#if i still post original fandom stuff on here but tagged and reblog untagged stuff to another blog will it be fine? cuz I like keeping
aromanticannibal · 1 year
have u ever thought 2 make a fandom blog?
yeah ig
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Ye local infodump pinned post. hi
so anyway
i am your local idiot that is hopelessly addicted to a chunk of select fandoms and constantly makes stupid amounts of AU's on them because, you see, i can
!!!! i try my best, but i forget shit a lot so this blog may contain reblogs with untagged blood/gore/body horror/etc typical to fandoms i'm in (ultrakill, murder drones, project moon for example). it's absolutely not in irl form, but. yknow. still.
they're not a daily occurrence kind of thing but they're there. delve at your own risk
(this hellhole is large and i don't think i can find every untagged post i have ever on my own so like. if you do stumble upon anything i forgotted to tag please let me know in dms or askbox or hell even in a reblog or something, i'll locate and tag it)
anyway yeah uhhhhhhhhhhhh basic human being (totally not an iterator or FallenAngel with internet access) that draws and has a tendency to randomly disappear for amounts of time approximately close to 6000 years.
generally i use she/her to refer to myself but i'm fine with anything
the art i do is mostly the physical kind (y'know, the average pen + paper combo), but i can and will do digital too occasionally
i will mostly post about my massive mass of au's and original worlds that also happen to be i guess interconnected if that's the correct term because i like it when more lore. the whole thing unified is just called Lesoverse for now because i have the naming skills of someone that lacks naming skills
here's a WIP googledoc that explains a bunch of Lesoverse terms, mechanics and stuff.
Also, i may occasionally roleplay as some of my OCs in broad daylight for no particular reason. When making posts or reblogging something as them, i'll use a tag for the respective OC i'm roleplaying as.
Current List:
1. No Particular Reason (Rain World) - Iterator sona. tag - #partiposting
2. The SOLUTION Collective (Sekaiju: a World of Creatures) - Lost Ocean collective OC. tag - #solutionposting on main (no posts as of yet)
3. unidentified FallenAngel with internet access (Sekaiju: a World of Creatures) - ..pretty self-explanatory i guess, FallenAngel OC. No tag as of yet. (no posts as of yet)
4. unidentified entity that Speaks Somewhat Like Othala Does. No tag as of yet. probably won't have a tag it's funnier that way. but if i reply to something while Typing Like This The Entire Time and it sounds awfully like i'm doing roleplay i probably am
oh and general roleplay tag is #the rp sure is commencing
i probably will use it really scarcely but its a thing
Other Blogs:
-Reblog Sideblog (mostly dead)
-Ask The C262 Trio Anything
-Ask Tablet And Z Anything
current main hyperfixation: sekaiju and limbus company
current secondary hyperfixations: Rain World, Phighting, Murder Drones, Steven Universe, fallen london/sunless sea/sunless skies, Cavern Crusher, my OUs
anyway here's a guide to my tags (this one will get updated on the rare occasions when i'm not deader than Pink Diamond)
#soup jar. / #soup jar. that's it. that's all i'm willing to say = universal tag for my stuff in general i guess
#MD-Colony 262 = tag for stuff related to my silly current main murder drones AU.
#FR-Dawn Of Flight = tag for stuff related to my silly current main flight rising AU. no i don't know why i called it that either
#Sekaiju: Broken Veil = tag for my one and only silly sekaiju AU
#LV-The Antiverse = tag for things related to that specific multiverse some of my AU/OU's exist in.
#LV-The Beyond = tag for things related to that one code controller infested hellhole i made
#Fissured Together = tag for that one fandom-mash AU i own
#SU-Reality Fractures = tag for that specific anomalous hell of a Steven Universe AU i made once
#ask local soup idiot and local soup idiot shall answer = tag for my asks in general lol
#toaster drones content = ....self-explanatory. toaster drones.
#consumes your content = reblogs
#RW: Storm Fluctations AU - my abnormal as all hell rain world au
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Hi Weird Question, but how many followers would you ballpark say you have gotten from posting about qsmp?
I ask this because Ive been on tumblr for a LONG while, I have run multiple fandom blogs and this is the worst follow to notes ratio I have ever gotten for a blog (it is relativity new as well though). I don't want to sound weird and complain about the number of followers I have, but of the 523 posts in my blog, 38 are original posts. I have 236 notes total from those 38. and zero followers. compared to when one of my other blogs was at this size I would have somewhere of a ballpark of 10ish especially with a few posts chilling way above the average of 6 notes
I feel like this could be an issue much like the issue pertaining to people not reblogging stuff, but also I may need to reevaluate the way im interacting with people on this site >_<.
that's kind of a hard question bc i was gaining followers from the trigun fandom very shortly before i started posting about qsmp, so there was a period of overlap, but i guess when i switched to posting primarily about qsmp i would say i've gained approx. 350-400 followers. i typically get anywhere between 100-1000 notes on any qsmp post i make (excluding liveblogging) and i am apparently a more popular blog because i write fanfiction and make analysis posts on occasion which has made me weirdly well known in some places of the fandom and that is terrifying i hate being perceived HELP
ANYWAY i think a better blog to use as an example would be when i had to use a new blog because this one was unfairly flagged for a couple weeks. i used a previously unused sideblog to liveblog and make posts on since posts on my main wouldn't show up in the main tags. i typically got a fair amount of notes, anywhere between 50 to 200 on each post, but i only ended up with maybe 4 or 5 followers on that blog (excluding mutuals i had advised to follow that blog as a backup in case my main went down forever [which it didn't thank fuck]).
honestly?? i assume the lack of following is because a lot of people in this fandom are very wary. qsmpblr likes to hail itself as better than twitter (and it is in some respects for sure, i'm not denying that), but it feels like everyone in this fandom has some kind of Opinion on Something at all times. there's always something to complain about or criticize about anything, whether it be the admins, an event, another cc's character, a cc themself, etc etc. if you follow a person you will be subjected to all of their opinions on every single issue that pops up, even if it's just a dismissal of whatever current discourse is making its way through the tag (and i'm guilty of this myself sometimes, i'm no angel here). there is not a single day that goes by without something negative crossing my dash regarding something that's going on with the smp. doesn't matter what it is, someone will have something to say about some kind of issue no matter what, and that shit gets tiring. sometimes it's better not to follow people lest you find yourself bombarded with opinions. that way you can still scroll your dash without worrying about seeing untagged discourse and infighting and criticism.
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littlelovingmouse · 2 years
i will say this about getting shadowbanned: it has in fact led me to engage a lot more with posts than i used to, i.e. i talk a lot more in the tags than before
knowing that no one but the people who follow me, and who are active on tumblr at the same time as me, can see my tags, it's been freeing, actually
like, i reblogged a post a few days ago, that i'm still thinking about; it said that the wonderful thing about tags is that it's impermanent commentary that only your followers will see, so it doesn't bother the op like a direct addition to the post might
but in my experience, that has never been true, even before staff added the feature that lets you see what tags people add to your posts and to the posts you share when they reblog from you
i got yelled at a few times in my asks by people who disagreed with my tags or just didn't like them, so while i used to tag things properly, i have since stopped using tags almost entirely, and most things on my blog are untagged and impossible to search nowadays
like yes, don't make original posts about how you hate a thing, only to tag them with the thing it's about, so that users who do enjoy it don't have to suffer your negativity, that's just basic courtesy
but it used to be that, as long as you didn't name the thing in the first five tags, no one would see it, and reblogs don't show up in main tags either
and now everyone can go on their activity page and see what tags people added to a post when they reblogged from you, and all the tags people add to your original posts, too
and even before that, people would often check tags!
but like
if i use tags to keep track of things, and be able to find them again later, i should be able to use whatever tags i want
and if i want to add commentary that will only show in the tags, i should be able to do so; i should be able to give my opinion on things on my own damn blog
and truth be told if poll votes weren't anonymous, or if i knew people could see my tags, i wouldn't add any at all, and i wouldn't touch polls with a ten foot poll pole
sorry for the rambling, but i'd been wondering why it was taking me so long to poke staff again about un-shadow-banning me (de-shadow-banning me? shadow-un-banning me? shadow-de-banning me?), and i think that's why
i've often felt like i wasn't actually welcome to interact with the fandoms i'd joined, which is why i'm almost always a lurker, who only likes things, but does not reblog them
and then i always feel bad when i see posts complaining about this, but like, idk, i'm not sure what i'm trying to say here, i do understand that artists and writers can find it upsetting when people tag their work with triggering or squicky things, or when their original content gets tagged with character names and ships and stuff they don't like
... anyway, my conclusion here is that i've always chosen wrong on those super power quizzes, my ideal power isn't telekinesis or flight, it's clearly invisibility
i just don't want to be invisible all the time, otherwise it's kind of lonely
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Introductory Post
Heyiou everybody, this is LPS100′s Gaming Blog and this is the post that’s gonna give the proper introduction of this blog! ... Ignoring the fact that this should have been made a few years ago.
If you wish to have a minimal idea of what this blog is about, click Read More (warning: Wall of Text™), but, if you’re a mobile user and the Read More doesn’t show up, clicking on the blog might do it.
However, if you wish to not see/read what this blog is all about, just ignore this post.
Blog Info:
Reason for creation and Naming:
This blog was originally created to seperate all School of Dragons-related post from my main blog, LPS100 (can't tag it for some reason). It later evolved to a game-only blog and even home to my game-related art.
Because it was originally only for School of Dragons-related posts, the name of Rise-of-Nerd was given, mixing the name of another game (that I also played and reblogged posts about) called Rise of Berk and the fact that I used to call myself “nerd” for the funs (nowadays, I call myself an “asshole”... also for the funs).
As for Oct 1st of 2017, I changed my name to Nerd-Breached-Containment, a name based on the horror game SCP: Containment Breach. I was going to change it after Oct 31st but, I grew attached to it because it seemed to make “more sense in context” and because I haven’t played Rise of Berk in years.
General Info:
This blog is a multi-game blog so if you’re following this blog for Game 1-related posts, expect posts from other games too. However, the amount of posts of whatever game-related really depends on the blogs that I follow (a grand example are the cuphead-related posts: Because the people that I follow posts frequently of said related game, cuphead can be very frequent in this blog).
Unlike my main blog however, this blog is NSFW-free; I’ll only reblog really mild nsfw, if the nsfw is around the mediocre level however, that will be reblogged to my NSFW blog, wiener-friendly (+18 Blog).
As mentioned before, this blog contains my artwork under the tag “#lps100 draws” however, don’t expect really cartoony art, my art is a strange mix of cartoony and realistic which there’s a name for that but, quite frankly, as much as I like my own style, I’m not even sure what to call it. You can check it if you want, not that is really eye-catching to begin with in my opinion. In recent time, I’m learning how to draw in a cartoony way due to Cuphead however, my original style still remains within me.
I may occassionally make opinion-based posts but, it’s really rarely plus, my opinions are mostly unpopular ones and I may or may not agree with it anymore (from having a negative opinion ‘bout something to be just passive-neutral about it) however, beware that I can be a very rambly person about some games that I own (BIG case in point: School of Dragons. And, take this to fucking heart).
While I tag my own posts, I have a tendency to forget to tag some posts under certain tags very easily (case in point: spoilerily posts or opinion/rambling-based posts) so, beware because while “#lps100 derps” in my general posting tag, it also contains various untagged stuffs.
You might have also noted that english isn’t my first language, instead, it’s portuguese. So, except a lot of grammar mistakes, however, I don’t mind recieving asks telling me and correcting my grammar, in fact, it helps me a lot.
Also, I swear like a sailor. Take this really close to heart.
Mentioned a few posts ago, I have a page with all my likings and fandoms, so, if you want much more info about my likings and fandoms, click here... unless you’re on mobile. If you’re on mobile (or if you don’t want to read another giant wall of text), here’s a sum up of the games that I own and my opinion on them:
Tomb Raider: A game series that I grew up with and my liking for weapons, giant creatures, parkour and action/adventure styled games;
Anniversary - Childhood game and my all-time fave game; Introduced me to the series;
Legend and Underworld - Mediocre for me but, I still have a soft spot for them;
Angel of Darkness - Quite enjoyed it, despite acknowledging its flaws;
2013 - The least liked one, for a couple of reasons (and experiences);
Cuphead in Don’t Deal with the Devil: A run-&-gun indie game that started as something I found interested to a game I can’t help but just loving it and find it quite inspiring. As well as being a game with beautiful ragequits from other people which, in turn, they’ll be the ones laughing when I eventually get my hands on it (given how easily I can rage a well);
Five Nights at Freddy’s: A perfect mix between anthropomorphic animals and horror (two things that I love); Only reblogged to my main blog;
Sister Location - Was quite cool;
FNAF World - Haven’t finished it;
SCP: Containment Breach: A horror game where a shitloads of monsters, each with their different gimmicks, try to kill you while you try to escape from a Foundation Site. That’s my shit;
Own the game but I can be a bg scaredy cat tbh;
Sonic the Hedgehog: Till this day, I still haven’t understood what it did to bring myself to like it, until it hits me: Sonic Mania, Sonic Forces, Sonic X (gave a little introduction to the characters) and then... Sonic Boom being the fucking gift of a show that it is;
Never owned a Sonic game but, I’d love to play one;
Bubsy Bobcat: With the same deal with Angel of Darkness, this is a series that I do like while acknowledging its flaws and problems; However, I rarely reblog posts about it and usually keep the liking to myself;
I never owned any Bubsy game but, as opposed to nearly everyone in the world, I’d play Bubsy 3D;
School of Dragons: Don’t even get me started with this game that makes me feel like all the dragons that I own are an achievement to my life;
Own this fucking shit which gave me more bad memories than good ones, while still being a guilty pleasure;
Inner Jokes:
Throughout my time in this blog, I may have formed 1 or 2 “jokes” (massive quotation marks here) which only I gets them but, I think it’s time to explain them.
And, on an ironic iside, I only have 1 inner joke that is actually an inner joke, the other three are just self-jokes.
Lonely Island/Outcast Island:
It’s the equivalent of saying “alone in my room because no one cares about me” but, in a more comical way without dragging too much attention. While never used in a vent-like way, it’s mostly used in a “no one cares about me” due to the fact that my actual content (pinpoiting at my art and small written posts that I did, not the small memes that I did like the “he’s just standing there menacingly” post) is mostly ignored (except by my friendos) and makes me feel like I’m talking to myself in an isolated island, with no on willing to rescue me;
As time goes one, my art may be getting attention, I still mention this but somewhat connected to self-talking;
“I’m an asshole”:
The overly used trope of calling yourself a failure/loser/ect..., but, instead of being used for venting and such, it’s really for funs and mostly because I can be a dick when it comes to being honest and angry at the same time imo;
Roughly around 80% of my posts are mostly me writing everything that I think, adding the fact they rarely have any likes, you can safely assume that yes, I am indeed talking and rambling to myself;
Mating Dance:
An actual inner joke between me and my friendo a-n-n-i-m-i-a, so, it would make sense that only us would get it.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask or chat, I’m always open for discussion!
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gemsona-hq · 8 years
What tags do you follow so that we might have a better chance at getting it seen on here? Are specific gems not allowed on here (disregarding NSFW, things like how it's drawn or something.)
This is in the FAQ, but we’ve been getting a lot of questions about this recently so I suppose it’s worth reiterating.
How to tag your work (and how long will it take to show up on Gemsona HQ):
For Monthly Prompts: Tag it as #Gemsona (Month) Prompt ex: July’s monthly prompt should be tagged as #Gemsona July Prompt. Ideally, your post should be reblogged within a few days of being posted (we try to spread out the reblogs through the entire month).
For regular Gemsona stuff: Use the ‘ol #Gemsona tag! All gemsona art is put in a queue, and depending on your post’s place in the queue, it should show up on the blog within 2-3 weeks.
For the 30 Day Gemsona Challenge: Tag it as #30 Day Gemsona Challenge. These posts are mixed into the queue.
For the Gemsona Stats Sheet: Tag it as #Gemsona Stats Sheet. These posts are mixed into the queue.
For the Monthly Gem Challenge: Tag it as #MGC (Month) ex: #MGC January. Should be reblogged within a few days or a week at most.
If your gemsona post isn’t for one of the Monthly Prompts, PLEASE DON’T PUT IT IN THAT TAG. I won’t reblog it, and I’ll probably accidentally skip it over it when queueing from the main gemsona tag because I’ll assume that because I’ve already seen it, it’s already been queued. 
People have also been asking if they can tag or @Gemsona-HQ in their posts, and the answer to that is: No!!! Everyone would do it and it would make the gemsona tag useless! I typically ignore @’s for Gemsona-HQ and I don’t check the Gemsona-HQ tag since it’s much easier to queue from a single source (the gemsona tag). If I start queuing from multiple places, I might double post or miss one thinking I got it in the other tag. It’s just a big mess.
What we don’t reblog: 
Posts like “I think I want to make a gemsona” or “send me a link to your gemsonas and I’ll draw them” (because sometimes I see these posts after the person’s already closed requests and I don’t want them to get swamped). 
WIPs (I want to exhibit your best work) 
“I’m open to fusing” text posts
Gemsona Maker posts (I’d rather reblog a drawing someone worked really hard on).
Traced artwork / stolen artwork / stolen designs
Gem AU for (a particular fandom). GHQ exists to show off your guys’ original work!
Posts that specifically say “Don’t reblog this” or “Gemsona-HQ please don’t reblog this”
Extreme body horror, graphic or offensive material, or anything NSFW. Basically, if I think something is inappropriate, I pass it over.
If someone consistently puts extremely inappropriate or graphic stuff in the gemsona tag (especially if it’s untagged), I won’t reblog their stuff because I don’t want someone (especially a younger person) to stumble onto their blog through a tame post we reblogged from them.
All things reblogged to Gemsona-HQ are at my discretion. I’m pretty lenient when it comes to reblogs, and I always tag things if I think something could be possibly triggering or upsetting (I also tag things upon request). 
TLDR: Best tag is the regular gemsona tag! Sometimes if the queue is getting full and I have to choose between someone whose work I’ve put in the queue often vs. some whose work hasn’t shown up here yet, I’ll choose the latter. So as usual, if it’s been more than 2-3 weeks since you’ve posted your piece and we still haven’t reblogged it, feel free to send us a link via fanmail (since you can’t send links in asks). Please don’t send us an ask saying “you missed my post” because I have no idea what post you’re talking about and I’d rather not dig through your blog to find it.
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bienmoreau · 7 years
hello! I'm new to the fandom ( my blog is multi-fandom, however, so it has tfc & a lot of other stuff - I've been wondering if I should just mke a sideblog for tfc / trc / tsoa / etc? ) I also was wondering if you could reccomend any blogs that also post tfc as well as other book series in general? i hope you have a good day!
okay this is way too old to actually be helpful to the original anon (jfc i am so sorry this totally got lost in my inbox…)
but umm im gonna just answer the bit abt side blogs because like yo. i have like 11? 
i think in generally it comes down to how much you want to have a go to place for specific things… like I made mine to stop me from spamming my main (which is undeniably multi-fandom but also like.. everything else not so fandom too) that said i do also use my side blogs a lot less now (well i use this whole site less now than i used to) but at the time i had A LOT of content on my dash that i wanted to reblog and even with my queue it was too much to put all in one place.. thats the other plus with my sideblogs- they are generally untagged content. it gives me a break from my pretty extensive (if not best organised) tagging system on my main 
they also provide a place for all the things you aren’t sure your general followers/old followers would like to see a lot of, TFC is a good example here due to the nature of the content. unless you have a good tagging system for it that people can blacklist (and even then thats not always gonna work) it might be best to keep that separate from your main blog/general content. (one of my older and now unused sideblogs was for The Dream Pack content in the TRC fandom as i knew it wasn’t many of my followers cup of tea at the time) 
but end of the day it comes down to you and your blogging needs/style. you dont have to cater to the presumed wishes of your followers, but i know a lot of people have nsfw side blogs and keep their mains sfw…. and yeh. that makes total sense.. same with say a blog solely dedicated to one thing.. I run @always-yes-with-you which I reblog any and all TFC art/edits/playlist/ect. (not textposts) to. this is untagged and unfiltered by my own tastes/ships/etc. and came from my role back at the start as one of the admin figures in the fandom. up to a point i could conceivably reblog everything tfc to my main but as the fandom grew there was more and more to keep up with and more things that weren’t my cup of tea so i wanted to keep a archive but not on my main. and the tfc things i do still reblog there have a clear tagging system with them. 
this sideblog was 1000% just for my own peace of mind but it also allows me to keep sharing content in a fandom i love while also keeping my main blog relatively even spread and not so swamped that everything else/anything new gets lost in all the tfc. 
all this said the only sideblog that i actually maintain to any real active degree other than AYWY is my non-fandom one @loverslivingpoetry​ . its the oldest one i have and is also a space for me to scroll though/vent on without being bombarded by all the fandom content or with worry of annoying my followers (yeh i know i shouldn’t worry abt that but heyo i do anyway :l )
this is probably a whole lot of no help at all but i figured i might as well answer this at last so it doesn’t keep gathering dust in my inbox. and hey maybe it’ll be helpful or interesting or idk what to someone else.. 
sorry for the ridiculous wait. 
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