#if their cuteness cannot sway you their bribery will
nobodyfamousposts · 2 years
Both concepts (Littlebug and Chaton meet ninja turtles) sound really cool, so either option sounds good. :)
Then let's do Overlord/Light Lord/Doll Army!
For the lulz...
(During the class trip to New York...)
Alya: I'm finally gonna see my penpal!
Marinette: Penpal?
Alya: Yeah! It was part of a project back at my old school before I moved to Paris. I became penpals with a girl in New York named April O'neal. And guess what? She's into comics, heroes, and journalism! Just like me!
Marinette: That sounds really cool!
Alya: I'm gonna meet her at the park during our break and we're gonna chat for a bit over lunch!
Marinette: Just make sure to be careful. New York is weird.
Alya: Pfft! Hardly. Sure, she's written about some crazy stuff, but there's no way any of it is true.
Marinette: Like what?
Alya: Like mutants and yokai and papermen and aliens and "mystic" stuff. I mean really! What are the odds of something like that happening in New York?
Marinette: The same as Miraculous and akumas and sentimonsters and "magic" stuff in Paris?
Alya: …
Marinette: …
Alya: …I'm gonna take the Dolls for protection.
Marinette: Your protection or theirs?
Alya: Gotta go! (Grabs bag with Chaton and Littlebug)
Littlebug and Chaton: (Are startled by the sudden movement but let themselves be taken along for a ride)
(At the park, April and Alya meet up)
Alya: Are you April?
April: Alya?
Alya: Oh my gosh! It's awesome to finally meet you!
April: Same!
(The two are chatting. Unbeknownst to them, Littlebug and Chaton have gotten bored in Alya's bag and have snuck out to play.)
April: (Looking at Alya's phone) So this is the Ladyblog?
Alya: Yep! My pride and joy!
April: (Looking over the blog and the posts) And this is all for real? The superheroes and monsters and everything?
Alya: I kid you not. Sometimes I wonder how Paris is still standing…
Chaton: (Finds a carousel and climbs on it)
Littlebug: (Spins the carousel)
Chaton: (Spinning around on the carousel)
Littlebug: (Jumps on)
Alya: Speaking of things you can't believe…were you joking about that stuff you wrote about?
April: What stuff?
Alya: Like…with the mutants? And the demon armor? I mean, I told my friend about it and she freaked out a bit because yeah, things get crazy in Paris, so I want to reassure her it's not real so she doesn't have to worry.
April: …
Alya: …she doesn't have to worry, right?
April: …
Alya: Right?
(Meanwhile, Chaton falls off the carousel, his eyes spinny. Littlebug hops off the carousel and helps the dizzy Chaton to the girls and into one of the bags to rest.)
April: Well, would you look at the time! Gotta go!
Alya: Wait! I need answers!
April: (Grabs her bag and leaves)
Alya: (Huffs) I'm gonna get that scoop sooner or later!
(Alya lifts her bag….then pauses once she notices the weight.)
Alya: (Opens the bag to see no dolls) ….uh oh.
(At the Lair…)
April: Hey, guys! (Sets bag down)
Mikey: Hey, April! What happened?
April: Nothing much. I finally met my penpal today.
Mikey: Ooooo! What's she like?
April: Nice girl…a bit brash though. She's running a blog in Paris that's all about the crazy stuff going on there.
Leo: Mutant crazy or New Jersey crazy?
April: All this stuff about "Miraculous" and monsters and magic. (Pulls up Ladyblog on her phone and shows it to the boys) And a cult apparently?
Leo: Like the Foot?
April: I dunno. Cuter, I guess?
Leo: (Reading) "Join the Light Lord Marinette's followers and get your own doll?" I don't see the appeal.
(Unbeknownst to the assembled group, the dolls have gotten bored and jump out of the bag to explore. Chaton wanders off.)
(Raph has been minding his own business and just finished doing some training so he was putting the equipment away. All that was left were the weights.)
Raph: (Picks up the weights one at a time to put back on the stand)
(A small weight is lifted up to Raph by little hands.)
Raph: Thank you! (Takes the weight and puts it on the stand)
Raph: …wait. (Spins back to see Chaton)
Chaton: (Lifting another small weight, trying to be helpful because Mama taught him to always clean up and put things away when he's done with them)
Raph: …
Chaton: (Smiles)
(Back with the others)
Leo: So monsters and superheroes and ladybugs, oh my!
Donnie: Impossible. If even half of that stuff is true, how do they even keep the city standing?
April: It's magic, I guess?
Mikey: OooooOOOooooo! Magic! Like real magic!
Donnie: Scoff. It's not magic.
Leo: You can't just deny magic in everything.
Donnie: I'll admit to actual magic when it comes alive and beans me in the head.
(A red and black-poka dotted ball smacks Donnie in the back of the head.)
Donnie: …oh hah hah, Leo. Slow clap. (Picks up ball)
Leo: That wasn't me.
Mikey: (Looks behind Donnie) There's nothing back here.
Donnie: See? It was Leo.
Leo: Not everything is my fault!
(Long pause)
Leo: …today, at least.
Donnie: And I suppose one of those "magical creatures" just somehow found their way to the Lair? Without any of us knowing? To just surprise us?
(Suddenly, the sound of Raph screaming from another room can be heard)
April: …
Mikey: …
Leo: …
Donnie: …
Leo: …aren't you gonna…?
Donnie: No. I refuse.
Raph: (Shouting from the other room) AAAAH! DEMON DOLL!
Donnie: It's not magic.
Raph: (Shouting from the other room) MAGIC DEMON DOLL!
Donnie: If I don't acknowledge it, it's not real and I am technically not wrong.
April: DONNIE!
(They run to the other room.)
Raph: (Backs away from Chaton in fear)
Chaton: (Confused)
Raph: Wait! If this is a demon like that creepy Cuddles demon, all I have to do is laugh at it! (Laughs at Chaton)
Chaton: (Stares)
Raph: (Laughs louder)
Chaton: (Starts to cry)
Raph: (Immediately stops laughing) Wait.
(Donnie, April, Mikey, and Leo rush into the room.)
April: What's going on?! Is Mrs. Cuddles back?!
Leo: Is that a catboy doll?
Mikey: (Gasp) And is it crying?
Donnie: …nope. I draw the line at crying inanimate objects. (Turns to leave, revealing Littlebug had been clinging to the back of his battle shell)
Raph: AAAH! There's another one!
Donnie: Wait—what?! (Spins)
Littlebug: (Hopes off Donnie and runs over to Chaton)
Chaton: (Still teary) ;_;
Littlebug: (Turns and glares at Raph)
Raph: (Tenses)
Littlebug: (Wags her finger at him, clearly giving a lecture and looking quite cross)
April: I think you upset them.
Leo: (Hamming it up) Raph! I expected better of you!
Raph: I didn't mean to! He was there and I just…
(Chaton's tears fall to the floor and everyone stares in shock and growing concern as the tears begin to burn through the floor where they land.)
Donnie: And its tears are corrosive, apparently.
Leo: Yeaaaah, you might want to make it stop before we end up with a basement?
Raph: (Looks down at Chaton)
Chaton: (Looks up at Raph, eyes still teary)
Raph: I'm very sorry.
Chaton: (Wipes his nose)
Littlebug: (Huffs at Raph, then pulls out a red and black-spotted handkerchief and wipes Chaton's eyes)
Chaton: (Sniffles but smiles once the tears are dried)
Leo: Well, I guess we know who the big sibling is.
Mikey: (Gushing) AWWWWW! They're so cuuuute!
Chaton: (Preening at the attention)
Mikey: (Pokes Chaton)
Chaton: (Nuzzles Mikey's hand)
Mikey: (Gushing even more)
Donnie: So I don't mean to interrupt this…this, but am I the only one concerned about the intruders to our Lair?
Leo: Good point. Any idea how they got here?
April: Didn't Alya mentioned something about Dolls on her blog? Maybe they hitched a ride with me during my meeting with her?
(They look at April's phone.)
Raph: So there are monsters and heroes in Paris?
Mikey: And these little guys are based on those heroes! How neat!
Leo: Does kinda give more credence to the whole "Light Lord" and "free doll" business.
Raph: So your friend just happened to have magic dolls with her?
Donnie: How do you even know they're magic?
Leo: Because they're dolls? And alive? Kinda screams magic there, Don.
Donnie: Not necessarily! EXPERIMENTATION will determine the truth!
Mikey: (Looks worried)
April: (Looks worried)
Chaton: (Looks worried, lip wobbling)
Littlebug: (Glares, silently promising swift and painful retribution)
Donnie: …and by "experimentation", I mean non-invasive non-painful mystic scanning.
Chaton: (Smiles)
Littlebug: (Suspicious but allows it)
April: Orrrr I could just try calling Alya.
Donnie: Sure, if you want to be boring about it.
April: Seriously, it'll take five minutes. Don't do anything while I'm gone! (Leaves the room)
All: ...
Donnie: You all know I'm doing it anyway, right?
Leo: You wouldn't be you if you didn't.
(With April)
April: (Calling Alya)
Voice: (Picks up) Hello?! HELLO?! Is this April?
April: Uh yeah. Who this?
Marinette: My name is Marinette. Alya told me about your meeting and...nothing weird or anything, but would you happen to have a couple of dolls with you?
April: You mean the living dolls? Then yes, I have them here.
Marinette: Oh no! Please don't freak out! They're good kids, I promise! They're just children who like to play! They don't hurt anyone and usually stay out of trouble. Wait they haven't gotten into trouble, have they?
April: Trust me, they'd be in good company.
Marinette: (Confused) Eh?
April: Nothing! So about this whole "Doll Army" and "Light Lord" thing?
Marinette: I keep telling Alya to take that down! (Sighs) Can you tell me where they are and I'll explain it on the way? Preferably before anything happens?
April: What could happen?
Donnie: (Scanning Chaton) Seriously, what are you made of?
Chaton: (Goes BRRR in the scan, clearly having fun)
Donnie: No mechanical parts to be seen. Just pure energy. And felt.
Leo: Soooo…magic?
Donnie: Not EVERYTHING has to be magic, Leo!
Chaton: (Nods because he is magic! Mama said so!)
Donnie: (Points at Chaton) Don't you argue with me!
Leo: (Looks back and forth between them) But…he didn't say anything?
Donnie: I know what he said! Per my scans, these two apparently have empathy—
Mikey: Awww!
Donnie: No, I mean empathy as an ability. Where they can sense the feelings of others and convey their own in their own form of communication. Like something out of a badly written teen vampire romance novel, but less pretentious. And annoying.
Mikey: (Gasp) They communicate through their FEELINGS!
Donnie: The one language barrier we cannot cross.
Chaton: (Holds up arms to Mikey because it sounds like he wants a hug)
Mikey: AWWW! (Hugs Chaton) You are adorable!
Chaton: (Smiles and purrs because hugs)
Raph: (Still nervous) Are we sure that hugs don't power them somehow? Like screams did for Mrs. Cuddles?
Donnie: (Doing energy readings) ….oh, they do. He's absorbing the ambient energy from Mikey’s presence as we speak.
Mikey: (Pauses, then goes back to hugging Chaton anyway) It's not like a little lost energy never hurt anyone.
Raph: Mikey! Put him down! He could kill you!
Mikey: (Hugs Chaton tighter) Worth it! 
Chaton: (Hugs back because Orange boy is warm and sunny and he would never hurt him)
Donnie: Calm down. They’re merely absorbing excess energy. Like osmosis.
Raph: …why?
Donnie: (Shrugs) They appear to just be storing it like little batteries.
Leo: Okay…to do what?
Littlebug: (Throws hand in the air, causing a red and black-spotted screwdriver to appear)
Turtle Bros: (Stare)
Donnie: (Intrigued) …okay, that’s handy, actually.
Raph: Donnie.
Donnie: What else can you make?
Raph: Donnie, NO!
April: (Pokes her head in) Guys! I talked with their Mom. She says they aren't evil but ARE magic.
Leo: (To Donnie) Told ya.
Donnie: (Glares)
April: I'm gonna meet up with her to get an explanation. Don't do anything too crazy while I'm gone! (Leaves)
All: ...
(Ten minutes later)
(The Dolls are set up on the table and looking confused or amused in Littlebug’s case. Mikey is sitting on a chair in the corner, underneath a sign that has “Bad Boy Jail” crossed out and new words of “Quarantine Corner” written on it instead.)
Mikey: Can I come out and play with the Dolls now?
Raph: No! You just hugged one, Mikey! And we’re still not sure what it’s done to you!
Donnie: (Checking Mikey over) Nothing yet as far as I can tell.
Mikey: Nothing other than giving me AFFECTION AND HAPPINESS! Like that’s so bad, Raph!
Raph: We can’t let our guard down until we know what we’re dealing with! The last time we had a doll in the Lair, it turned out to be evil.
Mikey: Awww, these guys aren't evil! (Turns to the Dolls, talking baby talk) Awre youw?
Littlebug: (Nods)
Turtles: (Stare)
Turtles: (Glance at each other nervously)
Raph: Okay…so how evil are we talking exactly?
Littlebug: (Frowns, considering)
Littlebug: (Holds her hands a distance apart, which amounts to half a foot or so)
Leo: Eh, still less evil than Donnie.
Donnie: Eyeroll. You just can't appreciate genius.
Raph: I would feel better if we knew exactly what we are dealing with and just how evil these two are.
Mikey: Don't worry! Doctor Feelings can handle this! (Turns to Littlebug) So, what exactly do you mean by "evil"? (Does air quotes)
Littlebug: (Makes a gesture indicating a box and taking something and putting it in the box)
Mikey: You dumped a man in a dumpster?
Littlebug: (Holds up two fingers)
Mikey: AND his assistant?
Littlebug: (Nods, proudly)
Mikey: Well, that's not good but not so bad. But why?
Littlebug: (Frowns)
Littlebug: (Makes a comedically frowny face and gestures at her face)
Mikey: Uh huh…
Littlebug: (Stands up and strikes several poses then collapses to the floor)
Mikey: (Eyes widen)
Littlebug: (Sits up, taps her wrist but shakes her head)
Mikey: Oh.
Littlebug: (Points to herself and makes the gesture of the box again)
Mikey: (Looking less nice and more angry)
Littlebug: (Holds up three fingers and makes a sad face)
Mikey: (Expression is now stormy)
Raph: Uh…Mikey?
Mikey: (Pulls out weapon) And where did you say this guy lives again?
(Five minutes later)
Mikey: (Sans weapon and pouting, now sitting back in the "Quarantine Corner")
Raph: Okay, now that we've confiscated Mikey's weapons...what should we do about...(Looks down at Chaton)
Chaton: (Smiles up at Raph)
Raph: Yeah…and we're SURE they're not evil?
Mikey: Only to those who deserve it. (Darkly to self) And trust me, they deserve it.
Leo: Okay, anyone else worrying about Mikey's sudden turn to the dark side? And if the Dolls have hypnotic capabilities? No? Just me?
Chaton: (Climbs up on Raph)
Raph: ….uh hi?
Chaton: (Smiles)
Raph: (Staying very still)
Chaton: (Leans on Raph's plastron and purrs)
Raph: (Eyes wide and shiny)
Leo: Raph? You okay?
Raph: (Hugs Chaton) It's everything I've ever wanted.
Leo: Aaaand we've lost Raph. Looks like it's just you and me, Don…
Donnie: (Talking to Littlebug) And you think a death ray would be enough for that?
Littlebug: (Nods and points to a section of a map)
Donnie: I see! I could easily increase the output to scale for size of land mass…
Leo: …I have concerns. I have many concerns.
(With April and Marinette, the two are heading to the Lair.)
Marinette: I am so sorry about this! They're usually pretty well behaved, but sometimes they can get into mischief.
April: (Pats Marinette on the back) Well, that is what kids do. Still, I can't get over how you manage everything. Emotional terrorists. Magic. Monsters. Being a mom to magical dolls. And your own friends trying to take over the world on your behalf? The only way it could be tougher is if you're Ladybug.
Marinette: (Laughs nervously) Y-yeah...hahah.
April: No worries! They're with some of the best guys I know right now. I'm sure they're being responsible and not doing anything too crazy with the Dolls.
Marinette: (Hopeful) Really?
April: (Nervous smile, lying through her teeth) Totally!
(At the Lair)
Leo: Okay. Recap. Dolls are magic. And possibly evil. Raph, Mikey, and Donnie are apparently hypnotized by their cuteness.
(The sound of lightning and evil cackling comes from Donnie's Lab)
Leo: ...no no, that's just Donnie on a Tuesday.
Leo: (Pulls out his phone and looks up the Ladyblog)
Leo: So it looks like the Dolls are...weirdly popular. And in high demand. Huh, no wonder they've got a Doll Army. And this "Light Lord" is their creator....and mother. (Thinking a plan) Hmmmm...
(Five minutes later)
(Leo is sitting across from Littlebug, )
Leo: Okay. So what IS your plan?
Littlebug: (Holds a picture of the world and words "Domination!")
Leo: Kind of figured. And where do my brothers fit in?
Littlebug: (Holds up picture of Littlebug and Donnie in mad scientist gear with a giant ray gun zapping things)
Leo: That sounds like Donnie, all right. Jerk was probably just waiting for the excuse, knowing him.
Littlebug: (Shifts the various papers and holds up a picture of Donnie wearing a sash that says "Minister of Science")
Leo: Yeah, he would love that. What about Mikey and Raph?
Littlebug: (Points to a picture of Mikey dangling a weird-looking blond man over a pit)
Leo: Ah. I'm not sure who that is, but it seems Mikey does. He looks happy about it, at least. And Raph?
Littlebug: (Points to a picture of a happy Raph covered in dolls—more than just Littlebug and Chaton. Apparently there were others?)
Leo: That can't be all?
Littlebug: (Pauses and turns over the picture to reveal another drawing of Raph having tea with a young lady with pigtails, both smiling underneath a banner that says "Leader Stress Free Zone")
Leo: …huh. Okay. May need to talk to Raph about that. And I'm guessing the girl is your Mom, right?
Littlebug: (Nods)
Leo: So…why all the rest of this then? What would you even do with the world once you conquered it?
Littlebug: (Holds up a picture of the Dolls giving the world to their Mom)
Leo: …okay, that's cute. But does she even WANT the world?
Littlebug: (Pauses)
Littlebug: (Frowns, thinking it over)
Leo: Or does she want you guys because you ARE her world?
Littlebug: (Pauses)
Littlebug: (Tears up)
Leo: Maybe you should give her a hug or something the next time you see her instead of a planet? I think owning the world would just stress her out more.
Littlebug: (Nods and looks up at him pleadingly)
Leo: Do you want me to call her?
Littlebug: (Nods)
Leo: Sure thing.
Littlebug: (Hugs Leo)
Leo: (Sighs)
Leo: Wait. Did I just save the world?
(April arrives with Marinette)
April: Hey guys! I brought their Mom!
Leo: So you're human?
Marinette: And you're a mutant.
Leo: I just thought a creator of living dolls would be a yokai or something.
Marinette: This is a crazy world we live in. I hope they weren't trouble.
Leo: Well they DID kinda try to bring my brothers into their world domination plans, but I managed to talk them out of it.
Marinette: What?! HOW?!
Leo: (Acting serious and dramatic) With the Power of Love.
Marinette: (Grabs Leo) No, seriously! HOW?!! I have been trying at length for AGES to get them and my friends to stop this insanity and you managed it in two hours!
Leo: Oh. Uh...sorry?
Marinette: (Releases him and takes a breath of relief) No. No. This is...this is great actually. Thank you!
Leo: Anytime.
Donnie: (Slams open door) DAMMIT, NARDO!
Leo: What?
Donnie: You talked them out of world domination! NOW what am I supposed to do with the Apocalypse Device?
Leo: ...why do you have an Apocalypse Device?
Donnie: For the World Domination Plan I was helping create for the Dark Lord!
Marinette: (Annoyed) I'm not a Dark Lord!
Donnie: (Ignores her, continuing to lament) My inventions would go down in history. AND I would become the royal scientist! But now the Dolls don't want to do it! 
Leo: ...sucks.
Donnie: I created a whole PLAN, Leo! It was a 12 step process!
Marinette: But how do you take over the world if you destroy it? Wouldn't an apocalypse leave nothing left?
Donnie: ...oh. (Eyes widen) I have to go stop the timer! (Runs out of the room)
Leo: .....what?
Marinette: (Eyes wide)
April: ...so yeah. These are my friends!
Marinette: (To Leo) It's no wonder you knew how to deal with the kids. You must be used to it.
Leo: (Shrugs and refrains from mentioning his own antics) Yeah well y'know...
(Littlebug and Chaton run out and hug Marinette's legs. Raph and Mikey watch from the door, teary and sniffling at the reunion.)
Marinette: I've been worried sick about you two! (Hugs the Dolls)
Chaton and Littlebug: (Hug Marinette back because they didn't mean to make her worry, honest!)
Marinette: (To April and the others) It's been nice to meet all of you. Sorry about the trouble.
Mikey: It was no trouble!
Raph: Yeah. They're good kids. We wouldn't mind seeing them again.
Mikey: Speaking of, Littlebug mentioned a certain someone and I was hoping you could give more information on who it is. He needs a meeting with Dr. Delicate Touch.
Marinette: Who is—
Leo: And that's our cue to leave! (Pushes Marinette and April out) Thanks for everything! Lovely to meet you! Give a call if anything happens! Buh-bye!
(Three days later)
(Leo gets a phone call.)
Leo: Hello?
Marinette: Hello, Leo. It's Marinette.
Leo: Oh hey. Something wrong?
Marinette: I wanted to say thanks again for derailing the whole "world domination" plans the Dolls had. But they seem to have picked it back up again.
Leo: What? Why?
Marinette: They wanted to do something nice for me and are convinced that I deserve the world.
Leo: Cute. Evil...but cute.
Mari: You seem immune to the chaos and talked them out of it once. Do you think you could do it again?
Leo: Well, I can try?
Mari: Please! I will give you a box of croissants if you do!
Leo: Sold!
(Fifteen minutes and a portal later)
Leo: (Enters room with a box of croissants and jam, and wearing a sash that says “Minister of Foreign Affairs”)
Mari: (Stares)
Leo: (Shrugs) So yeaaah…they made a better offer.
Mari: If you wanted jam you should have said something! I WOULD HAVE GIVEN YOU JAM!!!
And thus the struggle continues...
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I Spy
Tumblr media
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales/Fem!Reader (AFAB, no y/n)
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: Brief mention of bad(abusive/manipulative) parents, general adult topics, swearing.
Summary: You meet a cute guy at a bar, you date, you fall in love, and oops, it turns out you’ve both been lying about your careers. Classified only stays classified until you get assigned a mission together. (SpecOps&Spies, with Young!Frankie)
A/N: Hey guys, I was bad and started another fic. Whoops. This one is for Triple Frontier because I love that soft boi Francisco. The flavour of this fic, the vibe if you will, is basically the spiderman pointing meme. I’ve vaguely set the timeline to like mid-2000s? so I’ll be trying my best to stay true to technology and aesthetic of the era. There was so much denim. Anyways, that means I’m trying to write for about a 27-33 year old Frankie and a similarly aged reader. I don’t see this series being more than a couple chapters at best, so it’ll be short and sweet. Also, like, very little angst if I can help it; I just want this one to be a good, cute, fun read. Hope y’all enjoy! Xoxo
“So, you’re coming out tonight, right? You’re not busy or anything?”
“Please don’t say it like that, you know how busy work actually is. And I’m a grown woman; if I didn’t want to go to a shady dive bar with you and your very loud friends from the office, I’d say so,” You loved your best friend, and you missed spending time together, but you really couldn’t say the same for her co-workers.
You had nothing against the women she worked with, and you found that they were all perfectly lovely and usually quite fun to be around… it was just that when the alcohol came out, the volume control and verbal filters disappeared.
You wouldn’t say that barhopping was what you’d prefer to be doing tonight, along with more or less babysitting your friend and her friends, but you didn’t know when you’d next be able to squeeze in a night off to just hang out and have fun, so this was happening. You would laugh and smile and keep the drunk secretaries from going home with questionable people, and then you would look back on your ladies’ night with fond memories until you could eventually attend another.
You had known when you picked your career that it would be an around-the-clock, all-day, every-day sort of thing. You never deluded yourself into thinking you would have much of a social life or long-term relationships. Most partners, hell even most friends, would have a problem with you jetting off for weekends, or disappearing for days at a time under mountains of paperwork and appointments.
It just made your best friend that much more important to you. You’d met as kids, went through years of school beside each other, hung out, did stupid teenager things and then stupid young adult things together. You’d cried and laughed and fought and made up a million times, you’d gone to different colleges and still kept in touch, moved away, moved back, and you were still going strong. She was your ride-or-die, your anchor and your parachute and everything in between, so if you could use some of your precious, hoarded, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it time off to see her, that’s just what you’d do.
“You should take some of that fire, and direct it at your boss. Tell him no for a change. I’d love to see his face at that!” She meant well, always trying to look out for you and your health when it came to your beyond demanding job. You weren’t even allowed to tell her a fraction of what you were doing in your professional life, and she knew it, but that didn’t stop her from being ready to throw fists at your employer at a moment’s notice.
“One does not simply tell the über-rich that they don’t need to fly to Paris, again. Being a PA is a full-time nannying gig, except your charge is an adult who can argue when you say no, and you cannot put them on timeout when they’re being a brat. Where he goes, I go, and unless something drastic happens, it will probably continue on like that for a while.” She laughed at your jokes, and your heart hurt a little less at her glee. You knew she would never give up on you or blame you for your work being unpredictable, but that didn’t make the sting of last-minute cancels and missed outings hurt any less, for either of you.
“But it must be nice, just getting on a plane and going somewhere amazing at the drop of a hat. Travelling the world like a superstar, meeting people, having amazing adventures with mysterious strangers…”
“Easy there, Mamma Mia, your wanderlust is showing. And I’d take you with me in a heartbeat if I could. You were born to be a jetsetter, not to be stuck in this town with nothing but the office cubicle beside you to stare at. And I still think you should apply for one of those immersive culture grants you keep mooning over. They’d be fools not to fund your writing expedition!” She was an incredible person, three full degrees to her name in the time it took a normal student to get one, and a brain that could run miles around the rest of the professionals in her field. But she was tethered to this quiet backwater town, and she wasn’t free to fly like she deserved.
“You know I can’t just… go, like you can. My mom, it’d just break her heart… I don’t want to leave her alone, not after Dad,” You honestly doubted that you’d ever meet a woman more horrible and undeserving of her own daughter’s kindness. Helen was a parasite full of lies and manipulations and greed, and she had attached herself like a bad rash to your friend after she’d chased away the rest of her family members.
Your friend searched for the good in everyone, but you wished she’d stop looking for it at that home.
“You deserve your own happiness and freedom, and she should be encouraging you to spread your wings if and when you’re ready.” Politicking your friend was never something you enjoyed. She was the last person you wanted to use your negotiating credentials and sly subterfuge tactics against, but you wanted, needed, her safety and health more. You considered it almost bribery; dangling her dream future in front of her in exchange of being rid of the garbage in her life.
“Hey now, we’re getting way too deep into sad-drunk night conversations, and this is strictly a happy-fun-drunk night. Please leave all baggage and woes at the door, thank you!” You admitted your defeat and surrendered your verbal power point on Why Helen Needs to Disappear. You would get her next time for sure, give her the accelerant to burn down that bridge. “Anyways, the reason I called was to remind you of our haunt for the night. One of the girls, Kelly, you remember Kelly, found this adorable little hole in the wall. A total boys’ club apparently: darts, pool, sports games on the TV, but Kelly’s sister’s friend’s brother Tyler said the place was a favourite of the local army guys. So, if nothing else, we’ll at least have some hunks to look at for a while. It’ll be great!”
You jotted down the directions to the bar as she listed them, and the time you were expected to arrive there.
“Oh! And wear that cute little blue number you bought last spring; I know you still have it so don’t you dare lie. It makes your ass and legs look divine, and I think you could stand to make a new acquaintance tonight.” That Little Blue Number was buried in the back of your closet where you had hoped it would remain forever, but luck was not on your side tonight it seemed. But it did make you look, and feel, fantastic.  It was just so… breezy. “And heels! Real ones, not your cute little personal assistant kitten heels. Those black strappy ones would work like a dream!” You just sighed dramatically into the receiver and agreed to her demands.
“I’ll let you go now, and yes, I suppose I can be presentable tonight, dress and all. See-ya later!”
Hole in the wall was right. This place was basically underground it was so on the D.L. It was warm inside though, and in the middle of autumn with so much skin on display, you could not be more pleased to get away from the chilled outside air.
You would describe the interior as comfortable with a hint of rustic; lots of warm dark wood and low lights, mixed with the soft Latin music crooning in the background and the few patrons’ conversations adding to the ambience.
All in all, it was probably the nicest dive bar you’d been to in your hometown.
Your party was easy to spot where they had claimed a group of pushed together tables towards the far side of the establishment, and you carefully made your way over to them in your tricky high heels.
You said your hellos to returning faces and introduced yourself to the new additions, and accepted the chair you were pointed to and the drink pressed into your hand.
And so, the hours rolled.
You had enjoyed two fruity cocktails and a flaming shot before you called it quits on the alcohol for the night. You still had a few hours to sober up enough to drive home safely, and you would be able to help the girls get to their rides and ways home too. You appreciated having a social drink or two, but you didn’t care for hangovers and would happily take slightly tipsy over party-hard drunk anytime. Plus, your contract stated you were on-call, always, and you could be required to navigate high-stress negotiations at the drop of a hat. It was just better to cut yourself off, then reap the consequences of your actions later.
You tapped your friend’s shoulder as you walked past and leaned over to talk into her ear. “I’m getting some water for the table; do you want anything else?”
“Mmmm, no I think we’re good for now, thanks!” She was plastered already, but she had a huge grin on her face and was laughing at her co-workers’ stories, so you considered it a win of a night. You gave her a pat goodbye and swayed your way to the bar.
But you just were not accounting for the uneven floorboards, or how much your heels affected your currently less than steady equilibrium, and before you could blink you were teetering over into a nasty fall.
“Whoa there, easy does it, muñequita” Arms wrapped around you and pulled you back into a warm chest. “Careful now, don’t go twisting an ankle in those fancy shoes.”
You certainly did not account for the man you turned around to face. Wow.
His hands glided respectfully from where he had caught you around the waist to your still bent and held out elbows, steadying you as you swayed dangerously again.
Warm brown eyes, soft brown curls, and the sweetest smile you’d ever seen. It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest, and you knew that it wasn’t left over adrenaline from your near wipeout. He was gorgeous and handling you so gently, and you wanted to spend forever in that moment.
“Hey there, palomita, I’m Frankie, can I buy you a drink?”
[Next Part]
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