#yuletide exchange
ffviiicharacterweek · 13 days
FFVIII Yuletide Exchange!
I am very happy to announce a 2024 Yuletide Exchange for FFVIII!
This is the first exchange I'm coordinating, so please bear with me, and if there's something weird feel free to tell me!
Now, onto the main event!
The Rules
Rules are very straightforward, so please make sure to read them before joining:
You'll need to sign up using the form linked below.
During sign-up, you will be asked what you'd like to receive and what you're willing to give.
1 request = 1 gift to give, so please don't sign up multiple times if you're not willing to draw/write multiple gifts.
Your requests will then be paired with a matching creator.
You won't know who's your "Secret Santa" until your gift will be posted.
It is very important to follow the guidelines provided. Make sure to include what was asked for and avoid the "do not want" specified, to ensure a nice experience for everyone.
Of course, no character bashing unless it's explicitly asked for!
The Phases
There are a few phases to ensure everything will run smoothly. These are:
Phase 1, September 8th - September 15th: sign-up phase. Everyone can join! That means you can sign up even if you never took part in FFVIII Character Weeks or never requested a bingo card at @ffviiibingo. You can send multiple forms, but every request means one gift to give, so make sure to be ready for that.
Phase 2, September 16th - September 22nd: matching phase! Every request will be paired with a creator, who will be contacted with the info provided during sign-up.
Phase 3, September 23rd - January 15th: creation phase! You can start working on your gift, and if you need extra motivation, there's always our Discord server, with its brand new Yuletide Exchange channel.
Phase 4, January 16th - January 31st: posting phase! You can finally post your work. Make sure to tag the person you're gifting the work to (or use the gift feature on AO3 if you're publishing fanfiction!).
The Sign-Up Form
So, wanna sign up?
Fill out the form!
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antimony-medusa · 9 months
That's The Thing, It Lingers
“Oh, thank fuck,” someone breathed. The person who’d been picking her lock straightened up, caught sight of the shapeshifter standing inside the entrance, and froze in place. Tumblr tilted her head to the side, looking at her adversary. Reddit looked awful. She was drenched to the skin from the storm that Tumblr had heard beating at the upstairs windows. The bruises and blood on her face implied she’d been in a fight, and that she’d lost. The hero wasn’t even standing properly—the way she moved indicated definite rib damage. The technopath wasn’t normally one for front line fights, and Tumblr hadn’t seen her look this bad before outside of battles that her team had had to flee from. And to add to the mystery, Reddit wasn’t in costume. The Web 2.0 hero was wearing a set of torn street clothes. A Gamestop t-shirt and leggings was her outfit of choice, it looked like. “Uh,” Reddit started, smiling anxiously. “I didn’t think that you were gonna be here.” OR: Reddit turns up, bloody and beaten, at Tumblr's door.
Status: 1/1 chapters, updated 25 December, 4,362 words
Fandom: Internet & Social Media (Anthropomorphic)
Rating: Teen & Up Audiences
Characters: Tumblr (Anthropomorphic), Reddit (Anthropomorphic)
Relationships: Reddit/Tumblr (Anthropomorphic)
Tags: Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, First Aid, So I assume there's, Medical Inaccuracies, Kissing Enemies to Lovers, Yuletide 2023, Reddit API Controversy 2023, tumblr porn ban, Also other references but I just wanted to tag those because it made the tags really funny
Hey guys you know how I said I was going to do Yuletide? Well I got a REALLY fun assignement. Enemies to lovers Reddit/Tumblr. I had fun with it.
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logicalabsurdity · 9 months
Yuletide 2023: I wrote a thing
'Twas I that wrote the Bonkles fic!!
As ever, Yuletide was great fun. This year had some added delightfulness from discovering, come creator reveals, that my assigned recipient (the recipient of this fic, in fact) had made me a treat work. 😂 Bionicle fandom, man!
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emblemcest · 2 days
Just curious, but was there anyone in the shipcest community around here thinking of signing up for Yuletide this year?
If you're not familiar, it's a suuuper long-standing fanwork exchange focused on small fandoms that's been running for like, over 20 years now apparently???
Anyway I've somehow never taken part before but was kind of thinking about it this year, and I'd love an extra chance to write incest :P
(Also I've noticed it doesn't look like anyone's nominated The Coffin of Andy and Leyley or ANY Fire Emblem game yet and I have sooooo many noms I wanna make so. Help getting them in would be great :'D) (but only if you do wanna maybe take part ofc!!!)
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Knit, Purl, Improvise | Dangeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. ON AO3
For Lukani, as part of the Yuletide Exchange.
“You have dropped a stitch,” Xenk said helpfully, three days into their long scouting mission. 
“Honestly, and this is just a friendly suggestion, feel free to take it, piss off,” Edgin said. And then; “Shit, not the double stitch. I swear double stitches love to be dropped, they’re just dying for it. Where do I -”
“Right there.” 
Xenk shifted closer. The sunlight slanting through the firs and elms fell upon his cheeks with intent, as if it were perfectly aware and quite smug about its role in highlighting his beauty. Edgin stared - it was physically impossible not to stare, okay? Even Holga would have stared, and she was very much not into tall guys. 
Edgin cursed, fished out the lost stitch, and cursed again when it was clear he had to unravel a whole couple of rows to get it back into shape.
Xenk extended a hand. Long fingers, graceful wrists, calluses like - not like Holga, really. Fighter's hands; good hands. Edgin felt a normal amount, about them. "If I may -"
"Nay, you may not - nuh-huh! Get your hands off, mister. No needle-hogging here, thanks very much. If you wanted something to keep busy you should have brought it yourself, deal with it."
Xenk really was quite - well, not much taller than Edgin, but very present. Edgin was very aware of it, with the way they had sat together on the same cold boulder for hours now, peering down at the ravine below, and the cave where a band of traffickers were bound to show up, sooner or later. It looked like it was going to be a later situation.
Even Edgin found it pretty tasteless to make money off looting graves and selling the mummified corpses of ancient pixie chieftains to the highest bidder, though, and their sponsors paid decently, so he didn’t feel too bad about the bother.
Didn’t mean he hadn’t complained about it, but at least he had offered to share his egg sandwich with Xenk - that was nice, right? He was making nice, the way one made nice with an occasional coworker who did not make conversation and did not like egg sandwiches. Who, Edgin asked, did not like egg sandwiches? And he kept looking disapproving when Edgin stepped on the trails of ants that tried to make off with the crusts. No one made off with Edgin's crusts, only Holga and Kira were allowed to have his crusts.
"I am not needle-hogging," Xenk said, spacing out the vowels carefully. "I am not even touching your needles. Which I suspect, by that logics, makes you the needle-hogger here."
"Am not!"
"I merely wished to offer help where I may."
"Well, don't," Edgin snapped, and got busy tug-tug-tugging the yarn, unravelling his afternoon's work. "I am making a lovely scarf for my lovely daughter, and I am perfectly capable of making it myself."
Edgin sighed loudly. "Of course you knit. I bet you do great socks - fancy stuff, right? Marino shawls, and stuff. No, wait." Edgin narrowed his eyes, framed Xenk's face between his fingers like a pretentious portrait trying to get the sitter's measure. "You do lace knitting, don't you."
"The kindly farmers that took me in were often local champions at the local competition of threading thin shawls through rings," Xenk admitted.
"Flunk you," Edgin repeated, with feeling. Xenk's mouth tilted with a smile, just slightly. "Yeah, laugh it up, local father of one precocious kid edits out a few swear words, funny stuff. I'm doing just fine without a knitting advisory, thanks."
"There is no shame in taking aid when it is offered. Indeed, I was laid down for many moons abed with a wound, while in the care of a kindly family of farmers, when I first was taught the craft of knitting. And I must say," Xenk added, tilting his head in that disconcerting, insightful way that made the fine hairs to the back of Edgin's hair rise with not-unpleasant fright. "I am surprised at the techniques you apply. There are easier ways to undo this error than to start wholly anew."
Edgin bristled. The sun was in his eyes, now - the clouds kept chasing each other across the narrow strip of sky they could see from their spying place. Honestly, it was getting kind of chilly; but of course they couldn't start a fire, and like hell he was asking Xenk to cast a warming cantrip.
Xenk had cast a warming cantrip over their camping site every night so far, but it was the principle of the thing.
Xenk considered him. Which was. Certainly an experience. Edgin would like it to be over as soon as possible, but, again: he could not quite look away.
"I believe you to be a man very fond of shortcuts."
"Why, Paladin Xenk, are you calling me a cheater? I am hurt," Edgin said a hand on his chest, nearly stabbed himself in the face, and turned down the needles in a dramatic movement, as if he really had meant to show he was back-stabbed levels of hurt. "Truly."
"I am merely pointing out. As a friendly suggestion. For what it counts, your scarf does look lovely."
Of course it did. Edgin had learned from his Gramps, all the wool-stuff sailors worked at in the quiet of the night, crammed together in miserable bunks by the swaying light of foul-smelling lanterns. Gramps made beautiful cardigans, thick, scratchy, wonderful shirts. So did Edgin.
"Hell yeah it is. Which you only get if you do things properly." Do it proper start to finish, my Ned, and only leave a mistake so the spirits know not to get funny ideas.
Thing was, wool was awfully expensive. Nothing you could make a living out of, really; or at least he'd never managed it. He imagined telling Xenk that, and bit back a shiver: how the hell did people even get through these long waits? How did people get to know each other, even. He had never felt the need to prove himself to Holga - or, well, he did, every day, otherwise he'd have let himself die a thousand times, he cared about her opinion more than anything and sort of built up his identity around her faith in him in a cute, a little codependent way, but. It was different with Xenk.
Whatever - dusk was setting. The ants were going nuts on the bit of crust he had left for them, well away from his blanket - Xenk ought to be happy about that, not that he cared. There were bigger things to worry about. Tonight would be the last one of their watch, he could tell; the air was shivering in the leaves, eager. His neck prickled. Start to finish, and enough mistakes for bad luck to pass through.
Well, Edgin made mistakes aplenty, and the world liked Xenk better than most; between the two of them, they ought to be fine. 
"Your stitches are slipping again," Xenk noted.
"Brotherflunker," Edgin cursed, and bent down to work the needles with furious speed, the better to avoid Xenk's eyes, that tilted mouth.
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birdylion · 10 months
I reached 1000 words for my Yuletide story but it's in no way finished, what am I doing, send help
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wingedflight · 9 months
Happy Yuletide Reveals!!
This year I wrote a Bartimaeus fic, complete with a ton of canon-typical marginalia, so that was a ton of fun! It’s a role-swap AU where Kitty is the magician and Nate is the commoner caught up in the resistance and Bartimaeus is, as always, a little shit.
I also got a beautiful fic from @oakashandwillow for the Library series by Mark Lawrence which, of course, I am obsessed with. Perfect gift 💖💖💖 Everyone needs to go read The Book That Wouldnt Burn and then immediately read this fic, please and thank you.
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worldsentwined · 2 years
Rating: General Audiences Relationship: Thara Celehar/I��na Pel-Thenhior Archive Warnings: None Additional Tags: Pre-relationship, Developing Relationship, Hopeful Ending, Canon Continuation Word Count: 1438
A man like Thara Celehar is worth waiting for. Iäna does. A look at what their next interaction after The Grief of Stones might look like, from Iäna's eyes.
Yuletide authors are revealed, which means I can finally own up to this! I knew when I offered for this fandom that I had a very good chance of getting assigned to write for it, AND I knew it was a challenging fandom to write for, and it turns out I was COMPLETELY CORRECT on both counts. Thankfully, I had a lot of encouragement along the way - many thanks to celebros for helping me clarify my ideas and making sure I was nailing the informal second, and to the folks in the Geninsula discord Yuletide thread for lovingly bullying me into actually sitting down to write!
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whimsicalmeerkat · 2 years
being a home for the holidays
On AO3
Sutton Cottage wasn’t alive, but it was more alive than before his mistress had sown magic into the very land and coaxed out life from the magic others had merely allowed to accumulate.
Sutton Cottage witnesses a quiet moment between its new master and his lover.
Written for the Yuletide Exchange 2022. Beta by DerRumtreiber (@krabraccoon).
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marquisguyun · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 女将军和长公主 - 请君莫笑 | Female General and Eldest Princess - Qǐng Jūn Mò Xiào Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Li Xian/Lin Wanyue Characters: Li Xian, Lin Wanyue Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Age Changes, May/December Relationship, Identity Reveal, Wedding Night, Introspection, Implied Sexual Content Summary:
When Li Xian needs to find a new groom, she chooses Lin Feixing, a general nearing retirement.
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zerachin · 9 months
Tumblr media
yuletide vianton gift for Volky888
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elizabethminkel · 9 months
For my second fan culture column for Atlas Obscura, I wrote about Yuletide! (The first was on 18th-century sentiment albums as proto-Tumblrs.) This piece features several longtime Yuletide participants, including Dr. Anna Wilson, who wrote this great TWC article (partly) about Yuletide, and fic writers Sandrine and Petronia:
“What I really love about Yuletide is the potential for kismet,” says Petronia, “the story that, as a recipient, I always wished existed, [and] turns out to be the story someone else always wanted to write. The idea that I always had percolating as a writer, that was too niche to put energy into, turns out to have an audience after all—even an audience of one, which is all I need.” Sandrine echoes that love of serendipitous connections. “It’s great when there’s an obscure fandom of your heart which you thought was something only you cared for, and then someone else offers it—or requests it!—and you realize it wasn’t actually a fandom of one after all.”
(Also a note: I'm aware of the irony of a fandom juggernaut being the lead image for a piece on a rare-fandom exchange. 😭 While I did not choose the image myself, I do mention it in the piece—The Untamed was a Yuletide fandom its first year!)
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
Yuletide 2023
Hey y'all!
So I have (perhaps foolishly) been thinking about doing the Yuletide fic exchange again this year and thought that I should share it with all of you!
What is it?
Yuletide is a multi-fandom fic exchange that takes place every year around the holidays. It's for small fandoms with less than 1000 completed fics on AO3. (Find out if your favorite fandom is eligible here!)
When is it?
Nominations are open now! If you are a part of an eligible fandom you have until Thursday September 28 to nominate them. It's very simple, just list the fandom's name and up to four characters from that fandom you would like to see in a fic. You can nominate up to four fandoms if you have multiple that fit the criteria!
Sign-ups to participate happen October 13-21, where you can list which of the eligible fandoms you would like to write for (and which ones you would like your own gift to be from!) Once you're matched up you will have until December 18 to finish your fic!
If you want to know more about Yuletide and how it works go here!
I had a lot of fun doing this exchange last year and would love to have more people join us this year!
EDIT: Here's the link to the rules on AO3 for anyone who isn't sure how to navigate Dreamwidth.
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airgiodslv · 12 days
It's the most wonderful time of the year: Yuletide is here! Fandom nominations are now open, with sign-ups next month.
What's Yuletide, you ask? An annual fic exchange for rare and obscure fandoms. The commitment is low (a 1k fic for your recipient, who will be matched by fandom and character interests), but the payoff is high! You are guaranteed to receive a completed fic in a fandom you love (and I do mean this...pinch hitting is taken very seriously if your original creator defaults).
This is where you can ask for the fanfic of your dreams. Fic for that TV show you loved that was canceled after a few episodes! Fic for the weird and wonderful music video of your heart! Fic for that eternally unfinished novel series you still have on your bookshelf! Fic for short stories, for webcomics, for manga, for mythology, for RPF, for artworks, for games, for commercials, for anything you can imagine.
If you have ever thought, "No one but me will ever care about this thing," have no fear. Someone else is out there for you, and they are sharpening their pencils.
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argyleheir · 7 days
Does anyone one have an old Yuletide request they’d like to see filled? Trying to get off the naughty list this year so I can participate again properly, and it would be cool to fill a prompt for someone I know :)
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Multifandom: Yuletide 2024: Rare Fandoms Fic Exchange
Posted by: morbane Nominations have begun for Yuletide, the annual rare fandoms fic exchange. Send in your choices of fandoms and characters before 9am UTC, Friday 20 September. See countdown! Other key dates Sign-ups: October 8-18 Assignments due: Dec 18 Works go live: Dec 25 This year, we've relaxed requirements for RPF characters. We've also changed anthology fandom rules, and changed how we send out pinch hits. Feedback for additional tags was largely positive, so we're using them again. For admin announcements, including how to nominate: yuletide_admin For the full participation rules and where the works will be posted: 2024 collection at AO3 For community challenges, chat, and collaboration: yuletide | yuletide | Discord New and returning participants welcome. comments via The Fandom Calendar https://ift.tt/QmolzhF
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