#if someone draws this concept I’m going to lose my mind omg please
r0semultiverse · 6 months
Imagine if having devil fruit powers in One Piece got you the label of “fruity.” They needed a name/label to call people who have devil fruit powers so they just start saying you’re fruity. If you’re strong as fuck with your devil fruit powers? That’s fruity as Hell!
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lauraacan · 8 years
ALL OF THEM WHAT DO YOU THINK? Except 1, 12 and 42 because I already know those ;)
0:Height1m60. But my parents found funny to put 1m59 on my ID… VERY FUNNY x)(omg you’re taller than me
1:Virgin?I’m Leo.
2:Shoe sizeA boring 39 ;)
3:Do yousmoke?NOPE. NEVAA
4:Do you drink?Very rarely. Although I kinda could enjoy being drunk rn lmao
5:Do you take drugs?NOPE NOPE. Like if I needed any LOL
6:Age you get mistaken for25 yo.
7:Have tattoos?No
8:Want any tattoos?YES But I won’t have any because I’m way too perfectionist to get myself inkedby anyone. Imagine they shake???But if I could i’d like some orca on my arm, in maori style. Also a phoenix somewhere accross my Back/hips... I dunno I love so many tattoo concepts. Also some motivational words on my wrists. 
9:Got any piercings?Not a single one
10:Want any piercings?Not really
12:Relationship statusIn couplealso I DON’T FUCKING HATE YOU OK ;A;
13:Biggest turn onsWOW That escaladed quickly. OKayyyy-> Don’t ever touch my neck for your own sanity. OR PLEASE DO->  Good perfume can do miracles.Seriously
14:Biggest turn offs-> PAIN -> Vulgarity I think??
15:Favorite movie
Mmhhh tough one. I recently watched “ledernier jour du reste de ta vie” and it really rang a lot of bells to me.
16:I’ll love you ifI LOVE YOU  TOO ;A;
17:Someone you missWell you obviously. But let’s not be too cheesy and add…. Ahem…. Old friends?Like those I had back in middle school days?
18:Most traumatic experience
My mother died, I was bullied veryseriously as a teen  but NO my biggesttrauma is almost losing a tooth two years ago??? LIKE BRAIN WHY ARE YOU LIKETHIS??? (I really have nightmare regularly about this accident O.o)
19:A fact about your personalityI’m a selfish person, sadly. I try to at least deal with it a little bit. AlsoI am VERY anxious. But you know all too well
20:What I hate most about myself
Ahahha very easy: my sex. Why am I not afreaking boy it would be so much easier on so many levels? ;)
21:What I love most about myselfIt may sound weird but: the world I built to sooth me (I should write / draw itlmao but somehow it just never feels right). Also I kinda like my body. Almost. Okay it’s a love / hate relationship but let’skeep it positive!
22:What I want to be when I get older
23:My relationship with my sibling(s)
Very conflicted. And I wish one of mybro wouldn’t have missed his suicide, because he’s making our lives a living hellfor so long.. I wish we wouldn’t have to watch him turn in such a monster yearsafter yearsBut I kinda love how the brother I thought I was the most in conflict with actually is the one who is there for me when shit happens lol. He’s a shithead but he’s a good guy
24:My relationship with my parent(s)Conflicted too? But things go better over time. I managed to say “I love you”to my dad for the very fist time in YEARS for Christmas… I cried a lot.
25:My idea of a perfect dateCUDDLES. Just cuddles… And some good, healthy sex afterwards would be marvellous.Or simply cuddles more. No seriously some nice chattering on a bed, with a good movie, some food, tea…It sounds lame omgI also did the “watch at the stars lying on a beach” and it was amazing (thank you ex BF for being such a romantic soul ahhaha)
26:My biggest pet peevesI dunno… Not even sure what a “pet peeve” is… Something I really dislike? Welllet’s say intolerant people, physical violence. Also cetacean captivity.
27:A description of the girl/boy I likeGOSH I can’t. I’m crying because I just CANT. Guys. Fantasizing about someone who isn’t your boyfriend EVEN THO you love himis actually the WORST FEELING EVER.
28:A description of the person I dislike the mostLet’s go ahead: he lacks three fingers in one hand,is the utterly asshole and should be in jail for so many reasons. Oh also he’smy brother.
29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend
I don’t know… to not worry them? To not destroyeverything? Well I do try to avoid lying a lot, it’s been a fucking long timesince I last lied…. Can’t really remember.
30:What I hate the most about work/schoolSTRESS
31:What your last text message says“oups” I did it again
32:What words upset me the most“Seriously, what do you wanna do with your life, you can’t keep going like that »- like fuck you living is already hard enough and you ask me to make PLANS ???Also “you chose your path” – very funny to say that when my parents didn’treally give me a choice.
33:What words make me feel the best about myselfWhen people say they love me ;A;But let’s be honest I’m much more confortable with physical touches when it’s about making me feel better. Nothing’s better than a good hug.
34:What I find attractive in womenOh gosh almost everything ahahah. Almost. (I have an issue with female sex)No seriously I must have a thing for neck. 
35:What I find attractive in menNECK/ torso/ arms/deep voice
36:Where I would like to liveI think it’s not about where I want to live but who I want to be with ahhaha. Ican do with most places I think.
37:One of my insecuritiesmy fantasies.
38:My childhood career choiceI wanted to be a vet, then a mangaka. And then a translator. 
39:My favorite ice cream flavourVanilla maybe?
40:Who wish I could bea guy I guess. Handsome please.
41:Where I want to be right now
With someone
42:The last thing I ateSushis
43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediatelyHEJGFKDSSHLDGJJFGDKJGJH * end up crying *
44:A random fact about anythingReading my answers I find myself super scary… Looks like I need to really sort some things out lmao / I’ve been telling that for the past 10 years litterally /Also, I swear a LOT more in English than I do in French ahahah. 
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