#if they saw he favored her... some jealousy may have arisen
kibbles-bits · 1 year
Hey, I love your AU but how does Douma eat? Does he just change diet to eating some other kind of being, still keeps it a secret, or is the lady just cool with it?
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Douma still eats humans! It's kinda messed up! :D
If she knew about it she definitely wouldn't be okay with it! One fateful night, Kotoha decided to announce herself before opening the door.
And since then, Douma has taken his meals somewhere else so she won't ever find out.
Read more of the AU HERE
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displaced-tactician · 5 years
This is a Story About Morgan
This is a story about Morgan. Not the Morgan you know.... perhaps. But most certainly Morgan. A Morgan free of influence from her turned father. A Morgan who fought valiantly alongside Lucina, Cynthia, Inigo, Owain, and the lot of them against the darkness of Grima. A Morgan who lost it all and was long ago forgotten in place of another Morgan you may also know.
It was the last siege of the castle of Ylisse. Morgan and Lucina, among the other surviving children, fought valiantly against the Risen. Hundreds falling to their blades and many Thorons. However it was not enough. Morgan sprinted to Lucina as Grima went in for the kill, only for time to freeze. For a moment, Morgan saw many portals opening up and soon Lucina, Severa, Gerome and Minerva, and the rest of the group, stumbled into them. Morgan saw one in front of her as well, but was too late. The magic of Grima had cut it off.
Grima pauses for a moment, cursing under its breath and turning around away from the castle. Claiming these worms can be crushed after he dealt with the child wielding Falchion. Morgan shot Thoron after Thoron at it in rage. It stole her father, it stole the lives of her comrades and the parents of her friends! But it ignored her. Some how, as it massacred many more innocent Ylisseans on its departure, it ignored her. The Risen seemed to follow, almost as if on instinct. Perhaps a dozen people survived this onslaught. Soon a dark portal opened up, and Grima and many of the attacking arisen were gone.
What she hadn’t known was the remnants of her father had saved them that day. But that’s a story... perhaps for the future. Today we talk about this Morgan. The Morgan unintentionally left behind by her friends in a near destroyed world, to be replaced by a Morgan in the future’s past.
Morgan quickly reorganized the few survivors in the castle and made a temporary base. A day passed, and only strangling Risen were around. A week and they had thinned the horde more.... two weeks and they could walk outside. She began organizing, planning, tirelessly working herself to the point of perpetual exhaustion. Her new... army(?) unable to tell her not to exhaust herself as she was necessary, but unable to utilize her fully in fear of losing her.
Month passed, and she amassed around a hundred survivors. Common routes were now cleared of Risen, albeit barely so. The grounds still reeked of Grima’s evil, but less so now. Slowly their numbers grew as scouting party after scouting party explored the remnants of the world. Slowly, Morgan gave up her power in this fledgling little army. She didn’t want it... she couldn’t replace Lucina after all. Now the hamlet of Ylisse can restart fresh.
Finally well rested, Morgan packed, leaving behind volumes of notes and a note saying when she planned on returning. She left them in the throne room, to make sure it’d be found... not yet but eventually. She restarted Ylisse, but now she had to prevent Grima from ever coming back.
She began visiting ruins of old, in search of the necromantic knowledge that made Grima. She was lucky, after the final battle she found a single tome containing information on a long lost city called Thabes, and the old heroes Celica and Alm. It was vague at best. But she narrowed it down to what modern maps called the “Ruins of Time.”
She scoured the Ruins of Time and soon saw... herself? Just for a second she saw herself rushing up to a very young version of her father. She ran up to meet them but stopped seeing Lucina and Chrom. Lucina seemed confused as to why Morgan looked so... fresh. She was Morgan’s Lucina.... she had the same scars after all. But Lucina never recognized it was another Morgan. How could Lucina not recognize her? Had she not served her well? We’re they not friends? Lucina she wasn’t Morgan! Not YOUR MORGAN! The other children seemed to think along the same lines, except Laurent. At that moment, Laurent was the only one to propose it was another Morgan, and theirs might’ve died.
Time had disowned Morgan, and the illusion faded. Perhaps it was just an illusion, or perhaps another Morgan is now happy with her father. It was something Morgan wasn’t happy with, but something she was forced to accept.
She proceeded deeper into the ruins, soon finding the remnants of the city spoken about in lore. She smiled, finally she was catching a break. She scoured the city, collecting important tomes for future research. Who was this Forneus person? Their tomes were invaluable.
It wasn’t long before Morgan had to face a new threat.... a Labrynth.... filled with creatures so alike to the Risen but not quite there. She didn’t understand what they were but she proceeded to make short work of them. They were primitive and easy to kill compared to the Risen she had fought for so long. Her anger at her situation and her immediate jealousy of her friends seeing their families again fueled her trek. Every one of these masked things fell to her.
Soon enough she made it to the base of the Labrynth. Large doors with a seal all too familiar were cracked open. Inside she found her answers. Times describing the creation of Grima, the Hubert is of Forneus, and... well she put together how Grima was released from the tales of Alm and Celica from long ago. The placed reeked of Grima... she couldn’t stay any longer. She recognized the reek of Grima had been getting her angrier and angrier. She had her information and she had to leave.
She didn’t return to Ylisse as promised, no this information was too dangerous to share. Grima... this experiment could never be repeated. She destroyed everything except one tome she kept for herself. Then she... left, leaving behind most her anger and jealousy.
After years in solitude Morgan came across a blue haired man who made... a mass cemetery? She confronted him, her voice hoarse and rough from disuse. He seemed startled, but greeted her. He had to be on his way, but he was doing a favor for new allies of his. He then stopped, and told her that she could visit her father here any time she wished, and that he was sorry and missed her dearly. Then he disappeared.
Morgan was... surprised and began scouring the cemetery for any sign of her father. The mass graveyard filled with thousands of tombstones was... in its own way a puzzle of its own. A week later she found it. It was plain... so boring and plain... yet next to a group of more decorated graves. She smiled, knowing her father would like this grave. It was simple, utilitarian, and with all his friends. And of course... right next to mother.
Morgan cried in happiness. She gathered wildflowers and put them in front of her fathers and mothers grave. She hoped this meant Grima was dead... but could she ever be sure? She hugged the the tomb stones and sat in front of the tombstones. She spoke with her parents.
“Mother, father... I’ll move on today. I’ll keep this knowledge safe and away from those who may abuse it. I’ll destroy it before I die, but not before I find out how to kill Grima or any Grima like entity. I’ll never live a normal life... but I’ll keep this world safe. Tell everyone I love them dearly... I hope I can see you soon.” Tears fell down Morgan’s cheek, landing on the new fertile soil below her. She patted the tomb stones one last time, making a vow to come back once a year.
She watched the world move on. The blue haired man had unintentionally saved this world by using his magic to make the fertile cemetery. That fertile magic spread to the destroyed ruins of Ylisse, slowly but indeed it spread. Had it not been for him, Ylisse would have died alongside everyone else who hadn’t escaped.
Morgan lived quietly, yet peacefully, for the rest of her life. Gathering information on Grima and destroying it. Only keeping information on how to kill it safe and protected. She never married, she seldom entered towns, and she lived more or less happily.
This is the story of Morgan. A Morgan you might’ve known but has long been replaced. This is the story of one of the few Morgans who had a good end, even when all of time disowned them.
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