#if those kids needed her they’d be bhaalspawn
moghedien · 4 months
Durge: Jaheira isn’t my step dad, she’s the dad that stepped up 🥰
The five children Jaheira abandoned in her basement: the wut
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seynne · 1 month
Trust yourself more, adventurer
I don't know why I wrote this thing, excepted to calm myself down when I was having one of these anxiety episodes. Just needed some fluff and emotional comfort?
And -
Well, that's it.
Extract :
She was exhausted.
Exhausted, but sleep would not come. Another restless night that would only allow her to regain half of her strength, which would undoubtedly be a disadvantage for tomorrow’s adventures. Another restless night after a day of investigations, diplomatic attempts and full-blown battles, for even the kindest wizard has her limits when lives, and especially innocent lives, are at stake.
At least her companions weren’t out for each other’s blood now, which was a pleasant relief from the earlier days of their travels. Baldur’s Gate was a huge city, and she had previously thought that once they got there, their path would be fairly straightforward: find Orin, find Gortash, either convince/intimidate them into giving or taking their stones by force so that they could put an end to the threat of the Absolute as quickly as possible... But it turned out that literally anything could distract you - especially when you were with people like her companions, who attracted attention from everywhere – for urgent and very real reasons, and she wished she could split herself in several parts, to help all of them.
All of her companions, who needed to settle their own things urgently. Her closest friend, like a sister, the moonlight-scaled amnesiac sorcerer who happened to be a Bhaalspawn and needed to find a way to face her father and get free of his influence if such a thing was possible. One charming vampire to kill the asshole who tormented him all his life. One half-elf, Selune Cleric, to face those who kidnapped her as a child and turned her against her own family, and free her parents. Her other best friend, the wizard, to face the goddess who asked him to die and treated him like he was nothing after a, granted more than serious, but well-intentioned mistake. The Blade of Frontier, to free his father himself. The githyanki renegade, to whom she promised to find a way to free Orpheus after they’d be free from the Absolute. ANother of her dear friends, the tiefling, with whom they were trying to find a way to go against her former employer blackmailing who also happened to literally destroy her life and sold her to a devil, and to finally have revenge. The legendary hero who was trying to save her friend turned against everyone by the Absolute, and to face her own family. The former paladin of Lolth who got forcibly converted into the Absolute ranks too, who was looking for revenge after what Orin did to her. And the archdruid who was probably also her saviour when she was a kid, currently faced with the burden of seeing how city life was and… how many things they had to do. And, that was for her regular fighting companions. Not to mention the others concerns with the OTHER Selune Cleric in camp, her Aasimar lover who had a wizard in town trying to capture her, and with their former enemy-turned-friend Flaming Fist human-turned-into-aberration and his former best friend that he killed under the influence of their enemy and then resurrected. And, there was also the creature who very much HAD to be someone special to be able to resurrect people just with a click of its fingers, who seemed to know everything, and to have been sent from the gods to help them.
In addition, her own care of avoiding the beautiful and very familiar drow that she had met at the Mermaid tavern, who had seemed very eager to talk to her – excepted they were hunting a hag, and luckily, they were gone the moment troubles started unfolding – were completely irrelevant.
Today, they had...
Taken care of a Mummy Lord Necromancer. Frankly, it was all business at this point. Her companions sometimes tried to persuade her to return to her original mission, but the – what was the nickname Astarion had given her a few weeks ago... ? Goody Two Shoes? – The Goody Two Shoes she was just... Just couldn’t let things slide, and she had to go out of her way to help everyone. To be honest, they were all used to it by now.
And her Goody Two Shoes antics had helped them all. So... Well, those same antics were pretty much accepted by everyone by now, and more than that, especially by those who shared the same attitude in life. Besides, it was always funny to see her try to look intimidating when someone was puzzled that a stranger would come to their aid. In fact, the times when she was most intimidating were, ironically and a testimony to her incredibly lame performance skills, when she was fully present and in the throes of passion for some reason, usually to resolve conflict.
The downside of all this was that... firstly, she’d often ask to stop at taverns to hear rumours for their current goals, but mostly to have a drink and have an internal chat with her ally, the Illithid, who protected their minds and souls from the Elder Brain, the Emperor, and see how he was doing. Her companions knew by now why she was doing this: she’d stop, isolate herself and mumble to herself.
Second, and this is where the story begins... It caused her to have great fits of worry at night.
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