#if i die tell ethlyn i loved her oh
ayumitsuu · 10 months
I'm playing FE4 Chapter 5 for the first time and this is how it's going...
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four-loose-screws · 4 years
FE4 Suzuki Novelization Translation - Chapter 9 Part 3
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Chapter 9 - And So, the Door of Fate Opens...
Part 3
Quan made it home to Leonster, organized his reinforcement unit, and stationed them at the castle located closest to the desert, Melgen.
Sigurd had sworn that he would inform Quan of when his army started marching towards Grannvale.
Quan trusted him, but to just be safe, he paid the people living in the desert to tell him when Sigurd’s army reached Luveck, so that he would know about it as soon as possible. Aside from those flying on dragons and pegasi, they were the people who could travel the desert the quickest.
Quan received their message at the beginning of the year, and sent his own messenger to the king of Leonster to report that he would deploy soon.
The morning they set out, Ethlyn said to him, “Quan… I need to apologize to you…”
“What’s the matter, Ethlyn? Why the long face?”
“It’s about this…” She said, then held out the lance she’d been hiding behind her back in front of her husband.
“Huh…? Th-This is Gáe Bolg, isn’t it? Why do you have it…?”
“Your father gave it to me a while ago. He told me to give it to you when the time came for you to need it.”
“Really? It would be a huge advantage for me to wield it, so why have you kept quiet about it until now?”
“Because your Father also told me the story behind it. ...I’m sorry.”
“...Oh the Tragedy of Gáe Bolg? Well, I don’t believe it. It’s just a legend.”
He was referring to a story about Crusaders Dáinn and Njörun.
They were brother and sister, and shared a bond so close that it made those around them jealous. They ruled the adjoining countries of the Thracian Peninsula. Njörun married a knight, who was also Dáinn’s close friend, and they lived together happily, until a tiny matter caused a fight between Dáinn and her husband. They even turned their weapons against each other. Njörun tried to break up their fight, but instead accidentally stabbed her husband with Gáe Bolg and killed him. Her sadness and guilt led her to suicide, and Dáinn also died mysteriously soon afterwards. Those events led Gáe Bolg to be dubbed “the lance that invites both love and anguish.”
Since then, the relationship between Leonster and Thracia had only worsened with time.
For generations, the Thracian king had led his dragon knights to battle, and tried to invade the rich and prosperous lands of Leonster. But every time, the Leonsterian king had successfully held them back with Gáe Bolg.
The current Thracian king, Travant, was also looking for an opening in Leonster, hoping to take advantage of the opportunity to invade.
Since she seemed to be worried about the story that made Gáe Bolg “the lance that invites both love and anguish,” Quan cheerfully said, “More so than that, Ethlyn, you should think about what I would look like wielding Gáe Bolg. What do you think? Here, let me show you the great Quan with the Earth Lance Gáe Bolg!” and tried out striking a battle pose with it.
“There’s not a person alive who could defeat you!” She grinned.
“There, now that’s what I want to see! Alright, I’m going to leave now.”
“No, wait! I’m going with your army.” She said, then left and soon returned with their daughter Altena, who was now three-years-old.
When she arrived in the courtyard, she saw Quan preparing her horse. “Oh, I see you’ve brought out my horse!”
“Yes, of course. I always knew you’d come. Okay Altena, time to get on your favorite horse!”
Ethlyn put Altena in the special saddle they’d had made for her, then sat behind her.
“And what should we do with Leif?”
"Finn changed his diaper earlier.”
“Wait, he’s even changing Leif’s diapers? Why don’t we just make him his wet nurse while we’re at it?”
“Ever since we ordered him to be Leif’s guard, he wants to do everything for him.”
As if on cue, Finn walked outside just then, carrying Leif.
“It looks like we’re just in time! We’re going to see your Mother and Father off, Lord Leif.” Finn said, then grabbed one of Leif’s little hands and waved it at his parents.
“What a surprise. So this is one of the great knights of Leonster?” Quan joked.
“Don’t say that! Finn’s doing his best!”
“I know, I know. Now let’s be off.”
Ethlyn said she’d only stay with him for half the day, but she never left. The next day, they stopped to rest in Darna, yet she still did not return home.
And on the third and the fourth day, she gave countless excuses, and still rode alongside Quan.
On the fifth knight, they made camp on the edges of the desert, then Ethlyn said, “Quan, I’m really sorry. Your father is ill, yet still agreed to send soldiers to save my brother. But… our enemy is The Kingdom of Grannvale, and the moment I think of Leonster’s future, I get so worried…”
“Please do not, Ethlyn. Father told me that while Leonster may be a small country, it is home to the great heroes of Crusader Njörun’s bloodline. If we fight for justice, then there is no shame in that, even if it causes our downfall. Fight with all your strength. Plus, I have Gáe Bolg. So long as I wield this lance, I cannot lose! We will help Sigurd win! I’m sure of it!”
“Yes, you will. ...If anyone can do it, it is you…”
“Ethlyn, go back to Leonster now. We’re about to enter enemy-controlled territory. A battle might break out soon.”
“Um, Quan… I’ve been thinking this the entire way, but I’ve decided to go with you. I want to see my brother, and… though I don’t know the reason why, I don’t want to leave your side…"
“You can’t come with me! I only let you get this far because you said you’d leave midway. What do you plan to do if we start fighting and you have Altena with you!?”
“You’re right. ...I’ll do what you say. I couldn’t possibly fight while carrying Altena. …I’ll bring myself to go. ...But tomorrow, I’ll see you off. To tell you to please be careful.”
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The next day, Ethlyn took Altena with her to see Quan and his army off.
When the last horse stepped onto the desert, she suddenly had an overwhelming feeling that she’d never be able to see him again. Without thinking, she ordered her horse to go galloping after them.
When he saw his wife coming towards him, Quan wanted to yell at her, and push her away.
But the sight of her tears made him swallow his words.
“I know what you’re thinking, and I will return home. But please… let me… stay by your side… for just a little while longer.”
“Ethlyn… Alright… But for just a little while longer, okay?”
A little while became one hour, and then two.
“Okay, this is as far as you can go. Now please go home."
“I understand. I will… go home. ...Um, Quan?”
“What is it?”
“Even if we were separated, our hearts would always be one, right?”
“That’s obvious, isn’t it? What are you saying?”
“I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure of it one last time. Alright… I’m going home now.” The moment Ethlyn turned her horse around, she suddenly couldn’t breathe, and her body froze.
Quan whirled around, followed her line of sight, and saw an army of countless dragons flying straight for them.
“Dammit! Travant followed us!?”
They were in the middle of the desert now, and had nowhere to run.
“Huddle in a circle, everyone! Keep as tight a formation as you can!”
The dragon knights flew closer and closer, while preparing to swoop down and attack.
“Ethlyn, I’m sorry. I was careless.”
“No you weren’t at all! If we all fight together, we’ll get through this somehow!”
The dragon knights had attached short lances to their mounts to dive bomb and impale their enemies. As they descended one after the other, the Leonster Army threw javelins at them.
If they were on flatlands, then the Leonsterian cavaliers’ horses would also be able to run around and fight back, but sand was so fine, that even horses couldn’t move freely.
They weren’t able to effectively fight back, and were being defeated one by one, each collapsing with a loud clatter.
Ethlyn unsheathed her sword and prepared to fight. “I’ll protect you, Altena!”
A dragon knight turned towards her and swooped straight at her. The moment that the knight threw his lance, Ethlyn pushed Altena forward against her horse's back, and shielded her daughter.
The lance pierced her back. “Altena… Quan…”
She collapsed on the ground. Her terrified horse broke out of the circle formation and ran off.
Altena cried and screamed as if her whole body was on fire.
Travant, who was leading the dragon knights, watched Ethlyn die, and moved in instantly to chase after the horse. There was no doubt in his mind that the girl still sitting atop her horse was Quan’s daughter.
He swooped down next to the horse, grabbed Altena, then landed near the cavaliers.
Their numbers had dwindled so much that they were no longer truly in formation. 
By the time he made it over to them, only Quan, wielding Gáe Bolg, was still alive. 
Travant gave the hand signal to his soldiers to stop fighting, then called out, “I’ve taken your daughter, Quan.”
“What are you going to do with her…!?”
Even though there was still some distance between them, he could hear Altena’s crying loud and clear.
‘So this must mean… Ethlyn’s already…’
“Drop Gáe Bolg, or else I’ll kill the girl.”
“Understood. I’ll drop Gáe Bolg. Just don’t hurt my daughter!”
“It’s a deal.”
‘So this is the end for me, isn’t it?’ Quan threw down Gáe Bolg. ‘Ethlyn… I’m sorry. ...Finn, take care of Leif.’
Travant signaled his men to attack.
One of the dragons turned towards Quan and plummeted towards him.
He threw his lance, stabbing through Quan’s chest.
Travant walked up to Quan's corpse and picked up Gáe Bolg.
The army’s commander, Magorn, landed his dragon and walked up to Travant. “What obnoxious crying. Shall I kill her?”
“Don’t speak out of line! You are to and go to Luveck and attack the rebel army, just as we planned. I’m going to return home to Thracia.”
“And what will you do once you’ve made it back?”
“That’s none of your business, you fool! There’s a huge price on the heads of the rebel army! Hurry and kill them!”
“Ah, um, please excuse my rudeness. I will leave to fight the rebel army right away!” Magorn climbed atop his dragon in a panic, and flew east. The dragon knight army followed after him.
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imaginingfireemblem · 6 years
Heyo it's me mod ethlyn just coming to ask for a team rating. I have a summiner s support with Sigurd (who I really love let me tell ya) along with veronica and a s support pair of l!hector and b!lyn. Keep up the good woelrk!
Yes i love this team.…. thank u so much!
Oh yes this is a huge team full of friends.
Hector and Lyn are obviously the resident mom and dad
They’re always very competitive with each other and push each other to do the best they can
The other two on the team don’t know if they love or hate each other
They throw such casual insults around
“Lyn can I ride your horse with you” “you’ll probably break her” “ok wow”
Sigurd would never insult his loved ones– he’s way too nice
At first he tries to break up Lyn and Hector, thinking they’re fighting, but they wrap an arm around each other and laugh it off, leaving Sigurd alone and sigurd is like
Lyn and Hector being so close, Veronica and Sigurd are the odd ones out
Sigurd is very kind to Veronica. He feels a bit left out of the team so he guesses that she must, as well.
She appreciates it. Her and Sigurd tend to sit in silence, reading while drinking tea
They get books for that they think the other will like
it’s a cute little book club that Sigurd always makes time for
Veronica loves to watch Lyn and Hector spar and interact
Seeing their bond warms her heart
And if she stays around long enough and heals their wounds, both of them ruffle her hair and thank her with the utmost of sincerity
Once Sigurd learns that Lyn and Hector truly do love each other, he starts throwing around little jokes like they do
Of course he’s a good christian man and would never directly insult his friends, but he pipes in sometimes to make them laugh
Lyn and Hector always die laughing and call him grandpa
Hector always lets Veronica ride on his shoulders if she wants to
She obviously says no most of the time, but when she’s tired enough she’ll say yes
She won’t admit it but she loves it
Hector always smells great and is a comforting presence
Lyn introduces her horse to Veronica’s and they both spend hours grooming their horses, talking to each other
Sigurd joins in sometimes but he doesn’t like to intrude on them, knowing it’s a rare private moment for the both of them
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randomnameless · 7 years
Chapter 7 - Darna to Alster!
Seliph finally finishes this Naga forsaken map and says good bye to the Desert.
(joking, FE4 happened before FE5 so FE5 is the retcon game but)
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Ares wants to talk to his friend - the reason why he turned blue to begin with 
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but an idiot is here, blocking the doors.
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so the only thing he can do in this situation, since he’s grey and can’t move, is talk to the guy.
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don’t ask that
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no “it is I, Ares the Black Knight”? Vengeance leaves no place to theatrics.
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uh... yeah? Siggy couldn’t kill Eldie even if he wanted, he didn’t have the stats for that!
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Poor Graine. Here you see miscommunication at its finest, granted, given how Eldie ignored his wife/son to run to his sister’s side and Siggy’s help, I understand why Grainne never got the true side of the story. Her version, and I believe the version of most Agustrians is “Siggy led an invasion in Agustria, Eldie died while defending his homeland and his King” which isn’t that far from reality actually! I love how Ares calls his mother “noble” and not just, my mother. Seliph is of course completely clueless, no one bothered him to keep him in touch with the Augstrian campaign - Aidean what were you doing?
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uh... well, i’m sure they hold no hard feelings against each other because they were knights and knights simply do what they’re told, if they hate someone it’s the king who orders them to fight, but Eldie wasn’t totally happy at Siggy’s invasion/occupation. Hopefully Siggy went all “i’m just listening to orders i’m trying to write a letter to Azmur don’t worry” and Eldie believed him. If Chagall wasn’t such a douche the blame could be shared, but hey, we have the most perfect scapegoat so let us all blame Chagall, it makes the Augustrian campaign less catastrophic.
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haha Seliph doesn’t understand a thing, Ares is the son of dad’s friend so we can be friends, right? It’s still kind of insensitive to call Ares’ lifelong grudge a “misunderstanding”, OTOH it’s clever because Seliph isn’t calling Ares’ “noble” mother a liar to his face!
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Genealogy of the Holy War : sons must pay for the grudges of their fathers? S
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Subverted here, Ares drops his grudge. If only we could have asked Brian or even Scipio to do the same :) But their dads had ugly sprites, so they couldn’t be Siggy’s friends so we don’t give figs about them :)
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Not totally subverted though, Ares still has doubts and will murder Seliph if he lied.
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i cringe a little at this line from Seliph tbh, the fate of the world resides on your shoulders (lel) because you’re the only Naga alive (lelel) F!Lewyn said so, and you’re willing to die just to please Ares? Seliph no :’(
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hey you know what you could have met him when you were 3 weeks old if Eldie wasn’t such a douche and didn’t ignore his son and wife. During the occupation he could have sent them to say “hello” to Siggy and his family (or invited them at his place) before Chagall became a douche, but no, Eldie never gave a crap about his family - save for Raquie.
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Once he is finished with Seliph Ares pushes him and runs to find his true friend
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Here she is! He worries about her, how cute.
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Ares apologises and calls himself a fool, poor Ares. And Lene confesses that she isn’t alright but she still trusted him even after he made himself a fool with that “killing Seliph” nonsense.
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Daw! Why IS didn’t give them any lover convo?
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Of course he won’t! He will take you home to Agustry! and then you’ll be eaten alive by the agustrian court
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“are you the guy Ares wanted to kill?”
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“Ares told me about you, he said “move imbecile i have to rescue Lene” when i tried to talk to him earlier”
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No dancers in Isaach? 
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i don’t know if that would be the word i’d use. Seliph is flustered seeing scantily clad women. Granted, any scantily clad woman would have been captured in Dozel!Isaach so...
and now for the retcon: Raquie’s children!
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“who are you random knight?”
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what are you talking about? Wait you didn’t knew you had a bro? But in FE5...
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that’s understandable - save the part where Lewyn only tells you now that you have a sibling but fig that guy.
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off screen, crawling after Shanan and Oifey because they said they could only carry one child and that one child was Seliph
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hoho, so Nanna’s Leonster born, it fits with the timeline. The thing that doesn’t is Nanna still ignoring she has a bro :’(
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is it me or FE4!Nanna seems to miss Raquie more than FE5!Nanna?
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??? I thought you said you didn’t know you had a bro and now Raquie told you she left to meet him in Isaach??
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Poor Nanna, she waited to see her, she had no mother figure during all those years
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only kaga knows
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she took her horse and fled with her horse in the desert with figging sand and it’s not like Quan did the same mistake but no 
meanwhile, two cousins chat
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at least - well yeah at least because he had to backtrack to Darna and it took around 15 turns or something (thanks Naga for Lana’s warp staff)
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prelude indeed, since Arvis hired Travant and co to assist in his coup
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bad Leif, you forget how Travant first set your home in flames and only afterwards Blume arrived. You were sleeping during Finn’s history time or what?!
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“my knight Finn” sounds... not strange, but I can’t see FE5!Leif calling Finn “his knight”. Finn is his father figure, he is Finn, not a knight. Heck I doubt FE5!Leif would even call Carrion and co “his knights”. August/Dorias would.
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this is so... well, not strange because in FE5 Leif says retaking Leonster was his dream (Finn’s dream) but before chapter 6 he was happy living as a peasant in Fiana with his sisters (and Jugdral’s best mom) killing pirates. Maybe that’s not something you can tell to your kingly cousin, so it’s better to say that he wanted to fight since the beginning...
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pff would you have helped against Raydrick when he stoned Eyvel - i mean when Dorias and co tried their multiple attempts at murdering Blume in his sleep? I don’t think so but it’s something Seliph has to say. He doesn’t have to apologise per se but... Well, the way Leif told his story we could think we should be berating Seliph/Siggy for the BBQ’s aftermath that impacted Leonster - in that regard Seliph HAS to apologise.
but this vision, of course, throws Travant in the “ignored” trashcan.
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But Leif quickly apologises, it wasn’t his intention to put the blame on Seliph. It’s squarely his fault. RIP Dorias :’( (well Miranda has to share the blame too)
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?? Of course he was worthy of being dubbed a knight of Nova he was a crusader. But Leif bragging about being the son of Quan? Heck, that’s something Finn/Dorias would say “don’t lose hope prince you’re the son of quan”, the words of support Ced shared with him when he was down! FE4!Leif is so... confident and assertive, it’s super... weird considering my only Leif experience was FE5!Leif.
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It’s so weird that I don’t recall FE5!Leif saying something like that, or reclaiming himself of Quan’s legacy even once. 
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“Marty, Othin, pack your things we’re going with Seliph now. Lifis too.”
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“But Lord Leif, we’re returning to Fiana now” “don’t you dare i said we’re leaving.” Haha, restoring honor to Granvalle? It’s not about stopping the child hunts and stopping Loptyr’s resurrection? this is so un - FE5!Leif - like! remember the guy who screamed about honor and glory? he would have said those lines!
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uh... sure, Quan helped Siggy a lot. And given how Quan died for/because/ during his quest to help Siggy, their deaths are linked.
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Indeed, but i can’t totally ignore the fact that maybe Ethlyn, even if she wasn’t a Chalpy anymore, wanted to restore her “birth” house’s name clean too, and was also worried about her dad - who didn’t even mention her but that’s how we roll in Jugdral daughters are worthless.
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Again, Seliph apologises. Not for Leonster’s fate, but for Quan and Ethlyn on the behalf of his dad.
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yes, the stories August told me said that Siggy manage to pierce Arvis’ plans before everyone else! He was a wise man!
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As do I? What about “don’t hate the people, only the evil in their hearts?” “oh fig it”. 
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pff hahaha if only you knew what were your dads’ last wishes! it was only about restoring chalphy’s good name!
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he already said he was going to lend you his scrubs!
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“damn that new blade shoots beams of light it’s so cool!”
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“I GAVE YOU THOSE RIBBONS!” “hilda did and told me to hang myself with them it’s not a kindness”
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hey look, it’s the imperial princess!
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“Fear me else I’ll tell everything to daddy and he will Valflame you to oblivion”
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but i thought Julius wanted to throw his party there? You can’t just rewarp in it, it’d be lame!
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Wow no mercy for Blume? But yeah, per Aidean’s history lesson, when a baron escapes he will return to piss you off again until you kill him.
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it could have been helped if we put men to block the exits, re you really a strategist? or maybe Blume just rewarped when Ares was busy screaming his finishing line for the finishing blow...
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??? They’re happier than the Isaachians you fred from Danan’s rule? I honestly can’t believe it.
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a real hope, not a joke like Leif’s failed attempts^^
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yeah, they’re all stronger than you. Even your wife Larcei!
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“have you seen that kid with Leif’s group? She can steal stuff with a magical staff!”
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“just as planned and if you don’t i have a backup plan involving a minor character with naga blood”
lol Julia isn’t part of any plan.
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