#if i were on twitter the bravo one would be Relatable but it's not a tumblr thing lol
smallboyonherbike · 1 year
last time i fucked up by accidentally making one of mine like 50% common so i want to see if i can make an actually unrelatable one
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fpinterviews · 14 years
Jaclyn Santos
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FP: We've spoken about the subject of the male gaze, and even part of the mission statement of FP is to question what it means when women artists control the power of their own objectification. There have been other artists who have paved the way, ie. Vanessa Beecroft, why do you think it is still considered controversial and shocking for a female artist to portray her sexuality as outwardly powerful and/or vulnerable?
JS: While many women artists have displayed their own sexuality in their artwork, every girl and woman still has to confront this topic individually and form her own convictions. It's something we continuously re-examine as we age and deal with new personal  struggles. There are so many conflicting messages in society regarding a woman’s stance on her own sexuality and most women are still trying to figure it out for themselves. On one hand, society definitely rewards physical beauty yet, in many other ways, it can be an impediment. Increasingly, I think people turn to media figures as a barometer for their own morality. For the "Shock Challenge" I wanted to generate discussion about the way women are often criticized because of images they present of themselves – particularly the way certain female celebrities objectify themselves by posting sexy personal photos on social networking platforms such as Twitter. Often these photos are low-resolution and snapped from cell phones. I decided to photograph myself in this manner as a sort of contemporary “self-portraiture” and elevate the photos to fine art status by re-contextualizing them. I then displayed the images in the gallery and allowed the audience to physically alter the work in any way with sharpies, which draws attention to the way women are criticized online. I titled the piece, “Triple Self-Portrait in Bathroom,” which references Andy Warhol, an artist known for working with the idea of celebrity persona.
Another reason it may still be considered controversial is because of female competition, which occurs in part due to socially imposed myths of female worth. The scrutiny with which women can judge each other is incredible. Growing up, I wasn’t horrendously unattractive but I did go through an “awkward phase,” and for five years of my life other girls ridiculed me nearly every day. Now that I am older and have grown into my looks, I am condemned by some women because I keep up my appearance, when if I didn’t I would be put down for it. The world sets up a standard for beauty, then criticizes those who admit they struggle with it. I’m willing to honestly examine this contradiction through my artwork.
FP: You've also mentioned isolationism in your statement...a theme that seems to be prevalent in American culture today, particularly because of the internet, and our ability to be alone yet still remain virtually connected. Can you speak about how that relates to your work?
JS: I think the piece I did for the "Art That Moves You" challenge on WOA, "11x17", touches on the issue of isolationism in contemporary urban culture. It also examines voyeurism, a somewhat natural response to isolation.  While most people do not spy on their neighbors' with binoculars, voyeurism has transcended to the internet in a more diluted version, where many of us use social networking platforms and blogs to comment on the lives of those we see on Television and other forms of Media. The pseudo-anonimity of the Internet offers protection while potentially causing further isolation. I think this has affected women in a very specific way. Oftentimes women display sexy images of themselves in an attempt to garner attention or praise, yet this often backfires into “unwarranted” criticism. Too often photos or explicit videos are released without consent.
FP: In regards to the nudity on the show...it really was a missed opportunity as you said for the production to discuss the current state of feminism as it pertains to the art world. Such a HUGE topic and yet (for the sake of time constraints? titillation of tv?) Bravo chose to edit down your provocative "shock value" piece to a hot girl defaulting to her own voyeuristic sexuality more than anything else. How did you feel about that? What could they have done to further the dialogue? What do you think would have happened if say one of the male artists had asked to photograph you naked or had photographed themselves naked...do you think more or less would have been made of that episode?
JS: So far my character has appeared very one-dimensional. The fact is, I am not a "bimbo" in any capacity.  Instead of portraying my true personality, they jumped on every opportunity to dumb-down my character. I was very disturbed by the way my piece, “Triple Self-Portrait in Bathroom,” was depicted on Work of Art as well as the way my character and art making process were completely distorted. I don’t think this was done because of time constraints; rather, it was done to create a very simple story arch that any casual viewer could follow. This was problematic because it made me look like I default to nudity without any thought behind the concept of the work, which undermines my art process. I am not shy about my appearance as they suggest, but I did feel incredibly vulnerable being taped in the nude. There's a huge difference between presenting a photograph that I have carefully selected and composed, verses handing over raw footage that can be manipulated in any way whatsoever. I was very hesitant about doing this but I believed in the piece and the producers said they needed the footage only to display my process. Yet in the episode, the rest of my process was barely discussed, then it was falsely made to look as though I was not responsible for conceptualizing the final product.
The treatment of sensitive issues on set was different for the boys. A male contestant was not required to film himself ejaculating on a piece of art, which caused some tension on set.
FP: In The Art of Reflection: Women Artists' Self-Portraiture in the Twentieth Century, Marsha Meskimmon states: "If the task was to find oneself, then the crisis for the postmodern subject is that nowhere is home, everything shifts and changes. What is the reflection in the mirror that 'vanity' holds? She refuses now to be the 'site' of another's desire and reflects back to you the insubstantiality of your projections."1
Do you think it's possible for the physicality of an attractive female artist to ever be a separate entity from her work, particularly if she is the subject matter of her own work? Is vanity and the mirror important to an artist?
JS:  To answer the question, if the womans' chosen subject matter deals with nudity or sexuality in the form of self-portraiture - i.e. Marina Abramovic, Cindy Sherman - no, I don't feel the artist's appearance could be a seperate entity. If the subject matter involves sexy images of other women or the imagery is more illustrative - i.e. Lisa Yuskavage, Hillary Harkness - I think it will be much less of an issue. I think it can only be a non-issue if the artist completely plays down her appearance or doesn't acknowledge it in her work. Yet this doesn't necessarily mean it won't be an issue. At a college critique, a guest artist was invited to our studios and the minute he saw me, before he ever saw my work, he blurted out, “you are the artist”?  “You don’t look anything like an artist... YOU are as interesting as your work." This sort of thing happened so often that I made a decision to incorporate my appearance into my work.
FP: Another great quote from this same book: "One of the key issues in feminist theory has been that of women's voice in male language. To what extent is it possible to enunciate a truly different position when you are already within the structures which mark your difference?"2 Do you think the art world is still a predominantly masculine one or is it now equal...what has your experience been thus far?
JS:  While certainly more doors are now open to female artists, there’s no denying the highest paid artists are all still men. There’s also no denying that the vast majority of Art collectors are men.  I worked for Jeff Koons for two years and there were very few women who came in to purchase work. Granted, this may simply be because men still make more money than women and if women had more spending power, more of us would invest in contemporary art. I think it is a challenge to make work about women that can appeal to both a male and female audience on the same level. We respond to images of the female form rather differently, and it's hard to subvert the provocative aspect of a sexualized image.
FP: The high-low art status is interesting in your pieces --do you think anything can be elevated to art status by redepicting it?
JS:  Yes, it can, if done in a particular way.  Intent is important -- low art must be appropriated in an intelligent way. For instance, a high school student copying his incredible hulk comic book is entirely different than Jeff Koons appropriating the hulk into his personal iconography.
FP: You worked as a studio assistant to pop art icon Jeff Koons. Has he influenced your work? And who are your biggest influences?
JS:  Before I ever worked for Jeff Koons, I loved his Made in Heaven series as well as his Luxury/Degradation series. Speaking of Made in Heaven, that’s a prime example of low-art being successfully elevated to high -art. Jeff Koons is brilliant and there are very few people who love art as much as he does. Working at his studio was an incredible learning experience. It was so interesting to see how he spoke with visitors about his work and I learned an incredible amount of technical skill while at his studio. Jeff talked "acceptance" quite often. We must accept who we are -- our individual and collective pasts -- our shortcomings, failures, weaknesses, and strengths. As artists, we must be honest with ourselves in order to make work that is personal yet transcends to a wider audience. So many artists have influenced my work, but to name a few: Damien Hirst, Marilyn Minter, Laurel Nakadate, Liz Cohen, Vanessa Beecroft
FP: Where do you see your work evolving now that you've participated in Bravo's Work of Art? Has the show inspired you in a new direction? What's on the horizon? Where can we see your work next?
JS:  Participating in the reality show was an experience like no other. It really made me more aware of the internet as a portal for criticism and dialogue in fine art. It also opened my eyes to how incredibly critical and voyeuristic our culture is, and I think I would like to comment even further on these qualities in my new projects. The show also allowed me to branch out into other mediums when appropriate, something I think I may have been afraid to do before.  Since the show wrapped up, I’ve been continuing my series of figurative paintings as well as a new series of explosions that respond to the war and oil spill.
Check my website, www.jaclynsantos.com for frequent updates of my new work.
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agiospills · 5 years
What I think about Selena Gomez’s last album.
Before I start sharing my opinion on Rare, I just wanted to say that this is my opinion as a LOCAL and not as someone who loves Selena. My reviews will be based on how I personally take the songs. Maybe it’s not what Selena meant with the lyrics but anyways. I’ve already heard the album, it’s not my first listening. I think there are a lot of things that need to be talked about. Be careful with the spoilers even though I don’t think I’ll spoil too much. Enjoy!
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1. Rare
Rare is a cute song that talks about self-love and being confused about a love story and its consequences. I would definitely name it "Bad Liar’s little sister". It’s a great opening to the album. I personally do know that Selena is obsessed with the 80s and I get some Talking Heads vibes out of it. While concentrating on the song, I do think the lyrics are repetitive but if I don’t concentrate on it, I wouldn’t notice. This song did not suprised me, like I mentioned I think it’s a replica of Bad Liar. So there was nothing in the record that made me surprised. It’s definitely a 8/10.
2. Dance Again
Dance Again is about overcoming sadness and being happy again. It gives me some MAJOR Prince vibes. I like the disco and 80s vibes about it. Again, I think she could’ve got a lot deeper in the lyrics. When you know what Selena went through, I think she could’ve explored it more. I do think it should be the third single, I mean it’s definitely a song that makes you dance. I can see it being a radio hit. This song surprised a lot, I’ve never thought that Selena would and could explore the Disco genre. And I really love it. It’s a 9/10.
5. Ring
I’m so sorry for all the Ring stans out here. Bur what the fuck is this? I wanna say mean things about this record. I don’t think the album needed it even though I think it makes it more versatile. Again, I’m not a fan of the lyrics. But if there’s something about the song that caught my attention is Selena’s voice. She completely took a different tone and challenged her sound. I don’t want Selena to EVER make a song like this one. I really hate it. I don’t know about y’all, but I would rate it a 3/10.
6. Vulnerable
THIS IS WHAT I WANT! This is exactly what I want and need from Selena. First of all, thank you Jesus for these amazing lyrics. I needed it after listening to Dance Again and Ring. I love her soft voice, it makes the record so much better. I think the song is an amazing representation of wanting something that makes you bad. It’s literally my favorite track on the album, it tells a story and a story that I fully understand. BUT, I wish that she could’ve added a verse that makes the song more relatable for the outro. 10/10!
7. People You Know
Again, this is exactly what I want from Selena. I love the lyrics of the first parts. I don’t like how the song ended though. AGAIN, she could’ve ended the song with a different verse than the chorus that we just didn’t need. Thank God, the production saved that small detail that lowkey got on my nerves. I can also imagine it as a third single, I think the music video could be interesting. I just don’t want her to make the song something that we all know isn’t about, for example what she did with Fetish or Same Old Love. Again, it’s a perfect description of regretting a love that became toxic. I don’t know if the song talks about relationships or friendships. But I personally think it’s about a relationship, I take it that way. I love the record, 8.5/10!
8. Let Me Get Me
It’s gonna be a similar description to the ones I wrote for Vulnerable and People You Know. I don’t like how she finished the song, the production is perfect though. It’s a song that surprised me. And I love the pop-Middle Eastern vibes to it, the chorus is so CATCHY. It makes me want to get up and dance. I still think she stayed in her basic sound when it comes to the vocals. I can definitely feel what she is feeling while listening to the song, it radiates freedom and relief. I love it. 9/10!
10. Crowded Room (ft. 6LACK)
I love R&Bish Selena. I think her voice sounds so good, I love seeing my two words on a song together. 6LACK’s verse in the song was NEEDED. I can’t imagine the song without his part, and I love how Selena uses her head voice. I love the chorus because it reminds me of Me & U by Cassie, a fucking classic. I mean I’m so hypnotized by Selena and 6LACK’s voices that I don’t pay attention to the lyrics. For the hundredth time, I really want Selena to add high notes or something that makes me jump from my chair or whatever the fuck I’m sitting on. It’s a 9.5/10.
11. Kinda Crazy
It’s... cute? I mean I love the production, I think the producers did an amazing job with the song. It’s a not a reliable song to me, I mean I don’t have a lot of things to say about that song. I’ve heard it in 2016, and I’m hearing it again. What I think is interesting though is that it sounds like she’s talking about Charlie Puth’s weird obsession with her? Or maybe I’m being delusional lol? But yeah, please Selena get deeper into your lyrics, like come on... It’s a 6/10.
12. Fun
0/10. Please Selena, once but not twice.
13. Cut You Off
Not a fan of this song. I don’t think it’s a skip though, it’s interesting to listen to because the lyrics are reliable. But a-fucking-gain, the lyrics are not enough for me. I wanted something deeper, you’re talking about a love that drained you during 4 years. I don’t think it was needed on the album. But hey, it’s cute. It’s a 5/10.
14. A Sweeter Place (ft. Kid Cudi)
This song is definitely one of my favorite ones on the album. The first time I heard it, I cried. I think the production makes it cool and soft but it’s actually sad. It talks about Selena’s experience with almost dying and what it felt like to be almost dead. And I think she decribes it in a good way, because it really feels like that. I love Kid Cudi’s verse, if you’re not into his vibe then you won’t like it I guess. Again, I love seeing my two worlds collaborating. Perhaps it could be a good single, I definitely can see some awesome visuals for the music video. I love the fact that this song is the last song on the album, in a way, we’re saying goodbye to Rare after our first listening. But to me, the song sounded like a goodbye but like FOREVER. And I just love it. 10/10!
My overall opinion:
Rare is an amazing album that sounds so fresh. I think the Pop industry needed this album, it gives me hope for what this generation is about to listen. Rare is a perfect description of a versatile and cohesive album. The collaborations were interesting, the only skip of this album is Fun which I really hate. The way I’d rate this album is kinda harsh but Selena didn’t release an album since 2015, there are some songs that she could’ve scrapped instead of scrapping her best songs. I definitely think Stained and Feel Me (I mean with different lyrics for Feel Me lmao) had a place in this album, if we wouldn’t have heard them. I think this album is a grower and I can’t stop listening to it. I haven’t heard such a good Pop album since 1989 by Taylor Swift. I think the wait for Rare was definitely needed and it was worth waiting. If Rare isn’t nominated at the GRAMMYs, I will be mad. It’s a masterpiece. It’s just the songwriting that ruined everything on a couple of songs. I do not understand why Lose You To Love Me and Look At Her Now are on the album, they sound so different from the tracks. But honestly, good work from Selena. I’m madly impressed. I rated it a 6.5/10 on my Twitter account, but I guess it’s a 7/10 now. Bravo Selena!
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spaceoceania · 5 years
I commented 👏on👏 every👏 single 👏norray 👏fanart👏and👏fanfic👏submitted👏for👏norrayweek2020👏on👏Tumblr👏and👏ao3👏
Like??? How the hell did my dumbass even do that??😂😂 Ahhh I'm in so much awe with myself. I mean good job Amy you succeeded in accomplishing your goal, made a lot of people happy, and voiced your genuine reaction and appreciation to all the creators!! :'D 👏👏💖💖 But on the other hand, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU AMY AGAIAHAH😂😂 Like, if you just go through the tag, you can just see me in every comment section (is that even what you call it here on tumblr?? Or is it reply section??) And it's highkey creepy😂 LIKE AMY YOU DIDNT HAVE TO DO ALL THAT SHIT AGSISHSUJA- but then again it's oddly satisfying too?? Fryrutgj 🙏✨🎉 UwU
The best part is that I did it all within the actual norray week! When I was double checking I got everyone, i spent most of my time laughing at how dumb I sounded xD I didn't have to comment on as much stuff as i thought I would! 😂🙏 As in for ao3, I don't even know how I did that- cause I left some long ass comments in some works... Like jeez Amy just shut up🤦😂 Looking back at it now and I'm just like... So shook about it😂💖
So yeah guys! :D Quote me on the fact that I actually commented on everything for norrayweek!👏🎉🎉💖 But I'm pretty sure i missed something cause tumblr really hates us and wouldn't show some stuff on the tag😒😒 So yeah tell me if I missed something cause I apparently never get tired of screaming about fanart 💖😅🤦 Rip Twitter and Instagram though- there was some pretty amazing stuff on both platforms! Like, I dont even know how norrayweek was happening on Instagram!! :0 I saw a post about it on my explore page I was shook! So bless everyone who spread the news🙌🙏 And just bless everyone who participated💖 Hopefully next time I'll be able to share my love with the people on Instagram and Twitter!! <3
I can't wait for the next norray week!💖 UwU Next time I'll try to not be super ambitious😂 And I'll make sure to NOT LEAVE FUCKING ESSAYS ON THE COMMENT SECTIONS AGSISHWHSJ😭🤦😂😂 (don't quote on that tho... I always underestimate how excited my dumbass can get😪)
So yeah anyways I just want to thank everyone who organized and participated in this!!💖✨ I would tag those people but... I don't wanna bother them😅 So yeah! You all know who you are :') Actually, if you're reading this, then you're probably one of them! Actually no nevermind, it's all of us!💖 (so everyone reading this😂) It's thanks to everyone who has ever made content and everyone who like/reblog/commented on said content! And also to everyone who just supported and voted from afar! :3 Thank you guys so much <3 Norrayweek was such a nice way to start 2020 ^^
And like?? I'm still so amazed by how talented yall are?? Like?? FREAKING BRAVO TO YOU ALL👏👏✨✨ 🎉🎉🎊🎊 Trust me, if I could give every single one of you guys showers of love, I so would!! Like we got all types of content is amazing!! :DD Not only did we get some LOVELY fanfics, we also got some AMAZING fanart!!👏👏🙌🙌✨✨💖💖 AND WE GOT A COSPLAY PHOTO AND AN AMV AGAUQJAH👏👏🎉🎉🎉✨✨💖💖💖
Anyways here are some random facts about me and norrayweek😂:
I can clearly remember the first and last fanart submission here on tumblr! :D🙌💖 (first by our lovely @/sweetylittlebirdie 💕and last by our queen @/mika-hime✨)
I can't remember that ⬆ for fanfics on ao3 but the first and last fics I left a comment on were both to the same author! And that was for @/piperemerald <3
I reblogged a total of 3 posts relating to norryaweek! One which was an art made by our goddess @/justanotherbnhalover because her art kills me like that xD the other one was the amv I keep talking about which was made by our girl @/mika-hime because it was just so beautiful! And the last one was a mini fic by @/vidaflxwer cause omg I c r i e d- so yeah X3 I had a quite a lot of stuff to say about all those three things and the idea of leaving multiple comments never crossed my mind at first. So I ended up gushing about it on the tags😂💖
The hardest part of norrayweek was easily making my orgins post cause i kept going back and editing it and then the little shit didnt even show up in the tags😂
There were two fanarts that I didnt leave a comment on at first cause I personally gushed to the creator about it through the chat box. But when I was going through the tag again I found those two arts and gave the creators a comment😂💖
This is the second ship-week I have officially participated on! :D
But this is the first time time I actually make it all the way through the ship-week!! 😅
I was never able to memorized the prompts and what day they were attached to xD So I had to look at the screenshot of the prompts quite a lot of times.
So yeah! :D Everything for Norrayweek2020 should have a comment from me except for those three posts that I reblog and everything posted on ao3 cause i just left the comment on ao3! :3 So if you see something that doesn't have me screaming in the notes, tell me so I can go gush about!! X3
Thank you all so much and thank you to whoever read all of that xD <3
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jerseydeanne · 5 years
No “bias.” Only CORRUPTION.
The FBI’s Corrupt Cops
December 11, 2019 5:27 PM
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Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz testifies before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill, December 11, 2019. (Erin Scott/Reuters)
The falsified documents and the many errors all disadvantaged one side. That’s not bias?
White-collar criminals should hope for one thing this Christmas: that they get to live under the Horowitz rules.
Michael Horowitz has testified that he found no evidence of political bias on the part of the decision makers who, under the Obama administration, relied on hilariously implausible “evidence” and falsified evidence of their own in order to launch a federal investigation of the Trump campaign. Rather than political bias, Horowitz says, the investigation uncovered a series of “basic and fundamental” errors. Democrats are cheering that aspect of the report, because they believe that Horowitz’s words can be used to silence charges that the investigation of the Trump campaign was, as the president charges, part of a politically inspired “witch hunt.”
Here’s Horowitz in his own words:
Errors were made by three separate, hand-picked investigative teams; on one of the most sensitive FBI investigations; after the matter had been briefed to the highest levels within the FBI; even though the information sought through the use of FISA authority related so closely to an ongoing presidential campaign; and even though those involved with the investigation knew that their actions were likely to be subjected to close scrutiny.
No bias, just honest incompetence. Or so we are expected to believe.
Imagine an investigation of racial bias in a bank, with investigators discovering a long series of serious errors and departures from ordinary standards and practices, violations of business norms, etc., not by a single loan officer but by three separate business units overseen by the highest levels of management — with all of those errors disadvantaging African-American mortgage borrowers. Would we need texts and emails documenting active racial bias on the part of the bankers to conclude that there was racial bias at play? If we found that a police department had violated its own standards on a regular basis in its treatment of African-American suspects but uncovered no texts or emails documenting racial intent, would we be satisfied that no racial bias existed?
Of course not.
And, in the case of the Obama administration, using investigative agencies as political weapons fits a well-established pattern of behavior. Under the Obama administration, the IRS abused its powers for political purposes: Conservative nonprofits were targeted for investigation and harassment. So was the National Labor Relations Board. So was the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. In fact, this is part of a pattern of behavior among Democrats both inside and outside of the federal government: New York State has just been forced to abandon a political jihad against Exxon, which Democrats attempted to prosecute for indulging wrongthink on global warming, using securities law as a pretext. Democratic prosecutors have abused their powers to harass and intimidate climate-policy critics including policy nonprofits such as the Competitive Enterprise Institute. That isn’t a conspiracy theory — New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (later driven from office) organized the campaign and announced his intentions in the New York Times.
The FBI’s actions in the Trump matter were outrageous
, with agents going so far as to alter documents included as part of the FISA warrant process.
Focus in on that for a moment: The Federal Bureau of Investigation under the Obama administration sought to launch an investigation of the rival party’s presidential campaign in order to spy on it under powers reserved for national-security purposes. (FISA stands for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.) In order to activate those powers, the FBI had to go to a federal court for permission, which it did — with falsified documents in hand. If the FBI attorney who altered that document avoids seeing the inside of a federal prison cell, it will be a grave disservice to justice.
In a free society, there is very little that is as dangerous as a corrupt cop. The FBI under the Obama administration falsified documents in order to get legal permission to spy on a Republican presidential campaign. But there was no “bias.”
Only corruption.
Bravo. Mr. Williamson. Right on the money! ! Can we now go back and impeach Obama? I guess not?
This is brilliant!  You know you have to think this is a presidential election, not some dude trying to blow something up.  They took the slimmest of evidence to spy on the Trump campaign.  Think about that for a moment. It’s crazy! 
Thank you anon, 🥰
Twitter is on fire right now! 
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wematch · 6 years
The Truth Behind It
Neil finally makes a Twitter account the year after he leaves the Foxes. His PR has been nagging him about making a social media account since he joined the team but ultimately he uses it to annoy Andrew. Of course things escalate and the rumours of a rivalry between the two form, that is until Neil clarifies everything.
You can also read it on [AO3]
As always a big thank you to @velvetnoodle for being such a wonderful beta!
Neil is lying on the sofa of his empty apartment staring at the ceiling. The match he had been watching in the TV just ended and now the post game interviews are about to start; the sound of Andrew’s voice coming from the screen draws his attention back to the TV. He grabs the remote to turn the volume up and sits up on the couch to pay attention.
He can’t help but be surprised when he sees Andrew’s blank face right next to his team captain ready to do the interview. Andrew never liked to do this sort of thing and has always left that pretty clear in the past. But this wasn’t college anymore, they were now playing for professional teams and the contracts they signed were different, interviews and the occasional photos were part of their careers as professional athletes.
But that doesn’t mean that Andrew would go there and put on a smile for the cameras and pretend to be nice like Kevin does. No, Andrew will be there because that’s what’s required of him. Nothing else.
Neil is amused at the whole interview; Andrew either ignores the questions thrown at him or gives the shortest answers possible. And when it becomes clear that the reporters are no longer asking Exy related questions, Andrew just exits the room leaving his captain behind.
When the interview is over, Neil’s phone starts beeping so he fumbles on the couch in search of it. When he unlocks it he finds a message in his chat with Allison. It’s only a screenshot, and when Neil clicks to expand it he can see that it’s from a tweet of Nicky just saying next with laughing smiles and then Andrew’s reply to it saying You’re next.
Neil snorts. When did Andrew get a Twitter account? Maybe his PR had him make an account just like they’ve been asking Neil to do. He puts his phone away and watches the sports channel that is currently showing a game from the past season. But he doesn’t pay too much attention to it; he keeps thinking about what Allison showed him so he grabs his phone again and decides to download Twitter to try the damn thing. It will get his PR off his back and he can tease Andrew a bit.
He makes an account in a few minutes, and then he proceeds to type his first tweet.
@JostenN10: Who let @AJMinyard loose near the press?
In no time his phone begins to beep like crazy. People are beginning to follow him and retweet what he said, including some of the Foxes. Neil follows his friends back, and takes some time to figure out how to disable all the notifications except for theirs. He gets distracted trying to read what they’ve tweeted to each other lately until a notification letting him know that Andrew had just mentioned him appears.
@AJMinyard: @JostenN10 Mind your own damn business.
He smiles at his phone when he reads Andrew’s reply and gets up to prepare to go to sleep. His phone rings a few minutes later so he lays down and answers it. “Are you banned from interviews yet?”
“Not yet,” Andrew replies.
Neil begins to grin; of course Andrew will try to make it happen soon. He turns off his lamp and makes himself comfortable in bed to talk to Andrew. They haven’t seen each other in two weeks and Neil misses him. “You still coming here next weekend?”
“Yes,” Andrew answers, and then he proceeds to tell Neil about the book Renee let him borrow a few days ago when she went to visit him.
And like most nights they don’t talk for long as they both have practice in the next morning. So after Neil tells Andrew about his teammates becoming really stressed about the upcoming matches, they hung up to get some sleep.
A few days pass, and Neil’s team wins a game where he scores an impossible shot. Once he’s dressed after the game he comes to sit on his car to make some time for the stadium to clear out.
He checks his phone to see what time it is, but finds that he has a few notifications on Twitter so he clicks to open it. He sees several of the Foxes congratulating him about the game. All except for one.
@NickyHe: What an amazing shot @JostenN10, so proud!!
@AJMinyard: @NickyHe you forgot the part that he face planted himself into the plexiglass. Bravo.
Neil snorts when he reads what Andrew sent him and immediately begins to type his answer.
@JostenN10: Fuck you @AJMinyard
He then puts his phone away and drives back to his apartment. Once he arrives, he takes off his shoes and sits on the couch, the adrenaline of the game has passed and Neil feels his legs giving out.
He takes out his phone from his pocket to call Andrew. “I’m probably going to be told off tomorrow for that,” he comments, remembering his PR warning him to think about what he posts online because it could impact him and his team.
“Tell that to someone who cares,” Andrew replies and Neil can hear the slight amusement in his voice. “They should just ban you from social media before it’s too late.”
“Probably,” Neil agrees. “If they were smart they would ban us both, just to be safe.”
Andrew hums and for a few moments neither of them speak. Andrew is going to stay over during the weekend so Neil walks to his fridge and opens freezer to check if he still has ice cream for him. He sees a container of Andrew’s favorite flavor and grabs it.“Your ice cream container is almost empty, do you want me to buy a different flavor or the same one?”
Andrew doesn’t answer right away and sounds like he’s walking around. So while he waits for Andrew to answer, Neil closes the freezer and starts to look at the take out menus to think about what he’s going to order for dinner.
“The same,” Andrew tells him.“You going shopping tomorrow?”
“Yeah, but I should be back before you arrive,” Neil replies.
Almost two weeks later, Neil’s sitting in the locker room putting away his things in a gym bag and he can feel the tense atmosphere of his team in the air. They just lost an away game and it will make it difficult for them to move to the next round. So he takes a deep breath, closes his bag and follows his teammates in silence.
On his way to the parking lot Neil checks his phone and goes on Twitter where he sees he has several mentions from the others about the match. He’s not really in the mood to talk about it, so he ignores them until he notices that Andrew also mentioned him.
@AJMinyard: @JostenN10 I thought you knew how to run
@JostenN10: @AJMinyard At least I played, what did you do on your last game?
@AJMinyard: @JostenN10 You have a death wish
After a short drive, his team gets back to their city. Neil leaves the team bus and enters his car, feeling slightly calmer after bickering with Andrew. He begins to drive and only checks his phone again when he stops at a gas station, and he sees that he has a message from Andrew.
Andrew: How long?
Neil: At the gas station, 20min
Neil pays for the gas and buys some chocolate bars for Andrew that were in the counter. When he enters the car and throws the chocolates to the other seat he realizes that it’s getting late and he’s getting hungry so he sends another message to Andrew.
Neil: Indian tonight?
Andrew: Yes. Number 37?
Neil: Yeah and Naan bread
Once he arrives at Andrew’s apartment he opens the door and Andrew calmly gets up from the couch to stop in front of him. Neil silently drops his bag to the floor and holds up the chocolates one in each hand in front of them.
Andrew spares them a glance and holds Neil’s hands with his own. “You can live. For now,” he comments and Neil can see that he’s amused. Then he moves forward and kisses Neil for a moment, and just as quickly Andrew steps back taking the chocolates with him. “Dinner should be arriving anytime now,” he informs him turning his back to Neil.
“Good,” Neil says, thinking that he’s quite hungry and follows Andrew into the living room to wait for dinner to be delivered.
Neil takes a deep breath and steps into the room full of reporters to follow his captain. He was put to press duty because the reporters have been asking why he never makes them, so of course they sent him today with the warning to watch his mouth.
After a few questions about the match they just had, one reporter changes the subject. “You seem to have a rivalry with your former teammate Andrew Minyard, care to comment?”
“No,” He replies, trying not to roll his eyes at the so-called rivalry that, according to Allison, everyone has been talking about.
“Are you excited to go against him next week?”
“Yes, I can’t wait to see him,” he replies and fights the urge to smile when he thinks about Andrew and the time they’ll get to spend together next weekend.
“There’s some rumors going around that while you were at Palmetto you two didn’t get along?” another reporter immediately asks, interrupting his thoughts.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure he hates me,” Neil says to the camera with a grin, choosing to let them interpret that however they want.
Later that night he checks in at the hotel where his whole team is staying before they fly back to their city in the morning. He goes to his room and opens the window to light a cigarette on the small balcony. He breathes in the smell of smoke and once the cigarette is gone he thinks about calling Andrew so he grabs his phone. He unlocks it and notices that he has a notification from Twitter and opens the app.
@AJMinyard: @JostenN10 You’re right, I do hate you.
His heart skips a beat after reading Andrew’s message from two hours ago. He stares at the message for a few moments but ultimately realizes that is already quite late and he doesn’t want to wake Andrew, so instead of calling him tonight he only answers him on Twitter.
@JostenN10: @AJMinyard Good
After the game between their teams, Neil silently follows his team into the locker room to wait for their turn to do the post-game interview. His coach comes inside and turns the TV on so that they can watch the other team’s interview. Andrew’s team won and Neil almost has the urge to roll his eyes when he sees that they sent Andrew to do the interview.
“Andrew, what was it like to play against your former captain?” a reporter asks as soon as he steps into the room.
“Interesting,” Andrew replies with a blank face.
“You confirmed on Twitter that you hated him - did something happen between the two of you?” another one asks.
Andrew turns to the side to look the reporter in the eye before he answers. “You could say that.”
“Would you like to share some details about that? The fans have been wondering what happened to the two of you; even Kevin Day won’t comment about it.”
“It’s good to know that someone has learned to shut their mouth,” is all Andrew says, ignoring the question completely. And then he turns around as if preparing to leave.
“Just one more question; did you had a chance to speak to Josten after the game?”
Andrew pauses after hearing Neil’s name being brought up again. “If only there were days were I didn’t have to fucking deal with him,” he says without looking at the cameras. “I’m done with this,” he adds, and then leaves.
A few minutes pass, and Neil follows his captain to do the interview for his team. As soon as he’s in front of the cameras the reporters don’t even ask about the game, choosing instead to try and see if Neil can give them more information about the situation with Andrew.
“Neil care to comment about your rivalry with Andrew?”
“Rivalry?” Neil asks, feigning confusion.
“Yes, the public is concerned about what really happened between the two of you and why you hate each other so much.”
“Oh, that,” Neil begins to grin; their so called rivalry is what is making his PR send him to press duty after every game. The press has been dying to know more about them.
“Andrew didn’t say anything about it in his interview moments ago, but can you give us an inside scoop? Did you guys have a serious fight while you were in the same team?
“Andrew has been known to have violent tendencies. Did something happen?” another reporter quickly asks.
“What? Fuck, no.” Neil says, no longer grinning. Fuck the reporters; they’re only interested in the gossip that could make them sell more and they were going too far with their assumptions. He doesn’t want anyone to think that about the two of them, so he turns around and leaves before he says something he really shouldn’t. He did swear on camera, but his PR should be proud that he shut his mouth after that and walked away.
Later that night they’re both back at Andrew’s apartment in bed and Neil has been scrolling through Twitter for the past half an hour reading a lot of opinions about their so-called fight, and he’s just done with the whole thing. At the beginning, it was fun to tease Andrew and watch everyone start to wonder why, but now it was all getting out of control. He takes a deep breath and looks at Andrew by his side. “I’m tired of this stupid rivalry.”
Andrew stops reading his book and looks back. “It is getting boring,” he comments, and when he sees that Neil isn’t going to add anything else for now, he turns his attention back to the book.
Neil goes back to Twitter and sees that Nicky’s making jokes about the interviews they did today and commenting about the whole situation between them. Neil decides to reply to one of Nicky’s tweets that is full of laughing and crying smiles.
@NickyHe: @AJMinyard He really hates @JostenN10
@JostenN10: @NickyHe @AJMinyard He really does. Especially today since I scored him so many goals
Neil can hear Andrew’s phone vibrating from the notification and watches him grab his phone to check it so he waits, looking at his own phone to see if he’s going to reply.
@AJMinyard: @JostenN10 I hate you everyday. Now shut the fuck up, you’re distracting me
Neil snorts and begins to type his reply:
@JostenN10: @AJMinyard Is that a threat?
@AJMinyard: @JostenN10 It is now
@AJMinyard: @JostenN10 I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t let me finish this book tonight
@JostenN10: @AJMinyard I’m not afraid of you
Out of the corner, of his eye he sees sudden movement and reflexly brings his arm up to defend himself. He isn’t fast enough, however, so he feels a object hitting him on the head. He grabs it to check what it is and sees the book Andrew was just reading. Andrew had just thrown the book at him without any force behind it so Neil looks to his side and grins. He’s met with Andrew looking at him with an eyebrow raised, as if daring him to do something about it. So Neil keeps the book against his chest and grabs his phone once again.
@JostenN10: @AJMinyard just fucking threw the book at my head!
Then Neil, still grinning, turns to look at Andrew again, wondering if it would be okay to post a picture of them together to just end this mess once and for all.
“Staring,” Andrew comments turning to the side and props up his head with his hand to look back at Neil.
“Can I post a picture of us?”
Andrew stills for a moment, clearly not expecting that.“Yes,” he tells him after a moment. “Now give me back the book.”
Neil turns on his camera, takes a picture and gives him back the book. He shows the picture to Andrew and once he glances at it and returns to focus on his book, Neil posts it. It’s a picture of him seated on his bed holding the book and looking at the side grinning, where you can see half of Andrew’s side looking back at him.
@AJMinyard: @JostenN10 You should’ve learned how to duck by now  
(And the media goes crazy.)
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wazafam · 3 years
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Two stars of Bravo's The Real Housewives franchise are "upset" with Andy Cohen (who has been accused of playing favorites in the past) for leaving their kids out of his recently announced Watch What Happens Live special that will star several housewives' children. On April 6, Cohen took to Twitter to announce the list of children joining him for his late-night special and ask for fan questions. Over the years, Housewives has utilized dozens of their main cast's children as supporting stars, and fans have been awaiting an opportunity to watch their favorite housewife descendants take centerstage.
Fans of housewives who have been loyal since the beginning have watched many of their children grow into adults practically in real-time. Kandi Burruss' daughter Riley, Ramona Singer's daughter Avery, and Meredith Marks' son Brooks, are some of the kids who have appeared on their parents' series for over a decade and have been invited to talk with Andy on his late-night talk show, WWHL. The event will feature 13 children of stars from a variety of series including RHONY, RHOA, RHONJ, and even the most recent addition to the Bravo family, The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. While that may appear to be inclusive, two anonymous housewives are upset their kids were not invited onto the special, according to Andy Cohen.
Related: How Andy Cohen Will Spotlight The Real Housewives Children
On his SiriusXM show Radio Andy, Cohen admitted, "I will say I heard from two moms saying, 'Why wasn't my daughter included?'" While Andy wouldn't name any names, he did reveal the other housewife royalty set to join him on WWHL include Teresa Giudice's "Sad Song" singer Gia, Dolores Catania's son Frankie, Jeana Keough's son Shane, Luan de Lesseps' daughter Victoria, Sheree Whitfield's son Kairo, Cynthia Bailey's daughter Noelle Robinson, Vicki Gunvalson's daughter Briana Culberson, Kim Zolciak's daughter Brielle Biermann, and Caroline Manzo's sons Albie and Chris. This complete list of children, along with Cohen's hint that the housewives requested their "daughters" be included, slightly narrows the field of potential complaining reality TV celebrities.
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Although she may seem like a prime candidate, Andy was quick to deny Sonja Morgan was one of the two upset housewives, "I would love to have Quincy [Morgan]." Noticeably missing is any Real Housewives of Beverly Hills children. Could Kyle Richards have wanted one of her four daughters to snag a spot on the special? Additionally, Lisa Rinna's two daughters would serve as great contributions to the group following reports of Amelia and Scott Disick's relationship getting serious in the press. The Real Housewives of Potomac is also underrepresented in this pool of reality television kin. Gizelle Bryant's three daughters and Karen Huger's daughter Raven have all made memorable appearances on the past seasons of RHOP, perhaps prompting one of these housewives to be agitated with Andy.
While there will be no confirmation of which two aggrieved reality stars are upset with Andy, it's safe to say several worthy children were omitted from the anticipated Watch What Happens Live event. Regardless, this late-night reunion is so full of The Real Housewives offspring it will certainly satisfy the Bravo fans who have been waiting for the housewives' children to shine in their own spotlight.
Next: The Real Housewives: 5 Reddit Conspiracy Theories That Could Be Legit (&5 That Are Too Far-Fetched)
Why Two Real Housewives Are 'Upset' Over WWHL Children's Special from https://ift.tt/31V0zSe
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ehentha · 7 years
Maldives twitter last week #1
Here are some interesting things Maldivians talked about on twitter last week. A long term collection could be very useful for reflection and analysis. 
 1. @reallynattu creates satirical voting app 
Since this has leaked and people got a glimpse of this super duper top secret extremely sensitive totally legit app we've been working on. So releasing #VoteApp for public use. Tweet your features to add to this. iOS: https://t.co/yZYEepIJ3i Android: https://t.co/8W1jtkTwpz pic.twitter.com/EGbczx12rw
— Nattu (@reallynattu) March 7, 2018
An English translation: 
The top text reads "Voteapp". Next to it is a drop down menu that says "Presidential election". 
Below that the title says "Candidates". Below this the same portrait of current president Abdulla Yameen is displayed five times in a row, giving the voter a wide range of candidates to vote for. 
Below this is the presidents full name, "Yameen Abdul Gayoom". The president doesn't use this version in his campaigning or current activities perhaps to distant himself from his brother Maumoon. Next to this the text reads "The driving force behind the progress that the Maldives is experiencing". 
After this is a section where the voter decides what kind of reward they want for voting. They are given a choice of money (from well wishers), employment (a coordinator position), or a flat from Hulhumale'. In the mockup the voter has chosen money, and the options for collecting it (deposit, cheque, or a letter delivered to your residence) are below. As the voter has selected the first option, a field to enter their account number and reward amount sits next to the Bank of Maldives and Maldives Islamic Bank logos. 
At the very bottom the text reads "press to vote", with the subtext "I swear to god that I won't change my vote". The word used for "my" is "alhugandu", a relic of the Maldivian caste system, which is the self depreciating word one must use for oneself when talking to someone who demands respect; whether it be your elders, a teacher, or certain dictators. The literal translation of "alhu" is slave. 
 2. @paperclippenny and @legacyofpain attend mandatory marriage classes 
Marriage class: https://twitter.com/legacyofpain/status/971438002890203136
"no anal!!" - Marie #marriageclass
— Executive Hobo 🎈 (@legacyofpain) March 7, 2018
Marie seems to be one of their tutors. 
Marie just called genitals "shameful organs". Wow, I call them fun parts. This is bleak. #marriageclass
— Executive Hobo 🎈 (@legacyofpain) March 7, 2018
A word for genitals in Dhivehi is "ladhuvethi gunavan", literally "shameful organ". 
I'm pretending I'm watching a play. This is a haunting one man show about a man who has given up on life and is clutching on to religion because otherwise his life has no meaning. #marriageclass
— Executive Hobo 🎈 (@legacyofpain) March 7, 2018
Fucking hell! He just called us factories #marriageclass
— penny 🎈❓ (@paperclippenny) March 7, 2018
Oh my God so many diseased ladhuvethi gunavan!!! My eyes!!! My beautiful eyes!!!! #marriageclass
— Executive Hobo 🎈 (@legacyofpain) March 7, 2018
This man's wife tried to leave him... Several times #marriageclass
— penny 🎈❓ (@paperclippenny) March 7, 2018
All financial responsibilities on men. No pressure. Eyrun mimeehun gengulheveynee. #marriageclass Seriously dude 😠
— penny 🎈❓ (@paperclippenny) March 7, 2018
I don't think this guy thinks that women have a brain. To me it sounds like this guy thinks that women are just walking wombs. #marriageclass
— Executive Hobo 🎈 (@legacyofpain) March 7, 2018
Please ladies, stay in your marriage. Your guy invested a lot in this venture - marriage teacher #marriageclass
— penny 🎈❓ (@paperclippenny) March 7, 2018
3. Women of Maldives begin campaign to make male dominated tea houses more gender inclusive with #OccupySaiHotaa
It’s happening!!!! #OccupySaiHotaa https://t.co/tn51rHPT5q
— Hamy (@ashahamy) March 8, 2018
What we are trying to is eliminate gender segregated spaces and normalize eating at Sai Hotaa for women. Ultimate goal is for women to be able to do this without the need for ‘gatu’. #OccupySaiHotaa @KeevveMV
— Aryj (@Arrryj) March 8, 2018
"gatu" is the Maldivian slang version of "having the guts". 
Occupy Sai Hotaa https://t.co/njXP4KMwfs
— Aryj (@Arrryj) March 8, 2018
We are at aibalhey #OccupySaiHotaa Our team will be here until 1400PM. So come and join us! pic.twitter.com/9qaPrdNsjo
— Keevve! (@KeevveMV) March 8, 2018
Occupysaihotaa: Anhenverin hotaa thakah! https://t.co/FkTrgatlRz
— Mihaaru (@Mihaarunews) March 8, 2018
The headline reads: Occupysaihotaa: Women (go) to the tea houses! (sai = tea, hotaa = hotel). 
Hi @Mihaarunews, The article states that I was leading the movement, which is inaccurate. The #Keevve movement and #OccupySaiHotaa are both lead by @NihayaAhmed, @ashahamy and me as explained over the phone. Please amend the article to reflect this.
— Aryj (@Arrryj) March 8, 2018
.#TimeIsNow to break the gender stereotypes. Today, on #womensday our team at UNDP joined #OccupySaiHotaa. #IWD2018 pic.twitter.com/HYO9f2c2SB
— UNDP Maldives (@UNDPMaldives) March 8, 2018
Okay, this wins! I think it was @shaari that suggested Dhivehi Keun at Moon Cafe’. Varah salhi. #OccupySaiHotaa #keevve nudhaanvee! pic.twitter.com/oScpQhaRB7
— Hamy (@ashahamy) March 10, 2018
Bill for 8 people!!!!! #OccupySaiHotaa #Keevve @KeevveMV pic.twitter.com/nQK9hCQvDQ
— Hamy (@ashahamy) March 8, 2018
At Moon Café for dinner. #OccupySaiHotaa pic.twitter.com/LZUlxQQma0
— Aryj (@Arrryj) March 10, 2018
Late Nasira was the bravest among us, she initiated #OccupySaiHotaa A true inspiration. May god bless her 💞✨ pic.twitter.com/lr5tdPaZYM
— Yuha Mauroof (@YuhaMauroof) March 9, 2018
We came for lunch to memorial saihotaa & also ordered a Rukuraa as a drink. A man approached to my friend and said "RAAKOLHEH dheebala." Anheneh saiboan ananee raa boan thoa? #keevenaananvee #OccupySaiHotaa #teammemorial #happyWomensDay2018 #InternationalWomensDay @safaathahmed pic.twitter.com/1sNzwPp7tR
— Anthi (@shafaafahmed) March 8, 2018
Seeing #OccupySaiHotaa photos is so heartwarming. The times are a changing indeed. :’) Shoutout to all the men being supportive as well.
— 🎈Nora Nazeer ✨ (@NoraNazeer) March 8, 2018
Me and @rushdhar today occupying a sai hotaa #OccupySaiHotaa #InternationalWomenDay #KeeveNudhaanvee @KeevveMV pic.twitter.com/XULcBtNihB
— Sajidha Mufeed 🇲🇻 (@SaajiMV) March 8, 2018
Ok update: I can feel the stares, hear tiny squeaks here and there. The service however is really nice. Just the testosterone I feel discriminated by. Anhenunnah Sai Hotalehgai fenun dhathi kamakah vany #Keevve #OccupySaiHotaa #IWD2018
— Nihaya 🎈 (@NihayaAhmed) March 8, 2018
If you use the #OccupySaiHotaa and search here you will notice it’s becoming the norm and people are going to Sai Hotaa’s on a daily basis, I myself went tonight with my sisters tonight itself to participate in it and to show my support. It’s already their 2nd time
— Adam Isham (@adamisham) March 11, 2018
4. Some men aren't too happy about it 
Feminism is beautiful. But why occupy sai hotaa? Why not propose separate sai hotas for women? Men need the privacy to talk the "men talk" at saihota. Likewise, women. Issue-based agendas would facilitate women empowerment instead of trying to create a resemblance of men & women
— I l h a m (@ilhaamnil) March 8, 2018
Noannaanu salaamatheh , vaki varakah dho sai hotaa thah hingaa meehun ah keiy vaanee. Miadhu ekani chummi ziyaaratheh kolli kamahtakaa mas dhuvahuge supply huss vejje eh burun!!
— Manih Rasheed (@m3ndu3) March 8, 2018
English translation: "There is no escape, there is only so much that tea house managers will take. (We've?) run out of a months supply just because of one visit!
#SaiHotaOccupied pic.twitter.com/yyLqmcdo2B
— Manih Rasheed (@m3ndu3) March 8, 2018
#OccupySaiHotaa wahhabees ge lagondi akah ketheh nuvi. Keep breaking these rulez. 💪👧❤@KeevveMV @JCIKaafu @Arrryj @siruarts pic.twitter.com/ukYk543QcL
— Aydh (@janavaar) March 9, 2018
Peeing in a bottle: Man’s greatest achievement? This is the best that Salafi propagandist Siru “Arts” could come up with to mock the #OccupySaiHotaa movement.
The black text on top reads:  "This year the women's groups went to the tea houses next year (they'll go) fishing"
The red bottom text reads: “Next year - trying to pee into a thola bottle far away without utilising any devices”
On the bottom left the silhouette peeing is labeled "men" and the female rage comic face is lablled "women". 
Today I've learned a lot. Thanks all who opposed nicely. This needs to move forward. At the same, time addressing other related issues are important. I've already decided to join the #OccupySaiHotaa movement. #twitterlessons
— I l h a m (@ilhaamnil) March 9, 2018
 5. Maldives celebrates International Women's Day 2018
When I first started out as a design student, some of my first design idols were female Maldivian designers. Fast forward to 3+ years of working and I've met more female designers than male. Here's an attempt at documenting our female designers. Feel free to add on.#IWD2018
— Immi Saleem (@immisalym) March 8, 2018
#IWD2018 pic.twitter.com/wsObiM9kg0
— Benefit (@Benefitmv) March 6, 2018
Celebrating the courageous women who stepped up for justice. Aisha @mysticaish is fighting for justice for her brother @yaamyn. Bravo! #WomenStepUp #PressForProgess #IWD2018 #WeAreYaamyn pic.twitter.com/lwFdBcMJ5B
— Mv Democracy Network (@MDN_mv) March 8, 2018
This brave lady Shameema, has an injured spine from being hit by water at high pressure, by @PoliceMv Pepper sprayed daily, she was brutally kicked by a policeman during a peaceful protest even last week & yet she’s on the roads everyday fighting 4 #Democracy#PressforProgress pic.twitter.com/fFDYVtMPan
— MP Rozaina Adam 🎈 (@Roxeyna) March 8, 2018
For @moyameehaa ‘s mum, a woman who’s been asking where her son is for 1307 days, despite inhumane obstructions from the state. #IWD2018
— Shaff Hameed 🎈❔ (@shoffot) March 8, 2018
I want to talk about polygamy, child brides, criminalization of relations outside wedlock, ban on women marrying non-muslims, restrictions on wives to initiate divorce, & lax child maintenance laws. But idiots might come after my head, shouting "dheenatakaa,gaumatakaa"! So happu
— HawwaLubna 🎈❓ (@HawwaLubna) March 8, 2018
The Police raised our home today. They took with them my mother’s old iPad. They can expect to find a lot of pretty crochet designs. #MaldivesInCrisis
— Eva Abdulla 🎈❓ (@evattey) March 8, 2018
These women are my heroes. I hope for the day Maldives will give answers. Their strength in the face of brutality is the best of our humanity. #IWD2018 #FindMoyaMeehaa #WeAreYaamyn pic.twitter.com/bsqd9ZupQU
— Ish 🎈 (@bananatarts) March 8, 2018
We did #OccupySaiHotaa . Adhives dhaanvaane, #Keevve nudhaanvy? @safaathahmed couldn't tag you pic.twitter.com/MVs3icrmUf
— Luj 🌹 (@lujainshujau) March 8, 2018
Just got called a "feminazi". Because I've this weird belief that women's bodies are their own business. It's radical, I know. That's why they liken me & my kind to nazis, because believing in female self-determination is roughly equivalent to genocide. 🙄
— F 🎈❓ (@_faz_) March 8, 2018
This #InternationalWomensDay let’s not forget LGBTIQA Dhivehi women who do not have the privilege of being visible, let alone freedom to be. We exist. Claims of intersectional allegiance fall short of true solidarity when our existence is not acknowledged. #ALLWomen
— Kanbaafaanu ❓🎈 (@Kanbaafaanu) March 8, 2018
6. Maldives telecom company Dhiraagu gives police full access to opposition activist @Thayyib's SIM
Dhiraagu finally admits they gave police access to @Thayyib’s SIM. Even if it was to honour a court order, why did @Dhiraagu not have the basic courtesy to inform the service recipient of this action? Why did it keep issuing vague statements denying the accusation? https://t.co/G5PfGFW1rV
— Mickail Naseem 🎈 (@MickailNaseem) March 8, 2018
Attn: I am going to move my Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and other communication platforms to my SriLanka number. I am using @Dhiraagu services from 1997 (started from pager) & many times they have violated my privacy. records must be there.
— Thayyib #PN2018 (@thayyib) March 8, 2018
thank you @Google @gmail @Twitter @TwitterSupport @verified @facebook those who wants stop me, may attempt again and more, please protect my accounts.
— Thayyib #PN2018 (@thayyib) March 8, 2018
There was no lawful purpose. Since @Dhiraagu gave @PoliceMv the means to impersonate @thayyib they aided in the commission of a crime: identity fraud. A cloned SIM's real use is not to intercept messages, but to appear to others as the real one, i.e. to commit identity fraud. pic.twitter.com/PF06AOeNLO
— Maumoon Hameed (@maanhameed) March 8, 2018
A sad day, but I see NO other option than to quit @Dhiraagu after 19 years. I wonder why @dhiraagu did NOT appeal like @Apple did on maintaining customers’ trust & their integrity.. Especially knowing the Corruption Index Level of our State.@Mirshan :(@OoredooMaldives :)
— Ashraf Ayu (@Ashraf_Ayu) March 8, 2018
What @Dhiraagu did was a crime of the same magnitude as issuing an ID Card/Passport bearing @thayyib‘s photo & particulars for someone else to impersonate him. What an institutionalized criminal activity!#SIMcloningCompany pic.twitter.com/1fWj6GyEh6
— Imthiyaz Fahmy (@Imthiyazfahmy) March 8, 2018
More next week!
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
Why Sunset Time Tonight Had Been So Popular Till Now? | sunset time tonight
Despite all the ball apparent on “Shahs of Sunset,” activity in apprehension is abundant added airy for Mike Shouhed, abnormally back he has some company. 
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Tonight’s sunset | Flickr – Photo Sharing! – sunset time tonight | sunset time tonight
The 41-year-old absoluteness brilliant alien the new woman in his life, Paulina Ben-Cohen, to audiences during the afresh aired Season 8 of the Bravo absoluteness show. However, as admirers — and the blow of the casting apperceive — his relationships don’t consistently aftermost long.
Given that there is a blooper in time amid filming and the present a catechism that abounding admirers accept wondered is: Are Mike and Paulina still together? The acknowledgment is an agitative yes and they are currently abandoned calm in Los Angeles. 
Speaking with E! News as allotment of the “Coupled Up” series, the brace aggregate what they’ve been up to.
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love the colours tonight. #photography #landscapephotography .. | sunset time tonight
“Now that I accept time, I’m assuredly accepting to that laundry account and application it to my advantage because I could either accuse or I can accomplish a aberration in my activity and I chose to do article absolute and do article altered and canyon the time properly,” Mike revealed. 
Paulina’s two accouchement from a antecedent accord accept additionally spent time with the couple, abrogation her afflicted with the 41-year-old absoluteness star’s benevolent instincts.  
“It comes to him so naturally, area I affirm a majority of the time, I’m in awe with the way he handles assertive situations with them,” the mom shared. “He’s like, ‘I got it.’ I’m like, ‘Wow, absolutely impressive.’ Abnormally with, you know, with addition who has never had that acquaintance before.”
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A superb sunset tonight to mark the daylight saving time end .. | sunset time tonight
Unlike some of the added women who accept popped in and out of Mike’s activity over the years, he seems austere about Paulina to the point area he’s already cerebration accretion bells.
If bridal were to happen, that would accomplish this his additional marriage. He was ahead affiliated to Jessica Parido. They afar in 2016. 
READ: ‘Shahs Of Sunset’ Returns: Meet The New Season 8 Cast
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Didn’t get much time tonight as the sun disappeared behind… | Flickr – sunset time tonight | sunset time tonight
“I apperceive I appetite to absorb the blow of my activity with Paulina. I adulation her dearly. I adulation her kids dearly,” Mike gushed. “I apperceive that we appetite to abound our ancestors and I can achievement that one day, if I do ask her to ally me, that she says yes.”
“Maybe in Season 9 you guys will see a proposal, who knows?  I ambition I could adumbrate the future, but I can’t,” he added. 
As for how the blow of the “Shahs of Sunset” Season 8 cast is doing, Mike hopes that they could eventually put their differences aside, abnormally new moms Mercedes “MJ” Javid and Golnesa “GG” Gharachedaghi.
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tecinfo · 5 years
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This time, without a doubt! Ars Technica's 2020 Deathwatch
Now and again, your motivation in life is to be a wake up call.
Stunning, that 2019, however. While we had any expectations of a shining new year as it started, it turns out the sparkle we saw rather was only the Cherenkov radiation from atomic fueled Russian doomsday torpedoes. Or on the other hand maybe it was the twinkling of the million–dumpster-fire walk that 2019 transformed into—with a portion of those dumpster fires lit by the organizations we respect here in our 2020 release of Ars Deathwatch.
Presently, it's an ideal opportunity to glance forward out of resentment—well, we're not so much furious, simply disillusioned, so we'll state "apathy"— at another new year, as has become our custom. We have taken the beat of our editors and perusers and divined the remains from every one of those stunning dumpster fires with an end goal to foresee the organizations, administrations, and items in the tech world that will lead 2020's unavoidable walk into shame. Also, we're not in any case going to make reference to the political race cycle, I guarantee.
To begin with, how about we get our typical disclaimer off the beaten path: in case you're a first-time Deathwatch player, this isn't an expectation of the real end of organizations or advancements. We realize that it takes a ton to really delete an organization or an innovation from the substance of the Earth nowadays—all things considered, huge numbers of our past Deathlisters have risen up out of Chapter 11 on different occasions before going into Chapter 7. Indeed, even the most noticeably awful thoughts and organizations frequently wait on through inactivity or get consumed by some other organization and metastasize in new and horrendous manners.
So when we state "Deathwatch," what we truly mean is that we are seeing tech-associated elements confronting a few (existential or not) financial, social, or legitimate danger. Organizations may confront difficulties that render them immaterial, cause them to be casualties of "drop culture," make them actually irrelevant, or render them as pal for sharks of obtaining, case, and different types of business hellfire.
While these guidelines are not written in stone, a contender for the Deathwatch is commonly an organization or item division of an organization that ought to have encountered in any event one of the accompanying:
An all-encompassing time of lost piece of the overall industry in their specific classification
An all-encompassing time of monetary misfortunes or an example of yearly misfortunes
Genuine administration, legitimate, or administrative issues that bring up issues about the plan of action or long haul methodology of the organization or product offering
There were hardly any real fatalities on a year ago's rundown, however some are at where our staff (I'm taking a gander at you, Ron Amadeo) didn't think they were even worth referencing any longer. (I'm certain Essential, the cell phone unicorn that proved unable, would likely be glad for the consideration.) So as opposed to go over our other battered survivors (goodness, that Facebook the executives shakeup expectation sure didn't age well), we're going to blast through our new rundown of unfortunate casualties—some of them showing up.
Here they are: 2020's… champs? First up, red-shirted (in reference both to university sports and Star Trek expendables) for 2020: that thing we used to call Oath.
- Sean Gallagher
Verizon Media (otherwise known as the Yahoo/AOL division)
Verizon's Yahoo/AOL division (once in the past called "Promise") was on our Deathwatch list a year back, and it hasn't done quite a bit of anything to get off death's doorstep from that point forward. Presently called "Verizon Media," the specialty unit comprising of previous Web monsters that lost their magic years before Verizon got them, it started and finished 2019 with cutbacks. The division had around 11,385 specialists toward the start of 2019 yet laid off almost 1,000 individuals.
Verizon Media's Q3 2019 income of $1.8 billion was down two percent year over year. Work area publicizing income keeps on dropping, and versatile advertisements haven't sufficiently developed to counterbalance that decay. Verizon demands better days are ahead, with CFO Matt Ellis saying in an income approach October 25 that "Just because, we are seeing portable traffic increments outpace work area traffic decreases in our center claimed and worked items, including sports, fund, news, amusement, home and mail." But in an online-advertisement showcase commanded by Google and Facebook, Verizon Media appears to be bound to stay a piece player, best case scenario.
- Jon Brodkin
G/O Media
Alright, we concede: the main things that make G/O Media tech-related are its Gizmodo (once in the past lead) brand and the way that its distributions are conveyed by Internet parcels. Yet at the same time, G/O has been a quick consuming, self-immolation machine of a sort we haven't seen since the gas battle in Zoolander.
A while ago when it was Gizmodo Media Group, things were... all things considered, they were extremely unsure. Univision acquired Gizmodo and its sister destinations after Gawker Media's crumbling in the wake of the Hulk Hogan claim. Be that as it may, it immediately became evident that Univision executives had definitely no clue how to manage what they had purchased.
So when in April, (asserted) computerized news big shot Jim Spanfeller—already at Forbes, Ziff Davis, and Playboy—and the private value firm Great Hill Partners purchased Gizmodo, joined the gathering with The Onion and rechristened it all G/O Media, there was a lot of cheering.
Spanfeller vowed to restore the Web productions to benefit and said there was no requirement for cutbacks or anything. He rebranded the consolidated destinations as "an amazing distributing stage to draw in well-off and powerful Millennials." (Ok, boomer.)
Only two weeks after Spanfeller dominated, 25 of G/O's 400 staff members were laid off, including Gizmodo's publication chief. Spanfeller acquired administrators from his past organizations, distancing a few staff members since he pushed all the non-white-male initiative out in the process in the wake of promising to respect a guarantee to assorted variety. Deadspin ran an article about the developing malevolence among staff and the executives in August.
Presently, Deadspin Editor-in-Chief Megan Greenwell quit to accept a position at our sister production Wired after she said she was advised to stop non-sports inclusion on the site, refering to her own morals.
New G/O Media Editorial Director Paul Maidment at that point commanded that Deadspin scholars "stick to sports." They didn't, and supervisor Barry Petchesky was terminated. Deadspin essayists at that point chose to stop as a group in what may be the most Pyrrhic work activity in late media history.
The contention with staff, including the association, has cost G/O income in direct ways. Staff members composed posts requesting peruser input on a promoting effort from Farmer's Insurance that included auto-play recordings, and G/O executives requested the posts pulled down. The staff grumbled about the tales being pulled in a post by the association Twitter account. Ranchers at that point pulled the $1 million publicizing effort.
The administration issues likewise produced badgering claims by previous female officials who said Spanfeller made an unfriendly workplace for ladies. Maidment quit. Different executives have fled.
Thus, rather than putting out a seething tire fire, in only eight months Spanfeller's contention with the unionized staff has turned G/O Media into a furious inferno filled by cash and professions. Consider it a Boomer-Millennial battle in the event that you need; I'm a Gen-Xer, and I'm only here to watch everything burn.Symantec has gotten abhor for quite a long time from Ars perusers over its endpoint security programming. Also, let's be honest, work area against infection programming isn't actually a development showcase. With Microsoft basically giving both shopper and endeavor endpoint assurance away for nothing and the PC advertise contracting, security organizations have needed to do a great deal of rotating in the course of recent years. A lot of digital "unicorns" have additionally jumped up in the course of recent years, so there's a touch of union going on in the security programming space. In the most recent year, Webroot was obtained via Carbonite; Cylance was gained by BlackBerry; CarbonBlack was procured by VMWare; and Sophos is being procured by Thoma Bravo, the private value bunch that recently purchased Barracuda Networks, Veracode, and Imperva, among others.
Add Symantec to that blend... kind of. A couple of years back, as Symantec was blowing up itself, the organization procured the profound parcel sifting firm Blue Coat—from Thoma Bravo. Presently, after somewhat of a terrible time, Symantec is selling its venture centered bits to Broadcom, (which sold Veracode to Thoma Bravo). Also, the customer item bunch that remaining parts—you know, the Norton stuff, and so forth.— is perhaps going to be purchased by another private value firm.
To start with, about that "awful time." In 2014, at that point Senior Vice President for Information Security Brian Dye said that Symantec's antivirus programming was "dead" and "destined to disappointment" since it couldn't get present day malware. At that point Dye left to go work for Citrix before bouncing to Symantec's rival McAfee. As the organization attempted to un-dead its antivirus, it created different issues—the wormable adventure sort of issue. Deals did what you'd anticipate.
In any case, with cash to consume from each one of those long periods of Norton permit deals, Symantec purchased Blue Coat in 2017 for $4.6 billion—as executives attempted to escape from the declining PC commercial center and turn to greater ticket undertaking framework security.
Organization incomes flooded in 2018—generally in light of the fact that the organization offered its computerized declaration unit to DigiCert for $1 billion in the wake of getting nailed for mis-giving more than 30,000 SSL testaments. And afterward "representative concerns" (an informant report) about how Symantec had depicted its budgetary outcomes prompted an interior review and an abrupt drop in Symantec's stock cost. (Possibly it was an impractical notion for Symantec to begin its monetary year on April 1.) A survey found that Symantec's executives had booked one arrangement as $13 million, yet $12 million of that was re-assigned as "conceded" by the review.
Extremist investors have been pushing for some time for Symantec to part the organization HP-style, if just to shed the low-development shopper business (which presently incorporates the stunning LifeLock group of credit checking administrations
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Comedy legend Sir Ken Dodd dies, aged 90
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Media captionKnown for his variety performances, Sir Ken Dodd was one of the most popular comedians of his time
Sir Ken Dodd, creator of the Diddy Men and one of the most popular comedians of his time, has died aged 90.
The Liverpool legend had recently been released from hospital after six weeks of treatment for a chest infection.
On Friday, he had married Anne Jones, his partner of 40 years, at their house, the same one he grew up in, in the Liverpool suburb of Knotty Ash.
Lady Dodd described him as “a most life-enhancing, brilliant, creative comedian”.
Speaking outside their home, she said Sir Ken “just wanted to make people happy”.
Tickling sticks and tears for Doddy
Obituary: Ken Dodd
In pictures: Sir Ken Dodd
She added: “I have lost a most wonderful husband. He lived to perfect his art and entertain his live and adoring audiences.
“I’ve been overwhelmed by the love and affection which I’ve already received from dear friends and the public.”
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Media captionLady Dodd pays tribute to her late husband, comedian Sir Ken Dodd
Sir Paul McCartney tweeted a picture of Sir Ken with The Beatles, saying he was “a champion of his home city and comedy”.
Skip Twitter post by @PaulMcCartney
Paul on Ken Dodd… pic.twitter.com/ytd8SyRtip
— Paul McCartney (@PaulMcCartney) March 12, 2018
End of Twitter post by @PaulMcCartney
Liverpool Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram tweeted his condolences and recalled he had been “the butt of some of his gags” at Sir Ken’s recent 90th birthday celebrations at the Town Hall.
A book of condolence has opened at the Town Hall, with mayor Joe Anderson tweeting: “We are comforted by the joy and happiness he brought the world.”
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Image caption A book of condolence has opened at Liverpool Town Hall
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The flags at several buildings in Liverpool – including the Town Hall, St George’s Hall, Cunard Building and Central Library – are also flying at half mast as a mark of respect.
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Image caption Floral tributes and tickling sticks have been left outside Sir Ken Dodd’s house in Knotty Ash
Sir Ken was famous for his very long stand-up shows – with which he was touring until last year – along with his Diddy Men and the tickling stick.
“To my mind, he was one of the last music hall greats,” his publicist Robert Holmes said.
Sir Ken Dodd on the ‘best day of his life’
Tattyfilarious: 17 of Ken Dodd’s best gags
“He passed away in the home that he was born in over 90 years ago. He’s never lived anywhere else. It’s absolutely amazing.”
Fellow Liverpudlian and actress Claire Sweeney shared some photos of the star’s 90th birthday party on Twitter, saying he was “a legend and an inspiration”.
Skip Twitter post by @clairesweeney
RIP Sir Ken Dodd. A legend and an inspiration. I have a lot to thank You for. I Was thrilled you had the best birthday party in Liverpool before you left us. Your city, friends,Family and Show business will miss you terribly. pic.twitter.com/iDeEC4yukJ
— Claire Sweeney (@clairesweeney) March 12, 2018
End of Twitter post by @clairesweeney
Paying tribute to Sir Ken, comedian Russ Abbot said he was “an icon, a one-off and a true professor of comedy”.
“One of the greatest. How tickled I am to have known him,” he added.
Liverpudlian comedian John Bishop wrote on Instagram: “True comedy legend. RIP Sir Ken Dodd.”
Actor David Morrissey, who is also from Knotty Ash, tweeted: “Ken Dodd was such an important part of my life growing up in Knotty Ash. He was a great comic and a great man. Thanks for all the laughs.”
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Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Sir Ken’s colourful tickling sticks were always a part of his show
Sir Ken had been a comedian since 1954 and was born the son of a coal merchant in 1927.
In the 1960s, he made it into the Guinness Book of Records for telling 1,500 jokes in three and a half hours.
After making his name in the music halls, his career in television and radio took off, as he brought national appeal to his regional, perhaps parochial humour.
He was a chart-topping singer too: his signature tune Happiness was released in 1964 and his single Tears was the third highest-selling song of the 1960s in Britain, beaten only by two Beatles singles.
Sir Ken met Anne when she appeared in the Ken Dodd Christmas Show at the Manchester Opera House in 1961.
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Image copyright PA
Image caption Sir Ken, pictured with his wife Anne Jones, received a knighthood at Buckingham Palace in 2017
Reverend Julia Jesson said when she moved to Sir Ken’s local church – St John’s in Knotty Ash – her former parishioners were very amused when they found who one of her flock would be.
“Everyone knew about Knotty Ash thanks to Ken,” she added.
“I met him several times and I was struck by what a Godly and humble man he was.”
Referring to the length of Sir Ken’s comedy shows, comedian Gary Delaney paid tribute on Twitter.
Skip Twitter post by @GaryDelaney
RIP Sir Ken Dodd. One of the all time greats. The funeral will be held on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and most of Saturday.
— Gary Delaney (@GaryDelaney) March 12, 2018
End of Twitter post by @GaryDelaney
Fans also paid their own tributes, one wrote on Twitter: “After my father died in 1990 we took my mother to see #KenDodd at the Palladium. He was the perfect pick-me-up: daft, irrepressible, funny and silly in equal measure. We were all reduced to helpless, crying-with-laughter wrecks. Bravo! #legend.”
Sir Ken made his first professional appearance in 1954 at the Theatre Royal, Stockport, but it would be another decade before he made his West End debut, topping the bill at the London Palladium.
Throughout the 1970s and 80s, he was a regular face on TV and worked to a punishing schedule, which he kept throughout his career, seldom taking a holiday.
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Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption He was famous for his wild hair, buck teeth, Diddymen and infamous “tickling stick”
But in 1989 Sir Ken faced the possibility of a fall from grace when he was charged with eight counts of tax fraud spanning 15 years and involving more than £800,000.
He was later acquitted after a 23-day trial, but the court heard a range of stories about his eccentricity, including hiding more than £300,000 in wardrobes, cupboards and under stairs.
Taking up his career again on his acquittal, Sir Ken enjoyed another season at the London Palladium in 1990 and won a British Comedy Lifetime Achievement Award as well as being voted Top Variety Performer in 1993.
In 2011, he unveiled a “Comedy Carpet” featuring the catchphrases, jokes and names of more than 1,000 comedians at the foot of Blackpool Tower.
Skip Twitter post by @BpoolCouncil
Very sad to hear that Sir Ken Dodd has passed away. Over the decades he entertained thousands in Blackpool and was the perfect choice to open the Comedy Carpet for us in 2011 #thankyousirken pic.twitter.com/SPPbsVbnEx
— Blackpool Council (@BpoolCouncil) March 12, 2018
End of Twitter post by @BpoolCouncil
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Ken Dodd
Read more: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-43367267
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2DC9R76 via Viral News HQ
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cryptodictation · 4 years
Bélen Potassa: “We have to learn not to shut up …
Belén Potassa's video goes viral. From a window in his house, he yells at the neighborhood: “I'm bored!” The Argentine forward is in quarantine in Albacete, Spain, strictly complying with the instructions on not leaving. As he had provisions for days he is inside. Train and record those trainings as requested in the club and invent activities: watch movies, listen to music, drink mates, paint and dance to the music of Los Palmeras. “There are about 567 infected and 60 dead in the city I am in. You do not have to panic but you have to have the alarm on,” he says by phone.
His trick is not to watch the news much. Where you are you can go to the supermarket or to the pharmacy, but not circulate without reason because they apply fines. In the distance, with friends between Buenos Aires and Cañada Rosquín, where his family lives, he recommends that Argentina take precautions: “As soon as I found out, I thought it was a virus and nothing else, that it was not dangerous. Now that I live it from It seems so close to me that the best thing is to stop the country. You have to collaborate in everything. With a little bit of everyone we are going to do better and we have to win this together, “he advises.
Potassa arrived in Spain after the historic World Cup in France 2019, in which he was part of the squad that achieved two draws (the first two points of an Argentine team in a FIFA World Cup). In the middle of that contest he made his pass: with 31 years he moved to make his first experience in European football. “The first few months the soccer issue cost me a little. They play differently here and I did not know the players. But the adaptation was good and now we are fighting for the promotion to First,” he says. There are eight games left to define the tournament and Albacete fights to go up with the leader Santa Teresa and Granada.
Since that World Cup, Potassa was not called up to the National Team again. Between the World Cup and the Pan American Games in Lima, the conflict broke out: most of the soccer players had expressed their desire for a change in the Argentine coaching staff. They discussed it at a meeting in France, after the elimination, and the idea was to set up a meeting with the president of the AFA, Claudio “Chiqui” Tapia. That never happened and when the list of calls for the Pan-American Games was known, there were absences: Potassa was left out of the list, as were her colleagues Estefanía Banini, the captain, Florencia Bonsegundo and Ruth Bravo. The four expressed their position on their social networks: the exclusion had to do with criticizing the leadership of the coach, Carlos Borrello.
“None of the players thought that she would be disaffected for asking for an improvement,” the forward says at a distance. “The silence today shows the things that are happening. That the Sub 20 is left out of a South American (she did not manage to pass the stage of groups in the contest contested in Argentina), in which you do not leave even fourth in South America, is a nightmare. Argentina fell five steps from what it was doing. Before we were below Brazil, we were going backwards. “
The player who was a six-time champion with Boca and three with the UAI Urquiza affirms: “Hopefully people will realize that what we were asking for was not crazy.”
-Do you think they won't summon you anymore?
-I keep training every day of my life. I get up with the illusion of being able to wear the light blue and white, I keep sacrificing myself. If they call me or not, the coaching staff will decide. If there is another better than I think is perfect, I will continue fighting from where I am so that Argentina returns to the place it was.
-When you meet in Spain with Banini and Bonsegundo, do they talk about this topic? Neither was cited again.
-We suffered a lot. Every time we get together the talk is always the same about what happened. We are calm, we proposed something that seemed crazy to many and today time is proving us right.
-After the elimination in the South American Sub 20, the hashtag #ChauBorrello was trending on Twitter. You saw it?
-Yes. There are many things that must be changed, also the organization and more. I here in a second division club every three weeks have nutritionists who control me. La Selección is not a neighborhood club where you get together with your friends, eat a barbecue and nothing happens. To be at your best you have to be surrounded by professionals who control you, who follow your routine and who want the Selection to continue exploiting.
-How do you see the team today?
-Of all the stages I went through and that the National Team had, I think we will go back in this one. It has to be everyone's help and we have to learn not to shut up anymore. Thus we go backwards and we cannot advance. If they cannot qualify for a South American, how are these young women going to get to a World Cup in the future? The picture seems difficult.
– Would you like someone especially in charge of the Selection?
-I would like him to be the right person, who wants women's football to grow. Let it not be a search for personal growth, but a collective one. To look at what happens in other teams and to see what happens in Argentina that we do not grow. That he listen to the players, that the outsiders share what each one lives. Who knows how to listen and take constructive criticism to improve.
From Spain, Belén Potassa follows the Argentine tournament on TV, social networks and YouTube. He says that his favorite is the UAI Urquiza because his heart is still there. And he relates that it hurts him that there is still so much difference between those who fight for the championship and those who do not: the inequality that is marked, for example, in matches such as the one that Boca beat Excursionistas 16-0.
“He turned professional, but it is still the four or five teams that always play it. I am happy for Gimnasia, for Lanús and for Racing, who have raised their level and have been growing. But I am very sorry for what happened with Excursionistas If you don't equal the possibilities, you end up frustrating the players and it doesn't help, “she says.
And he proposes investment and organization to balance the possibilities and have a fairer football: “If the clubs start looking for sponsors, to have a different structure and give importance to women, everything will improve. That is the way. We need equality in conditions of training and salaries. We have to put a lot in it. Hopefully those of us who leave football will join clubs to help from wherever we can. “
The post Bélen Potassa: “We have to learn not to shut up … appeared first on Cryptodictation.
from WordPress https://cryptodictation.com/2020/03/25/belen-potassa-we-have-to-learn-not-to-shut-up/
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celebritylive · 5 years
NeNe Leakes is opening up about her husband’s alleged transgressions.
During Monday’s episode of Angela Lee’s Lip Service podcast, the Real Housewives of Atlanta star, 52, claimed to have discovered Gregg Leakes having inappropriate conversations with a former employee.
NeNe explained the alleged incident came to light back in summer 2019 after she opened a clothing store in Maryland at the MGM National Harbor.
At the time, NeNe cryptically spoke out about Gregg’s behavior on Twitter asking her followers what they would do if their husband was caught talking to one of their employees.
NeNe explained on the podcast that Gregg had helped with the hiring process for the new store, adding, “ really good with all things that I’m not good with.”
The Bravo star shared that one day when she was looking for a manager, she remembered a girl in the store that seemed like Gregg’s “type.”
U find out ur husband/boyfriend been talkin on the phone regularly to 1 of ur female employees as “just a friend” but u had no knowledge of it, did he cross any lines? Askin 4 a friend since y’all know EVERYTHING (but he said, we never talked sex! I just needed some1 to talk 2
— NeNe Leakes (@NeNeLeakes) June 26, 2019
“She’s very much Gregg’s type and Gregg very much likes girls with short hair. When he met me, I had short hair,” NeNe said.
She explained that when she first saw the girl, who NeNe identified on the podcast as being named Juanita, she thought nothing of it until she came back to the store a while after to have an employee meeting.
NeNe said that during the meeting she noticed Juanita and one of her other employees were not getting along.
“She was sitting there, the gay guy said, ‘I don’t appreciate you calling me a queen and listen, you wouldn’t want to do that because you know I know your secret.'”
That’s when things came to a head.
NeNe said Juanita denied what the male employee was referencing, prompting him to say, “Well, how about you and Mr. Gregg be FaceTiming.”
  “I’m in a whole room and I’m standing up and I didn’t get out of character I just said ‘Really?'” NeNe explained, recalling her reaction.
“I knew he wasn’t lying,” NeNe said of the male employee who exposed the alleged secret. “And she was in shock,” she said of Juanita.
RELATED: RHOA‘s NeNe Leakes Says She’s Considering Divorcing Husband Gregg Leakes amid His Cancer Battle
NeNe then called Gregg, who vehemently denied the allegation.
“‘So, you’ve been talking to Juanita,'” NeNe said she told Gregg, putting him on speaker phone during the meeting.
“He said ‘No!'” NeNe said. “And I was like ‘Okay, you have. Bye.’ And he went insane, screaming going crazy and then her phone beeped.”
NeNe said she then asked Juanita to pack her stuff and leave.
PEOPLE has not been able to find a contact or rep for Juanita. A rep for Gregg did not immediately respond to PEOPLE’s request for comment.
When asked to explain the relationship, NeNe said Gregg told her, “We never did anything. We just talked on the phone. We never had sex,” the reality star said on the podcast.
“‘You weren’t here for me to talk to,'” NeNe said Gregg told her.
NeNe said that she and Gregg didn’t talk for months, but eventually got back to a good place.
While she was disappointed in Gregg’s alleged actions, NeNe revealed she doesn’t force her husband to be faithful.
“Gregg has taken passes that I didn’t even give him. At this point, if he wanted to go, he would go the hell on. I like to talk open relationships and I have talked about that with Gregg and told him, ‘If you’re going to cheat, your relationship is open anyway,'” NeNe said.
“If Gregg wanted to be with someone right now, I would say go right on. Why am I going to try and keep him from doing something he wants to do? Then I would have to make a choice if I want to say and I probably would.”
“I do what I want anyway,” NeNe explained. “I don’t want to hear what he’s doing about anyway. I’m in New York and he’s in Georgia. Whatever he’s doing I don’t nee to know about it. We’ve really had these conversations.”
NeNe and Gregg previously separated in 2010 and divorced the following year, ending a then 14-year marriage. They remarried in June 2013.
Their marriage has weathered a number of storms, including Gregg stage 3 colon cancer diagnosis that nearly ended their union.
In November, NeNe made her first appearance in season 12 of RHOA and said, “I am definitely not the same NeNe as I was last year.”
View this post on Instagram I hope you guys are enjoying #RHOA TONIGHT! Only on @bravotv #greece
A post shared by Nene Leakes (@neneleakes) on Mar 8, 2020 at 5:26pm PDT
“Before Gregg got diagnosed with cancer, we were already in a tough place,” NeNe recalled. “It was probably the worst thing we’ve been through.”
NeNe had struggled in the caretaker role, as documented on RHOA‘s 11th season. “I’m just not good. I’m not good at fluffing the pillow; I’m good at buying the pillow,” she told PEOPLE at the time.
RELATED: NeNe Leakes Questions If Gregg’s Stage 3 Cancer Is ‘Payback’ After She Revealed He Cheated
She also said his illness had caused strain in their marriage. “He’s changed as a person, his attitude changed,” NeNe said. “I feel like that day, I lost my husband. Our whole dynamic changed. Sometimes I forget that he’s sick and I need to remind myself because he’s so on the edge. He’s not nice, but he can’t help it.”
Now, though, it seems all is on the mend.
On the episode, NeNe said that her relationship with Gregg was “healing from the cancer journey.”
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/3cNw30N
0 notes
Aug 6, 2019
1. “Southern Charm” star Shep Rosewon’t back down after mocking a woman for collecting cans on the streets of New York. On Monday night, Rose posted a video making fun of a woman sitting on the street next to several trash bags filled with cans. Although the woman covered her face with her hands, he recorded her anyway and can be heard saying: “Look at me. Nice cans! I mean, the cans you have!” He captioned his Instagram story, “I love double entendres. Yes she was camera shy. But she laughed.”After Rose shared the video, social media erupted with backlash.
 One Twitter user screen-recorded the video and posted itto emphasize disappointment in Rose’s behavior, writing: “Is this Southern Charm? … Cheap way to get ‘laughs’ from followers but there is nothing funny about homelessness. I’m DONE w/ him.” 
Rose responded to the fan in her Twitter comments by saying: “Omg. I offended you! Ok. Here’s the plan, sensitivity training 5 times a week. Then intensive therapy (hot yoga?) followed by a public flogging in the town square. Then i move to Siberia and live in an igloo for 4 months. At this point. I think I’ll be cleansed of your disapproval.”
To another commenter who expressed upset, Rose, unbothered, wrote on Twitter, “Unfollow then. No big deal.” Rose also refused to clarify what he considered comedic about the situation. “Doesn’t matter. You follow me. You can easily get out of the situation. It’s not a binding contract. I am not responsible for your happiness. If i miss the mark in your mind just keep scrolling,” he said. 
Bravo declined to comment.
2. Cameron Diaz truly took the plunge when she married Benji Madden. In a rare interview, Diaz spoke to InStyle about her very private marriage to the Good Charlotte rocker. “I don’t know if I was ready [when I got married], but I knew Benji was special. He’s just a good man,” she told the magazine of their 2015 nuptials. “There’s no bulls–t. It’s really refreshing. I’m really grateful for him. I like doing my own thing.” Diaz, 46, also said her marriage to Madden was “the best thing” to ever happen to her. “My husband’s the best. He’s the greatest human being, and he’s my great partner,” she shared. “Marriage is certainly hard, and it’s a lot of work. You need somebody who’s willing to do the work with you, because there’s no 60-40 in marriage. It’s 50-50, period. All the time.” The former actress — she officially announced her retirement from Hollywood in March 2018 — previously said she waited until 41 to get married because she hadn’t found the right person.“I think it’s a matter of I just hadn’t met my husband, you know? I had boyfriends before. And there’s a really, really distinct difference between husbands and boyfriends,” Diaz told pal Gwyneth Paltrow at a live event. “And I have a husband who is just my partner in life and in everything. Talk about two very different people! We are so different from one another, but we share the same values — we’re totally two peas in a pod. We are both just weird enough for each other.”
3. Jeff Bezos ditched last week’s pretentious Google Camp in Italy to meet girlfriend Lauren Sanchez’s parents, but the couple has apparently now jetted off to Europe to party with the elite.Billionaire Dreamworks founder David Geffen — who attended Google Camp, even giving Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom a rideon his $400 million yacht — posted a group photo to Instagram Tuesday morning that included both Bezos and Sanchez aboard the massive boat. “Having a great time in the Balearics,” Geffen captioned the picture, taken off the coast of eastern Spain. Also in the photo were Joshua Kushner and supermodel wife Karlie Kloss, ex-Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, agent Michael Kives and lawyer Lydia Gray Kives, and entrepreneur and oil heir Mikey Hess, who is reportedly engaged to Meghan Markle’s designer pal Misha Nonoo. Megayachts like Geffen’s — plus scores of private jets and gas-guzzling SUVs and sports cars — caused quite a stir at the three-day Google Camp, which was focused on climate change. Last week, instead of heading to the extravagant summit with the likes of Prince Harry and Oprah Winfrey, the Amazon honcho, 55, met Sanchez’s parents, Eleanor and Ray Sanchez. A few days later, he joined Sanchez, 58, as her ex Tony Gonzalez, who is the father of her 18-year-old son Nikko Gonzalez, got inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame in Ohio.
4. One of the few women to hold an executive post at Tinder is suing parent companies IAC and Match Group as well as former CEO Greg Blatt for wrongful termination. Rosette Pambakian, Tinder's former Head of Communications, claims that Blatt barged into a hotel room after a 2016 holiday party and began 'forcibly groping [her] breasts and upper thighs, and kissing her shoulders, neck and chest.' This all happened 'without [her] consent' according to the lawsuit She states in the court filing, which was obtained by DailyMail.com, that she had been hiding from Blatt at the time of the alleged assault, retreating to the room after he said: 'I get hard every time I look at you. Let's get out of here.' Pambakian claims Blatt did apologize, but that her complaint was never fully investigated despite the fact that there were three witnesses present, including his executive assistant. She also notes that one day after Tinder's current CEO Sean Rad reported her allegations to executive at IAC and Match Group, 'Blatt exercised approximately 5 million stock options in Match Group, realizing over $44 million in value.' Pambakian claims that for the next two years she was 'marginalized, subject to additional harassing, offensive, and insulting behavior, put on administrative leave, publicly accused of consenting to her attacker’s advances, and finally, wrongfully terminated by Defendants' this past December. 
The company would not comment on this new filing, and instead referred back to a previous statement that addressed these allegations.
'The Match Group Board – with the assistance of experienced outside counsel from two nationally recognized law firms – promptly conducted a careful and thorough investigation under the direction of independent Board members, concluded, among other things, that there was no violation of law or company policy, and took appropriate action.'
Pambakian and other Tinder executives sued Match and IAC seeking $2 billion a year ago for allegedly bilking them by manipulating financial information to create a lowball estimate of Tinder's value.
She also detailed the alleged assault in that filing, which the company stated was 'meritless.'
The suit states that she informed 'Blatt and Chief Human Resources Officer, Ms. Nelson, about the reporter’s inquiry' into the allegations, and that her 'own perpetrator' told her to instead 'explain the ways Tinder combats sexual harassment, and to throw the reporter off the story.'
Blatt was later asked to resign his post because of the assault according to Pambakian, who says that Blatt told her she would need to 'sign something' in order for him to be able to stay in his position.
At the time, she had just refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
She was placed on leave in August 2018 after she and other employees filed their lawsuit, and terminated on December 18 via email.
'Upon information and belief, Defendants terminated Plaintiff in retaliation for speaking out against Defendant Blatt for his sexual misconduct and for participating in a lawsuit against the Company Defendants related to her stock options,' states the filing.
'As a result of these actions, Plaintiff was forced to surrender millions of dollars in equity granted to her as compensation for her work as an executive at Tinder.'
Pambakian is seeking damages to be determined at trial for eight causes of action, including: Negligence, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Sexual Battery, Gender Violence, Ralph Act Violation, Negligent Misrepresentation, Wrongful Termination and Retaliation for Engaging in Protected Activity.
5. Tom Brady just finished his 20th Patriots training camp. The 42-year-old quarterback is taking this time to get his head back in the game while on a remote island in the Bahamas at a luxurious beach house with a fully-equipped gym and a practicing field. During his interview with Men's Health magazine, he spoke about getting ready for the next season, what he keeps in his fridge, and his pliability-focused workout routine.
Brady says he always starts with the massage table to get his muscles going for his workout. But while on the road, he never leaves home without his pliability roller.
'I use it always before my workouts—which is critical—and then always right after,' he said.
Then, he heads on over to the resistance bands and does drills such as squats, lunges, and some planks.
During his workout, he wore a shirt that said 'pliability' which he also said he 'does a lot of.'
The 16-time division champion says he tries to get in four to five workouts a week.
His favorite exercise? The butt blaster 'because it blasts my butt' and went on to say that he enjoys working out his legs. His glutes are his 'engine' which he adds he 'needs more of.'
0 notes
adambstingus · 5 years
Who on Earth Would Dox Dril, the Only Good Anonymous Person on the Internet?
For years the internet has speculated about the identity of Dril, the iconic Twitter user known for his absurdist humor and prescient tweets. No one would have guessed, however, that it would be fans of an 8,000-page comic who would get to the bottom of this notorious internet mystery.
Dril is not just another anonymous Twitter joke account. He is the public face of Weird Twitter, who’s become famous for his insane non sequiturs that speak to the core of humanity. His account has amassed nearly 900,000 followers and was declared “the single most worthwhile account on Twitter” by College Humor.
Dril’s tweets regularly amass thousands of retweets and his work has been aggregated on any mainstream viral media site you can think of.
“Twitter, as I understand it, is a sort of ‘Hell’ that I was banished to upon death in my previous life,” he joked to BuzzFeed in 2013.
And since tweets by Dril’s often account served as a respite to the “sort of Hell” Twitter can often serve up to users, the reveal of his identity caused instant uproar among many of his fans on the web when it went viral on Friday.
The fear that a beloved account would be exposed and shut down reminded many users of the famous @Horse_ebooks disclosure in 2013, when it was revealed that a perceived Twitter spambot known for its accidentally timely tweets was actually run by humans.
Dril has provided nothing but joy to his legion of followers for over a decade, only asking for anonymity in return. To many on Twitter, it seemed wildly unfair that he should be doxxed and shamed off the internet by an obscure webcomic fan community.
So why did a comic with an insular, sometimes incomprehensible fanbase reveal the secret of Dril that nobody wanted to know?
Because they believe Dril may have been one of them.
Homestuck is a webcomic born out of another webcomic called MS Paint Adventures. The comic centers around a group of kids who potentially bring about the end of the world by installing a beta copy of a computer game. This is an overly simplistic description and doesn’t completely get what the comic is about, but there are so many nuances and plot variances that trying to untangle them in any coherent fashion is almost impossible.
A 2012 Kickstarter described the comic as, “A story about some kids who are friends over the internet. They decide to play a game together. There are major consequences. Saying anything more about the plot would probably be getting in too deep. It gets fairly complicated.”
“You can get about as far as ‘the kids get stuck in a game’ before it becomes incredibly difficult to describe what is happening to them,” Kotaku writer Gita Jackson wrote in a 2017 Homestuck retrospective. “They discover dream worlds, fight villains who can stop time, meet gray-skinned alien trolls, discover they’re all related kinda, die and are resurrected. As the comic goes on it becomes exponentially more complex, to the point that even a lot of fans don’t really understand all of it.”
The most important thing to understand about the comic is that it has a rabid online fandom. There are over 44,000 Homestuck fanfics on fanfiction website Archive of our Own and a thriving community of hundreds of blogs dedicated to the comic on Tumblr.
Because of the fact that the comic is so complex and generally inaccessible to the even novice internet lurkers, Homestuck fans are frequently mocked. A lot of characters in the Homestuck universe have various sexual identities and the comic is popular with people who like shipping, or hypothetically pairing up different characters. “The whole thing is sort of set up just for people to ship and is all about polyamory,” one Twitter user said.
That said, Homestuck fans really love Homestuck. So much so, that they were really excited when Hiveswap, a game that takes place in the Homestuck universe, was partially released in September 2017. Fans picked apart every aspect of the game on sites like Reddit and Tumblr when one particular Homestuck fan noticed a name the user believed to be Dril’s on the Hiveswap game credits screen.
The connection between that name in the credits and Dril is tenuous, but there are a few clues that Homestuck fans found telling.
According to Tumblr user not-terezi-pyrope, a 2014 Tumblr reblog from someone claiming to know Dril offline referred to him as “Paul,” the first name of the person in the credits.
Jacob Bakkila, a writer behind the wildly popular @Horse_ebooks Twitter account, also claimed to know Dril offline. He said Dril had hired him for a project once and the two had become friends. Bakkila also said that Dril had contributed to the Horse_ebooks sequel, an adventure game called Bear Stearns Bravo.
Sometime between 2014 and 2017 a Tumblr user unearthed the LinkedIn account of the Paul named in the credits who claimed to have contributed to Bear Stearns Bravo—presumably the same “Paul” who was listed on the Hiveswap credits screen.
And, according to the Homestuck fan sites, there’s more.
One of the only 205 accounts Dril follows on Twitter is Cohen Edenfield, Hiveswap’s lead writer.
And “there are further connections, as well, to do with old accounts and comparisons of artwork, etc. I’m not up to scratch on the precise details of that,” user not-terezi-pyrope wrote on Tumblr. “Also, I spoke to somebody who did audio effects work for Hiveswap shortly after the Act 1 release, and while they seemed to not be entirely privy to the details they also brought up a connection.”
News of the Dril-Homestuck connection spread like wildfire through the fandom community back in September and there’s an entire Reddit thread dedicated to discussing Dril’s identity and role in the game.
But since the Homestuck fandom is relatively closed off from average internet and Twitter users, Dril’s “doxxing” failed to reach the wider internet until a few subtweets on Thursday afternoon followed by Twitter user @thrdplanet tweeting about the outing Friday morning.
“I cannot believe the homestuck fandom cracked the identity of dril 2017 is truly a cursed timeline.”
ThrdPlanet’s Tweet quickly went viral, and she experienced almost immediate backlash from Dril fans.
“i dont want to know who he is i dont want to know what he looks like i will not let you guys ruin the last good thing on this website protect dril, respect dril, leave dril alone thank you,” one fan tweeted. “look just because we might have found the corporeal manifestation of dril at this point in history doesn’t mean we know who dril is… also anyone trying to find out dril’s identity is a fucking cop,” another user said.
@thrdplanet deleted her tweets, and after being bombarded with criticism tweeted again, “Y’all realize this isn’t a confirmed solid legit info on who he is right. Y’all also realize if he really never wanted to be found out he could have been credited under a pseudonym right. He wouldn’t have his work dril has been named as writing for on his LinkedIn right?”
The very process of “doxxing” someone’s personal identity online is fraught. At the end of the day, the connections between Dril and whoever “Paul” is are tenuous at best. And even if Dril is a graphic designer in the New York City metro area, as has been previously speculated, does any of that take away from his work?
It’s understandable that fans would feel a protective rage that Homestuck fandom sleuths were coming for what so many consider the last pure Twitter account on the internet. Dril himself has not acknowledged the controversy today or two months ago when it was revealed on Tumblr.
It’s worth noting that his “doxxing” didn’t appear to be malicious.
“I’m posting this here,” Reddit user Fraven wrote after “revealing” Dril’s identity on the platform, “with the benign purpose of getting some special appreciation for the game’s (Hiveswap) great staff of writers and the talent within it.”
Other Twitter users remained resilient in the face of potentially losing one of their most beloved comrades.
One user suggested that over the weekend all Dril supporters change their Twitter name to “I am dril” in solidarity. Another said, “its the weekend baby. You know what that means. its time to drink precisely one beer and not dox dril.”
“Who is john dril?” joked someone else.
“I’m about to dox dril,” another tweeted, “okay here goes: the real dril is all the friends we made along the way.”
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/who-on-earth-would-dox-dril-the-only-good-anonymous-person-on-the-internet/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/184070098192
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samanthasroberts · 5 years
Who on Earth Would Dox Dril, the Only Good Anonymous Person on the Internet?
For years the internet has speculated about the identity of Dril, the iconic Twitter user known for his absurdist humor and prescient tweets. No one would have guessed, however, that it would be fans of an 8,000-page comic who would get to the bottom of this notorious internet mystery.
Dril is not just another anonymous Twitter joke account. He is the public face of Weird Twitter, who’s become famous for his insane non sequiturs that speak to the core of humanity. His account has amassed nearly 900,000 followers and was declared “the single most worthwhile account on Twitter” by College Humor.
Dril’s tweets regularly amass thousands of retweets and his work has been aggregated on any mainstream viral media site you can think of.
“Twitter, as I understand it, is a sort of ‘Hell’ that I was banished to upon death in my previous life,” he joked to BuzzFeed in 2013.
And since tweets by Dril’s often account served as a respite to the “sort of Hell” Twitter can often serve up to users, the reveal of his identity caused instant uproar among many of his fans on the web when it went viral on Friday.
The fear that a beloved account would be exposed and shut down reminded many users of the famous @Horse_ebooks disclosure in 2013, when it was revealed that a perceived Twitter spambot known for its accidentally timely tweets was actually run by humans.
Dril has provided nothing but joy to his legion of followers for over a decade, only asking for anonymity in return. To many on Twitter, it seemed wildly unfair that he should be doxxed and shamed off the internet by an obscure webcomic fan community.
So why did a comic with an insular, sometimes incomprehensible fanbase reveal the secret of Dril that nobody wanted to know?
Because they believe Dril may have been one of them.
Homestuck is a webcomic born out of another webcomic called MS Paint Adventures. The comic centers around a group of kids who potentially bring about the end of the world by installing a beta copy of a computer game. This is an overly simplistic description and doesn’t completely get what the comic is about, but there are so many nuances and plot variances that trying to untangle them in any coherent fashion is almost impossible.
A 2012 Kickstarter described the comic as, “A story about some kids who are friends over the internet. They decide to play a game together. There are major consequences. Saying anything more about the plot would probably be getting in too deep. It gets fairly complicated.”
“You can get about as far as ‘the kids get stuck in a game’ before it becomes incredibly difficult to describe what is happening to them,” Kotaku writer Gita Jackson wrote in a 2017 Homestuck retrospective. “They discover dream worlds, fight villains who can stop time, meet gray-skinned alien trolls, discover they’re all related kinda, die and are resurrected. As the comic goes on it becomes exponentially more complex, to the point that even a lot of fans don’t really understand all of it.”
The most important thing to understand about the comic is that it has a rabid online fandom. There are over 44,000 Homestuck fanfics on fanfiction website Archive of our Own and a thriving community of hundreds of blogs dedicated to the comic on Tumblr.
Because of the fact that the comic is so complex and generally inaccessible to the even novice internet lurkers, Homestuck fans are frequently mocked. A lot of characters in the Homestuck universe have various sexual identities and the comic is popular with people who like shipping, or hypothetically pairing up different characters. “The whole thing is sort of set up just for people to ship and is all about polyamory,” one Twitter user said.
That said, Homestuck fans really love Homestuck. So much so, that they were really excited when Hiveswap, a game that takes place in the Homestuck universe, was partially released in September 2017. Fans picked apart every aspect of the game on sites like Reddit and Tumblr when one particular Homestuck fan noticed a name the user believed to be Dril’s on the Hiveswap game credits screen.
The connection between that name in the credits and Dril is tenuous, but there are a few clues that Homestuck fans found telling.
According to Tumblr user not-terezi-pyrope, a 2014 Tumblr reblog from someone claiming to know Dril offline referred to him as “Paul,” the first name of the person in the credits.
Jacob Bakkila, a writer behind the wildly popular @Horse_ebooks Twitter account, also claimed to know Dril offline. He said Dril had hired him for a project once and the two had become friends. Bakkila also said that Dril had contributed to the Horse_ebooks sequel, an adventure game called Bear Stearns Bravo.
Sometime between 2014 and 2017 a Tumblr user unearthed the LinkedIn account of the Paul named in the credits who claimed to have contributed to Bear Stearns Bravo—presumably the same “Paul” who was listed on the Hiveswap credits screen.
And, according to the Homestuck fan sites, there’s more.
One of the only 205 accounts Dril follows on Twitter is Cohen Edenfield, Hiveswap’s lead writer.
And “there are further connections, as well, to do with old accounts and comparisons of artwork, etc. I’m not up to scratch on the precise details of that,” user not-terezi-pyrope wrote on Tumblr. “Also, I spoke to somebody who did audio effects work for Hiveswap shortly after the Act 1 release, and while they seemed to not be entirely privy to the details they also brought up a connection.”
News of the Dril-Homestuck connection spread like wildfire through the fandom community back in September and there’s an entire Reddit thread dedicated to discussing Dril’s identity and role in the game.
But since the Homestuck fandom is relatively closed off from average internet and Twitter users, Dril’s “doxxing” failed to reach the wider internet until a few subtweets on Thursday afternoon followed by Twitter user @thrdplanet tweeting about the outing Friday morning.
“I cannot believe the homestuck fandom cracked the identity of dril 2017 is truly a cursed timeline.”
ThrdPlanet’s Tweet quickly went viral, and she experienced almost immediate backlash from Dril fans.
“i dont want to know who he is i dont want to know what he looks like i will not let you guys ruin the last good thing on this website protect dril, respect dril, leave dril alone thank you,” one fan tweeted. “look just because we might have found the corporeal manifestation of dril at this point in history doesn’t mean we know who dril is… also anyone trying to find out dril’s identity is a fucking cop,” another user said.
@thrdplanet deleted her tweets, and after being bombarded with criticism tweeted again, “Y’all realize this isn’t a confirmed solid legit info on who he is right. Y’all also realize if he really never wanted to be found out he could have been credited under a pseudonym right. He wouldn’t have his work dril has been named as writing for on his LinkedIn right?”
The very process of “doxxing” someone’s personal identity online is fraught. At the end of the day, the connections between Dril and whoever “Paul” is are tenuous at best. And even if Dril is a graphic designer in the New York City metro area, as has been previously speculated, does any of that take away from his work?
It’s understandable that fans would feel a protective rage that Homestuck fandom sleuths were coming for what so many consider the last pure Twitter account on the internet. Dril himself has not acknowledged the controversy today or two months ago when it was revealed on Tumblr.
It’s worth noting that his “doxxing” didn’t appear to be malicious.
“I’m posting this here,” Reddit user Fraven wrote after “revealing” Dril’s identity on the platform, “with the benign purpose of getting some special appreciation for the game’s (Hiveswap) great staff of writers and the talent within it.”
Other Twitter users remained resilient in the face of potentially losing one of their most beloved comrades.
One user suggested that over the weekend all Dril supporters change their Twitter name to “I am dril” in solidarity. Another said, “its the weekend baby. You know what that means. its time to drink precisely one beer and not dox dril.”
“Who is john dril?” joked someone else.
“I’m about to dox dril,” another tweeted, “okay here goes: the real dril is all the friends we made along the way.”
Source: http://allofbeer.com/who-on-earth-would-dox-dril-the-only-good-anonymous-person-on-the-internet/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2019/04/09/who-on-earth-would-dox-dril-the-only-good-anonymous-person-on-the-internet/
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