#if other artists can reblog their own posts and its fine and not embarrassing at all then i can repost with no shame nor awareness
ikilledamanforthisurl · 9 months
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Arti sketch from feburary + Arti sketch from likee right now
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josefavomjaaga · 6 months
Hortense about "Les Pestiférés de Jaffa"
This is an add-on to this post, in particular to the wonderful answer by @orsuliya about Gros being angry at Bessières and depicting him in this embarrassing way as a way of revenge. I wanted to reblog at first but this translation did get kind of long, so I thought I'd better put it in its own post. Here is what Hortense has to say in her memoirs about that very same painting, and in particular about her brother’s reaction to it. - However, I believe Hortense places this scene somewhat earlier, during the Consulate, even early in the Consulate, a rather short time after the battle of Marengo and after Gros had returned from Italy to Paris (which happened somewhen in 1801?).
As I had often heard [Napoleon] and those who had accompanied him talk about his visit to the plague-stricken people of Jaffa, I thought there would be a fine picture to paint on this subject. Gros, who had just arrived from Italy, was in the Tuileries one morning. I told him about my idea. He approved it and painted a picture that has remained one of his masterpieces. It was exhibited at the Salon.
At which point editor Hanoteau adds a footnote about the painting:
Gros, who had just completed a mission to Italy to select the works of art granted to us by the peace treaty, exhibited the Pestiférés de Jaffa at the Salon of 1804. This painting is now in the Louvre. The sketch is in the Château de Chantilly.
(I wish Hanoteau had also talked about the probability of Hortense - of all people - having given the idea to this painting. In my opinion, it's much more likely that the painting was officially commissioned, and that Hortense is only drawing all attention to herself, as usual.)
But here comes Eugène:
My brother arrived one morning, highly irritated with the painter who had depicted the general's aides-de-camp following him and holding their handkerchiefs to their mouths. "No one better than I," he told me, "can know how this visit went, since I was there, along with the general's other aides-de-camp. We were certainly not at our ease, but would we have had so little control over ourselves as to show any fear when the general, in order to reassure the army, showed such courage and exposed himself so much?" I had great difficulty in persuading my brother that painting was necessarily an imperfect language, that it could only express an idea in a certain way, and that, in order to convey the courageous action of the main character, it had been necessary to indicate a different feeling in the others and, consequently, to sacrifice them. All the First Consul's aides-de-camp shared my brother's indignation against the painter and I had great difficulty in bringing them back to the necessities of art.
Eugène: We didn't do that!
Hortense: [improvises a 15-minute speech about the goals and limitations of art and the artist's obligation to sometimes tell a small lie in order to convey a greater truth]
Eugène: Yeah, but we still didn't do it!
If Eugène really was that angry, my first thought would have been that the guy behind Napoleon was him - but that guy clearly does not look anything like him at all. But interestingly, Hortense claims that Napoleon's aides in Egypt (of which Bessières was not one) felt that they were shown in this offensive way.
So, if the person Gros had depicted really was supposed to be Bessières - did they not recognize him either without his powdered hair? Just like us? 😋
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everything-laito · 2 years
Hi guys!! Another year, another week dedicated to Laito!!
If you don’t know me, I’m Corn! I’m typically known for my Laito analyses in the fandom, but last year I hosted a Laito appreciation week! So I’m gonna make this a yearly thing :)
Yes, I know Laito’s birthday is in March, but I’m a full time college student with a part time job so its really hard for me to be consistent during the semester. But I’m free from this semester as of last week, and ironically it’s around the second year anniversary of this blog (May 16th)! I’ll be hitting the 1000 follower milestone (holy shit wtf) this summer so what better way to give back to this community more and celebrate than to host another appreciation week?? 
This year, I am co-hosting with my lovely friend @novampirebrainrot (Deia) who is an absolutely amazing artist, and we became friends last year through the previous Laito appreciation week! So I thought it was fitting :) Send her some love as well, she’s just such a cool person!
ANYWAYS! Laito Appreciation Week will start on Sunday, May 15th, and will end on Saturday, May 22nd. Please feel free to reblog and spread the message! I hope this will be as fun as last year’s! 
To prepare everyone for the themes, I am releasing them right now! Posts can be drawings, creative prose, quotes, your own words, moodboards, etc! Go ham! Have fun! Be creative! (or shitposty! I always love a good meme!)
Themes (kind of) and rules subject to change but I will let you know if they do :)
Day 1: Sunday, May 15th (same as last year just as a warmup!):
Five things you like about Laito (and why?) If you want to do anything creative about it, feel free to do so! If you participated in this last year, what are some five other things you like about him? Or if you want to share what you wrote/made last year that’s completely fine too!
Day 2: Monday, May 16th
Which Laito moment made you feel O////O the most? (like embarrassed or shocked or surprised the most)? And why (if you want to say)? We know there’s at least one Laito moment like that for everyone
Day 3: Tuesday, May 17th
Which Laito moment made you feel angry at him the most (CD, game, anime, etc) and why?
Day 4: Wednesday, May 18th (same as last year! We both love Laito art)
Reblog or link your favorite art of Laito (don’t repost fan art unless if you have permission!)! Or if you would like to share your own art, please share! This can be official art or fan art. If you reblog make sure to tag us directly because it doesn’t show up in the tag if you reblog it :) (however you should still reblog/link it to show support for the artist!!)
Art can also include moodboards/playlists/etc if you so wish! (or all of the above)! Anything that’s a creative representation of Laito aside from fanfiction because that’s a different day :)
Day 5: Thursday, May 19th
Reblog and or link your favorite Laito fanfiction (don’t repost unless if you have permission!)! Or if you would like to share your own fan fiction as well, please share! OR if you want to do anything creative inspired by that fanfiction please feel free to do so and share (like art inspired by it or a moodboard etc)! 
Same with Day 4, if you are reblogging a post for the submission, please tag us directly so we can find it! Since reblogs don’t come up in the tag :)
Day 6: Friday, May 20th
Back on the emotional train again! What’s your favorite emotional scene of Laito? And why? 
Day 7: Saturday, May 21st
To end everything off, what’s some headcanons you have of Laito?? Crack headcanons, serious ones, etc are all allowed! Hope you had fun with all of this!!!
Tag your posts with #Laito Appreciation Week 2022 ! (If you want to include the day, make it a separate tag, but at least use #Laito Appreciation Week 2021 so we can find you!) Or you can tag me or @novampirebrainrot directly!!! We both want to see your posts!!!
If your post is NSFW, please tag accordingly!
Late posts are definitely ok! Feel free to get a head start on anything though, just make sure to post it during the week!
Questions? Feel free to ask me or @novampirebrainrot :)
Rules (and themes in case if it happens) are subject to be added to until May 14th, just in case something comes up that we need to address, I just wanted to give you guys a heads up!
I had so much fun with this event last year, so I can’t wait to host it again!!! We can’t wait to see all of your posts and participate in this event ourselves! (I might even stream on those days too we’ll see B) I’ll let you guys know on this blog )
Have fun, go ham! I’m so so excited for this!!!
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wakewithgiggli · 3 years
Reblog Rules
Apparently you can add pinned posts to your tumblr. I’m not sure how that works, but as first attempt, why not list my personal rules for reblogging stuff.
Image Files
If you picture contains a sexy picture of a person (which includes hypnosis drop pics and gifs):
If it’s a glamour model or celebrity, include their name, so that anyone googling them can find out who they are.
If its a glamour model or celebrity, and the pic doesnt look like a glamour or publicity shot, include evidence to show they consented to this particular post.
If its anyone else, include evidence to show they consented to this particular post.
The ‘evidence’ needed above might be self-evident - like if its a reblog of their personal post or tweet.
Since I’m a hypno-fetishist, I see people posting a lot of ordinary people at hypno shows, and I’m pretty sure they didnt consent to have their moments of embarrassed hilarity posted for thousands of people to see, so I don’t reblog those. Likewise there’s a lot of leaked “Fappening” style pics of celebrities, as well as revenge porn, so I don’t reblog pictures I cant tell were taken consensually.
Lots of people have rules about crediting the artist, because there are a lot of people who use their self-images to make a living. So if I reblog someone who has an audience, I’ll try to credit the source.
But my main concern is consent.
Trances and Fiction
There’s a lot of erotic hypnofiction and hypnotic inductions out there. I’d love to post such content, but reblog hardly any inductions. Because they are generally really bad when it comes to consent.
If the post contains someone’s image, see the rules above. (This is why I love posts that are all text.)
If it uses hypnotic language, include a consent warning at the start which includes a description of ALL triggers and post-hypnotic suggestions included. This definitely includes instructions to reblog the post, send a message to the author, or any hint of addiction (like use of the word ‘crave’).
Those two rules cause me to skip over a lot of posts I would really love to reblog.
Reblog not Repost
Finally, if you are reposting something that already exists on tumblr, I won’t reblog it, and I’ll probably block you.
There are justifiable reasons to repost rather than reblog (you are transforming the work you are reblogging in a major way - in that case, include a link to the source, or you don’t want to reblog from bigots, in which case don’t include a source).
But most of the reposts I see are not justifiable, and feel really skeevy, so they go on the block list.
How to Get Blocked
I do block a lot of people, so I guess I can describe the reasons I’ve blocked people:
Repost Farms, as described above.
Send hate mail or bigoted gotcha Asks. I dont bother replying to this, it just gives the hater what they want. I just block them and forget about them.
Be a reactionary or bigot: if I see you replying or reblogging from me, and you add a comment or reply that catches my attention as being unpleasant, or if I look at your tumblr and see a lot of far-right stuff, I’ll add you to the block list. Likewise if people I follow reblog such content, I’ll likely block them and you.
Some of these people I also add to X-Kit’s block feature, which does a better job of hiding content than tumblr does - it’ll hide posts reblogged by other people.
I dont care if we never interacted directly, or whether you currently follow my blog or not. If I dont want to see your posts, or don’t want you to engage with mine, I will block you.
Tumblr, and social media in general, should be opt-in not opt-out. For every other source of media we consume, we choose whether we want to indulge in it. But social media is pushed on us.
It’s perfectly fine to choose not to read “dissenting views”, especially when those dissenting views are genuinely unpleasant and harmful. You have the right and should have the easy ability to curate your own personal space. Other people aren’t entitled to your time and attention. Do what you want with your personal space.
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aomineavenue · 4 years
Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x Reader
Genre: fluff (OH WOW?)
Summary: meeting each other for the first time.
Word Count: 3k+
@luvelyxp @paripedia @bokukiyoom @sunnyatsumu @centuress @doggonudez @newfriendjen @kodzukrn @anjvxmmv @keijikunn @maramalademadara @chaelysian @haikyuuwithadashofart @rogueofbullshit @bokuakadaily @kac-chowsballs @sakomi-kun @giyuwu-san​ @quirklessidiot​
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mia speaks: 
just a little piece for my little baby bo to make up for the angst one i made of him lmao and bcoz BIRTHDAY BOY
if it isn’t too much, please leave a little COMMENT on this piece or REBLOG if you like it! Thanky! 
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“No, ah—ah, it’s okay!” you interrupt him through giggles, dropping your hands down to your sides as you let your laugher slip through your lips at how such a well-built man turned into an adorable spluttering mess. He surely was different from the typical men that you had encountered throughout your modeling career.
It was like a breath of fresh air.
And you wanted more.
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You were all smiles today with the girls as you all excitedly entered backstage to get ready. The show was going to start in a few minutes and honestly, despite the waves of anxiety rocking you back and forth, you were still very much excited for today’s show. After all, it’s the big event that the majority of the world waited to see.
Runway shows have never been a problem for you, that’s for sure. You were confident with your walk, but unfortunately, when it came to the Victoria Secret Fashion Shows, you were completely, utterly, nervous. Not only were you walking down a runway with people watching, but other people would be able to view it at home once it’s edited and polished. People from around the world would be able to watch your performance and you knew the VS Fashion Show was the talk of the world when it was that time of the year. 
Flashing a cheeky grin towards Candice, she gives you one of her own with a wink as you both sat down on your respective prep chairs that had your names on it and waited patiently for your assigned makeup artists to get started. 
“You ready?” Candice asked from her seat next to you. All you could give her was a nod and an excited squeal, causing her to laugh. “Have you invited anyone today?" 
"Oh, yeah. I’ve invited my best friends from high school since we’re around their area but that doesn’t matter since none of them responded to me so they’re probably too busy,” you said with a frown. 
Candice reaches out towards you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Well then your best friends are obviously missing out." 
You couldn’t blame your friends for not being able to attend your shows, no matter how vocal they are when it came to supporting you through scheduled video calls. They were all equally busy with their lives unlike during high school where they could find the time and support the other whether it may be your small local fashion shows or their volleyball matches. 
You wouldn’t have been able to make your dreams fully come true without their help and support. You had always dreamed of becoming a model. You were good, everyone adored your signature catwalk more than anything. Though, for the first few years when you just began, it was a little tough and a lot of competition from other aspiring models. You started off in social media, showing off your looks and your best friends were the first ones to promote it, especially Shoyo, who even ran around the halls of Karasuno High School, waving his phone in front of the faces of students to show you off. And you even had Tsukki sharing your posts though, as usual, he acted as if he was being forced. Eventually, despite still being in high school, you were recruited by a small modeling agency and from there, everything changed. All thanks to your best friends, of course. 
They never stopped supporting you, always finding the time to support your shows and even having them as your own team and because of their hard work and your own, slowly but surely, as you reached your junior year in senior high, you eventually got a name for yourself after a while, but projects didn’t come as easy or often. 
Though, that changed as soon as you approached your senior year during an after party for one of your shows. As usual, you had your team (aka your group of best friends) present with you and all their praises towards your performance during the show gained a lot of attention from various popular brands that were present as well. If anything, you were completely embarrassed by their excessiveness as brand owners began approaching you, but you were more than grateful for that night, for them, because after that night, projects started pouring in.
It was all thanks to Shoyo’s contagious energy, bouncing from one guest to the other, asking them what they thought of you. Kageyema’s persistent pestering, telling brands that they would miss out if they didn’t give you a chance, and he didn’t give them a chance to decline, not that they could anyway with how determined he looked. Then there was Yamaguchi, dragging Tsukki along to talk to different brands regarding your work, the usual tag team when it came to helping you, it almost seemed like a bad cop and good cop scenario, the receiving end not being able to escape until the two were satisfied. Even Yachi had some connections due to her mother, and had introduced you to the people she knew. 
And since then, everything took off and after becoming a well-known model in Japan, you eventually gained the attention of a huge brand that offered projects around the world, and who were you to decline such an opportunity? So as your modeling career skyrocketed, you found yourself exploring the world right after you graduated from Karasuno.
Despite being busy with your career and the time differences, you made sure to keep in contact with the people who helped you reach your dreams and they did the same, none of you drifted apart, always updating the other when needed. Invitations to your shows were always sent to the group, always expressing one day that they would be able to attend your shows. Especially since you had been recruited to become an Angel two years prior, but with everyone’s busy schedule and not having the ability to afford plane tickets to wherever the VS Fashion was being hosted, you and your friends found the time when the show would be aired and face timed each other to watch. And of course, the overwhelming love and support spilled from their mouths. 
Still, a part of you wished they would be able to attend your show today since it’s being hosted in Tokyo. You wished they would be able to see your growth in person. 
A loud squeal breaks you from your train of thought. You glanced over to one of the new girls that have been casted to run this year’s walk. "Wonder what’s that about…” you heard Candice beside you. You simply shrugged. 
“There are some really hot guys!” she squealed excitedly, clapping along. “I was taking a peek outside and saw them! They’re seated front row! Those seats are usually for our personal guests, someone tell me right now whose guests are those and please introduce me at the after party!" 
You and Candice turned to look at each other and burst into a fit of giggles. 
It wasn’t uncommon for the new girls to look around the guests to drool over celebrities that were invited, like a predator looking for its prey. You weren’t going to deny, but you were one of those girls too during your first year as an Angel, and had shamelessly flirted with one of your favorite celebrities during the after party. Thinking about it now, maybe you’ll have some fun later and find your own person to flirt with later but for now, you’re just silently praying that you don’t trip on the runway.
"Okay, can I just say that I’m really nervous right now?” you squeaked, a shaky breath escaping your lips. Your makeup artist patting the liquid shiny highlighter along your cheekbones with her fingers as Candice laughs beside you. 
She counters, flashing you a reassuring smile through the reflection of the vanity mirror in front of you, “You’ll be fine. Just relax." 
"Thank you, Shelly.” you said to your makeup artist before she gives you a nod and walks off. You let out a whine and throw your head back, your eyelids fluttering shut. “Easy for you to say, I’m opening the show this year.”
Candice extends her arm out to reach for your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze, hoping to calm your nerves. “You’ll do good.” You could always count on Candice to soothe you. That’s what best friends were for. 
“Y/N! Hurry up over here, you need to get changed!" 
You snapped back to reality and immediately jumped off of your seat and headed over to wardrobe. The last thing you heard from Candice was a yell of ‘good luck!’ before everyone begins fussing over your outfit. 
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Music now blaring, excitement all over the atmosphere as the crew prepares the cue to signal you in. You were opening the show this year. The first set, which was called 'Snow Angels’ and you had been given one of the privileges of having huge fluffy white angel wings. It was heavy but nothing you couldn’t manage due to your rigorous training to maintain your model physique. They were huge and even had a trail that led down to your feet, you were able to grasp on it, to make it flow and follow you along every step. You had decided to hold onto them as you walked, an idea popping into your head. Along with the wings, you were dressed in white lace lingerie that fit perfectly and gave some accent to your well toned body. The lingerie had been adorned beautifully with gems that gave them a boost, making it sparkle when lights shine towards your direction. Plus, the silver heels were to die for. You really did look like an angel.
Bobbing your head to the music, dancing along to calm your nerves. You keep your gaze locked up ahead, a small smile playing on your lips. This is what you enjoyed the most, despite the nervous feeling you felt, you loved the adrenaline that coursed through your body. The adrenaline that pumped through your veins whenever you walked, you enjoyed the catwalks the most in your line of work. 
Hearing your entrance nearing since there was a rehearsal beforehand, you already knew when to start walking despite being given the signal from the crew members that stood around you. Giving them your signature cheeky grin, they give you their thumbs up of good luck with a smile plastered on their faces.
Following the beat of the music blaring through the place, your feet carried you through it, going exactly at the pace of the beat. As you reached the middle of the stage, you started with your signature catwalk entrance that your fans adored, you had your back facing the crowd for a second before you heard your cue to spin around from the music. You flashed the crowd with a smile and this only caused them to erupt into cheers. You began your walk, your feet taking you along in sync with the beat, your hips swaying to the rhythm. Letting your wings go for a second, you encouraged the crowd to go louder with your hands as you walked along the path, the smile still on your face. 
In an instant, your eyes catch a glimpse of a familiar mop of bright orange hair and your eyes widen ever so slightly, not expecting to see your group of friends standing up clapping happily at the sight of you with the biggest smiles on their faces. Time seemed to slow down but you were able to see them clearly. 
Yachi waved happily towards you with tears in her eyes, Yamaguchi giving you a thumbs up and a wide smile while Tsukki just looked at you with that irritating smirk but he looked proud, nonetheless. Kageyama waving a little flag with your face printed, his usual sheepish smile that you were accustomed to nowhere to be found, replaced with a wide smile that could compete with Shoyo’s. Speaking of the ball of sunshine, there was Shoyo, gaining the attention of the camera crew, jumping around excitedly with one hand in the air and his phone in the other, most likely capturing your walk, all the while, shouting your name. 
However, that wasn’t what just had caught your eye but the familiar looking person next to Shoyo who was equally as energetic as he was and you couldn’t help but let the warmth rush to your cheeks at the way he was looking at you in awe. A sudden surge of happiness bubbles in your chest at the sight of the duo excitedly chanting your name over the loud music, you were sure that the editing team would use the footage for when the show airs all over the world.
Despite not fully recognizing who the person next to Shoyo was, you couldn’t help but feel the butterflies burst in your stomach as you caught his eye. You were used to this kind of energy being best friends with Shoyo but something about his whole aura wanted to make your heart burst from the excitement. Summoning the courage, you send a flying kiss and a wave towards his direction. A grin makes its way to your lips at his unexpected reaction. It was like the one in cliche romantic movies where the guy captures the flying kiss with his hand and presses it to his heart before sending one back. You were hooked.
As you reach the end, you give the crowd, especially looking at the camera, your signature pose before gripping onto the wings once more, swaying yourself to create a flow as your eyes focus on the camera capturing your movements as if to seduce your viewers. Breaking out into a breathtaking grin, you spun around to walk back. As your feet carried you, you couldn’t help but glance back at where your friends were seated, your grin never wavering at the sight of Shoyo waving like a maniac, pointing towards your direction as he began telling the people surrounding him that he was your best friend. 
Your eyes caught golden ones once more and your heart skips a beat at the evident adoration mixed in his orbs. You felt breathless and giddy, slightly flustered at the thought of this mysterious man that was seated next to your best friend. You mentally note to yourself to ask Shoyo about him later and silently hope you would see him at the after party before disappearing to the backstage to prepare for your next set.
You had 3 sets for the year, the first one with the 'Snow Angels’ and then a set during the middle of the show and then the last set for the evening. The second set involved you wearing a sort of witch costume. You wore deep purple lingerie with a tiny hat that was pinned comfortably at the side of your head. The purple heels weren’t just a finishing touch, but the witch broom too. And the final set you wore, black lingerie. It was more of a corset but the texture was wonderful, lace, with some parts see through. You felt confident, so beautiful. A skirt was paired up with it, a small trail following you at the back. 
And every single time you walked down that runway, you would glance over at your best friends and him, winking playfully or sending kisses, Shoyo thinking it was directed at him but little did he know that it was for the energetic man with spiky white-grey hair with black streaks that resembled a horned owl that was on the receiving end of your playful gestures. And the man himself knew it too, playfully sending it back that made your heart beat rapidly in its confinement. Your friends, well aside for Shoyo, probably noticed that everything was directed to him, but you couldn’t find yourself to care as your confidence was at full percentage with how sexy you were feeling wearing lingerie.
As the show ended and you stood there happily in a line with the rest of the girls, your bubbly self began to show as you began dancing along to the beat of the music. It was another successful year. 
Now, it was time for the after party. 
You barely had the time to search for your friends as you were always pulled by either your co-angels or people you had wanted to work with. It was so difficult to reach them as they were situated from across the room, having their own little party and not really wanting to leave each other’s side, but you really wanted to join them at the realization that the man that was seated next to Shoyo earlier at the show, who you had been practically flirting throughout your walk, was a part of their group and it wasn’t just a coincidence of them seating next to each other. Then again, something in the back of your head was nagging you that you knew him, something about his aura completely familiar. 
After what seemed like forever, you were finally able to slip away from the people who wanted your attention, having the chance to see your friends after so long. However, before you could approach them you were pulled back by your forearm and as you were about to reprimand the intruder, your plan of actions were put to a halt as your eyes met his golden orbs. 
“Hey, hey, hey?” he starts sheepishly, a small smile playing on his lips as he releases his grip. 
A giggle slips past your lips as your shoulders relax. “Hey, hey, hey,” you repeat his words teasingly with a playful grin, “And what can I help you with?” 
“This may seem really weird since we don’t know each other but can I ask you a question?” he asks, shifting his tone to a more serious one but with one look into his eyes, you can see them twinkling with playfulness and you couldn’t help but nod your head to his request. “Did it hurt?” 
Brows knitting together in confusion, you tilt your head to the side at his question. “Did what hurt?” 
In a second, his features shift from the serious one that he had to one where his lips twitched to a grin, “When you fell from heaven.”
You suppress the heat that wanted to rush up to your cheeks from his cheesy pick up line, completely flustered. You were used to guys flirting with you but how was he able to surprise you and made you want to squeal like a high school girl? However, despite being flustered by his flirting, you weren’t one to back down so easily. Blinking a couple of times, trying your best to not look fazed by his words. “Are you implying that I’m Satan?” you ask, folding your arms across your chest as you arch a brow at him. 
He doesn’t expect your answer and turns into a spluttering mess before you. “No, I—I just,” he stutters, brows furrowing in frustration thinking he had failed to woo you with his pick up line, he was going to reprimand Atsumu who had told him it would work. “You—you’re an angel, ah you know, a Victoria’s Secret Angel, and I—” 
You interrupt him through giggles, dropping your hands down to your sides as you let your laugher slip through your lips at how such a well-built man turned into an adorable spluttering mess. He surely was different from the typical men that you had encountered throughout your modeling career. 
It was like a breath of fresh air. 
And you wanted more. 
Just as he wanted more of you when he stops his explaining at the sight of you bursting into a fit of giggles and he couldn’t even find himself to be embarrassed anymore at the sight of in your bubble of happiness, the way your face were scrunched up from laughing or how the sound of your laughter was like music to his ears, a smile making its way to his lips as he watches you in amusement. Ah yes, you truly were an angel to him. 
“No, ah—ah, it’s okay!” you gasp out through your giggles, shaking your head slightly as you try to regain your composure by holding onto your sides, “I didn’t mean to ruin your attempt at flirting.” 
He tilts his head to the side, the smile on his lips widening. “Oya? Why’s that?”
“Well...” you trail off, a smile matching his as you relax from your outburst, “I wouldn’t oppose to such, if it’s from you, that is.” 
He’d have to thank Shoyo for bringing him along. Your mere smile from afar was already breathtaking but now that he was close, he wanted to see it every single day of his life. Extending his arm, he holds his hand out for you to shake, “The name’s Bokuto Koutarou.” 
Taking his hand in yours, your eyes widen slightly as his name slips out of his mouth, “The Bokuto? The one that Shoyo’s been gushing about during freshmen year? I knew you looked familiar!” 
“The one and only,” he chuckles as he shakes your hand, listening intently as you introduce yourself, not wanting to let go of your hand just yet. He lets your name roll off his tongue experimentally and you mentally note to yourself that you loved the way that it did. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” A Happy Birthday indeed.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
I feel like packing up and just leaving tumblr, I feel like I try so hard, I just want people to like me and maybe thats the problem but Im just so tired of feeling like no one gives a shit. I try so hard on my works, I put time and effort into them and still no one cares and it makes me feel so bitter towards other people who're more likable, which I know is so stupid but I feel like my heart is eating itself. I despise these feelings and they make me wanna give up on everything. Is that dumb?
I dont think there’s anything wrong with wanting to be liked.
I get it, I honestly do. despite what I preach, having that audience is sort of important to me as well. trust me, I don’t focus on it very much, but there were times in which I was extremely frustrated with what I was getting from my audience. I think it was when I was around 2k and yet I was struggling to get my things to over 100 notes.
the thing is, we content creators will ALWAYS give it our all.
with artists it so easy to like and reblog things since they tend to stay within canon boundaries, or they deal with ships. plus at the end of the day people can always justify their reblog by saying “oh, I just think the art is super cute!!!!”
writers will always be among the lower of the ring of content creators because it’s so much harder, so much more embarrassing to support people who write things. i’m, and im assuming you too, are x reader writers. we write for a very very specific type of people. people who can be very embarrassed of supporting things like that. even if its tumblr and no one knows anyone, there’s that “well that can be seen as weird” and people don’t support. people won’t like because writings are too long. people wont comment because they’re moving on to the next thing. being a writer is goddamn hard because our audience is so silent at times.
about being likable, I don’t really think im that likable LMAO.
I dont think I have that presence online??? I feel like im much more personable irl, and being online I don’t have that charm and wit that other people I know on here have. im a bit boring online, but that’s okay!!!
but, I urge you not to stop.
I know its so fucking hard putting in so much effort and getting nothing out of it. there are countless amount of things that i’ve written that I was like “omg, this is so fucking amazing, they’re going to like it” and it gets only like... 100 notes. it’s crushing and it does hurt, but thats fine!!!! im happy those who do love it love it!!!!! I would love to read what you post. Im not the best at looking at works, and tbh, I stay well within the todoroki tags because im a whore like that. 
if you are insecure, I will be your saving grace. I will eat and love everything you post because your works are your own. they are amazing and they can never be written by anyone but you.
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The Elements of Chance
So here we go again. I posted part one of my book on my old tumblr but due to crazies that I somehow encountered I had to delete it. Let’s see about posting it this time here. I’ll start at the beginning with Part One and go from there. As always let me know what you think, asks are open, reblogs are greatly appreciated.
The Elements of Chance
Part One
 This was my last day that I was to spend in London on this long awaited holiday. It had been over four years since I was here last and I was already sad to have to leave it the following morning on a flight that I wasn’t quite so eager to board. My closest friend and his family had accommodated me, well it was so much more than that as they welcomed me and made me feel at home with them. I would miss them and this city, all the sights, sounds and the accent of its residents that I am so fond of hearing. However my life is in another place and it awaited my return fondly. My family misses me, my students as well and I spoke to them everyday of my trip, but I knew that it was not enough for them. And yes, truth be told I missed them just as much.
 My friend and his wife had to work today, so I was on my own. I relished in this fact and decided to go and see the city. There were a few places I was eager to see again before I was to leave and I arranged to be back with them in the evening. Gavin, my closest friend went to work later than his wife Ariana, so she dropped of their two children in the morning; one at nursery school and the other at elementary school before heading to work herself. This was something that I admired about her, I knew I would never have the patience or the desire to do that, for any child, which is probably why I am not a mother myself.
“So, where are you headed today love?” Gavin asked me as I put on my coat while he zipped up his laptop into the black leather case that I bought him for his birthday two years ago.
“Anywhere…everywhere and maybe nowhere.” I answered him and smiled as he nodded his head in a no type response.
“Only you would find something interesting in the middle of nowhere. Of course there is plenty of nowhere in London to fancy your last day. Are you sure you don’t want me to call in and go with you so you don’t have to go alone?” He gave me a thoughtful but sad look. I didn’t want him to go through anymore for me than he already had.
“Don’t worry about me; you know I like to be alone. Besides I plan on spending my entire day at the Tate Modern exploring and browsing. It would bore you to tears and I don’t want to feel rushed or pressured. This is my last day and I just want to relax at my own pace doing exactly what I want.” I declared, hoping I wasn’t coming off to annoyed or bored.
“Love, you are too used to being alone and I don’t think it’s that good for you. I’m not going to tell you that you need someone in your life, even though we both know you do.” Gavin walked to the front door and I followed him a few steps behind, waiting for the lecture he always gave me when he thought I was spending too much time alone.
“Sweetie, I am fine by myself. You know I like to be alone, besides I would scare any normal self respecting man away once he got to know me.”
“You mean like me?” Gavin turned around to face me before he opened the front to allow me to pass him on our way out.
“Now you know that is not true, you know I adore you and only frightened you a little bit. You are much braver than most men, you’re still my friend after all that we have been to each other.” I admitted casually but we both knew the depths of our relationship.
“That is true. I worry about you, we both worry about you. Ariana wanted to set you up with one of her coworkers, a graphic artist she works with. You met him at the opening, remember?”
I did remember, I just didn’t want to be reminded of it. He was pleasant enough, we just had no spark and how can you fall for someone when there is no spark between you? “I said I would call him when I got back and I am still here so how can I call him.”
“I know he was not exactly your type, but come on, there is no man that is ever going to measure up. You have set the standards un-believably high, no man will ever fill those shoes that are based on a man you have never met.” Gavin closed the door and locked the deadbolt with his key as I stood two steps ahead of him trying to escape this pointless conversation about my none existent love life.
“Maybe we have not met, but he exists and I know his name. It just so happens that he is unattainable on every level. Gavin, I am not holding out hope for a man that is and will never be mine. I’m not stupid. He’s just man that I admire…a lot, okay perhaps more than I should, but that is all it is. It is admiration and respect for his work and his soul.” I was done and wanted to run from my friend down the street toward the Thames.
“What I am to do with you?” He asked, rhetorically.
“Love me like you always have.” I smiled and walked away from him in the direction of the main street to where I could catch a cab or a bus as Gavin walked to ward his car in the drive way.
“Just remember dinner tonight, you, me, Ariana and the kids. Please be careful and don’t talk to strangers.”
“Sweetie, I am the stranger. Have a good day engineering!” I called to him as I waved my good bye. He responded by laughing and closing his car door. He passed me and honked his horn as he drove on into the heart of London.  
I grabbed myself a cup of coffee and went to a complete tourist trap. I went to Buckingham Palace. Not so much to see the building; however the gardens there in spring are so breathtaking. The tulips, I wanted to see the tulips before I left to the barren desert that I call home. The colors are vivid and the way they play against each other is only something that nature could do. More so at one time a human took time to plant every bulb in its exact spot to ensure that in spring every flower would have their time to shine and bask in the patchy sun that could only belong to England.
 Armed with my camera and a map I sat on a bench at the park waiting for a later hour to visit the Tate Modern.  It was not open yet and so I waited and watched the Londoners walking their dogs, running and other things most people would do in any park. As I watch them I wonder do they know how fortunate they are to be here amongst all the green and clouds. I sincerely believe that they don’t. Yes, I am being a bit brutal about my childhood home, the dry wasteland that I grew up in and thus staying to make it my adult home. So I have been told of the deserts beauty, well mostly from a Londoner, an Englishman. My friend says there is beauty in it. He said to me that I don’t see it for what it is. I agree as I tend to see it for what it is not. On that day, that very day was one of those days where if I could put the clouds, the flowers and the feel of that city in my suitcase and take it home I would have without a second of hesitation. However I could not, so I had to burn it all into memory like a branding iron to a calf and pray that God will show me kindness in my old age and allow me to keep my memories, to keep all this with me in my soul.
 I decided to walk a few blocks before I decided to hail a cab in order to get across the Thames to get to the Tate Modern. When I was here last time they were still building the inside and I vowed I would return and see this before I was too old to remember what art really meant to me. I had planned to spend the entire day there among-st all the inspiration and praying that one day I would show there as well.
There were many exhibits and various shows to see and I wanted to see them all. I wanted to be a sponge and absorb every drop of essence this place was willing to spare. The cab drive wasn’t too unpleasant and once we had arrived I began to realize that I should have arrived sooner as a line was forming to enter the museum/gallery. However long it would take I would wait, with divine patience.
 I found my place in line and waited with other people eager to explore modern art on this cloudy English spring day. In looking around at the Londoners it was easy to spot a foreigner mixed in, a foreigner like me. I knew that I didn’t fit in here. With my red wool coat and black gloves it was plain to see that I was cold, much colder than others who were used to this bitter climate. The color, yes much brighter than what I was seeing here. No matter, I love color and I wear color much like a parrot would wear his coat of feathers without a clue as to how much he stands out in the sea of green leaves. The sea of green being London.
 The line went faster than I had anticipated and right away I was inside waiting to see the Mark Rothko exhibit. I had seen many modern artists shown in the San Diego Museum of Art, such as Kandinsky, Pollack, Frankenthaler, and a few others. I had yet to see any of Rothko’s work and I was eager to get started. As I walked around, I seemingly became lost in the colors and the shapes and the dynamics of each piece. He was never one of my favorite artists; however I was beginning to change my mind, adopting a new appreciation for his work.
 I hadn’t realized time was elapsing and I had spent much more time on Rothko’s work than I had originally planned. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to see everything I wanted to see and so I decided to speed myself along. As I was leaving this part of the gallery I had turned around to get one final look at the whole exhibit when in my lack of gracefulness, I bumped into another patron almost knocking him over. As I tried to gain my footing I extended my hand to him to apologize for my lack of focus and my unintentional awkwardness.
“Oh I’m so sorry, please forgive me. Are you okay?” I asked the poor soul that I used as a point to completely embarrass myself in front of the other museum goers. As I looked up at him I noticed he was much taller me, I could not help notice an exciting familiarity in his face. Then when he spoke I realized who he was! How can this be? Why here and why now? Am I being punished? He of all people in this entire world…
“I’m okay. Are you?” He said to me as he smiled and I then decided that whatever composure I had was fleeting and thus I became completely oblivious to my coherent self. Was I coherent? At this point I was not sure.  I began to stare at him, unintentionally, I was gawking. His eyes were so blue, blue like steel. Such as when the light hits it a certain way and it reflects a bright azul. That was when I became lost, lost in that cold, bright blue.
I could feel the blood rush to my face and I didn’t want him to see me like this. It was too late. I could see his eyes searching mine and looking for something. What was he hoping to find?
“Your cheeks match your coat.” He said with that warm smile which turned me even more crimson than before.
“Well as you can see I love the color red.” My voice was anxious and I wanted to escape like a thief from the scene of a crime. His amusement in me was obvious. Why not laugh? I mean I was acting ridiculously juvenile.
“Yes, well it’s good on you.” There he was in all of his understated glory smiling at me like I was put on this earth for the sole purpose of bringing him joy.
“Thank you and again, I apologize for almost knocking you down…..I must go now and enjoy the exhibit.” He had extended his hand to touch my arm and in hast to leave, I turned around and left him empty handed. As I made my get away as quickly as I could without causing anyone else damage, I found I had lost my bearings and wasn’t sure as to where I was going. All I knew was I had to get there fast. As life would have it, my feet weren’t as fast as I would like them to be or were they and I was still in the fog he had caused me?
tags @melodramaticfanatic @michelehansel
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bebaexoexo · 7 years
Shit Oh Sehun did in 2017
-Mistook Jeonghan (svt) for Johnny (nct)
-Movie date with suho
-Slayed at the gaon chart award show with a solo dance
-Paris vacation/date with suho
-Got called best dressed man at a Louis Vuiton catwalk and then proceeded to spend the next day walking around Paris with a hood, baseball cap and a cowboy hat on his head all at one time
-Revealed his bed time snuggle routine with Suho, no shame attached
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in February, but didn’t…
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in March, but didn’t…
-Got an award for being himself (popularity award)
-Was supposed to debut as an Actor Oh in April, but didn’t…(NoT EvEn a FRackin TraIleR)
-Waved to a tablet instead of the camera, tried to play it cool by continuing to do so
-Posted about his big chilli… 0.0
-Got 15 points on a drawing game while everyone else got over 100 (he drew love hearts and wrote ‘I’m sorry’ for everything and still couldn’t accept being last)
-Howled because of sour pickles
-Members accuse him of being the prime suspect when food goes missing in the fridge, he agrees
-Used binoculars the wrong way round and couldn’t understand why he couldn’t see (Suho to the rescue and an embarrassed osh as a result)
-Gets driven around by big brother chanyeol
-CAN SING (might as well be in exo’s vocal line)
-Biyak Biyak 4 lyfe
-Rubbed his head on a random guy’s stomach (who looks like he’s his sugar daddy)
-Made suho sad because he didn’t go to a premier with him, but went to a festival with Chanyeol and guy whose stomach he rubbed his head on
-Danced (????) at said music festival. By dance I mean chicken fingers at the crowd wtf @ exo’s main dancer
-Can ya tell iv given up on the debut of Actor Oh
-Graced his instagram with such artistic pictures of rice, spoons and cereal
-Only one ft BoA returns
-KING OF SPOILERS sehun the cereal rice (kokobop) poster
-KING OF SPOILERS PT2 dancing the dance with kai can you all please stop this isn’t good for me
-Comments ‘is this exo’s official account?’ On exo’s official account
-“What did you do in preperation for this album?” “Loyalty”
-Passionately talked about eel reproduction
-“Favorite fruit?” “Water with ice”
-Gave flowers to the members because he’s their cute baby omfh (it was a punishment but same thing)
-*gives Kai a rose* “it fits you, you’re sexy and dark red suits you”
-Baekhyun confirms Sehuns big DIACK
-“Sehun has absolutely no interest I’m women. How do I know? Sehunnie said he has no interest in women”- Baekhyun
-Bragged about a really good noodle place, took 30+ people to eat and payed for them- but the food was disappointing
-“Say something to the EXO-L for their birthday” *sehun claps*
-*brags about his dog at every chance he gets, literal protective father to vivi* “I am a cat person”
-“We’ve been roommates for 6 years I want to cross the line”
-Producer Oh
-“I’ve arrived!” \(-°o°-)/
-Date in NYC with suho (ft the third wheel JD)
-Pulls out chair for suho
-“Its enough just to film me, suho’ s voice in the background is fine”
-Couldn’t believe that a waitress in NYC can’t speak Korean
-Theatre date with suho (ft the late third wheel JD)
-Kicks suho out of their room
-SBS power fm- more like 2 hours of sehun whinning and crying from embarrassment while suho laughs
-“I really like chocolate milk. I think it’s love”
-“Sehunnie is upset~ upset~ really really upset… huhuu” AEGAO KING WHAY
-“I’ve been having a hard time too. At times like this, we should all embrace each other. There’s something I always tell the members and that is to to ‘hug/embrace (me)’. Let’s cheer each other on, got it everyone? Cheer up always and yea, that’s it” and this is why we love our baby
-Sehun irl- “I love all my hyungs to the moon and back #se-rang-hai-yo” Sehun in manwha- “who cares”
-LA date with suho
-“Let’s goo” \(^o^!)__
-Just sehun trying to control his face while riding the drift car
-King of being HOT, calm and panicking at the same time when their car stalled
-Also Oh Sehun driving someone hold me
-Heart-shaped sweatpatch on his back
-“Excuse me… sir… ketchup ketchup yahh… thank you”
-“The hardest time isn’t when we have a lot of schedule but when the members have different opinions (argue). It saddens me a lot”
-Me me da
-Fan- “do sehun and i have something in common?” Sehun- “we’re human”
-Las Vegas date with suho
-Volunteers suho to go sky diving first like the little shit he is
-Wears a dress shirt and leather shoes to sky diving
-Acts like he isnt shitting himself on the zipwire
-Shamelessly wore nothing underneath an easily unzip-able hoodie
-MC Oh
-“Who is the scariest hyung?” “All of them”
-Tries to prank suho by putting a sticker on him, fails misrebly and then loses the sticker
-White suit blue shirt
-Chanyeol saying Sehuns voice is so good he wants to produce him PLEs
-Hello councellor MC’s @ seho “stop touching eachother are you guys coming out right now?”
-Sehun @ LVTN
-Gets customised bags from LVTN
-Sehun @ Moncler (also makes the CEO come out just to take pictures with him we love a powerful man)
-Peace signs in his pockets when hes told not to do it
-Doesnt follow seungri back on insta because aesthetics
-Omfg okay elyxion antics begins here
-Wrote and co produced his solo In At thE CONCERT COZ WE LOVE A TALENTED KING
-Lovingly strokes suhos face during touch it
-Comforts kai, upset because he made a mistske in his solo, during cmb
-Danced to ka-ching with CBX
-Suho “after our concert ended at midnight yesterday, sehun and i went back to our door and boiled 20 eggs. 2 adult men peeled them seriously and ate 10 eggs”
-Kisses baekhyuns neck
-Eats pizza at the concert after holding back for months, members happy give us one last chance at seeing THE ABS
-Went crazy and got chanyeol too drunk on his birthday
-Fansites “please dont crop our watermark we work really hard for these pictures” Sehun ;)
-Cute instalive of him just trying on the filters and telling us not to be stressed and play
-“OK!! goo” *pouts*
-“Hey dog, look at me~”
-“Cheese many manyyy”
-*is just standing there posing* Photographer “youre cute”
-Didnt know it was just him, kai and baekhyun in the lightsaber mv
-“Sehunnie makes the most delicious soju” byun baekhyun
-Makes a personal training room in their dorm that can barely fit his own ass
-Supports suho at his musical despite both going through a tough time
-Struggles with the rudolph hat
-Subtly strokes suhos face on a national award show
-Make chanyeol kneel whenever he wants something from him. We love our king
-Curly haired solo on mbc gayo
-A beautiful family picture from Oh Sehun to end 2017
Cr. Lerandomexotic
I had a lot of fun making this, just thought i needed to record sehuns never ending loveble antics etc
Feel free to add whatever else i missed
Hopefully he’ll just keep getting crazier next year too, and exo themselves will grow to be greatet and stronger
Like, reblog & excel
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stuckonreblogs · 8 years
directly copied to reply to- original post here: http://paula-deens-fuckboy.tumblr.com/post/156424800265/ok-but-how-are-you-going-to-go-around-saying-that ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Source: paula-deens-fuckboy Every decent human being in our race is against pedophilia, there’s no ‘high horse’ or entitlement here, it’s a basic moral line that most of our society possesses. The fact that you and your little pedo-patrol defense system don’t understand that doesn’t make the rest of society stuck up, it makes you all lower than the rest of us morally and intellectually. You’re the odd ones out, and you really don’t seem to understand that judging by how you think me shutting down pedophile culture is some statement of self supremacy. I have no RIGHT to criticize pedophilia culture? Actually, shockingly I know, I do. Everyone has the right of criticism, everyone has the right of reviewing product that is being sold, and most importantly- it isn’t just a right, EVERY adult is RESPONSIBLE for shutting down pedophilia culture in other adults. Not only do I have a legal right to criticize your useless friend but I have a damn good reason to do it. The fact that you think random magic AU’s or whatever are comparable to pedophile culture is another indication that you have absolutely no solid grasp of reality and common sense, as if we needed another. I don’t even know how to address your personal opinion, because you’re.. You’re too self-righteous and morally bankrupt to even argue with. This ‘youre bitter because “Sig” wouldn’t draw you art’ idea is so akin to that junior high ‘You’re just jealous’ argument, both are inaccurate silencing techniques. You’re all so damn entitled and pretentious that you dare think that nobody would speak out against “sig” if it weren’t for jealousy, that is batshit fucked up, this level of narcissism is so high for an average-to-mediocre tumblr artist who doesn’t draw anything interesting. To be honest, I didn’t know who “Sig” was until yesterday, when someone on my dash spontaneously reblogged their pedo shit, so this notion that I’ve got ulterior motives (because how could someone JUST be against pedophilia? That’s so whack) is absolutely narcissistic bullshit that you’re all using in an unsuccessful attempt to discredit my person. But it greatly interests me that you see “sig’s” client base/people who wish to purchase their porn, as inherently small minded and dense, and incapable of average debate. But hey, it’s easier to think someone is ‘just bitter’ than to admit and evaluate that you’re standing up for a pedophilic dipshit who isn’t a special enough artist to deserve this amount of your effort, right? Don’t project, it doesn’t hold up in debate. Not that Anyone Asked for your personal opinion, which is uneducated and unimportant anyways, but absolutely everything to do with it is evidence that you don’t have a single clue what you’re arguing against, your response is literally nothing, none of it makes sense. 1) You use the word hypocritical when it’s not applicable, 2) you pull a junior high argument which you have no evidence or back up for, 3) you try to bring my URL into it when it’s very obviously a blatant joke and isn’t applicable to the argument at hand. (But who could ever know that? How were you to know that someone isn’t actually identifying as a ‘fuckboy’ for a senior citizen from Texas? It’s too believable) 4) There’s nothing redeemable to read, to make those other 3 mistakes look less silly. You haven’t said a single thing that has lead me to believe that you have a merit-able argument to offer me, you haven’t made a single bound in convincing me that your side of the argument makes a lick of sense. All you can do is spout insults without fact because you don’t have any fact that you can actually back up. You have no sense of grammar, no sense of structure, you can’t make a point that could stand in any reasonable debate, and then you have the audacity to tell me I have a small mind. Now that, and please take this in as it is an important lesson for you to learn, that is hypocrisy. Do you understand what hypocrisy means now? Probably not but I digress. Absolutely everything you have said to me is hypothetical trash, you are a laughing stock, you’re an embarrassment to yourself and your friend and you’re making you both look like bigger jokes than ever, maybe you should hand the reigns over to someone with an IQ higher than that of a fetus. From.. Well, everything about you, I’m expecting your next reply to be something nonsensical… again. I know that you don’t have an argument beyond blabbering and whining and cheap cop-outs, or you would have included it in your first reply. I don’t argue with people who don’t have the basic skill to debate, I’m not willing to go in circles with someone who has absolutely nothing valuable to say, so don’t bother replying because I’m blocking you, as well. Maybe next time “Sig” will send someone who isn’t a complete embarrassment. Boy bye ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, prefacing this with the understanding that some people are offended even by fictional/potential pedophilia, and I am not at all addressing everyone's beliefs here- my response to that is click unfollow, blacklist, and know it doesn't offend everyone. These comments are ment solely for this individual since they think a half ass rant at their callousness is the best I can do. As for your bloated ego, let me address the over stated drivel of your reply point by point since apparently the snap response of a pissed off rant struck enough of a nerve that you had to attempt to justify your forcing idiocy on other people. "every decent human being" clearly "decent" and "capable of separating fiction" are not on the same level in your brain here. an *intelligent* human being would be capable of understanding that this character was a work of fiction to begin with and therefore any depiction of them in any other age rage/gender/otherwise alternative form is as valid as the original. If we were discussing a *REAL* personage, your "decent" descriptor might have merit, but as we are not, its an invalid outlook. As that is the case, my original comment of "high horse" is indeed correct. Your attempts at forcing one "valid" view of a fictional peice of work are nothing short of you assuming your view is the only one that has the right to exist and that fiction has no right to do anything except mirror reality. You're not an activist shutting down pedo-culture, you're hiding in the kiddy sandbox of tumblr cutting people you think are safe because they aren't part of the real problem; you twist fiction into unacceptablity because you think you can hide your own emotional and intellectual failings behind big SJW wanna be movements. You have every right to criticize, but criticism and destructive behavior are two totally separate entities. You have a right to criticize ACTUAL pedo-culture, not what you as a individual take offense to and try to smother in a disagreeable outlook for your own justification at destruction. If your the buyer, you have a right to critique, you weren't buying it, so keep your nosy overbearing self the fuck out of it. Adults have a responsibility to protect children, not slink around and project their own destructive judgments on what they find offensive. Your only "legal" right here is to your freedom of speech, you have no legal bearing to decide what is moral or valid on a piece of art that is based on FICTION. If the art was titled after a real kid, and the image was clearly a sexual representative of wanting to have sex with a kid and with the disclaimer "oh they are 18 so its fine" slapped on, you'd have moral ground. It's not, you don't, so how about you reevaluate your grasp on reality vs fiction before you even try to find the gaps in mine. (also just a side note, fuck you for your pathetic attempt at demoralizing a wonderful person by calling them useless just because you take offense at me, come at me of you think that kind of behavior is warrented.) You have no place to address my personal opinion actually, thats the point. It's my opinion. You can dislike it, you can say I'm wrong, but its my right to say it and yours to disagree. I'm hardly self righteous, I'm a bitch and I know it. But you obviously think opposite of what you say if you think I can't be argued with and then go on for 5 more paragraphs. It's definitely junior high, l'll give you that, but considering your the one going "I don't like it so it shouldn't exist wah wah" I feel we have a shared stage there. And it was hardly meant to silence, it was meant to point out that your attacking a very talented person on the basis of "your likes" and the fact that "your an artist too" so there is some comparison of purpose there, sorry you didn't appreciate that. Who is this "all"? this is just me. So clearly I'm not the only who is getting the jealously vibe from your so called "arguments". And you continue to encourage this when you attack someone's skill set and choice of project in direct response to critism of your own failings and jackass opinionated ranting. Whether or not you knew who they were, I'd believe your actually against pedophilia, reasonable and moral people tend to be. You don't really fit either category to a T, but I'll take your candor in trying as a pass there. I, however, never implied their clientele was anything. I said the clients they REJECTED were small minded and dense, specifically YOU are small minded and dense. Other rejections seem to have taken it well enough that I would have to apologize for the vagueness of that statement. Oh, I am certainly not one for taking the easy road, I didn't choose to point out the other failings and things as I am doing now because it wasn't worth the effort. I am standing up against you specifically being destructive to one of the artists who make sure their art and adult content is not easily accessible to minors. And if you continue to make slandering remarks against them, I will point out that your making my point in that your jealous. *I* am the one here calling your bullshit, they have done nothing but create and image you have an issue with. Instead of coming for me, you have to keep tossing in that "they" are useless, "they" are a dipshit, "they" aren't special. Fuck you. You have nothing but disreputable and disgusting things to say, your opinion screams of jealousy. So either you can debate on provable points that tie to your opinion, and keep the badmouthing to myself since I am the one arguing here, or you can keep screaming jealous crybaby and whine more when I continue to call you out on it. No one asked, but it's my response so I can say what I like. Unlike you, I specifically noted it as a personal opinion with no reasonable baring on the argument. Your assumptions are scattered throughout your writing as if they are fact. Camouflage away, I ain't afraid to take responsibility for what I think, don't need to hide it in bullshit. 1) hypocritical, behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.- your claims that you have a moral standing of making art without pedophilia makes you better then an artist doing the same thing. Hmm. seems applicable. 2)junior high argument, clearly labeled as personal opinion therefore evidence not required, as just stated. 3) also labeled personal opinion, but its okay to be gross when its a joke in your opinion. Noted and disagreed with. It's juvenile and disgusting so fuck off with trying to justify it. 4) how is this a point of fact? again, separate opinion. I don't have to convince you of jack shit. I made that rant because I was expressing that you have gods awful intention as far as I was concerned and exercising my right to free speech. It was a rant and the fact you responded so aggressively means I hit a nerve, so *now* I am making legitimate claims and points. The fact that you'd choose to believe that was anything more then a venting of disgust with your behavior and assuming that it was all I was capable of is your own failing. These last few paragraphs are repetitive aggressions meant to extend your reply and make it look intelligent. Your making no points except to attack my person, again presented as fact. But to address the one valid comment- no one "sent" me, fucker. I typed this because anon is ridiculous and you can fucking come at me all you like cause I don't give a fuck. You, and anyone who thinks its right to attack over fiction, are WRONG. You are wrong to attack them, you are wrong to be destructive to a fictional community, and you are a jealous piece of shit that needs to stop trying to tear other people down because you can't get the same recognition without being a jackass.
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