#if ur wondering what I mean this is literally nicknamed the suicide disease because people would rather die
padawansuggest · 11 months
Guys someone praise me I’m on the very tail end of a trigeminal neuralgia flare up (four fucking days straight I didn’t sleep more than a few hours the whole time it was that bad and my fare ups happen across the entire right side of my face not just long one section of it) and I didn’t 1: plan my will once, 2: seriously consider offing myself 3: I only scratched myself up a few times to think of something else and 4: I am here today knowing that it’s the tail end because I was able to sleep half of today in large chunks at a time because the pain is getting less and less the longer today goes on.
I made it this far. This is possibly one of the worst flare ups I’ve had for TN, it’s by far something I never want to happen again. Something I will do anything not to feel again. Anyways, celebrating with some ramen and maybe another nap.
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