#if the made a founders prequel I’d watch it
kankuroplease · 2 years
Why do you think so many people in the naruto fandom like the founders era and it’s characters so much
I can’t speak for others on why they may like the founders era, but I like the potential of every character, the bonds, and world building.
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cognitivecapricorn · 5 years
A Pre-Sequel? The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
So I’ve watched both the 1980s movie and Age of Resistance. 
Maybe it’s because I saw the movie first and then the series, and I know fully aware that the series is supposed to be a prequel, but I purpose that the series is instead a pre-sequel.
So first, what is a pre- sequel?
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In laymans terms it’s a sequel that can tell a prequel story
Some examples: 
Lion King one and a half
Boarderlands the Pre-Sequel
So in the case of The Dark Crystal, I’ve found evidence that can suggest that Age of Resistance can be a prequel while telling a sequel story that is after the movie.
Spoiler warnings are now ahead if you haven’t watched either...
Disclaimer, I know there are novels as well, but I am only going to focus on the relationship between the 1980s movie and the new series.
Case one, The Ending of The Movie and the Opening to the Series
In the 80s movie it is very much stated that the urRu and the skeksis were once one being but split. When the movie ends, they are joined back as one and the Crystal is restored. They leave the crystal in the care of the Gelflings. 
In the intro to AoR it talks about the Gelflings came together to form the great clans and watched over the crystal. It was only until AFTER the Skeksis came that they then turned their loyalty towards them instead of the crystal. 
Also in the intro, Mother Aughra has a new laboratory because in the movie her former lab was destroyed when the Skeksis were trying to hunt for Jen. So that only tells me that some time after the crystal was restored, either by the Gelfling or the Skeksis, someone helped her build a new laboratory before she went into that deep sleep into the stars. 
So this, to me shows a sequence of events that can flow from the movie to the series instead of the other way around. 
Case two, The Heretic & urGoh 
In the later episodes of season one, we are introduce to a Skeksis named “The Heretic”, the reason he is dubbed so is because he sided with his urRu counter part. And he tells Rian, Brea, Deet and Hup about the concepts that were the main plot of the 80s movie.
He tells them that the Skeksis and urRu were once one being and talks about the prophecy. 
So, here’s the question: How would the Heretic know about those things if this is supposed to took place before the movie? 
If you’ve notice, none of the other Skeksis talk about that throughout season one. The only others who bring mention to it are: The Hunter, The Archer, and Mother Aughra.
Since we know Mother Aughra has been around for both instances as well, my mini theory is that when Skeksis and urRu were split again, some of them chose to reject their past and chose to revert back to their former lives as lords of the crystal. Thus when the Heretic didn’t, they expunged him from their ranks, thus earning his namesake. This is also a choice in that, when you compare, all the Skeksis kept their names. It wasn’t a case of- “oh they follow their predecessors likeness” no, they ALL know and they ALL remember what their past was like.
But unlike the Heretic, they chose to reject it. 
So, when the Heretic saw the corruption spread, he took the necessary steps to try and “reenact” the prophecy from the movie, with Rian, Deet, and Brea. More specifically, when Brea discovers Lore at the bottom of the castle and they journey to the Circle of the Suns. (Of which I personally think is the ruins of the old castle from the movie, further proving that The Heretic remained and actively remembers what happened from the movie)  
Case three, Maudra Argot the Shadow Bender
Ok ok hear me out on this. I know this character doesn’t have a big role to play but she is very interesting in the grand scheme of things.
First, let’s talk about her origins. She is the Maudra of the Grottan clan. They’re the cave dwellers and live among the wildlife of Thra. They are down to earth, humble, and care about Thra arguably the most out of all the clans. They care about the well being of the natural balance and they house one of the Sanctuary Trees. 
If you’ve seen the movie as well, you’d know this fits like a glove with none other, than Kira. 
So, I purpose that Kira is the founder or at least the ancestor to the Grottan Clan. Also, Argot does something that very well may link her lineage to Kira even more:
Argot can call a landstrider. 
It may not seem like a big deal because Vapra domesticated them before. But the difference is that Argot can call a wild one on demand. And she says and I quote “I still remember some tricks from topside!” - Season one episode 9
This stuck out cause for the most part aside from Deet, none of the other Grottan venture to the surface. Argot has apparently. 
Also in episode 9, she says that Rian’s father wielded the Dual Glaive and trusted her with half of it after the Arathim Wars. 
So this lets us know that:
The Gelfling have been around long enough to wage wars against the Arathim. 
The Dual Glaive and the fact a Gelfling is always the one wielding has been a constant in both the series and the movie.
The Heretic must have known that the cycle of the Skeksis lust for power was doomed to repeat itself so he made PREVENTATIVE measures for such an occasion. 
Also to throw into the whole Argot mix, look at her full name “The Shadow Bender”.
Now you don’t just give out badass names like that on a whim. She knows far more than what’s been lead on, and possibly did a lot in her prime. Gelfling life expectancy isn’t really expressed in the movie or the series, but if there’s any connection between Kira and Argot, I’d say she could be a very great grand-daughter of some kind. 
The parallels seem too coincidental imo. 
Counter arguments
As I said, I know the initial intention for AoR is to be a prequel 
Dreamfasting being this new concept in the movie between Jen and Kira
Jen and Kira surviving the downfall of their clans
The Scientist creating the Garthim 
I get it, don’t worry...
However that doesn’t mean it could also hold some sequel elements while still telling a prequel story. It has been done before in the case of The Godfather Part 2:
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Also I want to point out, this is a series that’s driven by the cycle momentum.
Meaning that after X amount of time the cycle repeats itself. Same concept different characters.
You’ve seen this with other series like:
Dark Souls
Avatar the Last Airbender
And many other shows were it involves certain events repeating themselves. Who’s to say that the cycle in the 80s movie is a precursor to the cycle in the series? Maybe it’s vice-versa!
All in all, this is just my thoughts and theories on the relationship between the two. 
If you made it this far, thanks for taking some time out to read it I know it’s a lot!
And please, no rude comments thanks!  
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
To Fight For The One You Love (2/?) (A “Harmony” Story)
So this fic has also been swapped out from WIPBB and put into a series! I named the fic series after the planet that is in the book series this fic is inspired by, and I’m going to write prequels and whatnot about how Khan ended up on the planet, how Molly lived on Harmony before moving to New London and the actual event that brought them together, so this is, eventually, going to end up in the middle of the series. But please enjoy some more of this story (especially @the-consulting-strange-vidder, who asked for it initially!)
To Fight For The One You Love - Something is peculiar about his flatmate, Molly Hooper. In a new world where nearly everyone has a superhuman ability of some sort, Molly seems...different. And she arrives home early in the morning all beat up to Hell. What is she doing? Khan is determined to find out.
She was rotating her head to stretch her neck the morning after he’d stayed up late into the night, thinking of her. In more ways than just concern, he had come to realize, and it had left him with restless sleep and an air of irritability this morning that he knew his assistant would catch. But for Molly, no irritability, especially as there were bruises on her arms in the shape of fingers, the palm prints and finger marks large enough to be a man’s.
“What do you do each night?” he asked, his voice almost like a purr, startling her as he came up behind her.
“I do what I need to do to survive,” she said, speaking in almost a huff as if she was offended he even ask. “I go to the tombs and trigger the traps for the hunters if you must know. Nothing can kill me, it just hurts for a moment.”
His eyes widened at that. The planet that they had all escaped to had been inhabited by a race that had seemingly abandoned it, leaving behind elaborate structures that always glowed a soft white, though brighter at night than during the day. He had no idea she was involved in the sordid and sometimes shady business of the hunters, and that explained why her home had been ransacked.
“There’s no need to do that, you know. I can support your clinic if you wish,” he said, his fingers lightly ghosting over the bruises on her arm. “The hunters aren’t…?”
She flushed. “The bruises are from them pulling me from the traps to safety. I keep telling my crew that I’m effectively immortal, but they don’t want to take the chance, not when I’m the one with the most medical knowledge if things go south.” She flushed as she said it because his implication had indeed been that they were not taking advantage of her sexually. He didn’t like the idea of her being taken by force, even by him, and he was the type to act first and ask later when those impulses took over, though usually no more than heady kissing. He knew the difference between consensual and nonconsensual acts.
“So super healing was your gift from this world,” he asked, moving his finger off her skin.
“Yes. There was an accident. I took a scalpel to the femoral artery and even though I bled I could still function. Out of curiosity, I pulled the scalpel out and the wound healed on its own. I think short of decapitation I can live through...well, anything.”
That was curious. She was like he was on Earth, it seemed, though he wondered if her blood had similar curative properties as he had. Perhaps he would tell her more later, but for now, he wanted her to be safe. His family, the ones not as well off, who insisted they could survive on this planet by themselves, needed her services and he…
Well, perhaps he simply needed her.
“Do you need an extra hand?” he asked and she looked up at him in surprise. “I got most of your items back, but knowing what you do means someone was looking for something. I can only keep you safe so far here and at the clinic; if you go into the tombs I can’t.”
“I can take care of myself, you know,” she replied.
“Then why do you stay with me?” he asked, tilting his head as he looked at her.
“Because it’s...because I...” She shook her head and went back to the task of kneading bread. He had noticed she started every day by making something baked and he had to admit, it made this place seem more homelike. He had never really had a home before, not even on Earth, and this made it feel as though there was a reason to stay.
Though it was not as if they could return to Earth. Only three-quarters of the ships had made it through the portal to this world when the portals unexpectedly closed, stranding the original settlers here on the planet known as Harmony. While most of the enclaves had settled to new rules regarding marriages and relationships, meant to keep the obedience of those in the land, those who settled in New London had rebelled. They were the British contingent; it was to be expected. Marriage was still the norm, but children born as bastards did not mean the couple must form or stay in a union.
He himself had been one of those types of children on Earth, and so through his own effective immortality, he had outlived most of the original settlers, made himself an important man. The Augments such as himself had integrated themselves in New London society, and they had made things better for those children left behind. He went by John Harrison here, a businessman and philanthropist who was a mystery to most. But not, it seemed, to Molly. He looked at her and then nodded. It was home here for the both of them, not just him.
“When did you stop aging?” he asked.
She chuckled a bit, glad for the change in topic. “Twenty years ago. I hit my mid-thirties and then just seemed to not age a day. I’m in my fifties now, but am as spry and sharp as a twenty-year-old.”
“I’m quite similar,” he said. “Though admittedly, much older.”
She tilted her head and gave him a quizzical look. “How old, exactly?”
“I was among the first settlers on Harmony,” he said simply. Her eyes widened at that and her jaw dropped. Not many people knew the truth, but since he had gotten an answer from her that she was, indeed, more like him than he had initially realized, and he trusted her, he felt she should know the truth. “I worked the tombs in Old Cadence, made my fortunes as a Hunter, then came here when New London was established by those who wanted more freedom.”
“I...see,” she said. “Christ, that means you’re...old.”
“I am different than many of the other settlers from Earth. I am known in Old Earth history as an Augment. There was much going on but when the Earth was destroyed myself and those like me joined among the exploration, leading others to space. We were among the few non-humans to get through the portal before it closed.”
“There are others?” she asked.
“Some of the very founders of New London,” he replied. “We had been persecuted and banished, but we were, and still are, quite fair. The original purpose for which we were augmented has passed and we’ve settled. We keep those that use their planet gifted powers for wickedness at bay, for the most part. We work with the guilds in other cities and in some cases hold positions in the background at the highest offices, if we don’t hold those high positions outright. I was a leader once, but I’m content to protect those who have no protection now.”
“Your philanthropic work, helping me keep the clinic open,” she said.
“I saw the cruelty of man. I was cruel, for a time. I have learned the error of my ways, and as we have no way back to Earth, if it’s even hospitable, we’ve made ourselves a place here. You may have heard tales of the immortals? That’s essentially what we are. We have eternal youth, super healing. We can be killed but it’s very hard.” He nodded towards her. “You may be the child of an augment yourself. It was theorized our genetic compatibility with regular humans would allow us to pass our genetic line forward, though most refuse to have children with non-augments.”
“So my healing ability...it’s not from the planet?” Molly asked.
“Perhaps not. But that means you could still have an ability, or have one you don’t realize yet.” He watched as her dust bunny Toby jumped up on her shoulder, chittering the way all dust bunnies did. Her ball of fluff was a bright orange, almost like the ginger cats of Old Earth. She reached over and gave it a cookie, and it hopped off her shoulder and then over to him. “Molly gave you a cookie, Toby. Finish that one and I’ll give you another.”
Molly smiled, the first one she had given him since the conversation started. “You’re going to spoil him.”
“I’d spoil you if you’d let me,” he said simply.
“Maybe,” she said. “But...if you’re serious about finding out why my home was vandalized, we have another tomb to get into tonight. I leave at midnight.”
He nodded. “I’ll come with you, then.”
“Alright. Now I need to finish this bread and let it start to rise for the day, and then off to work I go. I suppose if you want to spoil me you can start by updating my examination suites?”
He came over and took her flour-covered hand, kissing the back of it. “Your wish is my command.” With that, he let go of her hand and made his way to his office. There was work to do and more research to put into who would go after a full-time doctor/part-time tomb trap diffuser and why, and he only had until midnight today to start on it.
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On the twenty-second day of Christmas, fanfiction gave to me... Thewaterfalcon! Find her stories on fanficiton.net, check her out on tumblr @thewaterfalcon, and read her interview below!
Getting to Know You
HAFH: Tell us how you fell in love with Harry Potter    
TWF: I’ve been a fan right from the start, I was introduced to Philosopher’s Stone when I was about 8 (1998), I was always a bit reader, especially as a child, but from that moment not many books have ever come close.
HAFH: Who is your favorite Character? Which is your favorite book? Why?      
TWF: Ron, he gets such a hard time in ff but he’s my favourite. I think he’s the one I always connected to the most, he felt the most real to me, I like that he made the mistakes that he did, and that he didn’t particularly have a lot of love for his classes, but I think mostly, I just relate to how he frequently didn’t feel good enough. And then, of course, he still helped save the world! My favourite book is a toss up between PoA, and OotP, they’re the ones that I’ve gone back and read the most times. PoA because I love how we were introduced to the Marauders, and how you can re-read and see that there is so much more depth to the story than you first thought (Remus seeing Harry, the spitting image of his old best friend on the train, for example). OotP because it made me laugh the most, some of my favourite chapters in the entire series are the ones in Grimmauld Place, I love that even despite the frightening state of affairs (Voldemort having just returned, etc), there was this sort of community/family feel during those parts.
HAFH: What is your favorite book (outside of HP)?    
TWF: The Lord of the Rings series, I’ve read them close to the amount of times I’ve read HP. I absolutely adore the world Tolkien gave us, the scope of the history, characters, and story are just incredible in my eyes.
HAFH: What are your favorite holiday traditions?      
TWF: Crafts, baking, decorating, etc are all staples. We go to Christmas Markets when we can, oh, and our tree topper is a penguin called Chris, who sits on top of a bookcase all year until Christmas!
HAFH: Do you like the holidays?      
TWF: Yes! I’m such a typical mum at Christmas, it’s all about the kids, and I love it all!
HAFH: Share one of your strengths and one of your weaknesses. Doesn’t have to be writing related!      
TWF: My ability to overcome is the strength I pride myself on the most. One weakness is that I can be incredibly oversensitive.
HAFH: What other hobbies do you have?      
TWF: I’m a watercolour painter, and fan artist, and I spend copious amounts of my time perfecting my bullet journal.
HAFH: Do you write anything outside of Harry Potter fanfiction?    
TWF: Yes, one day I would like to release an original work, I write bits and pieces of non-ff, but I haven’t got enough of an idea in mind yet.
HAFH: What are you doing when you're not obsessing about Harry Potter or fanfiction?    
TWF: Adulting, or bullet journalling.
General Fanfiction
HAFH: Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.    
TWF: I’ll take angst over fluff any day, I prefer rarer pairings, and a little bit of some smutty goodness wouldn’t go amiss.
HAFH: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?    
TWF: Oh my gosh, this is a really hard question! Can I alter it a teeny bit? I’d finish avis1756’s Unintentional Magic.
HAFH: If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose? Any actors you would hope play your characters?      
TWF: The History of Magic, because I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch Hogwarts come to life for the first time. My fancasts for Rowena and Salazar are Katie McGrath (she plays Morgan le Fay in ‘Merlin’), and Michael Fassbender.
HAFH: If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?      
TWF: If I *had* to choose, I think I’d pick Ronsy.
HAFH: Do you have a muse? What is it?! If not, where do you get your ideas?    
TWF: Primarily music; a lot of my stories are inspired by songs.
HAFH: Do you read fanfiction? Do you read similar or different things than you write?      
TWF: I don’t read it as much as I would like, but I try to write different things, that I haven’t seen before..
HAFH: Share three of your favorite fic writers and what you like about them.    
TWF: Clementine Mack; because I adore how she takes lesser known characters and gives them so much life, particularly her Millicent Bulstrode, she does for Millicent what I try to do for Pansy, she gives her this normality, and likeability, but with an unapologetic realness.      
dulce.de.leche.go ; because I find myself so drawn into the words she writes, there’s such a depth and beauty to her words that I just lap her stories up.        
@shayalonnie, because in my eyes she’s the best at what we do! Her stories aren’t simply stories, they’re epics.
HAFH: Share three of your favorite fanfictions and what you like about them.     
TWF: Savage Heart - Clementine Mack, because somehow, despite werewolf fics being fairly popular, she has managed to weave such an originality in the story and characters that it doesn’t even feel like a fanfiction now.        
The Debt of Time - ShayaLonnie, for the same reasons that everyone adores DoT! It made me feel everything, fall in love with the Marauders and feel even more connected to the canon story.       
His Little Bird - thewanderer’swanderingdaughter, this one is rough, there’s no getting around that, it’s one of the darkest I’ve read, but I was beyond pulled into it, the writing is incredible and, even though I found it hard to read due to its content, I really, really liked how the author dealt with various issues.
HAFH: Does what you read affect what or how you write? If yes, how so?      
TWF: I would say so, yes. I guess in a similar vein to how a musician often finds it difficult to just listen to music without scrutinising it, I do the same when I’m reading now, I’m constantly analysing how sentences flow, or whether the writer has done something grammatically different than I would have. If I really love a particular sentence, or passage, I often save it in my phone.
HAFH: How long have you been reading and writing fanfiction?      
TWF: I’ve read ff on and off for quite a few years, I’ve only been writing since May, so I’m a relative baby compared to lots of other authors!
Published Works
HAFH: Have you ever deleted one of your published fics? Why?      
TWF: I have not.
HAFH: Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
TWF: This is from Darkened Skies, one of the things I really wanted to address in this story is how Neville went from the accident prone target of bullies, to absolute bad ass. In canon we don’t really see this fully, because obviously the trio aren’t at Hogwarts during 7th year, and so it was fun to really dig deep with Neville in this way, also, DS has the slowest burn and this is right before Neville and Pansy finally kiss, so it was just great to get to this moment:
‘She smiled up at him. His face, which she had began to see as rather physically appealing from the minute he entered the carriage on the train, now had a whole new effect on her. She still marvelled at how good looking he had become, of course, but now there was more; he had a perfected rigidity to his jaw, and a deep sorrow in his eyes that she was certain, or perhaps she merely hoped that, nobody else could see. There was real pain and sadness in Neville Longbottom and knowing, and seeing, that, broke Pansy’s heart almost every day. And yet, despite the hurt, she knew there was also hope, and light. She saw it mostly in Herbology, an ambition in his eyes when Professor Sprout engaged him, or when Professor Flitwick commended his impressive spellwork. His Gryffindor fire was sometimes so close to the surface, she half expected his eyes to burn a deep red.
Their peers no longer regarded him in the way they once did, with mockery and pity. His abilities as a wizard had increased tenfold and his blatant defiance in the face of the Carrows’ proved he was no longer one to be trifled with. In fact, Pansy highly doubted whether Neville Longbottom would ever give anyone reason to truly make fun of him again.
Pansy smiled at his words, but said nothing. Instead,she let her head fall to the side, feeling comfortable enough, yet still nervous at first, to rest her head on his shoulder. She felt him altogether stiffen at her advance and then, all of a sudden, his whole body relaxed entirely, and she felt his head flop to the side, to rest against hers. His hand then reached for hers, and he grasped it in his own as their fingers interlaced.’
HAFH: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
TWF: This is from The History of Magic, I tried hard to really capture the Founder’s personalities, and I wanted to inject a bit of humour into the scene, and I hope I did a good job:
“And what if, at eleven years old they do not quite show the bravery of an ox-”
“I prefer lion, the lion is an animal of absolute grandeur.”
Helga narrowed her eyes at Godric. “Fine, the courage of a lion.”
“Much better!” Godric responded, this time earning him a most uncharacteristic, actual glare from Helga.
“Hush, Godric! Or, the intellect of a...a…”
“I’ve always admired the eagle, most intelligent creature,” Rowena interjected.
“...an eagle, then. Or the resourcefulness, and cunning, of...” this time Helga did not attempt to think of the relevant creature herself, instead simply gazing at Salazar, who replied without hesitation.
“A snake.”
“Of course,” Helga snapped, her arms now flailing in annoyance, much to the amusement of the other three. “a snake, so what happens? What if these children are not particularly brave, intelligent, or cunning? When their greatest attributes are kindness, or dedication, or patience, what then?”
“Well, one would assume, they would be in your House,” Godric answered the question Rowena was sure Helga had actually not wished for an answer to.
“Yes, yes they will! I shall take all the rest. And shame on all of you for not having the same attitude!” The small woman ended haughtily into a pregnant silence.
“Well, that is very kind of you, Helga,” Rowena said after a while, unable to bear the awkward quiet that had befallen the four friends. “What creature do you feel you would like to represent the House of Hufflepuff?”
Helga was taking deep breaths, and the reddening of her cheeks told Rowena that Helga was probably feeling a sense of embarrassment over her outburst.
“A badger.”
HAFH: Which fic has been the hardest to write?
TWF: More than Life, it came from this tiny idea, and I started it with virtually nothing, it’s one I should have planned out properly, first. It’s an entirely canon-compliant Hinny, and has none of my usual elements involved. It is however, my most popular!
HAFH: Which fic has been the easiest to write?
TWF: Need You Now; my filthy Ronsy smut-fest . I wrote that bad boy basically in one go, it came to me super easily.
HAFH: What is your favorite story you have every written?
TWF: Darkened Skies, it’s my baby. It started me on the journey of a writer and gave me this incredible outlet. I owe DS a lot.
Writing Process
HAFH: What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
TWF: Write to express, not to impress.
HAFH: What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
TWF: Work on only one thing at a time. Now, please don’t think I mean that this is bad advice overall, as I’m sure for many others it isn’t, but for me, and the way my inspiration comes to me, I tend to work on one fic for a while, and then not touch it for a while, whilst I concentrate on another, this helps me immensely as I know how easily I lose heart in a project, this way keeps all my work fresh.
HAFH: Describe your perfect writing conditions.
TWF: A pristine desk, a view that involved water in some capacity, and tea on demand! (typical Brit here!)
HAFH: Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
TWF: I outline my big fics, yes. Nothing too fancy, but I like to have a timeline, and bullet point what plot points are going to happen roughly in each part of the story.
HAFH: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
TWF: If a later scene comes to me, I will write it, but mostly start to finish.
HAFH: Describe the process a chapter goes through before being posted.*
TWF: I sometimes jot down some bullet points of what I’m including. I’ll try to finish writing a chapter in a few days. I then add it to the file in my drive, and let my beta know it’s there. Once it’s beta’d, I will publish.
HAFH: How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
TWF: I have two plunnies hopping about, one is a Ronsy heavily inspired by Outlander, it’s a Voldemort wins!AU, the other is a prompt I actually entered in the Q&P mistletoe comp, claimed it myself and then decided to delete it because I want to write it later, and longer, and do it justice. It’s a George/Daphne set after the war and deals with George losing Fred, which will be coupled with what has happened to Daphne (but I’m not going to give that away yet!), and how these two unlikely souls find each other, and something to cling to.
HAFH: Would you ever kill off a canon character?
TWF: I try not to, but, I mean, sometimes it calls for it, I killed Harry, Molly, and Arthur in The Whole World without batting an eyelid. On the whole though, I tend not to.
HAFH: Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
TWF: I usually write things that *could be* feasible in canon.
HAFH: Is there a character, book, scene, etc from canon (above all others) that inspires you?*
TWF: It’s actually a film scene, where they’re preparing for the final battle, oh it just gives me all the tingles! It’s one of the things I really feel they got right in the films.
HAFH: Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to? Or one you never would want to write?
TWF: Time turner, I’ve never really had much of a plunny for one though, but I do like them! I’ll probably send Pansy back in time at some point. I don’t think I’d ever write a marriage law.
HAFH: Is writing your passion or a fun hobby?
TWF: I’ve only been writing for seven months, so I’d say fun hobby that is becoming my passion.
HAFH: If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
TWF: I don’t really have any older fics, but I guess once I’m at that point it will be Darkened Skies, because I want it to be perfect.
HAFH: How do you feel about collaborations?
TWF: I’d never collaborate, I know i’d end up falling out with my partner. I think they’re often great in theory, but I know a few people who have had bad experiences with them.
HAFH: What do you look for in a beta?
TWF: Someone I feel comfortable with, and someone who will be my cheerleader, not all the time, but I need it, every now and again.
HAFH: Do you beta yourself? If so, what kind of beta are you?
TWF: I do, currently for two writers, and I’ll look over my friends’ work if they ask.
Works in Progress
HAFH: Talk about your current wips.
TWF: Darkened Skies is a Pansy/Neville story that takes place during 7th year when the trio are away. ‘He was her one and only chance to feel sane, she was his nights spent chasing a hurricane.’ Fire & Ice...and Everything Nice takes place after the war, and involves Pansy and Daphne taking a trip to Romania (no prizes for guessing who one of their love interests is!), it is primarily light hearted and fun, but deals with PTSD, anxiety, depression and panic attacks as a big underlying theme. “The aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts has left Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass alone; torn apart from their once-friends and shunned by the whole of Wizarding Britain. As Pansy is plagued by the worst of memories and left broken, Daphne realises that something needs to change and sets herself a mission, which, once in motion, might just alter both girls' lives forever.”
The Edge of Tonight is a Scorpius/Rose story where I make a pretty dramatic U-turn from how the next-gen are usually portrayed, it’s influenced a lot by how reckless I was as a teenager. “Baby, you are my horizon... Being sixteen is hard; between the endless expectations from being the daughter of not one, but two, war heroes, mediocre school grades and struggling to find her sense of self-worth, Rose Weasley must lean on the three people she trusts above everything, now more than ever. A coming of age story about friendship, love, late nights & poor judgement.”
HAFH: Do you accept prompts?
TWF: I’m not sure, nobody has ever given me a prompt!
HAFH: Which is your favorite site to post fic?
TWF: FFN, but I am slowly posting all my work to A03 also.
HAFH: How do you feel about smut?
I love it, to a point, I don’t overly like PWP, it has to feel natural to me, and be believable in my eyes, for me to enjoy it.
HAFH: How do you deal with trigger warnings in your work?*
TWF: I put them in A/N when they’re required, in fact I’m planning something pretty rough for DS, and I’m going to write a fairly hefty A/N which stipulates that if anyone feels they don’t want to read the chapter in question, then they can message me and I can give them the gist without details, so they can still follow the story, but hopefully avoid being triggered.
HAFH: What kind of feedback do you prefer?
TWF: Positive, haha! I’m not going to lie, I don’t like criticism, but I do my best to take it on the chin when I do get it.
HAFH: Is there anything that you particularly like or don’t like to see in a review?
TWF: Well, I once got told my main pairing ‘would work better as Draco.Hermione’, that didn’t go down very well. I really like it when someone quotes one of my lines, or states that they think I’ve wrote something well.
HAFH: Talk about a review that made your day.
TWF: I honestly love getting pretty much any reviews! There were a couple that touched upon how I was handling Pansy’s PTSD in Fire & Ice, and it was really nice to read that they felt I was doing such a difficult and personal issue justice.
HAFH: Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
TWF: I’ve had a few, most I ignore and/or vent to friends about, I have given a couple of snarky replies though!
Thanks again to Thewaterfalcon for taking the time to answer all of our questions! We’ve so enjoyed getting to know you a little better! Be sure to check out her fics and find her on tumblr! 
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