#if the chestnuts dont pop pop pop i do t WANT IT
glitterdustcyclops · 6 months
refreshed my hand-curated christmas playlist with some new songs and now there are no less than 4 different versions of sleigh ride
because what is the point of making your own christmas playlist if you can't put your favorite song on there 4 different times
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katsukikitten · 5 years
Irritated 3
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Bakugou and Izuku stand in line for quick ramen while you stand at a different vendor for a sub. You're salivating as you think of what you want on your eight inch.
A ping rings out from Izuku's pocket, he fishes for his phone almost dropping it with burning cheeks as Bakugou rolls his eyes beside him. The ash blonde watches the deep emerald man's face contort.
"We don't have time to eat!" Izuku exclaims.
"What?" A snarl from beside him.
"'You and Bakugou have an interview at 230 with the rest of class 1A in building A. Please keep Y/N in the same vicinity as you. Sorry for the last minute add on.'" He reads aloud, watching Bakugou's face sour.
"Wow that dick." Bakugou hisses as he looks over the food court before spotting you, "I guess I'll grab Y/N. Are we even in the right fucking building?"
"I'll look it up n..now!" Izuku unfolds the map of the convention center looking for where the q & as are normally held in building A as Bakugou stomps after you.
You're literally next in line, already got in your head what you're going to get before a strong hand pulls at the crook of your arm. Your blood runs cold while your heart accelerates, you hadn't seen the green eyes cuck follow you into the food court. He got a phone call and headed back in the direction of where you first saw him.
"Don't fucking tou..." You turn with furious eyes faintly glowing to your assailant only to hesitate when met with burning and fastly narrowing blood red eyes. He tugs you harder, vice grip on your arm threatening to bruise ruining any positive points he earned today. He drags you all the way to a panicking Izuku before you yank free of his deadly fingers.
"What the fuck I was literally next?!" Hunger further fueling your anger as you stare down Bakugou. He faces away to avoid an argument, angry himself to miss food.
Angry, though he will never admit it, that you had such a negative reaction to his touch.
Izuku fills you in as you're dragged to the giant conference room. The three of you flashing your passes to security to allow y'all to enter. They open the doors and tell you to sit in the reserved seats in the front of the stage at least five minutes before the event begins.
"This is bullshit you know?" You growl, doing what you do best taking it out on Bakugou.
"Yea becuase this was my fucking idea in the first place." He snaps back to you, crossing chiseled arms.
"Guys. Please. You were doing so well." Izuku tries just to be met with harsh glares.
"Bakugou Katsuki?!" A deep male voice rings out just barely over an excited womans voice shouting.
Two figures approach quickly, Bakugou stiffens before slightly relaxing as none other than Red Riot walks striaght for him. While a chestnut haired woman comes for a blushing Izuku.
A cat smile creeps on your face as you figure this is the girl Deku was talking about. She hugs him in time with Red Riot hugging an angrier by the second Bakugou.
"Oi shitty hair let go of me damn it!" He snarls, cheeks slightly flushed before he is released. Ruby red eyes fall onto you before they shine with delight.
"Ah THE Tejina? I'm Kirishima!" He offers you a wide toothed grin before nudging Bakugou, "Is she your girlfriend?"
"HELL NO!" Both of you answer in unison as a beautiful bubblegum pink skinned woman approaches. She holds onto Kirishima's arm, looking too amused for your liking.
"I don't know they *do* kinda sound like they're dating." She laughs as red eyes narrow on her form. She extends her right hand to you.
"I'm Mina. Tejina, I just *love*your Instagram!! You HAVE to take me to that cafe you post the catppuccinos from!!!"
"Please call me Y/N." You smile, already loving the vibe of two very respectable heroes, "They make frogs shaped ones in spring!"
"Oh they do? Asui would love to see that!" She exclaims. The cracking sound of the PA system silences your reply as a voice rings out overhead.
*"Q&A with the famous class 1A in year 20XX will be commencing in t minus five minutes."*
"Well that's my cue!" You say as you begin to make your way to your seat.
"Join us for dinner!" Mina calls out and you give her a thumbs up before sitting in a section by yourself. For once you're thankful that you are not sitting in a seat at one of the many long tables on the stage and that you're a part of the crowd. You glace over your shoulder to sweep the room as you would normally do but you pay even closer attention, waiting for your eyes to catch dark grass green ones. You sigh with relief when you do not see them and settle into your chair as the lights dim a little.
"Welcome fans to the exclusive event of a rare Q and A panel for the famous class 1AAAAAAAA" The host announces as he brings his hand to point to left stage. The twenty alumni walk out as screams erupt behind you. Loud enough you'd think your ear drums burst.
You roll your eyes over the typical fan thirst solidifying your original thinking about fans. That they place their idols on a pedestal forgetting that they too are people. Living and breathing just as them but with the pressure of responsibility being ten fold.
"Now we have gotten a majority of your questions from Twit handle @askconanything but we have made time for a special few to get a change to ask their burning questions." The host smiles at the crowd and their clapping echoes through the building as if it were thunder.
The questions are typical and directed to the team as a whole. Some ask for the dirty details of certain missions or even as simple of how do you take your coffee.
Some how they all answer, none of their responses surprising you.
Sato takes his with lots of sugar, even saying the old joke of "I like a little coffee with my sugar."
Todoroki likes his iced and black, Momo does not drink coffee instead an earl grey tea with light cream. Mina prefers a hot chocolate but would settle for a cuppocinno with an animal made from the froth. Denki likes anything as long as it has three expresso shots. Kirishima loves flavored creamers, a glutton for the seasonal creamer that comes out in the grocery store.
You roll your eyes as he blatantly hints that he's a pumpkin spice whore.
Izuku's you already know because it once surprised you as it does the whole crowd now.
As if his coffee order determined some personality trait we all missed.
"Oh I like my coffee black." He smiles and the crowd gasps while one fan screams I told you so!!
"And you Bakugou?" The host prompts looking at the last hero on the panel. He sighs angrily before answering.
"Iced, winter summer dont give a shit iced. Heavy heavy cream. Sugar and a pump of vanilla." He snarls crossing his arms as the host was surprised to even get a response from him.
Bakugou's was the only one you never would have guessed. You thought it would be black like Izuku's not the exact same way you took your coffee. Especially not after the time you brought coffee to one of the first meetings with Director Yami, Izuku, yourself and Katsuki. You bought two of your order just to spite Bakugou. Thinking he would be too prideful over ice in his coffee. Little did you know he had a mean petty bone in himself too.
But for it to be his preference? That couldn't be right. Had you ever seen him with an iced coffee before?
You snort as you question if you've ever even paid Bakugou more than a glance before this weekend started.
A few fans ask interesting questions about being students and what the dorms were like.
What their agencies look like and one even begs for a personal story about training with Bakugou was like that Kirishima happily answers while small pops catch your eye.
Oddly enough you're enjoying this Q&A, the vibes and banter that this class had with each other was astounding.
It made your heartache for more and for great friends of your own.
"Okay now the question I know you've all been waiting for!!" The host cannot even finish his question before the crowd erupts again. Some how knowing where he is going while you struggle to guess, "Relationship status!!!"
He seemingly picks members at random, staring with Minta. Who has oddly grown to normal height and even looks like an average person but his eyes still sparkle with that perverted gleam.
"Single." Is said by 16 of the class of twenty.
"Taken." Todoroki says simply, holding up the hand of Momo who sports a larger than life diamond. Mixed emotions are expressed by the crowd briefly before the host turns his quisitive gaze upon Izuku.
He is blushing furiously, fighting to keep his eyes from wandering to a certain brown eyed girl that proclaimed her status as S I N G L E.
"Si..Single." His first stutter of the whole hour and forty five minute event. Women scream as if they've won the lotto.
"Bakugou? Is their anyone special in your life?"
He narrows crimsom into slits before baring his teeth.
"What kinda dumbass questions are these?" It comes out dark but you hear the whimper of some of the women behind you.
"Your fans are dying to know! There isnt a single person for our lone wolf Ground Zero? No one that makes your heart race? Your palms hot? And not with explosions." The host graciously recovers and you see a faint flush creeping on his cheeks. You watch as he clenches his fist, biting the inside of his lip to keep from exploding. He holds a death glare with the host before sucking his teeth, a smile is painted on his lips. A smile that turns deadly cocky.
"The only love I have is for being number one."
Girls swoon in their chairs as some scream.
Something about it makes your stomach clench but honestly are you surprised?
The man would rather have one night stands and only commit to work than to have to commit to another human being. You roll your eyes as the host smiles while agreeing before turning his gaze to bubblegum pink skin.
"Well I did just get this." She says slyly holding up her left hand, showing off a gleaming diamond. The crowd chants 'Who who' like a parliament of owls in the dead of night though you silently chant along with them having last heard of her being single.
"Well he's cute for starters." Mina cooes and you do not miss the blush that rises on the ruby eyed man next to her. Excitement suddenly bubbles in your blood as you wait on the edge of your seat for her to say what you're thinking.
Golden moons suspended in the black of night slide over to her shining gem. The silence of the room is unbearable as more that 150 people wait on baited breath.
"Kirishima yall!" She finally gushes and everyone is over joyous. Documenting it all before the media even had a chance, "I kept it in the dark for so long because I wanted my fans to know first."
And that had you feeling some type of way. Truly struck you as you thought of what that must be like. To be so close to your fans to want to announce to them first. As if they were friends, family. Guilt plagues you for a moment before you make a promise to yourself.
To be a little more open like Mina.
The class picks dinner at a restaurant with outdoor seating, its packed from both business and following flocks of fans keeping you just slightly on edge. You all wait while they gather a table together on the patio beneath the string lights and the slowly setting summer sun. For a moment you're left in the back, feeling like a stranger looking in through the picture window of a dining room.
As if watching the large family sitting around the table eating, laughing, all enjoying one another's company as they feast on the holiday dinner while snow piles high on your shoulders.
You feel the chill and weight now, fighting back to urge to reach out to the nearest bicep, to cling to the strong arm until you can swallow your self pity.
Along with friends you never really had family either. You ate in an empty apartment on every birthday, holiday and any day in between.
As the group is guided to be seated you put on your best mask, the one you wear when you tell people they will be okay when you know full well that their life has been altered forever. That even though the initial danger is over they will have to carry the weight of their trauma for years to come. No one ever mentioned that you too would carry their trauma with you, little pieces tucked neatly away in your pockets and purse.
No one notices your facade as you joke with them, as you feign a laugh.
No one but red eyes.
You sit between Kirishima and Bakugou. Across from Mina and Izuku, who's wide jade eyes are focused to the woman on his right with chocolate brown hair.
Eventually your smile becomes genuine as does your laugh. As if someone saw your withered frame illuminated in the dark night by the warm glow of their dining room staring in.
And instead of scaring you away they invited you in. Moved chairs around to accommodate you, even made you a warm plate.
That's what it feels like anyway when you laugh at Kirishima's joke at Bakugou's expense.
"How the fuck was I supposed to know she wasn't going to like spicy?!" Katsuki growls after Kirishima finishes a story about an ex girlfriend of Bakugou's who hadn't been in the picture long. Bakugou glares before gathering noodles with his chopsticks. Slurping on the very same spicy ramen from the story.
Kirishima leans in close, ruby eyes glittering with mischief as he whispers in your ear.
"I dare you to take a bite of his Narutomaki and offer him the rest. It's his favorite part."
"Give me 20 bucks and I'll do it." Your eyes mirror his with endless trouble twinkling in the low light. He glances between the ramen and you before a wide toothed smile pulls at his lips.
"Deal." A breath of a whisper. You snatch your chopsticks up and dip into his bowl, grabbing onto the small red and white swirl with ease before taking a bite of. The table is silent as they watch you do the forbidden. One should never steal food from Bakugou, especially not his fish cake.
But you do and then you have the audacity to offer it back gently, sticks poised in a way that the other half is facing him and easy to grab with his mouth should he wish.
He glares at it while the whole table waits with held breath. Izuku watches, ready to pounce with a Kaachan to avert his attention from your ever growing cocky form.
Instead of explosions or a flip of the long table, teeth gingerly take the other half of the fish cake.
You blush furiously as he holds eye contact with you, lips still over chopstick. It was as if the world fell to a black backdrop as he stared up at you.
"Are you sure she's not your girlfriend?" Denki finally asks breaking whatever spell was on the two of you. Bakugou quickly bites down harshly, snapping the chopsticks in his mouth like a heathen. He spits the two tips perfectly into the electric man's food before baring his teeth.
"I'm fucking sure." His tone is deadly before he continues to eat his ramen, "OI the fuck are yall looking at?! Finish your dinner."
Everyone returns to eating but you as you seem to almost be frozen in place. Replaying what just happened. How could someone so...so...so God damn harsh be so gentle. Or even look up at you with a gaze that was heated with something other than malice or hate for you.
You're brought back to reality when Kirishima offers you another set of plastic chopsticks.
"Yea I think you might owe me forty now." You joke and his laugh rings out over the patio.
"Desert anyone?" The waiter asks from behind you. You turn with glee, ready to announce that you will have the death by chocolate cake, that is until you are met with forest green eyes that are trained solely on you. No notepad in sight as the rest of the former class belts out what their sweet tooth is craving.
Your mouth goes dry and you fight to keep the blood from draining in your cheeks. You look over his face noting the odd, slightly hysterical smile he wears as you force yourself to control your face. Bringing your features into that of boredom, if he knew you recognized him that would only solidify the validity of his stalking.
Truly giving his actions purpose as to how he got here and how the hell he got a uniform for the restaurant.
"I'll take my check please." Your voice comes out apathetic as you turn away from him but before you do you notice the hurt that flashes in his eyes.
"Coming right up miss." His voice comes out smooth, normal but you hear the difference. The odd undertone that comes with an unstable mind that believes they are entitled to what they want.
It is a voice you will not be able to get out of your head soon enough.
You cannot stop your hand as it flies under the table to grip onto Bakugou's thigh with sharp nails biting through the fabric of his pants. He parts his lips to yell but his threat for you to be patient dies in his throat when he feels just how tightly you're holding onto him.
Hard enough to shake from the strain of holding back. Your petite hand glowing faintly. He looks over his shoulder then but cannot see anything out of the ordinary before his eyes shift back to your hand.
He does not let his eyes linger long knowing that anything over a second would give you away. Even as you laugh with Mina, your hand stays glued to his thigh.
You fight the urge to cling to Bakugou or Izuku as the three of you walk down the darkened streets. You're exhausted, angry and more than ready to take a scalding hot shower before going to bed. Once you three walk through the lobby doors you sprint up the stairs, too impatient for the elevator as you stare at room number 404 you remember that your key lies inside, forgotten on the coffee table.
No matter, you've picked plenty of locks or had the door seemingly open from within with your power many times before. You flick your wrist and the door opens of it's own accord before you slam it shut rushing into the bathroom to peel off your second skin.
You hear grumbling from the hall and your ears just barely pick up Bakugou's words.
"I still have her damn card."
"Just hold onto it Kaachan, she's had a long day.
Their doors slam in unison and the sound still causes you to jump although you knew the sound was coming. You take a few collected breaths as the soothing steam fills your lungs as it does the small bathroom.
The vapor dances in the light as you attempt to towel dry your hair and mostly fail.
You give up half way through, abandoning the towel as you exit the bathroom to the small bedroom. You see a shadowy figure sitting in the chair by the bedside and flick your wrist flinging it into the ceiling for it to come crashing back down before you flick on the lights.
You laugh bitterly to yourself when you see the lewd shirtless Bakugou staring up at you, having somehow forgot your ridiculous purchase and good time.
A heavy exhale leaves you as you dig in your bag, finding the bralette and cheeky black underwear you planned to wear for bed. Sliding them over your thick frame with ease, flopping on the bed with the Bakugou pillow. Looking at his flushed cheeks give you a laugh, bringing you back to leaning against his muscular frame to reach your wallet.
The way he looked up at you beneath long lashes, how his eyes held new life. No longer were you under his scorching gaze, it had softened. Become warm.
Your own cheeks burn as you slam the pillow down.
"So Kaachan the fish cake is your fav huh?" You ask softly to yourself as you force memories of him yelling at you during missions to the forefront of your mind.
It works for the time being, you punch the pillow in its "gut" before turning on your side trying hard for sleep.
Just as you begin to loose where your dream starts and your conciousness ends you hear talking in the hall.
God you hated hotels as you're woken by the commotion. They are drunk from the likes of it, screaming of how great of a time they had as they make their way down the hall. You turn facing the door with a growl, squeezing your eyes shut.
You hear footsteps again but this time they do not bypass your door and they seem to stand before it. You prop yourself up on your elbow as you hear the door jiggle.
"Are you sure this is her room?"
Your heart begins pounding in your chest, you know that voice.
You were determined to commit it to memory despite only hearing a sentence from its owner
"Yes I'm sure."
"Give me a key." The voice comes out dark and your throat dries as you silently shift from the bed onto the carpet with bare feet.
"I cant. I shouldnt have even brought you this far cuzzo."
"Useless." He snarls as he activates his quirk, a flesh colored liquid pools beneath the door, struggling to get in through the cracks.
You back up until your hands are pressed against smooth glass. You gently ease the door open before sliding it shut behind you. You stand on the balcony looking left and then right before wondering which room is fucking which.
Was Deku to the right? The left? You weren't sure as time ticked by too quickly. His quirk must not have worked so you watched the door handle jiggle again causing your skin to crawl as you scramble to the balcony to your left.
You hoped and prayed two things.
One that whomever was trying break into your room would leave once he was unsuccessful.
And two that you were not on the balcony of a certain hot head as you eased yourself into the flimsy plastic chair.
You couldn't stand the thought of showing him any more vulnerability this comic con. You hug your knees as the voices and bangs from the hall are drowned out by the loud traffic below.
Wishing for this nightmare to end.
Oh but my sweet child it had just begun.
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Lola Thomas
Will she friend us on Facebook yet? Lola has been accepted! Send in your blog and faceclaim!
out of character info
Name/Alias: lexi (yeah im gonna try this again because looks like the negativity is GONE. BLESS.)
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 18
Join Our Discord: Yeaaaah
Timezone: central
Activity: 7 ( i do work so activity will prolly bump before 2pm and after 8pm lmao )
Triggers: nada
Password: jimmy can fast pass my ass ;))
Character that you’re applying for: Lola Thomas
Favourite ships for your character: going in this with a clean slate so try and give me a favorite ship? ’,:)
in character info
Full name: Lola Diane Thomas
Birthday: May 20th.
Sexuality, gender, pronouns: pansexual, female, she/her
Age and grade: 16 (almost 17) && senior.
Faceclaim: Taylor Hill
Head: Lola is what you call a tall glass of water. She’s refreshingly attractive. Her eyes are neither blue or green but a weird combination of the two colors, making them pop against her naturally darkened complexion. Her hair is soft and wavy and like to tangle near the ends by the time Lola is out of school and on the way to work. It’s color likes to change with the rare sunlight, meaning if she is outside in the sun all day every day natural highlights will appear in her honey chestnut tresses. Her nose is like a little button that deserves to be booped constantly. Her lips are full and plump- to that she owes genetics. Lola believes it is her only good trait.
Body: A natural looker. She stands at about 5'8, so be prepared if you’re tiny. She will tower you with her legs for DAYS.  She doesn’t have particularly large assets but they are there. And it’s a nice handful on either side of the equator. You just gotta look for them behind her non-stop barrage of sweaters. She likes to say she has a white girl booty- its cute && snooty. Her shoulders and cheeks are very, very, lightly dusted in freckles you can only see in the winter. Despiter her tall figure, Lola is NOT a bean pole, she’s slim thicccc weighing about 145 pounds and it’s not in her face.
Style: Lola dresses like she lives in Goodwill, trendy and thrifty. She would kill for knee socks and button up blouses. She aims to look like ‘The classic look of a teenager in the 90’s’. Her shoes will never don a heel for she believes she is 'too tall’ for them. She likes to keep a mellow color scheme for all her clothing items. Tan, green, white. Sometimes she looks like the first instagram post you see tagged * v i n t a g e. *
First off let’s get this straight, with Lola it’s not a personality but more of how she adopts a personality to fit each social clique she is suckered into that day. If you dig deeep deeeeeep down pass the meme references and pop culture shout outs- she’s awfully shy and hates making the first move in ANY kind of situation. She is sympathetic to most of the problems she hears- other than relationship ones. What’s a feeling for someone else other than your cat? She doesn’t get it. Skittish doesn’t even cover how much of a fraidy cat she is.. One little boo when she’s not expecting it is enough to get Lola to shriek and jump three feet into the air. She does have a nuturing instinct, finding it rather difficult to see anyone lonely or upset.
Once you get to know Lola, she is a sweetheart with a soul of gold. She would freeze in the frigid temperatures to keep her friend warm. She’s the girl who will sneak you into her house so you dont have to go home if you’re scared too or can’t. She is quite snarky however- as if a dam broke and every witty thought ever spun in her head rushes out. Once you get her talking about something she is personally interested in, good luck shutting her up. Lola is also a very superstitious person. Never one too step on a crack or split a pole. Her biggest quirk would have to be her need for reassurance that her jokes are funny. She thinks of herself as a comedian but is already sure everyone thinks she is trying too hard. She is a rather dull girl on the outside, moody and solemn. But if you can crack into her cold shell there’s an ooey gooey sweetness inside. Lola is often easily upset- movies to road kill make her tear up. Anytime she even gets mad the salry reminders if her lameness well up in her eyes. And that only pisses her off more.
Despite having a cool exterior she can and will snap- just push the right buttons. 
Lola wouldnt deem herself an outcast yet she would always feel that way. Whether she was cheering with the girls or writing lists with Jenny, her feelings were uncontrollable. Her anxiety makes it impossible to determine if someone is being nice to her or if they have a plot to harm her. In middle school, Lola secretly dreamt of becoming a goth kid- going as far as painting her nails black for two years. But her fears never made her set out to do it. Plus everyone was a little then so isn’t that technically confirming? Her school work was the only thing Lola was ever certain in. Work was easy, you couldn’t fuck it up by being a complete oddball. It was practically memorization. After starting high school, Lola was practically a wallflower. Hell she was the wall and the flower all wrapped in one. She dropped every friendship and dedicated herself to her studies and her pets. After she got a job she was allowed to have them finally and her fur babies were the only things she cared about truly and deeply. For they could never hate their mother.
Things were always tough for Lola, socially or economically, but that didn’t mean her childhood sucked. It just meant instead of a Barbie dreamhouse for Christmas she got the summer edition Barbie. Not a house. Just the doll. Jealousy is an emotion often clouding her anxieties and judgement on people. It caused her to lose her best friend since.. Well, as long as she could remember. Lola grew jealous and almost possessive over Jenny. She probably didn’t mean too but when she saw Jenny getting along with people when she couldnt caused a burning rage to settle in her chest. It got so bad Lola didnt even speak to anyone for a week before blowing up and ruining her only real friendship.
Just because she looks innocent doesn’t mean the brunette is. There are probably a few flat tires and keyed cars residing in South Park that are Lola’s own doing. Not to mention she is a total bystander. You wanna skip school? Cool, yeah I’ll watch for a teacher. You wanna smoke pot in the bathroom? It’s all good as long as she gets a hit. These are all childish 'bad behaviors’ but as Lola sees it, there’s no point in trying that hard to be bad. After all the one time she tried it, the poor thing almost died from hypothermia after blindly listening to a slumber party dare.
You aren’t supposed to sneak out in slumber parties. Or streak in Wal-Mart. Or jump of a bridge into negative temp waters. But these are all things Lola did too prove she was cool. And it ended up with her grounded, being hospitalised for pneumonia, and gaining a large fear of heights. And a hatred for party games.
Sample paragraph:
Of course, it was another cold blustery day. Chestnut tresses fluttered in front of her sight along the whole way home, it didn’t matter how many times she forcefully blew the bangs out of her face- they always flopped back down. Numbing fingers clutched tighter to the soft cloth lining of her jacket pockets. The index fingers and thumbs of both hands pinching at the materiel. Gosh- why is it always freezing? Dull orbs flittered around the blank scenery of the all too familiar path from her house to the school. The only sounds Lola could hear were the crunching of her flats against the snow and the wind whipping furiously around her. Boring. It was all white and boring. Lola was tired of being bored. She imagined that would be the only feeling she could muster for the rest of her life and it made the corners of her glossed lips tug down.
She shook her head as if to clear the thoughts instantly, humming a tune to distract herself as she continued on her trek.
One step, two step, three step…
…Sixteenth step-
Lola really needed a friend. A small sigh lifted her chest and as it billowed past her mouth she noticed movement in her peripherals. Was she really looking down this whole time like an idiot? How embarrassing! She clenched her hands into fists, further rumpling the jacket from its own pockets. Avoiding any kind of eye contact she swayed over to the side near the street and hurried her steps along. Too fast to count now. She passed the figure and her hands slowly unfurled. The blood rushing to her digits made them quite warm and her face flushed as well. God she was awkard.
Just as she thought she was in the clear, Lola felt a tap on her shoulder and her heart stuttered in its cavity as she stumbled to a stop. Fuck.
🌟 owns a bike but rarely rides it.
🌟 has one cat- a black kitten named sparrow.
🌟 also two rats- yin and yang which are little chocolate colored sisters.
🌟 3.8 GPA
🌟 wants to learn french
🌟 owns a polaroid camera kinda girl
🌟 gardens in her free time
Anything else:
Im really insecure so if it takes me time to reply its cuz im demeaning myself and my baby and my words. 
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