#if this is the end of danganronpa then i think im pretty satisfied
cactuskhee · 5 years
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Hey there! Can i have a death note and danganronpa romantic match up?
Im a tall person (female) and smooth shoulder length black hair with dark brown eyes, long lashes.
Im sensible, sympathetic, and self-driven. People see me as kind, responsible, caring, humble, optimistic and sensitive. My star sign is capricorn and im a libra ascendant. Infj-t is my mbti personality! I can also be selfish and aloof, i used to be rash but now im more calm and collected.
Hobbies :
Singing, cleaning, eating,reading,kick boxing, learning new things, and running. Running is random but i love track and field so i guess that makes sense now 😹.
Likes :
Food, music, books, clean and organized environment (i swear cleanliness is relaxing pls clean whenever you can), blue skies, strong wind, daydreaming, laughter/smiles, emotions, horror/ thriller movies, light academia, cottagecore and witchcore!
Love language ~
Im not that good with words so physical touch, quality time, acts of service are my love language!
I think thats all, thank you very much!
Never forget to treat yourself warm baths and healthy meals 🧚‍♀️
The way you formatted this is just *chefs kiss*
I match you with,,,
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Touta Matsuda!
We all love this man, right? Right?
Will always be trying to make you smile
Whether that be cracking jokes or doing small things for you here and there
Not good with horror movies, but bares them because it’s something you enjoy
He’ll pick out a movie and everything, acting like he knows what he’s doing, just to impress you
He starts out saying he’ll protect you if you get scared, but you might have to protect him in the end
Will in fact be hanging out with you at every opportunity, because he can and always wants to see you
Even if it’s just sitting in the same room doing separate things, he’s pretty satisfied
Though, he might interrupt you a time or two if you are doing separate work
Super supportive and understanding,, a little too much at times lolz
If you were to tell him about any issues you’re having, he’s pretty much immediately on your side about it
He is on it and trying his best to make you feel better, even if he can’t fix the problem
In conclusion: He may be a dumbass,, but now he’s a dumbass in love. And that makes the relationship powerful.
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Nagito Komaeda!
Listen,, if he likes someone, he kinda likes everything about them without fail
He’s literally enamored with everything you do.
Whether you think you have any kind of talent or not, he will always believe you do, especially when doing what you love
From the sports you enjoy, to any absent minded singing you may do, he adores being able to see any of it
He is quite fond of horror films, himself! He’d love to make a night of watching a few with you
He’s not too bothered by them, really, as long as it doesn’t involve anything too realistic like serial killers or natural disasters
He tends to make a few light hearted comments while watching them, even, especially if you seem scared at all
Good cleaning buddy, would definitely not mind tidying up if it was with you
Cleaning isn’t his favorite thing, per say, but he’s strangely good at it
He doesn’t always have the energy to do so, but I believe he’d find it calming if you washed up together and chatted
Lowkey,, king of cuddles if you’ll allow him to be
If he’s not rambling on and on to show his affection, he will 10/10 be more than down for cuddles
He won’t initiate them most of the time, he feels like he’s crossing boundaries, but if you let him, he will probably never let you go
In conclusion: Optimism meets whatever the hell you wanna call Nagito,, and somehow it works really well
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twisted-lies · 3 years
heyyy, would it be alright to ask for a kin match up? ive seen people request multiple sources, so anything danganronpa along with a my hero aca kin matchups would be great. if that’s changed just danganronpa is alright too haha
if i had to describe myself in one word it’d be “awkward.” i’m awkward, i’m constantly tense, i second guess everything i do! i wish i could be one of those social butterflies who just make friends so easily! i really admire people like that, and sometimes i find myself watching them from afar. not in a creepy way i just love seeing how smooth their conversations goes and i just wish to be in a group of enthusiastic friends. surprisingly enough, i always end up friends with closed up people. i kind of like it! i in these situations im the one that holds the conversations, which is something i can appreciate. despite being too awkward to hold a conversation, i always have deep and intense conversations with people like that. i’ve been told i always know just what to say to make them feel better, but im not sure about that. i’m not that good at describing my personality, the main thing i can see is im awkward. i can be funny as a result of that awkwardness though, and i consider myself a genuine person.
im a huge procrastinator. when it comes to things like work and school im usually late, and my responsibilities are done sloppily. every once in a while, i do an outstanding job. i get really proud of these moments but honestly they’re the only moments allowing me to have responsibilities anymore. when it comes to interests it depends on the day, but the one’s that have remained consistent are painting and playing video games. i also like stuffed animals and collecting them, but i find it kind of embarrassing. when it comes to painting, i enjoy painting flowers and scenery!
i just go with the flow, and while that way of thinking has come to bite me in the ass a few times, i never think about fixing it. i enjoy being lazy, and i can step up if i wanted to, but i’ve never really wanted to. i don’t have any goals, mainly because i’m a bit afraid of the future. spending a day with someone i trust m, platonic or not, is always something im up for. i’m not picky on what to do either, i’d love to teach you paint or we could go see an abandoned building. as long as i have someone by my side i feel like i can do anything.
I kin assign you with...
Ryota Minitari
Firstly I thought of Ryota Minitari, Ryota is more awkward, timid, and anti-social. He also tends to second guess thing sometimes and has to force himself to buckle down and get work done, like his animations and sutch. He tends to look up to people who are social much like Makoto or Gozu. He mainly watches things and doesn't speak too much, though can when needed. He probably can hold a decent conversation with his friends or other people. Though he'd probably be more anxious when talking to others and holding a conversation. Ryota can also be serious sometimes so it helps when he's trying to talk or help someone out or overall just in a serious event. Ryota can sometimes probably have projects and sutch overdue because of certain deadlines, but he gets it done regardless. Though as long as his work makes the people watching or seeing it happy, he's happy. He also tended to spend a lot of his time with the ultimate impostor. Along with his ultimate he's probably good in the art field of things.
Toko Fukawa
Secondly I thought of Toko Fukawa, Toko's definitely on the more awkward and shy side of things. When in friend groups she's still pretty shy or awkward though that shows more when in larger groups, but she'll hold a conversation if she has too. She may end up accidentally saying something she didn't want too, but it could come off as funny sometimes. She also probably watches conversations from afar rather than joining in them. She probably also second guesses herself and her choices a lot as well. She's proud of her writing and things she likes to do so that could tie in with you as well.
Chihiro Fujisaki
Lastly I thought of Chihiro Fujisaki, Chihiro is more awkward, timid, and shy, though they're passionate with things they like much like with their programming skills. If you mention something they like they'll probably have an easier time leading a conversation. Though Chihiro isn't the best with conversations, especially in bigger groups. They'd probably watch from afar and try to take a few notes here and there. Chihiro could probably make a few things like art too due to their programming skills. I also think they'd have a small thing at least for stuffed animals.
Tamaki Amajiki
Firstly I thought of Tamaki Amajiki, Tamaki is definitely more awkward, shy, anxious, and timid. Which is easy to pick up when you first see him in the show. Though he has more enthusiastic friends he still pretty shy, though can hold a small conversation if he needs too. He'd probably prefer to just spend time with people he knows pretty well and stick close to them instead of going off on his own.
Izuku Midoriya
Secondly I thought of Izuku Midoriya, Izuku can definitely be more awkward at times though he can keep a conversation when he needs too even in slightly larger groups. He's pretty nice and could probably be of big help when people need it or in other words knows just what to say. He's probably into some type of art due to drawing and taking time with his hero suit. He's probably not too picky with what he does either as long as he's with his friends.
Koji Koda
Koji is definitely more shy or awkward and hardly ever speaks unless it's to his classmates, even then he's still incredibly silent and prefers to use things like sign language to communicate. He loves animals and even owns a few stuffed animals himself!
I hope you're satisfied with your results!
Yeah Danganronpa and My Hero Academia is fine it's the ones I'm most comfortable with doing and the only two I've been asked to do so far
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colourful-void · 4 years
Hope’s Peak AU General Outfit Headcanons
It’s more au!!!!!! I was really tired while writing this and it probably shows. If I missed anyone lemme know! I think I missed someone from v3 but I'm not sure who. If people are interested in the dr3 characters beyond Ryouta, I can add on to this post. Lemme know!
As a general rule, any special events that require uniforms (graduation, entrance ceremony, etc) will have most students wearing uniforms. It’s important to note that while Hope’s Peak has a uniform (the same ones seen in the dr3 anime) there is no dress code. You can buy a uniform in the school store, but they aren’t at all mandatory, and so Hope’s Peak Students can wear Literally Whatever They Want. So you don’t have to wear the uniform for your agab, you can wear a halloween costume everyday, pj’s everyday, really the only rule is that if you would get arrested for wearing it on the street, you probably shouldn’t be wearing it here, and you need to be wearing something.  
(I’ll also mention free time a bunch in this post, which is just whenever the students aren’t in class. I’ll explain the daytime/nighttime and class time/ free time schedule in a later post)
Long post, so details on each character underneath the cut! =)
[Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc]
Makoto: wears his outfit from THH, but the pants are the uniform and the jacket is the uniform. during free time he’s just in hoodies in jackets. He gets cold easy.
Sayaka: wears the uniform, she thinks it’s cute. Has hair clips/hairbands to accessorize. wears cute and trendy clothes!
Leon: doesn’t wear the uniform. Wears whatever was closest lying on the floor. 
Chihiro: wears the uniform, but sometimes with her in game skirt instead of the uniform skirt. some of the other girls took her shopping for dresses and skirts and she loves all those outfits and wears them all the time! =)
Mondo: wears the uniform, but not the tie, and has his shirt unbuttoned in that delinquent way most of the time. Sometimes Taka will through a tie on him, though loosely tied. (Mondo doesn’t like things restraining his neck)
Kiyotaka: are you kidding he wears the uniform religiously. He’s never seen in anything else. Even after class hours, on weekends, over break, he’s wearing it. Some of the under (and upper) classmen wonder if he even owns other clothes. 
Hifumi: owns a uniform. Usually wears it, but sometimes he just comes in pyjama’s. 
Celeste: never. She’s not even wearing it in the pictures from THH, she’s probably never even touched a uniform. She’s committed to the aesthetic. dresses all the time.
Sakura: wears it everyday, but only during school hours. wears stretchy workout clothes normally. 
Mukuro: wears the uniform, though she’s modified it so the neck is looser, and there are lots of hidden pockets for weapons. She also made her skirt longer. she also has a bulletproof vest she wears both during and after classes. shes got leggings with hidden pockets. 
Junko: also wears a modified uniform, with extra pockets, and a shorter skirt. She also has her tie from THH, and her THH skirt. Keeps her Monokuma Hairclips.
Aoi: More likely to be wearing her gym uniform or other work out clothes with the hope’s peak logo on them than the actual uniform, but staff will take what they can get.
Hagakure: doesn’t wear it.
Touko: wears the uniform, but Syo doesn’t. Syo just wears whatever, so if she’s in control when getting dressed, she’ll probably just wear whatever she can find. She doesn’t care if its clean, ripped, etc.
Byakuya: The Great Byakuya Togami has better quality clothes than the hope’s peak uniform, but will wear it when requested by Makoto, or at any school events where he wants to look part of the class or something. (School fair, stuff like that)
Kyouko: wears the uniform. It makes her dad happy.
[Ultra Despair Girls]
Komaru: Doesn’t go to Hope’s Peak, but wears the uniform for her own school.
All the warriors do not wear uniforms. I don’t think that Hope’s Peak Elementary has a uniform. They wear their in game things. Except Jataro, who wears an allergy face mask instead of his in game mask. 
[Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair]
Hajime: Wears the Uniform, though usually not the jacket. He’ll keep it with him, but hang it on chairs or something. If he’s wearing the jacket either Izuru is in control, Hajime is cold, or he’s at a formal event.
Imposter: they’ll follow the outfit choices including uniform of whoever they’re impersonating, they are Dedicated. 
Teruteru: doesn’t wear the uniform. Is always wearing a chef’s outfit. He didn’t wear it in dr3, he won’t wear it here.
Koizumi: Wears the uniform during class hours, wears simple dresses and overalls during freetime.
Peko: wears her uniform most of the time, though does own and wear casual clothes. She’ll usually wear those around her own room though, and she has little dresses she’ll wear on outings or on dates
Ibuki: it’s debated if Ibuki even owns a Hope’s Peak uniform. She’ll wear whatever she feels like, which means you may see her in a full suit, a ballgown, a tracksuit, her gym uniform, or a uniform for a school thats she’s never been to, and you can never tell what it may be. She is pretty fond of neon colours though, so typically she’s wearing really bright colours and casual clothes. She also ties her hair up different constantly, with no rhyme or reason other than ‘she felt like it’. She looks like Haruhi in that one opening scene to The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya.
Hiyoko: shes still wearing kimonos and she still cant tie them
Mikan: she wears the uniform most of the time, and casual clothes when it’s not class time. Her uniform has been modified for her by Tsumugi, to make the skirt longer. Her casual clothes are nice skirts, leggings and long sleeved shirts.
Nekomaru: He wears the uniform most of the time, and track suits/ his in game clothes during free times.
Gundham: wears the uniform during school hours, and his in game clothes during free time. However, he always has his scarf and arm wrap.
Komaeda: wears the uniform, but has his little sweater vest thing. Basically what he looked like in 2.5. His hair has a touch more colour to it though, and there’s brown starting to come in at the roots by his 3rd year. During free time he wears his jacket from the game.
Chiaki: same clothes as dr3 during classes. Will wear anime graphic tees and hoodies when she’s not in class.
Fuyuhiko: Guess what it’s his vest from 2.5, I’m sorry it’s getting repetitive but canon did alright with outfits in some places and I’m not gonna fix whats not broken.
Sonia: Sonia loves the hope’s peak uniform. She wears it often, but she does have some casual dresses for when shes not in class. A note I will make, Sonia is way more practical about her hair in this au because I refuse to believe that someone like Sonia would have hair that long and not tie it up. She wears high ponytails and her braid crown from the game, and is happy to try different hair styles, such as braids or buns.
Souda: “wow souda, how come your mom lets you have two jumpsuits?” also teeshirts and basketball shorts.
Akane: wears the uniform, but also gym clothes on the regular. sometimes she wears oversized teeshirts, and general work out clothes.
(Im putting Ryota here because I’m lazy)
Ryota: wears the uniform during class, and oversized hoodies when class is over.
[New Danganronpa V3: Everyone’s New Semester of Killing]
Shuuichi: wears the uniform. He also has his hat. He wore it a lot in first year, and slowly grew to wear it less. Now he wears it sometimes, but not always! When he feels like it. 
Rantaro: wears the uniform, and his normal clothes when school hours are over. He’s got a laid back style of dress that matches his personality 
Kaede: she wears the uniform and she’s very happy about it! Her casual clothes look like a uniform, they’re very preppy. Sweater vests and pleated skirts.
Hoshi: wears the uniform but replaced the normal jacket with his leather one, and his in game clothes when he’s not in class.
Kirumi: she’s wearing the uniform the majority of the time, even when class is over, since it makes her more recognizable to the other students. She keeps the gloves though. Students are Messy.
Angie: Ok previously I said she didn’t wear the uniform, but then I started drawing her in the uniform and I changed my mind. She wears her raincoat instead of the jacket and ties off the end of her shirt to show her stomach, like Brittney Spears. She has no clue who Brittney is, she just tied it like that to show off her piercings. Keeps the uniform skirt, has art supplies tucked into every pocket she’s got.
Tenko: wears the boys uniform actually! All uniforms offer equal mobility and she likes that uniform better. The dress code is like non existent, so no one cares. When she’s not in class, she might wear skirts or pants, she doesn’t really care. So long as it offers good mobility for kicking degenerates. 
Korekiyo: wears the uniform and his in game outfit. Keeps the mask.
Miu: doesn’t wear the uniform, keeping her in game clothes. She also has some other clothes, almost all of which have swear words on them, or pants with things written on the seat of them. Good thing hope’s peak doesn’t have a dress code!
Gonta: gonta is a gentleman who wears the uniform with pride! 
Kokichi: now with Kokichi it depends. Most day’s he’ll wear casual clothes, like hoodies and jeans. On good days/ days he’s particularly excited, he’ll wear his Dice costume from his art. If he’s not having a good day, he’ll wear the uniform. So far the only people who have caught on to this pattern are Sonia and Shuuichi. No matter what he’s wearing his scarf. If he ever came to class without it, Shuuichi/Sonia would probably pull him out of class in a panic to ask what was wrong. Beyond that, he’s got a bunch of hair clips he’ll wear sometimes, as well as rings and bracelets. His favourite bracelet is a bunch of purple glass beads that make a satisfying noise when he shakes his hands.
Kaito: He replaced his uniform coat with his purple coat. He is always wearing that coat. He also has JAXA shirts and other space themed clothes
Kiibo: for a while he didn’t have a uniform because.. well he’s a robot he doesn’t need one. But after he told Kiyotaka he wanted one, Taka gave him one, and now he wears it a bunch! It makes him very happy. When he’s not in class though he usually doesn’t wear it since he doesn’t want it getting dirty.
Tsumugi: Tsumugi made a lot of alterations to her uniform to make it ‘cuter’. Sometimes she’ll just come to class in different uniforms for various anime characters. As someone who sometimes just wears cosplay on a normal day and who goes to cons, there is something fantastic about seeing someone in cosplay doing mundane things, and thats what Tsumugi looks like near constantly. she’d rather have other people wear them, but ‘if no one else will wear them, I will!’and it makes good advertising. Also cosplay is fun!
Maki: Joining the modified uniform gang, also with pockets for knives and things. Also has a longer skirt. She braids her hair sometimes, because I can verify from experience that hair like Maki’s would be super inconvenient and get in the way. 
Himiko: she’ll usually wear the uniform, but if she’s feeling lazy/tired/depressed, she might just come to class in pj’s. Same thing for free times.
I think that’s everyone! lemme know if I missed anything, or you’ve got thoughts/things u wanna share! Thanks for reading this all!
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some p!g-drv3 theories (spoilers obvi)
First of all I think people demonize the pg versions wayyy too much because its a good way to be le sexy in like fanfictions. And i get it, villains are hot or whatever. and also hs is a horny age to be. But even the edgiest and horniest of teens aren’t like. that sexual/monstrous. its kind of insane the portrayals people are placing
maybe this could also be like me being older bc when i was early hs i was like yea its fair to place these super mature portrayals on a 18-22 year old they are like adults but young and now im that age and im like woah there pardner. might be an age/maturity thing. 
also like its normal for people to relate to and portray characters their same age in a similar fashion, but when adults write more sexual content about the dg kids i get hella fucking sus
idk where i was going with that first comment i guess its like a preface and in the end i think its important when characters especially teenage characters are morally grey not because they’re mature and dark/brooding but because they are still young and learning. fuck im older than like most of them, but im still young and learning. its good to be in turmoil and confused, especially the drv3 cast. they are more confused than anything.
which i think is a reason why people would join dr because if you are completely loss and in turmoil, it is appealing to be given a purpose in life and amazing talents/abilities. despite the morals of danganronpa, it is a simple reality to be told who you are and what to do
OK ONTO HEADCANONS (not doing all bc i dont have thoughts about all)
first of all i understand changing stories but i think, deep down, you can’t change fundamental personalities/values. so while the backstories might be different i think, in the end, a baseline is always the same
SHUICHI being a Bad Boy is like canon obviously but i dont think he’s as manipulative as people make him out to be. i think he falls in the more the bully role that like. mae borowski or tf2′s scout filled before they grew up. rough background, bad anger issues, lots of emotional turmoil, and the only way he knows how to deal with shit is by committing crimes and beating the shit out of people. and, similar to those characters, drv3 represents an older, more emotionally sober yet equally confused version of himself. the urges are still there as foreshadowed in the dialogue. i think he struggles with guilt, mostly survivors, but there is still a lasting impact of guilt of what he did in his past, even if he can’t remember.
KOKICHI is a child. a piece of shit motherfucker child but a child. I really do think he’s like one of the youngest people in the cast. he reminds me a lot of when my brother doesn’t take his adhd medicine and takes jokes way too far and does mean and cruel things because he thinks its funny and that its just a fun joke, but is hurting people. he desperately wants approval, which is why his leader role is so interesting because in the dr narrative he has the approval he craves and so he is satisfied. still, he does try to impress characters like rantaro and values his opinions a lot, even developing a brotherly relationship in the time they knew each other. this being said, its established kokichi was bullied before, but i dont think he’s like. the wimp people make him out to be. i think he’s more of like the class clown who desperately uses humor to make people like him, and ends up resorting to be the butt of most of his jokes. you don’t just develop a good sense of humor out of a brainwash, and that’s not something you can program in. i think that was a remnant of before, and he’s so good at bullying people and coming up with roasts - i just think that in p!g the roasts were about him.
KAEDE is baby but her p!g personality seriously reminds me of any ~quirky/edgy~ girl in a teen coming of age story who tries to be edgy and cool and act like she doesn’t care but deep down, she really does. if she didn’t have an empathetic personality, she wouldn’t want to end the game. i also think she has that self-identifying QuIrKy personality because its like she lives in her own narrative, practically announcing this story is about her and she is the protagonist. i know i used to self narrate like that and distinguish how i was different when i was like. 15-16. she has a tumblr. 
I really like the theory where KAITO is a make-a-wish kid who was better when he was younger but relapses later in teens. he never used his wish before, so he decides to use it now to be on danganronpa and become the hero he always wanted to be. i also think he might have joined as a way to raise awareness about adolescent healthcare. definitely the type who puts on a “heroic” character to make everyone else feel better about the fact he is literally dying of a terminal illness, and keeps that act up till the end. 
i think KOREKIYO is still a serial killer. i think honestly a reason why he mightve auditioned for danganronpa is because he is a serial killer. maybe his sister found out and he felt so much shame that’s why he auditioned. he probably mentioned why in his interview because duh, tell them im a serial killer and then only reason im coming clean is my sister found out and im ashamed, that is like a guarantee to get on the show.  i LOVE the theory that his sister is still alive, however, and has to watch her brother go insane because they wrote her into the story as the villain. because technically, she brought on this guilt, and is the reason why he auditioned - as a way to cause despair, twist it around so she’s the one to blame for his insanity. also, because its pretty accepted DR members become celebrities, kork’s sister is totally bombarded with paparazzi and is demonized in the media. she might end up writing a tell-all memoir about kork’s actual childhood and personality. quiet kid, thoughtful, interested in anthropology, she never thought he’d hurt a fly. watching her brother go insane probably destroyed her. 
I also think, timeline wise, kork is probably one of the oldest members along with rantaro. tbh i think kork actually graduated hs and went on a gap year doing the whole “hitchhike around the world to discover myself thing” which is where he began killing people. he was getting ready to go to college when his sister found out about what he did. this is when he decided to go on danganronpa instead of university. this would help explain why he knows so much about other cultures/travel/been so many places with so many memories/killed/is knowledgable on a level most other students are not. this would place him at like, 20-21, where everyone else is like 15-18.
ok so there’s two p!g RANTARO, p!g before 53 and p!p!g before 52. i’d like to establish now i think rantaro is the oldest of the characters, seeing as though he was already pretty old to begin with in 52, it takes time between television seasons, and he was in another game. so im placing him like 21-23, similar to yasuhiro in d1 being so much older than everyone else. i do think, in all iterations, rantaro was pretty much raising his sisters, though i don’t think he had twelve like the story (i think that’s an exaggeration, his sisters mean a lot to him, lets make him have a TON and then lose them all and feel GUILTY) rantaro joined the first game, partially to get money for his family and hopefully establish them as celebrities and let them have a comfy lifestyle, even if he doesn’t live...and also to finally ahve some sort of experience without his siblings tagging along. if he’s been raising his sisters all his life, he’s never had like something that’s JUST his. that’s his adventure. 52 is his ULTIMATE adventure. ahaha. mostly for money, kind of dreading it, still a tiny bit excited
ok p!g rantaro between 52 and 53 probably came back broken. he did the signings and appearances, but mostly wanted to spend time with his family and make sure they were set up. i think he knew the whole like few months between seasons he had to go on another show, but he did’t tell his sisters. his family found out when they saw a billboard with his face plastered on it hyping up the return of a fan favorite. yikes!
ok i get it a lot of people hate HIMIKO but i think she’s not nearly as similar as other “useless” characters in other games. its like, pretty clear she’s depressed, and the only thing she’s holding onto with dear life is magic. lack of hygiene, lack of personal care, constantly tired, social interaction exhausts - she has depression, but she’s not an UWU depressed character. so people find her depressive traits (which are some of the most realistic portrayals of mental health in the series) SUPER annoygin. she joined dr because she was completely lost and needed some sort of direction in her life, even if she’ll die for it. the thing is, even with direction, her mental state didn’t change because she wasn’t getting legitimate help. it’s like that one SNL skit that’s like. same sad you from before but in a new place. i also think she knows the magic is not real, because how could she not. i think she’s so adamant that it IS real, less as a way to convince others, and more of a way to convince herself. it’s like really super cruel that team danganronpa took a girl who is desperate for meaning and gave her literally a meaningless, fake talent.
i also kin himiko and find her a comfort character because i feel seen by her, replacing her useless talent of magic with mine of like shitty film making and comedy. i am seen.
related i don’t think she’s nearly as ugly as everyone says she is, i think she’s probably just depressed and takes absolutely no care of her hygiene and sleep and looks like sick and greasy all the time. same queen.
honest to god i think RYOMA’s backstory, tennis and all, is like 100% real and he’s the only one who keeps all of his memories except for the fact this is a tv show. i think he rolled up, a hot fucking mess, and the danganronpa team were like damn. we cannot improve upon this. 
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playtwewy · 5 years
32 (Don't Get Lost In Heaven),13, 14, 24
Una I love you and i would die for you ( ´ ▽ ` )
32. alternate title for (insert story title)
Bro titles are my kryptonite,,,, like i think before i decided to use that title i swear it was just labeled like TWEWY fic or something lame like that. But if you want a serious answer I would probably name it after another song since those are easy and can convey more meaning, and if i wasn’t following the Gorillaz motif it would either be Let It Happen or Are You Satisfied? off the top of my head.
13.  hardest character to write
Still from my twewy fic that would have to be Joshua. Like one of the reason i never started my twewy fic for so long was because i never felt confident in my ability to convey his complexities properly. And in some ways I still don’t. But it’s still a nice challenge.
Second would be Komaeda because yes I did attempt/succeed in writing danganronpa fanfiction at one point...
14. easiest character to write
Back when i was really really into kagepro Kido was my hardcore comfort character and so I found it easy to write her whenever I did :)
Second would be Eri since, rather than trying to capture the feeling of other characters I use my own idea of her to fuel my writing which is fun.
24. favorite scene you’ve ever written
I have 3 that I can’t really decide between. 1. I wrote a psycho pass ficlet after a character I really liked died as a way to express my grief and I’m pretty proud of it lol for old writing. 2. The first scene in my twewy fic where I wrote from Joshua’s perspective (i think the first scene in chapter 2) im pretty proud of that lmao since i think it’s good. 3. I finished a tsukihina fic just this time last year and I’m pretty happy with how the kissing scene at the end of it turned out aksdfjkjdsfhj
asks for fanfic writers
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anonymous-hopeful · 6 years
A fanfic with Danganronpa characters in Homestuck
I'm just going to post it all in one go, then update as needed.
Like and reblog, all that fun stuff
A young adult male stands alone in his room. He dons his zip-up hoodie, t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and sneakers. At first glance, this teenaged boy seems normal, completely ordinary, however, this is not so. For you see, atop his head is an ahoge, passed down from generation to generation. They say it's a mark of destiny. This boy will be known in history. This boy is extremely special. This boy...this boy is...
==> Name The Boy.
"Actually, you're not that far off."
"See? You were pretty close."
Your name is NAEGI MAKOTO. Inside your dorm is your VARIETY OF INTRESTS, or rather, LACK THEREOF.  You don't really have much in your room, as every time you try to decorate it, IT PUTS OUT THE WRONG MESSAGE ABOUT YOU. The message being you're an INTRESTING GUY. The only reason you're even in HOPE'S PEAK ACADEMY anyway was because of the LOTTERY YOU WON. By winning said lottery, you were awarded the title of ULTIMATE LUCKY STUDENT, and the entrace into ONE OF THE MOST PRESTEGIOUS SCHOOLS IN JAPAN. While you try to FIT IN, you can't help but be intimidated by the other students who are TRULY TALENTED. Thankfully, someone connected you to CHAT-CHAN, a chat-room application that some students here use. You've made some friends under your CHANHANDLE, HopefulEgg. Unfortunately, you're too shy to talk to them in real life.
What will you do now?
==> Makoto: Examine your fetch modus.
Fetch modus? Oh yeah. That was the storage device you recieved when you came in on the first day. You look at your FETCH MODUS. It's the LUCK MODUS, of course. Once something goes in, whether or not comes out is up to sheer luck. You've avoided using the capchalouge cards for it. You don't need anything important getting stuck in the sylladex.
==> Makoto: Examine your strife specibus.
Strife specibus? Oh yeah. That was the weopon specializer you recieved when you came in the first day. You have the REVOLVERKIND, filled with a large supply of TRUTH BULLETS. You've avoided using that, too. Guns are dangerous, and you're no marksman.
"Uwuu! Someone wants to chat with you!☆"
Looks like Chat-chan's alerting you.
==> Makoto: Chat.
MysteriousRamen [MR] began chatting with HopefulEgg [HE]
MR: Are you available at the moment?
HE: as of now, yes. whats up?
MR: I was wondering if you had taken notes from today's lesson.
HE: yeah, i always do that, why, do you need them?
MR: If we were able to meet up somewhere on campus, yes.
HE: oh, i see what this is! you're not making me fall for it, ramen -.-
MR: What is that at the end?
HE: it's a squinty face. it enforces that i'm not falling for the trick.
MR: Sure it does.
HE: :)
MR: I don't understand why you are so self conscious. Surely after our many chats, you will have become more confident.
HE: i have! a little...
MR: Would you at least tell me your name?
HE: eh...why don't you go first?
MR: I inquired first.
HE: still, i'm not ready!
MR: Then my identity shall remain hidden as well.
HE: fine by me.
MR: Seriously though, I do need the notes.
HE: don't worry, i'll send them via internet file.
MR: Thank you. This will work tremendously in my investigation.
HE: what investigation?
MR: ...
MysteriousRamen [MR] ceased chatting with HopefulEgg [HE]
You hope that investigation had good intentions behind it.
*a knock at the door*
==> Makoto: Answer knock.
No one's on the other side, however, there are two envelopes left in their wake.
==> Makoto: Pick up envelopes.
You pick up the envelopes and look atbthe packaging. On each one, the logo for a game called SBURB in printed, but underneath, the text either says server or client. You have a vauge idea who left these at your dorm. After all, he's the only one that knows who you are.
==> Makoto: Chat with you-know-who.
HopefulEgg [HE] began chatting with CookiecutterPepsicola [CP]
HE: hey, did you leave these disks outside my dorm?
You end up waiting a pretty long time. Eventually, you give up on the guy.
"SBURB...I wonder what it is..."
==> Makoto: Ask about SBURB.
You examine your chatmate list.
Other than CookiecutterPepsicola, you're not sure who would have any idea about this game. You decide to take to the internet for this one.
You find nothing. Literally nothing. Does this game even exist?!
Looks like he's on now.
HopefulEgg [HE] began chatting with CookiecutterPepsicola [CP]
HE: hey, did you leave these disks outside my dorm?
CP: Yeh. Cool, right?
HE: if i knew what it was, sure.
CP: Yer gonna find out soon enough. Along with the others.
HE: others?
CP: Mmhmm. It's all part of my plan.
HE: so you made this?
CP: Sorta. Some of th' stuff I got from this random guy that keeps botherin me.
HE: aw man. internet troll?
CP: Self proclaimed too.
HE: don't you know to just leave those guys alone?
CP: That's just it. He won't, and every time I block 'im, it seems ta override.
HE: :O
CP: I guess th' guy ain't that bad. Though, I guess I get some weird feelin's from 'im. Like...he's flirtin or somethin.
HE: :(
CP: Hold on. He's on now. I gotta get back ta ya.
CookiecutterPepsicola [CP] ceased chatting with HopefulEgg [HE]
You're amazed. You can't believe that guy blew you off to indulge some internet troll. You almost feel offended. Actually, you do. Then again, you're not that surprised. He's a quirky guy.
==> Point of View: Switch.
Wait a minute! We're not done with this guy yet! There's so much more to...oh.  
It appears the point of view switches anyway. Bummer.
A serious, dignified, and one might even say stoic girl stands in the middle of her dorm. The lavender-haired lass is wearing her dark purple jacket, paired with a tie, black gloves,  heeled boots, a skirt, and a small bow in a single braid. One look at this lady, and you know she means business, and even though her lips are sealed, she's examining, analyzing, studying, completely aware of her surroundings, and that you're looking at her. Maybe you should guess her name.
==> Guess her name.
"You couldn't possibly have done worse."
Yeah. That's it. She wonders why you didn't get it sooner.
Your name is KIRIGIRI KYOKO. You go to HOPE'S PEAK ACADEMY as the ULTIMATE DETECTIVE. As expected, you've got quite a bit of DETECTIVE MERCHANDICE in your room. A POSTER OF YOUR FAVORITE DETECTIVE here, a NANCY DREW BOOK there, and and old-timey DETECTIVE OUTFIT hanging in your closet. Your FATHER got that for you when you were accepted in. Your father, of course, is KIRIGIRI JIN, the HEADMASTER of Hope's Peak. He's a pretty good father, you think, when he's not being a total nerd. Quite recently, you took on another case, except instead of finding a MURDERER, you're trying to figure out who's on the end of each CHANHANDLE. Just saying, you all claim to go to Hope's Peak. The least you all could do is talk IN REAL LIFE. Still, you communicate with them under your own chanhandle, MysteriousRamen.
What will you do?
==> What are those notebooks on the floor?
Nothing. They're not important.
==> What's on that corkboard over there?
You sure are nosy.
==> What-
Before you can finish, she snaps up the item in her sylladex. Even if you wanted to see it, it'd only be a photo-copy. This is the CLUE MODUS. The only way to truly get the item would be to follow the clues on the back of the card. Only the wisest of detectives use this modus.
==> What about-
Once again cutting you off, she pulls out a SHIV, which was stored in her KNIFEKIND. She thinks it'll get you to stop. She's right.
==> Kyoko: Continue investigation.
You go on your computer and examine all of your files. You've managed to get majority of your chans to send over something with their handwriting on it. You just need two more submissions, then some difinitive answers can come up.
==> Kyoko: Have that conversation with HopefulEgg.
You have that conversation with HopefulEgg. The one where you asked for a picture of their notes. They were apprehensive at first, but the mission was a victory. The next nut got a tougher shell to crack...
==> Kyoko: Chat with WealthyLiterary.
MysteriousRamen [MR] began chatting with WealthyLiterary [WL]
MR: If it doesn't bother you, I'd like to ask you a favor.
WL: Fun fact: I don't do favors.
MR: Fun fact: this is important.
WL: ...
WL: Fine. Make it quick. I have better things to do.
MR: Of course. Could you send me a handwritten document via comupter?
WL: Excuse me?
MR: There is an extreme emergency within Hope's Peak.
WL: You're bluffing.
MR: I'm as serious as a heart attack.
WL: If you're being serious, you'll tell me what's happening.
MR: Gladly. It seems a thief in in this school, and  they leave notes behind every time they steal. I'm examining everyone's handwriting.
WL: Either this is true, or you're the Ultimate Liar.
MR: I couldn't be. They graduated last year.
WL: ...
WL: You've barely convinced me.
MR: Funny. Everyone else submitted a document. You are the first to downright refuse. This could cut out inveatigation all together. You must be the culprit.
WL: What? Impossible. I'd never stoop so low as to resort to thievery.
MR: Tell it to the judge.
WL: You really are serious about this, aren't you?
MR: As a heart attack, like I said.
MR: Now, either send me a document, or face jail time. Your choice.
WL: Give me a moment.
MR: (Time Lapse)
WL: Very mature.
MR: ; :)
MR: I try.
WL: Writtendocument.jpg
WL: There. Are you satisfied?
MR: Quite.
WL: Thank goodness.
WealthyLiterary [WL] ceased chatting to MysteriousRamen [MR]
"That guy's a total douche."
What? He is!
That also wasn't a lie. Technically, there is a theif.
And they've stolen your heart.
You enjoy chatting with them. Whoever they are...
==> Kyoko: Begin deeper investigation.
You pull up each file. You begin to try and decode each sample. To aid in this, you take out the (completed and graded) essays you've stolen from the classroom. The investigation is-
==> Knock knock.
Who's there? You decide to go check.
==> No one.
Of course. Practical jokery, ha ha. You're so mad about the jape you almost don't see the two envelopes on the ground.
==> Kyoko: Pick them up.
You pick them up, just like it says.
"SBURB, huh?"
Looks like a game of some sort. One's marked Server, and the other is marked Client.  You were never big on video games, but this one seems intresting. You decide to consult your local techie.
==> Kyoko: Consult your local techie.
MysteriousRamen [MR] began chatting with CookiecutterPepsicola [CP]
MR: SBURB, huh?
CP: What?
MR: Oh nothing. I would just like to know what's your aim in this game you've created.
CP: There ain't an aim in this. I just want everyone ta play it.
MR: It surprises me that you could purchace this for me.
CP: I didn't. I made it with the help of some internet troll.
MR: Oh?
CP: Now I know what yer thinkin, an' no, he ain't some creep.
MR: How does he describe himself?
CP: Um...it's weird.
MR: I'm sure I've heard weirder.
CP: He says he's an amethyst blooded, sea dwelling troll with a love for lusi, whatever those are.
MR: Intresting.
CP: Also, as rude as he usually is, I think he's bein' flirty. Endin every statement with ♡♤.
MR: Oh really?
CP: Yeah. He says he's fanscinated wit me.
MR: Hmm. Now that I think about it, a random person has began messaging me as well. Though I never indulge them.
CP: I suggest it. The guy I got's not bad.
MR: I will consider.
MysteriousRamen [MR] ceased chatting with CookiecutterPepsicola [CP]
"Uwaa! ☆"
Speaking of...
treblemakingSongbird [TS] began trolling MysteriousRamen [MR]
TS: Are you on? <(^^)
TS: Please don't block me again. It took our tech troll over an hour to decode the system. <(UU)
MR: Not this time.
TS: >(' ')!
==> Random Douchebag: Appear out of nowhere.
Oh boy. Here we go again.
ACT ONE: Who's this douchebag?
A random douchbag appeared. You examine him a bit. Straight-laced green suit, perfecty styled blonde hair, expensive looking glasses, and a narssicistic scowl on his face. All doubt leaves your mind; this guy really is a douchebag. Textbook definition of the term. If you looked up that word in the dictionary, there would be no words, only this guy's photo. He looks at you and raises a disapproving eyebrow. He wants you to guess his name. Actually, he expects you to know it already. What a prick.
He says he's not going to acknowledge the degrading name you gave him.
He nods a bit in approval. You guess that's who he is.
Your name is TOGAMI BYAKUYA. As Hope's Peak's ULTIMATE AFFLUENT PROGENCY, you plan on letting everyone know YOU'RE IN CHARGE, and that you're basically BETTER THAN EVERYONE. In your dorm, you have decorated with EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE STATUES, BOOKS, AND FURNATURE, and in your closet is a wide variety of EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE SUITS. That's how rich you are. Of course, such is expected of the next owner of the TOGAMI CONGLOMERATE, one of Japan's BIGGEST BUSINESSES. You admit, you spent a long time working up to that level, and there's NO WAY YOU'RE BACKING DOWN. You also admit that you only went to Hope's Peak to see if anyone was as COMPETENT AS YOU. The only one that came close was the ULTIMATE PRINCESS. Well, also that really quiet guy, but that's for an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT REASON. Still, you do frequently chat with these lowly classmates of yours on Chat-chan, via your Chanhandle, WealthyLiterary.
Because he knew you were about to ask, he demonstrates his CREDIT CARD MODUS for you. When an item is captchalouged, the card must be swiped on order for the item to be freed. It's reserved for only the rich, he tells you. You don't particuallarly care.
He now takes the time to show off his MEGAPHONEKIND. A pull of the trigger releases an electric blast. As much as you don't want to care, you have to agree it's pretty cool.
"Uwuu! Someone wants to chat with you!☆"
"If it's her, I swear...".
==> Byakuya: Is it her?
No it's not. It seems that MysteriousRamen wanted to chat.
==> Byakuya: Chat against your better judgement.
You chat against your better judgement. The conversation wasn't all that bad. Seems that there's a thief in the school. You hope they get caught. You don't need any of your precious items stolen.
==> *Knock knock*
You hope this isn't the set-up of an incredibly juvenile joke.
==> Byakuya: Check the door.
That doesn't seem to be the case. You do have mail, however.
==> Byakuya: Examine mail.
SBURB Beta. Sounds like a video game. You don't do video games.
"Uwuu! ☆"
==> Byakuya: Attempt to deter.
PsychoticLovestruck [PL] began chatting with WealthyLiterary [WL]
PL: Byakuya...
WL: Go away.
PL: I swear, I-I'm not hitting on you this time! O~O
WL: Leave me alone.
PL: I'm being s-serious! OnO
WL: Fine, but if you even attempt to make a pass at me, I will hit block user.
PL: I understand...
PL: Did you...happen to recieve any mail?
WL: Please don't tell me this is yours.
PL: W-what? No! Ò.Ó
WL: Then yes. I happened to recieve two envelopes today for SBURB Beta.
PL: Was there both a server and client disk?
WL: Yes. Why do you ask?
PL: I recieved one too...
WL: Odd. I don't remember anyone even mentioning this game.
PL: I can say for certain that this isn't your everyday game...
WL: Elaborate.
PL: I chatted with Cookiecutter earlier. He says he made it with some help.
WL: Oh, really?
PL: He plans on all of us playing it. H-he says it'll be fun O*O
WL: Are you sure he didn't send this to me on accident?
PL: He gave one to everybody. He seems passionate about it, so...m-maybe I'll give it a go.
WL: You? Playing a video game?
PL: I-it would help me socialize.
PL: Whether or not you play is up to you.
PsychoticLovestruck [PL] ceased chatting with WealthyLiterary [WL]
Wow. You almost can't believe it. You actually had a normal conversation with her. As for this game, you're thinking about playing it, but you aren't quite sure.
gothicSnakeeyes [GS] began trolling WealthyLiterary [WL]
GS: Play the game, douchebag ;3
gothicSnakeeyes [GS] ceased trolling WealthyLiterary [WL]
Great. Now internet trolls are after you. You dismiss the person watching to deal with with the troll.
==> Person watching: Watch someone else.
OH GOD IT'S HER. Large round glasses, uneasy smirk, two neat braids, conservative clothing. Wait. Why are you so upset? This seems like a nice, civiliized lady.  What could possibly be wrong with her? She says nothing, then looks away slightly. So shy...you'd be pretty surprised if this girl turned out to be a serial killer or something. She just says nothing. Hmm...
She cringes at the name.
She cringes at that one too, but slightly less.
Your name is FUKAWA TOUKO. As Hope's Peak's ULTIMATE AUTHOR, you're expected to be SOCIABLE AND CHARISMATIC, but in reality, you're very SOCIALLY AWKWARD. You AVOID PEOPLE often, and REFUSE TO SPEAK UNLESS SPOKEN TO. In your dorm, you have BOOKS, PAPER, AND PENCILS scattered about, and posters of HOT GUYS hang on your walls. You're a bit of a PERVERT when it comes to some things, but you do speciallize in ROMANCE NOVELS, so you have a bit of an excuse. Those excuses don't help when you're caught STALKING YOUR CRUSHES, however, which, unfortunately happen often. The current guy you have your eyes on just happens to be HOT, but a HUGE DOUCHE, just the way you like them. In spite of not being able to socialize in real life, you tend to chat on Chat-chan, under the chanhandle PsychoticLovestruck.
==> Touko: Fetch Modus, please.
Your fetch modus is the LIBRARY MODUS. When an item is captured, it turns into a book, and is stored into the sylladex. In order to access it again, you have to read the book, which is essentally a novel about that item. It's actually some pretty good material.
==> Touko: How about that strife specibus?
That? It's equipped with SCISSORKIND, it seems.  She doesn't seem to want to touch it...
==> *Knock*
You wonder why they only knocked once. You're a bit offended by this. It doesn't seem like they're there anymore, so you decide to do something else.
==> Touko: Feed your stinkbug.
You feed your stinkbug. You found her when you were young. Her name is Kameko. You keep her in your dorm because everyone complains of her stench, but you don't care. Aftet all, she understands you better than anyone. If anything, you and that stinkbug are in it for the long haul.
==> Touko: Who knocked?
It seems that whoever was there has left something behind. Two somethings actually. You pick them up and instantly know who left them.
==> Touko: Chat to who left them.
PsychoticLovestruck [PS] began chatting with CookiecutterPepsicola [CP]
PL: Is this...what you've been w-working on?
CP: Cool, right?
PL: What is it exactly?
CP: A game. Once I finish deliverin em, we're gonna play.
PL: Um...
CP: What's up?
PL: I don't...really d-do video games...ÕnÕ
CP: You'll enjoy this one. It'll be fun.
PL: ...what's i-it about?
CP: I don't fully know. I got some help from my troll friend.
PL: Ugh, I hate internet trolls. T-they make so much trouble.
CP: This one's good, don't worry. He's real helpful.
PL: S-so...the game?
CP: All I know is that we can like, manipulate out enviroments and shit. Plus, we need to use both the server an client disk.
PL: Manipulate environments? L-like a simulator, or...?
CP: I think the guy meant in reality.
CP: Yeah, pretty awesome.
PL: I-i admit, I'm on board...
CP: I'm proud o ya! I'mma go make more deliveries.
PL: I guess I'll chat with you l-later...
PsychoticLovestruck [PL] ceased chatting with CookiecutterPepsicola [CP]
You think you want to inform your crush about this...
"Uwuu! ☆"
...and here's a sidetracker.
==> Touko: Answer sidetracker.
CrystalClairvoyant [CC] began chatting with PsychoticLovestruck [PL]
PL: Yes...
PL: Huh?
PL: Really? Ø.Ø
PL: Remind me why I'm on the recieving end of this?
CC: You sound like Kyoko, smh.
CC: You were the first one I saw on my dash.
PL: Even still...why w-would I care?
CC: I'm at least 33% correct...
PL: Chat with me when you're not acting like a lunatic.
PsychoticLovestruck [PL] blocked CrystalClairvoyant [CC]
You'll unblock the guy when you're done chatting with Byakuya.
==> Touko: Think about cool pjs.
What? You already know about the cool pjs. At least in your dreams. You've even chronicled your adventures in the dream world. You can't help it. The ominous purple aura really brings out your creative side. In fact, it's inspired a good chunk of your stories. You kinda wonder if that guy's there too. After all, you've seen Kyoko, Byakuya, and a few others there too. Sound asleep, but there. You wonder if they'll awaken soon. Maybe you'll tell this to the crazy guy. Well, after chatting with Byakuya.
==> Touko: Chat with Byakuya.
You chat with Byakuya. He doesn't block you, and actually, he seems to listen to you this time. Maybe there is a chance...
"Uwuu! ☆"
trippyPillpopper [TP] began trolling PsychoticLovestruck [PL]
TP: *please talk to me* ]:'(
trippyPillpopper [TP] was blocked by PsychoticLovestruck [PL]
You don't need any of this troll mess. You just can't deal with it. Instead, you go to bathe. After all, if you're going to be social, you might as well smell nice.
==> Veiwer: Considerately view someone else.
You considerately view someone else. Touko appreciates it, but now a random wierdo seems to be freaking out at your sudden arrival.
A random weirdo looks at you. You look at a random weirdo. His hair sticks up in all directictions, he has the slightest beard stubble, and he gives off a very strong hobo aura. He also looks too old to even be in this school...and you'd be right. Then again, he was never the brightest bulb.
Okay, whoa. Calm down man, it was a joke. Just a joke...um...
It doesn't look like he's calming down anytime soon.
" Huh?"
Your name is HAGAKURE YASUHIRO. As Hope's Peak's ULTIMATE CLAIRVOYANT, you...don't really do much. Often, you'll offer to READ PALMS, and SEE INTO ONE'S FUTURE, but the STEEP PRICE usually turns others away. In your dorm, you have everything a shaman needs, CATCHY POSTERS, INTERESTING ARTIFACTS, and GIMMICKS GALORE. You would think that a BUSINESSMAN LIKE YOURSELF would stay out of SERIOUS TROUBLE, but it seems that a CERTAIN YAKUZA has a large TARGET ON YOUR BOUNTY. You haven't left your room since. Luckily, your classmates can supply you your work through Chat-chan, under the clever chanhandle CrystalClairvoyant.
==> Yasuhiro: Consult your fetch modus.
You have the CRYSTAL BALL MODUS. Rather than captchalouging spare items for later use, your modus captchalouges random items that you'll need for later use sometime in the future. Sometimes it's the near future, and others, practically months. It also doesn't help that you can't captchalouge immediately.
...looks like the crystal ball has sent a hamburger. Sweet!
Whoops. It got stuck in that extra strife specibus card the crystal ball sent earlier. Now you have a FOODKIND to go along with your MAGICKIND. The MAGICKIND has a WAND inside. You haven't figured out how to work that yet, but when you do, all kinds of cool stuff's gonna happen.
At least you have a use for the specibus portfolio you got months ago.
Hey, what's in the crystal ball now?
==> Yasuhiro: Look inside.
It looks like a copy of a game. Two copies of a game actually. Those had to be coming your way eventually. After all, the crystal ball modus knows all. Once you retrieve the card from the sylladex, you take the copies of the game and examine them. SBURB Beta, server and client copies. You haven't heard of this game before. It must be new on the market. You decide to see what it has in store via your clairvoyant powers.
==> Yasuhiro: See.
You take out the disks and hold them in your hands. Closing your eyes, you begin to see new, complex contraptions around your room. A hail of meteors rain outside, but then the scene shifts to a beautiful planet with little chameleons running around. At a moment, the scene blacks out, and you're on a planet of gold. You're wearing some pretty cool pjs.
==>Yasuhiro: Drop the disks.
You gently set the disks down. After that exclusive preview, you don't want those disks destroyed. Wait. It occurs to you...
==> Yasuhiro: Tell someone about this.
You tell someone about this! Unfortunately, they block you. Oh well. At least she listened to the majority of your spiel.
Oh boy.
punkrockBallpark [PB] began trolling CrystalClairvoyant [CC]
PB: get hacked
CC: Nooo
PB: nice line driver t⊙ y⊙ur c⊙mputer
PB: tech tr⊙ll hit a h⊙me run
CC: Leave me be ;_;
PB: i've tr⊙lled y⊙u this l⊙ng, what makes y⊙u think i'm st⊙pping n⊙w?
CC: Why must you terrorize me so?
PB: eh, i'm b⊙red. my kismesis is ⊙ut d⊙ing whatever, s⊙ i'm just kinda here
CC: Kismesis?
PB: wh⊙⊙ps. i mean ⊙ne ⊙f y⊙ur human b⊙y/girlfriends
CC: In this case?
PB: b⊙yfriend
PB: Out there flying and shit
PB: y⊙u aren't dead, g⊙⊙d f⊙r y⊙u
PB: but it makes me hate him m⊙re, s⊙ i can't c⊙mplain
CC: Why do you want to hate your boyfriend ( ? )
PB: y⊙u're g⊙nna have t⊙ wait f⊙r that talk
CC: You realize I may be older than you...?
PB: i'm 9 sweeps
PB: translate it y⊙urself
punkrockBallpark [PB] ceased trolling CrystalClairvoyant [CC]
You have no idea what sweeps are.
==> Yasuhiro: Ask someone what sweeps are.
CrystalClairvoyant [CC] began chatting with WaterloggedSprinkle [WS]
CC: Do you know what a sweep is?
WS: Something a broom does ~u~
CC: Haha! Nice. Seriously tho.
WS: No...I'll find out though.
How rude. You came in just as she was about to find out.
She looks around. She may have forgotten what she was doing already. Oh well, at least we can get on with the intro. A swirled ponytail, athletic clothing, and an inordinate amount of donut boxes? Certainly contradictory, but she seems to be in great shape, so you don't judge her. She offers you a donut. You would take it if you could reach through the screen. She apologizes, then eats the donut herself. You feel like you know this young lady's name...
Nice save there.
"Hehe! Yeah!".
Your name is ASAHINA AOI. You go to school at Hope's Peak Academy under the title of ULTIMATE SWIMMER. You do admit to feeling like a fish at times. Anyway, in your dorm is EVERYTHING YOU POSSIBLY NEED, including VARIOUS PLUSHIES, GIFTS FROM YOUR LITTLE BROTHER, AN AQUARIUM, A COMPUTER, and of course, DONUTS. LOTS OF THEM. You love donuts like crazy. Almost as much as you love swimming. You learned the hard way not to mix eating donuts and swimming. As much as you enjoy being at Hope's Peak, you miss having your old friends around, as NO ONE IS PASSIONATE AS SWIMMING AS YOU ARE. Maybe someday soon, you'll have a friend who ENJOYS A GOOD SWIM LIKE YOU DO. It would be nice. For now, at least, you chat with the friends you have on Chat-chan, under the chanhandle WaterloggedSprinkle.
==> Bzzz.
You look at an annoying fly and decide to use your BUBBLEKIND against it. A swift blow traps the fly in a large bubble. And they said that bubbles would be useless.
You decide to captchalouge the bubbled fly in your HYDRATION MODUS. Basically, the cards in the sylladex are dehydrated, and in order to use an item, you need to put the card in some water. This usually backfires when you go for a swim in the school's pool.
==> Aoi: Isn't there supposed to be a knock now?
Nope. That happened a few minutes ago. At your door, you found two envelopes containing the game Sburb inside. You don't play video games often, but you think that this one's worth playing. At least it looks cool.
==> Aoi: Ahem?
==> Aoi: Didn't you have a prior engagement?
Oh, that's right! You had to find out what the heck a sweep was. You think you may know someone who has that info.
==> Aoi: Chat with the troll.
WaterloggedSprinkle [WS] began chatting with muscularProtienshake [MP]
WS: Heey.
WS: Would you happen to know what a sweep is?
MP:  J(`v')J "why, yes, i do.".
MP: f(`o')J " a sweep is a year in alternia."
MP: h('v~)h "though it takes about two of your human years"
WS: Ooh, thank you!
MP: y(~v~)y
WaterloggedSprinkle [WS] ceased chatting with muscularProteinshake [MP]
WS: Hey, Yasuhiro?
WS: A sweep is about two human years.
CC: Good. Now I have to deal with this punk troll.
CrystalClairvoyant [CC] ceased chatting with WaterloggedSprinkle [WS]
Well that's that-
CookiecutterPepsicola [CP] began chatting with WaterloggedSprinkle [WS]
CP: Hey Aoi. Pay attention. I have some instructions for ya.
WS: Go on.
CP: You need ta be the first server player.
WS:  For Sburb?
CP: Yeh. You connect to Makoto, who'll connect to Kyoko, who'll connect to Byakuya, who'll connect to Touko, who'll connect to Yasuhiro, then he to you.
WS: Wait, why are we splitting up?
CP: From what I know, we're still gonna end up in the same session. By doin it like this, it should take a shorter time to get started.
CP: Essentially, I  should be the last player in.
WS: I think I may understand. Should I communicate this to Makoto?
CP: I reccomend it. Also, start running your server copy. It takes a while for it to load.
WS: Got it! Thanks, Cookie!
CP: Ey, ain't nothin!
You decide to keep him on in case you need help. After all, were doing this man. Were making this happen.
A young troll is travelling in the vast expanses of space. He has finished playing his session quite a while ago, and he was one of few in his session who went god teir...though he had to in order to live through his session, for he was on the brink of death when he entered his land. Assisting him is another troll who went god teir, as well as a consort from his land. The troll himself is the Page of Time, his assistant the Rouge of Life, and the consort so generously named Delegate Hornliza. At once, this troll stops what he's doing, and rushes back to home, or at least what he and many others call home now. The reason? Another session is about to start, and he swore to guard a certain player...
==> Aoi: Communicate with Makoto.
WaterloggedSprinkle [WS] began chatting with HopefulEgg [HE]
WS: Hey Makoto, good news!
HE: what is it?
WS: You get to be the first client player! How cool is that?
HE: pretty cool, i guess. cookiecutter tell you this?
WS: Yep, and I'm your server player!
HE: ah, sweet! do i enter in the disk or...
WS: Yeah, just put it in your computer. It should instantly hook you up to my server program.
==> Makoto: Insert the disk.
You put the disk in. Just like Aoi said, it connects to her server.
HE: i have confirmation we're connnected.
WS: Oh cool, I can see you!
HE: wait what?
WS: You're the shy new guy? I would have never guessed!
HE: ...thanks.
WS: Okay...lets see. We start with a cruxtruder, alchemiter, totem lathe, and punch card designix, as well as some extra captchalouge cards.
WS: You may want to move some stuff out of the way.
HE: why?
==> Aoi: Deploy Cruxtruder.
WS: That answer your question?
HE: i got it. so what's this do?
WS: It apparently deploys an unlimited amount of cruxite dowels according to this instruction pamplet Cookiecutter included. If you can get it opened.
HE: how am i gonna manage that? i'm kinda short...and weak.
WS: Wait, I have an idea!
==> Aoi: Act on your idea.
Using your cursor, you pick up Makoto's bed. He seems to be in protest of this idea, but you continue on nonetheless. After holding it directly over the Cruxtruder, you drop it on top. The bed almost breaks in half, but the Cruxtruder is now open. A small, flashy thing flies out as well.
HE: um, aoi? any idea what that is?
WS: Consulting Cookiecutter's guide...it's a ...kernelsprite. try putting something in it.
==> Makoto: Put something in it.
You look around. There doesn't seem to be much you want to prototype in the Kernelsprite. A ton of stuff from the school shop, but...oh wait. You remember that pinned butterfly you got from a nature museum. Papillio xuthus, or something. You decide to grab the case, remove the lid, and toss the butterfly into the sprite.
*Swift Toss!*
The Kernelsprite and the dead butterfly fuse, creating the Butterflysprite.
HE: okay, what was the significance of that?
WS: You'll see later. For now, get a cruxite dowel from the cruxtruder by operating the crank.
==> Makoto: Operate the crank.
You push the crank with all of your might...just a bit more strength ought to do it...and...nope. Nothing. Nice try, Macookem.
==> Aoi: Pity assist.
You pity assist Makoto. With the magic of the cursor, you push the crank and extract a cruxite dowel.
HE: what's next?
WS: The...totem lathe. Clear some room, Makoto!
HE: alright, alright!
==> Makoto: Clear some room.
You remove some random items from the floor in order to make room for the Totem Lathe.
WS: Whoops...
HE: what now?
WS: The totem lathe isn't going to do much without the punched capchalouge card.
HE: so we need the designix?
WS: Actually, there's a pre-punched card included.
HE: oh good. also...what's this countdown for?
WS: What's it set for?
HE: four hours and thirteen minutes now.
WS: I think we'll be fine. I'm dropping the punched card in now.
==> Makoto: Examine the pre-punched card.
Yep. That card's punched alright.
WS: Now put the cruxite dowel into the lathe and slide the card into the scanner.
==> Makoto: Do what she said.
You do what she said. The Totem Lathe carves the dowel into an intricate totem. These things are appropriately named.
==> *CRASH*
WS: What was that??
HE: i...don't know :(
==> *CRASH*
WS: I think something's happening outside.
HE: should i check?
WS: No. I have to get you into the session so you can connect to Kyoko. I'll probably check it later though.
HE: okay. so i have the dowel carved. what do i do now?
WS: I need to put in the alchemiter. This will read the code on the totem and create an item that you'll need to utilize in order to enter your session.
HE: oh, okay. let me make more space.
==> Makoto: Make more space.
You scoot your bed over to the side of the room, then oush aside some random items. That should be enough.
==> Aoi: Deploy Alchemiter.
You place the Alchemiter in the area Makoto cleared.
WS: Boom! Alchemiter!
HE: so just put the totem on the pedistal and press a few buttons?
WS: That's pretty much it!
==> Makoto: Use the Alchemiter.
It takes a moment, but the device eventually scans the dowel and makes...a flower. You think you know what to do...
You pick up the flower by its pot and turn to face Butterflysprite. It slowly flies toward it, then sticks out it's proboscsis and drinks the nectar. As Butterflysprite drinks, a white light consumes Makoto. As he enters the session, the troll waits for the right time to communicate. After all, one slip up could make the difference.
A HALCYON EASTGOER travels upons the vast expanses of dry, deserted land. He doesn't know where he's going, or where he'll end up. All he knows is that he'll be there soon.
==> Makoto: Communicate with Aoi
HE: so...that happened.
WS: I can't believe this! You're literally in the game!
HE: yeah, so is my room...which is miss a couple walls.
WS: I'd be able to build on it if we had more build grist.
HE: build grist?
WS: The stuff you need to build on to your dorm. Looks like you're gonna need a lot.
HE: amazing. just perfect.  how do i get grist?
WS: The pamphlet says you need to kill underlings and collect their spoils.
HE: underlings?
WS: Yep. They should be getting near you any moment.
HE: you realize i can't waste my time on this, right? i need to get whoever my client is into the session.
WS: I know. By the way, it's Kyoko.
HE: kyoko? oh...
WS: What?
HE: it's nothing.
WS: Mmhmm.
WS: The more you try to hide, the more obvious you are.
HE: :C
WS: Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret.
HE: what good is that gonna do? i like more than one person anyway.
==> Aoi: Squash the imp.
.   .   .  *SQUISH*
"Did you have to use my Midnight Crew comics for that?!"
==> Makoto: Collect spoils.
Looks like you've gone up to six whole build grist. That's going to do absolutely nothing.
WS: Okay, here's an idea. I'll fend off the imps while you connect to Kyoko.
HE: good idea.
WS: Team break!
"E¥. ¥a jus up an' left me. \/\/hat the glub \/\/as that all about?"
"My 4p010g13s! 1 h4d a pr10r 3ng4g3m3n7 th4t c0u1d n0t b3 pu7 0n h01d!"
( My apologies! I had a prior engagement that could not be put on hold!)
"\/\/hat? I'm ¥er motherglubbin' matesprit, I am ¥er prior fingagement."
" Y3s, 1 4m w3ll 4w4r3 0f 0ur m4t3spr17sh1p, 8ut 7h1s c0u1d n0t w41t!"
(Yes, I am well aware of our matespritship, but this could not wait!)
"W47ch y0ur l4ngu4g3!"
(Watch your language!)
"Shell, if \/\/e \/\/ere still on Alternia, I'd be th' glubbin' emperor by no\/\/."
"Mmhmm, 4nd wh47 w0u1d b3c0m3 0f m3?"
(Mmhmm, and what would become of me?)
"¥a'd be my peasant-blooded matesprit, that's \/\/hat."
"Y0u kn0w 1 d0 n07 3nj0y 7h3 us3 0f 7h47 d3r0g4t0ry 73rm! 83s1d3s, 7h3 3n71r37y 0f 4173rn14 w0u1d r107! 4 fush14-b100d w1th 4 v3rm1111on! 1 c4n h34r 7the pr073s7s fr0m h3r3!"
(You know I do not enjoy the use of that derogatory term! Besides, the entirety of Alternia would riot! A fushia-blood with a vermillion! I can hear the protests from here!)
"The¥ couldn't do a glubbin' thing. ¥er the matesprit, not them."
"Y0u kn0w, H1s 1ns4n17y Crys7411ys4710n k1113d h1s H473m473. "
(You know, His Insanity Crystallization killed his Hatemate)
"His Insanity Crystallization also up and left the glubbin planet and...oh yeah, was a big, cod-suckin tyrant."
"7h47 1s n0 w4y 7o sp34k 0f H1s 1ns4n17y!"
(That is no way to speak of His Insanity!)
" ¥ou shoal about that?"
"...1 4dm17, 7h3y h4d 70 c411 h1m H1s 1ns4n17y f0r 4 r34s0n."
(I admit, they had to call him His Insanity for a reason.)
"Told ya."
"S7i11, 1 h4v3 4 k1sm3s1s b4ck 47 h0m3 7h47 1'v3 b4r31y  p41d 4773nt710n 70,  4nd 7h3r3 1s s0me0n3 1 mus7 a773nd 70!"
(Still, I have a kismesis back at home that I've barely paid attention to, and there is someone I must attend to!)
"First of all, glub your kismesis, and second, \/\/e \/\/ere kinda in the middle of-"
"4s much 4s 1'd 11k3 70 dr4g 7h1s 0n, 1 mus7 134v3."
(As much as I'd like to drag this on, I must leave.)
"W47ch 4f73r H0rn11z4 wh113 1'm 4w4y!"
(Watch after Hornliza while I'm away!)
==> Makoto: Communicate with Kyoko
HopefulEgg [HE] began chatting with MysteriousRamen [MR]
HE: do you have your copies of the game ready?
MR: Yes. Yes I do.
HE: get ready for some intense instructions. when they you're going into the session, you're going into the session.
MR: Of course I will.
HE: alright, don't say i didn't warn you...
==> Makoto: Run your server application.
==> Kyoko: Run your client application.
HopefulEgg [HE] began chatting with MysteriousRamen [MR]
HE: alright, we should be connected now.
MR: Yes, I see the confirmation on the computer. What happens now?
HE: i have to put in some fancy techological junk into your room. by the way, i can see you
MR: ....
HE: anyway, you might want to clear some room, this stuff is pretty big
MR: Noted. You never told me who you were.
MR: By the way.
HE: oh yeah. um. later.
MR: Why am I not surprised?
HE: well, thats not important! what needs to happen now is that you successfully get into the session. right now, im going to put in this cruxtuder thing. when you open it, a kernelsprite will come out. it seems to like dead things, so put something dead in it.
MR: Will the bones of a desceased family member work?
MR: That being the example.
MR: I don't have any dead family member's bones...
HE: ...
HE: im just gonna put in these gizmos now...
Meanwhile, years in the future, but not many, a Mindful Refuge finds herself roaming the expanses of a dry and sandy desert...
In the same time, but different location, the Halcyon Eastgoer seems to have found some sort of shuttle. He messes around with it for a bit before finding a way to open the door. Curious, he wanders inside, only for the door to slam shut behind him. It seems that he will be stuck there for a while...
==> Page of Time: Is it time yet?
Oh, no no no. It's nowhere near time now! He hasn't even stepped foot on his land yet; how could it possibly be time yet? Besides, there's a specific system to this yet to happen chain of conversations...at least yet to happen for him. Man, you love these time shenanigans. Anyway, you decided that this would work like a clock; clockwise for him, counterclockwise for you. It's simple really; (12=1)(11=2)(10=3)(9=4)(8=5)(7=6)(6=7)(5=8)(4=9)(3=10)(2=11)(1=12). You're really looking forward to the 7=6 meetup. This meet, you two will talk in real life! At least, the one of you still on his timeline. Once again, thank you time shenanigans.
==> Rouge of Life: How's it hangin?
"Go glub ¥ourself."
Wow, rude.
==> Makoto and Kyoko: Any Progress?
Actually, yes. All Cruxtruder, Totem Lathe, and Alchemiter have been deployed, and the kernelsprite has been prototyped with a bee that had flown into it accidentally.
==> Kyoko: Add in a secret sauce.
What sauce? All you have is this box that may or may not have the bones of your father, the headmaster, who may or may not be dead.
Swift toss!
Beesprite is now Jinsprite.
Makoto is now thouroughly weirded out.
HE: uh...
MR: What?
HE: just...use the totem...
MR: You're judging me.
HE: yep
MR: At least you were honest.
==> Kyoko: Alchemize.
The carved totem creates...a box, with the word evidence engraved on the side. You've seen enough detective movies to know what to do with this.
With a bit of effort, Kyoko lifts the box and carries it to her window. Staring outside, she notices that the weather has changed, and that there are a few craters in the distance. She decides to use this to her advantage, and toddes the box out of the window. Something comes outbof the sky and destroys it, maybe a meteor, but she does not see this happen, for as soon as the item was hot, she was transported into the session.
ACT ONE: Land of Snowstorms and Thought
==> Kyoko: Where are you?
She doesn't exactly know. Some of the walls on her room have vanished, and she is now quite cold. In the distance, she sees a whirl of flurries dance their way to the ground, and a group of shivering reptiles. One thing for sure; she isn't at Hope's Peak anymore.
==> Kyoko: Get in touch with the Egg.
MR: I'm cold.
HE: looks like you are.
MR: Is your place anything like this?
HE: nope. actually, it's called a medium. i think you may be on a specific land though.
MR: Interesting...perhaps you have yet to make it to your land?
HE: most likely. sprinkle's working on that though.
MR: Do you at least have walls?
HE: she's still on that. right now she's kinda protecting me from imps and stuff though so...
MR: Imps?
HE: oh yeah, stuff's going to try to attack you.
MR: Aren't I someone's server player?
MR: That douche? Also, you could use names.
HE: i know, i'm just annoying you.
MR: Quite hilarious.
HE: :)
MR: It was a joke.
HE: :(
MR: So, what's your plan? Help WS get you to your land or keep back imps while I get WL in?
HE: which do you prefer?
MR: Honestly, I can hold my own. Though I am cold.
HE: are you sure?
MR: Yes. Help WS. I'll get WL in.
HE: alright, but keep me on standby.
MR: Will do.
==> Kyoko: Talk to Jinsprite.
Kyoko: So...how's being a ghost thing?
Jinsprite: I admit, not the first time I thought about thiszz.
Kyoko: Also, the bee thing..?
Jinsprite: Eh, it doeszzn't bother me. Though...how did you have my remainszz on hand?
Kyoko: The police let me keep them. I know, so irresponsible.
Jinsprite: I mean, I szzuppose it was foolish of me to partake in a volunteer zzspace expedition.
Kyoko: Without telling me.
Jinsprite: Yeah...at least I know szzome szztuff about this game.
Kyoko: Oh really? Like?
Jinsprite: Your land izzs called the Land of Szznowstormzzs and Thought.
Kyoko: Hmm...anything important about that name?
Jinsprite: Don't you have szzomething to do?
Kyoko: Ah, if there was anything I missed, it was your ability to hold a secret.
==> Kyoko: Chat with the Wealthy.
MysteriousRamen [MR] began chatting with WealthyLiterary [WL]
MR: Put in your disks.
WL: Time already?
MR: Oh yeah. Hurry up, I'm freezing here.
WL: What?
MR: You'll find out why later.
WL: Fine. I'm running them now. What else do I need to do?
MR: Clear some space in your room.
WL: What did Cookiecutter do now?
MR: I can certainly say it's something.
WL: Okay, my room has some cleared spaces.
MR: I see. Ah, so you are Byakuya.
WL: You can see me?
MR: Yes, just like Egg saw me, and Sprinkle saw Egg.
WL: Wait, I'm not the first one in the game?
MR: Nope. That was Egg.
WL: I'm slightly offended.
MR: When are you not? Whatever, we need to get started.
==> Makoto: How's the imp slaying?
This was the first time he used his specibus...and surprisingly, it's going well. At least imps are dying quicker, and grist can be collected quicker. Though, there's something about these...
HE: hey, have you ever noticed these guys looking a bit odd?
WS: Uh, yeah. I checked Cookie's pamphlet. You know that stuff you put inside your sprite? I think everyone's affect what the imps look like.
HE: that's why they look like late principal kirigiri.
WS: Mixed with a butterfly and a bee. Seems like after entry prototypes don't affect them though. Is that a picture of your sister?
HE: yeah, why?
WS: Prototype Butterflysprite with it.
HE: uh, okay.
*Swift Toss*
Butterflysprite is now Komarusprite.
"Hey bro!"
==> Makoto: Talk to Komarusprite.
Makoto: Could you help me with these imps?
Komarusprite: Sure.
Makoto: Also, is this really you or..?
Komarusprite: It's actually me! Mixed with a butterfly.
Makoto: But what about Earth?
Komarusprite: Actually...I kinda died...
Makoto: Huh?!
Komarusprite: These meteors were barreling down on us at home and while mom and dad got out I didn't...
Makoto: You say that like that's normal...
Komarusprite: I didn't feel anything when it happened. It just did. And now I'm here with you, as a ghosty thing!
Makoto: I guess that's a plus, but what about mom and dad?
Komarusprite: Well, um...huh.
Makoto: ...
Komarusprite: ...
Makoto: Let's just.. fight these guys.
Komarusprite: Yeah...
==> Page?
Everything's going delightfully to plan! It shouldn't be long now...
==> Kyoko and Byakuya?
WL: I'm sorry, what?
MR: Take Shinobu's ashes and put them in the Cricketsprite.
WL: You think I'm going to desecrate my half sister by tossing her ashes into some bug/sprite abomination?
MR: ',:)
WL: You disturb me.
MR: Wasn't she your secretary anyway?
WL: Does it make a difference?
MR: No.
WL: ...
*Swift Toss*
==> Byakuya: Talk to Shinobusprite.
Shinobusprite: Why me?
Byakuya: I respected you enough to keep your urn.
Shinobusprite: When I was told I would get another chance at life by some offbeat clairvoyant, this wasn't what I was thinking.
Byakuya: I missed you as well...
Shinobusprite: *chirp chirp*
Shinobusprite: Fused me with a cricket, huh?
Byakuya: It jumped in...
MR: Fun, yes?
WL: She's resentful.
MR: You're surprised by this?
WL: Just give me my next instruction now.
MR: Use the carved totem with the Alchemiter.
Shinobusprite: Already done...
WL: Alright...a stack of cash? What am I going to do with that?
MR: You know. ;)
==> Byakuya: Make it rain.
You make it rain as a meteor crashes in the distance. Looks like it crashed into the Conclomerate. This is the least of your concerns, however, as a white light engulfs your room...
==> Years in the future, but not many...
A WISE LONER comes across a destroyed building. He looks around. No one is near him. Not even close. Suddenly, something begins to rise from the ground in the near distance. Curious, he gravitates toward it. Perhaps, there will be someone there, waiting for him...
ACT ONE: Land of Heatwaves and Fortune
==>Byakuya: How's the weather?
HOT. So hot that you feel the need to remove some of your clothes. But you don't  because that's aginst your protocol. Seriously though, why the heck is it so hot out here?!
You look out across the land you ended up in. You see towers of gold and silver, and even some of crystals. Across this sweltering place, you notice some sort of reptillian creatures seemingly unphased by the heat. Shinobusprite also looks unphased. Are you the only one roasting here?!
==> Byakuya: Consult Shinobusprite.
Byakuya: Well, any idea of where we are?
Shinobusprite: We are in your medium, more specifically, the Land of Heatwaves and Fortune.
Byakuya: I understand the heatwave part, but fortune?
Shinobusprite: That, too, will play a role in your session. I can't tell you yet, though.
Byakuya: You don't habe to act like a secretary anymore, Shinobu.
Shinobusprite: It's Shinobusprite now, Byakuya.
Shinobusprite: *chirp chirp*
Byakuya: Fine...who are they?
Shinobusprite: Those reptiles are desert tortises, and they will be your consorts, your loving helpers.
Byakuya: What does that make you?
Shinobusprite: As your sprite, I am your guide. Nowhere did it say I had to be loving.
Byakuya: ...
==> Byakuya: Let Ramen know their mistake.
WL: Let's see. My sprite hates me, and my land is as hot as Hell. What is this game again?
MR: SBURB. Wow, at least I could wrap myself in a blanket.
WL: Aside from my land, and my obvious issues with my sprite, what the heck am I supposed to do?
MR: You need to get the next player in. I'm sure Sprinkle or Cookiecutter know who it'll be.
WL: Why don't you find out?
MR: Yeah, okay.
==> Kyoko: Find out.
MysteriousRamen [MR] began chatting with WaterloggedSprinkle [WL]
MR: You're Egg's server, yes?
WS: Yep!
MR: Did Cookiecutter tell you the order we enter in?
WS: Yes! First was Makoto, then you, then Byakuya, then Touko, then Yasuhiro, then me.
MR: Hold on. That's just our class, or some of our class. What about the other class? Surely he's playing with them.
WS: Well, duh, but they won't start until we're all in.
MR: Ah, so once you're in whatever land you have, you'll tell him?
WS: That's the plan. Although...I am worried they may not make it in time.
MR: What's going on at Earth?
WS: Meteors are crashing all around. I'm surprised the internet hasn't been knocked out.
MR: Oh my. Stay safe, Aoi.
WS: You got it!
MysteriousRamen [MR] ceased chatting with WaterloggedSprinkle [WS]
==> Kyoko: Give Byakuya that sweet info.
MR: Guess what?
WL: Just tell me.
MR: You bring in Touko.
WL: PsychoticLovestruck?!
MR: I think that's her.
WL: As if my session couldn't get any worse...
WealthyLiterary [WL] ceased chatting with MysteriousRamen [MR]
==> Meanwhile...
The Mindful Refuge notices someone in the distance...but is he friend...or foe?
==> Byakuya: Let's get this over with.
WealthyLiterary [WL] began chatting with PsychoticLovestruck [PL]
WL: Who is it this time?
PL: You know who ♡□♡
WL: You know what? No. I'm not doing this with you.
PL: Oh, come on, ya know I'm more fun than she is ',8)
WL: I'm blocking.
PL: Ugh. You're soooo playing hard to get U♡Ó
WL: What even is that?!
PL: A winky face U3Ó
WL: Get her now.
PL: Fine...ÒnÓ
==> Touko: Where are you?
You're in your cool pajamas right now. It's a nice tradeoff. When...she...is out, you are here, and of course, the other way around. It's nice, being in this dream world. You dispose of your cares here. You fly without chains. Sometimes, you wonder what she does when she's here. Other times, you try to wake your friends. They're there too, but they're always asleep. You leave notes and letters every time you visit them, though. At least let them know you were there.
She's trying to wake you up, but you don't want to go. Not yet...
Seriously, stop. You aren't going back.
PL: Okay, slight little problem.
WL: What...
PL: She's refusing to come to. Probably off on dream world again.
WL: Dream world? Now I've heard everything.
PL: I'm serious! It's like purple and dark, and there are people there, but they're like...covered in some black shell thing.
WL: A carapace?
PL: Yeah, we'll call it that. There's a golden one too. I've seen both. There's also these towers with everyone else in them, though I'm not sure why they won't wake up. It's like...you have to be conscious enough to wake up here...
WL: Alright, fine. I'll get you into the game then, and I guess I'll fill her in later.
PL: Yesss
WL: On one conditon.
WL: No flirting. At all.
PL: Hmmm.....
PL: Can I write them on a piece of paper?
WL: As long as you don't tell me.
PL: Deal! Now, tell me what to do.
==> Mindful Refuge: Inspect the loner.
It looks like he's heading toward the building rising out of the ground. You squint your eyes to see him better. It looks like he doesn't notice you at all. You aren't sure whether or not that's good. After all, you're seeking to find a place of your own. Slowly, you back away. As you do, your foot touches a hard surface, not at all like the sand you feel. You dust away the remaiming grains of sand to see some sort of symbol. Surprised, you jump up. This requires some investigation.
As this happens, you fail to notice the PEASANT LIGHTHEARTED wandering in the distance...
WL: I'll repeat this one more time. You can put whatever you want into the kernelsprite.
PL: Anything?
WL: Anything.
PL: In that case...
You open your drawer to find your not-so-secret stash of model magazines. Cosmopolitan...Vogue...ah, Playboy! Slowly, you tear out a poster of a rather risque woman and toss it into the sprite, which becomes a...Modelsprite.
Huh? Kameko?! You should have seen this coming. She was always a sneaky one. Luckily, you were going to need her anyway.
*Sprite Ex-Machina!*
This was used several times already.
Modelsprite is now Kamekosprite.
WL: I'm almost surprised you didn't prototype a photo of me.
PL: What?! I'm not THAT obsessive!
WL: Yet you put your stinkbug with a model...
PL: She wanted to be pretty. Did ya think I sat around and looked at that smut?
WL: You didn't?
PL: No, I do.
WL: Disgusting.
PL: You asked! Now what's next?
WL: Get one of those dowels of cruxite and carve it with the totem lathe.
Kamekosprite: Ooh, what are you doing, Syo?
Syo: Trying to start some game.
Kamekosprite: Is that why you mixed me with the pretty lady?
Syo: Well yeah. You're joining the ride, too.
Kamekosprite: Aw, thank you...though did you have to do the one from Playboy?
Syo: It was the only one with a poster that didn't have an ad for cologne on the back.
Kamekosprite: But...I smell bad...
Syo: Nonsense, you smell amazing.
Kamekosprite: *w*
WL: How nice. You and your sprite get along.
PL: Wait, can you see me?!
WL: I thought you knew.
PL: Damn, if I did, I...
PL: won't say what I'd do.
*Noice Save!*
WL: Totem?
PL: Lathed.
PL: What's up with your sprite?
WL: Let's just say Shinobu didn't like being my secretary as much as I thought.
PL: Eh, she'll come to realize that you love her, too.
WL: She's also part cricket, so...
PL: Like Kameko is half model?
WL: Correct.
WL: Syo.
PL: Yes?
WL: ...
WL: Put the totem on the Alchemiter. It'll make the item you need to enter your land.
PL: Okie.
Kamekosprite: Allow me.
PL: Seriously? A book? I read enough of those to get my stuff out of the fetch modus.
WL: Well, what would Genocider Syo do to the book?
PL: Ahh...
==> Syo: Do what you'd do to the book.
You get your scissors from your strife specibus and go to work cutting up the book. You feel Touko cringing within you as you desecrate the piece of literature, but personally, you couldn't care less...that is, until an unprompted sneeze switches you two. Gosh darn it, why doesn't she tell you this beforehand? Why couldn't she do the sneeze earlier? Still, she takes over as your room is covered in white...
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gaykamukura · 6 years
2-10, 15-20, 26-29, 31-33, 37, 45-48, 51, 52, 59, 60, 63, 67-73, 81, 97, 99, 100
puttin under a read more cause it got long snksnksnskn
2. Favourite protagonist?
i’m gunna be real, i like playing as hajime a lot plus theres some moments where he’s being ridiculous and you’re powerless to stop it so you’re just there, face in your hands, losing your shit snickering.
3. Favourite antagonistic character?
points at my url gently...i know i’m an izuru kinnie but i think he has a lot of nuance espec cause he can fit an antagonist role while still being generally neutral on the havoc he wreaks
4. Favourite character?
i’m very bad at choosing but taka was my first fave and the first character i ever grew attached to that was ripped from me so i’m gonna say taka
5. Best girl?
hina, sakura, ibuki, peko, miu!!! i think my “type” is the girls who are either super stoic or super energetic pffft
6. Best boy?
i already talked abt taka earlier so kazuichi and leon are my beloved weenies
7. Favourite class trial from all the games?
the last class trial in the first game where you as makoto get to earn the title ultimate hope and the mastermind is finally revealed after the 20+ hours of grief and struggle you’ve just been put through and you get that satisfying ending of the mastermind paying for their crimes and everyone getting to go free is just...so good and so climactic i adore it
8. Least favourite character?
if i was in a room and my choices were to delete hifumi yamada from existence and die or survive while having hifumi yamada remain in this world i would choose to sacrifice myself
9. Least favourite class trial?
probably the second one in the first game, because it had all the things i was upset with. the way the genocide jack/jill and toko situation was handled was awful even with it taken in consideration that the game usually uses very trope-y characters, and the whooole thing with chihiro is uncomfortable for the entire trial, and then it all ends with an execution where if you think about it too much it makes your stomach whirl
10. What would be your Ultimate Title?
hmmm something like ultimate tarot card reader or ultimate divination/psychic maybe!!!
15. Your absolute OTP?
oh god i ship everything...i like komahina a lot though even tho i have another handful of ships for hajime
16. Your absolute BROTP?
fuyuhiko and nagito obviously
17. Do you have an OT3? Which one?
none that i can think of rn even tho i’m definitely open to a lot of them...i support gundham dating both sonia and kazuichi while sonia and kazuichi are best friends tho
18. Favourite rare ship?
i’m rly fond of fuyuhiko/nekomaru [hikomaru???] and kamuegi
19. Who do you think is an underrated character?
i feel like toko doesn’t get nearly enough love oh my gosh...i see her dismissed as an accessory to byakuya or “the girl w the serial killer” so often and it makes me so upset...also mukuro generally gets outright ignored even though there’s a lot to her
20.  Who do you think is an overrated character?
i feel like i see a lot of stuff for mikan everywhere??? but i...don’t like her that much. her personality kinda feels like the same thing all the time, under the despair disease she feels like junko 2 electric boogaloo or tsumugi the squeakquel, and her execution was underwhelming. and she also killed ibuki, the best gal :(
26. Favourite execution?
oh god definitely leon’s. the first execution of the first game and it goes hard as hell. it’s one of the few if only times you see red blood in the game, he goes out kicking and screaming in a way that you have to feel sorry for him. it’s an unbelievable way to start off the game and really encapsulates all of the wild ride danganronpa is gonna put you in for.
27. Least favourite execution?
as i said before, mikan’s was...underwhelming. as the ultimate nurse who spent her life being a doormat only to kill out of love, there’s an amazing amount of executions and ideas that would have been full of nuance and really interesting but instead she just gets blasted into fucking orbit
28. Favourite unused execution?
oh god i love byakuya’s unused execution because it’s one of those executions that focuses less on the character’s talent and more on the character’s fear. when you realize what byakuya’s future could have been, pretty much complete estrangement from the family and having to build up everything on his own with the fear of poverty constantly looming.
plus the fact that he fights because he could have condemned his half-siblings to that fate only for he, himself, to lose in a killing game and die thinking he was a disgrace is so painful. not to mention the execution itself is a slow and painful death.
it’s so brutal, so focused on breaking every fear and effort of the character, that i think it’s one of those executions that would come to mind whenever you wanted a picture definition for “despair”.
29. Which character should survived in your opinion?
leon kuwata should have lived...he was talented but he was still a normal-ish boy who couldve kept everyone at their wits in the killing game by reminding them what was waiting for them out there. lots of others but i’ve been thinking of baseball husband lately
31. Is there a character you think who shouldn’t have survived but did?
i love yasuhiro that weed smoking boy but he was too dumb to live
32. Least favourite protagonist?
uhhh hmmm i like all of them but kaede had the least screentime so she’s a protagonist where her personality isn’t 100% crystal-clear so. i GUESS
33. Character with the best clothing?
i want chiaki’s hoodie and backpack and LOOK more than i want to breathe oxygen. junko also has a fucking aesthetic
37. Favourite minor character? 
taichi fujisaki i guess??? programmer dad
45. Unpopular opinion?
i dunno what other people think of this because i haven’t heard anything about it, but the closing argument minigame was better in sdr1
46. Unpopular headcanon?
i think genocide jack/jill is nonbinary but i’ve never seen anybody else who has the same headcanon
47. A headcanon you have about a character?
one of my long-time headcanons is that makoto is trans...yeet
48. Favourite OST?
danganronpa 2 has bop after bop. miss monomi’s practice lesson? bop. all the execution themes? bops. ikoroshia and ekoroshia? bops. i am constantly jamming the fuck out in this game
51. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
i thought i was always gonna hate hiyoko and yeah she does have flaws but i actually like her a lot more than i used to
52. Character you thought you would like but disliked in the end?
thought korekiyo was gonna be a cool dude who was a lil weird and emo but still fun. boy was i wrong. im stealing him from spiky chunky until they learn to stop it
59. Favourite moment?
again, the final trial in the first game is fucking amazing, but also the final trial in the second game with hajime and chiaki plus all the izuru stuff and all the messages there r just. good as hell aaah
60. Saddest moment?
all of chapter 2 in sdr2 was painful. mahiru, who was a force of good, dies, the trial is difficult, the twilight syndrome murder case is terrifying, hiyoko is mourning and you have to spit it right back in her face for awhile that she’s the prime suspect...
and then the only reward you get for finding the real killer is feeling guilty as the tears run and then your final reward is getting to watch as one of your friends dies while the other gets mortally injured and barely survives and then only a bit of gametime later attempts suicide in front of you. it is blow after blow w/o breaks
63. Describe Kyoko Kirigiri in 3 words! 
lovely detective lady
67. Which character would you never want to meet in real life?
hifumi because i would be wearing an anime tshirt cause im a fucking weeb and then he’d be an incel while i suffered just trying to buy a lifetime supply of panda candy from hot topic
68. Which character would you like to meet in real life?
kazuichi cause he seems p chill and like the type of person you could just hang out with or have a chat with casually and not have to worry about first impressions and stuff like that
69. Choose one character which you would take with you on a trip.
70. Character you would have a sleepover with?
chiaki because we’re both super sleepy but we could also play a bunch of games together and then pass out together with a bunch of snacks
71. Character you can relate to?
sorry to be kinnie on main but izuru, i relate to that feeling of always excelling at everything you do and as a result being constantly bored, so whether what happens is good or bad doesn’t matter so long as it’s interesting
72. Character you can relate to but you dislike them?
kokichi, again being kinnie on main but while i relate i dislike it because it’s a reminder of my tendency to lie to others and to myself for any number of purposes
73. Character who deserved better?
[sniffles softly] taka. also keebo. toko too tbh
81. Could you be the Ultimate Lucky Student? 
probably??? my luck varies from being unbelievably good and unbelievably bad so hey
97. Overrated ship which is your NOTP? 
toko/byakuya for sure. i don’t like the it(tm)
99. Your absolute NOTP?
junko being shipped with anyone but especially with the sdr2 cast because it is gross. let the sdr2 cast do the right thing and get to pull a knife on junko instead
100. Opinion on all the Protagonists!
makoto: a boy who has a mouth and must scream. he’s not having a good time but hes trying his best
hajime: a good, refined boy. he knows how to say and spell big words like antidisestablishmentarianism, or however that goddamn word is spelled. the most paranoid boy
komaru: a good gal, a lil anxious but very strong and ready to kick ass. a funky little lesbian
toko: a blessed gal who needs more appreciation. her time as a protagonist is extremely gay, meaning she is also a funky little lesbian.
kaede: she doesn’t have much screen time but i appreciate her. she’s nice to people and confident whereas everyone else in this series is nervous
shuichi: nervous and emo, shuichi truly represents teenage america in the years 2007-2012, possibly 2013. i adore him
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twisted-lies · 3 years
this is the first time i’ve tried an ask like this, so i’m sorry if it’s confusing! could you please do a danganronpa (any) kin match up for me? this might be a bit long but i’m horrible at explaining myself.
im the type of person who will try and change to fit better with the personality of who im talking to, subconsciously tho. i daydream a lot, often you can just find me staring at a wall doing my own thing. i get distracted easily, and it’s hard for me to focus on things such as school work. i struggle with basic tasks, and while i try my best to do them on my own i usually mess up. this causes me to have pretty low self esteem, because i wish i could be independent. while i wish to be independent, being dependent on someone i can fully trust is also a small dream of mine. i get drained around people, but i always end up wanting to be around them still as i lonely easily. the thing that makes me happiest is when i can make someone proud. i try to act nice to people, but end up being awkward and forgettable. i’m scared of gaining new friends because i usually end up losing contact and missing them. when it comes to making decisions im either indecisive or do the first thing i can think of. things don’t usually catch my interest, but when they do i get fully invested into them. when it comes to friends, i lose them fast. i’ll be there for them when they need it, but i’m usually not that much help in the end. i don’t respond to messages because i get too anxious over them and we end up drifting apart. i always try and find purpose in what i do but end up dropping anything as soon as it gets frustrating or hard. when it comes to things like money im irresponsible and impulsive. my grades are also pretty bad. i usually end up sleeping in class because i end up staying awake at night reflecting my most embarrassing and awkward moments. when it comes to goals and dreams, i find it hard to find them. i get worried about what future me will be like, and if i’ll be able to live up to what i’d want to do.
I kin assign you with...
Toko Fukawa
Toko was my first thought, seeing as I definitely think Toko is more independent and a type of person to not ask for help when she needs it, but will if necessary. I'd also say she doesn't have a very high self-esteem, and more introverted and awkward around others. Due to her being more introverted it could easily drain her energy when talking or interacting with people, even if she's trying to be nice. I'd definitely say she'd be invested in things she likes to do due to her ultimate which may cause you to not respond to friends or just in it's own be anxious about it. I'd also say Toko cpuld easily get caught up in past moments and loose track of time easily because of it.
Tsumugi Shirogane
Secondly I thought of Tsumugi, a few times when you interact with her she can often be caught spacing out, daydreaming or just thinking on past events or worrying for the future could be some reasons for that. I'd say she tries to act nice and maybe even shift her personality slightly to fit who she's talking with. Due to her ultimate I'd say once she finds something she loves to do she'll fully invest in that thing and cpuld be irresponsible with money. She also thinks of herself as "plain" which can apply to you thinking you're easily forgotten. With what friends she may have I can see her trying to be there for them when she needs to be, but also get drained easily when talking to them. Even if she may get drained she'll talk to people anyways due to thinking she's more on the plain side and may even get lonely.
Chiaki Nanami
Lastly I thought of Chiaki, a few times she can be caught spacing out or sleeping durring the day, which could be a cause of staying up late or easily being drained when talking to people. Dir to her ultimate she may be a little more on the irresponsible side with her money. She usually is caught trying to be nice to the other students and possibly shift her personality to get a better understanding of them. Once she finds something she loves she'll be fully invested in it, like she is with gaming. Due to this she could also end up loosing track of time and staying up late. I can see Chiaki being more introverted and maybe even be loney sometimes due to her being invested in things she likes or may seem weird or awkward due to falling asleep or spacing out easily.
I hope your satisfied with your results!
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twisted-lies · 3 years
hi mod kokichi, could i get a kin match up for any danganronpa source?
i don’t really have a sense of identity. i don’t have a favorite anything or stuff similar. in my free time i mainly browse social media. when i end up finding things that interest me through, i’ll cling onto them. i don’t have a social life, and any friends i’ve had in the past drifted very fast. in public im quiet and visibly very anxious. at home, i try my best to stay out the way and only speak when spoken to. i’m an INFJ and a leo.
i couldn’t think of much to add so hopefully this works, if not don’t feel pressured to do it.
I kin assign you with...
Izuru Kamukura
Firstly I thought of Izuru Kamukura, Izuru isn't very social and mainly keeps to himself, he also probably doesn't keep friends too long. Personally I don't think Izuru really has a sense of his identity. If he does end up talking he'll most likely be approached first. And I feel he fits the INFJ personality type quite well.
Toko Fukawa
Secondly I thought of Toko Fukawa, Toko tends to mainly do things she enjoys like writing. She isn't very social at all and can be pretty anxious. Friends she has probably don't last long due to lack of social interaction. Though when she has her mind set on something she can tend to be a little more bold and speak with passion and or conviction like a INFJ. Though she mainly sticks to the sidelines.
Peko Pekoyama
Lastly I thought of Peko Pekoyama, Peko doesn't really know her purpose and sees herself more as a tool which could be you as with your lack of knowing your identity. She's not very sociable though tends to stick around those she knows like Fuyuhiko. Like Toko, she knows what to say and how though probably a little better than Toko I'd say.
I hope you're satisfied with your results!
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twisted-lies · 3 years
Could you do a kin match up for me? Any Danganronpa game.
I am hardworking, and goal oriented. As long as I wanna finish something it will always get done. Im very confident, in my looks, my abilities, everything. I don’t let it go to my head normally though. I get angry pretty easily, sometimes making decisions I will regret. If I hurt someone physically or emotionally, I will feel like I have to make it up to them. Typically I just buy them something they like, but a lot of times I have made friends trying to make things up to someone. Speaking of friends, I am protective of the ones close to me. I am confident in my physical ability, mainly because I enjoy boxing, and if I was asked to physically confront somebody I’d be willing to. When it comes to comforting, I’m not the best at it. I consider myself a great listener though.
I’m secretive, I don’t like my friends knowing personal details about me and would rather know more about them. In groups, I provide everything. Last year, I would often make my friends lunches so they wouldn’t have to go buy the schools lunch. I enjoy when people accept my help, I am not one to ask if you need anything but I will silently happen to have your favorite soda on me. To people who don’t know me, I’ll give the vibe that I don’t care or all I care about is looking tough. Which I won’t deny, looking tough offers a sense of security that no one will mess with me. I have the physical strength to back it up so if anyone has a problem with how I act they can come talk to me.
Apart from when I am angry, I make decisions I know I won’t regret. Even if it’s a Simple task, I think about every move I make. I’ve always done this, and I now put a lot of faith into my decisions. If one of them ever goes wrong, I’ll end up in a slump very easily. I don’t care about my appearance, I just wear hoodies and sweat pants no matter the weather. When it comes to people I don’t know, I basically ignore them. I don’t care if I’m rude to them, mainly because I know they’ll forget about the interaction eventually. At the same time Im not judgmental at all. I don’t care what you do as long as you don’t hurt other people. When someone does hurt other people I can get aggressive.
I kin assign you with...
Maki Harukawa
Firstly I thought of Maki Harukawa, Maki is pretty hardworking if you ask me. She'll get the job done no matter what it is most likely. She's confident in what she does like making decisions and usually doesn't let others opinions get to her easily. Though she can tend to get angry easily sometimes and makes a lot of decisions she could regret. If she hurts someone she may not make it up to them or she'll give a small apology or something if she does. She'll definitely be protective over her friends though she may not be the best at comforting people she'll listen. She's also pretty secretive and doesn't like people knowing too much about herself. To people who don't know her she'd probably give off that "I don't care" and "tough" vibe though it wouldn't be entirely wrong. She also has agood physical abilities to back up that tough bit. She can make good decisions when she isn't angry even if it's something simple. I'd say she thinks ahead about a lot of things before she executes them. She doesn't really care about her appearance either and could tend to ignore people she doesn't know. She never really cares what other people do unless they're being rude or starting violence which she can turn agressive when things like that happen.
Kirumi Tojo
Secondly I thought of Kirumi Tojo, Kirumi is definitely hard working if you want something done she'll do it for you and if she has something due soon she'll get it done before the deadline no doubt. I'd say she's pretty confident in her abilities due to being a maid. She can get upset pretty easily, but won't let it show too well. Though she can make some decisions she'll regret later. If she hurts someone physically or emotionally you bet she'll do something to make it up to them, even if it's just getting them something small. She's probably pretty protective of her friends to say the least. She'd also most likely be willing to confront someone if needed. She's pretty secretive too, she'd rather know more about her friends so she can help them and so they don't really worry about her. She's definitely one to provide people with things like making them something to eat or bringing them something to drink, anything they want really. She'll even do things like that without being asked, since she likes helping others to the best of her ability. She probably puts a lot of thought into decisions she makes before she does them and could probably get a little upset if they don't turn out how she planned. She doesn't like when people hurt eachother and could get a little more agressive if you do, she's really just a motherly figure.
Miu Iruma
Lastly I thought of Miu Iruma, Miu is definitely more hardworking due to being an inventor. If she has to get something done she'll do it. She'll also do her best to get it done before any deadlines. She's pretty confident in her abilities, looks, and just everything about herself for the most part. She can get angry pretty easily at times and do things that she'll regret later. She'll do small things if she hurts someone physically or emotionally most likely, like getting them something small or anything she really can. She's probably really protective of her friends and would do just about anything for them even if it means trying to cook for them. She's probably not the best at comforting someone, but she'll definently listen to what they have to say. She likes to know a lot about her friends though she'll also share a few things about herself in return as she sees fit, but she'd definitely rather know more about them. She probably gives off an "I don't care vibe" and maybe even a "tough" one though she may not be the strongest she can probably hold her own of she needs too. She usually has some pretty good ideas and good at making decisions, though it's not always like that. If something she does goes wrong she'll probably get pretty upset over it. She can also tend to ignore people she doesn't know or just straight up tell them she doesn't care. She's pretty blunt most of the time.
I hope you're satisfied with your results!
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