#if there's one thing my followers seem to like it's werewolves and threesomes
direwombat · 1 year
wip poll winner!
tagging those of y'all who interacted with that poll post (tysm for your votes): @madparadoxum, @deputyash, @strangefable, @adelaidedrubman, @aceghosts, @gaeadene, @cassietrn, @neverthesameneveranother, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @inafieldofdaisies, @voidika, @jillvalentinesday, and @ivymarquis
the whitetail ot3 won with seven votes, but because i'm so nice (and lack control) here's almost twice that many sentences :) not pictured is jacob having fun taunting eli by reminiscing about their...history together :) :) :)
“Oh, Eli,” Jacob says with a condescending click of his tongue. “I have something you want, and if you do as I say, I might even let you have her.” Eli’s blood runs cold. His hand grips his radio so tight his knuckles go white. “You listen to me, you son of a bitch. You hurt a single hair on her head and I’ll --” “Yeah, yeah, you’ll put me in the ground yourself,” Jacob says dismissively. “The shelter at Hunter’s Pass.. One hour. Come alone. I catch even a whiff of your lemmings, and I promise you’ll never see your precious Deputy ever again. Do I make myself clear?” “Crystal,” Eli grits between clenched teeth.
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drsilverfish · 5 years
Hearts/ Harts, Lions and Bears in 15x05 Proverbs 17:3
Hi Everyone, catching up UK time as ever, and looking forward to all your posts!
Here’s my first bit of musing on the ep...
This is the final shot of 15x05 -  the curtains of Chuck’s “play” (now visible to us and to the Winchesters) framing the scene:
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So now, the Winchesters know what we’ve already guessed. 
This is it - they either follow Chuck’s script, in which one of them, inevitably, kills the other, or they’re going to have to fight God.
As this is the “reveal” episode, in which the Winchesters learn they are not, in fact, “free to move on” (as Dean said, albeit miserably, in 15x04) Yockey has a lot of fun with the “All the world’s a stage” metanarrative quality of the text (from Shakespeare’s As You Like It): 
“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..”
By resurrecting Lilith and sending her to undertake the reveal, Chuck is taunting Sam and Dean with the (apparent) inevitability of their “fate” - a Swan Song redux, but Chuck’s way this time. No wonder he wanted Cas out of the picture, as it was significantly thanks to Cas’ input that things went sideways for Chuck’s narrative back in S4/5 (the era of Lilith).  
Chuck’s “old script” versions of the brothers (particularly Dean) is very apparent, from their baby-faced historical fake IDs, a nod to Kripke’s original pitch for the show (a Luke Skywalker and a Hans Solo type-pairing) and his ridiculously out of date vison of Dean’s sexuality. We know present-Dean is not gonna seduce a traumatised girl who’s just suffered a werewolf attack that killed her best friends and who is barely in her twenties (plus we know who Dean’s heart really belongs to) but Chuck wants his fantasy of Dean as Valentine’s-Day-is-drifter-Christmas back.  
Lilith also overtly spells out the SPN narrative’s use of parallels, when she declares (again to Dean) that the Winchesters had to see one werewolf brother kill the other because, “You know - foreshadowing.” Lilith is (in fact, against her own will) God’s messenger on the side of Fate.
Yockey thus invites us to consider the other parallels in the episode (and SPN at large) like the three best friends at the start of the episode, who can be read as mirrors for Team Free Will:
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 One of the girls, Ashley (the one who, sort of, survives as Lilith’s vessel) has “a philosophy degree” but “drives an Uber” and is being left behind by the other two (who have found “good” jobs after graduating from college). A philosophy degree but drives an Uber? Sounds like a pretty good (Chuck) description of an angel who spends his time on the earthly plane, right? And a split in their threesome, followed by the death of two, leaving the traumatised philosophy degree major alone? We can see this as Chuck’s-way-of-fate foreshadowing (Cas is split from Sam and Dean, the Winchesters die, Cas is left alone to mourn them). 
Of course, the theme of hearts continues strongly, from Belphegor’s “heart spell” re-referenced in the recap opener, to the werewolf brothers’ penchant for eating hearts, to the Biblical Proverbs 17:3 reference in the title: 
“The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, But the Lord tryeth the hearts”.
And look at the fairytale cabin in the woods where the two werewolf brothers live, with the little hearts on the shutters:
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 But, it was actually the bear and lion and deer/ stag motifs I wanted to discuss in this post, which are in part connected to the heart symbolism.
A “hart” is a medieval word for a stag (deer). So we could argue there is a connection between the heart symbolism and the deer symbolism.
When Ashley is startled by a noise in the forest at the start of the episode, her companions reassure her it was “just a deer”.
When the Winchesters meet the town’s Sheriff (with her “I am the Sheriff” mug - which we can read as more Chuck-taunting to highlight the fact the Winchesters are in a script/ more Yockey metanarrative fun) she has a stuffed stag’s head on the wall behind her:
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In the werewolves’ cabin there are lots of mounted deer antlers on the walls (one of which Lilith eventually deliberately gores herself with):
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Then there’s the wallpaper in the motel which the Winchesters take Ashley to (by then Lilith!Ashley). See the antlered stag on the right:
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Because we know Chuck has significant control of the narrative at the moment, and because of the hint in the episode title to consider Chuck’s first great work, before he wrote The Winchester Gospels - the Bible (as Proverbs 17:3 it is a reference to a Biblical proverb) it seems like a good idea to look up the significance of stags/ deer in the Bible, right?
And guess where they appear? In the Song of Solomon, that most emotive of love poems:
“My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag. Behold, he is standing behind our wall, He is looking through the windows....
Turn, my beloved, and be like a gazelle Or a young stag on the mountains of Bether ...“
The stag/ deer is also a long-standing medieval symbol of the hunt. 
So I interpret the deer/ stag symbolism as partly about the fact that the Winchesters are effectively being “hunted” by God. But also (through the connection to the heart symbolism - hart/ heart) a note in the subtext about the state of Dean’s heart in particular right now (i.e. ripped out, just as the werewolves ripped out the hearts of their victims) because of his break-up with Cas, which, in case, we missed it, was overtly referenced in the recap opener of the episode.
Now let’s talk about the bear and the mountain lion symbolism. 
As the Winchesters are talking to the Sheriff about whether the girls’ murders were animal attacks, they discuss the public theory that it was either a mountain lion or a “psychotic bear”. And look - the Sheriff is literally flanked by a stuffed lion and a stuffed bear (more Chuck/ Yockey metanarrative fun):
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Now, where do lions and bears appear in the Bible?
Ah yes - in the story of David and Goliath. 
This is David, pleading to be allowed to go up against the giant Goliath:
"'Your servant has killed lions and bears; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, for he has defied the armies of the living God.’  David said, moreover; ‘”The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine.’"  
(1 Samuel 17:35/7 King James Bible)
What a perfect Biblical reference - because the Winchesters going up against God himself? That’s a quintissential David vs Goliath story.
And, to return to the heart/ hart subtext, David in the story of David and Goliath is the same David in the story of David and Jonathan (also in the Book of Samuel).  David and Jonathan had a love “surpassing the love of women”, which has been read by some latter day scholars as a depiction of homoromantic/ homoerotic love.  
I don’t know if you remember, but there was, in fact, a textual SPN reference to The Book of Samuel in 14x19 Jack in the Box, when Pastor Ames asked the congregation he was visiting, “So, who’s ready to take on The Book of Samuel?”
Foreshadowing is a thing - hasn’t Yockey just told us?
I wrote a meta about the Dean/ Cas subtext of Book of Samuel reference at the time:
So deer (hart/ hearts), bears and lion symbolism brings us to the Song of Solomon, one of the greatest love poems in the world, and to another book of the Bible, The Book of Samuel, which:
a) Is called the Book of Samuel!!! A reference to the key role Sam will likely play in defeating Chuck thanks to their connection through the God-wound
b) Contains the story of David and Goliath where the little guy (the Winchesters) goes up against the big guy (God)
c) Contains the story of David and Jonathan - a story of a deep and abiding soul-bond between two men...  
All seems.... highly relevant to the SPN endgame. 
What a lovely tapestry of an episode. 
My usual legal (lol) disclaimer applies: reading the show’s queer subtext does not promise, suggest or imply, that the profound bond between Dean and Cas will, inevitably, become unequivocally and overtly romantic. 
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Dear Yuletide Writer
Thanks for signing up for this superfun exchange! This is the sixth year I’ve participated now, and I’ve always enjoyed it– I hope you do, too.
Below you’ll find the following:
General Likes/Kinks General DNWs Fandom Specifics/Prompts
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Rebecca Bunch, Greg Serrano
Legally Blonde (Movie) - Elle Woods
Mad Men - Peggy Olson, Stan Rizzo
Superstore - Jonah Simms, Amy Dubanowski
I’ve tried to list some varied prompts for each fandom, but please don’t feel like you have to stick to what I’ve come up with. If the rest of my letter gives you another idea you’d like to write, I’d love to read it!
a little about me to start:
My AO3 name is SuburbanSun; you can also check out my Tumblr if you’d like, and my tags for each of my requested fandoms here:
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend | Legally Blonde | Mad Men | Superstore
general likes/kinks:
I’m a big trope fan in general– faves include rivals/enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, bed-sharing, trapped in an enclosed space, mutual pining, secret dating/sneaking around, slow burn, FWBs that turns into something more. Subversions of tropes are also great, so don’t feel like you have to go the obvious route if you choose to write something tropey!
I have a great love for Secret Service/bodyguard/witness protection AUs and private eye AUs, and these days I’m (perhaps unhealthily) invested in US politics/news in my everyday life, so if you want to have any of my requested characters run for office, I’d never turn that down.
Epistolary fic, either as part of a story or as all of it, is always fun to me, if it’s up your alley. Phone calls! (Phone sex?) Emails! Letters! I love it all!
I love strong-but-flawed-and-realistic female characters in general. Ladies kicking ass through cleverness and wit and competence is the best, and I love it when they’re allowed to make mistakes and fuck up and dig themselves into a hole, too.
Smut is cool and fun and here are some kinks that I like to read: Teasing. Phone sex/sexting. Semi-public sex (not actually getting caught though). Workplace sex. Dirty talk. Oral sex. Playfulness/joking around during sex.
general dnws:
Superangst and sad endings. Babyfic/kidfic/pregnancy in general. Self-harm/abuse. Noncon/dubcon. A/B/O, mpreg, incest, bestiality, hard kink. Poly/threesomes/orgies. Members of my ships being paired romantically with other people (unless it’s just briefly, on the way to an OTP-happy ending). First person POV.
fandom specifics/prompts:
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Rebecca Bunch, Greg Serrano
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I loved this show from beginning to end. It’s clever, it’s feminist, it’s funny, it’s real (even as it features elaborate musical sequences!), and the characters are so flawed but so great. 
I shipped Rebecca and Greg so hard in the early seasons, before he left. When I read that they were bringing the character back but recasting, I was naturally a bit suspicious-- how would that work? Would it diminish my love for the ship? Reader, it did not diminish anything, and in fact made me kind of love them even more. Skylar Astin’s performance of Greg, a little grown up and a little more put together, made me swoon. And I began to see how they could make an adult relationship work. Naturally, things went awry during the course of the final season, but I think the finale left us with so much hope that they would find their way back to each other.
I love all the other characters, so feel free to mix them in-- especially Paula!
Rebecca and Greg find their way back to each other! How does it happen? 
Rebecca/Greg + any number of tropes– stuck somewhere together; inconvenient bed-sharing; fake dating, the works.
Maybe West Covina has run its course for both of them, and they decide-- together or separately-- to move somewhere else. Maybe Rebecca decides it’s time for her to go back to New York to give her Broadway dreams a try? Maybe Greg tags along? Or maybe it’s fate, and just as she’s made the choice to head back East, he gets a job offer there, too, so they’re both moving to NYC but aren’t technically together, and how does that work?
It’s Christmas in West Covina, and Greg gets Rebecca’s name in Secret Santa. How does he find the perfect present that says both “I’m still kind of sort of in love with you” and also “I spent no time on this whatsoever because pssh who cares?”
Legally Blonde (Movie) Elle Woods
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This movie is such a classic to me, one I can quote, and one I can’t help but watch when it’s on TV. I love Elle Woods’ determination and relentlessness, and how she’s a shining example of how prettiness and positivity doesn’t preclude smarts and success. I want more about the unstoppable Elle Woods, charging toward her ambitions with a designer handbag and the perfect pink lip.
(I generally dig Elle with Emmett in canon, but I don’t really care much about him, so if you’d rather write her solo or with someone new, go for it!)
Elle Woods for President! Tell me about Elle on the campaign trail. Tell me about the debate between Elle and her opponent. Tell me about how Elle interacts with her campaign staff, or her strategy to win Iowa. 
Elle Woods AS President! Tell me about her first night living in the White House after she wins, or her first big challenge, or what it feels like looking out on Washington and thinking about how far she’s come.
Elle heads back to Harvard– does she become a professor? Is it to mentor young law students? Is it for a case?
Elle the Vampire Slayer AU
Mad Men Peggy Olson, Stan Rizzo
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I love and miss this show so much. It was so smart and made me feel so many things, and in truth, Peggy Olson is one of my favorite characters in all of fiction.
Peggy and Stan is such a great ship, to me, and one I was on board with from the very beginning. Omitting his boorish behavior early on, once they established a rapport, they were such equals, and he seemed to respect her so much, and vice versa. They got on each other’s nerves and knew how to push each other’s buttons, but that’s just because they connected so well and really got each other.
I absolutely adore the time period where they’re basically phone buddies. Maybe an AU where they get together earlier in the series, during that time? How their phone conversations evolve from discussing work to discussing everything to falling for each other (or realizing they already had)? Phone sex (or getting ever-so-close to it before realizing they’re in the office and it’s inappropriate) is a-okay here too.
In the same vein, epistolary fic could be really fun to play around with here. Maybe a story told through a series of interoffice memos, messages, notes in the margins of copy pitches and along the edges of spec art?
What are things like now that Peggy and Stan are working together and being together (and possibly living together)? It’s got to be frustrating at times but worth it in the end, right?
NASA/Space Race AU– Peggy’s a NASA scientist/engineer and Stan is an astronaut
Superstore Jonah Simms, Amy Dubanowski
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This is such a fun and funny show, one that snuck up on me but that is reliably a show I look forward to every single week. Amy and Jonah’s slow burn was a delight to watch, and I love their occasionally contentious attraction to each other, and especially how supremely dorky, pretentious and pedantic Jonah can be.
I love all the other characters, so feel free to mix them in!
I’m really interested in exploring Jonah’s ambition or lack thereof. Does he have any, at this point? What if he decides to quit Cloud 9 to pursue a dream? Does he get an MBA or a creative writing degree? Does he decide to write a screenplay? Give me all the pretentious but well-intentioned Jonah.
A look at before Jonah and Amy got together, or if they’d gotten together earlier-- sneaking around the store, or UST in the break room.
AU where some kind of scary outbreak (zombies? werewolves? giant bats?) has hit the town and they’re trapped in Cloud 9 while they wait it out.
So, that’s that! I really hope you enjoy the whole process this Yuletide season, and thanks for participating! Happy writing!
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legion1993 · 6 years
Let Me Be Your Saving Grace
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Title: Let Me Be Your Saving Grace
Square Filled: Michael!Dean
Ship: Dean x reader / Michael x reader
Rating: 18+
Tags: death, rape, vaginal penetration, possession
Summary (If applicable): shhh… it’s a surprise….
Word Count (If applicable):
Created for @spnkinkbingo.
SPN Kink Bingo Masterlist
Choices. We make them every single day, but when we make these choices, we don’t often think of the consequences.
My name is Y/N this is the story of a choice, a very important choice. one that was made to save my life this choice was made by my fiance. for him to become he who would do anything to bring on the apocalypse and to save my life.
<<< lets go now to set the facts straight>>>
Dean: “okay, so we are only 1 ring away from having the ability to lock lucifer back in the cage...”
you came up behind him, to wrap your arms around him... Dean had no idea of what was really about to happen.
Y/N: “Dont worry... right now we have time ok... we will save Sam... plus i think someone needs to relax and stop stressing. i understand your scared... baby i am too but we are hunters, now come on there is a massive mixed hunt next town over. come on there are signs of vampires, demons, werewolves & angels... come on D... Please lets go have some fun!”
Dean could only look at you with what could only be a worried expression as he spun you round to have you straddle his lap... 
Dean: “my dear Y/N always trying to keep my hope alive... okay lets go on that hunt.”
you kissed him, grinding him a bit as he held you close for that moment. it was a moment of bliss... before you guys would head out on the hunt that would forever change your lives!
Y/N: “babe, i’ve already packed bags and put them in the impala. i always knew that being with you was gonna be a brand new adventure, but its turning out to be the best adventure of my life.”
Dean: “i guess we should head out... i mean we got a few hours before nightfall & i would hate to miss chopping down any of these sons of bitches.”
Dean kissed you again and smiled, lifting you up as he stood setting you slowly back on your feet. breaking the kiss you 2 walked out to the car got in and started driving. you however had a very haunting feeling one which would not leave till fate ran its course.
Dean could tell you were concerned so about half way through the drive Dean spoke up.
Dean: “babe you okay? you look troubled.”
Y/N: “i know its just i feel like something’s wrong, i dont know how to explain it but i can almost feel it...”
Dean: “its probably just post-engagement jitters...”  
yes its true you guys were engaged. this happened not but a few months ago. 
Dean: “once we get to town we will find out why so many monsters are in one place at one time. Y/N are you ready?”
you take a deep breath in and a fire ignites in your eyes.
Y/N: “lets go kick some ass & raise a little hell...”
that also set a fire in Dean’s eyes... Dean & you arrived in the next town just before the sun finished setting.
checking into the nearest motel all seemed normal, that is till you took notice of a large group of men following you.
luckily Dean also noticed, you guys were very prepared. for you unlocked the door to your room & made it seem like you were going inside.
Dean (whispers): “on my mark...”
Y/N (whispers): “always... what are they do you think?”
Dean gestures his count down. you hear a low deep hiss that made you jump. thats when realization on what they were struck.
Y/N (whispers): “babe they are vamps...”
you drew your machete, but turned & it was too late... you guys were ambushed.
Dean: “Babe... RUN!!!!”
you guys started running but only got a bit ahead before being surrounded. surrounded by what you both realized wasnt just vamps. it was Angels, demons & werewolves.
Dean: “whats wrong? did everyone loose their leaders?”
thats when the crowd of monsters surrounding you cleared a path, only to show someone who you both were not expecting to show up...
the one person who you knew could seperate you from Dean...
Michael, the archangel possessing the vessal of a girl... but his eyes & shadow gave him away.
Michael smiled darkly, eyeing you up and down making sure to mentally undress you slowly...  physically however he began to speak.
Michael: “well well well, loook at what we have here... my trap worked perfectly... surround them, take their weapons, seperate them from eachother... if they resist kill them.”
michael stepped back... the vamps, wolves, demons & angels approached starting to disarm and seperate both you and Dean.
you watched Dean let them disarm him, but when they went to seperate you from him and disarm you. you wouldnt have it.
you began to fight back... going after everything you came across. but there was nothing that michael wouldnt do to get the point across.
Michael snapped his fingers, the monsters that surrounded you... knocked you to the ground, within seconds you were bitten, bruised, scratched & stabbed. Dean struggled against the monsters that held him back, forcing him to witness the sight of you on the ground as a pool of blood started to form.
Michael: “when are you going to realize that nothing as it seems... Dean you and her are never gonna live happily ever after.”
Michael turned his attention to your now still form, he watched your aura fade.. when he faded he knew you were dead.. he smiled darkly for he now had a motive to get Dean to say yes.
Michael: “Your fiance is dead, now make your choice Dean!”
Dean: “go fuck yourself bastard. you and your bitch crew killed the love of my life. why the hell would i ever agree to become your vessal?”
Michael: “if you agree to let me take your body as my vessal. i’ll bring the love of your life back from the dead. you have 24 hours to give me your answer...”
michael and his goon squad disappeared leaving Dean in the middle of the road with you dead in his arms. after several minutes Dean let out a pained scream followed by tears and this sentence.
Cas appears and is instantly shocked at the sight of Dean holding your dead body.
Cas: “Dean what happened? is she?”
Dean then looked at Cas now letting the tears fall freely. Cas came up and hugged Dean the best he could. Dean just leaned in sobbing. it no sooner became close to dawn that brought concern to Cas.
Cas: “Dean we have to move her, this will attract alot of attention... where did you guys drive here from.”
Dean: “a hotel in Lebanon.”
Dean knew cas was right, dean shrugged the keys from his pocket for he knew that he was in no condition to drive. Cas helped dean place you in his lap in the back of the impala. but instead of just driving all of you back to Lebanon, he snapped his fingers to bring you guys back to the hotel. 
Dean & cas together got your body inside, laying your still form on the nearest bed. Dean threw off his jacket and in an emotional rut he sat on the edge of the other bed.
Cas: “its not your fault Dean. your love for her wasn’t wrong. Dean it was her choice, you & Y/N are written in the stars. you guys are pre-destined. i hope you can find the heart to tell me what happened. I’m always here for you.”
Dean: “look okay michael and his goon squad killed her. michael gave me 24 hours to become his vessal. if i agree to become his vessal he said he would bring her back.”
Cas: “your not gonna do it are you?”
Dean: “what else do i do cas? i don’t have any other choice. i won’t live without her.”
Dean screamed at that moment he didn’t realize that his yelling wasn’t helping anything. he also realized that as much as he wanted you back he had to be careful about his choice.
Cas: "dean Y/N isnt dead..."
this made dean's head snap up... he glared at cas with tear struck eyes and quivering hands.
Dean: "what do you mean she isnt dead... cas look at her... what do you know that i dont?"
cas: "that Y/N isnt a regular hunter. her mother around the time of her conception slept with 2 very different beings."
dean: "wait her mother had a threesome..."
cas rolled his eyes and began pacing...
cas: "her mother slept with both an archangel and a vampire... the vampire bit her turning her as the archangel finished unloading into her. it concieved Y/N. her powers abilities etc. were hidden, placed under lock and key... the only thing that can wake her is archangel grace."
dean couldnt believe what he just heard, he couldnt believe that he was hearing this come out of his friends mouth.
dean: "wait so if she isnt dead what is the state she is in called?"
cas: "acoma, we have alot of similar medical terms for our things. to michael it looked like she died. when i got there i noticed that she was just in acoma..."
dean: "i have to do it..."
Cas looked at Dean like he wasnt thinking clearly.
Cas: “if your talking about doing what i think you are don’t nothing good will come from it.”
Dean: “Y/N has always had the power of good and evil inside her, it makes her special, makes her who she is. i have to take michael’s essense into myself and kiss her. would that do the trick?”
Cas’ jaw just dropped down to the floor. but he watched as Dean now stood facing the mirror.
Cas: “are you insane? if you say yes to michael he won’t let you go... you know that right?”
Dean: “of course i do, its just if i don’t do this she will never wake up... and i can’t live on if she is like this forever!”
Cas: “ok do what you want, but dont expect me to watch.”
cas disappeared as dean stood now in the room alone. there was more pain in his heart, than there was on his body.
Dean: “michael you son of a bitch get down here now. i’m prepared to offer you a deal.”
Dean sat by your bedside and waited... he waited for several hours.. all this waiting was making him edgy.
Dean: “look ass-douche, hear this. i dean winchester ask thee michael to use my body so i may save my love, you think you killed her but she is in an acoma-like state.”
at that last word Michael appeared. Dean wasn’t going to let Michael physically go near you.
Michael: “but she’s dead. i can’t believe my own eyes decieved me...”
Dean: “yeah well believe it but lets get one thing straight. you must stay in the back of my mind and let me do this. let me use your angelic power to save the love of my life. then i’ll help you stop lucifer. do we have an accords?”
Michael: “on 1 condition, lets be the greatest duo of all times cause once i am sharing your body... I’m Never Letting You Go...”
dean didn’t have time to blink before Michael left his vessal and made his way into Dean’s body.
Michael's essence pushed Dean aside but michael kept him close enough that he culd see what was about to happen. dean kept yelling and yelling at michael but it didnt work.
dean: "whats the meaning of this? give me back control of my body bitch?"
michael: "afraid you only get to watch this time buddy as i fuck the daylights out of your fiance."
Michael approached your still form snapping his fingers he removed both yours and Deans clothes. then he spread your legs lining “His” cock up with your entrance. 
Michael rubbed the tip against your pussy which was soaked. Dean had no idea what michael was planning. 
Dean: “michael what the hell is that grin doing on my face? your about to rape MY fiance. not yours... MINE.”
Michael: “she became mine as well when i took over your body...”
Michael at that second penetrated your vagina, he could hear Dean screaming in the back of his mind. but ignored him instead michael sped up, gaining speed with each thrust. 
it wasnt until about 5 minutes later that Dean realized what Michael’s plan was. 
Dean: “michael i swear to god if you cum inside her, i will fucking expell you from my body.”
Michael once more ignored dean’s incessant nagging and reached final stretch to climax. finally Dean felt it, he was about to cum. he had to leave a message some how for you... he had to regain control for one small minute long enough to write a letter or leave a message or something.
Dean knew his brain like the back of his hand, so he went to the pleasure part of his brain, and made michael pull out a bit just as he came. Michael pulled out of you entirely once he had released all of the cum. 
Michael: “i can feel you poking around in there i hope your not the reason why i didnt cum inside of your girl...”
Dean: “no but im the reason for this...”
Dean had found one of his mental blockers, he stuck it around michael’s grace shaving off a bit of it he took that to his mouth section. now having control back of his body he put a cover over you and put his pants back on... 
then he called for Cas, who appeared within seconds.
Cas: “what...”
Dean: “i dont have alot of time let me tell you this... when Y/N wakes after i kiss her you need to help her recover the last horsemen ring and stop the apocalypse. and tell her i love her and intend to marry her properly when im free of Michael’s hold. please my friend guard her with your life.”
Dean leaned down feeling michael breaking free, Dean kissed you releasing that little sliver of angel grace into you. then he disappeared using michael’s powers to get far enough away from you that michael wouldnt ever be able to find you.
it was a few seconds later that you woke up.
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Hey!!! 😇 I have read like all fics on your coming out tag page, when you have time can you update them? Today It's my one year anniversary of coming out!!! ☺️☺️☺️ -B
Happy Belated Anniversary! Sorry it’s a little late but we’re so happy we could celebrate with you! Here’s the tag for everyone else. - Anastasia
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Taking Bets by S_Horne
(1/1 I 406 I General I Sterek)
“Dad, Mel” Stiles started. “I'm gay.”
With a sudden boost of confidence, Stiles reached a hand out to take a hold of one of Derek's.
“And this is my Derek” he continued, turning his face to meet the other’s gaze.
Stiles has a confession for his parents, and they have one for him!
Dream a Little Dream of Me by 42hrb
(1/1 I 830 I Teen I Stanny)
Coach pairs Stiles and Danny in a hotel for a lacrosse trip, it turns out they have some stuff to talk about.
About Damn Time by fancyachatup
(1/1 I 903 I General I Sterek)
It's essentially Teen Wolf, except that there are such things as soulmates.
Deal? by fancyachatup
(1/1 I 921 I General I Sterek)
Only Peter is evil and it's for like 1 sentence. +Basically Sheriff answers a domestic violence call and Stiles hits on Derek while simultaneously coming out.
The Person He Loved In So Many Different Ways by QueenofCrazy
(1/1 I 1,136 I Not Rated I Sciles)
“Bro.” He whispered, hands gripping his knees and fingers tapping. “Bro you uh, you left your porn up on your laptop that I borrowed for my presentation.” Scott felt his face heat up. He knew what porn Stiles was talking about, how could he be so stupid not to check it before giving it to Stiles.
Sourwolves Do it Better by siao
(1/? I 1,406 I Explicit I Sterek)
In another time, in another place, but not exactly as the story still occurs in the much beloved town of Beacon Hills, Stiles Stilinski is a quirky (kind way of saying a walking disaster) teenager just trying to figure out his life in the wake of his parents uncommunicated separation, and being the perpetual third-wheel to his power couple friends Lydia and Jackson that makes him question if their friends because they happened to have playdates in the e-old age or because their parents gave them no choice but to be friends.
And yeah, maybe having sex with a complete stranger in the supply closet at school wasn't his brightest idea - sue him, but how was he supposed to know that his one time fling that he wanks since forth was his English teacher?
Throw in teenage werewolves, alphas, hunters and some kind of demon tree that may or may not be trying to seduce him into being evil and what you got is a whirlwind romance that's not quite legal but profound all the same.
Two Hearts in One Home by TheMipstaz
(1/1 I 1,851 I Explicit I Malia/Kira)
In which Kira bakes 11 pies.
Silver and Cold by inatshej
(1/1 I 2,044 I Mature I Steter)
Stiles admits to himself finally that it is cold, quiet and lonely. It didn't change when he met Peter, but at least he could forget about it. Somehow the thing with Peter ends up hurting him even more.
And The Oscar Goes To by 42hrb
(1/1 I 2,241 I Teen I Sterek)
Being publicly in the closet means Stiles can't go to the Academy Awards with who he really wants, but it's not like he's going to win so he doesn't have to worry about slipping up and thanking Derek in his speech... right?
Outed by smokesforsterek
(1/1 I 2,419 I General I Sterek)
Nancy O’Dell was standing on her chic set but in the background on one of the set pieces was a obviously zoomed in and blurry picture of Derek and Stiles kissing on the beach.Fuck.
or the one where Derek and Stiles are famous and secretly dating, and are caught. So naturally the only thing to do is pretend they're making a movie.
Heavy Is The Head by tragicama
(1/? I 2,574 I Explicit I Sterek)
Heir Prince of France, Derek Hale is tired of his royal life.
When he meets a palace servant named Stiles, everything changes.
Or, the one where Derek falls in love with his own Prince Charming.
Awake by reillyblack
(1/1 I 3,441 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles was too goddamn old for a sexual awakening.
Never Been Subtle by totallyrandom
(2/2 I 3,886 I Teen I Sterek)
Stiles has something important to tell Scott, but Scott’s not making it easy.
Green Beer and the Howling Wolf by TVTime
(1/1 I 4,152 I Teen I Stisaac)
Stiles, Isaac, and Scott go out drinking for St. Patrick’s Day and Stiles discovers that his hopeless crush on Isaac may not be as hopeless as he thought.
Stiles-centric/Stiles POV, dialogue-heavy college AU story with no powers. Primarily humor with some fluff and Stisaac romance. Alternate character histories. Isaac is Scott's adopted brother.****Stiles held his arms out and turned around in a circle. “I look okay right?”
Scott’s face lit with understanding. “Ah, someone wants to get lucky on St. Paddy’s Day.”
Stiles didn’t deny it, just changed the subject – well, technically he didn’t change the subject, but Scott would think it was a change of subject. “So when’s Isaac getting here?”
Trust by live_laugh_murder
(1/1 I 4,436 I Teen I Steo)
Stiles always knew Theo Raeken couldn't be trusted. But he seems to forget that when the werewolf gets under his skin.
Out in the Open by inmydreams
(1/1 I 5,188 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek Hale, successful actor and Oscar winner, is ready to come out and where better to do it than on his boyfriend's chat show?
Indecent Proposal by lavieboheme0919
(1/1 I 5,432 I Explicit I Stetoper)
Peter and Chris have been married since they were in their twenties. Stiles is introduced to the mix after Peter meets him in the showers at the on-campus gym. All of them love the relationship they're in. Unfortunately none of them know how to explain said relationship to Stiles' dad.
This is the first of a series I'll be working on as I work on my other story, "Gods and Monsters." This one will be heavily focused on sex. If I missed any tags, please let me know. As always, comments welcome and encouraged!
Aparecium by GameCake
(1/1 I 5,446 I Teen I Sterek)
“Hey, Derek, look! Aquamenti!” Stiles yelled laughing.
His laugh though was short-lived as his hand tickled the same time as water shot out of the tip of his fake wand?
“Whatever you did, wherever you found it, put it back!” Derek ordered flashing his alpha crimson eyes.
“Do you really think it is a good idea to leave it here unattended? What if a kid takes it? What if someone said ‘Avada Kedavra’” Stiles defended as he flayed his arms around.
That proved to be another bad choice. His hand buzzed again and lightning escaped the wand and stuck an innocent tree. Which immediately cracked and started decaying to the point that it looked sick and… well… dead.
There were a few bits of silence after that until Derek spoke up. “That’s it! Put it back now.”
Or the one where Stiles finds a wand that responds to Harry Potter spells, is apparently a mage and gets a boyfriend out of it.
Don't hate me for who I am by AnnSnape
(2/6 I 5,649 I Mature I Sterek)
It was Christmas when Stiles pack rejected him for being different and Stiles, who turned for the first time, had to run away from his own pack to survive.
Closeted by stilinski_wolf
(2/2 I 7,483 I Teen I Sterek)
Derek is part of a very rich, very conservative - and very homophobic - family, and so he has to hide who he truly is from them.
And then, Derek takes a liking to the new bartender working at the gay bar he frequents, and contemplates coming out to his family.
But his choice is taken out of his hands when his sister Cora follows him one night to the gay bar, changing Derek's life irrevocably.
wolf in the headlights by thedeathlyalpha
(1/1 I 7,581 I Teen I Scisaac)
When Scott finds out that Derek has added a member to the pack, he can't believe it.
When he discovers who it is, even worse.
As Scott becomes closer to Isaac, feelings develop and the lines blur, making everything just seem so confused.
Getting To Know Me Getting To Know You by alternativename
(3/? I 9,477 I Mature I Steter)
In an Omega verse where Stiles has never really felt comfortable in his own skin, he seeks out the company of other Omegas to help him make sense of the world they live in.
Meeting Peter Hale however was totally unplanned, and so was everything that happened from the moment they met.
And...Action! by defenselesswriter
(5/? I 9,632 I Explicit I Sterek)
"Not looking for casual hookups. Sorry, bro. Most codependent independent person you will ever meet. Part-time actor, full-time asshole who coincidentally preaches positivity. Worst bowler in the world after my best friend. Looking for a guy whose first thought isn’t ‘Can I put my dick in one of his orifices?’ Also super hella bi and might be down for a threesome.”
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes by huffleluff
(1/1 I 21,866 I Teen I Allydia)
If you had asked Allison Argent if she was straight two months ago, she would have said yes. Now, she isn't so sure.
On her eighteen birthday, she receives the name of her soul mate via a mark on her wrist: seventeen year old Lydia Martin. Her sense of identity suddenly gone, Allison must deal with her feelings for her best friend, her preacher father's homophobia, and learning to love herself for who she truly is--preferably before Lydia's eighteenth birthday in just one year's time.
There's Nothing That I Wouldn't Do (I Found My Way Back To You) by SuperMARVELous
(5/5 I 51,051 I Mature I Sterek)
Four times Derek and Stiles pass each other by and the one time they find their way back to each other.
The Payoff Pitch by Leslie_Knope
(12/12 I 83,974 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek is on the cusp of his second season with the LA Dodgers, and as the reigning runner-up Rookie of the Year, the pressure’s on him to become the team’s star pitcher and lead them to the playoffs for the first time in five years. He’s trying to deal with the burden of expectations and really has zero desire to spend any extra time or energy on anything that isn’t baseball.
But then he meets Stiles.
Building a Better Chimera: Part Two by Uthizaar
(21/21 I 200,638 I Explicit I Steo I MCD)
Theo returns to Beacon Hills with the task of guiding and protecting Stiles as he becomes one of the most powerful chimeras alive...Well that was the Dread Doctor's plan. Theo has a different idea, and Stiles fits nicely into it, not merely as a fellow chimera, but as something more. Of course, Stiles not being aware of his abilities is but one small obstacle... 
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