#if it weren't for her silver fox posts I wouldn't be having these thoughts
lokiinmediasideblog · 10 months
sigyn stans are one of the most thin skinned people on the internet and they don't realize no one would mind their bland fave if they weren't the ones shoving her down everyone's throats, putting down other loki love interests to prop her up as the only one who can love him right, throwing fits when she's absent from loki media as if the actual myth sigyn wasn't a very minor character that only appears in one myth, and finding ways to shoehorn her in every loki story ever even when she wouldn't fit. then they have the gal of acting like people being fed with her and her stans is misogyny or feeling threatened by her non existent presence, with a side of projection in accusing those who dislike her of wanting their self insert oc to bang loki instead when sigyn is the ultimate self insert oc. like, cmon, you can't claim that you ship loki and sigyn because you like the way their personalities match when sigyn canonically doesn't have one (unless you consider "misogynistic to other women" a personality)
Exactly, and this is to clarify for those lacking context, I am talking about Marvel's Sigyn. Interpret the myths however you want.
Being misogynistic to other women and ridiculously unintelligent and waifish caricature of women (she was given a way out on a silver platter and everyone was begging her to take it) are her only personality traits. Marvel's Sigyn was written by cishet white men that thought it was "saintly" to stay with abusers. I really hate how it's treated as "saintly" rather than as a neutral trait. By that definition, I am also "a saint" due to past experiences. I will never get over j*nquilcl*gane praising Marvel Sigyn slut-shaming Amora and Lorelei, and Sigyn being glad that Amora is being given off to a giant forcefully in "Ages of Thunder."
Also, if you look that user up on Tumblr (I think her blocking me, allowed this to show up in the top results lol), she harrassed an RP blog for shipping comics-based Doomki in and was very gross about it. The way she constantly accuses everyone that doesn't care for their prop of a character as "lusting over Loki" is nasty and disgusting.
I got accused of "lusting over Loki" for pointing out that Vali being considered Loki's son is a transcription error and thus he's actually Odin's son (so she's not accurate either), and asking why she's losing her shit over people using myth-based names for children OCs for their ships. Also, she just makes shit up such as "Sigyn is associated with foxes."
Like I love Loki, like yes, he's pretty, but I just project traumas onto him and like reading meta and fic about him. And I'd be very disappointed in TH if he dared to think of cheating on ZA with me.
I have no idea why I could see her replies to my submission to an ask blog (seems like they finally posted it lol, took a long time, it was in response to someone complaining about Ikol for "having their friends beat up Sigyn" when Sigyn and the exes tied him up to hang from the ceiling of a warehouse, and attacked Ikol's friends).
Example of a Sygin stan being gross to a Doomki RP blog:
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I’m not working out an inappropriate aesthetic crush on a coworker by writing down workplace romance snippets. Of course not. I have a shifter novel and gym novel and I don’t need another plot bunny to run around my Google Drive files like some sort of maniac. The last thing I need is a new story idea right before NaNoWriMo. 
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Brothers - Chapter 11
Summary- You're hit with the bombshell of Chris coming home after a month away and after he left you questioning everything, completely heartbroken. How were you meant to confront him after so long?
Word count- 2K
Pairing- Chris Hems x reader
Warnings- Swearing, a smidgen of violence
18+ only!
Posted: 3rd August 2021
Taglist:- @everything-is-awesomesauce @nicolemt23 @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires
Brothers Masterlist <<<
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You haven't felt like this about anyone for a very long time and Chris has just made your fear of rejection all too real. You couldn't help the way you felt about him though, still feel about him. You love him and he'd told you he loved you, you'd felt it when he'd said it, you'd seen the look in his eye. So why were you even questioning it? 
In the morning you finally felt the courage to check your phone - Liam had stayed with you all night until you'd calmed down enough to go to bed when the sun had rised and you were no longer taunted by your demons in the dark.
There's multiple text messages and missed calls filling up the screen of your phone. 
I'm sorry I had to leave like that, are you ok? Xx
Read the first one. Your eyes scanned over the rest, mostly saying the same thing.
Y/N please answer. Let me explain myself. I didn't have time to speak to Liam about it all right then and I didn't want to leave on a bombshell.
His excuses made you feel sick to your stomach. You could understand why he did it but there were much better ways for him to go about it that wouldn't have left you feeling heartbroken.
You sighed heavily, putting your phone back onto your bedside table a little bit too forcibly and sinking back into your feather pillows. If you gave in to your impulses you would've text him back straight away but knowing deep down that would be the wrong thing to do, you restrained yourself. It took willpower but you just about managed, he'd made you feel like shit there was no way you were going to forgive him so easily.
As the weeks passed by it became more and more difficult to ignore Chris, he wasn't giving up without a fight which admittedly made you feel a little bit better. You'd ignored him for so long it had become a habit and the fact he wasn't giving in told you he definitely did care about you but he'd made a major mistake and you were going to make him pay.
"Have you spoke to Chris yet?" Liam asked you over lunch. 
"Nope." A sly smile played on your lips, you were kind of enjoying making Chris sweat but you'd never admit it.
"Maybe you should, he's been blowing my phone up trying to get in contact with you. You do know he's coming home this week?"
"What? You stopped with your fork in front of your lips, eyes wide. "No I did not know that, has it been a month already?"
"Uh-huh, and its gonna be massively fucking awkward for me if you two are still arguing." 
"We're not arguing..." You brush your hair behind your ear, sitting up straight in your chair. " We're not even speaking." 
The thought of Chris coming home fills you with dread and excitement all at the same time. You're so excited to see his face and yet dreading the thought of having to deal with your problems.
"When will he be home?" You ask, trying to be casual.
"I don't know, he just said this week. I haven't exactly been speaking to him myself, I'm still pissed off with him."
"And you didn't think to ask what day?.and why are you pissed off? He didn't do anything to you." Your voice was a little too high, it always was when you panicked. Chris could come home at any minute and you weren't mentally prepared for it.
"No, but don't you think him hurting you effects me? You've had a face like a slapped ass for a month for a start and if you want to know so badly why don't you call him?" Liam raised his eyebrows at you, unamused at the whole messenger thing he had going on.
"Pfft, I can't." You push your bowl of food away, suddenly not very hungry anymore. "It's been so long I wouldn't even know what to say." 
"Your drama is honestly making me go grey." Liam runs his hand through his hair, looking at you with raised eyebrows.
"I think you'd look pretty good as a silver fox." You tease.
"I would but still, please sort it out." He gives you the glare. "Anyway, I'm going to have a little get together tonight. You up for it?" 
"A get together or a party?" 
"Well you know how it usually goes, it starts off as a get together but usually turns in to a party." 
"Exactly, well I'm off out with the girls so we'll be there later." 
You finished up your meals, Liam refusing for you to pay as usual, he was such a gentleman, you really wish his brother was a little bit more like him in that way. 
You help Liam greet his guests, smiling and mingling as you go. The ratio of women to men doesn't suprise you one bit, Liam was newly single after all but you roll your eyes anyway after leading yet another group of girls through to the living room.
You watched Liam greeting the girls with the most genuine smile on his face than you'd seen in a while, he was happy, finally and it brought you great pleasure.
Your heart stops beating when you hear Chris's distinctive Australian accent carry above the noise in the room, you can feel his eyes burning into your back as you turn around to find him. Your tummy fluttering when your eyes meet, unable to hide how much you've actually missed him from your face. He smiles sheepishly at you making your tummy somersault, excusing himself politely from the group of girls that had circled around him and making his way over to you, when Liam steps in his way, blocking his path.
"I don't want to make a scene here but you've got some serious explaining to do." Liam says sternly.
"I know... I... I wasn't honest with you before I left." 
"That's putting it lightly. Y/N told me everything." You watched the exchange between the brothers, your nerves going into overdrive. You could hear Liam's friend talking to you but you weren't focusing on him, his words just a distant noise, your attention solely on the brothers. Brothers who looked like they were about to fight. Because of you.
"What are you, her bodyguard? If there's anyone I need to answer to it's Y/N, are you gunna let me past?" You watched as Chris' jaw tensed, the muscles in his neck becoming more prominent and you knew things were getting heated.
"If you're gunna treat her like shit Chris then yeah I am, the manly thing to do was come clean. It was a pussy move and you know it." People were starting to watch and your cheeks were burning but you were routed to the spot. Unable to move all you could do was stare blankly.
"Are you calling me a pussy?"
"Yeah, I'm calling you a fucking pussy." Liam shoved Chris square in his chest, he barely moved but his jaw clenched together, the tendons in his neck straining with rage.
Why, why, why were you stood watching this and not doing something about it? Your two favourite people in the whole world were about to fight each other and you're stood watching like it's a fucking soap opera.
You could see Chris thinking, debating about what he should do. Should he give his brother a free pass - he did deserve it, or should he fight back - he'd already called him a pussy he didn't want people actually believing it. 
He decided to let it go, moving past him to get to you when Liam shoved him again, this time he wasn't expecting it and almost fell over, recovered himself and then went for Liam. Your mouth hung open, your legs started moving before you registered what was happening.
"Stop! Please stop!" You screamed, Liam's friends coming to the rescue and holding them both back. Tears in your eyes at the thought of them fighting each other
You looked up at Liam's friend holding Chris back. "It's ok, I've got him." You took Chris by the hand, leading him away from Liam, weaving through the crowd that had gathered, pissed off that they'd caused such a scene in public but you needed to get them away from each other so they could both calm down.
Chris walked into your room and you closed the door behind him, resting your head against it for a minute.
"What the fuck was that?" You question, turning around to face him.
"Don't ask me, what exactly did you say to Liam while I was gone?" 
"Are you really trying to blame me? I told him the truth Chris, like you should've done." He hung his head in shame. His elbows resting on his knees and his head in his hands.
"Yeah I know but let me explain."
"I haven't got time for it now." You start shuffling through your wardrobe. "I need to get ready." You say with your back to him.
"Ready for what?"
"I'm going out with the girls." You turn around slowly, looking at him, taking him all in. You've missed him so much, why does he have to be so damn attractive.
Then he gives you that sexy smile and your knees almost cave but you remind yourself of the things he said, willing yourself to stay angry with him.
"Do you have to go? I've only just got back." You start going through your wardrobe, if you had your back to him you could distract yourself from the heavy sexual tension between you. The need to run up to him and wrap you legs around him, telling him all was forgiven while you kissed every inch of his damn fine body. 
"Yeah I'm going. You don't get to treat me like that and then just come back and act like nothings happened." 
"Y/N can you please stop being so stupid, this is ridiculous." He said sitting down on the end of your bed with his head in his hands.
"I'm being stupid? Are you for real?" You take off your clothes until you're left in just your underwear, turning around to look at him with your hands on your hips.
"Ok sorry that was the wrong thing to say, I've been trying to speak to you every day for a month. Did you not miss me?" He looks up, his eyes widening when he sees you in your underwear.
"You're always saying the wrong thing aren't you?" Now can you leave, I need to get ready and I want to do it in peace." You point to the door, your hand falling limply by your side when you watch Chris licking his lips, his eyes focusing everywhere but your face.
"Do you have to go? I think I can find a way of making you forgive me." 
"You can't just fuck your way outta this one Chris, I'm not a toy for you to do as you please with." 
"You're so hot when you're angry... I'm really trying not to fuck you senseless right now." He bites on his fist watching your anger falter.
"We're just friends aren't we?" You say rather bitterly
"We're not just friends and you fucking know it, friends don't do this shit -" he says as he moves in front of you, his hands wrapping around you and resting on your plump cheeks. "I told you I loved you and I fucking meant it. Can we please forget what I said? I didn't think about it until after I'd said it and I tried to call you straight away to apologize."
"Do what?" You reply trying to keep your calm as his hands electrify your body.
He cups your ass and lifts you into his arms, you instinctively wrap your legs around his hard torso. He lays you back onto the bed and kisses you deep, his tongue desperately finding yours as he thrusts his bulge into your tingling pussy. Your body betrays you as you let out a low moan, you feel him groan from deep inside as his prehistoric nature takes over.
"That." he says breathlessly.
"I'm still going out tonight but I'll be back later." You say between him kissing down your neck, savouring every last inch of your taste. "You can think about how you can make it up to me while I'm gone and before that you better go grovel to Liam, I think he's even more pissed off than me."
"Oh baby, you're not even going to know your own name by the time I'm finished with you never mind anything else." 
"This doesn't mean you're forgiven, this means I'm giving you a chance." 
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