#if one more person comments on my masculine traits in a rude way i’m exploding them in my mind.
undefbug · 4 months
the transmasc transitioning experience is really just being told again and again that you’re making yourself gross. which there is a big narrative surrounding all transitioning no matter which side that you’re going to end up “undesirable” i think there’s a lot of hate surrounding trans masculine transition that surrounds becoming a gross man.
really it’s enough of a mental challenge going from fem presentation where any body hair is immediately seen as disgusting to trying to become comfortable with yourself in masculine transition with your body hair. even facial hair which is something that is a big part of masculine transition and something a lot of trans masc people may look forward to can still bring shame and guilt especially around how people will perceive you with that very masculine presentation.
honestly in my personal experiences with medical transition, the amount of negative comments i’ve gotten on body hair and facial hair from close people in my life can be disheartening and really does push on that “gross man” mentality, i transitioned for those traits. i transitioned to be a big hairy guy with a nice beard. and people thinking that’s gross or whatever shouldn’t take the fun and euphoria out of transitioning. but it does sometimes and that sucks
remember that’s it’s okay to be big and hairy and masculine! it’s beautiful too!!!
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