target has to be in line of sight with the same range as how short or far Ezio can detect other people’s desires. Longer period of using their combined power will increase the urgency of the fake desire they’re implanting.
This means that Ratonhnhaké:ton has a lot of animal friends who are willing to let him borrow their eyes as well. Maybe power it up a bit so that connecting with Desmond means Ratonhnhaké:ton and Desmond can control the animal’s body as well?
I read their powers and my first thoughts are D&D spells for their combos:
Altaïr and Desmond: Detect Thoughts
Ezio and Desmond: Charm Person (in a way)
Ratonhnhaké:ton himself: Speak with Animal
Desmond could be special in this one as the Isus programmed him to ‘earn’ soulmates if he receives their loyalty and this mutated to those soulmates being able to connect to one another if they’re close enough (platonically or romantically)
Other possible combinations:
Altaïr and Ezio: Altaïr and Ezio gain knowledge based on a desire of Ezio’s target but the amount of knowledge they receive will be at the same base as what that target knows. For example, a baker wants to bake a bread would give them all necessary knowledge to make bread but a guard who wants to marry a noble’s daughter would only give them the names of all nobles that guard knows and maybe what he knows of their houses.
Altaïr and Ratonhnhaké:ton: Altaïr and Ratonhnhaké:ton gain knowledge based on the animal Ratonhnhaké:ton connects them to. Birds will give them the lay of the land, maybe even where nonpoisonous and poisonous berries are. Wolves would give them information based on his keen sense of smell. Something like that?
Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton: The creation of fake desires that Desmond and Ezio can do to human targets can be done to animals in Ratonhnhaké:ton and Ezio’s case. They’re much easier to persuade as well and can be done to multiple targets at the same time as long as they’re all in the line of sight and the same species.
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