#if it weren't for that i bet they would've kept looking‚ giving me a chance to escape
floralquafloral · 1 year
A strategic tip: Most players, when they're searching for enemies, will almost never think to look upwards. Our terrestrial primate brains naturally expect everyone to be at ground level. Take advantage of this! When you only have a moment to hide, hiding above plain sight can be a great idea. Just look at the amazing results that can be achieved when this technique is applied in battle:
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
So what happens when Amélie brings her boyfriend home for the first time? What will be the reactions of Charles and her brothers?
They knew she was seeing someone and that it was going really well. She would come home with a giddy smile on her face, and it was noticeable that she was having a good time and that this person meant a lot to her.
When Amélie announced that she would like you to meet him, Charles was the first to suggest you do it at home, hoping for a more private setting. When you both laid in the sofa that night, your head resting on his chest, you couldn't help but question, "is everything okay? I'm not going to lie, I thought you'd have a... bigger reaction, let's put it that way. You know, about Amélie and the dinner with her boyfriend".
"I can't just throw a tantrum about it, can I?", he chuckled, "do I like the idea that some boy had charmed up my daughter? Maybe not, but there's also the possibility that he is an okay boy and if she really likes him, I should give him a chance, right?", he said, almost through gritted teeth, "is that so?", you checked over, "I have to admit that I don't know what it will take for me to be convinced, but your parents could've been the same way about me. Imagine if your dad was this protective over you-", he began, "he was", you interrupted.
"Imagine of he was this protective, I would've never married you in the first place!", he finished his thought, "I still thank my lucky stars everyday that I have you with me", he said, puckering his lips to kiss yours.
When you got up to go to the bathroom, Hervé was the first to tease his father, "how hard was it for you to admit that you were okay with this?", he chuckled. "My throat still feels funny after saying even though I feel like someone fished it out through there", he mumbled.
While Hervé was fine and welcoming at the dinner, Thomas kept inquiring Amélie's boyfriend. He wanted to know where he stood in subjects you weren't even aware your youngest son knew that much about, looking to understand what the guy that was seeing his sister was up to.
"Thomas, can you help me with dessert, please?", you asked, knowing he wouldn't say no to you. In the kitchen, he stretched his arms, expecting plates or a serving tray and being met instead with two pinches on his hands, "ouch! What was that for?", he whisper-yelled.
"You're scaring the poor boy with all those questions! What do you know about investments and taxes? And public transportation?", you questioned, "I'm just trying to get a sense of the guy who is stealing my sister away from me!", he admitted. The difference in age meant that, even though all your kids were close to eachother, Amélie and Thomas had always stuck together, and apparently, he was feeling it the most. "Thomas, Amélie is still our Amélie. There's no boy who's going to take her away from you", you tapped his shoulder, handing him a set of plates, "let's go, I bet if you actually asking him different things, you'll get a better sense of who he is and find out similar interests, hm?".
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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kittievampire · 1 year
Kin of the Demon Prince (pt. 7)
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Warnings: Cursing, Angst, MC is a fuckin unit, Mention of abortion, Female MC, Single Mom MC, MC x Diavolo
Link to part 1
Link to part 2
Link to part 3
Link to part 4
Link to part 5
Link to part 6
Link to part 8
Link to part 9
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The silence that filled the room was uncomfortable, almost.
The both of you could tell that the other was hurting, that the other was bitter, but both believed it to be for different reasons. Reasons far from the truth of the matter.
You met his gaze, trying to seem as indifferent as possible. This resulted in your eyebrows scrunching upward, however, to express your upset. "I don't think there's anything to talk about, Diavolo." You kept your voice soft, as to not scare either the child in your arms or her father beside you. "While I am curious as to why you were there, I don't think it's information I need to know, do I?"
Diavolo sighed softly at your tone, already becoming a little frustrated. "MC, please, just listen to what I have to say. I understand you're upset at me, but this is more than just a lover's quarrel—" He motioned toward Selene— "We have our daughter to consider."
You scoffed at his statement. "Our daughter? Our? You weren't there when she was born. You weren't there these past few months, what suddenly makes her your daughter as well?" You could feel his frustration, and a feeling of relief presented itself to you. It felt nice knowing that he felt in this moment what you felt this past year.
"I wasn't there because I wasn't given much of a choice." "Yeah, I bet. The all-powerful Demon Prince doesn't have the power to see his own daughter? That sounds right. I totally forgive you," You spat, venom and sarcasm laced in your words that poked and pulled at his heart. His tired, sore, and wounded heart. "MC, I'm trying to have a conversation with you, could you stop focusing on how upset you are with me for a moment?"
Your gaze shifted down to the child in your arms. You were so angry at him, but he was right. You had Selene to consider in this situation, you can't afford to be selfish. If there was a chance that Selene could have a father figure in her life, you were not going to be the one to take that away from her. She would not be forced to live her life like that. Not if you could help it at least. Maybe you could try and convince him to be there, even if it has to be as a co-parent.
Maybe there was still a chance.
Diavolo took your silence as permission to speak, finally. He let out a small sigh and shifted in his seat. "MC, I know that things between us are... Iffy. But, before we get into that, I want to talk to you about Selene, okay?" His soft tone didn't falter as he spoke.
Slowly, you nodded, gently stroking Selene's red hair as she closed her eyes. Diavolo swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat, biting his lip and looking up at you. "I want to be a part of Selene's life. I don't know what made you think I was unfit, but I swear to you, I will do whatever it takes to prove that I'm worthy of being her father. Please don't take her away from me."
The amount of emotion you heard behind his words made you snap your head toward him immediately, face pale with a look of shock present. "You..." You paused, trying to gather your thoughts so they didn't come out jumbled and unorganized. "You want to be a part of her life?" You asked softly, body beginning to tremble a little.
Diavolo nodded. "Yes, MC. I want to be there for my daughter no matter what. I know that you don't want me around, but I can't sentence her to the life I was forced to live, having only one parent." He bit his lip once more, dragging a palm along his face as he tried to keep himself composed. "My mother died giving birth to me. My father went crazy, and his strictness and overprotective nature left me bitter and lonely. I'm sure anyone else in my position would've resented him for such a thing," He said, gold eyes slowly shifting to look at the sleeping infant in your arms. "I don't want her to grow up despising either one of us. If we can fix this enough to where we can agree to, at the very least, co-parent, I want to try."
The look in his eyes made your heart swell. The sheer desperation you saw in him to be a part of your child's life, to be her father, put your mind at ease for a moment. "Dia," Diavolo shifted a little at the nickname, relieved to hear it after all this time. "Dia, Solomon told me that... You wanted nothing to do with me when you found out I was pregnant," You explained, not breaking eye contact with the demon before you.
The red-head flinched, quickly grasping one of your hands with both of his. "No! My darling, MC, I would never ever leave you, let alone leave you with my baby. Our baby." He reached up to gently tuck a few strands of your hair behind your ear. "I may be a demon, but I am not that heartless." He looked down for a moment, now recalling the conversation that he and the sorcerer had a year ago. "He... Told me you were the one who wanted to call it off," He said, looking up and meeting your gaze once more.
You shook your head immediately. "No! That's not true! Lucifer told me that he said I'd gotten rid of the baby, is that true as well?" You asked. Diavolo nodded, making you let out a small sigh in frustration. "That sorcerer is a liar and a fucking psycho. I would never get rid of our baby!" You argued, holding Selene close to you. The red-head quickly pulled an index finger to his lips, glancing down at the sleeping baby in your arms before looking back up at you.
Slowly, both hands came to gently cup your face, one of his thumbs wiping away a single tear that had fallen from your eye. A small smile appeared on his face as his own eyes began to well up. He let out a small sigh, closing his eyes for a moment. "I'm just glad that the both of you are okay," He said, gently resting his forehead against yours. "I don't know what I would've done, had I lost both of you forever."
You swallowed the lump that had begun to form in your throat, allowing a few more tears to slip from your eyes as you raised your hand to gently cup one of his. "Dia—" Your hand began to shake while holding his— "Do you... Uhm..." You felt like you were confessing for the first time again. Here you were, a sputtering mess, while Diavolo sat there expectantly with a small smile on his face. "Yes, MC?" He asked softly, bringing himself just a little bit closer. Close enough to make you blush like a schoolgirl.
You sighed, glancing down at Selene. Everything was so different now. Different factors in the equation that you hadn't thought would be there, some you hadn't thought would be there so soon, were things you had to consider.
"Do you still love me?"
The demon prince leaned forward, turning your head with one of his hands to face him as he locked his lips with yours. The kiss was warm and passionate, something you'd been craving this past year.
It made you wonder how you could ever believe that this demon didn't love you.
As his lips left yours, you opened your eyes to see his looking at you lovingly. "How could I not?" He asked, lifting a hand to gently stroke your hair before looking down at Selene. "I'm going to let you rest now, My Queen. Your body still needs to recuperate. Besides, if I'm here a moment longer, I feel I won't be able to hold myself back." He looked down at Selene and stroked the small red strands of hair on her head. "I'll leave you two be. Perhaps we'll have the brothers visit."
With that, Diavolo stood and left the room, leaving you and Selene in silence.
Slowly, you adjusted yourself so you could lie down with her beside you, letting out a small sigh in bliss.
Moments like these are what made you think the world wasn't so bad after all. All the trauma you'd been forced to endure through your childhood may have been worth it.
No, it was worth it. All of it was worth it if it meant you, Diavolo, and Selene could be together. Maybe you'd even get married, make things official.
The thought made you smile.
You closed your eyes, allowing sleep to take over your senses, the dimly-lit room fading out of sight as you drifted off.
"Calling me a liar was expected, but calling me a psycho, too, MC? Now, that's just hurtful..."
The white-haired sorcerer stood over you and Selene, shifting his stance as he turned to glance at the door for a moment. He held out a hand, two purple glyphs forming before his palm as the door glowed, being sealed tightly with magic.
"I've tried everything I could to get you all to myself," He said, lowering his arm and shifting his gaze to look down at, seemingly, the two of you. "But, it appears I'll have to take you by force."
You stirred ever so slightly, opening your eyes a little to see the blurry image of Solomon before you. "Wha... S-Solomon?" You asked softly, placing a protective arm over Selene.
Solomon scoffed, holding out both hands toward you. "Sleep. I don't need you—" He scoffed, the spell expanding as three glyphs formed before his palm— "I was hoping she'd be older, her power more cultivated before I took her. But, I won't be picky. Demonic royal blood is still demonic royal blood, after all." He chuckled softly, another glyph appearing as the spell grew in power once more.
You had already fallen asleep, body outlined in a blue light before you stilled.
Solomon shifted his gaze to Selene. "Now then, I'll be taking you, my dear." He gently picked up Selene and held her close to him.
He held out his hand, making a cutting motion as a portal tore open in the middle of the room.
The sorcerer took a step toward the portal, taking a moment to look back at your sleeping form. He smiled, waving to no one before continuing into the portal.
"Sweet dreams, MC."
The tear in reality snapped shut.
And you were fast asleep.
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Sorry if this was a bit underwhelming and short, guys. Had a lot of shit going on this past week and I had to rush it 🥲
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