#if i don't find a stable job by mid August I'm gonna be without a place to live
tytopls · 1 year
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uncloseted · 5 years
So, I really need some advice. I currently live at home with my mother, stepfather, and older sister. I've been wanting to move out for a while and recently decided to attend a university close enough to where I already am so I could get an apartment sooner, but I'm really scared. I don't think I make but eight dollars hourly and I only work four days out of the week. The apartment would be about 500 dollars a month. I'm just scared I won't be able to swing it, but I don't wanna stay home. (1/2)
(2/3) My Mom is a religious nut and a smothering type of parent. I have two sisters and she constantly fosters their uncontrollable behavior, even though they are in their early to mid 20's. They don't go to school and they just constantly take advantage of her and she lets them. She is also super paranoid because my biological father cheated and abused us, and she is constantly trying to catch my stepfather in a lie. She has accused him so much that he is gonna divorce her. (3/?) She also found out I was gay and is constantly questioning me and what I'm doing and who I'm meeting, even though I'm an adult (20 years old). I just can't deal with this anymore. I don't know how to handle all of this mental instability in regards to them. They are so toxic and I don't wanna live with my Mom after the divorce. I've been trying to find some roommates in the area, but I haven't had any luck yet. What do you think I should do? I have to get out of here before August.
I think it sounds like your home situation is really unstable right now, and getting out of it is a good idea. With an $8/hour salary, you would need to be working around 16 hours a week just to afford rent, or 4 hours per day that you’re working a week. I think that sounds doable, but stressful. Would it be possible for you to get a roommate, maybe someone else from your university? Students are pretty much always looking for an inexpensive living situation, even if it’s not super comfortable. You could also look into grants/scholarships. Sometimes universities, the government, or private institutions will give students money to help them cover their living expenses, and you may be eligible for some of those benefits. If you want to tell me where you’re located or what university you’re attending, I might be able to help you in more detail. I think your last option is looking for a new job that will pay more, or another job that will pay more/give you more hours. Again, it’s hard to suggest specifics without knowing where you live, but a lot of “gig economy” type jobs (food delivery, driving people around, transcribing/translation/captioning, doing random tasks for people, delivering groceries, etc.) pay around $15 an hour, which might help you be more financially stable during this time. Universities sometimes do work study programs for their students, where you can work a campus job between your classes or before/after school, and those tend to pay pretty well, too. I think you can definitely figure this out. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
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