#if i cut my hair that short we’d look like twins lmao
onlyswan · 2 months
ok not to be dramatic or anything but i would burn down the whole world for him.
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fluffy long hair jungkook is not safe for my mental health. HOW CAN 1 PERSON BE THIS PRETYY???? THIS GORGEOUS???
he litterally needs to be mine 😞😞 or i will spontaneously combust 😞😞
fluffy long hair jungkook is my sexuality 🤷‍♀️ always was always will be 🫶🫶
alfi we’re gonna have to fight over him because fluffy long hair jk is literally my religion 🤺
OK BUT SERIOUSLY when he comes back he needs to grow it out again like this for my mental health i feel like i won’t know true happiness again until then 😭😭😭 are you seeing the pretty waves :((( i want to brush his hair
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elinaline · 4 years
Got tagged by @mixmio​ thanks ! my brain does not want to focus on work these days so perfect
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush?
it’s like. black. I rarely use it though, because if I brush my hair it looks like a bomb exploded on my head fdjkfh so I untangle it after putting in conditioner and usually I just fight it with my bare hands in the morning
2. name of a food you never eat?
cucumber. fuck that vegetable it’s disgusting way too smelly and the texture is fucking horrible
3. are you typically too warm or too cold?
too warm !!!!!! and it’s only gonna get worse (: woohoo
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
I was being anxious lmao, and weirdly emotional because of that playlist spotify gave me. Also thinking about how to formulate the things I want on my report for my precedent internship that I still need to conclude.
5. what’s your favourite candy bar?
is it twix ? is it mars ? I never know the difference carambar good also
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event?
I used to be in the official orchestra of a professional rugby team so I’ve been to a few dozens official sports events actually !! I’ll always remember the patrouille the France oing over our head as we were playing for a France-Ireland match in Bordeaux, that was amazing, and Irish rugby fans are so fun :)
7. what is the last thing you said out loud?
“oh it’s bubbling up !” talking about a cake I’m trying to do with sourdough starter
8. what is your favourite ice cream?
fucking uuuhhhhh blueberry ? there’s no better ice cream taste than one made from wild blueberries that you went out in the moutain to pick with your family after noticing a good spot during a hike :3
9. what is the last thing you had to drink?
orange juice 5mins ago
10. do you like your wallet?
yeah ? it’s convenient I.... it’s got lots of pockets ? idk it’s sturdy wh. that’s a weird question actually
11. what was the last thing you ate?
lunch made by my roommate ! also a bit of the paste from aforementioned cake lol
12. did you buy any new clothes last week?
no I don’t intend on buying new clothes until a loooonnnngggg time I don’t particularly need any plus like. quarantine lol.
13. last sporting event you watched?
the. no wait ? no that’s it probably bits of the tour de france last summer ?
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn?
there are different flavors between salt and sugar ???????????? anyways salted popcorn is absolutely disgusting so. sugar. there are different flavors ? what a wild world we live in
15. who was the last person you sent a message to?
@breadstyx​ I was talking to them about the cake
16. ever go camping?
we were supposed to go camping this weekend, since it’s a long one what with May 8, with my class as sort of like one last big event altogether but :) fuck us I guess lol
17. do you take vitamins?
I used to in highschool bc I had toxoplasmosis and it fucking drained me. I’ve also taken some magnesium complements this year because I had vertigo caused by stress because it was such a nice year for me (: (: (:
18. do you go to church every Sunday?
19. do you have a tan?
I’ve been stuck inside for the last two months and there is basically no direct sun in my apartment. so. I’m white as fuck rn
I’ll get SO sunburnt as soon as I can go outside lol but catch me rolling in the grass as soon as they reopen the parks, I haven’t seen grass in 52 days fuck off. Like knowing we’d get out of quarantine but that the parks would still be closed for a while did a funny number on my mental health hahaaaa
20. do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
I’m not a big Chinese food fan generally :/ also what kind of pizza are we talking about ?
21. do you drink soda with a straw?                      
before I answer this question I need to know what you define as soda because I’ve never understood what non French people meant by that. also generally I don’t use straws apart for like milkshakes and smoothies
22. what colour socks do you wear?
right now I’m barefoot
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit?
I haven’t driven in years my guy fdkfh but usually no I’m exactly at the speed limit I’m terrified of driving and I hate it SO
24. what terrifies you?
like, right now, or ? in general ? I’m terrified of every countries around slowly turning into authoritarian regimes and not being able to do shit, I’m terrified of the general mistrust towards science I can see in the general public, I’m terrified of the rise of fascism, I’m terrified of climate change in a very short term idea because I can’t bear many more summers above 45°C and in the long term because I’d like today’s kids to have a future, I’m terrified of never being enough and not getting a PhD funding, I’m terrified people will get bored of me or think I’m not useful anymore and leave me and I’d have to rebuild myself from zero again, I’m terrified of the general idea of losing control, I’m terrified of big empty spaces, I’m terrified of causing harm of any kind without being able to control or reduce it. You know the usual dose of existential fear and then some, and then some more for good measure haha :)
25. look to your left what do you see?
a calendar
26. what chore do you hate?
doing the dishes and getting the bin out because it hurts my back
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
":)” loved going to Melbourne would love to go back I miss my friend there
28. what’s your favourite soda?
seriously define soda first. If you mean drink with bubble I don’t like any of them basically. If you mean processed drink with an average of five sugar cubes per can I’d say Oasis ? or Ice Tea
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru?
never been to a drive through. fast foods yeah ! there used to be a Declercq (it’s like belgian fries, v good, v greasy, perfect for a friday night with friends) near my school but they had an oil fire so it burned down :( so now the alternative for greasy fries is BK
30. who was the last person you talked to?
@breadstyx​ whom I sent a message to about the cake. IRL I live with my roommate so.
t31. favourite cut of beef?
one that’s tender ? you think I know perfectly which cut is what and not that I don’t buy the cheapest one when I feel like polluting a lot with what I eat ?
32. last song you listened to?
I’m currently listening to a spotify playlist. I’s currently playing hang on
Willow tree by twin wild i’ve never heard of these guys but ok
33. last book you read?
oh fuck I’m in a “unable to read” period lmao. Probably one of the October Daye series uh. The one where her mom comes to steal her fiance and her twin
34. can you say the alphabet backwards?
took a while but I think it’s correct ? It’s like. I know sequences that are easy to invert and I need to link them together that’s the tricky part
35. how do you like your coffee?
36. favourite pair of shoes?
Before I bought my docks I had those huge bulgy shoes that I loved because no one could step on my feet in the metro, but the insole started caving in in a weird way and it hurt my ankle so I had to stop wearing them :(
37. the time you normally go to bed?
(: NORMALLY around midnight, but rn it’s more like. between 1 and 2 am when I’m not too bad
38. the time you normally wake up?
NORMALLY around 8 but I’ve decided 9.30 would be good, and I usually am able to get up only by 10am
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets?
I’m usually not awake for sunrises but both are good. I like the hour JUST after sunset best because it’s like. you can see daysky on one side and nightsky on the other, and everything is sort of blue or sort of orange
40. how many blankets are on your bed?
41. describe your kitchen plates?
they’re round and kinda concave so that food doesn’t get out ? I? do you have many weird questions like that
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?
I’m a sucker for a good piña colada but it’s hard to get them exactly right, like the balance between too sweet and too creamy is subtle
43. do you play cards?
in highschool I used to but I’ve forgotten all the game we’d do
44. what colour is your car?
don’t have one
45. can you change a tire?
46. your favourite province?
If we’re talking french region, Aquitaine is the closest I’ve ever felt to being home I guess ? I love the Pyrenées as well, all three old regions I don’t know the new ones fdfsdhfsdf
47. favourite job you’ve had?
I’ve only ever done summer camp counselor as a summer job, and I’ve had both a traumatising experience filled with sexual harassment and a really good experience that helpes me get more self confident so.
48. how did you get your biggest scar?
it’s not really a scar it’s a bump on my head that never left, I hit my brother in the garden pool at full speed when I was 7
49. what did you do today that made someone happy?
afaik nothing but I’m about to put this cake to bake SO
I am tagging uuuuuuuuuhhh say @sunny-day-sky andddd @queerlynx but like. don’t feel pressured to do it, it’s a Lot
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hellas-himself · 5 years
Where There Are Shadows Pt. 39
First things first, I AM SO SORRY this has taken so long. Between publishing my book, getting sick, being a parent and working on other things, I haven’t had the energy or inspiration to write this. 
Second, if you haven’t read ACOFAS just don’t look at this anymore lol 
Basically, I want to end this right after Nesta is sent away. Leave our beans in a decent place before I end it entirely. This became so much bigger than I ever intended but I enjoyed writing it that I just went with it lol And while I’m sure I could write all that forever, I don’t want to lose sight of this whole fic being about these dweebs getting together. And I’m sure I went off the rail many times lmao but whatever. I love this stupid trash can story. 
Third, if you wanted to be tagged in this and I haven’t, please send me a message. I can’t remember anything anymore. 
Lastly, I hope this was worth the wait. I have to get on my Elriel fic, too. That will be up soon. I hope. 
 Feyre looked like a dream. She wore a loose tunic from the Day Court the color of the sky with sand colored trousers. She wore her hair up, the way she did when she painted, to show off the heavy earrings Lucien had given her. Helion and Aurelie had sent us our engagement clothes, but they were far too opulent for today. Not only were we showing our family the house, we were celebrating our engagement together. The official celebration was weeks away, to be split between the Night and Day Courts. Lucien in turn, wore something similar, his hair down save for the little braid he knew Feyre like so much. 
Elain and Azriel were the first to arrive. We gathered in the study, Elain and Feyre going off to sip wine together on the sofa. Cassian arrived soon after, holding two bottles of Summer Court rum. Mor and Amren arrived last, and our family was completely together.
At Amren’s insistence, we showed them the house first. Cassian claimed the room at the complete opposite end of the house.
“I don’t want to hear any of you at night,” he said, jumping onto the bed. We took a while with the bedrooms, Amren wanting the room with the view of the lake and Mor happy with the room beside Cassian’s, which left Elain and Azriel. Even Nesta had a room here, but I had a feeling it would remain unoccupied for the time being. Feyre showed Elain the room with a view of the gardens, everyone left in absolute surprise when Elain called Az over to look.
“Is this alright?”
“Whatever you want,” he replied. Elain smiled.
“We’ll have this one,” she said, happily taking his hand and pulling him to the door that led to the balcony.
After a few drinks outside, we showed them the rest of the house. Elain was giddy when she saw the nurseries, part of me expecting her to see something of our future. But she said nothing of the sort. We saved our bedroom for last, the bed still unmade. Cassian snorted at the sight.
We were all heading for the green house when a knock came on the front door. We all knew who it was, we all shared the same expression. Without a word, Cassian continued to walk away. Lucien, to my relief, offered to follow after him.
“You made it,” Feyre said cheerfully. I saw how badly she wanted to embrace her sister, but opted to hold the door for her instead. Elain stood beside Azriel, smiling. But she was smiling because Azriel was whispering something to her while Nesta walked in.
“I almost forgot,” Nesta said. “But lucky me, your invitation just appeared on my dresser this morning.”
Feyre looked at me and I shook my head.
“We were about to go outside,” Feyre said, “But I’ll show you around the house.”
Nesta snorted. “Is this what you people consider a house?”
I bit my tongue, choosing to smile instead. The hellos were clipped, almost forced between us all.
“Feyre, I’ll bring everyone to the greenhouse. It is my project after all,” Elain said sweetly. She waited until they were all walking away to stop and turn to look at Nesta. “You can come too, if you want.”
Nesta stood there, trying and failing at not showing how much that hurt.
Feyre led Nesta around the house, showing her the two rooms Nesta could choose from.
“Elain is with Azriel now?” Nesta asked, a thought not meant to be said out loud.
“That’s for her to say,” Feyre replied.
Nesta didn’t choose a room.
We didn’t show her our bedroom or the nurseries, we didn’t even go to that side of the house. The only time she had anything nice to say was when we walked around the library. But once she made to sit on one of the cushioned seats, she looked down at herself, as if realizing the state of dress she was in and decided against it.
Feyre smiled, even through the indirect insults. Even though Nesta reeked of liquor and her clothes were filthy. Even when she asked Nesta if she would like to stay for dinner, to celebrate our engagement and Nesta simply stared at her as if she had just noticed Feyre had been there the entire time.
“Think about it on the way to the greenhouse,” she said and led the way outside. Cassian knew we were coming, he’d let me through his mental shields. He was aware of everything and decided he was staying.
Elain and Cassian were already getting into one of their games, Mor in complete delight at the sight of them. Amren was busy admiring Lucien’s ring. Azriel was no where to be found when we walked in, everyone looking our way.
“Elain built this,” Feyre said proudly.
“Of course, she did,” Nesta said, looking at Elain who was standing close to Cassian, holding a cup in her hands. Cassian had the bottle.
A tap sounded from behind us and Az outside, smiling. He opened the door and the twins carried a three-tier cake, all white with gold moons and suns all about, the patterns close to our tattoos.
“Since you two denied us all your first wedding, we figured we would take advantage of the second,” he said as the twins set the cake on the little table.
“Are those… diamonds?” Amren asked, leaving Lucien’s side to get a closer look at the glimmering gems amidst the gold suns.
Lucien and Feyre both pulled me towards the cake as everyone gathered around. Despite how long we’d been living together, Feyre was still surprised when a long table appeared, complete with chairs and an entire meal laid out for us all. There was even music.  
Everyone sat down to eat, the conversation focused on that cake. Nesta joined us at the table, to my surprise, sitting between Mor and Amren as Cassian had taken his place between Lucien and Az. Feyre told the others how Lucien had asked us, how I had asked him… She was smiling, Lucien looking at her in absolute adoration.
“Have we decided on a date?” Mor asked. Feyre looked at us both but it was Lucien who answered.
“We have to wait for the priest in the Day Court. My parents just happened to get engaged rather close to an auspicious time.”
“Wonderful! This gives me more time to find something perfect to wear,” Mor said. “What colors are you wearing?”
“On which day?” Lucien asked, making Mor grin.
“Rhys, does this mean you will finally wear something that isn’t black?” Amren asked with a teasing smile.
“That remains to be seen,” I replied, reaching for my glass of wine.
After we ate, it was time to cut the cake. The three of us were given knives and were told which layer of the cake to cut. Feyre had the top, Lucien the middle and I was left with the bottom layer. Cassian made a remark about it which left Feyre blushing.
“Here you go,” Feyre said, giving Elain the first piece of cake.
And once everyone had cake, even Nesta, Lucien came to feed me cake from his plate which was fine until he smeared frosting on my face. He grinned, even when I returned the favor. We shared a kiss, laughing at one another until my attention was diverted when Elain made a strange sound, her face twisted in confusion.
“What is it?” Az asked.
Elain reached for the napkin and brought it to her mouth. And once she’d wiped it clean, Elain held up a simple gold ring.
“Did someone lose this?” she asked innocently, but my brothers and I laughed. Feyre elbowed me.
“Whoever finds the ring,” Mor said, “Is usually the next one to get married.”
“Oh.” Elain blushed and looked at Az.
“It’s just silly superstition,” Az said to her but she handed him the ring. It took him a moment, but Azriel put the ring on her right ring finger. She smiled.
“It’s nice.”
“Are you sure?”
Elain nodded. “It matches perfectly with my birthday present.”
Mor went still until Elain touched the necklace she wore practically every day. Everyone laughed, except Nesta, who had no idea what Mor had given Elain on her birthday. Feyre came to help us clean our faces of frosting, but not before she made it much worse.
We left the greenhouse to explore the gardens with the sun beginning to fall. Fae light began to glow all about, everyone complimenting Elain on the flowers. It had taken longer than I expected, but Elain tried to engage Nesta in conversation, earning short replies in return.
“Az helped me with it,” she said as we all walked beneath a canopy wrapped in ivy.
“Az seems to be helping you with a great many things,” Nesta replied, reaching out to brush her fingers over the ivy.
“What does that mean?”
“I suppose I should be happy you’ve come to your senses and forgotten about Grayson. But are men any different from Illyrian bastards?”
Everyone stopped walking. Az wasn’t upset… he actually looked at Elain, wary of how she was going to respond.
“Leave her alone,” Feyre said. “She’s done nothing for you to behave this way.”
“You’re one to talk,” Nesta spat, looking between me and Lucien, the disgust was evident.
“I know you’re unhappy, but that is not fair,” Elain said softly, but something was… off. I couldn’t place it.
Nesta’s laugh was cold. No one said a word, not because we did not want to, but because when Feyre had mentioned her sister might come today, she’d asked us not to. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Elain, though and when her brown eyes met mine, I was surprised to suddenly know her thoughts. Elain was… angry.
“You don’t know anything,” Nesta said.
“Leave her alone,” Feyre said again.
“What’s it like, Feyre, being with your sister’s mate and-”
“Do not finish that sentence,” I said, everyone looking at me now. Only Elain looked relieved. “You will regret it.”
“My only regret is coming here.”
“Then leave,” Elain said. “I don’t know why any of us want to share our happiness with you just so you can spit on it.”
Elain should have slapped her, I imagine it would have hurt less.
“I am finally happy, Nesta, and I can’t even share that with you. I’m in love, really in love and I couldn’t tell you about any of it. But you did that to us. If you don’t want anything to do with Feyre and I, leave. No one is going to bother you anymore.”
Nesta’s tear filled eyes actually looked towards Cassian, as if he’d defend her. As if he would speak. But Cassian said nothing, his face betrayed no emotion. Even his eyes, they looked at Nesta and there was nothing. So she left, no one saying a word even after she’d disappeared from view.
I looked at Elain who was standing proud, defiant.
“Well,” she said with a sigh. “We have one more surprise for the night.”
“Care to repeat what you said before?” Mor said, going over to link her arm in Elain’s.
Azriel smirked, and it felt like everyone could breathe.
“This can’t be a surprise, can it?” Elain asked, leading us down the path.
“Who said it first?” Mor asked. Azriel was actually blushing now, Cassian finally looking like himself again as he went to pat Az on the back.
“I did,” she began and continued walking. I made my way to Feyre and Lucien, the two of them still reeling from Nesta’s little outburst.
“Darlings,” I said, the two of them looking up at me.
“Where did everyone go?” Lucien asked.
“They’re continuing our engagement party without us, it seems,” I replied. I gave them both a kiss. “Elain promised us one more surprise. Shall we?”
I wasn’t surprised when Feyre came and wrapped her arms around me. Lucien joined us, which made Feyre giggle.  
“It won’t always be that way,” I whispered.
“How do you know?” she asked.
“If I can find happiness, one day… somehow, she will, too,” I replied, surprising myself because I believed it. 
@readingismycopingmechanism @fuzdog @gently-say-aha @highladyofherondale @alxanxah @city-of-fae @myfeyrelady  @feysanddotacotar @daeniran @szatti1001 @rhysandshighlady @flight-of-a-robin @nuggets-and-mouthwash 
If you’d like to be tagged, let me know!!
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starry-eyed-skz · 5 years
Jisung and Jiwoo Han ~ The Twins Part 3
Hey guys!! Guess I'll be posting on Fridays now? Lmao 😂😂 Anyways I hope you enjoy~ Please be sure to read part 1 & 2 before this one!
Bold = memories, beginning & ending of chapter | Italics = thoughts
prev | part 3 | next
~~~Jiwoo's POV~~~
"Joshua, I think I'm ready.."
I sit at the airport next to Joshua, swinging my feet happily as I wait to board our flight. He looks up from his phone and at me in the corner of his eye, chuckling when he sees how happy I am. I look down at my phone, the date catching my eye.
September 9th, 2019.
Five more days. I missed our old birthday traditions, our normal birthday posts for each other on Instagram, our birthday with our friends. I miss our conversations we'd have late into the night during my insomnia. I miss everything. As Hyungwon took me from my room those 3 years ago, I felt that I lost half of myself. I mean, I pretty much did. "Hey, our flight's boarding. You okay?" Joshua's soft voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I look at him in his worried eyes. "Oh, yeah! I'm perfectly fine, let's go!"
I grab Joshua's hand and drag him in the direction of our boarding gate. He laughs as he lets me drag him to board our plane. "I'm sorry Shua, I'm just really excited!" I say in perfect English, making him smile. I've picked up on a lot of English the past 3 years when Hyungwon would bring me out in public and have to translate for me. He refused to teach me English, but I learned on my own anyway. Before I needed his supervision to be out of my room, I'd go into his office and read the documents he had to try and learn while he was gone. After I got things down and could actually understand what the documents said, I felt sick to my stomach.
They were his murder records. He would type up his victim of the day and how he killed them, the time he started and finished the murder, the body condition after he was done.. everything about it. Although I found out about how Hyungwon killed his victims from him the same day, he never told me how he left the body. I kept some of the documents to give the police back in Korea if he tries to come back for me. Hell, they'll probably send the police here in America after him. He deserves it. Chae Hyungwon is a sick bastard with mad bloodlust. As Joshua and I sat in our seats I pull one of the documents out, probably able to recite it line by line without looking at it.
Son Chaeyoung
I don't bother to read how he killed her, the details way too gorey that I actually almost throw up every time. Instead, I skip right to the body condition, wincing at the words on the page.
Body condition- 24 stab wounds in the stomach, right eye missing, left arm chopped up, tongue cut off, cut on right right cheek, cuts on thighs and wrists, right shoulder dislocated, broken ankle, strangulation marks on neck.
I cringe as tears brim my eyes. I've read this death document too many times to even count but it still gets to me nonetheless. "You won't get away with this much longer you sick bastard.." My voice is quiet as I grip the paper, not willing to flip it over. Hyungwon is such a fucked up serial killer that I refuse to call him human. He wouldn't only leave their bodies in such terrible condition, he'd always take a picture and tape it to the back of the victim's death record. When I first saw Chaeyoung's body.. it was completely unrecognizable as a human corpse. No amount of therapy could cure the things I've seen from my mind. Hyungwon's crazed smile appearing behind my eyelids every time I blink or try to rest. He's hurt me before, but not enough to kill me.
I have multiple knife scars on the inside of my thighs and stomach, newer bruises everywhere. I could only sit there as he did it, fighting back my tears as he took into his sweet pleasurable feeling of hurting someone. Relishing in the cries and pleas for help. I would know, I screamed really loud the first time and he just covered my mouth to continue his disgusting acts, listening to my pathetic whimpers. It was the worst pain I ever experienced in my life. After a while, I just kind of became numb to it, letting him do as he pleased while I thought of the world I used to live in.
I rest my head on Joshua's shoulder as a sigh slips passed my lips. "I'm gonna try to get some sleep. Wake me up when we land, okay?" Joshua nods and intertwines our fingers, resting his head on mine. "Sleep well, Jiwoo."
~~Some Time Later~~
"Hey, JiJi, wake up." I hear a soft familiar voice talking to me but I just snuggle closer to the warmth under my head. "I know my chest is comfortable but the plane landed." My eyes snap open as I look up and Joshua, my face turning a bright crimson. "I'm so sorry!" I whine in embarrassment and put my small hands over my face. He laughs and pulls my hands from my face, smiling bright with a blush of his own on his face. "It's alright. Now, come on. We landed in Korea." He pulls to stand up with him and grabs my bag I brought on the plane with me, holding it out for me to grab.
I sling it over my shoulder and we step off the plane, walking over so Joshua can grab his luggage. I didn't really have anything, I just borrowed Shua's sister's clothes when I stayed with them. I left Hyungwon's house with absolutely nothing on me, not wanting to remember the hell hole of a place. "You wanna stay at the dorm with me and the others while we think of how to get you and Jisung together again?" At Joshua's question I immediately nod, a smile on my face. "I haven't seen the boys in forever! Hansol's still trouble I assume?"
"Oh heck yeah." He laughs and runs a hand through his hair, disheveling it. I laugh with him as we walk outside, a familiar van sitting there with a few familiar faces. "Jiwoo! Joshua!" None other than the maknae himself runs at me and hugs me tight. "Hi Chan, missed you too." I laugh and run my hand through his soft hair. I mean, he's 3 inches taller than me which makes it slightly difficult but we never really cared much. "Where's Hoonie?" I ask excitedly, wanting to see my fellow short person in this group of tall people. I spot a familiar head of soft cotton candy pink hair and run at him, almost knocking him to the ground.
"Jihoonie!!" I nuzzle his face with mine and smile as he tries to wriggle free. "Jiwoo! You know I don't like skinship!" He whines and tries pushing me away, I don't move a single inch though. "Don't lie! I've seen the videos of you cuddling into the others!" I pinch his cheeks and let him go, snickering at his pouty expression. "Alright, we ready to go?" Jeonghan asks and clasps his hands in front of him. "Yep, I'm ready!" We all file into the van and Seungcheol drives us back to the dorm, although I fell asleep on Mingyu halfway there.
~~At the SEVENTEEN Dorm, 2 Days Later~~
I've spent about a day and a half in Korea, which makes today September 11th. I've been rooming with Joshua, of course, and we've been trying to think of a plan for me to see Sungie again. Preferably on our birthday.
"Okay, I think I have an idea?"
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Sorry that this chapter is slightly shorter! They're all prewritten so I'd prefer not to change much. See you next week with part 4 lovelies~
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rosalynbair · 6 years
Euphoria |  Part One
Kylo Ren x reader
Summary: You’re finally seeing the Knights of Ren live, the concert itself is everything that you could wish for, and more.  Warnings: alcohol, nipple piercings? 
A/N: Highkey I’ve been writing this for over two weeks and I told @kylo-renne that I would post this like, last Thursday yet here we are a week later finally posting the first half of this. Lmao, but thanks babe for putting up with my sporadic writing <3 |  Masterlist  |  Buy me a coffee |
The bass blared into your ears, the screams of the people around you piercing through your euphoric moment of enjoying one of your favorite songs. The sweat – yours mixed with others dripped down your skin, your clothes clinging to the liquid.
Your hand was holding a red cup, the dark red liquid inside sloshing against the sides of the cup as your body moved in sync with the people around you. Your hips swayed in tune to the beat coming from the speakers on the stage, your head tilted back as you closed your eyes, hair hitting your bare shoulders with each move you made.
You felt someone press against you from behind, and you kept your movements the same, not letting anyone disrupt your moment. You tilted your head to the side, glancing the blonde man that rested his head on your shoulder before taking his hand that rested on your hip into yours, lifting it up so his arm was arched above you as you spun under it, giving him a closed lip smile as you looked at him from hooded eyes.
You give him a slow wink before ducking under another person’s flailing arms to slide closer to the stage. Your open hand reached down to pull your shorts out of their position they had around your thighs after riding up with your dancing. Your fingers grab a hold of your shirt, pulling it away from your skin, a blast of cold air hitting your skin as you waved the shirt against your torso to allow it to dry slightly.
Your eyeline comes up from your shirt to the floor of the stage, following the mass amount of wires that have been taped down with black and grey electrical tapes in a neat manner. The chords were the only organized thing on the stage, the five beings that were walking back and forth were anything but.
The Knights Of Ren.
They were the most known band on the rock scene right now, not quite mainstream, but the moment anyone heard their name, they immediately had an opinion of the band. Whether it was a rant about how they had loved the band before they became popular, or it was how much they were overrated, or how they were the best band they’ve ever heard, or, in most cases as of recently, how attractive x band member is.
Phasma, her blonde hair pulled back into a sloppy little ponytail, her biceps straining with the pressure of each hit to the drums in front of her. There was black eyeliner streaming down her sweat slicked face, her lips tilted up in a grin as she mouthed the words to the song. Her body was covered in a black muscle shirt, and even in the faint lighting of the strobe lights, you could see the sweat stains that had formed under her tattoo-covered arms. You could barely glimpse the black jean cut offs and her tattered grey converse from behind the drum set, but even still, you could admire the tap of her left foot, the multi coloured tattoos shining under the lights.
To the left of the stage in front of you was Drew, his cropped purple hair shining and clumping with the gel he had put into it. His arms were covered in a black paint that was beginning to melt off of him. His body clad in a simple black knee length overalls set, one shoulder hanging down his chest undone, revealing his chest tattoo and a nipple piercing. You watched as he stepped closer to the edge of the stage, hopping onto a small platform that was set up beside a speaker. You caught his eye as he leaned down and gave you a wink while his fingers plucked at the four strings on the bass he held.
Beside him, was Alex – the twin of Drew. Much the same except for the black mullet he supported on top of his head. He had tattoos trailing up his neck and a piercing on his eyebrow. He was much larger than Drew, muscles bulging as he lifted his guitar above his head, tilting his head back and sticking his forked tongue out of his mouth. He had no shirt on, and his tight abs were accentuated by the sweat and water that dripped off of him.
The other two were on the other side of the stage, but you were near the middle and could see them perfectly as your head tilted back, finishing the last of your alcohol, letting the cup fall to the floor beside you the moment it was empty.
You held the liquid in your mouth for a moment before swallowing, no longer phased by the sting of it trailing down your throat. Your eyes trailed over to the last two members of the band. Zandra, an ethereal beauty with dark skin and long hair. Her lips painted a shiny gold to match her combat boots and designs she painted on her hands. Her hips swayed as she sang into the microphone in front of her, the skirt she wore twirling around her thick thighs.
Her high voice blended with Kylo’s baritone rasp. Kylo – the reason the band had gained so much traction recently. His dark eyes captivated anyone who looked at him, pulled them in until he had them under his control. His plush lips that curled up into a smirk as he sang. He stood on a platform, his height of six foot five inches accentuated with his wide, muscular frame.
As a solo came from Zandra’s guitar, he stuck his tongue ring between his teeth as he grinned, reaching up to adjust the black septum hoop in his nose before trailing a finger through the dripping eyeliner, dragging it down his face to extend the black line.
He jumped down from the platform, releasing a long, low octave growl into his microphone. He knelt down, reaching out to the audience with his gloved hand. You watched in awe as his damp hair fell into his brooding eyes. Your eyes trailed down his shirtless body, his tight jeans falling low on his hips in his position. There was a glint of metal around his waist, and it wasn’t until he stood up once more that you saw a long chain wrapped around in his belt loops, two handcuffs hitting each of his thighs as he leaned forward.
He pulled the microphone away from his lips, curling his arms against his chest as Phasma began to hit the bass drum harder than before, the trail of the guitars fading as the crowd released a loud unanimous scream.
Kylo stomped his right foot hard onto the stage, bringing the microphone back up for a few moments to let out a loud, raspy scream before dropping the object onto the floor. Phasma’s hits became louder and louder, and Kylo began to nod his head along perfectly to each hit she gave, his hair following his movements drastically in long swishes. Falling in front of his face to obscure it each time before he moved his body back once more, his back arching as his hair fell behind him once more.
You couldn’t help but sway your hips once more, your movements timed to the beat you knew so well. Your hair hit your shoulders each time you nodded your head, the balls of your feet supporting your weight as you bounced onto them.
From beside you, you heard someone scream that they loved Kylo. The high pitched announcement reached his ears and he looked down into the crowd, seeing your dance, your hair bouncing and swaying around your face. He releases a sly grin, and you don’t catch the look he gives you as his eyes find the swell of your breasts that was showing off more as your shirt fell off one of your shoulders. The sweat soaked fabric clinging to your skin, and he sees the soft outline of two nipple piercings.
The final sound of drums fades from your ears, and you release a laugh and a yell with the rest of the crowd. Kylo bends down, grabbing the microphone he had dropped. He brings it close to his lips.
“Now.” He purrs into the mic, his voice echoing out of the speakers and monitors. “We can’t play for you much longer.”
A loud protest comes from the people around you.
“I’d love to stay here forever with you.” He chuckles “But we’d get arrested for trespassing and reckless behaviour – and our manager says we can’t get arrested again.”
You let out a laugh, smiling up at the man who stood above you. You vaguely remembered Kylo and Alex getting arrested a few months ago for damaging a venue when they tried to kick the band out before their set was over.
“Now this last song-“ He laughs at the cries of protest that he’s drowned in. “This, is one you all know. You know I wrote this with my girlfriend for the new album.”
You nod, hearing the small beginnings of Alex’s bass, Drew and Zandra joining in with a low pitched string of notes. Phasma begins a quiet thud of the bass, her stick hitting the snares gently in a rolling pace.
“Lysandra is off singing a duet with someone else.” Kylo says into the mic that he places into the stand. “So I’m going to need you to sing her parts for me.”
The crowd releases it’s excitement, the groupies knowing immediately that Kylo was once more on the market. Zandra’s acoustic guitar faded and Drew picked up on the notes that followed as she set the guitar down and grabbed the double necked electric that she cherished.
Kylo nods his head, holding the microphone between both of his large hands. “Come with me to the other side – leave the pain of this world behind.”
Your body sways once more, watching as Kylo leaned forward, cupping a hand around his ear.
“For whatever you decide – you’re wrong – I’ll be your bonfire.” The crowd sang back to him, and you see his lips tilt up into a rare, genuine smile.
Kylo lets out a growl, grabbing the mic from the stand and jumps onto the platform, jumping in a circle as the beat suddenly picked up. Zandra and Alex banging their heads along with the drums behind them as their fingers slid up and down the necks of their guitars, fingers plucking at the strings.
The words are repeated once more, Kylo singing with the mic pointed towards the crowd. You gladly sang along, your voice melding with those around you. Even without the mic, you could hear Kylo’s voice clearly above the rest.
You let out a yelp as Kylo jumped from the platform, clearing the rest of the stage and landing between the stage and barrier – right in front of you. His eyes rake down your body, your thighs bare to his gaze. He gives you a smirk before turning left, his hand grabbing some of those that reached for him, leaning into some of the girls as he gave them false hope of wanting them.
He walked back and forth twice, his voice loud in your ears each time he passed you. “I can see my grin in the reflection of the blade and feel confidence -And joy 'cause the decision now is made” When he tilted the mic to the crowd, he stopped in front of you, his arm reaching past the barrier to snake around your waist, pinning you to the cold metal of the fence.  “The steel is cold and brings a stream over my skin, open up this Empty shell and free the icebound soul within” he sings hoarsely to you, staring down at your small frame in his arm. “Why don't you” you say back to him, voice no longer in tune as you spoke the following words of the bridge to him.
“Come with me to the other side.” He sings back. “Leave the pain of this world behind.”
Your body is frozen as he leans towards you, saying the last few words of the chorus before the band took over for their solos, his body hunched awkwardly to place his face at the same level as yours. “I’m going to kiss you now.” He mummers, seeing your shocked nod before he leans in – his nose hits your cheek as he tilts his head.
His lips are soft, although a bit chapped against yours. Kylo’s lips move against yours, opening your mouth to slide his tongue against your teeth. You can taste the lemon flavoured lozenge he had sucked on throughout the show, and the sweat that had gathered around his mouth was salty against your taste buds.
Your soft moan is music to his ears, and he’d be grateful if that were the only sound he would ever be able to hear again. You hear his chuckle as he pulls your lip between his teeth, he releases it as he stands to his full height, a small mewl leaving your throat from the loss of contact.
It’s only a moment later that a blush takes over your cheeks at the realization of what had occurred. The people around you were screaming, begging for a chance to kiss Kylo Ren. He gives you a wink before setting the mic on the stage, bracing his hands against the platform before hopping back on with an easy adjustment of his weight.
His voice fills your ears once more, finishing the last few verses of the song as you continue to dance in the small space you had claimed for yourself.
When the final notes of the song played their course and faded into the speakers, you closed your eyes for a moment, basking once more in the atmosphere of the concert high.
Your eyes open once more, and the swell of people around you began to dwindle as Kylo said thank you to the crowd. You smile, bending to pick up the cup you had dropped to the floor. You turn away from the stage once the cup was in your hand, and you move with the crowd towards the only exit.
The cold air of the late spring night hits your skin, causing you to shiver when there was no one left around you. Everyone who was leaving the venue was dispersing in different directions, though most were heading towards the train station a few blocks away.
You head into the small alley beside the venue, finding the dumpster and tossing your cup into it.
“Model citizen, aren’t you?” A voice comes from behind you.
You turn, brows furrowed as you catch the bright orange tip of a cigarette. “I don’t want to just leave my trash around.” You reply, following the pale fingers up the man’s arm to his bare neck and face.
“Shouldn’t you be heading home?” He asks, and you hear him take a long drag of the cigarette.
“I’m about to.” You say, beginning to turn back to the street.
“Why don’t you stay?” He asks.
“I have things to do.” You mutter, beginning to walk back to the well lit street.
“Stay.” He insists. “I can let you in to see the band.”
“I don’t want to see the band.” You snap, your shoes echoing loudly off the brick walls.
“That hurts.” A second voice laughs, the deep voice surrounding you like a warm blanket. You glance over, seeing a metal door being held open by Kylo Ren himself.
Tag List: @kylo-renne @kylokiwi @supremeleaderdaddy @velourpunk @casshmerekitty @buckyslittlekitten @ben-solo @lumifuer @secretlygrantaire @sdavid09 @imagine-this-motherfucker 
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joonary · 4 years
hmhm make sense, doing literally nothing and being left with your own mind,, not a pleasant experience. everytime i say i want to cut my hair or shave it my parents are always,, uh no. but one day One Day im gonna cut it myself and dye it brown, gonna pull that seokjin card. :o what color is your hair now? do you prefer long hair to short? i thought people who cut their hair short usually don't go back to long hair(been there) -hotwife
also i have two questions regarding the situation there if you don't mind 1) i see the number of cases in america has surpassed 400k which kind of confuse me a little bit bc i thought the quarantine is already in place for weeks, almost a month now? what's going on? i don't really understand? 2) is the number of reported cases only for the ones that have been tested and/ hospitalized? does that mean the number could be higher due to undetected cases? sorry im so nosy im kinda baffled -hotwife
full stop feel free to roast me for my inability to answer asks. i also put it under a read more because this got horrendously long for no reason
i totally get that though--my parents are generally really apprehensive about me cutting my hair short but when i do they’re like “oh yeah i forgot ur head is shaped like a circle and it actually looks good on you lol” and wow do it!!!! pls let me know when u do cut or dye it because we’d be twinning!!!! my hair is light brown now but my roots are severely overgrown bc i did it last summer!! it was supposed to be darker but my mom and i bought the lightest shade of brown possible bc my hair is black and we didn’t expect it to hold the dye as well as it did. that means there’s still room for me to go lighter, huh?
you’re so right about ppl who have short hair never really going back to long hair... i don’t think i’ve had what constitutes as “long hair” (think like blackpink or twice lmao) in well over four years because once it get’s to around mid-arm length it’s so frustratingly bland looking that i feel the need to cut it again lmao but this time we’re trying again just because i forgot what its like to have long hair!!! (even though being on quarantine is like..... tempting me)
i am no expert on the subject considering i only watch the news for a little bit each day to not get overwhelmed but from what i understand: 1) yeah, the amount of cases are still going up because its spreading through a lot of hospitals and healthcare workers, not as much through the public because we’re supposed to be at home. also a lot of the booming increases are on the east coast, where the population/square mile ratio is a lot denser than where im at, so it spreads more there ig. 2) im pretty sure that the amount reported includes asymptomatic carriers too, so yeah it’s everyone who has tested positive, not just those who are hospitalized. that probably also means that there could be more cases, since not everyone has gotten tested (also this was a while ago but i think some places required u to show more than three symptoms in order to get tested, so some people were turned away)
i’m not sure exactly where you’re at, but i hope that the situation is doing okay over there!!!! stay safe!!!!
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