#if u dont take the game seriously then its more enjoyable
gifti3 · 27 days
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evandearest · 3 years
aww i’m so happy to hear you like the ideas! <3 i base many off decade old oc’s or old writing prompts xD yes, i think there’s something so beautiful in empowering innocence, which the reader could portray. for example, the color white can be both pure but represent an never-ending unfulfilled void - like she [reader character], although ethereal in some qualities, is decidedly devilish in others (represents a void of a conscious, which is just like james, &
(replying to this in parts)
imo would even freak him out seeing someone outsmarted him at his own game, though through innocence and religion); and that the dark can be terrifying but also the complete absorption of visible light- purity, clarity in itself, and aims at disasembling “the evil” in the world (maybe for her), which is rooted in the pursuit of the ultimate love (pursuit of going back to a sort of “garden of eden” where nothing could ever go wrong). i see [reader character] as someone who would be comfortable just being james princess, but could unknowingly push herself over the countess as queen if she wanted to through this pure, but unconscious void in her conscious. (Midsommar May queen inspiration there~)
omg this concept is genius! this would for real be such an interesting thing to see play out, and to see the power behind innocence! also the fine line between what seems innocent, what is innocent, and what is “evil” is so interesting. there is so much depth there!
i have absolute confidence that you’ll be able to write up something amazing, regardless of how long it takes! don’t ever pressure or rush yourself babe! self-care and living life is the most important, but its my wishes that if you ever need a little alone time or break from school/work, you can have something creative like these ideas, to work with, back here! i would love to see this idea come to life one day, and you’re defo the best writer in tumblrtown hehe :)
thank you so much for saying this. seriously. often times it feels like i’m in a rush with my writing, which is part of the reason that i stopped as it was becoming less enjoyable and more of a chore, which i definitely don’t want to happen, as it is one of my biggest passions. thank you for being so flexible. 🤍
also another message to let you know you aren’t alone in terms of feeling like you had a couple down days/ dark phase mentally and emotionally. 2020 or late 2019 came and, i too had my dark times mentally which exhausted me physically. and im so so happy to hear you feel like you’re starting down the road to love, as love is the best thing there is! i hope u decide to give it a chance, even if it seems daunting in any way or for whatever reason. <3
if anything, i wanted to extend love in this message, as a warm hug, or a hand to hold in times of need, or just a pillar of support for a little while. i know dark times are never fun (they seem so out of the blue too), but they’re also a great opportunity to grow after the storm has passed. if you want just an ear, or advice, or a place to rant, i will always try my best to support, promise! bc you deserve the best love- the type of love you always try to extend to others, creatively in your writing, or just in everyday real life interactions.
unfortunately there are so many that have had dark times during this pandemic. i feel that the world has been in such a state of anxiety that has pushed many to their limits. i just pray that we can all make it out stronger. and i completely agree with you on that note! i’ve grown so much as a person in the last six months, let alone year. it’s been a journey and i feel stronger and more determined every day. i just hope that you are feeling the same! your love has really hit home for me. this message was recieved at perfect timing and i just want to send the love back your way, as you are so incredibly helping me. thank you again.
don’t forget about that little light within, to nurture it, and never stop shining it for anyone or thing. bc in the end we aren’t our minds, but the thing behind it, we r that lil light. i fully 110% support you so much in focusing on yourself and striving to better you FOR YOU, step by step, because everyone is on that journey in one way or another. it’s healthy always to be a little inactive ;) ~ and you’re living life to the fullest, you gorgeous soul!! you are not alone, and don’t apologize for taking up space and time!! you are worthy beautiful. so, so worthy! sending you so much love and light this winter season! ❤️👼🏼🍪☁️🌟 (i am gravely sorry for my amount of spam. i like, dont know how to send msgs with no word limit on tumblr!! )😂😅
don’t apologize for the spam! this message was so beautiful and sweet that i just wanna find you and give you a big big hug! 😂♥️ seriously though, thanks darling. you have no idea how grounded this makes me feel. the connection we receive with others in life is truly the best thing, and finding another soul that is kindred with yours is truly incredible! i completely agree with everything you said. we are all on our own journeys, all growing and learning together, although a lot of us need to learn to appreciate that and one another. thank you for the validation. always message me if you want to share anything at all! these messages were so thoughtful and wonderful! sending you peace and love 😌 i wish you a happy holidays if you celebrate, and if not (and regardless) i wish you to be happy everyday! you truly are such a kind and beautiful soul! stay creative darling 🤍🌙
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Homestuck Liveblog #181
UPDATE 181: Meat
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A long time ago, I finished reading Homestuck. It was quite the long tale, and it was rather enjoyable! At the time I thought there ‘d be nothing else, because Act 7 seemed like quite the final chapter – or if there was anything, it’d be bits and pieces that wouldn’t warrant a liveblog. Yet here we are! Turns out, after this long, there’s epilogues. In plural, as you can see. Somehow, there are now epilogues and they’re said to be quite long, too. After taking a cursory read that made me read more than I thought I would, here I am, reopening this liveblog to explore the epilogues.
What I have read so far...is not particularly enticing or even likable, at least in terms of enjoyment, really, but there’s something about the writing that makes me want to continue. Credit where it’s due, yeah. Still, I’m interested in seeing where this is going, and now, I’m posting my thoughts here for everyone to see. Here we go! So, let’s start with the epilogue liveblog!
You know, before that, I should note that now the story has its own URL instead of being into the old mspaintadventures website. Kind of late in the game for this change, Mr. Hussie. I mean, the story is over, and although there’s a whooole lot of new content, it seems a bit senseless to have this in its own domain. Then again, the rest of the mspaintadventures stories were kind of...hidden away in the website? I don’t remember links to them, when I used to read Homestuck. Maybe Homestuck getting its own domain is for the better. I do wonder if this is a hint more stuff will come in the future. The extra-epilogue. The postscript-extra-content. The seriously-guys-this-is-the-end chapter.
There are two epilogues, it seems. One is meat, the other is candy. I immediately notice this is related to the cherubs’ food. I wonder if it means one epilogue will be...bloodier? Crueler? More chaotic and violent? I mean more like something Caliborn will like, while the other will be more to Calliope’s tastes. I’ll start with the meat epilogue, simply because it’s to the left.
From what I can tell at a glance, there are no images, but there are colored words, most likely from conversations between characters. That should be fine, although Homestuck was pretty visual at times, its strength was the writing and characterization.
Well then! The very first paragraph already beats most of Homestuck in terms of extremely descriptive stuff. Heck, this reminds me of Worm, with its extensive paragraphs about bugs and how they crawl on people and cause all sorts of nasty effects. I’m not sure that’s a good thing.
Meat was definitely the right choice, you think, as grease drips down your chin. The meat is cold and undercooked, so you have to grab it with both hands while you rend it apart with your incisors. It bursts in chunks, filling your mouth with blood and your throat with mangled knots of gristle and long strings of muscle fiber. You take big bites, almost too big to swallow, so big that you choke on the meaty mulch and hock some of it up into your nasal cavity. You sneeze out a gooey rope of phlegm and flesh. You stop for a moment to wipe your face, but your chin is still slippery after you swipe the mess away. Slivers of meat catch between your teeth as you masticate with bestial enthusiasm. You use your thumbnail to fish them out.
...am I eating this meat straight from the cow.
Apparently the person who is eating meat that’s almost raw is John, who I guess gained a taste for raw meat at some point. Maybe he’s trying to emulate Jade’s canine half, for all I know. He’s with Roxy and Calliope, the later providing the meat. I suppose cherubs wouldn’t know about cooking meat. Speaking of cherubs, eating meat reminds John of Lord English, and he gets so sick thinking of Lord English he decides he knows what he must do. Alright! Didn’t waste any time dilly-dallying around!
JOHN: i have to go back and kill lord english.
ROXY: u sure?
JOHN: i think so. it will probably be hard. but i think it’s the right thing to do.
JOHN: everyone is counting on me.
When is this epilogue set? Before Act 7? I thought by now Lord English was dead and gone, not that it still was something that needed to be done. Then again, it’s not like Lord English’s death was shown on screen, if I remember correctly. Maybe this is after Act 7 and he’s going back in time with his retcon powers. I suppose he’d still have them.
Roxy seems disappointed, so I suppose she knew this had to be done at some point. Given John’s retcon powers, it’s not impossible this is the last time she sees John if things go wrong. Calliope is more accepting, saying it’s John’s decision. Time to leave?
Seriously, things have gotten quite more descriptive now. Still unsure if that’s good or not.
The farewell is quite unsatisfying, and the moment passes without John being able to make it better, so he goes to prepare himself and write a note for Roxy as a farewell and/or apology. Not only to her, to all of his friends. It’s like he’s aware the chances he’ll return here aren’t that high. I wonder if John would die here at the end. It’d be quite...something!
In this epilogue, there’s a Troll Kingdom, which I imagine is ruled by the trolls who survived Homestuck, raising the grubs created by ectobiology. Dave and Karkaroni are there, Dave lives with the trolls, I suppose because his relationship with Karkaroni now includes living in his hive.
DAVE: stop ogling jakes ass this is important
Apparently the reason why Jake’s ass is on TV again is because he and Dirk have a show involving rap battles and robot wrestling, which I suppose is the natural progression from when Jake used to get said ass kicked by a robot. People like the show, and I’m already convinced it’s partly because of the schadenfreude of seeing Jake losing against robots – because no way Dirk is losing, hah
Karkaroni has a few choice words for the fake gladiatorial show, and points out this show is all about zooming onto Jake’s ass. Maybe ‘pumpkin patch’ is an euphemism. Either way, the relevance of the TV show is eclipsed by the announcement Jane is running for president of the entire Earth. Aha, truly the wretched pastry baroness’ descendant.
DAVE: i dunno crocker is just an ambitious woman i guess
DAVE: oh it is
DAVE: it absolutely is
DAVE: also like
DAVE: dont tell her i said this but
DAVE: i think shes basically a fascist
...well then. Oh all things that could have been used to describe Jane from what I remember of her, ‘fascist’ didn’t come not even close. Then again, it’s not like Karkaroni had any meaningful contact with Jane, and all Dave did was call her hot, which isn’t really the epitome of camaraderie and intimidate knowledge. They both even admit to that.
DAVE: oh also shes a fucking xenophobe
Did I miss something? Was there something between Act 7 and these epilogues that revealed Jane harbors xenophobic inclinations? Why am I having to ask aloud ‘hey is Jane a xenophobe’
DAVE: yeah ive noticed
Well, that part isn’t really surprising. Humanity just has a knack for looking down on other people, I can only imagine how it’d be when it’s about other sapient species. If aliens ever make contact with humanity it’ll be a social mess.
Since letting Jane claim the spot of president of Earth is not good, apparently, Dave wants to stop her, eliciting laughter from Karkaroni who is already imagining Dave running against her. No, Dave couldn’t handle that responsibility, no way.
DAVE: anyway no
DAVE: im not running
DAVE: you are
Hm...unless Karkaroni got over the many issues he had from his leadership attempt during Sgrub this can’t end well. Unsurprisingly, he doesn’t like the idea, precisely because he doesn’t feel like he has what’s needed to be a leader. It’s not that he would lose horribly – Karkaroni actually is rather popular. I suppose all of the Homestuck survivors are popular – it’s that he doesn’t feel ready and he seems to hate the attention. Understandable.
Perfectly valid reason. I mean, it’s not something kind of inconsequential as being the class president of sophomore year in school or whatever it’s like up there in America. It’s president of the entire planet. If Karkaroni wins there will be consequences, even if he steps away immediately. Either he commits to this fully, or he simply shouldn’t run.
DAVE: ok ill just be the one to come out and say it
DAVE: shes going to be a fucking disaster for the economy
So Jane’s a republican. Haha! Ah, I shouldn’t touch this not even with a ten-foot pole. Nevermind that.
DAVE: i guess i have to admit
DAVE: part of this
DAVE: for me personally
DAVE: its
DAVE: its about obama
Somehow, I didn’t even bat an eye with Dave described part of the reason why this is personal for him is because Obama didn’t get to be president due to, you know, the end of the world. I find it in-character, somehow. This isn’t the first time Dave extols Obama’s virtues, and after quite an extensive diatribe, he says maybe Obama reincarnated in Karkaroni. Thaaaat has to be the most Dave-y encouraging thing he could have ever thought. It’s for things like these that I like Dave, haha
Apparently only humans have tried to get to high offices, because no other species has even tried. They lack ambition, and given what I remember from Sburb, that’s believable. The only species that could come close to taking part in this are the trolls, and they’re not used to elections. No wonder humans have the high spots of politics.
DAVE: karkat dont stereotype
DAVE: remember the mayor
DAVE: remember how at one point a long time ago he raised an army and rebelled against an evil king
DAVE: me too
Ah, yeah...I miss him too. I wonder what happened to him.
The government is in charge of troll reproduction through cloning, I suppose because the mother grub isn’t ready yet. In the meantime, the balance of power will get entrenched to the point where even when there’s a functional mother grub, humans will restrict troll population so they don’t take over the planet and make the horrors of Alternia happen. No lie, that’d be pretty bleak for humanity. Last time the horrors of Alternia were forced onto Earth everyone died. No troll right now would try, buuuut yeah, that’s not going to be forgotten...for a while.
Somehow, Dave’s arguments about how Jane has zero business acumen, is sinister, and trolls are getting the raw end of the deal are actually getting Karkaroni to pay attention, until he finally caves, simply because it’d make Dave happy. That’s sweet. But yeah, this is...not what I expected what would happen in the epilogue. Well then!
DAVE: aw yeah
DAVE: you wont regret it this is gonna be dope
DAVE: i think we have a great shot too
DAVE: with my political savvy and economic genius and outrageous flair for subversive anti establishment messaging and propaganda, and your big loud fucking mouth...
DAVE: um i guess also your charisma and likability and shit
DAVE: oh also
DAVE: your weirdly sincere humility
DAVE: ok lets try to avoid that phrase on the campaign trail too
I’m not a political strategist, but if Karkaroni is going to run on a platform about how Jane sucks and there’s inequality towards the trolls, I’m not entirely certain it’s good there’s a shadowy human pulling the strings in the campaign. Kind of seems like bad optics to me. Then again, can’t say I know where this is going so let’s just wait and see.
Yup, Dave definitely will be the brains behind this presidency. They already agreed he’ll write what Karkaroni will say, even though he should improvise and speak from the heart, like he tends to do. Not a bad idea, it’s part of what makes him endearing.
DAVE: time to talk some strategy
DAVE: we need to rally as much high profile support to our cause as we can
DAVE: but there are some uh
DAVE: “lines of loyalty” to figure out
DAVE: i mean which of our friends are going to side with us and which ones will side with jane
It’s a safe bet to think the New Wonderteam will side with Jane and the Original Flavor Wonderteam with Dave and Karkaroni. Calliope likely will stick with Roxy, so she’d be on Jane’s side. All the living trolls would go with Karkaroni, so...overall? It seems to me the advantage is clear. Dave is slightly less optimistic than me, but he does think they can get many on their side.
...okay, what happened to Jade? What kind of twisted scenario involved her to the point where neither Dave nor Karkaroni want to talk about her? I’m almost afraid of finding out.
So there are four kingdoms, if I understand this correctly: one for humans, one for trolls, one for...carapaces, I guess, and one for the consorts, which would be aaaaaall the silly reptiles and amphibians from Sburb.
Jake’s support will be pivotal, and since I’m already betting he’ll be on Jane’s side out of, you know, being friends with her for quite some time, it seems like she’ll have the edge there. Then again, it’s true Jake is fairly timid, so there’s also a chance he’ll refuse to take a side. I’m starting to think any sane person would stay the heck away from any side in this mess, honestly. These two haven’t even announced Karkaroni as a candidate yet I already kind of dread what’s coming. I don’t know, it’s just this...constant atmosphere that something’s pretty wrong. I don’t really like it.
During all this, Dave receives a call from Dirk, so he calls back to ask what’s going on. This page ends with Dirk abut to insinuate he needs Dave to cut his head off again. I see these two’s weird pseudofamilial relationship is as messed up as ever. Charming.
So, back to the more Homestuck-y stuff. John zaps back to the story, apparently he agreed with Rose what needed to be done. First he makes sure Aranea won’t be up to shenanigans, taking off that ring of life from her finger. Good! Then he stashes Gamzee into the fridge again. Good! Everything’s fine over here. John zaps to the next plot point.
Ah, I have to read just two paragraphs to know what moment is this. The conversation below confirms my thoughts. Wait, I have to get the image for this moment:
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There we go. Boy was it a pain to find it now that the long outline list is gone.
I think in Homestuck they had noticed John hanging out above them, and this time they see three of them, one of the Johns being an adult version. That’s going to be difficult to explain. Questions are asked, and evil Jade is zapped away to maybe get ready for the fight against Lord English, hopefully she won’t still be evil when the time comes, even if she technically is against Lord English and wants him dead. John is here to talk with Dave, anyway. If I recall correctly, Dave was supposed to give the final blow with that sword with the Welsh name, so my guess is that John is here for that. Get ready, Dave, you’re going to fulfill the fate you didn’t want in the first place! But at least I’m fairly certain John will be more successful at this than evil Jade was.
Turns out I’m not wrong about why John is here. In fact, the narration even says this:
Dave’s eyebrows descend beneath his sunglasses. You feel pretty bad because you’re about to completely circumvent the life-changing epiphany he’s just had that you know for a fact will make him a happier, chiller, and altogether more well-balanced human being.
Pretty unfortunate, really. It sucks to be Dave.
As I said before, Jade is zapped away to parts unknown, and Dave is informed of how everyone was spending their lives as normal adults with no big problems and a fairly peaceful life. Clearly John left the present before Dave and Karkaroni started their political war against Jane. Oh well. Off you go, Dave, get ready for a fight with Lord English. In the meantime, John will gather the rest of the team.
You know, I’m starting to realize I had a lot more to say about Dave and Karkaroni’s new political adventures than about the more familiar Homestuck-y messing around John is doing with the plot. I guess it’s because, as strange as the other plotline is, it just has...a lot other stuff to comment about that hasn’t been present in Homestuck before? Hm.
Yup, Dirk immediately asks for his decapitation as a solution for the tremendous defeat he has suffered at Jake’s hands, defeat that shouldn’t have happened because, as Dave states, Jake is pretty awful at everything. Either the show is rigged or Dirk must have quite a lot in mind for him to not even make an effort.
Yep, it’s rigged. I hope Jake knows. That guy never had a break during the game, hopefully he’ll get a break now. Speaking of Jake, he has to take the brunt of entertaining everyone while Dirk takes the call in the middle of the show. Whatever he has to talk about must be somewhat urgent, if he felt like calling Dave in the middle of it.
This narration sure is calling attention to Jake’s ass a lot, I lost count of how many paragraphs include something about it. Hussie, is there something you’d like to share with the class? Last time I checked the story he didn’t seem particularly interested in Jake’s ass, or in...Jake in general, really.
It seems what Dirk is doing here is intentionally making himself the villain of this show, but it’s not because he’s throwing Jake a bone or anything. No, it turns out there are more sinister goals here, or at least they’re sinister for Dave and Karkaroni’s newfound political ambitions.
DIRK: The point is, this is much less about me, and more about providing a foil for Jake’s heroism and charisma.
DIRK: It’s very important that his popularity continues to be cultivated, to maximize his political capital.
Sounds like they were planning Jane’s campaign for quite a while, if they went so far as to make Jake the hero of their show just for political capital. I bet that was the plan all along, right from the very first time this was broadcasted. How long ago was that, I wonder? But yeah, as Dave predicted, Dirk is fully on the Jane corner of this mess. He’s fully aware of Jane’s flaws and theoretical fascist/xenophobic tendencies, I presume, and he believes Jane’s the best for the current situation of the world. Whether he’s right or not...well...until proven otherwise I believe that too, yeah.
DIRK: We’ve all had our fun here, but it’s easy to overlook the fact that civilization on Earth C is hardly a sustainable proposition.
DIRK: Just beneath the surface, it’s quite a dangerous and unstable place.
Won’t lie, that never crossed my mind at all. From the way Act 7 ended, and how happy the ending was supposed to be, I simply thought things were going to be just peachy. I’m interested in knowing just how exactly it’s a quite a dangerous and unstable place. Care to explain, Dirk?
Guess not. I hope he explains how he knew what Dave and Karkaroni are planning, then. They took this decision like ten minutes ago.
DIRK: I think your heart is in the right place, but the dude is a complete amateur.
DIRK: He’ll get eaten alive. I also have a hard time imagining he even wants the job.
DIRK: Really, it’s an awful idea for him to even run. Think about how much it’s going to inflame the interspecies tensions on this planet. Is that what you want?
DIRK: I’m happy for both of you, really. It’s nice that you encourage and support each other in this way. But you’re sending him on a fool’s errand which can only end badly.
To be perfectly honest, other than the part about inflaming interspecies tensions on the planet, that was more or less what I thought. So far I agree. Even the part about inflaming interspecies tensions sounds plausible.
You know, it’s kind of fun both sides have a savvy Strider political operative. These two are more alike than Dave would like to admit, really.
The reason why Dirk is calling is because he wants to dissuade Karkaroni from running, even if he doesn’t say it. He admits Jake is not under Dirk’s beck and call, though. Does that really change anything? Dirk may not be on Jake’s good graces, but perhaps Jane is? Either way, this is a call to subtly dissuade and it’s not going to work because Karkat is stubborn as hell once he gets his head into something and he did. Tough luck.
The call is over, Dirk is back into the staged fray, so Jake thinks about Dirk’s capricious nature.
DIRK: Sorry for the momentary diversion, Jake. Now where were we?
JAKE: Momentary??? Gadzooks man you were on the phone for half a friggin hour!
JAKE: I know you like to get the crowd all hot and bothered but we are supposed to be professionals here!
...no wonder the crowd was starting to get so upset. Half an hour?! Just how slowly were the Striders talking?
Jake pulls out rhymes that honestly reminds me of Dave’s old rapping convos from like Act 1 or 2, peppered with old-timey sayings. It’s the kind of thing that makes me wonder how Jake is popular all over the planet. It’s said it’s out of pity, but goodness, that must be a metric ton of pity. The rap fight ends with Dirk sedating Jake to take another call. Geez, no wonder you’re not on his good graces anymore, Dirk.
Aaaanyway, back to John. He has gathered everyone back at his childhood home, ready to start the discussion on how to get rid of Lord English once and for all.
Jake is sort of ruining the mood anyway by bouncing away on your old Green Slime pogo. Doesn’t he realize how dangerous that thing is? Of course not. The fool.
To be frank that thing looked fun to me, even though I wouldn’t ride it without a helmet. John needs to appreciate more the painful playground elements in his life.
It’s nostalgic to read a convo with the kids. I hadn’t realized until now I missed Jade’s goofy mannerisms. Jade was always someone I was so fond of. Heck, all of the kids are people I’m fond of, although I’m less fond of Dirk and Jake than the rest. My opinion of Homestuck may not be as high as it once was, but the characters are something I still appreciate.
John answers a question: what happens to the people from the timelines they all left? Who knows. They may have stopped existing, which I’m sure is something they’d have liked to know before, but there’s nothing that can be done about that. Better start planning so they don’t die horribly and make nothing matter, alright.
The planning is mostly disorganized and structureless, although some common themes that often recur involve you and your original three friends leading the charge, since you are the oldest and wisest, and therefore the strongest, with the exception of Jade, whose gaudy array of powers make her the most formidable of the group, bar none. Aside from that, it appears the consensus is that the melee will likely devolve into an absolute free-for-all—at least going by the general patterns of incoherent banter, shit-talking, and points of pedantic tactical disagreement plaguing the jam session.
Sounds about right. I still think Jade would be very useful in the fight as long as she’s actually there and not...getting knocked out by mailwomen-turned-winged-dog. Maybe this time there’ll actually be something about the kids getting into a fight with Lord English. I’m not really going to hope for that too much, given how Hussie is not into catering to orderly narratives, but eh. No harm in dreaming.
The reunion ends when Jake eats dirt when he falls from the pogo, and in all this there wasn’t even a word about the plan. Not a good omen for the ‘show everyone fighting Lord English’ dream, really. The kids all talk together, some of them meeting each other for the first time, while John wistfully stares at Dad Egbert who is visible through the window.
The sun is hitting the glass in such a way that you can’t see his face.
Ah, yes, how could I forget the eternal sun that was in Dad’s vicinity all the time, that’s why his face always appeared mostly blank. That’s why the sun was right beside the Homestuck letter logo, it’s always there. Besides, if it’s a bad idea to go talk with Dad Hebert, may I ask why they’re all gathered in this yard, one week before the meteors strike? I know I’d be alarmed if I looked out of the window and saw seven hooligans and one adult hanging out in my yard.
There are other things to be wondering about, anyway, like the fact John may not be seeing these as real versions of his friends. Then again, in my opinion, he’s thinking a bit too hard about this. Of course he’d feel kind of detached, simply because of the age difference. That’s hard to overcome. Is it time to leave and go possibly die? Grab hands and hope it’ll go okay!
No, seriously, why am I taking like a page for John’s retconning and like three and half for Dave and Karkaroni’s Elect-a-Troll 20XX? Oh well. Dirk is still in the stadium, apparently their shows always ends in a riot, making me wonder how are they popular with people. Public disorder doesn’t really paint a good image of you. The caller is Rose, and she’s not feeling happy.
ROSE: The bottom line is this.
ROSE: I am ascending, and it is terrible.
Is Rose reaching Nirvana? How else am I supposed to interpret ‘ascending’? It’s not like she’s not a higher existence already, what with godhood and all.
What’s going on is that Rose is being plagued from visions and a higher awareness of her alternate selves’ lives and tribulations, giving her something close to omniscience when it’s about the universe, and Dirk is going through that too, which I suppose helps explain how he knew what Dave wanted to do. That’s what Dave will have to go against? Good luck to him.
I have to wonder if Dirk being such a stalwart Jane supporter is fueled by his recent omniscience. Maybe he knows something Dave and Karkaroni don’t, maybe the warning he gave them was something he foresaw. That aside, then he also must have known how useless it was to call Dave and that it wouldn’t make much of a difference. Having omniscience must seriously suck. At least Dirk has a way to work with his omniscience in a way that won’t wreck him apart, and I’m curious what it’s going to be. That said, though, a story about Dirk and Rose having foreseen a nasty future and working to stop it even at the cost of a few valuable friendships would be interesting. I’d read that.
Any conversation that will come from this will be at the studio later. I for one am looking forward to it, I admit. It’s an interesting topic, rich with possibilities and potential for development. It’s a shame these are epilogues, though. In the end, this will go nowhere, I imagine. Isn’t it a pity when you come across an idea or a plot that could span an entire story, but you know it’s not likely to come to fruition? Real shame, that.
I think I’ll stop for now. I have read only seven pages out of forty-three or so, but this should be enough for now. I can’t say I have been...enjoying this. I’m interested, but not really happy so far. Maybe it’s because a couple rather questionable things have come out of the blue and for the life of me I can’t make them fit with the characters or the story. Strange.
Also, something about the writing style is...off. It’s far more descriptive than Homestuck usually was. Most of the time it’s nice, other times I wonder if it was necessary. Still, I wonder where this will go, so at least the epilogues have that on its favor. Just for that, I think liveblogging it will be worth it.
Still, these epilogues are non-canon, aren’t they? If they’re canon can you please tell me that? Thanks, readers! So, for the time being, this update ends here.
Next update: next time
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lvsxsleep · 5 years
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aight word let’s do this shit again. i’m ur favorite mom energy admin ash and this is the twitch thot dealer camgirl bad bitch u always knew u needed, olivia. there’s some hot deets abt her under the cut
?  ?  ?  WHOA  ! i’ve  always  seen  the  parallels  between  olivia  byun,  the  twenty  one  year  old cisfemale and  hypnos plus,  they  look  just  like  kim  doyeon.  from  their  glossier  bag  full  of  xans  and  w**d,  to  their  "haunted”  sex  toy  box,  some  would  even  notice  how  their  sarcasm,  promiscuity  and   nonchalance   connect  perfectly  !  i  don’t  know  about  you  but  i  can’t  wait  to  see  what  olympus  brings  to  her !
― her parents are “wealthy” one is an art dealer one is a pharmaceutical ceo and they wanted olivia to be their perfect lil daughter so she’s got that switch flip mastered ― mom calls n she coughs after taking a huge bong rip she say *customer service voice* ‘hi mom cant wait to see u for thanksgiving ! miss u xoxoxo’ hangs up n takes another hit ― chaos chaos chaos but keep it sexy ― kinky spooky whore energy but shes not loud abt it you’d have to really say hey so would u be interested in getting rawwed in a graveyard n olivia would say nod ― she dont take anything seriously. homegirl is not rattled easily. ― she’s not mean but she’s got a short list of people she’d go to bat for and the rest she’s down to watch their life fall apart for her own enjoyment ― has a private snapchat where she uploads nudes and stuff for people she deals too so its a mixed bag if her story is gonna have tiddies or dank nugs, cheers ― friends & family discount tho ( NOT INCESTY RELAX SHES AN ONLY CHILD ) ― will try any drug, sex position, sex act, or reckless illegal activity twice ― smart enough to successfully have a few dealers that report to her, that’s how she funds her lifestyle ie rent, sushi, wine, drugs, travel ( and once in a blue moon she’ll do a cam show ) ― she’s just so much untapped potential ― favorite tv shows : property brothers (only bc it’s a dream threesome), billions (money turns her on), & rick and morty for when she’s high ― she’s got a huge soft spot for eboys and it’s the only reason she’s EVER considered paying for therapy ― has a embroidered pillow that says ‘please don’t do coke in the bathroom’ but owns it ironically ― her wardrobe is half her usual mess of bargain bin nordstrom that looks just expensive, and spookyslutty enough and half porno school girl plaid skirts and dresses she wears to brunches with the ‘rents ― idk shes hot im scared of her ― clink clink let the games begin ― has a tall skinny white guy kink and she’s thankfully ashamed of it ― loves women !!! WOMEN !!! ― high a lot she’s mellow and mean :P ― doesn’t play video games but every guy she’s dated has been a gamer bc she likes guys that don’t pay attention to her so she can ignore them ― being needy to her is Not the kink
ill ad more later hopefully ?
these are the hellish connections i came up w for her:
HECATE - ride or die HERCULES - fwb MEDUSA - messy recurring hook-up PEGASUS - she’s their dealer + a crush 
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
Hopefully tumblr doesnt eat this p.1 again! Its been so long since Ive dropped by and said hello to one of my favorite people so hello Coon! I feel like Ive been so busy I dont have time to drop bye and say hello these days How are you? Are you doing well? I hope you are bc you deserve so much happiness. I also wanted to do a status update on the fact that Im now writing again! I took a longer break than I thought I would but hey Im now more motivated than ever so I guess it all worked out ^^
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Okay you let me add a keep reading right here aaah ;A;
Oh my god, Jaz….Jaz I’m so sorry, I don’t even know where to start apologizing, I’m so sorry. I honestly forgot and that’s the worst part. If I had been busy for real I would have had an excuse at least, but the truth was just that; I put this in my drafts and then forgot it was there. I rarely check my drafts because that’s where I put stuff that I want to reblog at some point but don’t know when because it’s not FFXV related so I just wait until I’m done with the XV reblogs but I never am, and I just assumed everything in drafts was stuff to reblog, I totally forgot there was an ask here that I hadn’t replied to and that it was yours, I’m so sorry, so, so, so sorry, Jaz… :(
I don’t offer an excuse and if you’re upset you have all the rights to be, I understand. Jesus, it’s been a while since Ir eplied this and I mean, there are asks in my inbox that are like a year old but those are prompts or requests and it’s fine, but yours was a personal and it’s been so long for me to answer to it aklsdjalkgjadklgja omg Jaz I’m so sorry….
I’m sorry, Jaz, very sincerely. Zomg…I’m sorry OTL
Well. Still answering ahah ;w;
Akjdlsafdgalkfjaklhj hhhnnnngnggg. HEWWO JAZ!!! ;w; I’m sorry OTL
Don’t worry about being busy. Real life is already super busy as it is and then we get here and it can get sort of ‘busy’ in its own non-serious way too! I hope that whatever’s been keeping you /kept you busy has given you a break from time to time and that it’s something you enjoy.
I’m doing well! A little ‘busy’ in the non-serious way trying to nail down all my PMs and asks (I’ve lately had a quite excited anon flooding me ahahahah! It’s lovely but keeps me super busy because each I answer gets drowned by another incoming 5 ;w;) and the reblogs and the fics. I’m having funa nd take my breaks to make it enjoyable and not turn it into something I dislike, but hence it goes slower. And out of Tumblr I’m doing okay too! 
How have you been, dear Jaz? Besides WAITING FOR MY ASK OTLHave  yuo been alright? And happy? I wonder what else you’ve been up to since you last wrote to me!! Hoping sincerely that it’s been okay with you too because you too deserve SO MUCH HAPPINES LIKE LOADS OF IT!!!!!!! You’re such a nice and good person that does no harm to others, you deserve all em happy things and events. U HAVE ALL IT GOOD KARMA, MY FRIEND!!!
Jaz, that’s WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! Omg buddy that’s fantastic, you have no idea how happy it makes me when someone says they’ve taken up/retaking a form of art. It’s so beautiful and so exciting, and you’re a friend so that adds a lot to the hype!! Jaz, that’s AMAZING! CONGRATS, BUDDY, I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! ( ˙꒳​˙ )
It’s okay that you took a longer break than you had first expected. Be it because you were busy or just lacking the motivation, it’s okay! What matters is that you went back to it and you must have felt so refreshed and welcomed back. The warmest welcoming is the one given after a long wait (but thankfully it wasn’t THAT long either!!). Plus, you took all the time that you needed to get back to it so it means you’re not forcing a single bit of it and that’s PHENOMENAL!!
I’m so happy to know that you’re motivated now, Jaz, all of this is honestly SO GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY :’3 AKLSJDLAKDGJADLKGJAGLKAJGA AAAAAAAHHHHHH, I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!
I guess the first time you sent the first part you were telling me what you were writing, so I don’t know for sure what you meant with hoping that one day I can read ‘it’, but I’d love to! I’m very slow at reading things because of the massive updates I do to my fics, but I think that I’d love to. Is it XV related? Original content? I’d get lost if it’s from something that I don’t know, but I can still try if you want me to
Aaah, thank you for asking about the laptop! Lamentably I’m nowhere close to getting a new one. They’re pretty expensive. I’m fine with one of the cheapest because all I want is basic internet access and MS Word lmao, but they’re still quite a price number and I have no job >
I thought about using the money that I’ve saved up from my kofis, but…to be honest, I’m being consciously selfish there, because I don’t want to waste my kofi money in ¼ of the price of the laptop… ;n; I want the kofi money to be mine for games or books, it’s money I’ve earned from doing what I love and I wanted it to go to selfish things, but I’m still debating with myself as to maybe having to put it for the laptop ahaha ;w;
Again, don’t feel bad for being busy!! Real life stuff is more important, and Tumblr isn’t going anywhere (not without a long time warning that we’ve never had, thankfully!), so don’t you stress. I for sure am going nowhere, so you take the time that you need and want :3
And don’t say you’re ‘not keeping me for longer’, because it’s not like you’re taking my time by force, dear Jaz!! You texting to me is a kind gift to me so you’re not taking any time off me, you’re taking YOUR time!
Sweet precious wonderful dear Jaz, thank you soooooooooooooooo LIKE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR DROPPING BY TO SAY HELLO AND SHARE ALL OF THIS WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, I don’t even know where to start, I’m sorry for taking so long, and thank you immensely for dropping by, my friend!! ;A;
Thank you for the time you dedicated to writing to me and the one to read me. It sounds like you’ve been very busy and I really appreciate that you’ve taken some time to write to me, you have no idea :’(
Thank you for updating me on what you’ve been up to, and thank you for sharing with me that you’ve retaken your writing!! Those news made me so happy, and re reading still makes me feel shivers out of the joy askldjfdaklgjaklgjadglkj
Thank you for being as kind and as gentle as you always are with me. You’re so precious and I hope you know that. You’re always so nice and patient and so good with me, I don’t know how to express it enough or how to let you know or how to thank you properly :’3 Thank you so much for being the sweet and warm creature that you are, Jaz. You’re truly phenomenal and I’m very happy that you exist. The world can very easily wear me out, and it’s creatures like you that relieve it off my shoulders. Thank you
I’ve missed you SO MUCH TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every time I re fave both your artworks I think about you and I was wondering what you were doing and if you were okay. And there I was, forgetting that it was me who never replied... :’D Really, seriously, I’m so sorry, Jaz, I didn’t mean to take this long... OTL 
I hope that you’ve been okay, Jaz! Have you been okay and doing better? How’s the writing going? I’m eager to hear about you again, buddy!! :3
Dear Jaz, I hope you’re having a FANTASTIC weekend, and do receive lots of raccoonie hugs and sparkles!! HUGZ
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lifeofalaurie · 6 years
my uwc story
i remember reading through uwc blogs when i had just found out about uwc and when i was applying and going through all those months of WAITING for the next step...and they were so helpful. im so glad these exist
i first found out uwc through my brother’s friend, who actually went to UWC atlantic college (where im headed!!!!) a few years back. it was one ordinary saturday afternoon (idk if it was actually saturday but that sounds right) and we were carpooling with said friend (usually i dont participate in these but i happened to be in the car that day) and we were talking about next year and whatever and she just kinda said that she wasn’t going to be back next year bc she was going to this ‘abroad’ program. i didnt even really think about it that much. i in fact forgot about it after that...apparently my dad did not.
so my dad would talk about it here and there but i was NOT INTERESTED for that whole year..then...i started researching a bit myself and thought oh this sounds kind of cool. i still didn't really get what UWC even was or if was even a legit thing. it just sounded like another boarding school (a huge NO for me). then i saw that there was a such thing as a “short program” (or maybe someone actually told me about it) and i decided to apply for the one at the USA campus in New Mexico. i remember writing the essays over winter break and thinking they were pretty terrible (there was also a skype interview involved and that was rough) so i was pretty shocked when i found out i had gotten in but it worked out well bc my fam was going to arizona anyway a week before that so i just flew to new mexico myself after that (i say that casually but we had to cancel tickets and get new ones so that i could go to new mexico instead of home PLUS i had to fly for myself for the first time and i was pretty confused). (also, the program is called global leadership forum or GLF)
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after hermit’s peak hike (ALL UPHILL FOR A SOLID 4-5 HOURS) i think it was like 8 miles IDK. view was so nice though 10/10
GLF turned out to be an amazing experience and really solidified my trust in UWC and confirmed to me that it was indeed a real thing. i really loved how much we did in those 2 and half weeks or so - camping, hiking, interacting w wolves, having important discussions - and it really pushed me to decide to apply to UWC for real. maybe ill talk more about it in another post!!!!
ok so coming home i did even more research and really really started liking UWC and decided that i might as well try to apply. i knew they never had a certain ‘criteria’ for students but i also knew it was a long and stressful process and involved really digging deep so i really didn’t think much of it (didn’t think i really had a chance) after submitting my written application. and then began the long waiting game...
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here’s a nice picture of the sky @ a wolf reservation! just wanted to add a nice pic 
i never joined any of those fb groups or college confidential things for applicants and good thing bc looking at some of them now stress me out so i wouldve probably been even more stressed if i had been involved in that. also i didnt even know they existed until later so thats also probably why.
anyway i had totally forgotten about UWC (more like i was sure they’d forgotten about me or there had been something wrong like my application wasn’t submitted or something) bc i didnt hear back until the end of november (i submitted the application early october). but finding out i was a semifinalist was kind of traumatic bc in my GLF snapchat group one of my friends (who’s going to Pearson this year!!!) said he’d moved on to the next stage and i hadn’t GOTTEN ANY EMAIL. i think i just accepted it that that was the end. but then a few hours passed when i finally decided to check a different email and, alas, there it was. so a few days later, i got an email from my interviewer when we should do our skype interview and it turned out to be the same day i was taking the ACT. good
the interview turned out to be completely ok and actually really great (enjoyable even!!?). if youre at that stage, seriously the best advice i have is to just chill and be honest when youre answering. also, make it more like a conversation rather than the interviewers (yes there are prob going to be more than 1 but i assure u its ok) asking u questions back and forth. think of it as a conversation- that helped me so much to relax. the interviewers just wants to talk to you and find out what kind of person you are and if youre the same one that wrote all those deep meaningful essays from the written application - so if you were honest from the start youll be completely fine...if not, well..sry
after that, school and extracurriculars and life really went up for me and i just forgot about UWC again. i never really told any of my friends about it or anyone except for my parents. i kind of wanted it to be a personal thing- get in or not in the end.
after a really good last day of school before winter break, i went to the town library (lol) and checked my phone and therE IT WAS. I WAS A FINALIST WHICH MEANT I WOULD BE GOING TO THE UWC USA CAMPUS FOR FINALIST WEEKEND. did not know what to expect
waiting for finalist weekend felt looooong
but it came
i flew there myself AND IT WASNT EVEN DIRECT and i remember feeling so independent and proud for making it. it turned out i was one of the later ones and in the last group to be bussed over (but i met a friend on the bus who i still talk to here and there who is going to RBC this yr!!). we were so late we missed the initial meeting and first night of activities and just went straight to the hotel. at the hotel i saw my interviewer and she gave me a hug (<3) and that helped calm me down and it was also really nice to see her in person bc i remember really liking her during our skype interview. then finalist weekend happened. and im pretty sure im not supposed to expose the process so all i can say was that it was actually so genuinely fun and a real good time 
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at the end we all exchanged social media and fb and all that and started a messenger group chat -- as nice as it was to be able to connect to everyone, i think it really stressed everyone out. they told us that results would come out early that week (FALSE). THAT WEEK AFTER FINALIST WEEKEND WAS THE MOST STRESSFUL THING EVER. IT TOOK YEARS FOR IT TO GO BY. i remember constantly checking my email between classes and everyone in the group chat wondering if anyone had heard. then on wed night, we all got an email that said the results would be notified by friday instead. the worst
i remember that friday evening i was packing for my first hackathon (it was fun) and thinking the call wouldnt come until later that night. people were freaking out all over the group chat. then, as i was scrambling packing my sweatpants into my bag, the home phone started ringing and i ran..RAN TO THE PHONE. it said my interviewer’s name on the caller ID and i was like OK THIS I S REAL. and i picked it up and it turned out i was too late so i frantically called back probably 10 times on multiple different phones (my efforts did not work). but then, i got a call to the home phone again and it was her so i picked up RIGHT AWAY and when she told me... i kid you not that i screamed and ran around my house a few times. so thats it. it was kind of a really long and sstressful process for sure, but SOO WORTH IT. i definitely learned a lot just from that process bc it makes you think and reflect a lot all throughout. weeee
if youre even thinking about applying please GO FOR IT (well as long as ur in the right age limit, 16-18.... and also make sure you’ve done some research to get a feel for it).. but just DO IT. and u can ask me questions if u want and ill answer to the best of my personal ability (but remember that im just one person and one experience and each person’s experience is completely different)
here is the general website btw:
i will probably do another post to explain UWC - at least in my own words and perspective!
<3 <3 <3
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oakmd · 7 years
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Congratulations ! You received 1,000+ followers !
Continue? ▶YES ▷NO
 Well, I can’t really express anything but amazement at such an accomplishment, and to be honest I’m pretty blown away that so many of you have stuck with me since the beginning of this blog, and that so many of you enjoy Professor Oak enough to stay. I’ll forever stand by the fact that this blog was the best 'joke’ I ever made, and probably one of the most fulfilling things I’ve actively kept at. 
As much as I hope this blog has helped you find comfort and laughter, RPing Professor Oak has definitely changed me for the better, as well. It has given me an outlet to heal parts of myself and provide help to others, and also pushed me to practice positivity even when I know I get so low sometimes that I don’t even want to try. Another bonus is that I have met wonderful people here, most of you just strictly friends on the dash, but I’ve also gained relationships with people that have extended into discord and I’m sure it has made all the difference this past year and a half. 
As usual, I’m not really a fan of long-winded gushes of emotion, so I’ll keep it short, but I would really like to have it be known that my love for Professor Oak has grown tremendously, in ways I would have never reached without taking the time to thoughtfully craft his backstory and work to develop him further. I know he’s a very nostalgic character that so many of us know and respect that I’m always very careful of how I choose to build on the image without ruining what’s already there.  Out of all my many muses here, this one has seemingly ( and surprisingly ) all at once snuck its way as my primary blog; the blog I always look forward to logging into the most, where I enjoy following your activity whether it be IC or OOC, and just generally enjoy being in the presence of people so passionate about a fandom associated with my childhood. I love this little corner of a community that has welcomed me and engaged with me and unknowingly kept me going, and to look back at my experience and see that I’ve had no trouble at all makes me feel really lucky.
There will never be a way to fully and accurately express my thanks, but I will say it anyway: thank you so much, and I hope that no matter where you go, and no matter what you do, you are trying to be your best, and that you’re happy. Professor Oak will always be there to congratulate you when you reach your dreams.
IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER ( because my mind is so scattered - ) special shout outs to special people: 
@timecapscle - wasn’t it you that said i’d one day get 1,000 followers? : ) you’ve literally supported me since the beginning and i just wanna say that i appreciate your enthusiasm for professor oak as much as i appreciate your enthusiasm for bill. its wonderful to see someone represent an otherwise under represented character and you do it well. i care for you so much, and wish nothing but good things for your future even if you want to do bad things in the name of science
@diligentseeker / @evolutionexpert  - someone i consider a cherished friend, despite how sporadic our interaction seems, i appreciate all our random long talks on discord, and i’ll never forget our very first conversation. it meant a lot to me, and i want to thank you. i dont meet a lot of ppl that i feel ‘get’ me on some unspoken level, so when it happens, its a nice surprise. anyway i won’t ramble because i take it you’re not one for praise, but im glad people like you exist. with that being said please stop making professor elm stress me out.
@undinaes - the moment you’ve been waiting for. SIKE! just kidding; its no surprise that you’re always filling my dash with testimonials from people that see you for what you are. you’re a beam of sunshine with all the qualities to match; warm, bright, and a natural source of energy that brings people together. your passion for writing is astounding and even when ppl dont deserve your kindness, you’re unbiased in giving it out. truly a mom through and through. but most importantly, ur my girlie and im glad we met :v
@ofpalletown - in my mind, you are practically ash, and ill be here to support you even during all your moments of Extra™ ... but aside from that you’re very loyal to your friends and full of something sunny that i can’t describe. ur gonna be okay, kid. so pls stop stressing out ur dear prof oak 
@03redd - i probably mentioned not long ago that your blog is really good, but ill say it again in case you weren’t listening. i love your blog? its very fun to follow, and i think you’re one of my favorite reds. even with me not being game verse, its so easy to just immerse myself in whatever nonsense you have red drag professor oak into. i dig your creative energy. 
@normaliium - and ofc i cant leave out my cousin. the one to be admired, the ever-successful, brilliant human being that loves me even when i take off ten years of your life each night. my life would lack such substance without you, and i will never forget all you’ve done to help me when i would otherwise be left to myself. you make me really proud to know you, you really do, and everyone i ever talk to you about can attest to that. #YOLO
@bossgiovanni - you haven’t been active in forever, but you remain one of my friends and that’s all that matters. from skype to discord, im glad we could stick together even with our blatant differences in opinion. you are always so nice to me and say the kindest things, and i just wanna say thanks. hope youve been doing well! you are capable of so much, and i believe in you, so don’t forget that. 
@agentmansley - can i jsut say thank you for staying true to your muse and throwing even the purest of characters into your mess? i have loved your blog long before i made professor oak, and you’re seriously one of the funnest people i’ve rp’d with here. everything i’ve written with you is refreshing and new, and never fails to make me laugh. thank you for your love for kent, and also for writing with me. i know you’ve been MIA for a while, but you’re definitely a memorable person. 
@tcssaiga - i dont have a lot of cross-fandom interactions so when they happen im usually pleased. you’ve got great characterization, and have perfect dialogue. i never watched a whole lot of inuyasha but i’ve atched enough to know that you’re pretty close to canon. thanks for the interactions even if you’re mean to prof oak on archer ; (
@askgarymfoak - MY LITTLE ACORN!!!! the dedication you have for gary honestly gives me so much life, and i love rping with you on discord and just yelling about sam / gary hcs. its always a highlight of my day and i can tell you’ve thought about gary and his life long and hard, and its so cool to see someone interested in all that makes him the Headache we all recognize and love. please never stop sharing with me the personal hcs you have for the boy, i always want to hear them. 
@futureheld - we don’t even rp with each other on this muse BUT youre one of my longest tumblr rp friends that i still talk to and you’re really important to me. we have history, we go back!!!! okay? #FRIENDSHIP n all that. but tbh id follow you on any muse because your writing is just great? id write any weird crossover with you because you have a talent for making it work seamlessly anyway. thanks 4 the memories, loser. 
@seviiserver - CELIO!!! we dont talk as much as we used to, or rather, we talk in bursts every now and then but i consider you one of my good friends! not only are u really talented in all things artistic, but i love your writing and it’s always enjoyable to read, even if its not one of our threads together. you made me have so much adoration for celio and like all the other ppl ive met who bring life to underrated / under-rp’d muses, i enjoy seeing everything you pour into him... AND ALSO I LOVE OUR OAK / ROWAN INTERACTIONS? i love them so much it hurts okay. even if its just silliness in discord it brightens my day. anyway perhaps one day we will cross paths in this sleepless city and i will finally teach u how to ride a bike.
@rottenrhythms - i know i dont have much to say or comment with whenever you message me on discord, but i admire how much detail you put into your characters and meta. im always impressed with all the work and thought you put into your world-building; i wish i had that much drive. also, you’ve made a lot of improvement with yourself from the time i first started talking to you on skype. be proud of your progress, and keep working at it, it’s worth it in the long run!
@lack--two NATE youre definitely a very sweet person, and perhaps a little more devious ooc than i’d imagined you would be ( at least to me, why must you poke me for reactions? ; ( u wound me ) but you’re a soothing presence to be around and im glad you were finally able to make discord work. bonus points for letting me yell about yugioh all the time. never stop being wonderful. im here for you whenever you might need a listening ear, okay? 
@loyalpika / @palletbloomer - #PRIKA!!! ever since i first followed you i remembered being blown away by your extensive headcanons on pikachu and i genuinely enjoy every blog you make! we dont talk OOC but from all your ooc posts you seem like a very caring older sister and thats nice to see; with you running around all the time, i hope you do get some rest every now and then! i hope our camaraderie never falters, take care friend! 
@thepkmnnurse - i cant forget all the love and support both you and your muse have for professor oak, and im happy you try to spread positivity on the dash whenever you can! we don’t talk much OOC but from what i can tell you’re just as kind and nurturing as nurse joy herself. i hope you’ve been taking it easy wherever you are, and i hope your days are bright!
@rebelracket - will there ever be a day that i dont enjoy seeing your delinquent muse causing havoc on the dash? your creativity is wonderful to witness and i enjoy clarissa so much, thank you for interacting with a pure ol’ muse like mine. i hope we can continue to keep writing together, im excited at where we might end up. p.s. your art is delightful.
@porttownprince - you’re a gentle presence on my dash but im glad that youre here and that you’ve stuck around despite all the bad things that followed you. i hope you can overcome all the trauma you’ve been through. thank you for being kind with me!
@nikkouki - i know i dont say much but i enjoy your random check ins with me on discord, and i think youre a sweet young girl. you’re gonna go far in life, just make sure you keep going! continue being a precious kiddo and don’t forget to study your japanese ; (
@viciousvainglory & @midoriyamight - i cant think of one without the other so accept this double-tag lol. you’ve both supported this blog since the beginning and i wont forget how welcome you made me feel! no matter what blogs you’re on im glad we can still be friends! you deserve the big toblerone! 
@fateandfury - my long time writing parter without knowing we were long time writing partners! the work you put into professor juniper is something to behold! we haven’t seemed to interact much despite rping professor muses, but that doesn’t mean i don’t appreciate your take on such a muse!
OTHER BLOGS TO BE ADMIRED ( also in no particular oder) : @sterlingsilverchampion @starmarkcd @pxgtails @satanstories @champofpallet @golden-oak @spriggaens @nurturen @florenselite @craniumaniac @ask-guzma @tenderpoison @gocatchem @faemoria @hikaup@writtenbykaichu @executiveariana @honoxtokage @simikami @bigcalavera @rotorotom @thehopcful @and-they-succeeded @metalprincess13 @keep-those-memories-away @hisvanity @attitxde @asmayflies @sesshcmaru @theagentlooker @ambcrly @kantocowboy @dauphindekalos @beareroftheblueorb @blastingxff @aquaelegance @bugeyesboutique @make-it-trouble  @thunderstonereject  @theagentlooker @soultattered @scvedbylove  @diluviumx @inevitabilis-sors @pokedouche @fightiniumz @firespun
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cineriia · 6 years
The evens B)
2. do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad? 
never been abroad so i just automatically prefer staying in scotland, i wanna go up into the highlands this summer tho
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
STOVIES please if u ever come to scotland just ignore the haggis go straight for the fucking stovies or even just neeps and tatties those r so good as a side for scotch pies MMMMMMM
6. most hated song in your native language?
its a love hate thing
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?
i still have friends think im irish, a lot of people think i just have a really weird english accent (idk either) and a couple people have thought i was australian......idk man
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem?
OH DONT GET ME STARTED like listen if i hear someone sing auld lang syne OR EVEN FLOWER OF SCOTLAND without the pronunciation or if someone tries to “””translate””” any robert burns poems then im gonna be dead inside even more than i already am 
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
our movies are complete shit (except trainspotting which is a cinematic masterpiece) but our tv shows r fuckign hilarious i love them go watch still game
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
theres a lot.......admittedly our stereotypes are more annoying that harmful to how people see us but if i get one more person asking me if i have a kilt and bagpipes im gonna scream
idk about ones i agree with.....a lot of people see us as aggressive and i can agree BUT only partly...........like we’re aggressive when we fight for something we believe in, not in a physical bar fight kinda way if that makes sense???
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
yea i speak lowland(?) scots (tho a lot of people dont class it as anything other than regional slang)
20. which sport is The Sport in your country?
football probably, our national team is terrible but we still like to give it a go n just have a laugh (but we take our games against england very seriously...........last time they had a game n we scored i deadass heard my entire street start cheering)
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
im a very proud person when it comes to my country......but we do like to play the victim too much, yknow??? like im proud that we stood against people who literally wanted to wipe us out and we fought for what we believed in in the past, and modern day we’re working towards making scotland a much more accepting and welcoming country.
BUT as much as we like to play the accepting and lovely scots that we want to be, we’re fucking dickheads like just 1 of many examples in our history look up the highland clearances that was literally scots vs scots and then modern day??? i cant speak for other areas but where i live its fucking full of racist pricks who still feel the need to get angry if they see something they dont like or dont accept 
idk the scottish media likes to portray us as a sweet and beautiful country and sure some areas are absolutely lovely and are full of welcoming and accepting people, but they always seem to avoid showing the more poverty stricken areas where harmful attitudes are too common???? the lower class just gets brushed to the side in favour of showing all these trendy areas in edinburgh or glasgow or hell even the city center in dundee where i live its just annoying
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
we take the absolute piss out of america and england, then i feel like we have a mutual piss taking contest w ireland
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
not really?? the few scottish actors in hollywood end up changing their accent to fit in w the movie (james mcavoy in xmen, karen gillan in the mcu are the first i think of) and then we always get shown as the drunk comic relief who usually dies early on 
28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites?
do i even need to answer this scotlands like 99% mountains lakes and rivers 
30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family?
not that i know of, i mean theres probably some irish relatives that we dont know about but thats probably it lmao
so can u tell i love being scottish
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groundramon · 7 years
for the ask the blogger thing... ☂ - favorite season? ✐ - fave types of movies? ♪ - music you like?✌ - favorite bands/ singers? ♒ - fave animes? ❦-.fave characters? ღ - mottos? I'm spamming u with those sorry
Also thank you for including the questions with the emojis that makes this 10x easier for me lmao
☂ - favorite season?Winter!!  Nice and cool AND you dont have school for two weeks lmao
✐ - fave types of movies?Generally animated; I enjoy animation and movie animation tends to be consistently pretty high-quality (even the fucking emoji movie looks pretty decent) not to mention live action movies always seem to have really bad sound mixing??  Meaning important things you NEED to hear like whispering are too quiet and explosions are too loud even when you dont change the tv volume.  But even then, saying I prefer animated movies isn’t exactly accurate because….I haven’t gone to the theater for a single animated movie this year.  The only ones so far that I would’ve considered were Lego Batman (which I have on dvd now but i havent watched) and Cars 3.  I’m hoping to see Coco in theaters but other than that….i can wait for it on dvd or just not watch it at all because I’d prefer to rewatch a movie I like.
I also dont like calling animated movies a genre, so if we’re going by genre, I’d say fantasy-adventure stories tend to be my favorites, but sci-fi can be fun as well.  I just want a good, heartfelt story that doesn’t take itself so seriously that you can’t have fun but also takes itself seriously enough that you really feel for the characters.
♪ - music you like?GOD I WISH I KNEW??  I’ll literally listen to everything from vocaloid to mainstream pop to techno music to video game OSTs and everything in-between and outside of that.  I’m generally more picky with rap music, techno/electronic music, and just anything that gets screechy or is too intense with its instrumentals, but….I can listen to hard metal music when im trying to fall asleep at night, so i mean.
✌ - favorite bands/ singers?Again, god I wish I knew.  I have a tendency to think “oh, this is alright, I’ll listen to a few of this artist’s songs” and then moving on and never thinking about them again.  One artist that I’ve come back to repeatedly is Sabrina Carpenter though, her music is nice and a few of her songs are some of my all-time faves, its probably not for people who cant stand mainstream pop tho.  Also shout out to Mystery Skulls for officially licensing Mystery Skulls animated instead of taking them down for copyright infringement lmao also their music is some of the techno music that i actually like
♒ - fave animes?I havent watched enough animes aaAAAA but I will always and forever love Digimon.  Like I dont think any anime will surpass the personal attachment I have to the Digimon series.  It’s just so silly and charming and for a long time it was the best thing I had ever seen and it’s honestly still just….really enjoyable.  (Honestly it gives me fossil fighters vibes, I think I like them both for the same reason tbh)  Digimon Adventure is definitely my favorite, Tamers is really good but I actually have a bit of a personal bias against Tamers because it scared me as a kid :’D its still a good season tho and i appreciate it a lot more now that im older.  And FRONTIER IS ACTUALLY GOOD, PEOPLE CAN FIGHT ME it’s got the same vibe as the first four seasons, even if the concept seems vastly different, and is really enjoyable if you arent blinded by your love for the digimon partners in the old series.  After that though its kinda….ehhh.  Data Squad and Fusion didnt have the same feel, although Fusion did it much better, but…its just not the same.  I really dislike Marcus so it makes Data Squad less enjoyable, plus i just…idk, it doesnt seem to have as much life as the first four seasons and is written and animated in a different way to me.  Fusion is kinda interesting in the second arc (ive only seen the first three arcs; the third arc/seventh season [idk which it is] hasnt been dubbed yet so…) but it takes itself too seriously because it removes its primary comic reliefs - and also the best characters - after the end of the first arc.  So we’re left with the Digimon as the only comic reliefs and….ehhh….theyre not as good.  Also I havent seen the Appmon anime and idk how good it is but im still salty that they stole the name of the project that ive had floating around in the back of my head for years so i havent done anything related to Appmon.  AND Digimon Tri is good but i still need to catch up on it ahaha cries (planning to get a trial at crunchyroll to watch the last two parts when the last part comes out)
But enough about Digimon.  Besides Digimon, I really did enjoy Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood; I do have some gripes with the series (namely the earlier episode and how much happens in the earlier episodes vs how much happens in the later episodes, so pacing problems basically) but it’s still really good and I LOVE AL.  There was an anime I watched with my dad several years back called Blue Dragon that I remembered enjoying a lot, but then disowning because it turns out in the original my favorite character was a perfect example of the anime pervert trope.  Dubs are fun lmao.  But I feel like I’d pick up more on the changes they made between the two versions now (the sub version being riddled with swears and innuendos, and the dub version being dubbed for kids) and probably wouldnt enjoy it as much anymore.  I also barely remember shit about it except a plot twist at the end that i spoiled for myself but still had no idea it was coming.  I was like 11 when i watched it, its been a long time.
❦-.fave characters?Well I already mentioned loving Al, but I also love Pidge from VLD, Amanda from Dream Daddy, Baymax and Hiro from BH6, and Napstablook from Undertale.  Also like all of the main characters in Fossil Fighters Champions but shhh.
I really want to add Hunk to this list but honestly as the seasons in VLD go on it becomes more and more apparent to me that he’s just a running fat joke; Lance looks like he could be building up to something, but I haven’t got a clue where Hunk could go besides more of the same.  So :’) my boy deserves better, he can join the group again when Dreamworks gets its shit together.  Sorry Hunk, I still love you and I’d treat you better if you were mine (//looks at my characters all burning in hell and sweats// well maybe not better but…)
ღ - mottos?Uhhh idk?  Does this mean like, mottos I follow, catchphrases I use a lot, or inspirational quotes?  Idk I’ll give all three
I try to live my life by the policy of “do to others as you would have them do to you.”  That’s like my number 1 rule about doing anything.  I dont understand how people can be intentionally dicks to other people or so something that they would hate happening to them; what, dont you realize that other people have the same feelings as you?  I know I’ve hurt other people but still, it’s always been in instances where the pros outweighed the cons if I put themselves in their shoes.
As for catchphrases I use a lot, probably “mood” or “god same” because this site has completely broken my sense of anything
As for inspirational quotes, well here are some copy-pasted directly from my dA page:
“No man deserves to be trapped in jelly.” - Rupert from Fossil Fighters Champions“what motivates Scart? That’s right: the nut” - Tumblr user claratyler“I am slowly going crazy” - Dr. Jean, songwriter of children’s music and my lord and savior“I’m still mad at Seth McFarlane btw but im more concerned with my tree cookies” - me“I was out of the third bean” - Yolei’s mom from Digimon Adventure 02
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tumblunni · 7 years
gettinG REALLY KINDA SALTY about digimon world next order u guys GOD GODDDDD its like the sequel we always wanted to digimon world... IN GAMEPLAY IN GAMEPLAY ONLY the plot is SO BAD its so bad in THE WORST WAY its a good game with a bad plto, so it frustrates me infinately more cos i WANT it to be good enough to live up to the rest of the game! and it has infinate spewing geysers of potential that went completely untapped cos of lazy bullshiT!
and its not like they had a lot to live up to or anything?? like.. the first digimon world practically DID NOT have a plot 90% of it was just free open gameplay with sassy dialogue yes but no real overarching narrative it had an excuse why the story started, and it had a very cathartic ending to it all. But it was all up to you to decide in what order our nameless protagonist did it all, who he met, how he won, what bits he might have missed entirely even! it was so fun cos it was a game where EVERY quest was a sidequest! the only real thing that would stay the same is that you needed to complete a certain amount of those sidequests to unlock the final boss quest, but which ones you pick is totes up to you. Except that there was an annoying bug in the PAL version that meant that one area had a random chance of being locked off thus the ending fight never spawns :P But even if i never actually finished the game I still had infinate enjoyment making my own story, yknow?
so the bad plot shenanigans in next order are annoying because they also made really foolish gameplay decisions to FORCE you to follow this main plot stuff is way less open, very very VERY commonly you can unlock a damn area, walk around in it, and every sidequest in it just refuses to start because you havent hit the right chapter milestone. and it gets to be increasingly stupid excuses too! most of the time the npc is just like ‘yeah i have a huge emergency but I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT IT’ *sits there panicking forever* How the fuck do they even know I’m ‘not worthy’ anyway, and why would it MATTER??? In DW1 if youre underlevelled for an area you just find out cos you fail the quest! you at least get to see what it is and KNOW what you have to work towards to be prepared next time! plus the plot is just a huge fuckin textdump of nonsense pseudo science that is never explained, its EVERYONE ELSE just doing stuff offscreen instead of letting you even see the potentially cool plot threads! and whenever anything has to happen they have some made-up excuse why everyone can just magically know what the villain is planning, due to this pseudoscience, and they HAVE to explain it EVERY TIME which just makes it far clearer that its a terrible plot hole??? and they waste all this time on this yet skip over vitally important stuff like ENTIRE CHARACTER ARCS and LETTING YOU ACTUALLY PARTICIPATE. All you ever fuckin do is be the one to defeat machinedramon cos everyone else is inexplicably weak and useless! oh and EVERY FUCKING BOSS IS MACHINEDRAMON AGAIN AND AGAIN goDDDDDDDDDD
anyway, The Awful Plot is that [insert made up magic excuse here] is turning everyone into Machinedramon clones with a virus and somehow this is bad because as well as digivolving to an arbitrary form they also turn evil for no reason and then its just YEARS AND YEARS of people explaining exactly how the virus must have been created and like five different contrived things we can do to slow it down and then after like FIFTY HOURS we finally get out first appearance of the fucking villain. as a silhouette. in the background. im at 90 hours now and i still dont even know his fucking name, or why the fuck he wants everyone to be machinedramon. but man it was vitally important to instead waste time explaining the ‘antivirus enforcer program’ and how it would totally be useful only to reveal it was taken out offscreen before the game even started and now it’s a villain. cos like we needed five more fake villain minions to delay this actual villain man’s appearance, UUUUUGH! none of them even talk! its just magic virus that makes you magically evil. and why did we need to explain the compelx metaphysics of an antivirus when ultimately you could have just said ‘its omegamon, he’s a big hero in this setting, he got turned evil and now we have to save him’. Why did we need a misdirect that this antivirus wasnt a person??? why did we need to go on a quest to find a guy who can make flower seeds and then plant the flower seeds in the most contrived way waiting 1 ingame day between each step, then somehow the plant is a clue that omegamon is evil SOMEHOW and then its still 30 hours til we fucking meet the guy... sorry, sorry, this probably makes about as little sense as it did to me. i just had to try and give an example of a particular main quets line that FUCKING PISSED ME OFF and i STILL dont know what any of it means so i cant even explain it to you! i got spoiled for the goddamn ending and i STILL dont know why there was an omegamon-predicting rafflesia that took one ingame month to get past...
theres some mystery villain who’s turning everyone into machinedramon for no reason thats the plot and youre not really given a reason why this town needs you to recruit more digimon except somehow if you get [insert amount here] prosperity that’ll take enough time that jijimon will finish magically hacking [insert plot device here] to find the next location of [whatever the thing is]... i mean its vaguely mentioned once at the start that a machinedramon destroyed the town or something? so i guess maybe we can assume all the townsfolk actually died and we’re getting new ones/searching for their reincarnated selves or something. Man if that was ACTUALLY THE INTENTION and ACTUALLY EXPLAINED then it would have been pretty damn good! it’d add some interestingness to the sidequests if the digimon had to recover lost memories of being someone else in the city once. plenty of potential for interesting interactions if their new digiegg’d self is a wildly different form or something! Like that could have been a good setup for the one endearing fashion designer skullgreymon who’s super sad about looking so scary. Also seriously WHY DID SKULLGREYMON NOT GET TO OPEN A FASHION SHOP?? why did they remove that feature from reDigitize, this game is for a far more powerful console so it couldnt have been impossible to add in... (I still have no clue how they managed to pull off actual digimon customization on the first generation psp! WHY IS THIS THE ONLY UNDUBBED GAME) so yeah the original DW1 even had a more solid establishing plot here, even though it was 99% less text! ‘for some reason digimon are turning violent and losing their abiloty to speak, all my friends at this city slowly dissappeared into the wilderness, please solve this mystery and bring them back’. THAT WAS INTERESTING! That had an actual reason why recruiting shopkeepers equals plot progression, you were ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING, not just waiting for someone else to decode an ambiguously explained ‘frequency’ to point you at your next key item/FIGHTING THE SAME DAMN BOSS AGAIN :P
ALSO ALSO why no analogman WHY NO ANALOGMAN how does this make ANY SENSE?? why is it even machinedramon in particular, if not for the fact it was analogman’s digimon in the first game??? thats just getting my hopes up for no damn reason! why didnt we get to see The Very Original Villain come back and get fully voiced dialogue and maybe some more development on who he is and what his backstory is or whatever his plot was minimal back then because it was a very low tech game, now we have NO EXCUSE for it :P its just ‘yeah his entire presence in the plot is that someone on the writing team was inspired by his postgame sidequest, i guess’ cos a ‘machinedramon virus’ did technically exist, but it was more like just an excuse for why the final boss battle was replayable for your enjoyment. a random digimon would turn into the final boss battle (sans analogman cos he’s Mysteriously Vanished And/Or Potentially Dead seriously that was SUCH A SEQUEL HOOK and they DIDNT TAKE IT) so like seriously they took ANALOGMAN’S ACTUAL VIRUS POSTGAME THING THAT HE MADE and yet no analogman! WHY! and also it fucking sucks to try and base a whole game’s plot on a single dialogueless sidequest that was just an excuse for battle replayability some guy just probably took 0.2 seconds to think ‘yeah maybe the computer the villain left behind does a virus thing to make the boss replayable’ and some fuckin bright spark decided to make an entire game about it IT DOES NOT WORK hell, a good writer could have made it work! if theyd expanded upon the vagueness and explained things! or gave motivations! or used it as a reason for analogman to retURN AND HAVE A FUCKING PLOT seriously WHY did they have to make this game be marketed as A DIRECT SEQUEL TO THE FIRST GAME they were just setting themselves up for failure yo every fucking thing in the game is 100% unrelated except someone else is doing analogman’s signature plan and the protagonist from DW1 makes an entirely pointless cameo just to remind you its supposed to be a sequel and is FAILING
mameo mameo poor mameo you literally only existed to trick people into buying the game with a fake plot that doesnt exist it was marketed as if he’s the villain, and it got everyone curious about it, and then no he isnt he’s just mistaken for the villain once in his introduction as an excuse to drag out another pointless sidequest instead of progressing the plot then he just becomes a mostl;y voiceless useless npc who does more magic unexplained science to magically amke the plot do whatever the writers need it to do without needing to ACTUALLy have a REASON why it HAPPENS, gaAAHHHH he’s just magically a super hacker now, like how jijimon is magically a super hacker now, and blablabla jijimon for some reason couldnt track down the next place the villain would strike but mameo can the end end of mameo’s entire plot gone. oh, aside from a brief mention again that he’s developed a prototype antidote for the machinedramon virus and then it fails. which just exists to be an excuse for another plot to happen without (AGAIAN) any actual reason it happened, or any form of development or player participation. blablabla oh no one of the hero’s friends’s digimon got infected by the virus so now you get a boss battle against them, and they dont have to leave the plot or change or grow cos magic antidote thing turned them back. But it didnt REALLY work, she’ll just turn back into machinedramon in like 50 days or something blah blah. please feel sad for this character you barely know, who is facing no consequences for what they did, but we’re telling you they might maybe sometime in the future, but of course they never will because the plot doesnt actually have a time limit. Also please believe that mameo is useful! and its just ITS JUST SO FRUSTRATING!!! cos mameo is still THE BEST PART OF THE DAMN GAME! he’s the only character who seems to have any damn effort or emotion put into him, his english voiceactor really stands out in a cast of bored-sounding people. It feels like whoever voiced him was maybe actually a fan of the first game? And he gets to sound so cool and act so cool and look so cool and have really good sassy moments and then HAVE NO PRESENCE IN THE PLOT AT ALL! GAHHHHH!! why must you waste EVERYTHING???
ultimately the only real thing this game gave us was finally having a name for DW1 protagonist, and getting to know that he grows up to work with computers and gets to retain his ability to visit the digital world forever, and he still loves his partner [insert name of whatever you called it when you played] but EVEN THAT is fucking wasted!!! They say that Mameo’s original digimon from last time was somehow cursed to be stuck as a digiegg, as an excuse for not.. yknow.. having to canonize any particular partner choice and upset the fans. Even though the postgame cutscene in the first game already canonized Mamemon as his partner and you literally named him for it! (the excuse in-universe is that Mameo is a nickname and we still dont know what his canon name is. also he has a cute mamemon patch sewn on his beanie hat this time! that made my heart melt even as i was grumping about bad plotlines lol) Oh and this is also probably just an excuse for mameo being sidelined with no plot role, like he’s too powerful to let him actually fight or anything :P its making me mad cos im kinda imagining how this game would have worked so much better if mameo actually was the protagonist??? like, have him summoned back to face this new threat, and his powerful digimon is knocked back down to a digiegg and has to start over. i mean the actual protagonist ALREADY HAS THAT PLOT! you literally start as someone who’s EVEN STRONGER than mameo, you have an omegamon and then machinedramon kills it/them and you start over. And like.. if they decided to make a new hero cos they wanted male and female options, honestly just give me a female version of mameo and im fuckin fine. Pokemon Crystal retconned in a female option to a game that didnt have one before, and nobody complained! Oh and they dont even need to justify why mameo is clueless in this setting, cos its literally a different digital world anyway. Somehow. he fell through dimensions or something, they explain it very poorly. (WHAT A SURPRISE) actually, THAT is a huge wasted potential too! cos it means he never even gets to have a tearful reunion with jijimon and other npcs he met last time, instead every digimon that was in DW1 is just explained away as being a parallel universe equivelant that’s never met mameo. SeriouslY WHAT is up with this game and explaining ridiculous excuses to justify their pltoholes instead of just NOT WRITING THE PLOTHOLES??? i mean you could have just said this is like the digital world of the future. just like how mameo’s original adventure had him return to the human world and only one day had passed, maybe the amount of time it took him to grow up is the equivelant of centuries in the digital world? so Floatia could still be a new town, and everyone could be like descendants/reincarnations of the old npcs, and the digital world could have gained a bunch of new areas and etc. EASY EXPLANATION it wasnt necessary to make up a FUCKING HOUR LONG PLOTHOLE VERSION WITH METAVERSE SCIENCE
ALSO why dont we ever get to have any character exploration of like.. anyone?? why doesnt anyone get personality or scenes where you can actually get attatched to them and stuff. why are they just silent floating npcs that do NOTHING and then suddenly are revealed to have had a plot offscreen while you weren’t looking?? literally you are not even introduced to the two male and female friend characters they just.. come into existance in the plot you dont really get a scene of their personality or them getting to know you, or anything?? its just ‘oh i guess two other humans fell into the digital world’ then they sit around as silent npcs for 30 hours while you do everything without them then they just add some miscellaneous comments at the end of a main plot quest and oh i guess its been revealed that female character’s salamon digivolved into gatomon offscreen with no real emotional reason why it had to happen now, or any sign she was even training in the same way you are?? and then that just continues oh i guess she has an angewomon now and then you find out that offscreen her and angewomon were arguing about a problem that was never mentioned before offscreen you dont even SEE them arguing and its like you dont find out what its about no you just get a literal text that her and angewomon had a fight offscreen and angewomon ran away offscreen and hey can you go find her cos for some reason I CANT EVEN DO MY OWN DAMN PLOT then its just ‘oh no please worry that the character youve never even reallY MET has been struggling from a thing never mentioned before, and now she might die from a virus we never saw her get infected with’ and YOU have to defeat her beserk form and cure her and calm her down while her tamer just STANDS THERE and also btw she DIGIVOLVED INTO ANGEWOMON OFFSCREEN IN THE FIRST PLACE so its ‘hey please find my digimon who ran away’ and she’s A DIFFERENT DIGIMON when you find her! its THAT rushed! and then she digivolves again immediately afterwards because somehow being saved by SOMEONE COMPLETELY UNRELATED helped her bond enough with her tamer to become mega level and also the plot of her having the virus is just magically discarded instantly cos WHY NOT And after ALL this bullshit, what is it that they even argued about? it was just The Oldest Trope In The Book, a stupid misunderstanding caused by people not talking about something even though there is no reason why they wouldnt. Angewomon got upset that her tamer wanted to go home to the human world, thinking she’d done something wrong to cause it. And her tamer had just NEVER MENTIONED to anyone ever that she had twin sisters who’re suffering from sitcom disease or something and she’s worried they might not be okay without her. And like.. honestly why did there even NEED to be an excuse why she needed to go home? its natural for someone to miss home, it could have been solved much quicker in like one damn conversation yo. ‘hey i dont want to leave because i dont enjoy having a digimon, its because i have other friends back home too’ And honestly its kinda contrived how angewomon would even not understand that to begin with? this angewomon has a personality like a very young child too, which just makes it even more of a shame that we spend barely any time with her as her rookie form and pretty much never even LEARN that she’s like a little sis figure until this damn sidequest. this is the longest screentime these two ever had, and the first and only time theyre mentioned to have personalities and backstory! and its THEIR FINAL SCENE T_T and seriously it DOESNT EVEN MEAN ANYTHING to see her digivolve into a mega when none of these characters ever actually get to fight, or even exist in the plot theyre just stated to be having their own adventures offscreen. EVERYTHING OFFSCREEN! i mean GAHH the new gameplay even woulda justified this?? like, instead of having two digimon partners maybe you could bring along an assistant character to fight with you! or hell, maybe you could have both! if they can prove they can handle two playable characters onscreen at once then why not three? make everyone like social links that get stronger as you befriend them! and it;’d be a big help to developing your own digimon too, yo! like, these characters are at preset levels to you’re always gonna be able to be more powerful than them if you try. but it makes it less painful when your digimon reincarnates, you could partner up with a champion-level friend and they could help you train out in the field! hell, maybe add a feature of them being able to join in with the training gym too?? that’d be a better excuse for the daily bonuses than just... there’s daily bonuses. why does one particular training gym give better results on thursdays? maybe cos a certain character is there on that day and helps out!
and anyway where was i OH YEAH WHY IS THERE NOT AN ACTUAL CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT PLOT FOR MAMEO IN PARTICULAR he at least got an establishing scene and some cool dialogue, so im more invested in him than the other empty presences in this plot! like, we could have examined his actual emotions about his childhood digimon partner being stuck essentially in a coma with no idea if he’ll ever see them again. a guy hugging the digiegg of his poor dead mamemon is something you’d think they’d give SOME attention to! but he just talks about it so casually as if we should all already know, and then its NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN. It literally IS just an excuse to keep mameo from being able to fight alongside you! more plots! you could have an actual friendship sidequest of him being like your mentor, passing down the torch to the next generation of heroes. we could explore the plot of an adult digimon tamer more! what is it like, is it ever difficult? What is his day to day life even like? its implied that he’s able to go to the digital world at will like the 02 protagonists, so can his mamemon come to the human world too? did he have to take it to school and hide it in his bag like davis and co? did he basically live The Better Written Version Of That Season??? Did his parents ever find out? Does his mamemon still run on digimon world rules, like is the gameplay actually meant to be canon in-universe? does the protagonist digimon only live 10-20 days while everyone else gets to have a good ‘ol long life? has it been sad for mameo that his best friend keeps dying and reviving like 12 times a year, and never remembers him? i really hope thats not how it works, seriously. itd make for a good sad plot tho... And seriously why couldnt this have been the same jijimon in the same town and they get to meet again and we get nostalgic heartwarmingness???
oh and the other ‘friend’ character is even worse, seriously he does absolutely nothing except complain about how upset he is that other people dare to be better than him wah wah but a girl digivolved before me wah he started off looking like a normal cute nerd guy but then he deliberately infects his growlmon with the virus to try and become stronger, and he seems to get off scott free for it?? cos the plot is so vague and undeveloped it rushes through his realizing he’s wrong and it just seems so un-genuine. and we dont even get to see him meeting his digimon again and apologising once he gets reincarnated! its just you see him die horribly cos his tamer infected him with a fucking death virus out of ego that he’s so perfect and so strong he could handle the power. and then you just.. see him again and he’s a baby jyarimon and its all fine. you just see jyarimon following this tamer’s silent npc model around and its like DID YOU EVEN APOLOGISE AT ALL?? apparantly his digimon never even got mad at him or anything about it! it makes me feel so damn sad for the poor guy, i mean he spent so long trying to tell his tamer he’s not useless for not being stronger than the otehrs,a nd blaming himself for not being able to digivolve, and yet STILL tamer guy chose to ignore him and force him to virus-digivolve while he was begging not to! And we dont get to see the consequences for this! we get to see him learn his goddamn canned lesson of the day but we dont get to see him apologise and yukimura the guilmon just reincarnates and goes right back to being a silent mindlessly obedient npc who never complains when he’s mistreated :( and its so fucking stupid cos the plot even started off promising, it started off seeming like the problem was just ‘i’m not strong enough to protect people like you are, protagonist’. but its so badly written it felt like it derailed into him just being egotistical?? and whining about being blessed with this magical monster pal who isnt THE BEST magical monster pal so why even fucking bother. and the game acts like he’s justified cos he has ~a boring school life~. He has no problems at all but he’s just AVERAGE and not THE BEST, and oh gosh that terrible terrible fate has just worn down on him and made him have no self confidence. except yknow for all the scenes where he’s screaming ‘IM THE BEST, I DESERVE THIS’ throughout this fucking stupid plot... its like i can see what he was supposed to be, but they really failed??? i think i would have liked what he was SUPPOSEd to be... also it sucks that yukimura’s evil digivolution is inexplicably skullgreymon instead of megidomon (i think thats the name?) Yknow, the one guilmon actually turned into in tamers and it only had a one episode appearance but it was really scary cool! man it never gets to reappear in the games, no wonder i keep forgetting its name :P
aaaaargh and i just listened to the final battle music on the soundtrack and i havent got that far yet but i just know its NOT GONNA BE AS GOOD AS THIS SONG DESERVES im getting so much feels imagining what if the final boss actually WAS analogman from the first game, and if the supporting characters ACTUALLY HAD CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and they could fight alongside you to defeat him once and for all! and what if this game’s status as the direct sequel to DW1 wasnt just a fucking baldfaced lie. seriously why didnt they just remove this nonsense plot and let it be its own original thing, if they werent gonna actually put effort into making the cameos actually decent.... MAMEO YOU DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER AAAAA
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survivor-svalbard · 4 years
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The time has come.....
*dramatic sound effects*
For you to lip sync.........
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Whoops... ANYWAY! The moment we’ve all been waiting for has arrived. Before we take a look at your works of musical art and see the scores, let’s meet today’s judges panel!
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“hi, i'm ali and the only reason I won this challenge in my season was because of a technicality so i'm super qualified to judge! i'm 19, a brit and super proud of all of you for doing a music video by yourself - i'd find that super daunting. also dont worry you can catch me doing terrible in a music video tomorrow so the scales of karma will balance!”
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“Hey y’all I’m Dan, you might know me as the 7th place flop of TS. Or you probably don’t know me at all! Judges get a lot of hate for their opinions on music videos, so consider my PMs open xoxo.”
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“Hi I’m JJ and I love rating people out of 10, but you probably already know that. I luv u all and can’t wait to see what you’ve put togetherrrr 💜 honesty is the best policy ladiez.”
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“You see that picture? Okay. Good. Now don't take shit I say seriously as I'm a clown on the internet. Hi I'm Keaton,  I'm 19 years old and I never learned how to fucking read.”
THANK YOU judges for taking the time to watch and score these videos!
Now that you’ve all be acquainted, let’s get into the judging. We will go alphabetically. First is...
Creativity - 8 Effort - 8 Overall - 9
okay this video was so so good, I loved the editing like with the arrows on the bench ha! this was so fun and I loved how you showed the like... whole narrative!! I also thought the various angles/settings/lighting colours really kept the video consistently super visually entertaining... this was my second favourite but I feel like if the competition wasn't so strong it would've been an amazing winner
Creativity - 9 Effort - 9 Overall - 9
Holy crap! This was so fun! I loved all of the text you added to give it a little spice. I could tell that you and your friends had a blast making this. I don't know who you are, but this video totally made me want to be friends with you! The only areas it lacked were precision with lip syncing and some minor editing things (but lets be real, this was dope).  
Creativity - 8 While this is a Super basic song to use for a music video challenge, I don't feel like I've ever seen it used like this before, telling the story using a pair of friends, that was super cute. I loved the little bits where you're rocking on "stage" with your boyfriend, that was super cute!!! Effort - 10 This music vide had so much attention to detail, between the little disclaimers, MTV logos, and the storytelling as a whole. The next time you do a video pay attention to the lighting though! There were some points where the crazy color lights were casting a strange shadow on one half of your face that didn't look super intentional. Overall - 10 This music video had me laying in bed CACKLING the whole time, it had the perfect blend of sophistication and stoopid that just made for one of the most enjoyable music videos I've ever seen done. Amazing job.
Creativity - 9 Effort - 10 Overall - 8
OKAY WHAT THE FUCK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. With all the videos in this community this one totally stands out. It is clear you had fun with this but also how bad you wanted this immunity, clean editing, watching a story play out before our eyes just like a real music video, and also we are at a rave! If I have one complaint its that for a lot of the song you don't really match up with the song when you are lip-synching, and in most cases that would be backbreaking but when you pull something out like THIS, it only hurts you slightly in my eyes. AMAZING JOB!
Creativity - 7 Effort - 8 Overall - 9
this was so cute I loved the concept and idk why you having the tribal behind you really got me. you had some really really fun editing ideas in this, I think you just got unlucky where for the second half you kinda were out of ideas and it was just you lip synching so even tho you were serving it didn't maintain the momentum of the first half
Creativity - 6 Effort - 7 Overall - 7
This was such a cute video. I loved the greenscreen and all the parts with your cat in it. I think that it just got a little boring/repetitive toward the middle and I lost interest. I think it might have been a song choice issue, but your lip sync was on point.
Creativity - 9 This is a super basic song, but the concept was really funny, I really appreciated that the song wasn't just about love, but about immunity. Effort - 8 Girl you involved you cat, idk how you did it, but you did. That cat deserves an EMMY baby. Anyways, the effort was very obvious with the full grenscreen moments to the contextual scene changes. Good shit b. Overall - 8 The music video's concept really carried the entertaintment portion, I feel like it was very one note in its humor, and the song choice probably contributed to that a lot. Slower songs really need a LOT to make it work in context to a music video challenge.
Creativity - 7 Effort - 7 Overall - 7
Okay WORK!! Thank you for having a clean video it made it satisfying to watch. The issue here is the song, there's no real reason to stay hooked. I just woke up and that could of put me back to sleep, but not because of the effort you put in. I just am not staying engaged and that might be what's holding you down, but still enjoyed it!
Creativity - 6 Effort - 6 Overall - 7
honestly I relate to this video because I feel like you were stuck with not knowing how to edit videos which same... you are serving in the sling and the song you chose made me laugh ha giving in one more play in case we haven't heard it enough... you did your best which I appreciate
Creativity - 1 Effort - 2 Overall - 2
Honestly, this isn’t what I expect to see from an individual immunity challenge near the end of the game. Where was the fight?? I give you credit for the dance moves, but other than that, this was lackluster.
Creativity - 4 Effort - 3 Overall - 2
The only thing you did cool was throw a ball at the camera... like.. John, you've got IRL friends in the ORG world who have done killer music videos (Hey Nedd <3). Someone definitely should have given you a second opinion, this is the final 5 immunity. The video was only 45 seconds long, really poor song choice, and below average dance moves. Sorry dude, but I expected a lot more.
Creativity - 3 Effort - 3 Overall Entertainment - 3
You forgot you had to do this didn't you? Rushed, doesn't even look like you know the song but fuck at least you did it.
Creativity - 9 Effort - 10 Overall - 10
this video was my favourite!! first off a love letter/ode to danny devito is iconic.... and you went for it really acting out like every line, like I got the narrative I felt the LOVE for danny DeVito and it resonated... also the Wendell and woo shoutouts… hello?!
Creativity - 8 Effort - 10 Overall - 9
Miss Rachael! What a great take on this challenge. So many people just lip sync the house down, but you thought about the lyrics and created something really interesting. I think there are a few areas where I wanted more, but I was fully entertained the whole time. Danny Devito deserves love too!! Also, you looked like you had so much fun making this! Great job.
Creativity - 8 The dancing / scenes you used were very expected from that song, there's almost only one way to make a creative statement with that song choice. And you did it. Using a celebrity as your lover was the icing on the cake for the creativity portion. Effort - 10 I absolutely loved you getting your friends involved, it was so fun to see your "Cheerleading" friend in the music video. I also loved the editing, it probably would have flowed a bit better had the editing matched the scenes you filmed, like the change in car color, but you can't always control that. Also, messaging survivor alumni for shoutout vids for free instead of using Cameo is amazing, good job!! Overall - 9 I loooved the video, and the ode to Danny Devito, I thought it was hilarious, and iconic, in the most ironic way possible. Great job Rachael!!
Creativity - 9 Effort -10 Overall Entertainment - 9
DANNY DEVITO! Okay this one left a smile on my face the whole time, great way to take this song that makes me wanna drive several pencils up my nose. Story was well crafted, video looks overall really well done, even the little things like knocking in rhythm with "back door" just showed the attention to detail, you absolutely killed it!!
Creativity - 7 Effort - 10 Overall - 8
okay this was really fun you WENT FOR IT. why did the reveal give the energy of mother theresa leaving daily prayers to enter the club?! you really gave it your 100% and on individual effort you were so high up there
Creativity - 6 Effort - 8 Overall - 7
Miss William!!! With the RUVEALS! I was gagged at all the tiktok dancing, but it got a little repetitive at times. Your lip sync was solid and really in time with the music. I would have loved to see you do more though. Like change up the scenery or something. (I know it’s quarantine and a lot of people can’t do this in front of their families, but like roll around on your bed? On the floor? Something different)
Creativity - 7 C'mon brooklyn hytes!! I see your inspirations, and I see how it all accumulated. The song choice is very recent, which unfortunately makes it expected. I wish this could have been done in multiple takes, with scene / wardrobe changes etc. Effort - 6 The effort value comes in play with your original choreography. However, the lack of editing puts you beneath most of the other videos, because the low quality audio. Overall - 7 I feel like this music video was very average, I really liked the dancing, and I could see how much fun you were having with it, which makes me want to have fun and go dancing with you, but when it stacks up next to the other music videos, this is the score you earned.
Creativity - 8 Effort - 5 Overall Entertainment - 8
Nice! Song choice great, you knew it well so you were able to focus on your dance and honestly, really good as a whole. Not a whole lot of effort because it is a one shot and you have several others against you who did more but still loved the video!
In last place is...
JOHN with 42/120. 
In 4th place is...
WILLIAM with 87/120.
In 3rd place is...
JAROD with 90/120.
The difference between Abby and Rachael’s videos was a mere FOUR (4) points. With a score of 111, the winner of this challenge and a spot in the final 4 of Survivor Svalbard is...
RACHAEL. Congratulations Rachael! You have won individual immunity. Abby, it was a great effort but sadly for you, the score of 107/120 just wasn’t enough.
Tribal council will be held tomorrow night at 9 PM EST where one of you will become our 7th jury member. Grab you things and head on out.
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 7 years
it’s Halloween time again! and the tournament is going as strong as ever
Bakugo: *writing a note...* " 'Take...more than one piece of candy...and I will hunt you down and tear your teeth out...'" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "..." *wearing cat ears* yuuji: *in a jack skellington costume*..really guys? -_-; classmate: looks good, crazy bendy. yuuji: =_______=; Aizawa: "It suits you. Just smile and sing the song." yuuji: *mutters* kill me. -elsewhere- Iida: *looking at social media* "...I am mortified." bee maid: oh dear. -a new billy mayes in the mei-king?- Iida: "She made a fool out of me! And I was her corny commercial sidekick! This is not how I wanted to be a sidekick!" bee maid: well, not much you can do now. also, your costume is back from the dry cleaners. miss yaoyorozu will be here soon. Iida: "...Thank you. I will go change." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "All set, Sonia?" sonia: *she nods* Chuuya: ^^ "You look great." sonia: isnt trick or treating tomorrow? Chuuya: "Yes, but your grandmother wanted to see how your outfit turned out..." sonia: ok! Chuuya: *holds up the phone* "Say cheese..." sonia: *smiles* -elsewhere- Mori: *giggling* elise: ._.; Mori: "Such excitement..." elise: i can tell... Mori: "Costumes...candy..." elise: murder, in your case. Mori: D:< "That's mean!" elise: but am i wrong? Mori: "Well, no--but I'm more than just murder." *holds up a doll* elise:.... 7__7; Mori: "Now, make sure you have your costume ready." *sets down the doll* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." *snort, laugh* tsubaki:...black star, what the heck. Black Star: ._. "...I lost a bet to Sayaka." sayaka: i think it looks adorable! Black Star: "...Naho, what do you think?" naho: same! Black Star: ^\\\^;; "I guess I'm wearing it." Sakuya: *slapping his knee* "I-I can't breathe!" -elsewhere- Joker: *smokes* "...So, I was thinking costumes." scarlet: oh boy. *rolls eyes* Joker: *holds up a military uniform* "Red, for you." -elsewhere- Monoma: "I will have the best costume--then I will win all the attention!" pony: it looks kinda like your hero costume. Monoma: "...It's...different enough." ._.; pony: well, i think it looks swell. ^^ Monoma: "...Thank you for recognizing its goodness. Yours looks good as well." pony: thanks, my gran helped me make it. Monoma: "That was nice of her..." pony: she helped me with da shoes too. Monoma: "They're comfortable?" pony: *nods* it's hard ta find shoes fo' me cause of da hooves. i usually gettim custom. Monoma: "I see...Surprised more stores don't custom-make them." -elsewhere- Patty: *adjusts her tie* julie: *peeek* Patty: "??? Hey, Julie! Like my costume?" julie: who're ya going as? Patty: *puts on a cape* "Badass super-professional businesswoman!" *puts on the glasses* julie: neato! liz: .... is that my suit? Patty: ouo; "...Just emulating greatness, sis..." ^\\\^ liz: ^^; Patty: *hug* liz: *hug* ^^ Patty: "So, what you going as, sis?" -elsewhere- Hibana: *dressed as Tinkerbelle* gabriella: ..... ./////////////////. an excellent look. Hibana: "Why, thank you~ I wanted something for our little princess when I take her out Trick or Treating." gabriella: ^^ Hibana: "And you..." *taps Gabriella's chin* gabriella: o/////o Hibana: "Have you considered your costume?" *rests a hand along Gabriella's cheek* "A family Halloween photo would be great." -elsewhere- Arthur: *in golden armor* tamaki: are you even comfortable? Arthur: "Verily, for a knight adapts to all situations and attire." *kneels to her* "I promise." tamaki: =///=; Arthur: "And you have chosen your costume?" tamaki: yeah, im working on it. Arthur: "Oh? Well, I look forward to it...but could I have a sneak peek?" -elsewhere- Mifune: "Excited?" yuma: *nods* angela: yeeeeeah! Mifune: *smiles* "Okay. Be on your best behavior today before we head out tomorrow." -elsewhere- Lucy: *sets out Halloween cupcakes* "I think these came out okay...Want one?" aya: sure thing! Lucy: ^^ "So, you excited for your first Halloween at the Agency?" aya: *nods* Lucy: "You like the holiday? Or do you have a favorite?" *sets out cups of tea* -elsewhere- Stein: *with a flower crown* "..." aya drevis: ^^ Stein: "Does this work for this time of year?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: -\\\\- ochako: hey! glad you could make it! Todoroki: "S-Same. Sorry to keep you waiting. ...Your outfit looks good." ochako: thanks! it took a whole night with the bedazzler, but it was worth it! Todoroki: "...Yes, it is worth it. You're radiant." ochako: ^^ Todoroki: "...Well then...Shall we enter?" ochako: yeppers! Todoroki: "..." *opens the door for her* ochako: woah! cool theme this year! Todoroki: "Oh! This is surprising..." yana: *looking out over the dance floor* Iida: "Oh, hello!" yana: hmm? oh hey, just lookin for someone. Iida: "Ah. Not sure I have seen you before. I am Tenya Iida." yana: ....cool. *spots anya and goes over to her* evening. Anya: "Oh, hello! Nice costume." yana: thanks. Anya: "Were you waiting long?" yana: not too long, nah. Anya: "..." *clears her throat* "...Thirsty?" yana: sure. Anya: *walks with her* Iida: "Ah, Yaoyorozu!" momo: good evening tenya! are you enjoying the party? >///<; Iida: "Quite. The decorations are impressive. As is your outfit." momo: thank you! i worked really hard on designing it! Iida: "It paid off...So...Do you..." momo: yes! i do design my own clothes from time to time! OwO;;; Iida: "..." *smiles* "I was going to ask if you would like to dance." momo: oh.. um.. i-i would love to! o//////o Iida: *takes her hand and guides her to the dance floor* momo: *blushing wildly* (thinking: keep it together momo, just relax! you got this under control!) *The music is rather slow, as Iida guides her* -elsewhere at the dance- Bakugo: "You good at this game?" itsuka: you bet! Bakugo: "..." *smiles* "Let's see what you got." -elsewhere- shinra: how's the party? Relan: "B-Busy...Lot of people." iris: we're right here, ok? Relan: ^\\\^ "Thanks..." *offers a ghost cookie* iris: *nom* Relan: "It is a little scary here...but not so bad." *points to a decoration* "Even the werewolf decoration looks cuddly." student:... >->;; -elsewhere- Emine: "...I think the bubblegum is my favorite." lin-kimpur: *nom* ^^ Emine: "They are particularly good for getting stuck into people's hair..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...That is a...good outfit, Eijiro." eijiro: it's surprisingly comfy. Todoroki: "Then that is all that is important--" Monoma: "I COULD WEAR IT BETTER." tetsutetsu:.......*in the same costume*.... OH COME ON! eijiro: for real? this joke is getting old! Todoroki: "..." *struggling not to laugh* Monoma: "..." *snaps a picture* -later- Todoroki: "..." *ahem* "...I..." ochako: wanna dance? Todoroki: "..." *nods* "It's just...I'm not very good." ochako: i can help. ^^ Todoroki: .\\\\. "..." *offers his hand* ochako: *leading him out onto the dance floor* Todoroki: .\\\\\\\\\\\. *gulp* "Th-Thank you..." ochako: *slowly dancing with him* Todoroki: "...You have danced often?" ochako: sometimes. Todoroki: "...You're good. As far as I know..." ochako: thanks. you're not that bad yourself, actually. ^^ Todoroki: .\\\\. "...Seriously?" ochako: *smiles* ^^ Todoroki: "...Thank you for inviting me." ochako: im just glad you're having fun. ^^ Todoroki: "...No offense, but I'm surprised I am..." ochako:.... ^^ Todoroki: "...I...don't know any fancy steps, like twirls or anything." ochako: no one said you had to. ^^ Todoroki: "I-I just meant I'm not...fancy." ochako: neither am i, haha! Todoroki: "..." ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Kid: "All set?" stocking: indeed~ Kid: *smiles, as he takes her hand* stocking: ^///^ Kid: "you look beautiful." stocking: as do you~ Kid: "D'aw..." *smooch* stocking: ^////^ Kid: "...How was I so lucky to be with you?" stocking: *dips him* luck's got nothing to do with it~ Kid: .\\\\. "...God, I wish I could marry you all over again." stocking: *smoooooooooch* Kid: >\\\\< -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Say cheese!" naho: cheese! ^u^ lilac: *tiny smile* *selfie taken* Sakuya: "Looks great." -elsewhere- Ivan: TT~TT pushkin: you alright, gon? Ivan: <I have a hole in my heart.> katya: <metaphorically? or did you get shot?> Ivan: T_T; <If it was literal, would I be talking at all?> katya: <...good point. is it about the boss and the nurse again? because we already told you, he doesnt actually give a damn about her.> Ivan: <The hurt remains, though...> katya: <well, we're going to go crash a few parties via boss' orders, see what we can find out. wanna come with?> Ivan: <!!!! W-Well, if that's what Master wants, of course!> ^\\\^ katya: <OI LEO! WE'RE HEADING OUT!> leo: ....right.... .///. Ivan: <I'll get my costume!> -elsewhere- Iida: "That was enjoyable. Would you like a snack?" momo: sure. Iida: *offers a plate* "...I'm surprised you invited me." momo: o-oh? .///.; Iida: *nods* "I usually do not get invited to dates." momo: w-well, i asked you to the movie, r-right? Iida: "True. And I enjoyed it. Hence why I accepted this invitation." *takes a cookie from her plate* momo:... *smile* Iida: "I enjoy this opportunity to spend time with you." momo:... ^///^ i enjoy it too. Iida: *smiles* "So, tell me--what was your best Halloween costume?" -elsewhere- Aizawa: *sips the punch* "...Spiked." yuuji: are you..gonna be alright? ._.;;; Aizawa: "Yes, I had only a small sip. We'll just have to take away the punch before someone else drinks it--" -elsewhere- Gin: "..." higuchi: *stroking her head* Gin: *hugs her* "Thank you..." higuchi: it's going to be ok. Gin: "...I don't know how you can know that." higuchi:...i dont know either....but im here, ok? Gin: "..." *small smile* "And I'm here." -elsewhere- Chuuya: ^^ sonia: ?? Chuuya: "You're a smart, loving, great child." TTWTT sonia: *hug* it's ok, papa, please dont cry. Chuuya: "I'm just...happy with you." sonia: ok. Chuuya: *pat pat* "Just...be you, Sonia." sonia:.... ok, papa... Chuuya: *sniff, wipes his tears, smiles* "Now, then, what do you want to do?" -elsewhere- Anya: "EEEEEEEK!" yana: *staring at the fake doll*...huh. Anya: Q~Q "Such a creepy haunted house this year..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *puts on a jazz album* mary: *eating popcorn* ^^ bram: well, the boss sure knows how to throw a party... Mr. Tsubaki: *pawing at the popcorn on Mary's plate* mary: you hungry? -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "...Is this a sufficient costume?" naoya: looks great. now go have fun at the dance! Akutagawa: "...I doubt I will." atsushi:... o-o;;; *takes lucy's hands and brings her into the haunted house to hide* Lucy: "?!!! Wh-What are you doing?" Akutagawa: *looks around--sees the haunted house* "...That seems cliche." atsushi: saw.. *pant* akutagawa....*pant*..i panicked. Lucy: o_____o;;; "...That is sufficient explanation...L-Let's keep walking, find a place to hide in here..." atsushi: good call... Lucy: *points* "There--it's dark, few people are there, and we can blend in..." atsushi: ok. yana:.... ?? hm? Anya: "??? Hear something?" atsushi: um...hi? yana:.... *raises a brow* hey. Lucy: .\\\. Anya: "..." -_- "How lewd." atsushi: s-so what're you doing? yana: checking out the haunted house. you? atsushi: same! nothing lewd intented! owo;; Lucy: >\\\< *pinches Atsushi's cheek* "They get it already!" Anya: "!!! What a...um, adamant person." *looks at Yana* "You know them?" yana:....*stares at atsushi* seen them in class, never really talked to them. Anya: "The same." *stares* "You're the Tiger, yes?" atsushi: ^^; you can just call me atsushi. -silence- atsushi:... ^^;;;; Anya: "...That's a surprising name." atsushi: i seem to get that a lot....and you guys are...? Anya: "Anya Hepburn--" Lucy: "--a princess." Anya: o\\\\\\\o "?!!!" atsushi: that's your costume, right? Anya: "...Y-Yes?" ^\\\\^; Lucy: "..." *suspicious eyes* yana: ..... Lucy: "...Who is your friend [Yana] supposed to be?" yana: im her prince for the night~ UuU Anya: o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\o Lucy: "...Yeah, I know that feeling." *holds Atsushi's hand* atsushi: .//////////. -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *stares at Ranpo* "That candy. Was for. The Trick. Or. Treaters." ranpo:....there's still like...5 more bags. -elsewhere- Hyde: "...Why are so many people dressed like Dracula?" licht: it looks cheesy... Hyde: "No kidding. Vampires don't all look like that. Some of them got style!" misono: says the man who wears orange and black stripe socks and sneakers. Hyde: >_< "IT IS STYLE!" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Sister Reimi?" reimi: hm? Tsukiyo: *hug* reimi: o///o; um- Tsukiyo: "You look like you needed a hug." *pat pat, pulls back* reimi: um... thanks 7///7; Tsukiyo: "How you holding up?" reimi: alright. a bit...well...melancholic, but i'll be ok. Tsukiyo: "...Want to take a walk?" reimi:....sure. Tsukiyo: *smiles* "...I like walking around the village. Let's you see how much community there is here...at home." reimi: yeah.....where were you? before coming here to asakusa? Tsukiyo: "...I lived in another village, with my family...I didn't get much...attention." reimi: ... Tsukiyo: "So, I picked a spot on the map where I thought the action would be..." reimi: i see. Tsukiyo: "...Are you happy you made a life here?" reimi:...*she nods* Tsukiyo: *smiles* "Me too. Glad you're here." -elsewhere- Kid: *smooch* stocking: ^///^ Kid: "My angel..." stocking: hehe, my adorable hubby~ <3 Kid: ^\\\^ *rubs her arm* "My adorable wife~" stocking: *smoooooch* <3<3<3<3 kirika: get a room. Kid: -_-; "Could say the same to you." -elsewhere- leo: ..... Ivan: "...Huh. So, this is the atmosphere." leo:....it's rather quiet out....aside from katya and pushkin playing around on the roundabout pushkin: WOOHOO! katya: YEEE! XD Ivan: ._.;;;; "...Good for them..." leo:...it's odd, that they could find such joy out of such trivial things. Ivan: "When you're underground so long, you desire even the simplest of pleasures." leo:....i suppose. Ivan: "Like the swing set!" leo:...perhaps.....it feels....surreal. Ivan: "Like getting to enjoy something you never had before..." leo: ......i know this should be a happy moment....but i just feel tired and numb, like always. Ivan: "...Get on the swing." leo: vanya? Ivan: "I'll push you." leo: o///o a-are you sure? Ivan: "Why not? It'll be fun!" leo: ..... .///. i-i guess... -elsewhere- FD: *taps* zoey: *nuzzling his leg* master~ barkova: =D FD: "..." *grabs a chew toy* barkova: *excited panting* 8D FD: *tosses the chew toy* barkova: *chasing it, barking* zoey: ~? FD: "There..." *strokes Zoey's head* zoey: ah~ FD: *scratches behind her ear* zoey: ahhh~<3 FD: *traces his fingers around her neck* zoey: *soft moan* FD: "Is this good?" *squeezes lightly* zoey: ah~ y-yes~ FD: *his hands rest on her shoulders, massaging them* -elsewhere- Todoroki: ^\\\^ "And...that was the penguin costume one year..." ochako: aww, how adorable! ^^ Todoroki: "I even...made an ice slide to do a penguin belly slide..." ochako: *snort chuckle* oh my gosh. >u< Todoroki: "O-Okay...Now you have to tell me about one of your costumes." ochako: hmmm. well, there was the one year i was dressed as a hoagie. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *sniffs the air* classmate: um....araragi are you oka- Akutagawa: *breathes steam out of his nostrils* "The scent..." classmate:... alright what the fuck araragi? Akutagawa: "I know where he is...The haunted house..." atsushi: *tiger senses* O-O;;;; oh.... oh no. Lucy: "??? What?" atsushi: i think we should go now. very very quickly! Lucy: "O-Okay?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: =w= louisa: you sure tired yourself out, huh? Mr. Tsubaki: *yawn* louisa:....did mary even give you a name? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." >_> louisa: hmmm. wait right there. -she exits the room- Mr. Tsubaki: "...???" *looks around* -silence fills the room- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sets his head down* T_T louisa: so she didnt give you a name....hmmm how about- Mr. Tsubaki: *looks up at her* "..." louisa: hmmm... Mr. Tsubaki: *small fox whine, pawing at her* louisa: hmm? is something wrong? Mr. Tsubaki: *nudges her* louisa: how about toby? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *head tilt* louisa: ^^ toby it is then. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *rubs against her leg* louisa:.... ^^ -elsewhere- Black Star: "We're back!" himawari: welcome home! lilac: *asleep* naho: he really tuckered himself out, huh, sakkun? Sakuya: "Yeah--" *yawn* lavender: you kids get some sleep, ok? Sakuya: *nods* "We will...Night." Black Star: *looks around* tsubaki: ?? Black Star: "..." *smiles at her, takes her hand* tsubaki:... *smiles* Black Star: *cheek smooch* -elsewhere- katya: *drunk* mush! mush boy mush! pushkin: ^^; *giving her a piggy back ride back to base* Ivan: "They seemed pleased..." leo: yeah... Ivan: "...Anywhere you wanted to stop on the way back?" leo:...no. Ivan: "...Not even for candy?" leo:....im good, thanks. Ivan: "...Do you want a piggy back ride?" leo: i-i wouldnt want to trouble you... 7///7; Ivan: "I doubt it would be a problem--you look to be of low weight." leo:............. *looks down*....... ._.; Ivan: "???" leo:...n-nothing. 7/////7;;; Ivan: "...I have strong limbs." leo: im more concerned for your back- Ivan: "...Ah. Good point. Thanks for watching out for me, friend." leo:....r-right.... (chibi!leo: *AXED IN THE FACE* </3 ) Ivan: *sad sigh* leo: ?? vanya? Ivan: "He's probably with that slut." leo:.... Ivan: "I bet he doesn't even like doing her." leo: ........ Ivan: "Probably just having sex with her to infect her with something..." leo:............. Ivan: "..." TT_TT leo:....*holding his hand* Ivan: *covers his face with his other hand* "Th-Thanks..." leo:... .///////////////////////////////.;;;;;;;;; Ivan: "I just want to get home and crawl into bed..." leo: i know how that feels.... Ivan: *nod nod* "Just sleep..." -elsewhere- Lucy: ._.; "...Think we lost him?" atsushi: i think so... Akutagawa: "Hello." atsushi: O________________O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Lucy: *stands in front of Atsushi* "You want him?! You're going to have to go through my dead--" Akutagawa: *grabs Lucy by the head--and tosses her back* atsushi: *runs* lucy! *nice catch* Lucy: "...WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY?! YOU DON'T JUST TOSS A LADY AROUND--" Akutagawa: "I don't see a lady. I see an interloping, shrewish, nagging red-haired devil." atsushi: just what is your problem, man? Akutagawa: "I am lonely." atsushi: is this about me rejecting you? Akutagawa: "...Why are you with her, and not me?" Lucy: "..." *taking off her earrings* atsushi: well, for starters, she doesnt try to kill me and my friends time and time again. *sigh* how many times do i have to go over this with you? Akutagawa: "Until she is out of the way, and you are mine--!" Lucy: *hands Atsushi her earrings* atsushi: ..... Akutagawa: "--to make you be mine and mine alone, forever and ever, until--" Lucy: *pulls back her fist--and punches Akutagawa in the balls* atsushi: *wince* Akutagawa: X~X *collapses* Lucy: "DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME A NAG, YOU AWFUL, MEAN PERSON!" atsushi:....he needs some help, big time. Lucy: =_= "...Take an arm, let's get him to the infirmary..." -elsewhere- Dazai: ^W^ kirako: you seem pleased. Dazai: "I just had a sense that something improved out there in the vast universe." kirako:.... ?? Dazai: "Like karma paid back someone..." *sits back* "Or maybe I'm just hungry." -elsewhere- FD: *sighs* pushkin: we're back! katya: <verbaaank...> Ivan: ._. leo: katya's drunk, but she didnt kill anyone. FD: "Well, that's good to know." leo: and miss lewis? FD: "Asleep." Ivan: OWO leo:....i see. FD: *nods* "Likely best you all get your rest." -elsewhere- Spirit: *covered in broken eggs* -___-; sachiko: ^^; i guess some people dont realize that trick or treat is _tomorrow_ night, huh? Spirit: "No kidding..." *grabs a towel* "Little brats..." sachiko: i'll get the shower for you. Spirit: "Thanks." -elsewhere- Yumi: *cuddle* lord death: ~<3 Yumi: *sighs* "Quiet..." lord death: indeed. Yumi: "..." *pulls the bedsheet over them* lord death:....*holds her* Yumi: *murmurs* "You cutie..." lord death:...i worry about you. Yumi: "???" lord death:....please stay safe.... Yumi: "...Death, no..." *holds onto him* lord death: s-sorry.....just overthinking again.... Yumi: *sniff* lord death: i didnt mean to frighten you... Yumi: *holds on tightly* "Just...stay here...tonight." lord death:....of course. Yumi: "..." *rests her head against his chest* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *sets down his mug of milk* -...- {Kunikida: "...I screwed up...so badly..."} {yosano: ....you didnt know, dont beat yourself up over it...} {-it was a joint funeral for rokuzo and nobuko-} {Kunikida: "...I should have known. I should have anticipated...planned for it...something...I..."} -knocks- Kunikida: "..." *wipes his eyes* "Come in." aya: you ok? Kunikida: "...Just thinking." aya: 'bout what? Kunikida: "...Someone who died." aya:......oh. Kunikida: "Sorry. I still think about them..." aya: who? Kunikida: "...A client...and a former associate." aya:...oh... Kunikida: "..." *puts his head in his hands* aya:...*hug* Kunikida: *small shiver* aya: i dont know what all happened, but i think you're doing swell. Kunikida: "..." *frozen...crying* aya: .....*huuug* Kunikida: "..." *hugs her back* -elsewhere- Lucy: -_-;;;; "That was annoying." atsushi: yeah. he need serious help, mentally. Lucy: "We keep talking about that--and it's not happening. Not like we can force him into therapy." atsushi: im beginning to worry he's never going to get over it... Lucy: *sighs* "That is...depressing, even for him." odasaku: ... Lucy: "...Thanks for saving me." atsushi:....no problem. same to you. Lucy: "..." *small fist bump* "Good team." atsushi: *smiles* Lucy: "..." *smiles back* ^^ -elsewhere- Black Star: "Zzz..." tsubaki: .....*tucks him in* Black Star: =w= *sleeps more calmly* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *looking up at the Moon* mary:... ?? what's wrong, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *finally notices Mary, looks at her* "???" mary: you look sad... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." TT_TT *nudges Mary* mary: *pap pap* Mr. Tsubaki: *fox chittering...rests his head on her lap* YY~YY -early morning- Kid: =w= stocking: did that feel good~? Kid: "Divine..." *smooch* stocking: hehe~ happy birthday, kiddo~ Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: u///u Kid: "...I never thought it would be like this..." stocking: well, here we are. *kiss* Kid: -\\\\\- "..." *sniff, holds onto her* stocking: *rubs his back* Kid: "...Do I deserve this?" stocking: of course you do. i love you. Kid: "I-I love you..." *nuzzles close to her* -elsewhere- Iida: "..." tensei:....something up? Iida: "Just...have had a lot on my mind since the dance." tensei: like what? Iida: "...A classmate has invited me for two dates now." tensei: oh? Iida: *nods* "And I have quite enjoyed myself. I just...still feel surprised to be invited at all." -elsewhere- Anya: *folding her clothes* bailey: soooo i heard you had Anya: O\\\\\\\\\o "WH-WHAT HAVE YOU HEARD?!" ao: oh my, what's this now~?a date last night~ Anya: >\\\\< "NOTHING HAPPENED!" tsugumi: it's like cinderella! only with the prince leaving after midnight? Meme: "Did you leave your prince your slipper?" Anya: *covering her ears* "La la la! Can't hear you!" -elsewhere- FD: "Any useful information gathered?" yana: *showing him the notes she took* FD: "Hmm...What's this chart with the lines connecting names?" yana: hmm? *looks* FD: " 'Yana and Anya'?" yana: ... that's irrelevant. let me just.... FD: "Is this what the kids call a 'shipping chart'?" yana:.... j-just something i did in my spare time... 7-7;;; it's just observations! =3=; FD: "..." *pats her head* yana:....are you trying to make this weirder than it is? if so, you're succeeding. FD: "...Yes. Now, tell me about this one..." *taps his finger on 'Momo'* -elsewhere- Higan: "Here's your tea." tsubaki: thanks. Higan: "You're welcome. Get any sleep?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *staring in awe* "...This may be the perfection of breakfast foods." *it's a breakfast burrito* bram:...*sweatdrop* Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Excited for today?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: *smiles* "We'll visit some houses, get some candy...You'll get to see other children." sonia: *smile* Chuuya: ^^ "Just be sure to not eat too much--I'm going to hold you to a maximum pieces of candy." -elsewhere- Arthur: *asleep...in a suit of armor...full of candy* shinra:................... Relan: ._. "...Where did he get all that candy?" -elsewhere- Patty: "Got the gifts wrapped?" liz: all set. Patty: "Hee hee...So cool...Think he'll like them?" liz: im sure of it. Patty: "..." *holds up her hand for a high five* -high five!- Patty: ^W^ "Best sisters!" liz: hell yeah. Patty: *lifts up the gifts* "When we giving them to him? At the dinner?" -elsewhere- Poe: *writing notes in his journal* emilia: *snoozing* Poe: *smiles lightly, as he closes his journal and opens the cupboard, removing tea cups and a kettle* -elsewhere- Dazai: "Excited for tonight?" atsushi: yeah, it's my first-time trick-or-treating. ^^; Dazai: "I think you'll like it. You bringing Kyoka and Lucy along?" atsushi: *nods* kenji, ranpo, and aya are coming with too. Dazai: "Oh, good." *serious face* "Ranpo is going to steal all of your candy." atsushi: ._.; we'll keep him on a short leash. Dazai: "And a muzzle." -elsewhere- Mori: *tapping a skeleton toy* -.....- Mori: "...Little trinket. Popular in this town." miura: so i see. Mori: "...Except this toy does this--" *He pushes the head, and the eyes light up and the skeleton lets out a small shriek* "...If I pushed down on your head..." miura: no. Mori: "...If I asked Motojirou to add that feature--" miura: *up in his face* no. Mori: .____. "..." *his finger hovers over her nose* miura: do not. Mori: "Boop." *presses* -elsewhere- Joker: "I think going out for a drink tonight is as good as any." ivy: yeah, sounds good. Joker: "And we can dress up--" scarlet: ....... Joker: *holds up a pair of goggles and a cap* "These can work for you, Red." -elsewhere- Kid: "..." julie: ?? Kid: "??? Oh, hello." *smiles* "How are you, Julie?" julie: excited! Kid: "Oh? Why's that?" julie: halloween today! Kid: ^^ "That's right...You ready for trick or treating?" julie: mmhmm! dad's gonna go with me. Kid: "That's good...You have fun, okay?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: >____< naoya: come on, the party will help you get your mind off things. Akutagawa: "...The last social gathering ended with me punched in the testicles. Again." naoya: hey, you'll be fine, ok? Akutagawa: *grumble grumble* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *slicing apples* ranpo: *in dino suit* Kyoka: "...Why a giant lizard?" ranpo: excuse you? im a dino! >3< Kyoka: "...Oh. Sorry." *puts detective hat onto the top of his outfit* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...Does this outfit actually look 'Halloween-y'?" kirei: ^^ it's fitting. Benimaru: "Hmmm....I just feel really pale like this..." -elsewhere- Hiro: *pulling on his costume* hime: ?? Hiro: *his voice muffled* "I hope this is impressive--I spent so much time on this, it's like I've been locked away for months..." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Oh, hey, Naho." naho: hiya! atsushi: *waves* Sakuya: "Yo. What you up to for All Hallows' Eve?" atsushi: trick-or-treating. it's the first time i've gone. ^^; naho: neato! Lucy: "Same...You all doing the same?" naho: you bet! ^^ Lucy: "Cool! Maybe we'll see you out there?" naho: maybe! Lucy: ^^ Sakuya: "..." *looks at Atsushi* "What're you going as?" atsushi: im just going as a cowboy. Sakuya: "Ah...That's cool." -elsewhere- shaula: *HURK* ugh...fucking sea sickness... Medusa: "Oh, what's wrong? Baby scorpion couldn't find a frog to ride on?" shaula: *flips her off* no, cause your frog ran off with a wolfman. Medusa: "Oh, what's wrong? Baby scorpion couldn't find a frog to ride on?" shaula: *flips her off* no, cause your frog ran off with a wolfman. Alone: *angry twitching* milia: OwO;;; *nudges closer to nals* Nals: "Don't go near that one--he's crazy." Alone: "Sh-She would've been mine--if she had just seen..." shaula: oh shaddap, it's bad enough the fake reaper does that shit. Mad!Kid: *heavy breathing* shaula:...*shudders* freaky. Mad!Kid: "I can help with your seasickness..." shaula: PASS. Mad!Kid: "But I was going to put you out of your misery--" shaula: im cured it's a miracle bye! *walks off very quickly* Mad!Kid: "...Just trying to be helpful." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Got your hot chocolate." kim: awesome! Jacqueline: "How's work been?" -elsewhere- Dazai: "This costume is so good..." *wraps his hand* -knock- Dazai: "Coming!" *then sees his hands are tied together* "..." *manages to put his tied hands along the knob, manages to turn the knob to open the door* "Hey there--" kirako: need help? -she’s dressed as catwoman- Dazai: OWO "..." *nod nod nod* "Yeah, I'm all tied up--and not in a fun way. Great costume..." kirako: ^^; Dazai: "Looking forward to the party...My mummy costume will be killer." -elsewhere- Mephisto: "How you holding up?" felisia: alright. exhausted though. Mephisto: "...What may I get you?" felisia: mint choco ice cream with pepper on it. Mephisto: owo;;;; "...Of course~" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, walking through the halls...looks at a door: "DO NOT ENTER"* "...???" -it's just storage- Tsubaki: -_-; ("...Boring.") *nudges a box* -elsewhere- Hyde: *adjusts his tie, then combs his hair* "...All set." licht: what are you supposed to be, a disappointment? Hyde: -____-; "No. I'm a hot Halloween date." licht:....is your date blind? Hyde: "WHAT IF THEY ARE?! SHUT UP!" licht:........ Hyde: "You should try dating. She may have a sibling or a friend." licht: i will accompany your date to protect them from you. Hyde: -_-; "...Your confidence in me is remarkable." licht: on this night where demons stalk, an angel must come forwards. i....*pose* am that angel. Hyde: "..." *claps* "Okay, that was awesome!" julian: ^^; *DING DONG* Hyde: "THAT'S MY DATE!" romina: ya- girl: yo motherfuckers. Hyde: OWO "You made it! Welcome!" kranz: .________.;;;; Hyde: "Ready to go?" *looks behind her* "Or you bring someone else?" -elsewhere- Kid: "..." liz: happy birthday! Kid: ^^ "Thank you..." stocking: happy birthday! Kid: "Hee hee..." *hug* lord death: ^^ Kid: "Father..." *hug* lord death: ^^ happy birthday, son. Kid: "Thank you...for being my father." lord death: ....of course. Kid: -w- -elsewhere- Kyoka: *holds up her bag* "Give me candy." house owner: ._.; atsushi: she means 'trick or treat'. owner: ah, here you go kids. aya: awesome! ranpo: yis! kenji: thanks ma'am! Lucy: "Thank you!" atsushi: where to next? Kyoka: *holds up the map* "If we go to that house, they have whole chocolate bars." atsushi: alright then! Lucy: *follows* "Hope I have enough bags. Anne, how many more do we have left?" -elsewhere- sonia: *holding chuuya's hand* Chuuya: "And we look at both sides before crossing..." *looks...starts walking* "You excited?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: "I think you'll get a lot of candy. Want to ring the door bell?" sonia:...c-could you please? Chuuya: "Sure!" *presses the doorbell* sonia: trick or treat! *A face peeks through the barely opened door* Neighbor: "Don't got any--go away!" sonia:.....*staaaaaaare* Chuuya: "...Hey, come on, buddy--it's Halloween. You know, for the kids--" *Door slammed into Chuuya's face* sonia: ....another house? Chuuya: "..." *smiles at Sonia* "One moment." *looks at the door...and rips it off its hinges* sonia: ... Neighbor: "?!! Hey! What the hell are you--" Chuuya: *death glare* Neighbor: "!!!!" Chuuya: "Apologize." sonia: *puppy eyes* Neighbor: "H-Hey, dude! I'm sorry I slammed the door in your--" Chuuya: "To. Her." sonia: ..... Neighbor: "..." Q_____Q *hands her a whole bag of lollipops* sonia: thank you. Neighbor: "Y-You're welcome." Chuuya: "...I'll fix your door on the way out..." -elsewhere- Gin: "Ready?" higuchi: yeah. -the party seems to be doing well- ayako: WOOT! Motojiro: -_-;;;; "Keep her away from the soda..." higuchi: ^^; Akutagawa: "..." elise: ?? Akutagawa: "Hmph." *crosses his arms* elise: well arent _you_ just grouchy. =3= Akutagawa: "Don't you have dolls to play with?" elise: well, the old man said he'd take us trick or treating in a moment. you in or out? Akutagawa: "I don't--" Gin: "He's in." Akutagawa: "?!!" hirotsu: excellent. Q: ^^ Akutagawa: -____-;;; -elsewhere- Relan: "Ready?" shinra: *nods* Relan: "Okay..." *rings the doorbell* sachiko: hello? Relan: "...Trick or treat?" owo; sachiko: ah! here you kids go. shinra: thanks! Relan: "Thank you, ma'am." ^W^ -elsewhere- child: *aiming an egg at a familiar house...* "Watch this, buddy..." child 2: *giggles* Poe: *chilly, serene, calm voice* -w-# "And what are you youngsters up to?" child 2: *SCREAM* Child 1: o____O "..." *drops the egg* "RUN!" lana: edgar? did something happen out there? Poe: ^W^ "Just some visitors." *holds up an egg* lana: *chuckles* Poe: "Just scared them off. I'm sure they'll be gone--" *SPLAT* lana: D8< HEY! Child 1: "Hee hee--" Poe: *his hair is over one eye...and his other eye...is on fire* child 2: *has run off already* Child 1: ._. "..." *runs* Poe: "YOU COME HERE AGAIN, AND I'LL FEED YOU TO MY GHOST DOG!" *stamps his foot* lana: *sigh* need me to help you wash up? Poe: "..." T__T *nod nod* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *at the grocery* "...But why do they have Christmas items out already?" worker: welcome to retail, dude. Fitzgerald: "...Huh. ...So..." *excited* "When does the Halloween candy go on sale?!" -elsewhere- Anya: .___. rowena: ?? Anya: *looking around* "..." rowena: is something wrong? Anya: "No...Just...thought I felt someone watching." rowena:... *looking around* Anya: "..." {Anya: "Did you enjoy the dance?"} {yana: yeah, it was fun.} {Anya: "Yeah! ...Well, thanks for keeping me company. Are you walking home?"} {yana: yeah. see ya later?} {Anya: *nods* "You going out for Halloween?"} {yana:...not sure.} {Anya: "Well, there's always Trick or Treating. Can get candy..."} {yana:...i'll think 'bout it.} {Anya "...Okay." *smiles, waves* "I'll walk back to the dormitory. Good night!"} {yana: *waves and walks off*} -...- Anya: *sighs* -elsewhere- FD: *looking at cameras* "...So many costumes." yana: mmhmm. *throwing darts on the dart board, with a few pictures on it* FD: *looks at the pictures* -the pictures are of various members of both the mafia and the agency- FD: "Who's at the bullseye?" yana:...*throwing a dart...right at fukuzawa's picture* -elsewhere- fukuzawa: !!!! Kunikida: "??? Sir?" fukuzawa:....n-nothing, just felt uneasy... Kunikida: "...Some tea?" fukuzawa:.....yes, thank you. Kunikida: *pours* "...I am onto something regarding our Rat problem." fukuzawa: oh? Kunikida: "I have been tracking new individuals passing our office, writing an algorithm." fukuzawa: *listening* Kunikida: "It predicts paths they walk, destinations...and origins." fukuzawa: hmm... Kunikida: "Eventually, points will accumulate on the map--with the larger dots on it indicating origins and destinations most common for people near us. We can use this information to get a better prediction who is interested in spotting our offices." fukuzawa: i see. Kunikida: "I also have set up some photo-recognition software, in case certain individuals keep stopping by..." *passes a photograph, showing Lucy* -ID: Lucy Maud Montgomery- Kunikida: "...Former members of the Guild deserve some added attention." fukuzawa: hmm.. Kunikida: "It is especially important, with so many people wearing masks tonight." -elsewhere- Kid: *sips his drink* stocking: beautiful night out, huh? Kid: *smiles* "Yes..." *reaches for her hand* stocking: *holding his hand* Kid: *rubs her hand* "...Thanks." stocking: ^^ Kid: "...It is surreal." stocking: hmm? Kid: "I just...can't believe this is my life." stocking: well, it is. *smiles* Kid: "...I feel like I don't deserve it." stocking: *sighs and hugs him* you do deserve it, ok? Kid: *sniff* *hug* stocking: *kiss* i love you, always, ok? Kid: T\\\T *nods, kisses back* -elsewhere- Lucy: "--eleven, twelve--thirteen bags full of candy!" aya: neato! kenji: ^^ Kyoka: "Shall we return to the Agency--or try one more house?" ranpo: i saved the best for last! Lucy: "Oh?" ranpo: lo and behold! -it's poe's house- Kyoka: "...Oh." Lucy: "..." *rubs her arms* "D-Did it get c-colder here?" ._.; atsushi: didnt rowena say the house is full of ghosts too? Kyoka: *shiny eyes* Lucy: O_O;; kenji: cool! Lucy: *pushes Atsushi forward* "Y-You ring the bell..." atsushi: ok? *knocks* *The door inches open* atsushi: hello? ranpo: hey poe! hope ya dont mind us dropping by! *wind is heard rustling* ranpo: ?? aya: hello? *steps inside* Lucy: Q~Q *chains are heard rattling* atsushi: 0w0; *ghostly moans are heard* Kyoka: "...???" ranpo: hey poe? you in? *something is dripping on the table...it's red* aya: O_O; ranpo:...did you spill jello or something, poe? Lucy: *clutching Atsushi* *giggling is heard right over Aya's shoulder* aya: *looks* Poe: *standing, giggling, as his hands are elbow-deep in red* "Hee hee hee..." atsushi: *SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM* aya: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!! Lucy: *clutching Atsushi* "EEEEEEEEEEK!" Kyoka: "..." kenji: ? ranpo: OuO;;;; lana: edgar? did someone come in? Poe: "Hee hee..." *flips a light switch, smiles at Lana* "Yes! We have guests! And I'm just about done crushing the grapes." atsushi: *phew* aya: >3<; ranpo: oh, so no jelly? boo. fran: you rang? Lucy: Q________Q "...I'm going to pee myself..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *revving up a motorcycle--decorated in skulls* sayu: woah. Vulcan: "I think this suits Halloween..." *puts on a skull mask* sayu: ghost rider! Vulcan: "Bingo!" *sits on the cycle, revs it* "I just couldn't get the mask to light up on fire--without killing myself." sayu: OuO ? Vulcan: "...I mean, I don't have flame abilities. Actually, does anyone with flame abilities just light up their head?" sayu: probably! but i dont have flame abilities either, so i dunno. Vulcan: "...How are you in physical work?" -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: "..." *hugs himself* pandora: *asleep* Mad!Kid: *shivers* "..." ("I will return to her...") -silence- Mad!Kid: "..." ("He's probably with her...He'll be the first to go.") -elsewhere- Kid: *shivers* stocking: hmm? kid? Kid: "...S-Sorry. Just felt cold." stocking: it's ok. -elsewhere- soul:....*staring up at the moon* .... {Maka: "Are you even listening to me?"} {soul: *mumble* its 7 am, lemme sleep... zzz} {Maka: -_-# *grabs his ankle*} {soul: noooo...} soul:....*looks at his hand* ...... *gets up and heads to the DWMA training room* -and so- soul: *stretch* alright...let's to this. *slicing at dummies* {Maka: "Good slice!"} *eyes are focused on Soul* soul: thanks... *back slashes another dummy* {Maka: "Behind you!"} *A hand reaches for him...* soul: ?! *turns and blocks* ???: "EEK!" *pulls back their hand* "I-I didn't want to get it sliced off!" soul: !! sorry, you kind of startled me. ???: *small whimper* soul: ?? h-hey, you ok? *letting his eyes adjust to see the person* ???: "I-I just was lost and heard the noise in here..." soul: wait....hiro? Hiro: "Y-Yeah, it's me..." soul: ah....you come for some late night training too? Hiro: *shrugs* "N-Now and then?" soul: ah, cool. Hiro: "..." *puts on his gloves, approaches a punching bag* soul:...did you graduate with us or not? Hiro: ^^; "I thought I would...but I missed some credits because of a paperwork error." soul: that's rough, buddy. Hiro: *punching the bag* "Oh, you know--I'm just rolling with the punches--" *the bag swings back, hitting him in the face* soul: *wince* arent we all? *helps him up* Hiro: "Thanks..." *rubs his bruised cheek* "Guess I hit harder than I thought..." soul: maybe you could be a fisticuffs meister like kilik? Hiro: "...Know any weapons that fit onto hands?" -elsewhere- Hibana: "You happy?" hanako: *nods* i had so much fun! Hibana: "D'aw! I'm glad." ^^ hanako: i saw so many other kids today! Hibana: "Do you like hanging out with kids your age?" hanako: *nods* Hibana: *pats her head* "We'll have to get you more playdates." -elsewhere- Relan: *drops the bag of candy on the living room table* "Holy moley, that's a lot..." shinra: so tired... Relan: "..." *pats a hand on the couch* shinra: *lays down* =w= iris: ^^ Relan: *pats Iris's shoulder, as he strokes Shinra's head* shinra:....zzzzz Relan: *small forehead kiss* -elsewhere- Mori: "Hee hee hee..." -...- Mori: "...." *looks around* "...Why am I laughing to myself?" -......- Mori: "..." *tosses his mask onto the couch, exits his office* -the hall is silent- Mori: >3< "Boring..." elise: ?? Mori: "Is everyone still out?" elise: miura's charging, so yeah. besides the guards. Mori: "..." *waves a hand in front of Miura's eyes* miura: *charging* Mori: "..." *removes a permanent marker* miura: do not Mori: OwO;;; -early morning- Kid: "Zzzzz..." stocking: *kiss* Kid: *wrinkles his nose* "Mmmmm..." *instinctively hugs her* stocking: u///u *snuggle* Kid: "Stocking..." *rubs her back* -elsewhere- Hyde: "Zzzz..." licht:...*sigh* honestly... Hyde: *hedgehog yawn* "..." *looks around* "...How did I get here?" licht: that demon delinquent tricked us, attempted to rob us, i chased her off because im an angel. Hyde: "...Huh. Did she take my record collection?" licht: she didnt take anything. Hyde: "Well, that's good...Did she leave her number?" licht:.... *le tosses hyde out the window* Hyde: O_o *flaps his arms--and falls like a brick* *CRASH* Hyde: "...Owie." -elsewhere- Dazai: *stretches* kirako: zzzz Dazai: "..." *cuddles* kirako: =w= Dazai: "Hello, kitty..." *rubs a finger behind her ear* kirako: morning. Dazai: "Sleep well?" *rests his head on her shoulder* kirako: yeah. and you? Dazai: "..." *kisses her shoulder* kirako: hehe, well you're sure affectionate this morning. Dazai: "...Yeah." *smiles, kisses her cheek* kirako: ^^; Dazai: "...Want some breakfast?" *sits up, rubbing her back* -elsewhere- Poe: *humming, as he pours orange juice* henry: did you get rowena's present? Poe: *nods* "And wrapped." henry: ^^ Poe: "So, when shall we give her the gifts?" -elsewhere- FD: *washing his face* -....- FD: "..." *looks in the mirror* "..." -what do you see?- {FD: *staring at his reflection in his glass of water* "..."} {barkova: *chewing on a stale loaf of bread*} {FD: "...You got some teeth on you."} {barkova: hehe...*nom nom*} {FD: "...Hey..." *slides his glass of water to her* "Dunk the bread in there. It'll soften it."} {barkova: OuO *dunk and nom* ^^} {FD: "...See? You can learn."} {barkova: ^^} {FD: "...What's your name?"} {barkova: <anna.>} {FD: <Fyodor.> *offers his hand*} -...- FD: "..." *towels off, opens the door* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *staring at his phone* *checks messages* ochako: [how was the movie marathon?] Todoroki: "..." *small smile* [lengthy. fell asleep after the third. how was your halloween?] ochako: [went T-r-T-ing with the squad] Todoroki: "..." [did you get good candy?] ochako: [yep!] Todoroki: [that's good. which is your favorite?] -elsewhere- Chuuya: *vacuuming* sonia: zzzzz mito: *mreow* Chuuya: *turns off the vacuum* "Sorry, Mito--the vacuum scaring you?" mito: *scared kitty sounds* Chuuya: "..." *holds his palm up in front of her* mito:...*nuzzles her head against his hand* Chuuya: *smiles, pets her* "It's okay." mito:...*purr* Chuuya: *small chin scratch* mito: =w= Chuuya: "I'll finish up the old fashion way..." *dons an apron, mask, and a cloth with a stick* -elsewhere- Patty: "And with Halloween behind us, you know what's coming up next, right?" julie: christmas! Wes: "..." *glaring* "We meet again, you bastard." riley: ?? *looks at who wes is talking to* *He's talking to a banjo* Wes: "You have an awful sound that I just cannot master! Why?! It should be like playing a violin!" riley:....*sweatdrop* Wes: "...ANSWER ME, YOU CONFOUNDED INSTRUMENT OF MAYHEM!!!" -elsewhere- Joker: *holding up animal crackers, slurring his words* "Then the happy bunny says hello to the happy bear...but, 'Oh no!'" *bites the head off the rabbit cracker* scarlet:.......how many did he have? Bartender: "Three beers, one shot, and a Diet Coke--" scarlet:....good god. Joker: "Then the bunnies return! And they murder the bear! ARG! RAWR! Blood! Intestines!" *munches the bear cracker* -elsewhere- Hibana: YY~YY gabriella: tired? Hibana: *nods* "I want to lie down..." -elsewhere- mikan: *letting asura rest his head on her lap* Asura: Q____Q mikan: *humming* Asura: *closes his eyes* "Th-Thanks..." heibito: da? Asura: "..." *pats his head* heibito: =w= mikan: hard to believe he's going to be 2 years old in a few days... Asura: "He's a growing boy..." mikan: ^^ Asura: "...He's beautiful." mikan: he has your eyes. heibito: hehe! Asura: "Your laugh..." -elsewhere- Poe: *raking the front lawn* "There...One large pile of leaves raked--" emilia: *peeek* Poe: "??? Emilia?" *holds up a leaf* "You see how the colors were changing?" emilia: *nod* Poe: "That's the chlorophyll in them, dying." emilia:.... ??? molly:....*looks at lana* i worry for your future children. lana:.... ^^;;;;; Poe: "--and it feeds the tree." *sweeps his hand* "And the tree stores all that food to survive through winter." emilia: ...cool. Poe: "I know! It's so fascinating! I once wrote a story about how the age of the tree was integral to the treasure buried under it--" emilia: buried treasure?! *shiny eyes* Poe: "It's an entertaining story--at least, I think so. I have the book, if you want to read it." -elsewhere- Anya: "LET GO OF IT!" Fitzgerald: "NO, YOU!" shinoa: oh my, what's going on? misono: *pinches nose* there's more than just one of those things... -_-; Anya: "THIS ONE HAS MY FAVORITE FLAVORS!" Fitzgerald: "THIS ONE HAS MY FAVORITE COLORS!" misono: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "..." *touching his face* -...- {Shamrock: *gasping*} {-no one else is there....only him and the vampire before him....-} {Vampire: *smiles--as he holds up his sword* "Did they leave you by yourself?...Heartless."} {Shamrock: "..." *collapses to his knees* "Th-There had to be a reason...What was it...?"} {Vampire: "...There is none. No reason to betray. To kill. But to not forgive, even someone you despise..."} {Shamrock: "..."} {Vampire: "The saddest thing...is the failure to understand each other. There is no justice. Nobody can change how you were wounded. I cannot tell you not to be hurt by that. It's fine if you want to scream, 'I hurt!'"} {Shamrock: *shudder, tearing up*} {Vampire: "...If there are people who say those things to you...I will strike them for you. Now--"} {*BANG*} {Vampire: "?!!" *shocked...then looks sad* "...I will give you a new name."} naho: sham? Shamrock: "...Hmm?" naho: you ok? Shamrock: "...Yes. Thank you." *rubs his eye* naho:...*hug* you're important to us, ok? >u< Shamrock: "..." *sniff* *pat pat* "Th-Thanks..." naho: ^^ Shamrock: "I-I will make tea..." -elsewhere- Johannes: OWO metsu: ....yes? Johannes: *holds up crayons* metsu: .....are you going somewhere with this, doctor? Johannes: "Let me draw you!" metsu: um.....alright? sounds harmless enough. Johannes: "--in this." *holds up a dress* metsu:....spoke too soon. -elsewhere- Kid: *wearing his new birthday sweater* .______. kirika: *snickers* Kid: "I...don't know what to say." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *soaked* -___- aya: what happened to you? Kunikida: "Someone dumped a bucket of water onto me--then dropped the bucket onto my head." aya: yikes. Kunikida: "I gathered some clues to their identity, starting with fingerprints on the bucket and this hair sample..." aya: *peeks* *The hair is purple* aya: dr yosano! Kunikida: "Hmm...What is the motive?" -elsewhere- Lucy: *sets down a plate of fries* "Okay...We need to talk." atsushi:.....*sweating violently* Q~Q;;;; Lucy: "There's a play about one of my favorite books...and I want to go. And it's fancy." atsushi: oh...sure! *internal sigh of relief* Lucy: "So you will need a suit. And a taser." atsushi: ok- wait taser? Lucy: "I am not having that shadowy jerk ruin our date and my play." -_- atsushi: right... ^^; ehehe.. ^^; i knew that. Lucy: "..." *rests her head on his shoulder, takes a fry* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *wearing cat ears* elise: ^^ Mori: "See? It's all going according to plan..." Gin: "...What plan?" Akutagawa: "I have no idea--and it's scaring me." elise: i think rintarou's off his meds tbh. Mori: OWO;;;; "...Ha ha ha! I don't know what she means--" Gin: "Please, sir, go lie down..." miura: get some rest. Mori: "I CAN LIVE FOREVER--" *collapses* miura: *sighs and carries him to bed* kouyou: ..... *concerned* Mori: *muttering in his sleep* kouyou: ..... *sigh* Mori: "Rin..." miura: ?? Mori: "Rintarou..." miura: ..... Mori: "Rintarou is a good boy..." miura:..... Mori: *holds onto Miura* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Stein: "..." aya drevis:...? Stein: "...A new mission." aya drevis: where? Stein: "Germany..." aya drevis: back at home, then... Stein: "...Yes." *lights another cigarette* aya drevis: so valentine and i are holding down the fort then? Stein: "I'm afraid so." *puffs* -elsewhere- Mifune: "...Your house seems...highly occupied." tsubaki: ^^; naho: didnt i see you feeding stray cats the other day? Mifune: "??? No. I was at home yesterday." naho: hmmmm... Mifune: "Must have been someone else. Besides, there are only a few cats that ever stop by my house." naho: ah. maybe it's your double? kind of like how lilac has a double! tsubaki: you mean chrona? naho: *nods* Mifune: "...Dopplegangers. I already had to deal with those." *holds his sword* naho: *listening* Mifune: "A wraith, sent to hunt me." lilac: s-scary... naho: and _then_ what happened?? Mifune: "I killed it. ...Sorry. I'm not good at storytelling. And I figured, if I'm sitting here telling you the story, I must have survived." naho: ^^ Sakuya: "...How do we know _you_ aren't the wraith...?" Mifune: "...Maybe I am." lilac: *hiding* tsubaki: mifune! Mifune: "...Sorry. I also can't tell jokes." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "I want Halloween candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner." atsushi: ._. Lucy: "That is not healthy..." *tosses a piece of unwrapped gum* "And with my braces, I can't even eat this." -elsewhere- Meme: "Up for cleaning the pool?" tsugumi: i think it's closing up for the winter Meme: "..." *looks at the calendar* "...I think I just had one of my old brain fails." -elsewhere- FD: "He's been quiet." yana: the padre? FD: "Yes." yana: yeah, i noticed... FD: "...Wake him up." yana: alright......oooi, padre, you up? Hawthorne: "..." *coughs up blood* yana: im just gonna take that as a 'not really'. Hawthorne: "..." *The blood seems to be...bubbling?* yana:....*backs up* Hawthorne: "..." *The blood bubbles up--into a spire* yana: *slams the door* O-O;;; *thumping and cutting is heard inside* FD: "???" yana:....<damn. you and the nurse did a serious number on his mind...> FD: <...I think his religion helped.> yana: ... <maybe.> *thump thump thump--SLIIIIICE* yana:....<what do you think we should do about this?> FD: <Let him tire himself out--> *STAB* *The blood has pierced through the door--and into FD's arm* FD: "..." yana: holy- Hawthorne: *loud screaming* FD: "...Zoey. Now." zoey: *knocks him out wth a crowbar* Hawthorne: *collapsed* FD: "...I'm bleeding." zoey: *tending to his injuries* FD: "..." <He is too powerful like this...> yana: <what do we do with him?> FD: <He obviously wants something that we are not giving him. We've broken his mind--so, let's rebuild it.> -elsewhere- Monoma: *reading something--* Izuku: "Hey!" *snatches it out of his hands* "Give that back!" Monoma: "..." *smirks* Izuku: *glare* -CHOP- itsuka: monoma, quit being such a jerk. Monoma: >3< "I was just doing some light reading--" Izuku: "This is private!" *hugs his notebook* itsuka: you know, while katsuki can be very brash and admittedly a bit of an asshole at times, but at least he doesnt violate people's privacy! Izuku: -_-; *holds up the notebook* "He _did_ burn this one and tossed it into a koi pond..." Monoma: "It's as they say: best to know your enemies' strengths and weaknesses. It's not like _I'm_ in the competition any longer...And Midoriya needs all the help he can get against Todoroki." itsuka: well, the next match is about to start. Izuku: "!!! R-Right! Ochaco against...*gulp* Kacchan..." itsuka: well, we better find our seats, right? Monoma: *follows* Izuku: *sits with Class 1A* -elsewhere- ochako:...*breathes*.....ok ochako...you got this.... announcer: this round, the very epitome of a hothead, he was kinda famous in middle school, KATSUKI BAKUGOU! Bakugo: ಠ_ಠ announcer: VERSUS, dont let her bubbly looks fool you, OCHAKO URRRRARRRRRAKA! ochako: ... Bakugo: "I'm not going to go soft on you, Round-Face." ochako: !! ... Iida: "Midoriya...What would you advise?" Izuku: "Well, Kacchan may be strong--but he's useless in close-range combat--" Bakugo: *sneezes* Izuku: "If she can keep him from moving, like float him, she'll have the advantage." -ROUND START!- ochako: *running forwards* Todoroki: *watching* Bakugo: *stands still* ochako: *still running* Izuku: "As I thought...He won't dodge. He'll lead with a right hook--" *BOOM* ochako: URK- (thinking: crap! i couldnt dodge even though i saw it!) Bakugo: *marches to the smoke* "Now die." -something approaches him- Bakugo: ("There she is...") *approaches her jacket* ochako: *coming up from behind him* Bakugo: *slams his hand onto her jacket--and it falls* "?!!!" Izuku: *violently shaking* Todoroki: "!!!" ochako: (thinking: if i can get to him, then i-) Bakugo: *swings his arm back--* *BOOM 2X* ochako: !!! hanta: he reacted as soon as he saw her! itsuka: with reflexes like that, smoke screens wont do much.. Izuku: *overhearing Itsuka* "No kidding. I don't know how--" Monoma: "Idiots." ochako: *charging again* Izuku: *giving a 'The fuck you say' face at Monoma* Bakugo: "Too slow." *swings his arm along the floor--* *BOOM 3X* Monoma: "..." *smirks* Mineta: "...So, Bakugo is a sadist..." jirou: *throws him in the trash* ochako: IM NOT DONE YET! Bakugo: *swings his arm again--* *BOOM 4X* Audience Member: "Owie!" audience member 2: thats not how a someone that wants to be a hero is supposed to act! audience member 3: just push them outta bounds! Audience Member #4: "Villain! Why can't you be like a hero--like All Might or Endeavor?!" Todoroki: "!!!!" Bakugo: "..." Aizawa: "..." ochako: ..... Audience Member #5: "You are just bullying that defenseless girl--" Aizawa: "SHUT UP!" yuuji: !!... old man... Aizawa: "HOW MUCH EXPERIENCE HAVE YOU HAD AS A PRO HERO TO BE THIS STUPID?!" Death the Kid: Izuku: “Ah..” Todoroki: "..." audience member: urk- Aizawa: "You don't like this match? Turn away. Go find a new job. This is what heroes face: insurmountable odds. It is whether you have the courage to face those fears and rise above them that determines whether you have what it takes to be a hero." yuuji: .... Aizawa: "Bakugo is not being this violent just because he's a bully and a jerk--" Bakugo: -_-### Aizawa: "--but because he knows her strength, her power. This is his worthy opponent. A hero does not hold back to accomplish their goal..." ochako: *wiping blood from her mouth* *pant*... Bakugo: "...You still standing, Roundy?" ochako:...thanks, bakugou. Bakugo: "?!" itsuka:... !!!! ah- Monoma: "Oh. You finally noticed." Izuku: "???" Bakugo: "The hell you thanking me for?" tsuyu: *takes hold of izuku's head to make him look up.....at several floating rocks* ochako: thanks for not dropping your guard! Bakugo: "!!! Sh--" ochako: release! *Rocks fall* Bakugo: "..." ochako: (thinking: i just got to find my opening, then i can win! for my family's sake-) *BOOM 5X* ochako: !!!! Todoroki: "!!!" announcer: WOAH! Bakugo: "You've been hanging out with Deku for a long time, Uraraka." ochako: *stunned* announcer: her secret maneuver just went up in smoke! literally! Bakugo: "Surprising...But I knew you had a plan. That was a close one..." *looks up--sneering* "Now it's time to get serious..." *runs at her* ochako: *moves forward........before collapsing* Bakugo: "???" Todoroki: "!!!" Izuku: "...Her capacity..." ochako: n-not....yet.... *crawling* d-dad....i...got to.....*faints* midnight: *going over to check on her*....uraraka has passed out. the round goes to bakugou! Bakugo: "..." Izuku: "..." {Izuku: "I just want to help. Take my notebook--"} {ochako: it's fine....iida said, he'd challenge you, right?... *thumbs up* see you in the finals!*} ochako: .... announcer: the first round of the tournament has concluded, soon, the second round will begin! after repairing the field. again. -later- Bakugo: "DEKU!" Izuku: O~O Bakugo: "ARE YOU LOOKING TO DIE, YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!" Izuku: "N-No! Um...Congratulations on win--" Bakugo: "YOU GAVE HER THAT PLAN, DIDN'T YOU?! That stupid reckless plan may have tripped me up, but--" Izuku: "That was her." Bakugo: "...What?" Izuku: "She came up with that plan. Her. By herself. You want to be upset with someone? You irritated by that plan? Blame Ochako--because she figured it out." Bakugo: "..." Izuku: "...Well...Good day." *fast walking* hanta: hey bakugou! nice job playing villain! ^^ Bakugo: "SHUT THE HELL UP, ARMS!" itsuka: you both really went all out today, huh? Bakugo: "...Yeah. Uraraka kept going." denki: yeah, he's undoubtedly a more 'brawns over brains' guy. Bakugo: *DEATH GLARE* -elsewhere- ochako: nnh....*in medical bed*....ah... *knock knock* ochako: hmm? Todoroki: "...Ochako?" ochako: come on in. Todoroki: "...Are the medics taking care of you?” ochako: yeah.... ^^; guess i lost, hehe. Todoroki: "...Are you hurt?" ochako: just a few scratches. recovery girl took care of me, so my stamina's getting better. Todoroki: "I'm sorry--" ochako: it's fine, you didnt do anything to apologize for. but darn that bakugou! he was too much! i just got to try harder next time! >3< Todoroki: "...I'm sure." ochako:...well, i wish both you and deku best of luck out there, ok? *thumbs up* Todoroki: "..." *thumbs up* "Thank you." ochako: ^^ -ochako's phone rings- Todoroki: "...I suppose you should take that." ochako: yeah... see you later? Todoroki: "I'll be waiting." ochako: *nods and watches him exit*....*picks up* hey dad. Mr. Uraraka: "Hey, sweetie. Mom and I watched the match." ochako: i didnt do too great, i lost. Mr. Uraraka: "I thought you did great. I don't know much about the technical side--but just because you lost doesn't mean you're done, right? You'll try next year!" ochako: ...it only matters if you win, show them how you can do with different types. the scouts cant learn anything from losing a single match... Mr. Uraraka: "But what's the rush?" ochako: *tearing up* i-i mean...i have to...f-for you and mom- Mr. Uraraka: "...Ochaco. I don't want you worrying about us. No matter what happens, I know our daughter is going to be a hero." ochako: ....*sniff* *hic* Todoroki: "..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." classmate: thinking of using a similar strategy, ozaki? Chuuya: "Hmm...Not sure." ("They'd be expecting it now...Hang in there, Uraraka.") -elsewhere- Izuku: *fast walking* *Suddenly, someone appears around the corner--* Endeavor: "Hey." Izuku: ( . ) _________ ( . ) Izuku: "End-End-End--" Endeavor: "There you are. I saw what you did out there. Amazing quirk. That force from just a flick of your fingers." Izuku: "..." *step slide back* Endeavor: *finger point* "In terms of power, you're on par with All Might's quirk." Izuku: "I-I don't know about that. I have to go--" Endeavor: "My boy, Shouto, has the duty to surpass All Might." Izuku: "..." Endeavor: "His match against you...will prove a valuable test. So give it your all. But up a good fight against him." Izuku: "..." Endeavor: "That's all. Sorry for my bluntness." Izuku: "...I-I hope you'll allow me to be blunt." Endeavor: "???" Izuku: "I'm not All Might." Endeavor: "Well, of course you're not--" Izuku: "Just like how Todoroki...is not you!" Endeavor: "..." Izuku: "..." *turns, walks away* -elsewhere- Shigaraki: "..." ???: these children may be your obstacle one day... Shigaraki: "..." *scratches* "Children? Please...What nonsense." -elsewhere- Monoma: "Well, that was interesting." *writes something down* pony: ?? Monoma: *holding a notebook labeled "Quirk Analysis for Copying* pony: doesnt dat deku kid do something like dat too? Monoma: "His is to be a hero. Mine is a little more limited in scope, kind of a cheatsheet to know abilities and weaknesses for when I copy them." pony: ah...but dont you wanna be a hero too? Monoma: "Well, yes. I just need to get a handle on my own ability before I put people at risk. No point jumping into combat unnecessarily before I'm ready." pony: i guess dat makes sense. Monoma: "Of course it does--because I'm no dummy." *bishie sparkle* tokage: in terms of battle, no. but socially.... ehhhh, how do i put this.....you're a bit of a major ass. Monoma: -___-;; "Last I checked, the occupation of 'hero' did not have that as a barrier to employment." itsuka: .... Monoma: "And what do you all do to prepare for our inevitable heroic rises?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *in bed, holding his stomach* TT~TT louisa: i did tell you not to eat it all in one setting, lord francis. Fitzgerald: "I just wanted one more...May I have a ginger ale?" -elsewhere- Mad!Kid: "...Soon?" pandora: soon, child. Mad!Kid: "...Okay." *scratches his arm* -elsewhere- Hyde: *sipping through a straw from a packet of red liquid* licht: -,-; *he has bandages on his arm* Hyde: "I got to say--mixing it with berries is delightful~" julian: ._.; Hyde: "May I have seconds?" -elsewhere- Relan: "That was some battle..." shinra: yeah- ah! shit, still sore. tamaki: and you say _i_ have bad luck... shinra: =3=; i didnt plan on slipping on the steps... Relan: *slight frown at Tamaki* "Let's get you ice, Shinra." *offers a hand* shinra: *smiles* love you, rel. Relan: -\\\\- "Ah, gee...I love you, too." *pats his back carefully* -elsewhere- Burns: "...I think that Jack O'Lantern is rotten." ruby: aww. Burns: "Better toss it out, or use it for fertilizer." ruby: aye aye, sir! *salutes* Burns: "..." *salutes back* ruby: ^^ -elsewhere- Hibana: "KICK ENDEAVOR'S KID’S ASS, TINY FRAIL CHILD!" ryuuko: commander, the next round wont be for a few days. Hibana: "LET IT HAPPEN NOW! THEN ENDEAVOR CAN GO CRYING WHEN HIS KID GETS HIS ASS HANDED TO HIM! I WANT THAT BRUTE TO CRY HIS EYES OUT LIKE THE LITTLE B--" gabriella: *rubs her shoulder* shhhh.... Hibana: *grumble grumble* =\\\\\= Izuku: Q~Q "...May I pass by to get my produce, ma'am?" mikami: g-go right ahead. ^^; Izuku: "Thank you." *nervous walking the fuck out of the grocery store* Manager: "HEY! YOU GOT TO PAY FIRST, KID!" Izuku: "I'M SORRY!" *pulls out his All Might wallet* "I-I'm ready to pay..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *scooping out ice cream* naho: YEEEEAH SUNDAYS! Black Star: "Lilac, you want chocolate syrup?" lilac: ....i-im good....c-chocolate gets me too hyper... Black Star: "That's cool." *sets out chopped nuts and syrups* -elsewhere- Kid: "Will we be at the battle's awards ceremony, Father?" lord death: of course! several members of city council will be there. Kid: *nods* "I look forward to it. I haven't had as much time to keep up on the competition." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *chills his own drink* fuyumi: that was an exciting fight today, huh? Todoroki: "Yes. I was captivated." fuyumi: yeah. they really didnt hold back. Todoroki: "No...I am happy Uraraka worked that hard." fuyumi: yeah. Todoroki: "...I think she could have won." fuyumi: i think so too. Todoroki: "...I..." fuyumi: ?? Todoroki: "...Just thinking about how adamant so many are to get ahead in this competition." fuyumi: hmm... Todoroki: "...When this is over, I want to do something." fuyumi: oh? Todoroki: "Maybe a get-together? I could make something..." fuyumi: sounds like fun....shouto...do you like uraraka~? Todoroki: *spits out his drink* o\\\\\\o fuyumi: well~? Todoroki: "Sh-She's my classmate! Th-That's all!" >3< *crosses his arms* "Where would you ever get such an idea?" fuyumi: sure, shouto. sure. Todoroki: "Sh-Shush!" -\\\\\- *sips his drink* "Just want to be friendly is all..." fuyumi: mmhmm. -elsewhere- Lucy: *holding up a dress* "This one?" kirako: oh definitely! Lucy: "Mmm...Color is nice...Just not liking my shoes to go with it." -elsewhere- Gin: "Is he still sleeping?" miura:....yes. Gin: "...Good. He needs his rest. Excuse me." *departs...looking around* miura: ..... elise: ..... Gin: *continues walking* ("I don't see any additional entrances...") Mori: "Zzz..." elise:..... (thinking: it's not fair, rintarou. that you got to grow up, but you didnt let me grow up with you...) *sniffle* Gin: "..." {Rintarou: *looks down at Elise* "...Have you gotten shorter?"} {elise: nope, still the same height as i was.} {ougai sr: i think you're getting taller, son. well, you are getting a little older now... *smiles*} {Rintarou: "...Oh." *looks at Elise* "I...don't know how to change..."} elise: ..... Mori: *tosses* "M..." elise: ..... Mori: "Hmm..." *yawns, opens his eyes* "...Elise?" elise: you passed out. Mori: "...Oh. I didn't keep up on food...or sleep..." -elsewhere- Poe: "..." *flipping through envelopes* *They are yellowed with age* henry: hmm? Poe: "I can't believe Mother didn't throw out my inane writing." henry: well, mothers do like to keep the things their children made. i mean, we have a whole box full of emilia's drawings, haha. Poe: T_T "Emilia's drawings don't show a heart shattered by the torment of rejection." henry: .... *awkward back pat* Poe: *hug* henry: you're doing alright. Poe: *sniff* rowena: *hug* Poe: TT____TT -elsewhere- Akitaru: "..." *looks at a photograph, from a Halloween long ago* miwa: hm? Akitaru: "...Sorry. Was looking at family photos." miwa: it's all good. Akitaru: *puts it down* "...We had some post-Halloween clean-up. Some Jack O'Lanterns got out of control." miwa: i know that feeling. Akitaru: "...We can grab lunch on the way back." miwa: sounds good. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *holding a plate in his mouth, with medicine and a glass of water on it* louisa: *pets and takes the plate* here you go, lord francis. Mr. Tsubaki: ^W^ Fitzgerald: "Thank you..." T~T *takes the medicine* "Tell me, have you re-scheduled meetings?" louisa: yes, sir. Fitzgerald: "Very good." *sips his water* "...When I return to work, I have something to fix." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *stares at a candy bar* "..." naoya: you hungry? Akutagawa: "..." *nod nod* naoya: *hands it to him* here ya go. Akutagawa: "...Thank you." *opens it...* *nom* "...!!!" naoya:....*glances at the wrapper* -choco con carne; hot and spicy choco- Akutagawa: Q~Q "Wh-What is th-this do-doing to my tongue?!" -elsewhere- Mr. Uraraka: "Welcome home, sweetie." ochako: im back! yuu uraraka: *throws confetti* welcome back. trixie: *licks her hand* ochako: ^^ Mr. Uraraka: "We got you some cake. And ice cream." mrs uraraka: and pizza pancakes! ochako: awesome saaauce! -elsewhere- Patty: *lays out a map* liz: hmm? Patty: *takes out a red marker, and draws a path* liz: *watching* Patty: "AND THERE IT IS!" liz: ah. *The map now has a Santa drawing on it* liz:....oh my god. Patty: "And that is the path Santa will take to deliver here!" *circle Death City* -elsewhere- Kid: *sorting papers* shiori: kid! Kid: ^^ *waves* "Hi, Shiori!" shiori: hehehe ^^ Kid: *sets down his papers, picks her up* shiori: ^o^ Kid: "Hee hee...Want to play?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *holds up a tie with piano keys on it* atsushi: um...thanks? Dazai: "You're welcome! It's real fancy!" *taps the keys--and they start playing "Eye of the Tiger"* atsushi:.... odasaku: i have no words. Dazai: ^W^ -elsewhere- Shamrock: *packing a suitcase* lavender: going on a trip? Shamrock: "Not quite...Just...in case." naho: boooo. Shamrock: "!!! I-I just mean we don't know what happens next. What if we can't stay here?" tsubaki: .... Shamrock: "...What C3 is capable of, or whatever else happens...I just want to be ready." tsubaki:....it's going to be ok. i promise. Shamrock: "..." {Mr. Tsubaki: "Follow me, and I will never abandon you."} Shamrock: "...I have heard promises before..." *takes the suitcase--and empties it onto his bed* tsubaki: .... Shamrock: *sad smile* "I guess I'm still believing promises..." -hug- tsubaki: .......*shaking slightly* Shamrock: X\\\\o "..." *pats her back* "It's okay..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "...Two of those donuts, please." clerk: coming right up. kenji: ^^ Kyoka: "...Are you going to put more plants in the office?" -elsewhere- Stein: *packing his suitcase* marie: do your best, ok? Stein: "I'm going to try...but not looking forward to who I'll run into." -elsewhere- *Weird squeaking noises are heard stepping along the floor of Gallows Mansion* stocking: huh? kid? kid wake up. Kid: *groans* "H-Huh?" *squeak squeak squeak* stocking: do you hear that? Kid: "...Yes...It's like a floorboard--only I checked every floorboard this afternoon--twice." *squeak squeak squeak squeak* Kid: "..." *takes his robe* stocking: *has her sword out* Kid: "..." *throws open the door* "AH!" stocking: ?! ???: "EEEEK!" *falls back--and a bowl of milk and cereal smashes into Kid's face* Kid: "Ugh!" *squeak squeak--* stocking: what the heck?! *turns on hall light* *something soft and cloth is flipped into Stocking's hands--a slipper in the shape of a giraffe's head* Patty: *collapsed on the floor, in her pajamas, missing a slipper* "Owie...What the hell, guys?!" stocking: patti? are you sleep walking? Patty: *stamps her slipper onto the floor--which lets out an animal squeak* "I was getting a midnight breakfast snack!" stocking: oh. ^^; oops. sorry. Kid: *doused in milk and cereal* "...What have I said about wearing the squeaky giraffe slippers?" Patty: "...To wear them?" Kid: "I SAID THE OPPOSITE!" -elsewhere- Hibana: "..." *standing on the balcony, looking at the stars* mikami: are you still awake, commander? Hibana: "Oh, just wrapping up perimeter review. Can't sleep either, soldier?" mikami: not really. Hibana: "...Nightmare?" mikami:...........akami....i know it was her....at the workshop.... Hibana: "...You're sure that's who you saw?" mikami:...*she nods* there was no doubt....it was her. Hibana: "...With the Hoods? Or that smiley guy?" mikami:....with that man....joker... {mikami: akami! come with us!} {scarlet: i....its not that simple....please...just forget seeing me here.} {mikami: AKAMI! PLEASE!} {scarlet: STOP CALLING ME THAT!} mikami: ..... *trembling* Hibana: "..." *rests a hand on her shoulder* "...Did she know him before? Had you seen him before?" mikami: i....i dont know.....i think...i saw him....at the newbie tournament....but... Hibana: "...Yes, Shinra had mentioned him there..." ("And enough other people were there, too...Burns...Victor...) "...Do you have any idea where your sister may be?" mikami:...i-i dont know....*sniff* why is she with him? Hibana: "...This joker seems to attract certain people...and from what Shinra has shared, he is a wild card. Maybe your sister wanted to fight the Hoods, just not with a Fire Brigade......Like outcasts." mikami:....i know akami is a good person...even if she makes mistakes...*touching her scar...* Hibana: "...Then you have to hope you can reach her..." ("...That scar...but on Iris...") mikami:...*nods* Hibana: "..." *hug* mikami:.....t-thank you. Hibana: "Any time." *pat pat* "Now, my order--you get some tea and milk." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *walks through his apartment's hall* scarlet:.... Chuuya: "Oh...Good evening." scarlet:...you too. Chuuya: "..." *puts bucket under ice machine* "...Quiet out." scarlet: yeah. hard to believe it's already november. Chuuya: "No kidding...You do anything for Halloween?" scarlet:....got drunk with some acquaintances. Chuuya: "Heh...I would've done the same, before Sonia. Have fun?" scarlet: eh. Chuuya: "Hmm...Well, if neighbors and I share a drink around here, I hope you'll join us." scarlet: depends on if work will let me. Chuuya: *nods* "I understand. Unpredictable work hours?" scarlet:...you could say that. Chuuya: *nods* "...Well, just let me know your favorite alcohol. I'm sure we can get it." scarlet: i appreciate the offer. Chuuya: *finishes filling up the ice bucket* "Well, that's it for me. Have a good night." scarlet: night..... Chuuya: *walks back to his apartment* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and the lemons must be tended to like a parent would for a child." ayako: *taking notes and nods* hmm. hmm. Motojiro: "Lemons are perfection. They are the right color, the right shape...All the world should aspire to reach the color, yellow shape of God's privileged fruit. It was the lemon in the Garden of Eden that Eve ate." higuchi:.....*facepalm* -early morning- Black Star: *snore* {???:...... *standing in the middle of the fog*} {Black Star: "...What is this?"} {-the figure stares at him-} {Black Star: "...Who are you?"} {white*star:....} {Black Star: "!!!! O-Old man?"} {white*star:.....*grins, bearing sharp teeth*} {Black Star: *assumes fighting pose* "Back off! You're dead!"} -THUD- Black Star: "...Ow." otogiri: rough night? Black Star: =____= "More or less..." *yawns* "I need some tea..." -elsewhere- hitoshi: *on a bridge* ..... Izuku: *jogging...and spots him* O~O hitoshi: hey. Izuku: *opens his mouth--* "..." *waves* hitoshi: relax, kid, im not gonna do anything to you. Izuku: *sighs of relief* "S-Sorry...Just, you know--fool me once..." hitoshi: ...cant say i blame you. Izuku: "...How have you been?" hitoshi:....alright. stayed at home during the dance watching halloween specials with ashe. Izuku: ^^ "Oh! Well, Halloween specials are fun. But...who is Ashe?" hitoshi: my cat. Izuku: "Ah. That's nice...How old is your cat?" hitoshi: 4 years old. Izuku: "Neat! I didn't think you were a cat lover. Like Mr. Aizawa?" hitoshi: i guess....that bioeni kid mentioned it. Izuku: "You two get along?" hitoshi:....i guess. he seems like a pretty alright guy. Izuku: *nod nod* "I've had him over for dinner....Maybe you can join us?" hitoshi:....i'll think about it...*spots someone in the distance*...shit. hey, midoriya, can you do me a solid? Izuku: "???" hitoshi: dont tell monoma i was here. *jumps off into the water below* Izuku: !!!!! "H-Hey!" *looks over the bridge* hitoshi: *swimming under it* Monoma: "Oh, Midoriya. What're you doing here?" Izuku: Q____Q "...N-Nothing! Just...looking at the clouds." Monoma: "...???" Izuku: *points* "That one looks like a bunny! Ha ha ha..." ^^;; Monoma: "...Okay, I see you're in good form today..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *walks into Deathbucks* "...One coffee, please." tsugumi: coming right up, sir. Todoroki: "??? Aren't you in the NOT classes?" tsugumi: *she nods* yeah. Todoroki: "Ah. So, part-time work?" *puts five dollars into the tip jar* tsugumi: *nods* i've worked here several times before. Todoroki: "Hmm. Anyone in the hero courses ever work here?" tsugumi: i think so. i think on- hagakure: fancy seeing you here, todoroki! Todoroki: "...Hagakure? Is that you?" hagakure: in the flesh! Todoroki: "...You like the uniform?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Ready to head out?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: *locks the apartment door, takes her hand and walks through the hall* sonia: ^^ Chuuya: *presses the button for the elevator* "I think you'll like the park. The swings look fun." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *he's wearing a white shirt...and suspenders...* naoya:....ok? Akutagawa: "I will understand my enemy by dressing as him. I also have this--" *pulls out a dress like Lucy's* naoya:....hey, i aint gonna judge. Akutagawa: "And I appreciate that about you. I just need to determine what to wear underneath." -elsewhere- Kid: *sighs* kirika: what? Kid: "Just not the best sleep--and we're out of cereal." kirika:....that sucks. Kid: "Yes. I'll be shopping for more. Any requests for you and your boyfriend?" kirika: ok number 1, mind your own goddamn business, and 2, get doritos. Kid: *smirks* "Very well. Also, he's at the window again." Gopher: *waves* kirika:..... we have a fucking door, you know. Gopher: "!!!" *runs to the door--knocks* kirika: ....you strange, strange little weirdo. -elsewhere- Hibana: "...Maybe have someone locate her sister?" gabriella: already on it. Hibana: ^^ "I knew you would. So, any leads?" -elsewhere- Mori: *whistling* miura: how did you sleep, sir? Mori: "Better than before. I think I over-exerted myself." miura: i see.... Mori: "...I had a dream, though." miura: oh? Mori: "...You were dancing." miura: me, sir? Mori: "You, Miura. Ballet, flamenco--the hustle. It was weeeeeeeird." miura:....do you need more sleep, sir? Mori: "Maybe...Do you dance?" miura: ....i probably have it somewhere in my programing. Mori: "...Can you try?" -elsewhere- Tokoyami: *tosses up an apple* dark shadow: *nice catch* Tokoyami: "Very good. You're in good practice for the next round." -elsewhere- Iida: "Good day, Momo." momo: good morning. ^^ Iida: "How are you?" momo: doing well. Iida: "That's good...Have you plans for lunch?" -elsewhere- Mifune: "..." *stares at a kunai in one of his old boxes* angela: ?? Mifune: "...A keepsake." *a star is on the kunai* angela: ooh. Mifune: *closes the box* "How about some drawing?" -elsewhere- Tuhl: "Look how big Io's getting..." saki: she sure is. io: hehe! Tuhl: *rolls a ball to Io* "How has she been with the other kids?" saki: pretty good. Tuhl: "That'll be good for her to keep playing with them...Not a lot of kappas I got to play with." saki: what about that girl, kaoli? Tuhl: *nods* "Just...You know, when you're young, there are few around, kind of what it is like for Dokeshi." saki:...*nods* (thinking: chie....) Tuhl: "Just...want her to have as normal a life as possible." Shotaro: *walks by in a hot dog outfit* Tuhl: "...as normal for us." saki:....^^; -elsewhere- Free: *scratching* eruka: hold still... *putting on the anti-tick and flea medication* Free: "I'm trying." TT~TT -elsewhere- Gopher: ^W^ "Have you seen any movies lately?" kirika: saw lights out. seen scarier. Gopher: "Well, you're brave. I-I would probably hide under the chair..." *eats a chip* "...Have you seen 'Your Name'?" kirika: nah. -elsewhere- leo: ... Ivan: "..." *scratches his cheek* leo: <how are you feeling?> Ivan: <Awkward...> leo: ....<how so?> Ivan: <Master is busy right now...I heard yelling.> leo: ... Ivan: <And not the usual yelling...Angry yelling.> leo: ....... Ivan: <I think something is getting to him...He may need relief.> leo: <perhaps tea?> Ivan: .\\\\. <...Yeah, sure, let's go with that.> -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, in the building's garden* "..." *there are eyes in the bushes, watching him* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" cat: *mreow* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *gets low to the ground, stays there* -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...Don't buy the Endeavor merchandise." yuuji: is it cause he's a dick? Aizawa: "Yes. That is the correct word. That earns you a free meal." *hands Yuuji the kids' menu* yuuji: ..... -elsewhere- Yumi: "How did it go?" lord death: *exhausted* Yumi: D: "Do you need to lie down?" lord death:....*muffled* yus. Yumi: *leads him to the bed* "Just rest...Want some water?" lord death: *nod* Yumi: *rubs his back* "I'll be right back. Get some rest." *walks to the kitchen* lord death: *takes off his cloak and mask and lays on the bed* ah... Yumi: *returns with water* "..." *shuts the door* lord death: thanks. =u= Yumi: *sits by his side, hands him the glass* *smiles* "You're welcome, handsome." lord death: ..... u///w///u Yumi: "..." *lays down beside him* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *walking out of Deathbucks* ochako: hey todoroki! Todoroki: "Oh. Hello." *waves* "...How are you?" ochako: doing good. you? Todoroki: "Fine...You look more healed now." ochako: yeah, im doing better now. ^^ Todoroki: "That's good...I'm sorry we won't be battling in the tournament." ochako: i guess, but there's always next time, right? ^^ Todoroki: "..." *nods* "...Running tasks right now?" -elsewhere- Izuku: "--and it turns out he has a cat, so that has to mean he's an okay guy, right?" inko: perhaps. *smiles* Izuku: "..." *nervous smile* -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: =w= Kid: *rubs her back lightly* "Love you." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Play well, okay?" sonia: *nervous* Chuuya: "..." *pats her back* "I'll be right here. Just try for five minutes, okay?" sonia:....*gingerly walks over* Chuuya: *sits on a bench, watches* Child #1: "Hee hee..." sonia:... *looking around* ..... *There's a slide, a jungle gym, swings, a merry-go-round...* Child #2: "Over here!" *A ball rolls over to Sonia* sonia: *looking at it* ?? Child #2: "Toss the ball back!" *waves* sonia: ??....*toss* Child #2: *catches it* "Hee hee--thanks! Hey, want to play?" sonia:... *looks over at chuuya* Chuuya: *smiles, gestures for her to go ahead* sonia: o-ok. Child #2: "Super! I'm Juan." *holds out his hand* sonia:....sonia. Juan: "Cool." *bounces the ball on the ground over to her* -elsewhere- Dazai: *staaaaaaare* atsushi:... ??? Dazai: *looks at both sides of his head* "...Maybe a haircut." atsushi: *points to himself* ???? Dazai: *nods* "It could be a bit more symmetrical..." atsushi: maybe? *looks in the mirror* it's been like this for a while now. the other orphan kids cut it as a joke, and i just let it grown in as is. *looks at his streak* Dazai: "...Well, you get to decide what you want to do--and I promise, no one is going to cut your hair against your will." *pat pat* atsushi: thanks.... i dont really have a problem with it, but i'll keep it in mind. Dazai: ^w^ "Now, let's talk smelling good--" *holds up a basket of shampoo, cologne, and lotion* -underground- keek:........... Ivan: "..." *whispers* <She's still quiet.> pushkin: <guess it's the legs, still.> Ivan: <Hmm...Well, it was Master's will.> pushkin: <pretty harsh, gon.> RHOD member: <jeez, this is just depressing to look at.> RHOD member 2: <it's like 'grave of the fireflies' level depressing.> Ivan: <But Master wants her alive, so we can't just kill her.> pushkin: <do we just leave her in her room then?> Ivan: <We could take her out of her room--maybe do what kids her age do...> pushkin: ??? Ivan: <They use the media of society? Or...um...hula hoops and roller skates?> RHOD member: <i think the skates are out of the question.> Ivan: <What about on her--> RHOD member 3: <dude. no.> Ivan: >_< <I'm just being helpful!> leo: ... Ivan: <What do you think, Lev?> leo: <im not sure. perhaps give her a skateboard to ride on?> Ivan: <We shall do so!> katya: <works for me.> *shrug* FD: <What are we discussing?> katya: <miss no-legs.> FD: <Ah. Does she need punishment?> katya: <she's just being mopey. as usual. these hostages are so lame that i wanna barf.> pushkin: <kiiiillljoooys> XP FD: <Then cheer up our guest.> *holds up a party hat and a bag of confetti* katya: *rolls eyes and throws the hat at keek* BE HAPPY YOU LITTLE SHIT! keek:.... FD: <...Try the confetti.> -elsewhere- Gin: *shudders* naoya: *hands her a coat* Gin: "Thanks..." *puts it on* "Didn't anticipate the temperature today." naoya: that time of the year. Gin: "Yes...when the cold gets down to your bones." naoya: mmhmm. Gin: "...We didn't have a lot of warm clothes when I was a kid. Or blankets." naoya: ... Gin: "...I think soup would be good." -elsewhere- Gopher: QWQ inori: ?? Gopher: "Just overwhelmed with emotions..." inori: ah. Gopher: *hugs his pillow* >w< inori: you appear to be in a good mood. Gopher: "...Things just feel better. Love. Family..." *holds onto the pillow...cries* inori:..... *pat pat* eibon: my child? Gopher: "Y-Yes?" eibon: are you alright? *soft smile* Gopher: Y-Yes. Thank you. I'm just...not used to feeling like this...It-It often follows with something bad..." eibon *hug* it will be alright, i promise. Gopher: "...Th-Thank you..." *hug* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Life is suffering, Q." Q: are you having your angsty moods again? i mean, i agree 100%, but are you? Akutagawa: "I am always angsty. I _am_ angst." Q: ...cool. Akutagawa: "...My angst wants pudding." higuchi: i'll...go get some. Akutagawa: "Thank you..." TT_TT -elsewhere- Vulcan: *flipping through a calendar* "...Time flies. Hard to believe I've been staying here this long..." karin: yeah. Vulcan: "...It's not terrible. This place lacks a scrapyard, though. And animals. And... ..." *looks down* karin:.....*pats his back* Vulcan: "Th-Thanks..." *sniff* "I can't imagine what she's going through." karin: we'll find her, and we'll bring her home, alright? Vulcan: "...Right." *fist jab* -elsewhere- lisa: ...... Giovanni: "...What is it, Feeler?" lisa:...nothing. guruna: i think she's lyyyying. Giovanni: "..." *stares at Lisa* "Are you, Feeler? Are you lying?" lisa:........ Giovanni: "Silence can be a lie as well. Guruna..." lisa: i guess guruna's very honest, since she never shuts up. Giovanni: "...She is talkative. But not necessarily truthful. Now, I ask you again...What. Are you. Thinking?" -elsewhere- keek:........... Shousaku: "...Yo." keek:......*acknowledging nod* Shousaku: "...Top you off?" *holds up a 2-liter of cola* keek:....*nod* Shousaku: *pours into her cup* "...So...You like soda?" keek:...*quietly* i guess.... Shousaku: "...Like cola, or maybe ginger ale?" keek:....i guess..... Shousaku: "...You play games?" keek:....i guess...... -she sounds almost dead...- Shousaku: "...I snuck this in..." *holds up a 3DS* keek:....... Shousaku: "...I play this all the time...You like Mario Kart?" keek:...... Shousaku: "...Or maybe you want to play some Smash?" keek:.............am i going to die here? Shousaku: "...I...don't know." keek:....*trembling* Shousaku: "!!! Hey! Don't think about that...Think about right now." keek:......*sniff* Shousaku: "Just...think about today. Right now...Talk to me." keek:....i miss my mom.... Shousaku: "...She lives around here?" keek:....i dont know where _here_ is. i dont even know if we're even still in death city.... Shousaku: "...Yeah. I hear the people in charge talk about going into the city...but I don't know how far we are." keek: ........i dont know what i did to deserve this.... Shousaku: "...I doubt you did anything to deserve...anything like this." keek:....*whimper* Shousaku: "..." *sets down his 3DS and cup--and hugs her* keek: ?! Shousaku: "...You look like you needed a hug." keek:....*sniffles and whimpers, holding onto him* Shousaku: "...It's okay. Just...think about right now." keek: *cries* Shousaku: "..." *holds on...rubs her back lightly* keek: *trembling* Shousaku: "..." ("What was it they sang...?") *hums* keek: *sniff* Shousaku: "..." ("How the hell do I get out of here?") -elsewhere- lana: edgar? are you ok? Poe: Q___Q "...The minutes..." lana: ?? -she peeks into his study- Poe: *staring into a mirror* lana: everything ok? Poe: "They turn into hours, marked by the bells, counting down how much i have aged, how much time has passed since...since..." lana: .....*holds his hand* Poe: "..." *small squeeze* "...I'm not used to this." lana: i love you, ok? dont doubt that. Poe: "And I love you." lana: *smooch on the cheek* u///u Poe: Y///Y -elsewhere- Iida: "Is Bakugo still in the canal?" tsuyu: nope. he's in the nurse's office, drying off. Bakugo: "Achoo!" -elsewhere- Arthur: "Tamaki? Are you busy Thursday evening?" tamaki: nah, why? Arthur: "Hiro's family is having dinner.” tamaki: oh, cool. Arthur: *nods* "I'll bring a dessert." tamaki: sounds like fun. Arthur: *smiles* "Thanks." -elsewhere- Rin: *skipping a stone across water--that then abruptly sinks* D8 kyouko: that bites. Rin: Q__Q "It's like I'm cursed or something..." madoka: ^^; *pat pat* Rin: T___T *holds her hand* madoka: ^^ -elsewhere- michelle: ..... *looking out the window* .... Neuhaus: "..." michelle:....if they...take those spiders out of me.....am i....am i going to die? Neuhaus: "W-We'll find a way..." michelle:.... Neuhaus: "..." *offers his hand* michelle:....*weak lean* Neuhaus: *arm around her shoulder* -elsewhere- Dazai: *holding up a cat treat* mii: OwO Dazai: "...Not up for it?" mii: *kitty butt shake and pounce* Dazai: "Hee hee..." mii: >X3 Dazai: "See? That's fun..." mii: *looking around* ...so, how goes our little rat problem? Dazai: "..." *sighs* "Kunikida keeps trying to track locations and paths--but no luck." mii: hmm. any progress from katai? Dazai: "Minimal. He's been locked up in his place." mii: hmm. Dazai: "He needs time and encouragement--and that's hard when you're all closed up and, you know, your last attempt at a date went bad." mii: yikes. Dazai: "At least if he is locked away, he's our secret play." mii: *nods* Dazai: "Can you keep an eye open for what else you notice in town?" mii: already on it. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *digging behind a bush* *he holds some cloth in his mouth--but his paws then hit something* "???" *he looks down...to see metal* "???" -a time capsule?- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sets down the cloth, looks at the metal box* ("Maybe I wasn't supposed to dig this up yet?") "..." *nudging the box to find an opening* -click- Mr. Tsubaki: owo *looks inside* -there is a few items and a note- Mr. Tsubaki: *looks at the note* note: dear ###, have you become the person you wanted to be? hard to believe it's been so long since you first began working here. i wish i could see what amazing thing's you've made. keep up the good work -T J Eckleburg (of the past) Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *looks at other items* -there are a spare set of glasses, a hankie, a business card, and a photograph with a few people- Mr. Tsubaki: ("I recognize Eckleburg in the photo...Who are the others?") -also in the photo are daisy, mr buchanan...and another person.- Mr. Tsubaki: ("That...was the person in the newspapers that Eckleburg was accused of killing...Oh my.") mary: toby? where did you go? Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" *closes the lid, quickly buried the time capsule--and the cloth* mary: toby? Mr. Tsubaki: *walks up to her* mary: there you are! *picks him up* wow. you need a bath, mr. Mr. Tsubaki: -_-# -elsewhere- Yumi: "Feel better?" lord death: *nods* Yumi: "I'm glad..." *hug* lord death: *smooooch* Yumi: =\\\\= "...Smooth." *nuzzles* -elsewhere- shaula: aaaare we theeeere yeeeeeet...... Medusa: -_-; "Can you say anything else?" shaula: IM ALMOST OUTTA KUSH!! DX< Medusa: "...What the devil is 'kush'?" milia:....you wanna tell her, or should i? shaula: nah. keep it a secret. neian: kushy! shaula: *laughing her ass off* neian:.. ??? Medusa: ._.; "...I'm so confused." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "How was it?" sonia:...it was nice. they seemed nice. Chuuya: "Thank you for trying." *smiles* sonia: i was scared at first. Chuuya: "...That's normal. I'm still scared meeting new people." sonia: really, papa? Chuuya: *smiles* "Really-really. So I had to learn how to have the courage to face that fear." sonia:....*small squeeze of his hand* Chuuya: *holds her hand* "How about we get some ice cream?" sonia:...ok Chuuya: *walks with her* "...And you're good at playing ball." sonia:....thanks. the other kids showed me how. Chuuya: "You're a fast learner." sonia: ...there werent any other kids underground. Chuuya: "...I know. And you're not there now." sonia:....my neck itches sometimes. Chuuya: "...Why your neck?" sonia:...i dunno. -elsewhere- Joker: *puts out his cigarette* "Any update on the 8th's moves?" ivy: nothing yet. Joker: *slides a phone* "Call Victor." ivy: *dialing the number* -At the 8th- Victor's phone: *ringtone* "--I just met you / And this is crazy!" nozomi: mr victor? your phone is ringing! Victor: "!!! DON'T ANSWER IT!" nozomi: ?? um...ok. ._.; Victor: *answers* "Hello?" ivy: hey dingus, what's the hold up?! Victor: owo; "I-I promise, you'll get it soon...Mama." ivy: WHAT THE FUCK?!?! O_O Victor: "I know, I know--I've just been busy! Sorry I haven't called!" *nervous laugh as he glances at Nozomi* nozomi:.. ^^; *exits* Victor: *nervous smile--then a sigh of relief* "Okay." ivy: *throws the phone at joker* Joker: *hit in the head* "..." *calmly takes the phone* "So, any leads?" Victor: "Still waiting for the last bit of intelligence before going underground." Joker: "...What did you say to Ivy?" Victor: "...'I understand, thanks for calling, Mama.'" Joker: "..." *loud cackling* ivy: i will kill you both in your SLEEP! Victor: owo; "...I love you too, Mama. Thanks for checking in." Joker: *louder cackling* ivy: -_-# scarlet: *walking in* Joker: *hands the phone to Scarlet* scarlet: i take it you're bringing miss fake idol with you as well? Victor: "Unfortunately. Can't get out of that--" Takehisa: *walks in, picking up trash* Victor: "!!! --Daddy." scarlet:....................................................................................... Joker: *shaking, covering his mouth* Takehisa: "...You're not being paid for personal calls, Licht. Get off the phone." scarlet:.................................... Victor: *nod nod* "I-I have to get going. Tell Mama I love her." scarlet:....*hangs up* ....................urgk- Victor: *sweating* owo;;;;; Takehisa: "...This is why family conversations should not happen at work." Joker: "HA HA HA HA! You and Ivy are his Mommy and Daddy!" scarlet:....please do kill him. ivy: agreed. Joker: *cackling* "Oh, man...So, you two going to make it official?" scarlet + ivy:........ *DOUBLE PUNCH* Joker: XWX scarlet: *sigh* Joker: "...Something bothering you?" ivy: does this mean you've given up pursuing her- scarlet: IVY. DO NOT. Joker: "???" scarlet: IGNORE HER! Joker: *back on his feet with two black eyes* "Hard to--she's very loud." ivy:......im confused. im gonna go outside for a smoke. brb. Joker: "...Scarlet?" scarlet: what? -_-; Joker: "...Talk to me." scarlet: i am, arent i? Joker: "...I know you're sad. And upset." scarlet:......do you need to lay down? Joker: "...No. I'm worried about you." scarlet:...ivy, call the hospital, i think we gave him brain damage. Joker: *his hand takes hers* scarlet: ?! O_O; Joker: "The worst feeling...is to be separated from your family." scarlet: please stop this, you're legitimately freaking me out right now. Joker: "It's okay...You'll be reunited with her. We can help..." scarlet:....*teary eyed* why do you even care? Joker: "...Because we've all lost something here, that we would give anything to get back. And until we can retrieve it...I hope you can consider this location to be your home." scarlet: ...... Joker: "..." *lets go of her hand* "I'll get some ice for these and lie down..." scarlet: ......*sigh* Joker: "..." *opens the freezer, pulls out two ice-packs, and heads off to his room* -elsewhere- Iida: "I'll have some tea, please." waitress: coming on up, sir. momo: ... .-.;; Iida: ^\\\^ "Thank you for recommending this location." momo: of course. ^^ Iida: "...Have you made plans for the New Year? I know it's early..." -elsewhere- Patty: Q____Q "...My shirt..." roxanne: what happened? Patty: *holds up her shirt from the laundry basket--it has fabric cut out of it* roxanne: oh my goodness! Patty: "WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING?!" riley: ?? Kid: "Look at these cute cloth dolls--" *spots the shirt* owo;;;; Patty: *murder face* stocking: what the heck? Kid: "I didn't do it!" Patty: "YOU OWE ME A SHIRT!" -elsewhere- Izuku: *waves* eijiro: hey! whats up? Izuku: "N-Not much...How have you been since the last round of the competition?" eijiro: been doing good. i made it into the next round! Izuku: "Hey, maybe we'll face off!" eijiro: who knows. Izuku: "Y-Yeah, true...Good luck." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *tending to a plant* himawari:...*small smile* Shamrock: *sets the pot down* "Maggie is doing well." himawari: *nod* Shamrock: "Good work. The garden looks really happy because of your work." himawari: im glad...*a small vine crawls up her arm and she smiles* Shamrock: X_O "..." *blink* himawari:...?? is something wrong? Shamrock: "N-Nothing. Just surprised at the vine." himawari: oh. hehe. Shamrock: X_^; "Glad you are happy." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Thanks for that info..." mii: *mreeeow* Dazai: ^W^ *pet pet* mii: -w- Dazai: "Let me know if you hear anything else." mii: mreeeow. -elsewhere- Belkia: *juggling* "...We should take a trip." naho: to where? Belkia: "NEW ORLEANS!" naho: neato! Black Star: -_-; "And get followed by C3?" naho:....*pout* Sakuya: "...We could try disguises--" Belkia: *shoves Sakuya into his over-sized hat, into another dimension* naho: D8 BELBEL! Belkia: *holds up his fingers...* "Five, four, three--" *reaches into the hat--and pulls out Sakuya...who is now in a bunny girl outfit* Sakuya: o\\\\\\\o Belkia: "See? A disguise!" Black Star: "..." *facepalm* naho: o////o Sakuya: *trying to cover himself* "I'm going to kill you, you stupid third-rate magician!" Belkia: "I'm not third-rate!" -elsewhere-
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