#just me whining
thievinghippo · 1 month
I know it's just whining at this point, but BioWare could have avoided so much if they simply wrote 'late August' instead of 'August' when announcing that they'll have a roadmap
That gives people better expectations and not having us constantly go 'is it out yet? is it out?' And then? If they're ready to release the roadmap before late August, everyone is happy!
I work in retail customer service and deal with people complaining about backorder dates all the time. It's so much easier to give a date that's further than you expect than the real expectation!
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“He had noticed that events were cowards: they didn't occur singly, but instead, they would run in packs and leap out at him all at once.”
- Neil Gaiman, Neverwhere
I feel like I'm stuck in a neverending cycle of crises right now. I'm trying to stay positive, but I'm just so tired and sad and stressed.
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flowerandblood · 10 months
I wanted to write new chapters today, but I caught a cold. Ughhh my head is about to explode 😭😭😭
So if you want, I can spend some time tonight and answer your questions in asks, I don't have the energy for anything else anyway, and I have to get through the evening somehow before I go to sleep.
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ivebeenmade · 6 months
Feeling myself fading out. In the space of 30 minutes I get creeped on while grocery shopping, snapped at for our finances (because apparently she's been talking about them all day with her mother and waited until the exact moment I had finally felt physically and mentally ok to bring it up and run out the door), and treated like I'm fucking on call just because I am in the store I work at. FML.
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hopelessrussian · 8 months
tbh i'm so tired of most of the pr activities in f1, the interviews are always the same, drivers say the same things and their jokes are not that funny (i don't expect much from the guys who barely spent 5 years at school but still). this content isn't really appealing to me as a fan. in addition, those activities take much time amd energy (i remember guanyu talking about that). i don't want drivers to feel exhausted after all those press conferences etc., i want them to give it all on the track. just my opinion tho.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
Did we not get Pitch's actor to come and film the finale episode? Like, is that why he's missing? What is going on?
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iccedays · 7 months
Don’t you miss the times when it took days for people to post new tv shows/movies and with spoiler tags
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misspoetree · 2 years
Leaving work on a Tuesday night in December
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So, I'm getting rid of the pinboard that I have in my old kitchen that held menus, appointment cards etc. I gathered all the pins in my hand and while taking them to the tub in the other room I thought there was a spider on my had, screamed and auto closed my hand into a fist. On all the damn pins. Not the cleverest thing I've ever done. And it wasn't a spider it was a tiny piece of cotton wool of a picture that one of the kids made for me when they were wee.
I am never moving house again. They'll have to take me out of the new one in a goddamn box.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
After all the stress this year, I told myself: "no more fests!!!!" No more fests, no more stress, just me and Scrivener and wherever my muse takes us.
Then I heard about Snarry Bang and what the heck was I supposed to do???? Resist???? Pffffff. Anyway RIP me. Wish me luck. I already found an artist to team up with that's how quickly I zoomed into prep mode.
But after that....NO MORE FESTS. I mean it this time. (Pretty sure, anyway.)
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hexiewrites · 2 years
i really fucking hope you guys like this epistolary rockstar au I'm working on i know its been done to fucking death now (not quite like how i'm doing it, but still) but i spent three weeks on one of the chapters and its 6k and I'm stressed that ive put so much time and brain energy into something that no one is going to read ha ha. ha. ha ha love to be an author with a burning need for validation 🙃
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silverprism-s · 1 month
idk if i am sick or what but man i feel horrible after finally taking my adderall again after 4 days. i think i may actually be lowkey sick... i dont really feel like spending another whole day in bed though so i will try and take it slow sobbbb
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mathgirl24 · 1 month
I'm cat sitting and one of the cats keeps throwing up all over the bed blankets, so I have to keep going up and down the stairs to the laundry room.
The laundry room in my own house is on the first floor. I have forgotten what a pain in the ass it is to have it in the basement.
All the stairs are triggering my Achilles tendonitis pain from my psoriatic arthritis.
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wildesights · 4 months
also no one asks what the fuck i do for work and my only ‘friends’ here didn’t even congratulate me on getting the job or anything even though i literally posted it in the group chat. i feel so unseen. like. zero people who aren’t my husband are interested in anything that’s going on with me at all despite me actively talking with them about their jobs/lives. and it just feels so shitty.
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kakushino · 1 year
The way I want to post a fic but everything is WIP right now and all of them are so long and ugh
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parisofpeoplez · 1 year
It's Thursday afternoon and I'm having period cramps in the office which is making me want to go home and crawl into bed but NO! instead I have to stay here and give a presentation 🙃
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