#if it says smth different than “monkey” because of how I did it I'm so sorry lol
shebbart · 8 months
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I got the strokes wrong but I finished watching Monkie Kid. Had some thoughts. This was the only one.
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tiredassmage · 2 years
Hear, see, and speak no evil (the monkey emojis lol) from the OC ask game?
Tyr gave me such a FIT over these, okay? Naturally, I had to bother him to be stubborn, but woof. This was a bit of a heavy one.
I feel like he needs a sticker warning about... veering a bit dangerously close to that self-sacrifice (aside, I read that back in HK's voice and now I'm just. sighs @ myself) is the answer thing, but... he doesn't quite cross that line. He just. Flirts with it. A lot. Without telling anyone else. I don't know, he's just kfnalskdfnlsaf. Keysmashing. It isn't the answer. He theoretically knows this. Theoretically.
This will not stop him from making fucking stupid decisions. Send help. For me or him? Yes.
My poor little glowstick 😔 smth smth his arresting looks and layered identity crises have captivated me, etc etc
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Hear-no-evil: What is the worst thing your oc could hear from someone?
It was all a lie and you are alone.
This was the trickiest one, honestly. Tyr takes a lot not exactly on the chin, but... He’s good at… pretending he’s fine, really. He conceals. He swallows. Because it’s part of how you could survive living with the Sith watching your every move. Tyr says one of his worst fears is to lose the few people he cares about - and, to an extent, it is.
But he also spent a while without being able to fully, genuinely rely on others. He’ll fight ‘til he’s worn down to the bone to protect those people, but the inner, ‘uglier’ (I’m stumbling to find a better word) realist in him recognizes its always a possibility. Forever’s not a guarantee. Especially when your husband’s also a spy.
“We’ll take everything from you” isn’t an unfamiliar threat. Hunter made it and made all but complete good on it. I think they succeeded a bit more than Tyr will ever want to admit; the interlude period between Chapter 3 and… even as late as Shadow of Revan? Tyr doesn’t trust almost anyone. It’s hard to completely trust even someone like Vector because he did, in a sense, lose everything. It’s not that Vector got any less trustworthy and more that Tyr was painfully aware how thin the ice underneath his feet was and how dark the waves were beneath it. He’d never want to drag anyone else into that.
But a betrayal, an abandonment by the extremely few people he’s tried so hard to let in, whom he’s trusted enough to try to figure himself out in front of? That’d cut him to the core.
It's also probably worth noting that while he doesn't exactly refrain from speaking his mind all the time with Sith, there is always an apprehensive tremor that runs through him about it. Lana may be the only eventual exception because they ultimately finally find ground as equals, but that back of the mind knowledge of being undone with no power to change or stop it never leaves. Acina's scathing Intelligence should have retired you when they had the chance! from Iokath clocks quite high on the list of things that dealt way, way more damage than Tyr has ever talked about or admitted to. That was a sore one on multiple levels and, as John Mulaney says, we just don't have time to unpack all of that.
Is what Tyr maintains about it, anyway. [inhales] Boy.
See-no-evil: What's a side of your oc that they don't want to show to other people?
Alright, okay, you got me, this one was also rather difficult, largely because his “sides” aren’t that well-defined - rather nebulous and shifting like dissipating fog. And it’s different for different people - which, obvious, I suppose, but particularly complicated given how much Tyr walks a tightrope through intrigue and opposition for so long.
Ultimately though, I don’t think he really wants to share just how far he’d be willing to go - the risks and compromises he is willing to put himself through. He doesn’t shy away from this, per se - I have written him practically verbatim telling Malavai Quinn he’d tear the Empire down to the foundations with his bare hands if that’s what it takes (and a 'same scenario, different take' version where he admits basically the same to Vector; one day maybe I'll finish either of them, F). But saying it and enacting it in front of these few souls who care so much for him, have come so far at his side are two drastically different things.
It won’t necessarily be enough to stop him, I don’t think. He still can’t see it, won’t admit it, but Tyr is dreadfully dedicated to his ideals at times. And he’s willing to wade through blood and plasma bolts to get there if he needs to. Ideals they may be, but this world has never been spotlessly idealistic. That makes him no less willing to fight for it though.
He doesn’t even quite acknowledge this as much as he maybe should to himself. Just another part of Cipher Nine, mayhap, that he won’t dare to wake until he’s necessary.
Speak-no-evil: What is something your oc will refuse to remain quiet about?
Haha, maybe all of this was just building to this kanfdlkadnslf!
Alright. Boy’s really keen to talk back to their pretentious Sith overlords about the value of mere “pawns” like himself, no matter that it continues to kind of genuinely startle him probably… until he has to deal with Valkorian on a daily basis and it finally wears the edge off (because that shit’s gotta be exhausting, what energy is left over to worry about the consequences?).
Because while he talks back somewhat often for an operative that’s all too well aware that they’re living and serving on borrowed graces and he wouldn’t change this, necessarily, he still knows a little too consciously that he’s playing with fire. He just… continues to choose to do so. To say it’s because he knows his work is necessary overstates his confidence of his position. He’s really not that confident about it. It’s just… he’s tired? Tired of trying to please while trapped in the constraints of a web. The Dark Council’s already proven they don’t trust his judgement or his loyalties and that’s what gives him a reason to genuinely question those loyalties so far as to actually break them.
The way he sees it is kind of that he’s already been a target. He has just enough of a reputation to turn heads when he speaks up, so he can’t, in whatever good conscious may be left to him, stand by silently. It happens with Lord Razer, it happens on Makeb when he talks the mission over with Darth Marr, and it, in a sense, happens on the Dominator against Darth Jadus. It definitely happens with Lana on Rishi. If there’s a single consistency to Tyr, it’s that he stands by people he cares about even a little - no matter how fucking blind he is to that quality. He’s been around the Empire long enough to know more than enough about what it’s like to be thought of as a means to an end first and anything else - friend, citizen, ally, what have you - second. That’s not acceptable to him. He’s not a spy or a soldier to spread fear and destruction. That is the cursed domain of the Sith. He signed on to look after things - people. And if they’re not doing that, then the system’s gone wrong. That’s supposed to be their jobs, their purpose. And his passion for that will always overrule any apprehensive notion of self-preservation in the face of a loosened Sith lord. Because if he doesn’t stand ground there, who will? How do you change the precedent if you’re not willing to make that change?
So, really, in short... double-edged character traits and Tyr, I guess. x,D He fascinates me. I love him. I pity him. I want him to get better and I'm going to watch him possibly get worse akldnfldsanfsdf. He's got such a Pandora's Box thing going on and idk if any of us are ready for him to actually recognize that, ignorance might genuinely be bliss klfdsalkn; or at least... maybe a little less emotionally damaging. If still potentially incredibly self-destructive. Stars help him.
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rosie-x-rose · 3 years
Back from the dead sorry this is in 2 parts just ignore or delete lol I was so tired last night 💀
How you treat each other: the way they show love throughout is mostly through communication and short tasks. As extroverted they are in public they have a side to them that seems more like a monarchy in weird ways. You'll show them your love by being along for their downs and even the small fights here and then. You know they love you even with the frustration. I feel you aren't the one to really want to be someone's savior but that's all I see. When you met them they might've even contemplated. They felt locked in and you somehow had keys.
(a downer don't read if so sorry if it's a trigger!) For love this relationship has a lot of delusions later on or in general. It feels like they're trying their hardest to feel good and they're still learning at times, may even suffer from medical or mental issues. I see them in a parking lot struggling to pull their keys out and having a panic attack possibly or something that made them feel panicked. (I think panic attacks more make you freeze up? Idk) I see a possibility of bipolarity too.
After every human interaction all they want to do by then is come home to you and relax. To talk about your day or do some midnight shopping. They want 5o join you wherever you go.
Things: orange juice or oranges, brown or black hair possible faded into blonde at some area or all throughout the hairstyles. Partial mid hair to short hairstyles. Dragons, purple or dark midnight blue suit, piercings. Brown eyes. 5,2-5'8 maybe even an inch taller or to 5'10 but I feel shorter side more. They could've been bullied because of it or they felt so. I see want tea, chai tea of some kind. Mya meet at an event or party involving business or family, could be a family friend even or from a different country in general. I see a shop of some kind also, or a parking lot you may meet in. It's hard to fully place, look for dragons of all sorts and tassels. Glows of some kind also, green surrounds this energy really. They may even want or take an architectural job. I see nice black shoes. If female, leather jacket somewhere, may be into fashion or designs and would be trying to sell some things to a company or technology wise. A sundress or some slacks. Mid hair on the shoulders or long held back. I heard dancing of some kind, hear me out. They may REALLY hate the song dance monkeys😭, idk I just heard it😍, snoring, twirling a wedding ring or ring of some kind. Looking down at it. Nervousness, an audition of some sort or big meeting. Files and cases. Apricot, peach, mango smells or tastes somewhere. If you smell ginger, pepperoni (weird), medicine, herbs, flowers or plants strongly then they may be near. "Ah, hold on!" Going to get somewhere fast. "Waiting". Large green trees, islands, resorts, falling in the sand, Ragnarok, rise of smth maybe a movie. Cathedral, loud, humane, human, "don't say that" - "don't make me cry". "Y'know what! Forget you!" Walking away. Star trek, signing, acting, business, Aries, Gemini, Scorpio moon/sun/mars, absolute history. Mark on the hands, feet, forehead, back. May be larger on the back.
I forgot my initials sorry ⛹🏽‍♀️ they're LC or LJMC
Sorry this one isn't colored I'm running late now lol
Okay thank you so much for taking the time to write this again. Omg it must be tiring and frustrating. I just want to ask whose POV is this? Like mine or theirs? But anyways the "things" part sent me into a frenzy for some reason lmao. I'd love to do more exchanges for you in the future or even just readings. Just send an ask or DM me lmao. I appreciate your hard work and thank you for acknowledging mine too😊
Lets get to your reading!
What does K think of you?
They may have thought of you as trouble as first? Like they saw as someone pretty aggressive and controversial. Someone they wouldn't like to mess with. They did take notice of you but weren't attracted to you. As time passed they started having some feelings? (not necessarily romantic take it as it would resonate) and they had this conflict between their head and heart. Like heart wants it but head knows its not good.
Right now they have not necessarily found the balance but I see they know deep down that there's some connection between you two. They are not quite sure of it seems. But they know it. Its almost like they don't know they have feelings. I see them worrying and thinking about this a lot. They may daydream about this. But at the end they will realise what they feel. Idk why but I feel this is a romantic connection? If not then just ignore it but the whole thing felt like they just let their heart win the conflict.
What people have a crush on you?
Okay so I'm not getting a direct answer but a sort of your journey towards finding love? I see you are too deep in your imagination these days which don't necessarily work in your favour. There's a hint of running away from reality. A lot of mental instability even though you may not realise it. Considerable degree of falsehood, deceive, misjudgement, fantastic narratives, exaggerated complaints, imaginary wrongs. The thing is the victim and assailant both are you. You need to learn to take control over these emotions. Remember its you that needs to control your emotions not the other way around.
You need to take action. Action towards taking control of the situation. Of yourself. The keyword here is 'swiftness'. You need to find happiness within yourself rather than in others. Be content in what you are. Feel whole in yourself. The message is to trust your intuition. There may be things that are hidden below the surface. If you are single be careful of who you meet. People may not be what they seem to be. If you think something is not right then its probably not. Follow your gut feeling.
I see 3/4 people taking an interest in you but they aren't that sure of what they feel to come and talk to you. You may not know these people very well. But they are around you. They see you often. Probably a mutual. But I see you aren't really ready for a relationship right now. You have a journey before that.
Hope it resonates and I could be of some help😊
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hollyhomburg · 6 years
hELLO my beautiful! i'm gonna try and become a familiar face for u (like i did with johobi because i lOVE SUPPORTIN PPL WHO DESERVE IT). i was working when u got that message on anon saying all those mean things. i want to tell u smth: i haven't been following u for long BUT from what i've seen in ur writing u make errors just like everyone else and that's PERFECTLY okay. listen girl i send long messages and write fics/post them without proofreading. i promise u your writing is SO GOOD and (1/2)
JUST because U MAKE A FEW ERRORS doesn't make u a bad writer. ur plots are so fucking fantastic and the effort you put into your blog AND writing is OUTSTANDING. you definitely didn't deserve anything that anon said to you. people go on anon to trash people because they don't mean anything they're saying. when i think of anon hate, i think of it as people talking shit. technically yes, they are saying it to you're "face" (if that makes sense?? like u know about it) BUT what u don't know is (2/?)
who's saying it. if anyone is jealous, it's them. a common issue with people who have nothing but insults in a fight (one sided or not) is that they're jealous and acting malicious for no absolute reason. they're the one who's really jealous, NOT you. also: not sure where ur from, but not having a job? at ur age? that's fine! i'm from new york and if u don't know new york is v v (over)populated and we're limited on jobs. jobs in the us, in general, are hard to find. if anyone controls how ur (3/?)
living ur life, it best be you and nobody else. if that anon's gonna shame u for not having a job, then they're also low key shaming the many other people who don't have a job, no matter what the reason, including (BUT NOT LIMITED TO): house-wife's, teenagers who are in school, college students only focusing on college, homeless ppl who can't find jobs, etc. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH NOT HAVING A JOB IF ITS A CHOICE FOR U. I need a job because my parents won't pay for my shit. but not (4/?)
everyone has a family like that u know? i don't know anything about u other than how talented u are. because, personally, ur life isn't my business (noah fence). ur family, ur working career, school life, etc isn't my business. why do i need to worry about it? SAME GOES TO THAT ANON. THAT ANON SHOULDN'T ATTACK YOU FOR ANYTHING. ITS NOT THEIR CIRCUS, ITS NOT THEIR MONKEYS. SO IF ITS NOT EFFECTING THEM, ITS NOT THEIR BUSINESS. this was 5 WHOLE ASKS IM SORRY KMAO anyways have a gREAT day ilysm
oh my god what a lovely and long message from an equally as lovely human- I’ll try to respond in kind but I don't know how far I’ll get. errors are something that I've always had to work with as a writer. I used to check over pieces like 5 or six times before I published them, eventually, I just got tired enough that I started to only edit my work like 3 times. I'm at peace with it now, but it still hurts a little bit every time someone asks me “is English your first language?”
what i found the most startling (and admittedly a little hilarious) about the whole thing is it seemed like 2 people where messaging me at one point (one being rude and one being hateful) and the hateful one came off anon and I told them very politely after they apologized that I was going to block them.
AND I GOT LIKE NO MORE MESSAGES FOR THE WHOLE DAY FROM EITHER OF THE TWO SPEAKERS, and then all of a sudden they both start messaging me again on anon- one of them calling me a fat cow repeatedly and then the other supposedly innocent speaker saying that if they got anymore anon hate it wasn't from them. like do you think I’m dumb? I know its only one person- and you saying it’s not you aren’t going to make me unblock your mildly successful blog so that you don't have to switch if you wanna read the rest of my stories. 
I do actually live in new york! and everything's true about what you’re saying and another thing is that like everything is mad far apart- like I have to drive 30 minutes to the nearest grocery store and 40 to the nearest mall. If I was gonna get a job somewhere- it would require me having a car as getting my mom(single parent) to drive me would mean she has to drive me in with her at like 5 am. And places around here aren’t the safest- a girl just got abducted and killed and dumped right next to where my mom works, and a few weeks ago a different girl almost got carjacked at gunpoint.
I share my life with you guys because honestly, I think the amount of drama in my life is kind of funny sometimes? and if anyone doesn't like my drama then honestly unfollow me it only happens like once every month so you can live with it in and around your regularly scheduled kpop stuff. ilysm too S.J
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