#if she lays her face on my chest im literally going to get spray all over her and i don't want tooo vsnsbhdks 😭
lobito-snz · 4 months
imagine this:
A is in bed, suffering from their horrible allergies, sneezing non stoping with a runny nose, and their sneezes are at this point so desperate that they can't even stifle them. The problem? there's B sleeping RIGHT next to A and B is being cuddly and needy, so they want to be hugging A and also want to lay their face on A's chest, but A is a sneezy mess, can't even cover their sneezes rn, and gets extremely shy about it.
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
Señorita - Shawn Mendes (pt 2)
yall went crazy for my senorita imagine, thank you for the love you showed it, now im bringing you part 2!! im having an amazing time writing about bad boy shawn, not sure how long this will turn out  to be but i hope yall will stick with me during this journey! literally spent my last 24 hours writing it so i can bring the second part as soon as possible and im sooo excited about it!!
5k of angst, fluff and pure anxiety
ALSO for that nosy ass anon, i inserted a keep reading function, hope your life is happy now :)))))))))) (though its not showing on the app for me only on pc and this is why i dont fuck around with these kind of stuff)
part 1 - part 3
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Three days. It has been three day since you spent the night with Shawn. He promised to come by the diner the next day but he never showed up. By the end of your shift you were basically a nerve-wreck, hoping to find him leaning against his bike outside, but the parking lot was painfully empty.
You don’t even have his number. For fuck’s sake, you don’t even know if he has a phone! These three days just gave you a million opportunities to think about how stupid you were to fall for his games. He probably never thought of you as more than just a one night stand. It even crossed your mind that you might have just been a bet with his stupid friends and you willingly gave his victory to him. Anger, hatred, disappointment and regret fueled your body that night when he failed to show up as promised. You wanted to cry, scream and shout, but at the end you felt like it’s just… not worth it.
“Rosie, you know I love you, but I can’t keep up with my and your tables as well,” you tell your favorite co-worker once you are back in the kitchen and find her sitting on the counter top, scrolling through her phone.
“I’m sorry, but this is just blowing my mind,” she tells you, her eyes wide at the screen while you put the dirty dishes into the sink and start rinsing them off, something you always do to make the work of the kitchen staff easier.
“What’s so important that you can’t do your job?” you ask a little annoyed, but more curious.
“There was a huge scuffle downtown like an hour ago.”
“What?” you snap, your stomach immediately dropping. You squeeze yourself up to her side as she scrolls through the short news article. It doesn’t say much, only that the police was called because probably two rival gangs had a fight and someone heard a gunshot as well. Two guys were caught, but you know neither of them is Shawn because they would have already made sure everyone in town knows Shawn Mendes was caught.
“Damn it,” you mumble, your thoughts racing faster than ever.
You might be hating on the guy, but you definitely don’t want him to get hurt. That gunshot makes your stomach churn when you think that the bullet might have ended up in him for all you know.
“What the fuck are you two doing here?” Rob’s voice makes both of you jump as he stares at you in disbelief. His mouth in a disapproved grimace under his rather disgusting mustache, his hands on his hips. “I’m not paying you to chit-chat in the kitchen. Get out and do your job!”
Rosie and you rush out, leaving the steamy kitchen behind as you quickly start pretending like you are so busy with work, just until Rob disappears in his office again, not giving a flying fuck about what’s going outside.
You take some orders and bring out some drinks before going back to the kitchen to hide behind the fridge. Pressing your back to the wall you slide down and hug your knees to your chest, not able to get Shawn out of your mind. The painful inertia is just killing you, not even knowing where he is and if he is okay.
Your mind leaves your body by the end of your shift. You keep messing the orders up and you can’t stop apologizing, but you just couldn’t get Shawn off of your mind and you hate him for that. The thought of going to bed seems like heaven to you when you arrive to your house. You slide your key into the lock, but you notice the door is not locked and you freeze.
Can it be that you forgot to lock the door this morning? You were pretty tired, it would make sense, but it’s not something that has happened before.
Reaching into your bag you grab your pepper spray, ready to defend yourself against anything that’s waiting for you inside. You slowly open the door, walking inside as quiet as possible, holding the spray up as your eyes scan the room. Nothing seems to be odd, Gordon walks out of the bathroom so calmly that he almost convinces you there is no one else in the house, but you’re still not sure about that.
Brushing himself against your leg he purrs for you before moving to the couch and curling up on one of the pillows. You are just about to believe that the place is clear when you hear a noise coming from the bathroom.
You glance at Gordon as if he could tell you what it was, after all he just came out of there and didn’t seem to be bothered. You make your way towards the bathroom, still holding the spray up. Pushing the door open you step inside and suddenly a hand wraps around your wrist.
“Fuck!” you scream, your finger missing the top of the spray and you even drop it, almost pissing your pants.
“Hey, it’s just me!” you hear a familiar voice but it can’t stop your body from shaking like a leaf.
You finally make Shawn’s tall figure out in the dark, his large hands taking yours as he pulls you closer to him and you let him do so.
“Shit, Shawn!” you gasp on the verge of tears. You’ve never been more scared for your life. His arms wrap around your body as he holds you tight, your face pressed against the hot skin of his chest.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he whispers gently stroking your hair as you slowly calm down, recovering from your heart-attack.
Once you are back, mind and body functioning again you firmly push him away from you, letting your frustration explode out of you.
“Where the fuck have you been?!” you snap at him, but your anger quickly disappears when you see his face turn into a painful grimace as his hands cover his ribs on his right side, close to where you just pushed him. “Oh my God, what’s wrong?” you panic, quickly reaching for the light switch.
You can’t believe your eyes when you see the huge bruise on his side. It’s as big as his hand twice and the colors are not too promising either as his skin is painted in blue, green, purple and red making up a galaxy-like patch on his torso.
“Shit, I think it’s broken,” you gasp taking a better look at it.
“It’s alright, I just need some ice on it,” he breathes out, trying his best to cover up his pain, but you see right through him.
“Come on.”
You pull him out of the small bathroom, making him sit on the couch. Gordon eyes him curiously as he holds his hand to his side while you jog to the fridge. You grab the icepack from freezer and return to him, kneeling down in front of him, gently peeling his hand off of his wound.
“How did you even get into my house?” you ask as you gently put the icepack to his side and he hisses from the sudden feeling.
“Keys under the flowerpot? Pretty predictable,” he smirks at you between two grimaces as his hand takes up your hand’s place on the pack and he holds it to his side. You mentally note to look for a better hiding spot for your spare key.
“And what were you doing in the bathroom in the dark?”
“I uh… I wanted to lay down in the bathtub, hoping it would feel nice and cold.”
“But I don’t have a bathtub.”
“Yeah, I figured it out right when you got home.”
Leaning back on the couch he keeps his eyes closed and you’re not sure what you should do now. Should you kick him out? Or ask what the fuck happened in the past few days? You realize you are not even in a real relationship to question him about his whereabouts.
Standing up you are about to go to the kitchen for some water maybe when his eyes pop open and grabbing your hand he pulls you down next to him.
“Where are you going?”
“To get some water?”
“No need for that,” he smiles at you tiredly as he wraps his arm around your shoulder, trying to make you cuddle to his side that’s not beaten up, but you move back. “What’s wrong?”
“Shawn, you can’t just appear after days and pretend like nothing really happened.”
“Are you mad because I disappeared?”
He tries to pull you back to him, but you need space. You hop to your feet and he follows you, putting the height difference to your list of anxieties. You can’t think straight when he is towering above you with his defined jawline and hazel eyes.
“You disappeared, got into a fight and then broke into my house bruised up, expecting me to just pretend like it’s normal. It’s not normal for me, Shawn.”
“I know,” he sighs and for the first time you see him anxious, though he is doing a good job hiding it. You almost missed it. “And I’m sorry. I really am.”
His fingers brush against your cheek, leaning closer his nose touches your forehead and you are determined to avoid looking into his eyes knowing well you’d just get weak.
“Shawn, I can’t do this,” you say, your voice barely more than just a whisper.
“Do what?”
“This. You and me. It’s just not working, okay?” Taking a step away from him you lose physical contact with him as he stands there, staring at you a bit confused.
“How do you know it’s not working if you don’t even give it a chance?”
“I gave it,” you snap, finally finding the courage to look at him. “That night when I was at your place, but it went to nothing when you disappeared for three days.”
“Y/N, I told you, that I’m sorry,” he repeats as if saying it again and again solves everything instantly. It’s obvious he has never had to work for anyone like this which kind of makes you proud of yourself, but you don’t let him know that.
“Saying that you’re sorry is not changing anything,” you tell him. “Not that anything should be changed, this whole thing was over before it could start.”
“Don’t say that!” he suddenly snaps, raising his voice. You’re quite taken aback from his reaction and it must be showing on your face because he quickly holds himself back, lowering his tone when he continues. “Don’t just give up on me so easily. Please.” Closing the distance between the two of you he throws the icepack to the side so both his hands are free to hold your face in them.
“Why don’t you give up on me?” you whisper feeling yourself reaching your breaking point. His forehead rests on yours, the physical contact is basically making you see sparkles.
“Because I know that I just can’t. I don’t know why. Please, just… give me one more chance.”
There is something in it when he starts begging. You don’t know if he is doing it on purpose or not, but it’s putting a spell on you whenever he says the magic word, please. Your brain wants to send him away, teach him a well-deserved lesson, but your heart takes over this time.
“Okay. But we need to lay out some rules.”
“Rules?” he asks, his face lighting up.
“Yes. And please, take them seriously,” you firmly say, wanting him to know that this is important for you.
“I will. Promise. Let’s talk about those rules, Señorita.”
  You make them clear and easy.
One, he has to let you know by the end of every day that he is alright. For this you finally exchange numbers, which just feels ridiculous if you think about how this should have happened at the very beginning if it was a normal relationship. You don’t ask for much, just a text is enough, the best if he comes by the diner, but you can’t expect him to spend all his time around you.
Two, no more sneaking into your house. You just can’t risk attacking him because you think it’s an intruder.
And three… Be honest.
“I’m already honest with you, Y/N,” he says narrowing his eyes at you, not really understanding what you mean.
“Uhuh, like the other time when you said you didn’t know those guys who started the fight. They called you by name, I’m not stupid, you knew them.”
Letting out a frustrated sigh he presses his lips into a thin line. You push yourself up, looking down at his lying figure on your bed. His side still looks horrible, but he keeps telling it’s fine even though you are pretty sure his ribs are broken.
“There are some things that are best if you don’t know about.”
This uneasy, bitter feeling is back. You sit up, turning away from him. You were dumb enough to think that he wants to change for the better for you, but it seems like he is not willing to leave his lifestyle back anytime soon.
“What did I say this time?” he sighs pushing himself up, wincing a little at the movement.
“Nothing,” you mumble, making your way into the bathroom. You pray he doesn’t follow, but you are out of luck. As you grab your night shirt you see him in the mirror, appearing behind you.
“Y/N, honesty goes for both of us. What’s gotten you upset?”
You refuse to look at him, just take your shirt and pants off, acting like he is not even there. You sleep in an oversized t-shirt, so you just throw it on and then take your bra off from under it. You see the smirk on his lips from your little maneuver and you know he is aching to comment on how he has seen everything under that shirt, but you’re glad he keeps it to himself.
“Y/N, please answer!” He turns you by your chin to face you and you are just silently fuming, not wanting to give the words into his mouth. “Baby, what did I do wrong this time?”
Why does he has to be so persistent? You know he is not letting it go and it’s obvious you are not getting out of the bathroom until you tell him what he wants.
“I just thought that you are going to give up all that dangerous stuff.”
You expect him to laugh at you. You feel ridiculous, so you are sure he thinks the same of you, but instead, his eyes soften at you as his hands slide down your side and to your waist.
“It’s not that simple,” he sighs, his voice laced with guilt. “I’ve tried to leave it all behind. Many times, but it’s not that easy.”
“But you can try at least,” you growl at him crabbed, taking a step back from him as you lean your back against the cold wall.
He stands there, clearly torn between two worlds. You hate giving ultimatums to people, it’d piss you off if it would be you on the other end, but Shawn seems to be calmer than what you expected. You could almost see the little devil and angel on his shoulders, whispering into his ears and you realize you are putting too much pressure on him. You can’t redeem the world in one day and he already agreed to a lot of other small things. Change doesn’t come over night.
Pushing yourself away from the wall you step closer to him, your hands slide up his chest to the base of his neck, the silver necklace rolling under your touch.
“I’m sorry, I was being greedy,” you whisper as you rest your forehead against his. “I have to be more patient with you.” He closes his eyes, arms around your body and you swear he is sniffing you, but you let it pass.
“I’m sorry. I’ll try to be better. For you,” he whispers, eyebrows furrowed. Your lips brush against his and he quickly kisses you before another word could be said.
You moan into his mouth once you feel his tongue against yours. His fingers tangle into your hair and he starts to push you slowly right until your back hits the wall again. When your hands wander down on his naked torso you make sure not to hurt him around his wounded side, but it’s a little hard to contain yourself when his lips are traveling down on your neck, leaving wet, open-mouthed kisses on your heated skin.
Desire is burning between your legs and you just want to forget about everything that happened today, but you both know Shawn is not fine enough physically to deal with your endless lust right now.
The kisses slow down, panting echoes in the small bathroom as you try to catch your breath.
“Let’s get you to bed, okay?” you whisper, barely finding your own voice. He nods and you tangle yourself out from him.
Lying on the bed you curl up to his healthy side as he wraps his strong arms around your figure, his thumb repetedly caressing your shoulder as you listen to his steady heartbeat.
“Shawn?” you speak up after a while hoping he is not asleep just yet.
“Mmm,” he hums as a reply.
“Don’t make me regret this.”
His fingers stop for a few moments before he holds you tighter to his body, kissing into your hair.
“I’ll try.”
“So, I haven’t seen Mr. Danger around here lately.” Rosie arches an eyebrow at you while you are counting the fat tip you just got, tugging it away into your apron’s pocket.
“Who?” you ask, pretending not to know who she is talking about, but Shawn’s handsome face immediately pops up in your mind, almost making you smile.
“You know who I’m talking about,” she gives you a look as she fills up three cups with lemonade, but she keeps looking out for Rob. Apparently, he told her that she is skating on thin ice with her working attitude and needs to put more effort into her work if she wants to keep receiving her paychecks.
“Why would he come here?” you keep up the act.
“Oh, cut the shit, Y/N. What’s up with him, have you talked lately?”
You sigh, giving in, not wanting to torture her any longer, but just when you open your mouth the door of the diner flies open, the small bell rings in warning and you both turn just in time to see Shawn walk in, his usual leather jacket on, hair perfectly messy from probably riding his bike and he unhurriedly takes his aviator sunglasses off, his eyes lazily looking around the place until they find you and a smug smile plasters across his face.
“Holy shit,” you hear Rosie mumbling under her breath and you show an elbow to her side, making her lose balance for a moment. She shoots you a look, but you shoot it back.
“Show your tongue back into your mouth,” you tell her as you walk out from behind the counter, meeting Shawn midway between the tables.
“Hey there, Señorita.”
His large hands immediately slide to your side, holding you firmly as you throw your arms around his neck, your fingers finding his soft curls at the back of his head.
“Hi,” you whisper as he leans down and kisses you softly, making you forget about everything else that’s around you in this moment.
“You hungry?” you ask as you lead him to his usual box.
“For you? Always.”
You roll your eyes at his comment, but you can’t push a smile down as you look down at him.
“Anything from the menu?” you ask, and quickly add: “I’m not on the menu.”
“What a pity,” he sighs. “Then scrambled eggs with bacon, please. When are you going on a break?”
“Um, in about twenty,” you say checking the clock across the wall.
“Perfect,” he grins at you as you turn around and go back to Rosie behind the counter.
You give the order to the kitchen stuff and face Rosie’s questioning and shocked face.
“What the fuck was that?”
“What do you mean?” you ask innocently.
“Um, you eyefucking with none other than Shawn Mendes, the Greek god of town.”
“Rosie, do you ever filter what you say?” you ask gasping. You definitely did not eyefuck him. Or… did you?
“Is this like an official thing now?” she asks following you into the kitchen as you grab a Corona from the fridge for table 4.
“Kind of,” you shrug, making it look like it’s not a big deal, but your inner self has been jumping up and down for days now, screaming in happiness.
“Okay, you are telling me everything on the way home,” she demands before disappearing from your sight, not even giving you the chance to protest.
Bliss. Utter bliss. This is how you can describe the past few days.
You can tell Shawn has been doing everything he can to make things work for you. He spent the night at your place a few times and when he couldn’t, he made sure to call you before you go to sleep, just asking you about how your day has been, genuinely interested in everything you had to say. You spent another day off with him yesterday, just lazily chilling in bed, watching movies and having some steamy and hot sex, which is kind of your favorite part every time he is over.
He refused to go to a doctor with his side though, said he has a cousin who’s a doctor and that he checked it out, gave him some pills and said it’ll be alright. You’re skeptical about that, but you didn’t want to start a fight about that. It’s starting to look better anyway and he is not wincing anymore when you accidentally touch it.
You still worry about him whenever he is away, not really knowing what he is doing and that’s just too troublesome for you, but you are learning to deal with your own dark thoughts.
You feel like a giddy teenage girl as you move around the diner, doing your job, but sneakily keep glancing at Shawn who has his eyes glued to you the whole time.
“I can’t work like this,” you sigh stopping at his table and he blinks up at you angelically, pretending to be the most innocent guy in the world.
“What? I’m not doing anything!”
“You are basically stripping me with your eyes,” you whisper leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to his lips. You can feel eyes on you, some local women have been eyeing you enviously after seeing you and Shawn kiss, but you’re kind of enjoying it.
Yeah, bitches, take that! The town’s sexiest guy is all over me! You think to yourself.
“I’m sorry, but this skirt is just… making me feel things,” he sighs taking a good look at your work clothes. It’s a typical, light pink waitress uniform, the skirt might be a little shorter than the average, but Rob thinks that’s just bringing the tips in, so you don’t have anything against it. Apparently, Shawn shares the same thoughts as Rob, enjoying the view.
“I’m off in two. Wanna go outside?” you ask checking the time.
You go back to the kitchen and grab your phone from the dressing room. You pull out the elastic from your hair, gently massaging your scalp where your bun was before.
“I’m going on my break!” you tell Rosie who is behind the register this time.
“Don’t want to hear moaning from the back, oh wait, maybe it might be hot. I like it, do what you want,” she smirks at you and you just give her a disapproving look.
“Filter, Rosie. Think about what you say before saying it!” you tell her walking away.
Shawn is already at the door, he opens it for you as the two of you walk out to the back of the building for some alone time.
His bike is parked by the wall, not far from the little bench you have there for those who smoke on their breaks.
“I missed you,” he mumbles into your neck, pulling you close immediately when you are out of the sight of the people on the road that runs in front of the diner.
“You mean in the twenty minutes that I had to work while you were staring at me?” you giggle, hands on his broad shoulders as you try not to moan from the way he is kissing your neck.
“Yeah. Hardest twenty minutes of my life.”
He backs you until you bump against the wall and he locks you there with his hands on each sides of your head. You hide yours behind your back as you blink up at him, biting into your bottom lip. His eyes are so much darker this time, lust burning in them as he takes his time looking you up and down.
“You are so fucking sexy, Señorita. You have no idea what you are doing to me.”
Desire laces through his voice, making your lower part catch on fire. Oh, how bad you wish you weren’t behind this building but home, in your bed, with no clothes on.
You tilt your head, your lips gently brushing against his arm, he smells like some kind of sweet cologne that you like so much. Pressing your lips to the inside of his arm you lightly suck on the thin skin, earning a satisfied moan from him, but it also throws him off the edge, dropping his hands to your waist and pulling you in for a passionate kiss.
One of his hands travel up to the back of your head, holding you in place while the other wanders down to your butt, rolling your skirt up so his palm is touching your skin instead of the fabric of the dress. You blindly pray no one is around to see this, you wouldn’t want anyone else to see your almost bare butt but on the other hand you just don’t want him to stop.
The sound of a bike approaching makes you push him away, afraid it’s coming near you. You quickly roll your skirt back down, just in time. A redhead guy appears on a bike, similar to Shawn’s. You’ve seen him before, he is one of Shawn’s friends for sure, but his face is making your stomach churn, the expression is making you want to run because you are sure he has bad news.
“Brian, what are you doing here?” Shawn asks, one arm around you protectively. You hug his waist, eyeing the guy with suspicion.
“You need to come. Wade and his rats are at Connor’s, they are saying one of us beat Wade’s nephew up last night.”
“What?” Shawn snaps. “Everyone was at yours last night, it couldn’t be us.”
The mentioning of Wade Salazar makes you sick to the stomach. The guy is a walking criminal record, spent at least five years in prison by the time he turned twenty-five, the police has been trying to catch him for good for so long, but somehow he always slips out of their hands for the big stuff. The most serious thing they could convict him of is drug trading, but somehow he managed to get away with most of the stuff even in that case. You always knew Shawn is rivals with him, but you refused to think about him getting involved with such a monster as him.
“Yeah, try telling that to Wade,” Brian scoffs. “We need you, he wants to talk to you.”
“Don’t go!” you find yourself saying it before you could hold yourself back.
You feel Brian’s burning gaze on you, but you ignore it, only focusing on Shawn and his clenching jaw.
“Give us a sec,” he tells to the redhead and pulls you a bit farther from his friend.
“Shawn, please don’t go,” you beg, feeling the tears dwelling in your eyes. Something in you is just screaming to make you stop him.
“I have to. These guys are like my brothers. Wade wants to talk to me and if I don’t go he’ll rip off Connor’s place.”
You can see the guilt in his eyes and you know he would rather stay with you, but he is also too protective over his friends and there is nothing you can do about that.
“It’ll be alright, okay? I’ll smooth it out, no fight involved. I’ll be at your place by the time you get home.”
“You promise?” A hot tear runs down your cheek and his thumb catches it right before it could reach your jawline. He kisses you hard, holding your face between his palms as you grab a fistful of his shirt in your hands.
“I promise,” he whispers kissing your forehead before letting you go.
You watch him jog over to his bike, your knees are shaking as you see him get on it and start the engine. He glances in your direction one more time, giving you a promising smile as you try not to sob, before he and Brian roll out of the parking lot and disappear from your sight.
“Woah, you look like shit,” Rosie grimaces at you when you come back from your break.
“Thanks for the support,” you mumble. You managed make the signs of crying disappear from your face, but you are definitely not feeling better.
“What did the fucker do to you?” she asks, ready to go full tiger mode on anyone.
“Nothing. Can we just… work?” you request tiredly and probably for the first time ever, Rosie just nods without a word.
The rest of your shift feels like hell. You keep checking your phone if there is anything from Shawn and you find yourself staring at the door many times, hoping to see him walk in, but nothing happens. Thankfully Rosie decides not to question you about Shawn on the way home, she just hugs you goodbye, telling you to call her if you want company when she gets off the bus.
When you turn the corner and start walking down your street your stomach drops when there is no sight of Shawn or his bike anywhere near. As your last string of hope you pray he is inside, he just didn’t come with the bike this time though you know it’s impossible.
Opening the door the only thing you see is darkness. Gordon welcomes you with a lazy meow from the couch as he lifts his head up for your arrival. You can’t stop the tears from flowing as you shut the door behind you and collapse on the couch. Grabbing a pillow you bury your face into it, trying to suffocate your desperate sobs as Gordon sniffs you worriedly, not really knowing what you are doing. You reach to scratch his head gently as he stares down at you as if he is questioning if you are alright.
But you are not. Shawn promised to be here and he failed to show up again. It’s breaking your heart ten times harder than last time and you just don’t know what to do with the situation anymore.
Minutes pass by, your sobs come to a halt as you sit in the dark without moving, staring at the same spot on the floor. You know you won’t be able to sleep tonight not knowing where he is or if he is alright. Last time when he didn’t come you just gave up, but you don’t feel like you can do that again. You have to do something, you can’t just sit around and see if he ever shows up again.
You are going to find out where this Connor guy lives and go there yourself. Tonight.
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warmau · 5 years
Prince!AU Jeno
requested by my giveaway winner! + find all other aus here
the most charitable prince the nation has ever seen 
literally lives for helping others
does charity work whenever he can and refuses invites to fancy balls or galas 
opting instead to get down in the dirt and plant new vegetables in the local gardens
or volunteering to help teach kids after school
even though he’s a shining star when it comes to community service and giving back
and the public adores him to pieces
he really,,,,,,,,,doesn’t act like a prince at all
not to say that he isn’t mannerly or that he doesn’t know the his country’s own values and laws
it’s just he’s a hyper young boy who thinks skateboarding through the palace halls is fun
doing kick flips over expensive pieces of art and scaring butler renjun half to death
he’ll be caught red handed stealing sweets from the pantry - mouth full of chocolate covered strawberries
and of course the hoarding,,,,,,,,and by hoarding i mean the hoarding of stray cats he keeps trying to hide in his room
but renjun is staring at the various bite marks and scratches on jeno and he’s like
“oh - how’d you get those?”
“uhhhhhh chenle bit me.”
“that’s almost believable, but hand over the kittens”
would live in the animal shelter if he could
just getting his gucci suit covered in cat fur 
grinning from ear to ear as all the animals flock to him 
and the shelter works swoon at the sight of his eye smile
but yeah, he has no sense of royal boundaries - or that he’s above anyone else simply because he’s a prince
like he’ll hop out of the carriage during parades - the queen nudging for knight jaemin to follow him 
before jeno gets himself lost in the crowds
greeting shop keepers with deep bows and letting young kids cling onto him and offer him flowers and candy
there was once a newspaper headline about how a thief had managed to slip one of jeno’s rings off his fingers
when jeno had walked through the streets without his knight
but then the thief felt so bad that he approached the prince a couple of minutes later and offered it back
someone asked him later
“why did you give the ring back?”
“i didn’t want prince lee to be sad, he’s too handsome to be sad.”
renjun keeps stocking prince jeno’s closet with “princely” attire - in navys, greys, and blacks 
because those colors make him look like he’s being serious 
but jeno just shows up in all pink like 
“i heard we’re going to be doing negotiations with prince haechan today - he likes pink, right?”
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you’re actually kind of a rowdy kid yourself - ever since you were young you liked causing trouble and pulling pranks
always running around with scraps on your knuckles and bruises on your knees
you never cared about politics or the royal family,,,,,,,,,,,,or school,,,,,,,,,,,,or anything really
you just liked doing things for a rush
living on the edge and sometimes getting scolded for it by your (in your opinion) overtly tight and proper roommate doyoung
who treated you like his noisy, rough around the edges child 
that always paid the share of the rent late
but somehow,,,,,,,,you’d managed to survive
doing small jobs here and there - mostly art focused as that was where your talents lay
you used to do a lot of graffiti - but on several occasions you’d been caught
and you were kind of wary that the next time the local authorities got their hands on you, you wouldn’t get away with just a slap on the wrist
so you strayed away, instead you did paid mural work and designs
it was pennies really, but it was much better than slaving away in an office
well,,,,,,,in your eyes at least,,,,,,,,
but when the royal family unveils a new painting in the town square
you can’t help but feel your palms itch at the though of spray painting a giant mustache on the prince’s face
a part of you argues that you don’t need to do this - really, this is childish and you’ll get caught and regret it
but the other part of, the one that always wins, goes absolutely bonkers
so you end up on sneaking down the fire escape, bag pack stuffed to the brim with cans in all colors
you pull up your hoodie and make the short, zig zagging walk through back alleys to the square
it’s dead quiet. not even stray cats are out at this time
and you excitedly rub your hands together as you stand in front of the large painted faces of your country’s royals
now you really don’t mean it as anything but a harmless joke
you’re not making a political statement by drawing stars on the queens white blouse or giving the king goody glasses
you just want to cause a stir - you just want to do it because you can
and as you lean up to run a red line on the side of the princes’ handsome jawline
you hear a voice
“ah. if it isn’t you again”
for a moment your body goes cold - seriously, only fifteen minutes in and the cops are here?!?!?!
you expect they’ll haul you down to the station, be given a long and boring speech about respecting property, and then let out by the time the sun rises
but that doesn’t happen
instead you find yourself spending the night in the station, no one tells you what’s happening, until finally you hear a rustle going on in the hall
and the door to the room you’re being held in opens
a knight walks in, you can tell by his uniform and the crest of the lee kingdom he wears on his chest
he gives you a once over and shakes his head
“jaemin, what’s going to happen to them?”
an officer questions and you sit up a little straighter
“that’ll be up to the royal family to decide”
you can’t believe it - actually you’re pretty sure you must be fever dreaming when you find yourself in the main ballroom of the palace
a place you’ve only seen in photos and on tv
“i- im here all over a harmless prank ?!?!?!”
the knight, named jaemin as you learned, gives you a sympathetic shrug
“it’s not harmless to deface the people who run this country.”
“deface then? all i did was doodle-“
he shushes you and stands at attention as the doors open with a loud and heavy sound
in front of your wide eyes step the queen and the prince, both dressed in golds and jewels
you're so frozen that jaemin has to cough thrice until you realize you have to bow in greeting
as you hang your head low, the queen gives an annoyed tsk
prince jeno on the other hand observes you curiously
his hands clasped behind his back as he looks at your black hoodie and jaemin drops the bag full of your supplies on the spot in front of you
“child, you really shouldn’t have drawn such crude things on a public mural.”
the queen begins and you swallow
her tone doesn’t sound all that sweet like when she’s giving speeches over the radio ,,,, i might have really messed up this time!
she continues to talk, pointing out that the mural took weeks to perfect. that the townspeople are just as disappointed as the family and authorities are. at some point there’s a comment about how you were probably just raised poorly
all of it kind of drowns in your head as you panic about your fate
“as for punishment-“
you stiffen and you think you even hear knight jaemin tense up at your side
“wait, mother may i?”
the prince speaks for the first time and your gaze shoots over to him instantly
he’s wearing his blonde hair back with golden pins, a loose fitting blouse tucked into riding jeans with a belt that looks like it’s been encrusted with rubies
“i think i have a good idea, it’ll help them both reflect on their crime against the town-“
crime? it was some harmless drawing!
“and help restore the mural.”
the prince smiles, but you’re hesitant - gripping the sleeves of your hoodie as he gives a slow nod
“let’s just make them re-paint it!”
you let your jaw drop, but no noises come out of your mouth
he wants me to re-paint that giant thing all by myself? it’ll take weeks - i won’t be able to do anything else - i would rather -
“it sounds better than being banished, right?”
you can’t really formulate a sentence, so knight jaemin answers for you
“that’s a splendid idea prince lee! im sure the culprit is grateful!”
you feel a sharp elbow in your side and you kind of sputter to life
give a groggy
“thank you so much my prince”
as jeno brings his hands up in a clap and his mother, seemingly bored already with you, gives her agreement
just like this whole situation - you think you have to be in a bad dream as you stand in front of the mural in broad daylight
a tiny circle of whispering locals around you
as jaemin sets up a ladder and hands you a large, clean brush
“this is going to take forever.”
“maybe you shouldn’t have messed it up in the first place.”
he grins when you give him a sideways glare
but make your way up the ladder, you come face to face with the splotches of red paint from your prank and with a frustrated sigh you begin to paint over them
after a while, people become uninterested and disperse
jaemin is supposed to be guarding you, but he disappears somewhere
saying that it’ll be obvious if you slack off - someones got to get those goofy glasses off of the kings face
so you end up tired, alone, and grumbling about how this punishment might just be worse than banishment
“what is prince lee’s problem anyway? butting his head into the conversation -”
“oh, i think you missed a spot on my face.”
you almost drop the paint can in your hand with surprise
when you hear a familiar voice from down beside the ladder
you turn, carefully and see the prince himself
jaemin is beside him, pretending as if he’s been doing his job all day as jeno takes a look at your progress so far
“hmmm looks like this project might take a while,,,,,”
he muses and you have the sudden urge to turn the bucket of paint upside down and watch it dump over onto his blonde head
but you restrain yourself at the last minute
“but still. i trust you’ll get it done nicely?”
you can’t tell if he’s being annoying on purpose, mocking you and teasing
or if he really means it
“well then, carry on. you can leave when it’s dark and return in the morning. jaemin, you’ll be here - yes?”
jaemin salutes and you roll your eyes as you turn back to your work
you don’t notice how the prince’s stare lingers a bit before he turns on his heel and is off
the next couple of days is grueling, you wake up early - get told off by doyoung for getting yourself into the mess - trudge up to the town sqaure and clamber up the ladder with your paints
you hate it at first, but after a while you kind of come to terms with it
whistling tunes to distract yourself and even sometimes holding conversations with knight jaemin
you don’t expect the prince, or anyone from the royal family to come and check on you
but by the end of the first week - you’re surprised to see jeno at the mural and without jaemin 
“my prince?”
you approach with caution and he gives you a smile in response
he’s dressed more casually then you’ve ever seen before, dark jeans and leather suspenders over a button up shirt
but then you see the golden necklace and wrist watch 
once a prince, always a prince
he motioned to the mural with his head and goes
“it’s coming along well, i knew your talent would show.”
“my talent?”
“do you think i don’t know about your other work?”
for a moment,,,,,,,you look at him confused 
“a-are you -”
“the graffiti and the paid work you’ve done around the town. i did my research.”
again, you aren’t sure if he’s bringing it up as a compliment or not - so you just shrug in response
“well, im happy your highness is pleased so far.”
he puts a hand under his chin and steps back
“although i see you haven’t gotten to my face yet?”
you huff - ready to go on a tangent about how the king and queen need to be fixed first
when jeno bursts into laughter at the sight of your furrowed expression
“im teasing, take all the time you need.”
you step back with him - thinking nothing of it when you motion to his portrait on the wall
“the original artist didn’t do that good of a job - do you see the shade on your neck, it’s not from the right angle. and they weren’t able to capture your eyes well either.”
jeno looks impressed at your comments, but you aren’t even doing it for that
you just have been thinking about it since you started your “punishment”
“when light hits brown eyes like yours, the color becomes almost translucently brown and they made it muddy-”
“why, maybe you should become a full time artist instead of running around getting in trouble?”
you scrunch up your nose
“no, traditional art is fine and all that. but my kind of style isn’t really appreciated. im lucky enough to find small work.”
you pick up a paint can of green, making your way up the ladder - jeno comes to the side and holds it steady as you reach the top
why is he even here in the first place? don’t prince’s have better things to do?
you wonder to yourself as you pluck a brush from the front pocket of your jeans - leaning back to make sure you’re in a good spot to reach the lapel of the king’s uniform
“have you always been an artist?”
the prince’s voice wafts up to you ears and you shake your head
“no, i didn’t start until i was older.”
“what a shame, you clearly have talent.”
you push back the warm feeling that crawls up onto your cheeks
and you assume that at some point he’s going to have to leave,,,he cant stay here and chat with you forever
and he does 
but then
he keeps coming back
bright and early, every morning - the prince is waiting for you beside the mural
he can never stay past an hour or so, and it really confuses you as to what he gains out of watching you paint and asking you questions about yourself, but it is something to distract you 
as the work on the mural trudges on slowly
after a couple of weeks - you finish the king and queen and get started on the prince
for some reason, you approach fixing his portrait with more care
you spend a lot of time looking at it from affair, even sketching it out on scraps of paper before you bring a paintbrush up to it
one day as you’re getting ready to re-paint jeno, you notice a small cat is making rounds around your paint cans
you watch it with a tiny giggle, before you see the prince - scurrying after it like a entertained large child
the kitten hops through some nearby bushes and jeno squats down to see where it’s gone when he sees a pile of abandoned papers beside them
you’d forgotten where you’d put the sketches you did of him from some time ago
but when the prince unfolds the papers he finds them, looking over the fine pencil work and the familiar features that make up his handsome face
he lifts his hand up - waving them to get your attention
“did you draw me?”
you feel your throat go dry a bit and you shake your head
“n-no, i mean i did but for the painting reference.”
even from up on the ladder you can see stars in jeno’s eyes as he looks at the drawings
“can i keep them?”
it’s an unexpected question, so you don’t really know how to answer - it catches you off guard
so you turn your body a bit too fast
and before you can stop, gravity takes its course and your balance is thrown off
the green paint in your hand goes flying, a pretty arch splattering down over the mural and the ground below as you feel yourself falling backwards
the impact scares you - so you shut your eyes tightly and don’t hear jeno’s voice call out your name
you wait and wait to hit the ground
but instead you tumble straight into a pair of arms, your weight momentarily causing jeno to teeter backwards, but he manages to steady his grip
“are you alright?”
he asks, breathless and you refuse to open your eyes
“did i die?”
your eyes shoot open and jeno laughs at your panicked “what?!?!?”
“no, you didn’t die. you’re ok.”
you look at him - before reaching out and touching his face to confirm
forgetting that one of your country’s laws is that you’re not even allowed to touch royals
but you don’t care
his skin is smooth and warm to the touch and you let out a sigh of relief
“oh -ok.”
but jeno nearly drops you at the sudden contact, shaking his head to fight the oncoming blush
he sets you down and you turn to see the damage
a giant splatter of green right on the center of the queen’s face
“oh no - now i have to redo it again”
you groan and jeno just blinks before regaining his own composure
“i’ll help you.”
you step back and shake your head
“no way! you’re the prince, if people see you helping me - they’ll think -”
“i don’t care.”
jeno picks up a spare paintbrush and smiles, the pretty brown eyes turning into crescent moons as he does
“this time it wasn’t your fault, it was mine for startling you. it’s only right that i get the same punishment you did.”
you’re skeptical - and a little embarrassed
but jeno climbs up the stairs and turns to point
“im not good at painting though, so i will need your help.”
after news spreads that the prince has joined in on helping re-paint the mural
the circle around you two grows bigger and bigger each day
jaemin is called in, and even renjun at some point
which you find a little odd because at the end of the day renjun is berating you with questions about what kind of style of clothing you like - if you think the prince is handsome blonde - and other questions that you feel you really don’t need to be answering
but jeno never goes back on his word
he shows up everyday until the mural is fully fixed 
the last day, as you’re working on small details - and the crowd is bustling around you as jeno mixes paints at the bottom of the ladder
you hear an uproar of cheers and see from the corner of your eye that everyone is bowing low
jeno calls out and you quickly make your way down - ready to greet the queen as she ignores you and takes in your work so far
“jeno, you really must stop wasting your time here. you’re a prince not a painter, come now - let’s go back to the palace.”
she says - voice prim and proper
golden crown shining against the early morning light
you don’t say anything, but you feel jeno look back at you 
“the mural is almost done, when it is. ill come back.”
his mother’s lips form a straight line and she shakes her head
“it’s their punishment, no prince would ever help-”
“but i also messed up mother, i caused an accident and now i have to do my diligence too.”
renjun, whose beside the queen is shaking his head frantically - trying to tell jeno to just stop and come along
jaemin is silent on the otherside
and then you finally find your voice
“prince lee, you’ve helped me so much, but the queen is right.”
you begin and jeno straightens up his back
“no. she isn’t. i messed up all your work, im going to stay and help you fix this. then ill go back to the palace.”
you swear you see renjun plant his palm against his face 
but the queen doesn’t say anything
not until jeno perks up and adds
“you’re welcome to come back with me too.”
you blurt out and the queen gives out an even harsher “what?”
renjun nearly falls over and jaemin looks amused as jeno walks over to you, hand swung around your shoulder
the common folk watching the scene all gasp and you feel your face turn red hot
“come back to the palace with me!”
“je- prince what are you -”
jeno grins
“i’d like them to work as the official artist for the royal family, and -”
he leans in a little, tilting his head and whispering the next part into your ear
“and maybe something more than just a friend to me?”
from your expression everyone knows what he said
the queen is ready to deny the request, but she’s struck speechless
and you kind of just
“i - uh -”
everything is paused and then you hear the shout of your name
through the crowd comes your roommate doyoung, seemingly unaware of the queen or the princes presence
as he stomps up to you
“we need to discuss rent!”
he exclaims, taking your hand and hauling you out down the street
am i dreaming?
you ask as you feel yourself tugged away from the  crowd
and you come to terms with the fact that this has to be some crazy dream you’re about to wake up from
but only an hour after being lectured about paying your due
the doorbell rings and you open it to see the prince there
“my dad said you can come work as the artist for the palace, he convinced my mom too. but about the other thing i asked?”
“um -”
you start and doyoung’s voice rings from the kitchen
“prince or not, you’re only allowed to go on a date with him after i get your share of the rent!”
you feel like a child just scolded by a parent in front of their crush
but jeno bursts out laughing and you want to tell him to stop
but instead he just shouts back
“i’ll cover their missing rent - but can i take them to dinner then?”
after a moment of silence you hear doyoung again
jeno offers his hand and you take it 
dreaming, im definitely dreaming - am i going to wake up? when will i wake up?
but you don’t wake up because it’s not a dream
and you end up having a dinner picnic in front of the finished mural, sharing sandwiches with jeno
the sketches you did still sticking out of his pocket, the sound of knight jaemin (whose supposed to be standing guard over you and the prince) snoozing in the background 
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gayreneewalker · 4 years
On Andrew, Neil, and cats
It starts with a rescue
Which is to say, Neil starts leaving scraps out for the stray that keeps coming by
She’s a skinny, matted thing of a cat, with a big scar on her muzzle and fleas and bleary eyes
She starts out very suspicious, which Neil both respects and is frustrated by, because he’s just trying to give her bits of chicken
Eventually she gets more comfortable. It turns out, she purrs like a motor if you scratch her chest
Andrew just watches, but he doesn’t comment and he doesn’t do anything that might scare her
He puts his foot down when she starts trying to get inside, though
“If it is going to be indoors, it is getting a bath. I will not tolerate fleas on the couch.”
Neil agrees, that yeah, they should probably make sure she’s not bringing nasty stuff in with her
So they go to the pet store and buy flea shampoo and worming medicine and food for her
Neil decides he can’t bathe her, not because she scratches but because she starts crying like she’s dying the INSTANT you turn the water on
So Andrew gives her the bath. He does, of course, end up completely soaked
Of course Neil takes photos of this. They range from unimpressed Andrew and cat doing her best victim of tragedy expression to both of them glaring at the camera with the exact same annoyance
Over the next couple weeks of good food and regular brushing, the cat (whom Neil mostly calls “kitty” in a rota of languages, and Andrew calls “it” and “the cat) starts recovering
Neil sends before and after pictures to the foxes groupchat. The first one is an obviously underfed tangle of patchy, dirty fur and suspicious, leaky eyes. The second is a lush, sleeping kitty with clear tabby markings sleeping in a patch of sun. 
Ofc everyone flips their shit
“Omfg i cant believe you got a cat!!!! whats its name??”
“Doesnt have one”
“I hereby dub thee King Fluffikins, first of thy line”
“Im p sure its a girl cat but yeah ok”
“oh shit really? nice i didnt think you would agree”
So King becomes King
King is a jerk. She likes to jump on counters and eats from your plate when you aren’t watching it. She absolutely claws and bites the shit out of you while playing and hasn’t clued in that feet are a part of the human body
Neil ADORES her. she is a lap cat when she’s not on crackhead time, and they figure she used to be a pet bc no way a feral cat loves cuddles that much
Andrew pretends to be unaffected, but it becomes normal to see his hands all scratched up from playing with her
She gains a CONSIDERABLE repritoire of nicknames. King, Fluff-butt, You (in increasingly dramatic tones, which Andrew manages to convey with minimal inflection), Bastard, King Jerk of Asshole Mountain, Kitty-Baby, The Tiny Criminal, Brat Cat
She also learns to reply to “Hey!” and will look at you when you say it even if youre on the phone or something
They love her very much. she is a spoilt brat.
Enter Sir
One day they’re just chilling and Matt calls them up
“Hey, my great aunt just died.”
“Um. That sucks?”
“Eh, she was, like, 93. Anyway, my cousin is allergic to cats, but is worried about giving hers to a shelter, and I figured I’d ask if you have room for one more?”
After a brief discussion and some googling about introducing cats they agree to at least try
So they go pick up the cat
His name is Sir Fat Cat McCatterson, and holy shit is it an accurate name
(the first time Neil brings him back from the vet he drops the carrier and announces, “Our cat is over nine kilograms. What the fuck. Twenty-one pounds. How.”)
(The answer is Matt’s great aunt lived alone and fed her only pet five times a day)
(Y i k e s)
Anyway introducing King and this massive shorthair goes surprisingly well since both of them were used to being the only cat
Like once they’re sharing space they fight, but it’s mostly just Sir being large at King and then King hissing and slapping the shit out of him. They also start cuddling and it’s very cute, but also kind of amazing bc Sir is quite literally double King’s size, fluff included
He is REALLY lazy and astoundingly tolerant
Like he doesn’t enjoy cuddles or being picked up, unlike King who will literally cry at you until you lift her and let her sit on your shoulder, but he’s not gonna scratch
Straight up you can use this motherfucker as a pillow and he’ll just lay there and then kinda jog away when you get off if he’s annoyed enough
He NEVER scratches intentionally. He bites sometimes but even then its not painful
He does, however, have strong opinions about feeding schedules
It’s a good thing Neil wakes up so early bc when he’s not there Sir is at the bed at 5:30 AM, Normal Food Time, meowing and gently smacking Andrew in the face until he’s up
The only ways to stop him are 1)food 2)spray bottle 3)disciplinary cuddles
If you can grab him and hug him for like ten seconds he’ll squirm away and leave you alone for at least twenty minutes. Andrew employs this technique when he is feeling lazy. He always ends up COATED in fur.
Actually both of them are coated in fur always. King is pretty dark so it’s fine, but Sir is a blond. RIP to the aesthetic.
Sir also accumulates nicknames over time. Fatso, Chunk-Chunk, Big Chunk, Chunk-a-cus, Lord Large, Lardass, Whiny, Baby (said lovingly by Neil and with EXTREME derision by Andrew), Piggy
Their lives know no peace between the two hooligans
They do love them very much
Both of them treat the cats with their own version of doting. Neil is all fond insults and baby-voice and picking them up to hug them, which King adores and Sir tolerates. Andrew sneaks them treats and lets them have some of his ice cream whenever he eats it, and also just generally makes sure they’re healthy and happy however he can.
He refuses to admit it but he also does baby voice them, less in a change of tone than a change of cadence
Neil thinks its hilarious and refuses to tell him bc then he might stop
Jokes on him Andrew is fully aware and Will Not Stop (unless someone else is around)
The foxes do occasionally get a video of Andrew speaking to one of the cats in a slightly sing-song cadence. 
“You’re so fat. Completely obese. Why do we feed you? Yeah, why do we feed you? Big bastard. Lazy, lazy. You don’t even play. Why don’t you play? If I have to work out, you should too.”
“Stop stealing. That’s my ravioli, Brat Cat. No, put it down. You’ll get sick,  you can’t digest cheese. No ravioli for you. Here, chicken. What? You’re not going to eat it? Priss.”
More often both of them speak to the cats like people. Andrew has a lot of videos of Neil discussing Exy or mathematics with King, who likes to meow back. Andrew explains the to them the reasoning why they can’t go outside and stuff.
They totally do spoil the shit out of them, too
For all people think it’s Neil, Andrew is AMAZINGLY indulgent. He impulse-buys cat towers and scratching posts and stuff for them like he impulse-buys Neil better outfits. And wet food only. (We can afford it, and it’s better for their hydration, Neil.)
Maybe they get more cats in the future but it starts with King and Sir. Neither of them expected to see themselves doing something as gentle and domestic as owning cats, but they wouldn’t take it back for the world
Not even when King gets stuck on top of the fridge or Sir barfs up a big disgusting hairball in the middle of the hallway
The end
or maybe not lmao they have YEARS of cat ownership in the future
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howaboutleeches · 5 years
one needy request: following captain!MC and captain!julian’s encounter in the tavern, they party on either on Mc’s or Julian’s ship and spend the night teasing, building ENORMOUS sexual tension like eye contact, mc noticing details about him dhxhshsv but also getting to know one another and their crew... all perhaps leading to a smut or any sort of tension relief satisfaction? up to you, tho im sure whatever you choose to do t’ll be eyecandy 🌸👀
"Are you a good man, Captain?" Julian x Reader (pt.2)
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, sexual tension
Part 1
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Word Count: 3,839
On the last chapter....
"Captain! We won!" Jackie bursted into the room and Julian turned his head while I ducked to the side to look at her "Ooooh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were, well, yeah. I'm, uh, going down and, well, see ya!"
We kept looking at the door until the sound of her footsteps were nothing but a simple memory. We stared at each other again and starting laughing, still holding onto one another.
"Now that was a mood breaker" I pressed my forehead against his chest and he sighed.
"Well, I'm sure we'll be able to continue our fun another time"
My eyes went wide and I smiled at him "We are having a party tonight at my ship, you and your crew should come!" I realized I sounded to excited and fake coughed "I mean, only if you want to"
He laughed lightly and kissed my cheek "It'll be my pleasure, darling"
I let go of his clothes and walked past him, going out of the room, but stopping before he vanished from my sight "Maybe you can show me how bad you are"
I ran down the corridor, rushing down the stairs, excited and giggling like a teenager. I couldn't wait to tell Jackie all the juicy details.
"Ah, I just can't believe I ruined that! Captain, you were finally gonna get some!" Jackie said loudly enough to turn some heads in our direction.
"Keep it down, I don't want everyone to know about my personal life" I led her by the arm to the street, going outside of the crowded bar.
"So, do you have anything in mind? I mean, he looks like a piece of work. The type that likes to keep things interesting"
She wasn't wrong. By the little time I spent with him I noticed that he was the type that liked to be surprised. Dull wasn't his thing. I wanted to make a good impression on him, not gonna lie. But I still didn't want to seem desperate.
"Not really. I don't want to overdo it, but I definitely want to show my interest. What do you suggest?" I trudge Jackie with my life, and she always had success on her love affairs, so why not ask her?
"You know what? Go to the ship, take a nice bath, dress nicely and spray some perfume. I'll take care of the rest" Her mischievous grin made a chill run down my spine.
"Can't you at least tell me what you're thinking?"
"Sorry Cap, no can do. Now go and get sexy" She started pushing me to walk faster and I did, a little grumpy for not knowing what her plan was about.
After a few minutes walking on the dark and calm streets, I saw my ship. The beautiful Enchantress, lit by the moonlight. It was a "family inheritance", since all my ancestors before me were pirates as well. My parents retired, saying that piracy life wasn't for them anymore, and gave me the ship. Even though I was quite young at the time, I still managed to select a very good crew, sail and manage it with grace.
The ship itself had been strictly taken care of. I have visited many ships during my years as a captain. Invitations to raids, parties or just drunken talks were quite usual for me. And that gave me the chance to take a look at other captains ships, making me feel proud of my own. There was usually blood, oil or even piss on the deck, making it unbearable to stay on the deck for more than fifteen minutes.
My beautiful Enchantress, on the other hand, was vigorously scrubbed almost every day and, to my surprise, the crew actually enjoyed doing the cleaning. Some of them had some experience with ships and claimed that they always wanted to keep the place organized, but their former captains required other types of services from them, leaving no time for cleaning. It was a relief for them to be able to work in a nice smelling place.
As I entender the ship, the soft smell of the ocean entered my nose and I could help but feel I little bit more relaxed. I strutted towards my cabin, the captain's cabin, and started taking some of my ornaments off. Hat, bandana, necklace and rings were all off and laying on the bed next to my recently removed sword. I noticed a stain on my shirt and leaned down to smell it, instantly regretting it. Booze and probably piss. It probably got there when I was crawling behind the counter.
And then it hit me. Shit! Captain Devorak probably smelled that on me. And now he must be thinking that I'm a drunk that pees on myself. I ruined everything. Damn it. Changing clothes was the best option that crossed my mind and I decided to oblige to it. Taking off my pants and dirty shirt, and throwing them on the dirty clothes bucket, I opened my wardrobe to find...almost nothing. Literally, almost nothing. The piece of clothing was almost nothing. On one of our scavenging hunts to Danog, Jackie stole this, well, night lady worker's dress and told I would look marvelous on me. Of course, marvelous wasn't the word that she used.
And now that was the only piece of clean clothing left on my wardrobe. I couldn't wear something dirty, especially after the booze and piss incident. That would have to do for the night. I gave light pats on the dress in case there was any dust on it and started to put it on. At first it was a little uncomfortable, since the outfit had many holes on it and I didn't exactly knew how to put it on. After five agonizing minutes, the dress was on and I looked at myself on the mirror, not recognizing the person staring back.
The dress wasn't short, but it had an opening in it that went from my feet to the middle of my thigh. Its fabric was very light and soft, making the dress dance with the slightest presence of wind. On the chest part, it was indeed very exposing. It showed off almost all my chest, and if I bent down, that's exactly what would happen. It had no sleeves, except for a very thin strap holding the whole dress on my body. It was definitely not my style, but it had to do for tonight.
As I kept preparing myself, I could hear people getting on the ship and going lower deck, towards the little saloon that we had. I couldn't help but to hear Jackie and the Captain speaking to each other, quite loudly actually. They seemed very excited. I love Jackie with all my heart, but sometimes she just can't hold her tongue. Once, she sold off all our plan to the Royal Navy and it ended up bloddy. Of course, is not the same situation, but still, I should get there fast.
I put on my classy shoes and exited the cabin, rushing downstairs. As I went down the stairs I slowed down in order to analyze the room. The music was loud, the room was filled with laughter and bottles were being lifted everywhere. I gently strolled down the stairs and heads slowly turned to watch me. There was a lot of whispering and a few shy whistles were heard here and there. I couldn't help but feel embareased and I quickly tried to find a distraction. I ran my eyes along the room and grabbed a rum bottle lifting it up while flashing a smile.
"TO PIRACY!" Excited screams and clincking bottles where heard from everywhere. Soon, other things were heard. "To money, to power, to women, to a good fuck" and so the saloon was filled with laughter and music again. I could help but to notice a tall man, speaking loudly at one ot the tables as a small crowd gather around to hear what he had to say.
"...and so he stared at me in the eye and said "I bet you could do that blindfolded" and so I did" A few gasps were heard as Julian finished his story and leaned back on his chair.
"Did you really walked on a lake of piranhas blindfolded?"
"And with your hands tied?"
"Sure did" He grabbed a cup and started chugging on it.
"Now that's impressive" He chocked on his drink as my voice reached his ears. He immediately put his drink down and sat up straight.
"Captain (Y/L/N)! How delightful to see you! Oh my, you are absolutely stunning tonight. Looking like a real mermaid" He tripped on his own words as he tried to talk to me. Maybe it was the drinks, or maybe something else.
"So, tell us more about your many dangerous adventures" I sat down opposite to him, slightly bending over the table and watching his gaze fall down to my cleavage "I like a little danger" I grinned.
"How funny, I, um, I can't think of any more stories right now. How odd" He cleared his throat "Well,well, I'm gonna get some fresh air, if you don't mind" And then he left, hands shaking and ears turning red.
"You know he's into you, right?" An old lady said to me, probably part of his crew.
"What do you mean?"
"Haven't seen him behave like that in a long time. And we've been on the same boat since he wore diapers"
"Since he- what?"
"Doesn't matter. Go after him, kid" She gave me a daring smile and patted my shoulder.
"How impolite, I haven't even asked your name" I extended my hand to greet her.
"Mazelinka. And I know exactly who you are. Now go, you're wasting time" She shooed me away from the table and I left the lower deck going outside and feeling a soft and salty breeze on my face.
I felt the bottom of the dress swerling around and it tickled my legs a little. I liked that feeling. I couldn't help but to do a little twirl. It was definitely a change for me to wear something like this and I was a nice change of scenario.
"I think I changed my mind. You look more like a fairy than a mermaid. And yet, your beauty exceeds all others"
Julian was leaned against the mast and only turned his head to look at me. His coat was off and his hat was far back on his head, exposing his whole face and the front part of his hair. He wore tight black pants with a white loose shirt tucked in it. What a sight.
"I can say the same for you, Devorak. You look absolutely stunning under the moonlight" I lifted my eyebrow at the sight of his red cheeks by using his own compliment against him.
For a moment, the only things that could be heard were the sound of the waves hitting the boat, my shoes hitting the wooden floor and our clothes dancing in the wind. I positioned myself in front of him and stared at his face. He tried his best avert his gaze from my face, but I grabbed his chin and made him stare at me.
"You're making me confused, you know. You flirt, you get me all worked up and then you just shy away. What do you want from me, Captain?" I stared deep into his eyes.
He started to mumble nonsense and I couldn't help but to chuckle. He was so shy and yet so bold. I remembered Mazelinka's words and did something on impulse. I moved my hand from his chin to the back of his neck and pulled his head towards me.
He was definently taken by surprised, since he didn't move for a few seconds. But eventually his bold side took over and he grabbed me by the waist, pressing your bodies together. I could feel the temperature rising and the kiss was getting more and more intense. His hands dared to explore more of my body and eventually ended up on my ass. I let out a little gasp that made him chuckle. He forced my body to the side, exchanging positions and pressing me against the mast.
"You have no idea how much I wanted this" He muttered as he slowly kissed your neck.
"I can make things even better" I pushed him, making Julian tumble backwards. My intention was for him to think he would fall but at the last second feel the starboard hit his back. But instead, his feet got tangled in some rope and his body changed the course towards an small opening on the boat. He was actually going to fall.
I rushed to him, the dress making things more complicated, and held a rope attached to the ship with a hand and his waist with the other. He looked absolutely terrified but after realizing he wasn't actually going to fall, he stared laughing and so did I. What really wasn't expected was a loud caw behind me. A crow's caw. I got startled and lost my balance, making me let go of the rope and making both of us fall in the direction of the sea.
It was a matter of instants before we could feel the cold water surrounding us. The dress made it harder to emerge, but I managed anyway. When I got my head out of the water, Julian was already there, almost out of breath, laughing.
"Wait, you're not...angry?" He looked at me, still laughing.
"Are you serious? Why would I be mad? I'm having a nice time with a beautiful girl and now things just got more interesting."
I started to laugh with him and swam closer to his body, embracing and kissing him again. Since we were out of breath, the kiss didn't last very long before we were almost passing out for lack of oxygen.
"We should swim back. We might catch a cold" He agreed with my statement and we both raced back to the docks, shivering, and then entering the ship again.
We were greeted by Jackie who had a very mischievous grin on her face and her hands laying on her hips.
"Having a good time, Captain?" She failed to hold back a giggle.
"Absolutely" As I passed through her I managed to whisper "Make sure we are not disturbed, please...until morning"
"Aye aye, Captain" And with that she left.
I guided him to the cabin and after getting in, I discreetly locked the door. Even though I had warned Jackie, that was always someone who had a complaint or some gossip and decided to tell me on first hand. Better safe than sorry.
"Soooo...what do we do now?" He was standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, staring at me like a wet dog.
"Well, I had some ideas in mind" I waltzed around the room, putting out the fire on most of the candles, leaving the room very poorly lit "First, we should undress"
I turned around and, even if the room was almost as dark as the night, I could sse that Julian was blushing. I laughed and grabbed a bucket from the floor, extending it to him.
"Our clothes are wet. Unless you wanna catch a cold, you should undress. Then I'll give you a blanket and maybe we can chat. How does that sound?"
"Marvelous" He grabbed the bucket and turned around. I grabbed another bucket myself and turned around as well.
As the clothes left my body I felt a cold breeze rushing through it and a chill ran down my spine. A soft moan left my mouth and I heard a grunt behind me. A tall mirror was close to me, in an angle that allowed me to see the naked body close to me. He had his clothes off, except for his trousers and his hand was laying on top of a bulge on it, gently stroking.
I couldn't help but bite my lip. It was wrong to watch him, but he looked so helpless and fragile. So needy. He let go of his erection and threw his head back, slightly turning it to the side. It was a matter of seconds before our eyes met in the mirror. I smirked at him and he did the same, with red painted on his cheeks.
I turned around and so did he. Our naked bodies, only covered by our undergarments facing each other, and for a moment, neither of us knew what to do. I stretched my arm and my hand cupped his cheek. His head leaned agaisnt my hand, like a puppy seeking for comfort. I ran my hands through his hand and gave it a small tug.
His lips parted in pleasure and I knew exactly what he liked. I pulled his head so that we could be on the same level and kissed him hard. Soon, his not-so-shy hands started to rub circles on my waist, gently pressing our bodies against one another's.
"Come. Lay with me" He just nodded eagerly and let me guide him to the massive bed covered in red silk sheet underneath the thick fur of the blankets.
I pushed him into bed and appreciated the sight. I've lost count of how many times he had blushed, but he still managed to keep the cherry color on his cheeks. His skin was pale and his chest was covered in hair. He was biting his lips so hard that I though they would start bleeding soon. I knew exactly what he wanted and deserved. And I was going to give it to him.
I left him waiting on the bed a little while longer and walked graciously to the nightstand. Opening the drawer, some items could be found inside. Rope, a piece of red cloth and an expensive massage oil I had acquired during one of my trips. Just what I needed.
"Now this is what you're going to do for me. You're gonna sit on the bed, rest your hands on the headboard, spread your legs, and be a very good boy"
He followed every one of the commands quickly, and soon, his wrists and ankles were tied to bed, his mouth had a made up gag and I was sitting on his lap, naked.
I reached for the oil and slowly opened the bottle, dripping its content on my hands. I placed the bottle on top of the nightstand and rubbed my oily hands over my body. I started at my chest, rubbing circles on my breast while staring intensely into the captain's eyes. They were begging me to touch him. But not yet.
I ran my hands lower and spreaded the oil on my things, each one on the sided of his body. Every now and then I brushed my fingers lightly against his sides just to tease him a little bit. Seeing him squirm under my touch was very pleasant, I had to admit that.
After the front part of my body was shining with oil, I decided to take some pity on the pirate and lossened up the cloth wrapped around his mouth, making it possible for him to talk properly.
His mouth was wet and red, a little swollen, probably from biting on his lip. Which was exactly what he did again, running his eyes over my body, also licking his lips on the process.
"Please let me touch you. I'm begging, please" He lunged forward, being restrained by the ropes, only inches away from my face. He had a desperate expression on his face.
"Not now, bunny. But you will have your time soon. Right now" I slided my hands down his chest "I wanna have some fun with you"
I leaned down and trapped his bottom lip between my teeth, pulling back a little, forcing him to come along. I placed my hand on his neck, and the other one gripped his underwear, pulling it down skillfully. He hissed as a cold breeze hit his region, making it stiffen and rise a little.
I used the little portion of oil left on my hand to rub him down, earning back a chocked moan from his throat. I stroked his shaft up and down in a painfully slow motion, making him buck his hips in response. I chuckled a little and my mouth traveled to his neck, giving it soft nibbles and slight butterfly kissed. I trailed my tongue along his chin, and a little bit lower, trying to find a soft spot.
When he groaned I knew I had found it. I bit him right on the spot and he moaned pornographycaly. His wrists kept trying to break free, which made me realize just how desperate he actually was. He just had to take it just a little while longer.
I braced myself on his shoulders and stared deeply into his eyes as I pushed him into me. We never broke eye contact, even as we started moaning, our mouths hanging open and I staterd to bounce on top of him. The only option he had to relief a little of his heat was to buckle his hips as hard as he could, slamming himself into me. I had to hold both my hands on his shoulders to keep myself from falling of his lap.
The pleasure was way to intense, and I just couldn't take his pleading eyes anymore. I leaned back to untie his ankles and he thrusted his hips firmly up, making me almost loose balance and scream of pleasure at the same time. After his legs were free, I started working on his wrists, which was hard given he hadn't stopped his work down there.
Not even after two seconds after he was free, he embraced my back lunging forward and sitting with his knees pressed against the bed, holding me close to him, like our bodies were one. He still thrusted into me, our means mixing together and we stared at each other's eyes. He kissed me deeply and laid me softly on the the bed. Finishing himself inside of me. I finished soon after and he detached himself from me and pulled me to his chest, caressing my back and planting a soft kiss on my forehead.
"You're beautiful. And I mean it. You're special. I want to be with you" I looked up at him, a soft and genuine smile forming on my lips.
"I want that too"
Six months later, your belly was starting to get heavier. You felt a soft pain in your stomach and let go of the ship's wheel, but a pair of firm hands came from behind you and used one hand to hold it and the other one laid on top of your baby belly.
"I told you many times already," He kissed my cheek "go back to bed. You need rest"
"Rest my ass. I'm still capable of running this ship. I'm no less of a captain just because I'm pregnant"
"I know it, darling, but the ships now has two captains for a reason. When one isn't available or not feeling well, the other one takes over"
I sighed. There was mo point on arguing with him.
"I know, bunny, I know. I'll go, okay?" I kissed his hand and strutted to the deck, encountering Mazelinka on the way.
"How's that baby mama going, huh?" She gave you that smile you loved.
"Actually, better than I expected. Some occasional pains, but it's part of the process, I see it now"
"Very well, that's good. Julian told me to keep an eye on you. Now off to bed" She pointed to the captain's cabin.
I groaned to her in a pleading way but she kept her posture. I walked grumpily and she followed right behind. I pulled the sheets and laid down, eventually trying to pull the sheets, but I couldn't reach it because of the belly. Mazelinka grabbed the sheets and covered me, giving me a kiss on the forehead.
"You're a strong woman. You'll be a strong mother too"
And with that, I fell asleep, content.
Author's note: I loved doing that one, and I loved to see that at least one person liked it and asked for more. Thank you for your support 💞
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woundedheartwithin · 5 years
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from these dark waters (from this dark world)
Far Cry 5 | Hurk Drubman Jr./Female Deputy | Fluff and Angst
First chapter: prologue Previous chapter: chapter one
For notes and extras, find it here on AO3!
Note: I apologize if Hurk seems a tad out of character here...
chapter two
Bailey’s still weak when John kidnaps her to perform his crazy fucking baptism. He’s nowhere near as stealthy as his brother was, just has his people drive up in a van and grab her like in some lame-ass spy movie, and burns rubber before Hurk can do anything. He pulls his pistol and levels it on one of the rear tires, but they’re out of range too quickly.
Hurk runs back to Bailey’s truck and peels out, first intending to chase them, but realizing almost immediately that they’d gotten too much of a head start. He radios the Sheriff instead.
“Go to Fall’s End and get Pastor Jerome.” Whitehorse barks in reply. “He’s closer to John than I am, he’ll be of more help.”
“Oh my. Mr. Drubman riding in like a knight in shining armor.” John Seed croons suddenly.
“The fuck you doin’ on this channel?” Hurk snarls.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to return her to you shortly. We just have a small matter to clear up.”
“You hurt her and I’ll kill you. You hear me, you sonuvabitch?”
“So protective.” John purrs. “Like I said, we have something we need to discuss.”
There’s no point in replying, so Hurk just grits his teeth and floors it.
He roars into Fall’s End about half an hour later, slamming on brakes and screeching to a halt right in front of the Spread Eagle. Mary May is out the door in an instant, shotgun gripped in both hands and a wild look on her face.
“What the hell, Hurk? What’s goin’ on?” She yells when he opens the door and slides out of the truck.
“John’s got the Dep. The Sheriff sent me to rally the troops.” Hurk replies.
“Damn.” Mary May hisses. “We don’t have a fuckin’ army here.”
“Just need a couple people.” Hurk says, jerking a thumb toward the truck. “All ’a Bailey’s shit’s in there. Weapons, ammo, explosives, the whole kit. Should be enough to arm a few folks. Set up an ambush and get ‘em on their way back to Seed’s bunker.”
“Yeah, okay.” Mary May murmurs, scrubbing her face. “C’mon in. Jerome’s inside.”
“Well, look at that! Hurk Drubman Jr. How ya doin’, kid?” Merle Briggs says when Hurk walks in.
“Been better.” Hurk huffs.
“Damn, if Hurk’s all serious an’ shit, then somethin’ big must be up.” Merle says, frowning deeply.
They wait until dark before they start moving, headed toward the river with headlights off. Hurk and Jerome lead the convoy in Bailey’s truck, threading through the valley quickly and carefully.
“That’s where he dunks his victims.” Jerome says quietly when they get close. A white van emerges from the trees then, turning onto the main road and accelerating. “Right on time.”
Hurk floors it, the truck’s engine roaring. He goes off the road and cuts through the woods, breaking through the trees and barreling up onto the road in front of the van. They slam into the van’s front end, the impact bone-shaking, and ram it off the road and down the hill. The airbags deploy, stunning them both for a moment, then they’re out of the truck and bounding toward the van. Hurk’s ears are still ringing when he rips open the backdoors, loud enough to drown out the gunshot that puts down the Peggie that Bailey is grappling with.
“C’mon, Ladybug. I gotcha.” He says, grabbing Bailey’s arm and hauling her upright. She sways on her feet and stumbles, and Hurk grabs her waist to steady her.
“See you went the dramatic route.” She wheezes, clearing her throat and nodding toward her truck. Or, well...what’s left of it.
“Yeah, sorry about that.” Hurk replies. “Runnin’ short on roadblocks, and we didn’t wanna tip off the Peggies.”
“I loved that truck.” She huffs.
“I’ll find ya a new one.”
“C’mon. Got a chopper coming for us.” Jerome says.
“Jerome Jeffries, right?” Bailey rasps, removing Hurk’s hands from her waist and taking a shaky step forward. She holds out her hand. “Bailey Correa. I’d been meaning to come say hello before… well, before.”
“Pleasure’s mine, deputy.” Pastor Jerome says warmly, taking her hand and shaking it firmly. “Let’s get out of here first, then we can chat, hm?”
“Yes, sir.” Bailey replies, grimacing. “I might need a little help.”
“That’s what I’m here for.” Hurk says, bumping her shoulder. “Let’s go fuck up some Peggies.”
“Goddamn, it is good to see you guys.” Mary May crows when they make it back to town. “Hello, deputy. I’m Mary May Fairgrave, and I am damn glad to see someone finally standin’ up to those assholes.”
“Tryin’ to, anyway.” Bailey says. She lets Hurk help her out of the car they’d taken back into town, and leans heavily on his arm. “I’ve heard good things, Ms. Fairgrave.”
“Please, just Mary May is fine.” Mary May laughs, reaching to shake Bailey’s outstretched hand. “Anything you need, deputy, we’ll get it for you.”
“Call me Bailey. I could definitely use a beer.” She laughs, then elbows Hurk in the ribs. “And a new truck.”
“One beer comin’ up.” Mary May replies warmly. “On the house.”
Pastor Jerome approaches Bailey three days later with a strangely guilty look on his face. She and Hurk had been holed up in the Spread Eagle since the baptism incident, and Bailey had spent most of those three days sleeping and eating.
“I’m sorry, deputy. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.” He says in preamble, and Hurk stands from where he’s been camped out on the couch and puts himself between them.
“No way, amigo.” He says, crossing his arms over his chest. “Look at her. She needs a fuckin’ break, man.”
“I know. And I’m sorry to even bring this up. But you’re the only person who can do this, Bailey.” Jerome puts his hands on Hurk’s shoulders and gently moves him aside. “He’s specifically asking for you.”
“Who is?” Bailey asks, sitting up in the full-sized bed Mary May had parked her in.
“A cult soldier. One of John’s Chosen. He wants to defect, and he wants you to help him.”
“And you don’t think this might be a trap?” Hurk huffs, looking at Bailey. “Someone else can do it. You ain’t fit.”
“Shut up, I’m fine.” Bailey retorts. “Where is he?”
“Silver Lake Trailer Park.” Jerome answers, looking relieved.
“We’re going.” Bailey says, throwing the bed covers aside and standing up. She’s wobbly on her feet still, and Jerome winces when she stumbles into the nightstand.
“This is stupid.” Hurk growls. “Which is sayin’ somethin’ comin’ from me.”
“We gotta do it.” She says, looking at him with a pleading look in her eyes. “Maybe if this guy successfully defects, more will do the same. It would save countless lives.”
“Bailey, you can barely stand.” Hurk replies, doing some pleading of his own.
“I’ll manage.” She huffs. “I was training to be a SWAT sniper before I came here. It hasn’t been too long, I should be able to knock the rust off and get my aim back. I can take a position somewhere up high and provide cover while your people get the guy to safety.”
“The general store should have a rifle you can use.” Jerome says, nodding. “I’ll radio the park and tell them you’re on your way.”
“Sniper, 200 yards, one o’clock.” Hurk murmurs, watching the Peggie sniper through the spotter’s scope Bailey had literally just taught him how to use.
“One second.” Bailey replies, firing at the last target before adjusting to find the new one. “Could you confirm that one?”
“Yeah, he’s dead.” Hurk chuckles.
A loud gunshot rings through the air, an unsilenced .50 cal, and something slams into the tree they’re taking cover next to about three feet above Hurk’s head. He ducks instinctively and starts to move, but then Bailey hums and takes the shot.
“Confirm?” She asks calmly, and Hurk takes a deep breath and looks through the scope. The dude’s laid out flat, dead as a fucking doornail.
“Yup. Got ‘im.” Hurk replies, looking at her and laughing giddily. “Damn, you are a good shot.” She grins, still looking through her scope, and Hurk takes a moment to appreciate the view. She looks good sprawled out prone like this, the M1 10 marksman rifle slotted against her shoulder like it belongs there, relaxed and loose and natural as she calmly takes aim. Nothin’ quite like watchin’ a beautiful girl with a gun, he thinks fondly.
“Did a few practice sessions with Grace Armstrong before the raid. I had, like, a two week window between Marshal Burke’s arrival and the actual arrest attempt? Maybe a little less. I used it like yoga.” She laughs and glances up at him. If she notices him staring, she doesn’t show it. “Never thought I’d actually have to use it for what it is.” She looks back into her scope, shifting a bit to find the Resistance team, and adjusts her sights. “They’re about to make it to the dock.” She murmurs.
Then Hurk sees movement out of the corner of his eye.
“Shit, Bailey, we got company.” He hisses, turning to face the movement and raising the M16 Pastor Jerome had given him.
“Easy.” She replies. “Take a deep breath, steady, and fire. Okay? Just like hunting.”
Then several Peggies break from the trees all at once and Hurk opens fire, spray and fucking pray.
“Fuck.” Bailey says, picking up the rifle and getting to her knees. She turns and fires a few rounds in the general direction of the Peggies bearing down on them, then thinks better of it and pulls her service pistol instead. Shouting starts below, from the direction of the dock, and Bailey swears again.
“Cover ‘em. I gotcha.” Hurk yells, moving so that he’s blocking her and taking down three more Peggies.
“They just keep coming.” She hisses, but he can hear her turn and lay prone again. “Shit, RPG!”
“What?!” Hurk starts to turn, to see what she’s talking about, and one of the fuckers hits him in the arm. He hisses and turns his attention back to the steady stream of assholes running toward them, and hears a fucking huge explosion behind him.
“No, nonononononono, oh fuck.”
“What’s happening?”
“We gotta move, now.” She snarls. He hears her get up and risks a glance back at her.
“Why, what’s goin’ on?”
“They’re all dead, and I lost the RPG. We’re no longer in control here.” She replies, her tone completely deadpan. “C’mon. Let’s move.”
“What do you mean they’re all dead?” Hurk asks, shooting the last two Peggies that run out of the trees. It’s quiet for a moment, so Hurk turns and jogs to catch up.
“I mean they’re all dead!” She yells, whirling around and jabbing a finger at the dock.
Or what’s left of it, anyway.
The nearby boat house is a starting to catch fire, the dock is completely gone, and there’s nothing but the framework of a burnt out boat sticking halfway out of the water. Bodies are floating nearby. Two are on fire. The round must have hit the boat directly, blowing it up completely.
“Damn.” Hurk says.
“Yeah. Now c’mon. I don’t know where that asshole went.” Bailey replies, turning and jogging down the hill.
They’re about halfway back to Fall’s End when the fucking gunshot wound in Hurk’s arm starts to really hurt. The adrenaline in his veins has long since run out, and the ache in his bicep is going from dull to throbbing quickly.
“What’s wrong?” Bailey asks, squinting at him from the passenger seat.
“Nothin.” Hurk answers, staring ahead as he drives one-handed toward Fall’s End. He’s glad it’s his left arm.
“You’re all tense.” She points out. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, Ladybug, don’t worry.” He says, grinning at her. She just frowns deeper, but she lets it go, staring out the windshield with an unreadable expression on her face. “What about you? You okay?”
“Shoulda been able to save him.” She says quietly. “All of them. It’s not fair.”
“No, it’s not.” He agrees, glancing at her.
“I’ve been… struggling with the idea that— I don’t know. Never mind.” She huffs and looks down at her hands.
“Don’t do that, Ladybug.” Hurk says gently. “It ain’t healthy. Whatcha been strugglin’ with?”
“Something Jacob said.” She murmurs. “That I leave everyone worse off when I try to help. Maybe I should just get out of the way. I only hurt people.”
“Hey, you gave everybody somethin’ to believe in. Goddamn cult’s been killin’ the party ‘round here. But you’re givin’ everybody hope.” Hurk says, reaching over to grab her hand and trying not to wince when he has to use his injured arm to drive. “And a lot more folks would be dead if you hadn’t come along.”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, I do.”
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canadiankazz · 5 years
The Seventh Time - An L.A. by Night Fanfic
Annabelle and an invisible Jasper go to a gothic vampire-themed bar so Annabelle can find someone to feed from. They end up having a rather erotic evening involving a mortal female bartender.
(Carries on directly from the end of The Sixth Time)
This is my L.A. By Night Alternative Universe where Jasper has been feeding from Annabelle for several weeks/months and they have developed a Blood Bond. SPOILERS for the end of Campaign 1 including the one-shots. This was written before Season 2, Episode 4.
It’s worth reading the rest of the series before this part:
The Entire ‘Feeds From’ Master List Can be Found Here
I lay no claim to owning any of the characters involved.
This fic was co-written with @cravatfiend, and really would not have been possible without their help. Special love to @gokaiyellow for the inspiration when they asked me  "How could she NOT touch herself while he's biting her?" Thank you also to everyone else who has enjoyed this series so far.
Also posted to the author’s Ao3.
First posted Feb. 14th 2019 (Happy Valentine’s Day!)
The Seventh Time Jasper Fed From Annabelle
Annabelle stripped in her bathroom and left her clothes in a more or less neat pile next to the clean ones she had brought in to change into after her shower. She kept her ears perked for any sounds of Jasper moving about or doing things in her home, but she couldn’t hear him. Of course, if he didn't want to be heard by her, he wouldn't. That didn’t stop her from listening.
She had invited Jasper over this weekend to spend time with her while Mark and Elle were out of town. He had arrived last night. They had watched TV, and he had fed on her. She swallowed at the memory of it, thinking of his fangs in her neck, him pressing her hand into her groin and the very intense pleasure that had followed. Annabelle sighed. She was starting to think she might have a kink for this stuff.
She turned on the warm water and stepped into the shower. She tilted her face up and just let the spray hit her chest and run down her body for a minute. Her body was cold again, but she could feel it start to warm slightly in the heat and steam of the shower. Annabelle reached for soap and let her thoughts turn around in her head.
Complicated, that was definitely how she would describe her feelings for Jasper and their relationship. Very complicated. On the surface, they were friends, and one could make a very solid argument that they were also firmly in the friends with benefits category. What they did, with him feeding on her and her body reacting to it the way it did, it felt very much to her like sex. She supposed, to Kindred, it was basically sex. Sex without the sex. But she didn't consider Jasper to be her boyfriend, or even her lover, not really. She didn't know if there was a name for what he was to her. There might have been a fancy Kindred term for it, but she didn't know what it was. She wondered if Jasper thought of her as a lover, or any other term. She suspected he didn't, but she had never asked. She made a mental note to ask him about it.
Annabelle rinsed her body and started to wash and condition her hair. She thought about what Jasper had told her about their Blood Bond. A tiny part of her was tempted to test it, to see if he really would come if she silently called out to him, but a much larger part of her knew that was not a good idea. It would feel like crying wolf, and it would be an abuse of whatever power she might have over him now. She was honoured by how much Jasper trusted her. It made her feel a great affection for him. She wondered if he felt the same for her, and all the evidence she could think of told her that he did. He was increasingly physically affectionate with her – never in front of their coterie or anyone else, but in their private moments, especially after feeding, he seemed to enjoy physical contact with her. That may have been her Vitae influencing him somewhat, but Annabelle also believed that he might have cared strongly about her even without the Blood Bond.
She rinsed her hair and luxuriated in the warm water. She had offered Jasper a shower before she took one, but he had politely declined. In a great many ways, he was still a mystery to her. She was deeply curious about him, but respecting his privacy was more important. Everyone had their secrets, and she suspected he had always been a very private person even in life. That was okay. She could live with not knowing everything about him.
Annabelle turned off the water and stepped out of the shower to dry herself. She felt refreshed. She took her time drying and re-dressing. She had chosen black jeans to wear tonight and suspected that may have been Jasper's subtle influence. Her Beast growled at her, reminding her of her hunger. That was one of the biggest downsides to this relationship. Every time Jasper fed from her body, it made her Beast upset. That hunger could only be ignored for so long. It was a literal drain on her system. Annabelle promised herself that she would feed tonight. They would go out and she would find someone who would give her permission to drink a little of their blood. She had it all planned out in her head as she applied make-up in the bathroom mirror. Then, after she fed, she would come back home and... maybe she and Jasper could have some more fun. She smirked to herself as she winged her eye liner.
When she emerged from the bathroom, Annabelle found Jasper in the lounge. He was looking at a book of urban Los Angeles photography that Elle had bought. Annabelle sat next to him and smiled. “Hey.”
Jasper closed the book. “Hey.”
“I have a plan for tonight. Nothing set in stone, though.”
“Go on.”
“I'm going to go out and feed. You're welcome to come with me. And then we'll come back here and... hang out.”
“Hang out?” He inquired in mock innocence.
“Yeah... you know...” Annabelle touched his knee and bit her lip.
“Yeah... I know.” Jasper smirked and Annabelle knew he has been playing with her a little.
She smiled again. Tonight was going to be fun.
“There's a gothy, kind of vampire themed bar I found,” Annabelle told him, “and I'm going to try my luck there.”
“And you want me to come with you?”
“Well, yeah! Or you can go do your own thing for a few hours and I'll call you... or...” Annabelle shrugged. She did want Jasper to come along, even though she knew he would be hidden from sight the whole time. If he said no though, she'd be disappointed but understanding.
“I'll come if you'd like, but I'll have to be unseen,” Jasper said.
“Okay... don't feel like you have to come or anything,” Annabelle said, worried about the Blood Bond. “Like, I’m not forcing you to.”
He gave her a reassuring little smile. “No, it's okay. I want to.”
She smiled as well, relieved. “Well, I'm ready to go, so...”
Jasper patted himself, showing that he hadn't come with a lot. “Me too.”
Annabelle jumped up and grabbed her red leather jacket, keys, phone and wallet. This wasn't a date, she told herself, but she sure as hell had to admit it felt like one.
Jasper made himself disappear as she locked up the house. It gave her the chills. One second, he was standing next to her, but when she looked back after putting her keys away, he was gone.
“I'm... hoping you're still here?” she asked quietly.
“Of course,” he replied. She could hear him smile.
“Right. Good. Let's go.” She headed for transport to get them to the bar.
Annabelle activated both Awe and Blush of Life as she and an invisible Jasper stepped into the bar. It was small and dark, but with a very charming gothic aesthetic. It looked like it was a slow night, not surprising for a Sunday. Annabelle took a seat at the bar. The bartender was a curvy woman with a pale face and long, dark hair tied back in a high ponytail. She had several ear piercings, including a large safety clip through one ear. The bartender looked bored, but perked up when she saw Annabelle.
“Hey, hun,” she said, approaching Annabelle. “What can I get ya?”
Annabelle smiled. “Hi! Um...” she glanced at the wall of bottles behind the bartender. “I'm not sure. What do you recommend?”
“The house favourite's the 'Vampire's Kiss,' but we've got everything.”
Annabelle grinned. “Ooh, what's in that?” She couldn’t see Jasper, but she assumed he was nearby and also grinning.
“Berry vodka, berry liqueur, cranberry juice. It tastes deceptively non-alcoholic,” the bartender said with a wink.
Annabelle knew that with Blush of Life, she could drink or eat like a human, but she would have to throw it up again later. For a little while, she could keep it down though, to sell the illusion of life. “I'll take one of those, thanks.”
The bartender smiled. “Coming right up!” She got to work mixing the drink with a little extra showmanship. Annabelle watched her, but looked at her phone when it buzzed. It was Jasper texting her privately.
“She looks cute,” his message said.
“The bartender?” Annabelle texted back.
“You think I have a chance?”
“She's checking you out. I think you're good.”
“Waiting on someone?” the bartender asked, sliding Annabelle the drink. The cocktail was a deep red.
“Um, no... not really,” Annabelle lied. “Just a girls' night out kind of thing, but I'm on my own, I guess.” She smiled a little awkwardly. She still didn't like lying. “I'd heard about this place and wanted to check it out.”
“Ahh, you're the curious type huh?” the bartender said knowingly. “We get a lot of people looking to flirt with the darkness a little.” She winked at Annabelle again. “Don't be nervous, hun. That's why we're all here.”
Annabelle giggled, as charmed by the bartender and she seemed to be by her.
“Although on Sunday nights it seems to just be the six of us.” The bartender chuckled and gestured to herself, Annabelle, the few staff members and meagre other bar patrons present.
“Yeah, slow night?”
“I guess this just isn't a hot feeding night in L.A. for vampires,” the bartender sighed. “Shame.”
Annabelle laughed. It was a little nervous and for a split second, she thought the bartender might have known about the Masquerade, but then she remembered she was in a vampire themed bar, after all. “Well, I don't know? Maybe we could change that?” Annabelle cringed to herself. That wasn't a very good line, and she knew it.
The bartender's eyebrow arched slowly at her, but she didn't seem put off.
Annabelle blushed pink. “Sorry, that was a horrible line.”
The bartender laughed. “At least you want to use lines on me! I'm flattered.”
Annabelle sipped her drink. It was good, but it did nothing to satisfy her Beast, and her Beast was hungry indeed.
“So...” the bartender leaned in towards her a little. “You're here looking for some mortals to play with?”
Annabelle swallowed. Did she know, or was she just playing? Surely she was just playing. “Uh, yeah. I guess. I'm Annabelle.”
“That's a cute name!” The bartender extended her hand for Annabelle to shake. “Lisa.”
Annabelle smiled and shook Lisa's hand. “Nice to meet you.” The handshake seemed to linger. Annabelle bit her lower lip. She wasn't sure if it was the Awe, or if Lisa genuinely liked her. Either way, she was definitely being flirted with.
“What do I owe you for the drink?” Annabelle asked.
“Oh, no, hun, don't worry about it,” Lisa winked. “It's on the house.”
“No, I insist!” Annabelle got her wallet out and put some money on the bar. It was more than enough to pay for the cocktail.
“Well... if you insist,” Lisa relented, taking the money and putting it in the register. “Thanks, hun.”
Annabelle glanced at the tip jar, thinking to add something there too. It had been almost empty when she had sat down, but there was a large note in there now. Annabelle blinked. She hadn't noticed anyone put anything in there... but that didn't mean that no one did. She smirked and texted Jasper.
“Where did you get that money?”
“Never you mind. Not from you though,” he replied.
A few more minutes passed, during which time no one else entered the bar. Lisa and Annabelle kept making eye contact with each other and smiling. Eventually, Lisa came back over to her.
“So, I think other than me, you might be out of luck tonight,” Lisa told Annabelle. “We'll be closing up early fairly soon if more people don't come in.” She smiled at Annabelle and lowered her voice a little. “Although, if you want to hang out while I close...?”
There was a secret proposal there that Annabelle picked up on. She blushed a little redder. “Sure... I'd love to hang out with you, if you'd like.” She couldn't believe her luck. Even with Awe, sometimes she had to work to pick someone up. Not this night. This night, she had hit the jackpot.
“You can stay as long as you like,” Lisa said.
“Thank you!” Annabelle sipped more of her drink and complemented Lisa on her bartending skills.
Lisa smiled and started to pack up, getting ready to close early. She checked in on security and cleaned, all the while shooting Annabelle flirtatious glances. With every glance Annabelle caught, she would smile or wave a little, keen on Lisa's attention. She texted Jasper again as well.
“Looks good,” she told him.
“I can see that,” he replied. She still didn't know exactly where he was in the room, but she imagined he was still smiling and watching with interest. After all, if Annabelle fed tonight, then he fed tonight too.
Annabelle felt a rumble in her stomach. Her undead body was getting ready to reject her cocktail. She got up and asked Lisa for directions to the bathroom and Lisa pointed it out to her.
“I'll be waiting for when you get back,” Lisa said.
Annabelle shot her a smile and went into the ladies' room. She entered a stall and let herself throw up the cocktail into the toilet. It looked like a bloody mess, and felt disgusting, but Annabelle felt better once it was out of her system. She flushed the toilet, took a few deep breaths and reactivated Blush of Life. Her Beast growled, but she calmed it down with a promise that yes, tonight she was going to feed, and not on any more alcohol. There was a pretty bartender waiting for her who seemed to have a thing for vampires.
Annabelle emerged from the bathrooms and approached Lisa, who was waiting with her purse. “Um... my place or yours?” she asked with a little smile.
“Mine's nearby, if you're comfortable.”
“Yeah, sure! Um... but I will have to get home later tonight though, so...”
To Annabelle's surprise, Lisa smiled. “That's fine, hun. No strings, okay?”
It seemed like Lisa was used to this kind of temporary hook-up. Annabelle knew there was an underground culture for this kind of thing, but hadn't really explored too much of it before. “No strings,” she agreed, excited.
Lisa took Annabelle's hand and they walked out of the bar together, Lisa pausing to lock up and set the alarm. Annabelle hoped Jasper got out okay, but assumed he did by the very briefest of his touches on her free hand.
Lisa led Annabelle down the street a few blocks towards an apartment block. Conveniently, she only seemed to live a short walk away from her work.
“So... you're obviously into vampire stuff,” Annabelle said.
Lisa laughed. “Yeah, how could you tell?” She smiled at her. “I don't know why, exactly, but all that stuff with embracing and blood has always seemed kind of... intimate to me.”
“Oh yeah, totally.” Annabelle grinned. “'Intimate' is definitely the word for it.” She hesitated, then chanced a question. Lisa did seem pretty heavily into the vampire kink. “Have you done... biting or blood stuff before?”
“Yeah, I've... dabbled a fair bit. It's kind of hard not to in this scene. It's been pretty fun!”
Annabelle was relieved. “Yeah, I have too.” She felt that a person with this kind of interest would have been more likely to have been in Nelli's extended social circle, so she was glad to have found one too. She took a deep breath and made the metaphorical plunge. “Um... would you like to? Tonight?”
A dawning smile appeared on Lisa's pale face. “Sure. It'd love that.”
“Yeah?” Annabelle smiled back, adding some sensuality of her own into it. Things were going very well. “Cool.”
Lisa's apartment was a tiny, studio-style space. It was mostly one room with a small kitchenette and another door that led to a bathroom. A large wrought iron bed took up a large chuck of space in the main room. Dark wood bookcases lined the walls, full of novels and other gothic paraphernalia, with the odd piece of pop culture or nerd stuff here and there. Annabelle was pleased to find not one, but two complete sets of the Harry Potter books, including the special Slytherin House edition. Most of the rest of the décor was in a black and red theme.
Lisa paused and frowned after inviting Annabelle in and closing the door. “Huh.”
Annabelle glanced back at her. “What?”
“Nothing.” Lisa shook off her sudden chill. “Just a draft or something.”
Annabelle nodded and glanced around the room. Her eyes landed briefly on the darkest corner, and it might have been her imagination, but the shadow there seemed a little bigger than it had been a moment ago. She nodded again, seemingly to herself, but mostly to the shadow, and had another look around the room.
“Anyway,” Lisa said. “I'll give you the tour.” She spread her arms and gestured to the room, taking in the kitchenette and toilet door as well. “This is it!”
She smiled. “I love your place!” She took a step towards a shelf to look at some obscure vampire novels and films she hadn't heard of before.
“Thank you.”
Annabelle turned back to Lisa after a moment. “Seriously, this is great.”
Lisa smiled. “I tend to collect stuff, which is not great when you live this small, but hey, I know what I like!”
“I like it,” Annabelle said. “I like you.”
Lisa smiled knowingly and sat on the bed. She patted a spot next to her for Annabelle to sit. She did and pushed her long, black hair back behind her ear.
“So,” Annabelle asked, a little shyness creeping back in. She could almost feel Jasper watching them from his shadow in the corner, but Lisa was unaware. She wondered if Lisa would have minded if she did know. “Do you like to bite, or be bitten?”
Lisa was not shy at all. This was obviously not her first time with someone experimenting with a blood kink. “I prefer being bitten, but I'm flexible. I have a blade if you want to make a little cut, or you can just bite...”
Annabelle's eyes widened a little, surprised at Lisa's initiative. She felt very lucky to have met this sexy, kinky bartender, and made a mental note to try to keep in touch with her after this. “That works for me,” she said, with a sensual little smile. She put a hand on Lisa's knee, which Lisa did not mind at all. “I usually prefer to bite, but... if you want to cut, I'm okay with that. Are you sure you're okay with me tasting your blood?”
“Yeah,” Lisa assured her, and blushed slightly herself. “It... kinda does it for me... and you're really cute.”
Annabelle felt her cheeks go warm again. “Thanks. I think you're beautiful,” she said honestly.
Lisa put her hand on Annabelle's.
“I promise I don't have any, like, diseases or anything,” Annabelle added softly.
Lisa smiled and chuckled quietly. “Good to know. Me too. I'm really careful and test regularly, otherwise, I wouldn’t do this.”
Annabelle nodded, reassured.
Lisa's voice got low and sensual. “Anyway, now that that's out of the way... feel free to play. Unless I say 'foxtrot,' it's not too far.”
Annabelle made a mental note of the new safe word as Lisa went in for a kiss. Annabelle welcomed and returned it tenderly, and any final nerves she had about the evening melted away.
The two women relaxed back onto the bed, kissing and touching each other. Soft sighs and gentle moans filled the tiny apartment. Annabelle felt herself getting lost in the moment, almost forgetting for a little while why she was there, including forgetting about the Nosferatu in the dark corner. Her Beast didn't let her forget for long though, and when Lisa deliberately exposed her neck to Annabelle, she bit her gently, giving Lisa a hickey, but not breaking the skin yet. She held back, like she remembered Jasper doing, to listen for the safe word. Instead of saying 'foxtrot,' Lisa moaned. Annabelle took that as permission to continue and bit properly into Lisa's throat. She felt Lisa tense in the pain, then relax into the pleasure as Annabelle fed. She let her hands roam again over Lisa's body as she did so. The blood was good, nourishing and sweet, and her Beast whispered at her to take a little more, just a little more...
Annabelle pulled back, as full as she dared, and licked Lisa's skin to close the wound. Lisa was near breathless on the bed with a dizzy, happy little smile. There was a very faint snarl from the shadows and Annabelle looked up, mildly startled. She realised that Jasper had just watched every second of that and blushed again. Lisa hadn’t seemed to notice at all, lost in her haze of pleasure.
“Damn...” Lisa mumbled. “You... you're very good at that...”
“Thanks,” Annabelle said, a little humble, turning her attention back to Lisa. “You're good too.”
“If you say so.” She tried to sit up, but her body betrayed her and she landed back on her dark pillow. “Woah... I doubt I'm getting up for a while,” she giggled.
Annabelle giggled too. “Yeah. I'll get you some water?”
“Aww... thanks!”
Annabelle got off the bed and headed to the kitchenette. Glasses were easy to find and she filled one with water to bring back. It was the very least she could do. Lisa took it gladly and drank some.
“This was good,” Annabelle said, genuinely. “I had fun.”
“I'm really glad.” Lisa chuckled. “I think it's obvious I did too. So... you said you'd need to get home? It's cool if you do.” She sounded a little like she wished Annabelle could stay longer. Annabelle kind of wished that too, but knew she shouldn’t.
“Yeah, I do, sorry. But... I'll be sure the come by the bar again another time,” she promised.
“Yeah,” Lisa smiled. She seemed to like the sound of that. “You know where to find me. Be safe getting home, okay?”
“I will! Thanks again, Lisa, and... um...” Annabelle's voice dropped to a whisper, hoping to convince Lisa to keep a secret. “Don't tell anyone, okay?”
Lisa smiled again. It seemed like she had had this talk with others before too. “Sure. Your secret's safe with me.”
“Thank you,” Annabelle said. She leaned in to give Lisa one last long, sweet goodbye kiss, then went to the door. “See you.”
Lisa waved goodbye. Annabelle opened the door and made sure to do it wide enough to give Jasper time to slip out too. The door closed slowly behind them with a click.
Annabelle welcomed the cool night air on her face when she and Jasper got back out onto the street. She heard a soft, snarly chuckle by her side.
“Looked like you had fun.”
She glanced at where she had heard his voice. She still had Blush of Life on and her face turned red again. “Yes, I did.”
“She seemed... nice.”
“Yeah...” Annabelle glanced back up at the apartment building, to where she thought Lisa's window might be. She definitely intended to make good on her promise to return to that bar at some point in the near future. “She was.”
“Into vampires too. That's convenient.”
“You know... she might have been into you too, you know.”
She could hear him snicker very quietly. “I doubt it.”
“I don't know... she was really kinky... and besides... I'm into you.”
Annabelle paused and blinked. She hadn't really meant to say that, but it was out now. She cleared her throat. “Jasper?”
“Let's get back to your place,” he said in her ear.
She shivered, as she always did when he did that. She nodded and hurried home.
Annabelle made sure the door was securely locked behind her after she and Jasper got back to her house. Jasper let his Obfuscate drop once he was safely inside. It was the first time Annabelle had seen him since they had left, several hours ago. He looked hungry. She squinted at him, feeling bold and aroused by Lisa's blood.
“If I didn't know better, I'd say you liked watching me feed on her just now,” she said.
Jasper licked his fangs and smiled in the way he knew did funny things to Annabelle's insides. “Maybe.”
Annabelle’s Blush of Life was still active. Her heart thudded in her chest. She was already turned on from earlier. Her mouth felt suddenly a little dry and she swallowed. “Would you... like to... have some too?”
“Yes, please,” Jasper growled.
Annabelle nodded. “Bedroom.” She hastened there with Jasper looming behind her, hot on her heels.
Annabelle's red jacket was off as soon as she got to the bedroom. She tossed it onto her chair, which was already laden with other clothing. Jasper took a step towards her, but hesitated when she held up a finger. She took her shoes off before getting onto the bed. She smiled at him and beckoned him over when she was ready. He crawled onto the bed and came up beside her. She reached towards his head, then stopped.
“May I?” she asked quietly.
Annabelle gently pulled his hood off, exposing his hairless, black-veined skin. “I want you to be comfortable here,” she said softly.
“I am,” he replied. “You've been a lovely host.”
“Thanks.” She fidgeted a little. “So... how would you like me?”
Jasper smiled. “Like this is fine.” He touched her hand and trailed his hand up to her shoulder and throat. He could feel her goosebumps. He let his fingers linger on her artificial pulse, which was racing away. “You seem very excited,” he observed.
Annabelle giggled. His hands were cold, but she didn't mind. The contrast to her warm skin was exhilarating. She could tell he was dragging this out. The anticipation was killing her. Her jeans felt too tight. “I am excited,” she said.
“I would very much like to taste that.” Annabelle recognised the hunger in his growl. Her stomach twisted. She felt tingly.
Annabelle tilted her neck to give him easy access to the veins and arteries in her throat. She closed her eyes as she heard and felt him draw himself in. She felt his hands on her shoulders and upper arms. He held her close to him, his body firm against hers. He gave her skin a sniff, then opened his mouth and bit into her.
She gasped, feeling his fangs sink into her jugular again. Her Vitae flowed into his hungry mouth. She winced at the pain and bit her lip, but as soon as the pleasure hit she relaxed into his arms, clinging to him with one of her own. She soon became light-headed as the blood left her brain. As if it had a mind of her own, her other hand drifted down to the button and zipper of her jeans and undid them enough to slide her hand into her pants and under her underwear. Her fingers moved against herself in a delicious and well-practiced fashion. She moaned loudly as Jasper bit a little harder and drank a little deeper. The pleasure rolling across her body was strong, and getting stronger by the millisecond. Annabelle was soon quaking with it and couldn’t hold on for long. She clung desperately to Jasper's back and screamed her climax through gritted teeth.
She felt like she was floating afterwards. She was dimly aware of his tongue licking her neck and her Beast grumbling and growling within. She relaxed back onto the pillows, one hand still in her pants. Every now and then she shook with a little aftershock.
A minute later, Annabelle opened her eyes again. Jasper was watching her. He had a hand on her hip. She realised she was still touching herself and, with no small degree of embarrassment, removed her hand. Her fingers were wet. She wiped them on a tissue, her cheeks red. “Sorry...” she mumbled.
“What for? Enjoying yourself?”
“Um...” Annabelle looked at him. He didn't seem bothered in the slightest.
He relaxed beside her, stretching his long body out on her large bed. “I think it's really great that you get so much...” he grinned, “pleasure out of these feedings, Annabelle. It's done wonders for my ego.”
Annabelle suppressed a little laugh and snuggled into him. “Nice to know I can boost your ego?”
“Not many things do, any more.” He stroked her hair. She wished she could feel what he was thinking, like how he could feel her. She figured they might have to have another talk about the Blood Bond soon, but not right at that moment.
“Do you really have to go tomorrow?” she asked very quietly.
“Yeah,” he said, just as softly. “I've got... responsibilities. And besides... what would your girlfriend say when she came home to find me in your bed?”
Annabelle laughed at the mental image. “She might be into it?”
She could feel Jasper shake his head. “I think she'd be horrified, Annabelle.”
“Mmm... she'd be surprised, for sure.”
“Have you told her about me?”
“I've... mentioned you, but only in that I have friends who are vampires. She doesn't know about the feeding.”
Jasper gave a little disapproving snarl. “I still wish you hadn't told her anything.”
“I know... but I can't take it back now.” Annabelle sighed.
“What about Mark?”
“He’s not been around as much. Victor’s mostly kept him away.” There was a note of sadness in Annabelle’s voice. She gently traced one of the lines on Jasper’s hoodie with her finger.
“I've had a good time with you this weekend,” Annabelle said, changing the subject and telling the truth. “A very good time. I've missed this.”
“I've missed this too,” Jasper confessed.
“Let's... not go so long between breaks next time?” she said hopefully.
“We'll see, but it would be nice,” Jasper agreed.
When dawn arrived, the two of them remained snuggled in each other's arms as they slept. Annabelle's Blush of Life faded and her body cooled to its usual undead temperature. For a little while, she could pretend that Jasper didn't have to leave the next night. She promised herself to invite him back as soon as she was able to. She sensed he wouldn’t say 'no.'
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sick-kun · 6 years
Sick-kun Chronicles: Ch.4
>Half an hour goes by and my phone starts ringing, its D >"Hey anon :) I'm outside" >my hearts all doki doki and shit >I open the door and let her in. She's dressed pretty casual, just a v-neck and jeans but damn she still looked like a qt3.14 >I asked her if she wanted anything to eat/drink etc >"Yeah, can we take a shot together anon?" >I pour us a shot of Baywater gin(which is fucking delicious, as smooth as Bombay if you like gin) and we down them >I ask her if she wants a beer or anything while I pull a 4loko out of the freezer(I had stella, becks, and goose island in my fridge) >Yeah whatever, 4loko's are terrible, but I get cravings for the green apple flavor every so often >She grabs the 4loko and takes a swig of it. As she was starting to lick her lips (OHGOD) her face immediately puckered from this shitty malt beer >I couldn't help but laugh >As I start cleaning up a bit, D starts venting to me everything that happened between her and S >pretty much she recaps everything that happened at the end of chapter 3. She seems a lot more calm now, I'm guessing since she's gotten so comfortable around me lately >I end up fixing her a plate of food (garlic herb rice and chicken) since due to all the shit that happened, she hadn't eaten >We start talking shit and eating. She tells me her dealer is selling a Q for 40(D is fucking gorgeous and literally gets hooked up like that all the time by her dealer, im still jealous over that since I pay60-70 for a Q of high grade, but i digress) >We decide to chill in my house for a bit, then go get the weed and maybe smoke with a few friends >I really just wanted to be alone with D, but i know she was feeling down and wanted to be around the few friends she has here >So D finishes eating and we go upstairs to my room >The whole time we're walking up the stairs, we're play flirting with each other. I grab her butt(lawdy its so soft), she tries grabbing at mine, we get close to each other then pull away, all that. Gave me nostalgia of how we we're before >We make it to my room >play flirting intensifies >I reach for her butt again, but she grabs my dick for a split second through my sweatpants before running >Before she can even make it out of my room, I pull her to me and pick her up with 0 effort. >"Ah, Anon!" >My arms are around her waist, so she's looking down into my eyes while I carry her to my bed and drop her down >She's laid out against my bed and we're still both laughing and I dont really really know what came over me, but I guess the moment felt right >As our laughing was dying down, we're looking into each other's eyes >I lean in and start kissing her neck >D gasped a bit, but I kept on for a couple more seconds before i pulled back >I kiss her >We start making out, my fingers holding on to her jawline while she pulled me closer by the back of my head >I lay on my side so we can both face each and I I grab her hips to close any distance between us >Our legs intertwine and her hips start rolling against mine >Ah shit nigga, Solid Snake enters the fray >Our make out sesh grows more intense, her horny levels increase by 35% >"Anon, we need to stop" she says between heavy breaths >The second she says this, I mount her again and start kissing and licking her earlobes while I whisper "D, I cant" >"Anon..." before she can say anymore, I kiss down her chest to her cleavage and start taking off her shirt. >My lips start kissing across her stomach while i start massaging her tits >My tongue is running along the edges of her naval when i pushed her bra up, revealing my favorite pair of perky breasts >I kiss my way back up and start sucking on them >holy shit I missed you two soft round angels >D breathing is getting heavier again >Her nipples are so hard and they feels amazing against my tongue >My hands start exploring down D >Righty starts rubbing her pussy over her jeans >Lefty starts to unbuckle >I feel her pants come undone >Righty knows exactly what to do, and slides down her under panties >SHES SO FUCKING WET HOW DID THIS HAPPEN SO QUICKLY? >D starts moaning >My lust meter is filling up >She opens her mouth to moan again and i pull her lips to mine while i keep on rubbing her pussy >"Anon" >meter fills up by 20 more percent >"Anon" said faintly between her moans >20 more percent >"Oh, anon" >meter is filled, lust has taken over >I go straight down to her stomach and edge myself closer to her pussy >Solid snake is in complete control now >He's piloting Righty and Lefty >They start pulling down her pants >"Wait, anon, nooo....my pants have to stay on" >I'm still pulling on them >D grabs my face for a second and looks me in the eyes >even Solid snake isn't immune to D's eyes. its OP >"Please anon, leave them on," said D between breaths >I looked at her, then looked down at the top of her pink thong >I wanted her so bad at that very second >I wanted her completely, but I knew it wouldn't feel right if she didn't feel the same, until lust mode found a good alternative >Her hand was at my chest and without skipping a beat, Lefty started guiding it down while Righty pulled down my sweats and revealed Solid Snake >At that moment I felt it: the transition of seeing D from the eyes of a beta, to seeing D through the eyes of an alpha >I watched D's eyes move from mine down to my dick as she started stroking it >I lost my breath for a second from feeling D's hand on me for the first time in so long >I laid back down against her and our kissing grew so lewd >Her hand was still stroking against me and her technique was godlike, considering she's only been with girls >My right hand had gotten back to fingering her and D was growing more vocal with every passing second >I'm feeling it now, Mr.Krabs >Her strokes get faster, my fingers get more rythmic, and our tongues were wrapped in each other >I'm completely lost in lust and sensory overload >Her moans, her sweet smell, her soft skin, her dripping pussy, her hands against me, everything >How does that old saying go again? History repeats itself? I'm so sorry for what you're about to read but just imagine how I felt >HER PHONE FUCKING RINGS >D picks up since the sound was so unexpected and completely killed the whole "straight guy getting forbidden fruit" vibe going on >its actually not S lol >its her fucking drugged up weed dealer >He tells her she needs to come ASAP to pick up the weed since he's too fucked up to stay up any longer (its not even 10 p.m at this point) >ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS >"Anon....we should go pick it up now, you know, before its too late" >I figured D just wanted an excuse to take a break from hot things were getting. I didn't blame her since she had just gone through so much with her ex and was now in my bed half-naked with me >The whole phone call had brought me back to my senses, even though i was still throbbing against my own thigh >UGH GOOD GUY SICK-KUN >I struggle with myself still...I had this opportunity before and let it slip away. Do I still just want her sexually? Or do I really care about her enough to be comfortable with what I got? Could I forgive myself as a newborn alpha if I let us walk away? Or does none of that even matter as long as i have someone that matters in my life? >I'm still conflicted, but I know what I want >"Sure D, fuck it, lets go :)" End chapter 4 Chapter 4.5 The point of this chapter is to just fill the gap between chapter 4 and 5. So here's all the bonus stuff that happened between >FIRST PART:CHAPTER 4 EPILOGUE >after we left my house at the end of chapter 4, we left my house in her car to go pick up the bud >We end up getting the dank >Personally hate her dealer's bud, its like mid grade but always makes me stupid when I smoke it( pretty sure he just sprays his regs with something to lace em, but shit like that isn't too uncommon in Miami) >After we get the weed, one of our mutual friends (her gay bestfriend's roommate) texts her asking if she wants to chill >He literally only texts her to get free weed from D >D wants to hang out with him too, since they haven't hung out in a long time >WELP THERE GOES THE CHANCES OF GOING BACK TO MY HOUSE TO DO THE HORIZONTAL MONSTER MASH >ugh, we fucking meet up with the guy, smoke a few blunts >Im talking shit with him and his bestfriend while we're stoned, but I just want to leave >The conversation somehow transitions into anime and my ears perk up, immediately revealing how fucking beta I am >we talk about the new ghost in the shell >Scarjo is bae >feel bad since D has no idea wtf we're talking about >BLAH BLAH FUCKING BLAH >night ends, D and I make out more before she drops me off home >So yeah, thats why I ended chapter 4 where I did, the rest was wack and uneventful > SECOND PART: D AND S RELATIONSHIP >So as I mentioned, D and S relationship has gotten incredibly rocky >D talks to me all the time about their issues >S has been cheating on D for a while with her ex-gf >D found out after she noticed S had been acting weird >D goes through her phone, sees their text messages between the two which makes it obvious theyre hooking up >D tells me that after seeing the texts, she realized that S had cheated on her while she in Georgia >D was sick in Georgia, in the fucking hospital, while S was out clubbing with her ex >I've never hated any of D's exes even though they hate me >Except S, I fucking hate her guts from the way she treats D >S is a real piece of shit. D could spill out her guts to S in text messages (one of the few forms of communication that S is still responsive to) and S will reply with the dumbest response >FOR EXAMPLE >"S....why did you just leave me by myself like that? I can't believe you would ever do something like that...You know how much I care about you and it left me so heartbroken. I don't even know what's happening between us anymore, why're you treating me like this? I just want you to talk to me and let me know why things have gotten like this..."(im paraphrasing a D text) >"Sorry, I was driving" (AN ACTUAL FUCKING TEXT THAT S SENT TO D) >Even after everything that has happened, D and S are still kind of together at this point in the story >D continued to live with S and she continued to try to fix their relationship >Of course, to my dismay >D isn't dumb in any sense of the word and she would always ask me"Anon, Why am i so dumb to try and stay with S?" >"D...you're not dumb...you care about her. I understand its hard, but I dont really think she cares about you the same way" >Of course, I wanted to say more, so much more, because seeing D so stressed and worried over someone who doesn't even care about what they have pisses me the fuck off. But of course, I'm speaking from a bias perspective >I would've fought S by now if she was a guy >THIRD PART: TIME >For you guys who don't know, I started writing this story at the beginning of this month, around December 5th to be accuarate Editing note: December 5th 2016 >I started writing this mainly as a way to get help with a doctor's note, but also because its kind of my version of my high school love story >The funny thing is, as I've been writing this story, things between D and I have been changing and more has gone on between us >To the point that my life started to overlap with the story, so to speak >Let me explain >After I posted chapter 3, I woke up the next day early to go have breakfast with D and be with her. >To be honest, it felt a bit weird knowing I'm seeing her after writing stories of our past on the internet >To give you an even better example: Chapter 4, this entire chapter, happened about 2 weeks ago >Chapter 5, which i'll post next week week before New years, happened this past Thursday >D has even started asking me about it >"Anon, what are you up to right now?" >"Oh I'm working on this story. Im writing it under a pen-name and its gotten a little popular on the internet" >"Really anon? what's it about?" >"Oh you know, just a romance/erotic story I've been writing" >"Let me read it anon :)" >"Oh no, I'd die of embarrasement if you ever read it" >"haha why anon? cuz its erotic?" >"No no, I just get embarrased whenever anyone reads my work" >"You shouldn't be! I'm sure its great! >IF ONLY YOU KNEW >"Thanks, ill show once I finish it eventually, D" >"Okay anon lol" >DODGED A BULLET THERE >end of chapter 4.5
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