#if only my crappy laptop would not pull the stream quality so low
scarefox · 10 months
omg James with glasses in the live stream. Why is he so cute I can not <3
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Even in the darkest hours (Sweet pea x Reader x fangs) (OS)
Warning: Angst, Sexual Assault, Attempted rape, Trigger warning, poly-relationship (Not a real warning, only wanted to let you know), crappy grammar Word count: ~1521 Summary: While waiting for your boyfriends at a Party, someone decides to overstep his lines and try to get his way with you...Will your boyfriends manage to save you before it’s too late?
Ever since you, Sweat Pea and Fangs became a thing, you were used to having one of them accompanying you at all time, which was one of the reasons why you felt so weird, being completely alone at this party. A friend of you had invited you and your two boyfriends, but both of them had to help Jughead and your other friends doing something, most likely low-key illegal or dangerous, which was the reason they didn't want you to come with them.  So, rather than sitting at home and worrying about them, you decided to accept your friend's invitation and went to the party alone.  Now, standing alone in one of the corners, the music way too loud for your liking and all the people rubbing onto each other, you regretted every decision you've made that day and wished you were sitting at home in your sweats instead of this way too tight dress, watching some quality movies.  You felt your phone vibrate in your boot (where you stored it when you went to party's) and fished it out to read a message in the group chat between you and your boys. Sweat Pea: We're finished. Ur still at the party?  You smiled a little bit and sent them the address since you knew that they'd come over anyway.  Not wanting to spend another moment inside alone, you squeezed yourself out of the house onto the front porch where you sat down on a hanging bench. There were some beer bottles on the lawn and you were sure you heard some giggling coming from the car in the driveway, but you just started to swing a little bit, watching into the direction from which you thought Sweat Pea and Fangs would arrive.  There was a creak and you heard the front door open, not bothering to turn around until a voice started you. "Not in a party-mood?" the Boy asked, sitting down beside you, causing you to shift a Little bit away, Feeling slightly uncomfortable.  "Yes...uhm, no...I mean, I'm waiting for someone," you mumbled keeping your gaze away from him. He only hummed in Agreement and you could've sworn that he moved closer to you.  A shiver made it's way down your spine and you wanted nothing more than to disappear right then and there.  "I'm Theo by the way," he broke the silence and laid his arm around your shoulder, giving you a reason to jump up from the swing and take a few steps back. He stood up too, taking a step closer. "What's the matter Kitten? I won't bite, if you don't want me to," he said, taking another step.  "I-I'm already...already in a committed relationship," you stuttered backing away even more until your back collided with the porch-fence.  Theo chuckled dryly and came so Close to you, that you'd be able to Count his eyelashes. "Oh I know everything about you and your little Boy-toys," he said, bringing his Hand to your face, tracing the lines of your face, causing you to turn it away in disgust. "It's a shame that an angel like you spends her time and...her love...with such disgusting snails when she could be with me. I could Show you a really good time..." he mumbled the last part, bringing his lips to your neck, making you try to escape him, only for him to take a stronghold of your arms. "Nah, Nah, Nah (Y/N). We haven't even started yet." "Please," you whimpered weakly, "I just want to go home. I won't tell anyone, just let me go." His Hands left your arms and you thought he'd let you go, but for your dismay he brought them to your hips, pulling your Body against his.  "I said let go," you squealed, starting to Punch your flat Hands against his chest in an attempt to push him away. Big Mistake. Your Weak try to escape caused him to become angry and it seemed like he had the patients of a forty-year-only mother of five, because he took one of his Hands away from your hips and brought it up to your face, grabbing your chin harshly, forcing you to look at him.  "I'll let you go when I want to, but that won't happen until we had a Little fun..." his had moved downwards to your neck, chocking you enough to make you gasp for breath,"...so it would be better for both of us when you just let me Play with you."  Becoming Aware of the hopelessness of the Situation and the fact that there was no way for you to escape him, you started to sob and tears streamed down your face, but you stopped to defend your self, letting your head hang low.  "Please..." you mumbled weakly, not really expecting it to work at this Point. Theo started to kiss your neck again, his Hands moving under your Shirt, up your waist, but before he was able to get his Hand near your chest the roaring of an engine made him raise his head away from your neck. One of his hands was still on your waist under your Shirt, but the other found it's way back up to your neck, chocking you again. Too tired and traumatized to defend yourself anymore, you just closed your eyes, hoping it would be over soon.  "If that's not dumb and dumber," he exclaimed to someone behind you, but you were too exhausted to think about what or who he could mean. "One step closer and your Little puppet will find out just how hard it can be to breath when they meet me." Black dots started to Dance in front of your eyes because of the lack of Oxygen and you weren't able to understand what was Happening, only Hearing the familiar Sound of two voices you loved.  "Sweets...Fangs," you mumbled, so quiet that you were sure no one would be able to hear you and you tried to turn your head so you could see them at least one more time, but Theo's grip on your neck tightened. It seemed like Sweet pea and fangs weren't alone, because you heard more voices, but weren't able to recognize them anymore.  Something seemed to Anger Theo even further, because he screamed something and then shoved you to the side, making you fall to the Floor barely conscious. You felt someone raise your head onto something soft and heard someone shout your Name out loud, but before you could answer or even Show that you heard them, everything went black. 
You were awakened by Voices talking beside you but weren't able to open your eyes. They were just way to heavy and your throat felt unbelievable dry. It seemed like your brain finally booted up because you finally managed to understand what the People around you were saying. "When did the doctors say she would wake up?" a female voice that you slightly recognized asked. "They aren't sure. Her brain was without Oxygen pretty Long so they can't tell if her brain took any damage..." a male voice, that made you want to open your eyes so badly, sighed. Dedication spread inside you and you tried your hardest to open your eyes, but couldn't even open them a Little bit, causing you to clench your fist in Frustration, only to realize that there was another Hand inside yours. Someone gasped beside you and another extremely familiar voice exclaimed: "She moved. I think she's awake!" Your other Hand was grabbed by someone else and you clenched it too, to make them realize you could hear them.  "(Y/N)?" you heard the female voice from before ask and you tried to answer but only managed a pained groan.  "It's okay, Baby, we're here," one of the male voices said and you finally realized that it was Sweet's, meaning that Fangs was the other one, making the female voice most likely Toni's.  You heard how a door was opened and other voices joined the conversation.  With all your will-power you fought against the tiredness and finally managed to open your Eyes enough to see Sweet's and Fangs on either side of your bed, Toni behind Sweet's and Jughead, Betty, Veronica, Archie and Cheryl behind Fangs.  "What happened?" you tried to say, but it came out as a painful, barely hearable rasp.  "You don't remember?" Fangs asked almost relieved.  "No...I was at the Party, waiting for you and then..." that was when the Memories flooded your mind, tears welled up in your Eyes and you raised your Hands to your neck in shock.  "Shhhh. You're fine, Everything's okay. He's not gonna hurt you anymore," Sweet's whispered and embraced you with his strong arms.  "He...he tried to...he almost-" you chocked out, but Fangs interrupted you and joined the hug.  "But he didn't and he'll Never get the Chance to do so to anyone again. He's in custody."  A sigh of you relief left your tired throat and you closet your Eyes again, falling asleep in the arms of your two Knights in shining armour that would always be there to protect you. Even in the darkest hours.
A/N: I’m sorry I didn’t publish anything in the last week. I was on a School trip. As a ‘Sorry’ I decided to finish something I started writing a few months ago and publish that since I could publish that sooner than to write something completely new. Also sorry for the Grammer, I wrote it on my Laptop with the wrong language in Auto-corrector and no idea how to Change it.
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