#if we did it next year we would share an anniversary (cute) but our fave venue is booked UP for 2025
freddieandersen · 5 months
is it weird to get married the day before your parents’ anniversary
ok now what if your parents’ birthdays are a few days either side of that date
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whatanerdgirlsays · 6 years
WonderCon weekend has officially closed and while I’m totally exhausted and my feet still hurt and I’m probably still a little dehydrated and I may feel a con cold coming on, I’m sad that its over. I count down the minutes to the con each year and I always have a blast and I’m sad to see it end for 2018. This year was a good one though, full of both familiar and new experiences.
Friday was a short day for me. I ended up having to work in the morning so we didn’t get to WonderCon until about 230 pm, but Fridays are usually slow so it worked out nicely. We figured out a way to park nearby and take Lyfts in, instead of having to deal with the INSANE parking that apparently people had to go through. We did that all weekend and found that to be WAY  less of a hassle and WAY worth the money we paid (which was basically next to nothing because we parked so close). We were also doing Week of Logic last week, which is a week long celebration for the anniversary of one of my favorite breweries (which is NERD themed), Bottle Logic.
 Friday ended up being SUCH a fun day, even though we only had a few hours there to stay but we made it totally worth it. I really wanted to meet both EK Johnston (author of many novels, but in this case, author of the novel, Ahsoka) and Ashley Eckstein, who does the voice acting for Ahsoka in Clone Wars, Rebels and much more. They were only signing on the Friday and I’ve met them both before, but I wanted to try and snag a paperback cover of Ahsoka in order to do a giveaway soon (so keep an eye out!).
They were SO nice to meet again. Ashley actually recognized me, which was nice, since I’ve done my best to try and meet her every year at WonderCon for the past couple of years. My boyfriend, Daniel, gave her a compliment on her audiobook reading of Ahsoka and I think she really appreciated that; she said she was avoiding it since she felt like she did an awful job at the voices for Darth Maul and Bail Organa haha.
We ended up staying in the autograph area immediately after since an author Daniel really likes,  Patrick Rothfuss, was signing as well. He was a super cool guy and I even snagged a copy of his first book for my friend, Alyssa, who is a big fan and could not go. I love watching my boyfriend meet people he admires, especially since he doesn’t get to do so often and he really only started to once he started dating me haha. I’ve met a lot of people so its fun to see someone else do it, especially someone who isn’t so used to meeting famous people.  I definitely enjoyed that.
Mostly on Friday, we wandered Artist Alley, where I get the most in trouble with my wallet. I love seeing all the artwork and I always have a couple goals when looking for art. Last year it was Mei from Overwatch and any Hamilton art, and this year I was all about Wonder Woman and Ahsoka!
Saturday, we ended up in SO many panels, which I super loved because that almost never happens for me. I always end up spending so much time on the con floor that I barely make any panels, but not on Saturday and that was so great!
We went to a panel called the Science of Pacific Rim, with the host Kyle Hill, who works for Nerdist, amongst other things, to discuss the science-y stuff behind the cult movie, Pacific Rim. This just so happens to be Daniel’s favorite movie and the panel was SO much fun. I’ve only seen the movie once but honestly it was a bunch of science nerds, geeking out and discussing the finer points of a movie and I LOVE and LIVE for that stuff. Truly it was such a fun panel and I would’ve never thought to go to it if it hadn’t been for Daniel.
That night, we ended up in three back-to-back fantastic panels. One of them we stumbled to on accident, waiting for the panel after it. It was about Latinx in Comics, and had three woman who run the podcast Comadres y Comics (which I’ve now started listening to and LOVE) and an author Sebastian Kadlecik, who wrote the comic Quince, about a girl who gets super powers at her quinceanera. It was such a fun panel and I’m so glad we got to the room early for the following panel because I would have missed out. I’m sad I didn’t get a picture but it was nice to see woman who look like me, talking about comics and stories like that. One of them even owns a comic book store in Santa Monica with her husband and that’s just the coolest.
We also did the Dark Side of Women, a panel that talked about exploring the darker side of women in fiction, which was incredibly enjoyable and incredibly inspiring. I’m not really nice to my characters and its nice to know that I am most definitely not the only one. We also ended up randomly in a Dungeons and Dragons panel as well. Daniel is HUGE fan and has been playing for a few years now and dedicates a lot of time and energy into it and he’s even gotten me to play and I actually ended up liking it a lot. I love to watch more than anything and get inspired for my own world building and story telling but I truly love playing too. Its really a chance for adults to play make believe and the panel was full of people who’ve been playing for decades and had a lot of cool advice and experienced insight to share, even for someone who has been playing for a bit, like Daniel.
Sunday, I think, was my favorite day though and I may be a little biased when I say so. I was lucky enough to be a moderator at my very first WonderCon panel ever and it was basically a dream come true. WonderCon is my favorite convention and its been a bucket list item for quite some time to be on panel and my dear friend, Alexandra Monir, asked me to moderate the Women Writers in YA Science Fiction and Fantasy panel with Alexandra, along with Robyn Schneider, Kiersten White and Livia Blackburne. Its a subject that is SO near and dear to my heart and it didn’t take me more than a few seconds to say YES.
I was definitely nervous for it, especially when I discovered our panel was in such a BIG room, but the turn out was so great, and the authors were amazing. I felt confident up there and we had great discussions about being women in male-dominated genres and being aware of our own personal brand of feminism in writing and so much more. It felt awesome to be up there and I couldn’t have asked for better authors, a better audience or a better time. It was SUCH a great experience for sure.
All in all, it was another banner year at WonderCon and I’m sad to see it go once more. I always have such a great time, meet great people, see friends I haven’t seen in a long time, and buy too much fan art…if that is even such a thing. This year was even better than usual; I got to discover new podcasts and cross a bucket list item off the list. I am always counting down the days until the next year because, again, I always have such a great time. I can’t wait for next year!
I was in a search for some good Wonder Woman fan art and I saw a lot of it but this is the one that honestly made me the happiest and I had to get it. Irene also had a ton of awesome buttons and some other fabulous fan art as well and you can check her out as beanclam on instagram.
I bought a ton of Hamilton fan art from a sunnydisposish last year and I knew I needed this fan art in my life, especially after Kelly Marie Tran, who plays Rose in The Last Jedi, shared it on International Womens Day!
I had been looking EVERYWHERE for Ahsoka art work and I found a few but none that really jumped out or spoke to me until suddenly, out of nowhere, I spotted this one from Albert Nguyen (albertnguyenart) and immediately purchased it without a second thought. I love Ahsoka and Sabine and was immediately sold on this artwork.
I knew the moment I saw Chrissie Zullo’s booth that I was going to get something from her, it was just so hard to decide. She had an excellent Wonder Woman art piece (which she actually uses as her business card, so I have that in my clear phone case now haha) and an incredibly Leia one as well but I’m a sucker for snow bunny aka Hoth Leia and got my hands on this one. Make sure to follow her on her instagram here.
FREAKING LUNAR CHRONICLES FAN ART! CINDER, SCARLET, CRESS, WINTER AND IKO! I told myself that I was cut off from buying more fan art but how often do you see YA fan art at a con? I had to buy them. HAD TO! Follow the artist here and beg her to do more YA fan art because I’m truly in love.
I didn’t even realize Karen Hallion was going to be at WonderCon again and so I was pleasantly surprised to see her, and I immediately got my hands on her calendar, because I’m totally super in love with her original character. She’s well known for doing her Disney-Doctor Who crossovers but she honestly is my fave in fan art and always draws ALL the badass ladies in fiction.
My last little guilty pleasure purchase is from a vendor called Pixel That. I saw them last year on the last day, after my wallet was tapped out so I was determined to get something from them this year. I definitely want to buy more of them because they’re cute, sassy and insanely comfortable and now they have leggings too! They said the magic words. You can follow them here.
Event Recap - WonderCon Anaheim 2018! #WonderCon #WCA2018 @wondercon WonderCon weekend has officially closed and while I'm totally exhausted and my feet still hurt and I'm probably still a little dehydrated and I may feel a con cold coming on, I'm sad that its over.
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sk-asx · 8 years
i really loved sam as a boyfriend! that was SO GOOD i just died inside. can you please write a fanfic where sam falls in love with an international fan when he met her at one of the concerts and theyre the same age and everything? THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤
thank you so much! and thanks everyone else!! Now i would like to apologize for how long this is… idk what got over me. I hope everyone enjoys! The next request is in the works~ 
im glad I met u (Part1/5)
You graduated high school a bit ago and things have been working out smoothly for you. Your parents decided to let you go Korea University for the summer program. You were ecstatic and started organizing your plans. You would be staying with another transfer student who you happen to know from online, so you won’t have to worry about that. Your parents provided you with money, but you decided that you would do some english tutoring on the side. 
Now you really liked kpop, like who doesn’t? You were sooo hype that you’ll be able to attend shows and fansigns. Sam Kim was a special one though. It would be an understatement to simply call him your fave. But it’s not like your were obsessed with him in an unhealthy way. You just really appreciated his music and all the intricate skills. And yes, okay, it didn’t hurt that he was extremely good looking. Summer time was the best time for outdoor events, especially for acoustics, so you’ll have plenty of times to see him. You would leave for South Korea in the morning. That night you had blissful dreams about adventures to come. 
After 2 weeks, you got used to your schedule and how things worked.  It was time for you to to attend a performance. Sam was doing a set for some sort of anniversary for a brand. When you arrived the seating area was pack so you decided to sit under a tree in the back. You had a wide scope view of everything, it wasn’t too bad, plus you got some shade. It was a local area so people were walking by going about their daily lives. 
Few minutes later you heard fangirl screams, you stood up in excitement while cheering as Sam walked on stage. You couldn’t help but smile. He looked so adorable! He smiled sheepishly to the fans reaction. He introduced himself with the usual, “Hello, I’m 20 years old Sam Kim, from Seattle. Nice to meet you.” And of course somewhere in there he apologizes for his “bad” korean. Yours isn’t too well either but you can understand most of it. 
He starts off with ‘No Sense’. Everyone is singing along and doing the fanchants. People stop to watch and listen. It’s a nice experience for you. You embrace the music, the people, the environment, and Sam. He continues to play other songs, you watch as he plays his guitar so passionately. As he sings it’s strong, yet gentle. And even if he slips up once in awhile, he smiles and keeps on at it. A true musician, performing with all his heart. 
For his last song he plays “Think About ‘Chu”. It’s one of your favorites, you’re listening and jamming. During that last verse..
“And every single time that would happened, we would listen to this song 
look into each other’s eyes and smile 
the memory makes me feel our love again”
 ..you could swear he was looking in your direction. But you couldn’t tell exactly. When he finished he said his goodbyes; him and his band walked off stage. 
As you were walking, you thought to yourself, ‘Did he really look at me? There’s no way!’. When you arrived at your apartment you told your roommate everything. The both of you squealed together and thought about different scenarios. What would you even say to him if, when, you met him in person? Would you keep your cool or freak out? You thought about his gorgeous smile and fluffy hair, his voice and his guitar playing. You realized your cheeks were killing you, You’ve never smile this much before! Lucky for you, you were going to head down to Busan that weekend for an Antenna Angels concert. 
You take the KTX to Busan. “Train to Busan” you think. You laugh out loud a bit for that stupid little pun. You put your earbuds in and listen to the latest kpop songs on your ride there. The weather is lovely, not too hot and not too cold. You felt such elation and simply couldn’t wait. You loved all of the members of Antenna Angels. They have such diverse skills and when they come together it’s like magic. Once you arrived at the concert only a couple people were there. You picked a decent spot in the front section. You recognized some of the fansite masters there and greeted them. Everyone was really nice and the vibe was chill. 
After a hour and a half seats began to fill up and the crowd was buzzing. The MC asked if we were ready and called them out. They came on stage and waved and smiled at the cheers. You made eye contact with Sam for just a second. ‘Probably a fluke,’ you thought. But you were excited to be there and couldn’t wait to see them perform. They did some songs together, some duos, some english covers, some solos, and a little dance here and there. Everyone was filled with glee. Different types of people in the audience you noticed. Guy, girl; young, old; Korean, foreign. Music brought everyone together. The energy just rushed through your body. 
Sam started playing “Touch My Body”, one of your favorites for sure. The lyrics made the girls swoon. His voice was just perfect. Then his rap verse comes, which you absolutely love. 
“You burn me up
i like you so much that i hate you
you know sometimes i go crazy because of you, you the best
when i -oh-oh- see you in a hoodie -oh-oh-  i get dizzy
I wanna give you to the bed in my room,  i wanna give you my everything
to be honest, i want to see you
baby, you know that you’re my world
if i said that i want you, what would you say?
where you at? whatchu doing?
baby come inside” 
you were filming this through your phone, but then you realize something. You look passed your phone … he was staring directly at you. You looked to the back of you, but no, he was staring right at you. He smiled at your natural antic. There was a tingle in your stomach and all you could do was stare back at him wide eyed. He sang the next verse with such heartfelt. You have already died inside 50 times over. When they were saying their goodbyes, Sam gave you a wave, you managed to wave back. “Is this even real,” you thought. 
On your ride back to Seoul, you were overwhelmed with mixed emotions. You felt like crying because ultimately you were so happy. You told your roommate, messaged all your kpop friends, and yeah you did tear up a bit. You went to sleep the most happiest person in the world that night. Later that week, of course not forgetting a moment of your experience, you decided to walk the city and have a relaxed day. Life was good and you couldn’t complain. 
That evening you decided to visit this corner cafe spot. Not to many people about not since it was getting late. You walk in and the smell of coffee and the light music comforted you. You ordered a latte and a pastry and turned to go sit down… but then you saw him. You swear you were about to have a heart attack. Sam Kim was sitting right there, by the window, at the cafe you were at. You didn’t know what to do. It’s not like you could just walk up and say hi. You calmed down a bit and observed him. He was writing in a notebook slowly and you could tell he was thinking carefully. His brows were furrowed slightly and he spinned his pen. Most likely a new song he was working on. He was wearing a hoodie and his fair was down. He looked perfect. 
You sighed and decided to let your nerves get the best of you. You got your order and was about to go to the other side of the cafe, when all of a sudden you hear, “Hey, wait!” You turn and see Sam looking at you he waves and says, “Come sit here!” You come out of your shock and go over. You say, “It’s nice to meet you.” as you sit down. “I saw you at the event the other week, i was happy to see you at the concert,” he said smiling. Your heart was melting. You smiled back and said, “Of course! I really like your music and the other Angels.” You both chuckled. “Antenna Angels, i can’t get over how cliche i sounds,” he said. “But it’s cute!” you replied. The both of you laughed. 
The two of you talked about you coming to Korea and where you’re from, things like. He was happy to hear you both shared a lot in common. “It’s kinda weird you know,” you suddenly said. “What is?”, he asked with a very slight concerned look. “The fact that i know more about you without having to ask” you said. At this he smiled and replied, “Yeah well, i’m glad i can find out more about you though,” and at this you blushed. The both of you have similar tastes in music, humor, even food! The compatibility was there no doubt about it. He listened with care when you told him some fun things about your past and such. His eyes are focused on you only and his eye-smiles made him look even cuter. 
About two hours later of talking, you both realized it was night. Sam suggests the two of you exchange KakaoTalk ids and you happily comply. The two of you walked outside. “Hey, maybe we should meet up soon? Likes there’s a lot of places out here i haven’t been yet.. And i think it would be nice to go with you,” he asks while scratching his head. You scream a little inside. You smile and say, “That would be great! Just hit me up when you’re free.” “Awesome!” he says smiling wide. The two of you bid your goodbyes and you walk in your direction. You think about it for a sec, but you look back. He’s staring at you with those same loving eyes from the concert. You wave and he waves back, walking his way. As you hit the corner, you stop and lean against the wall comprehending everything that just happen. 
“This is real,” you whisper to yourself.  
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wasabi-duck · 8 years
reverse idol jungkook
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i always write for jungkook and yoongi but lmao i like writing for them the best so here we go…
anyway im offended nobody wants to talk about the ketchup song, i bet jungkook wouldn’t play me like that
okay so this is a reverse idol au wow
which means that you’re an idol, wow, surprise
i think for all of them it would be fun to do different kind of groups but idk for this one im going with the flow
im debating whether to make everyone in a kpop group because i mean most of us probably don’t live in korea so like…
you’re in a pop group though, we can start there!! your group isn’t like super popular, but you just released a single that topped a lot of charts and so now you’re getting a lot of positive attention and a wave of new fans!!
jungkook has been a fan from the beginning though wow surprise…
he was probably the fan that got hooked back in the predebut days (so are you kpop??) and he was the one that made shitty gifs on his moms desktop and uploaded the to the good old tumblr
from the beginning you were his fave tho like there is no denying that
you had a certain charm about you, and you always seemed so pure and innocent and you always were so open with your other members
like throughout all your mini video diary updates, you were always the one making sure everyone in the group got adequate speaking time and got to talk!!
and you’re always helping the other members when they’re struggling with a dance move or with some lyrics, like it’s so obvious that you’re the one who makes sure the rest of your members feel comfortable with what they’re doing??
yah that’s you and wow jungkook has the hots for you
just like my dad thinks winwin is hotter than flames smh
your group at this point, maybe like, you’re just coming up to your year mark??
and jungkook has been loyal all 365 days of this year and he’s like
he makes a cake??
he like makes this cake and it looks awful and later yoongi chokes on it and has to go to patient first lmao yikes
but like he gets so excited about you guys hitting your year anniversary that he bakes this cake with lots of icing and twenty times more sprinkles than that right??
and he puts like happy 1 year in really crappy writing on the top with some icing and he puts whip cream on too it looks wild to say the least
and then he puts some candles on for like the birthday of your group wow
not like i do that or anything when my bias has a birthday,,, haha,,,
okay but he uploads a picture of the cake to twitter and tags you guys or whatever idk how twitter works, im stupid
but like a lot of other fans start retweeting it or something because while comical, the gesture is really cute and sweet and kind of touching??
when did i stop saying jeongguk did i say this already
anyway jungkook gets all flushed because wow there are a lot of people talking about his cake
and guess what guys
guess what the heck what
you of all people retweet the tweet and you add a comment like “omg this is the cutest thing, thank you so much sweetheart!!”
and jungkook checks his twitter
and he just kinda
he screams and he kinda doesn’t mean to but he throws his phone and he’s shrieking and his mom comes down like boy i will beat you with a candle if you don’t shut up and his brother records his meltdown
he calls jimin and tae and the three of them scream and cry together omg like tae and jimin are the hypemen while jungkook has a come apart
he probably is one of those people that walks when he’s excited so he’s on the phone doing laps around the house and his lil puppy is trailing along all excitedly
after three hours of talking to the boys (i remember when i used to talk on the phone for three hours omg) he heads up to his room
where he promptly goes to his shrine of your group and like cries over it and hugs all three of your mini albums to his chest
he probably has like seven posters of you omg can you imagine
he would be the one to get shy when like he changes and all the posters are staring at him or something…
oh his mom probably would like come in his room all the time and if your clothes were too tight or something, his mom would cover your poster in sticky notes and jungkook would be like “mom plz you don’t understand it’s a looK”
jungkook omg also we all know my boy can draw right
he would be one of the crazy good fanartists that posts his drawings of the group (but mostly you)
and after the cake incident, his work and art gets so much more attention like he becomes a fairly popular fanartist for your group
for his birthday btw, yoongi and hoseok come together to write the worst, most cliche, cringy reader insert fanfic of you for him and he keeps it under his pillow every night
okay but also after the cake incident, you kinda sorta stalked his twitter account and you flipped out over how amazing his artwork is and all your group members crack up because you can spend hours just checking out his account and trying to somehow low key print pictures of the art
im watching a documentary in spanish yikes sorry im distracted
okay anyway your group
your group announces like a special one year anniversary meet and greet to thank the fans who have supported you guys for this time and all
jungkook is in school when he gets the notification on twitter and he loses it in class like the world is caving in around him and his teacher sent him down to the principals office because he was causing controversy
oh btw his binders at school are probably cute collages of your group thanks bye everyone
okay anyway
tbh probably tells the principal about the meet and greet
and the principal just kinda “okay…”
jungkook goes home that day and he is on cloud nine right this boy is having the time of his life like his heart has never felt lighter and he has never felt more alive in his life
he practically skips home from school (like winwin did when they played duck duck goose someone hold me)
and he bursts through the door and the smile on his face is so wide and so bright that his brother goes and gets some sunglasses
and he’s like “mom, dad, guess what! they’re having a meet and greeT”
his parents kinda exchange looks and they’re kinda !!
“well how much is it honey?”
and jungkook’s smile falters because he knows that guess what, his family doesn’t really have that kind of money right now, and the only way that he managed to get all his albums and posters was because he’s been saving up birthday and new year’s money and all
and he keeps that same smile on his face because jungkook doesn’t share his emotions and jungkook doesn’t let people know how he’s really feeling and he doesn’t want his family to know that the air has literally been stolen from his lungs
he just kinda shrugs and his voice is all quiet and he’s like “oh… it’s nothing important, i shouldn’t have mentioned it. sorry.”
he heads upstairs before he starts crying because jungkook like really got his hopes up??
and your music really speaks to him and he’s kind of developed this emotional dependence on your group and you guys never fail to make him smile and you always get him up when he’s feeling down and he just wishes that maybe he could somehow tell you all how important you are to him and how much you’ve done for him through your music and all!!
he goes upstairs and he locks himself in the room he shares with his bro and he just cries into his pillow
it’s the weekend right and that next morning he doesn’t get out of bed and he doesn’t leave his room
he won’t even open his phone up because he doesn’t wanna see everyone talking about the meet and greet he can’t go to
he’s not mad at his parents or anything, he’s just defeated like he’s loved you (guys) from before day one and now the chance to express that is slipping through his fingers
boy howdy someone is not happy with this
it’s min yoongi
he’s like i cannot not let my love,,, i cannot let this happen
like jungkook had called jimin and tae eventually and cried to them and they immediately told the other boys
and yoongi was like oh heck no my baby gets what he wants
imagine the kermit meme but with yoongi
yoongi: i gotta show the boys im cool and poised and don’t give a shit
yoongi to yoongi: buy jungkook meet and greet tickets
tbh he totally plans on doing it
like he researches it all and he figures out when they’re going on sale and that night (it’s like a week after the entire meltdown), the boys wanna go out to the karaoke bar or something
and yoongi is like i’m at work
and namjoon is like wth you’re laying on our couch
and yoongi is like “did i stutter kim namjoon do you want me to shove a hairbrush down your throat when you’re sleeping”
i just burnt my peanut butter toast and i wanna die tbh anyway
yoongi gets them, surprise!! well one for jungkook but like you get it
and he’s so proud of himself he is like i am the best in the world all hail min yoongi, king of spoiling his friends
he wants to wait to give them to jungkook but he cannot hold the excitement in so one day he just kinda heads over to jungkook’s house and traipses on in and jungkook is doing his calculus homework or something
and yoongi just shoves the ticket in his face and jungkook blinks and then he slowly realizes what’s up and he stares at yoongi then bursts into happy tears
fudge you two havent even met
okay so the day of the event jungkook probably wears a bias shirt with your name on it and he is alive okay like he brings his albums and his drawings of you to give to you because lil bun wants to like impress you??
he probably writes a note to you as well talking about how happy you make him and he’s like wait that’s creepy but jin is like no my child, no it is perfect and beautiful just like you and then he kisses jungkook’s head
the boys wait outside the event and they all have matching bomber jackets and sunglasses to be the jungkook protection squad
jungkook dies when he gets in there right
like there’s so much noise and chattering and people and he’s so uncomfortable and stressed tbh and he doesn’t feel good like he starts to panic
what if he like embarrasses himself?? what if he makes a fool of himself in front of you?? what if he like passes out or something or like gleeks oN YOU OMG
he’s like dying in line but he can’t help but keep checking you out the entire time and you are even more gorgeous in person and you aren’t even up close and personal yet…
he feels like he’s gonna die but the boys keep texting him reassuring messages and all he starts to calm down
he’s gripping everything so tight his knuckles go white
omg his turn though
he talks to all the members because you are at the end and all
and he’s like so shy and flustered but he manages to talk to them and explain how h’es been a fan from the beginning of time and he talks about all the best songs on the album and his fave choreos!! and he’s so cute and his face is all red and bright and he’s so !!!
okay i have a spanish benchmark so i should be going but
he finally gets to you and he’s like wow time to kms
he can’t even breathe like you are five inches away from him, in the living flesh, smiling like an angel and -
he kinda plops his albums down on the table and he can’t break eye contact with you to save his life and you just kinda laugh and smile wider because he’s so cute and you’re so flattered that like wow look at this cute fan??
but then he slips the drawings your way and he’s rambling on about how cool you are and how you’ve really inspired him to try new choreography and all and how he thinks you’re the most angelic person and all this other stuff
and you’re like !!
and your heart is racing because most fans are like wow you’re so attractive i love you but he’s going in depth about like you as a person and that’s so touching??
all your band mates keep glancing at you guys like suspiciously
you notice the drawings and you’re like wth is tHIS i HAVe SeeN thEsE
“you’re the birthday cake boy omg!!”
jungkook’s eyes widen and his jaw drops because you just admitted you’ve been stalking his twitter and you immediately cover your mouth with your hands and you’re like wth is this,,, i wanna die… what
jungkook just blushes and nods and smiles that cute bunny smile and your heart melts because he’s so cute and sweet and wow this isn’t very good
security isn’t feeling it though and they’re ushering you on so you quickly do like
the idol grab hands thing and you interlace your fingers and smile down at him
“im really glad i met you”
and he’s about to #die because you are like talking about meeting hIM
and you sign his albums real fast and wink before security ushers him on
but then you’re like “wait, i never got your name!”
and he just “jungkook!!”
“I hope to see you again jungkook!!”
you wave and he’s pushed off by security
the boys are in the parking lot and they’re like wth man how did it go and jungkook has the thousand yard stare
jimin shakes his shoulders and tae starts yelling and yoongi is like time to throw down??
but jungkook gets this loopy smile and he’s like “wow i am in loVE. love love. like actual love. like marriage love”
namjoon rolls his eyes and jin is like “young mAN YOU ARE TOO YOUNG”
but tae and jimin are poking through his albums and stuff and tae screams and everyone looks at him and he kinda
“man look at this!!”
in the back of the album is “hey cutie, i think i wanna get to know you more. shit, that sounds weird. i guess im saying, hot chocolate your speed?”
and then this is totally against idol code but im making this au so um
it’s your number and a cute smiley face and heart and jungkook passes out on the sidewalk
and guess what you do get hot chocolate after that
and jungkook is all nervous and embarrassed and he hides behind his face half the time and you think it’s cute…
and you guys text all the time?? like always??
you leak him lyrics and dance vids all the time and he’s like my hero…
you two hang out whenever your schedule permits but he still gets super shy whenever the other members of your group are over omg
they always tease you two as like scandalous and all but you really like jungkook!!
you like him enough to dedicate,,, a love song to him,,, on your first full album,,,
and like one day your group is on a talk show and the host is like so anyone, how about those relationships,,,
and you’re like well my boyfriend and i are-
and you’re like oH SHIT
and the boys are huddled around jungkook’s laptop, watching, and jungkook’s heart shatters because you have a boyfriend… since when…
and yoongi is like pal,,, buddy,,, amigo,,, it’s yOU
you guys officially get together in the dance studio really cheesy with help from your group mates and it’s so nice and wonderful and you guys always kiss and cuddle when you’re supposed to be rehearsing oops,,,
135 notes · View notes
rose-photoblog · 5 years
Copy of How to prepare for the best wedding photos: True confessions of a portrait perfectionist!
Dear Diary,
Hi I’m Rose and I’m a Portrait Perfectionist! As I begin to share more about the process that drives me and my team of real life, professional wedding and portrait photographers, I am really excited to dig into offering up many ‘best practices’ in a variety of areas to help ensure you receive the best wedding day photos, ever! And now that Rose Photo is also offering video, what better way to share the methods we use in creating perfect media than to give a few #bestpractices so you can ensure your wedding day photos and video are stunning and totally true to your love story!
As type A as you may ( or may not be), I have found over the past 12 years in the wedding world that an extra curated timeline that helps to prioritize your priorities, can be super helpful; after all, it is your wedding!
Planning for enough time to gracefully and gently move through the wedding day as you wake up and begin to get ready is key to arriving at your ceremony calmly and excited for the party ahead.
If you can guide the start time of your ceremony later than earlier, this frees up so much more time for time with your people as the day starts, beautiful getting ready photos, and maybe even a first look!
This may seem like an absolute no brainer but we can’t say it enough! From your trial updo for your wedding day hair through your wedding planner, your ‘I do Crew’ should be made up of serious pros!! One of our extremely helpful dream team favorites is a bridal dresser.
A bridal dresser can assist you with the transport, storing, displaying, dressing, buttoning, zippering, bustling, unbustling, bustling again and keeping that train on full display, amongst many other Wedding Industry tricks!
He or she is undoubtedly also very attentive to detail and will rest your qualms about dress dealings, back boob, bustle blunders and a million and one other things we’ve seen and things they’ve fixed! Pair their fashion eye with our camera eye and you won’t even know they were there.
Ok let’s break down the first look, shall we?? There are generally two camps for the First Look.
Camp A: ‘Heck yes let’s do first look and ugly cry in that cute way together, privately and have Rose + Co perched in the stairwell, treetop, rafters, or atop a nearby cab car! That would be so sweet and then we can take fun photos with our crew around the area before the ceremony even starts and maybe even knock out family formals, too’!!
Camp B: ‘Hmmm, well both of our families are SUPER traditional and we aren’t sure if we really want to see each other beforehand. Maybe it’s bad luck? Maybe I’m just really old fashioned? Either way we really just want to keep it real and walking down the aisle will be the magic!!’
Whichever camp you are in is totally cool. Again, it is your day! From my experience over the past dozen years, I will say this: If you are on the fence, planning for more time for just the two of you is never, ever a bad idea. The wedding will zoom by in a snap and whilst it is so key to celebrate with all your amazing pals you’ve brought together for the occasion, a few minutes here and there with just the two of you, #priceless!
My crew and I are actually photo ninjas so you won’t even know we are there. And, if you choose to stick to the isle for the eye contact experience of a lifetime, we will be sure to follow all the rules of the altar and swing from only the strongest chandeliers to get that first emotional look!!
Think about it and in the meantime, enjoy Nina + Jim’s picture-perfect first look brought to by two photo ninjas and one video sansei.
Much like a prime timeline, locations for the best wedding photos ever are very important. Quite literally they are the backdrop to create next-level portraits of you, your boo and your entire wedding crew.
Now let’s say your wedding party is just the two of you and you are super low key, private and maybe don’t even want that many photos. PERF!! We will dial up the best, most intimate little spots, en route and dodging traffic to get you to your party on time, even if you make a later appearance ;)
Now let’s say your wedding party is 12 people on either side, 4 flower girls, two ring bearers man, a mini labradoodle and a cockatoo!? OK we can work with that, too!! Buttttt, we would highly suggest a separate set of transportation of the children and animals. Just saying!!
Either way, we need wide-open spaces where everyone fits, can form a ‘Flying V’ ( I still dream in Mighty Ducks speak and Ducks fly together, ok!?) and also have the opportunity to set up the penultimate cover shot I know you are dreaming of with your entire possé!
Shiny is the new…everything! I’ve confessed this in other RP Diary Entry and I promise to be buried in a pile of sparkle or at least be shot from a canon in the midst of a glitter bomb! But that’s just me ;)
The point I’d like to share here is the details of your day, whether they are shiny, matte, lacey, velvet or whatever your hearts desire, the little details deserve as much limelight as they can get. If you have all your goodies together in one beautiful, big day box, we can be sure to give each item it’s own mini fashion shoot, promise!
You can start from the ground up and build your detail box from your shoes, onto your **unmentionables**, to your jewelry, hair accessories, and even your fab sunnies! Of course, it goes without saying any family heirloom or VIP piece of shiny gets bumped up the shot list. Keeping that previously suggested timeline in mind, we love to have about 30 minutes or so with all the good props of your fabulous wedding style to get those detail shots. Carve out a few more minutes for us and we get to comb the venue for amazing decor and architectural shots, too!
I honestly catch myself saying this line almost every, single day! ‘We direct you naturally!’ Meaning, I will ask you and your bridal party to line up with a general directive, ‘Dresses over here! Suits over there!’ and then give people a minute to find their way to a spot.
Here’s where it gets fun- I sorta glaze over in a stare and figure out how everyone would stand if I didn’t tell them how to stand a certain way and just adjust their attire, flowers, chin, sunglasses, red solo cup…you get the idea! Once we have a comfortable but distinguished looking crew in front of the RP lens, we get snapping. As mentioned, I’m always on the lookout for that Vanity Fair cover shot!
I also like to make sure there is an equal amount of candid photos or, candies as we love to call them! My very favorite yet ultimate cheesy directive to give is literally ‘LOL!’ I sometimes even scream it!! And people, naturally, LOL bc WTF is our wedding photographer doing right now?! Getting your best side, that’s what she’s doing, baby!!
When you are looking to hire your wedding photography and video team that will seamlessly produce the best documentation of your love story, be sure to track them on all the outlets where you can find their work.
Ask to see their vision through and through if it does not stand out initially to you. Requesting website links to weddings shot in your wedding venue, work showing your preferred florist or hairstylists’ creations, or even having worked in very specific lighting conditions is a great way to see that the crew you hire shares your aesthetic and vision for the exact end result you would will love to review for years to come.
Websites are great places to dig into once you’ve found your way out of the Instagram rabbit hole. Almost true story: we actually live in IG land and only venture out of our phones for weddings !! Really though, we do spend a lot of time curating our Rose Photo feed to reflect our most recent projects including our couples’ anniversary shout outs, new members of families and of course, we get super excited for our wedding to be featured publications both online and in print!
Our Rose Photo + Video web experience contains even more photo gems and video tear-jerkers to show our vision through and through. We often get asked to send specific links we can reference back to our URL and even other vendors that share our same vision of wedding day perfection.
How did you two meet? When did you get engaged? Do you live together? Where’s your favorite spot on a sunny afternoon to hang out? Are you so excited for all the fan fair or would you rather not be the center of everyone’s attention for the day? These are key points for your photo and video team to know about you so they can see you best.
I’ll just say it: I’m downright nosy! love to get into your business about your love story. The more details I know and can share with my team on your coming together, the better the output of good, juicy moments. I mean it. It’s real.
It’s our job to tell your love story with multimedia tools, pro tricks, and secrets of the trade. I endlessly fall in love with my job over and over again; I tend to cry at almost all my weddings and I promise it is not out of sheer exhaustion. Weddings inspire and energize me because it’s a love story and I’m a big old, hopeful romantic.
Even as our RP team of storytellers grows to include more trained photojournalists and videographers, portrait perfectionists, and image creators, I get to keep dreaming up big shots for the best wedding day experience for our couples so we can tell that love story seamlessly.
I hope this entry was helpful and if you’d like to hear tips from other areas of wedding daydreams, drop me a note! I would love to hear from you.
I’ve got to get back to my tripod as I set up the next perfect portrait!
0 notes
rose-photoblog · 5 years
How to prepare for the best wedding photos: True confessions of a portrait perfectionist!
Dear Diary,
Hi I’m Rose and I’m a Portrait Perfectionist! As I begin to share more about the process that drives me and my team of real life, professional wedding and portrait photographers, I am really excited to dig into offering up many ‘best practices’ in a variety of areas to help ensure you receive the best wedding day photos, ever! And now that Rose Photo is also offering video, what better way to share the methods we use in creating perfect media than to give a few #bestpractices so you can ensure your wedding day photos and video are stunning and totally true to your love story!
As type A as you may ( or may not be), I have found over the past 12 years in the wedding world that an extra curated timeline that helps to prioritize your priorities, can be super helpful; after all, it is your wedding!
Planning for enough time to gracefully and gently move through the wedding day as you wake up and begin to get ready is key to arriving at your ceremony calmly and excited for the party ahead.
If you can guide the start time of your ceremony later than earlier, this frees up so much more time for time with your people as the day starts, beautiful getting ready photos, and maybe even a first look!
This may seem like an absolute no brainer but we can’t say it enough! From your trial updo for your wedding day hair through your wedding planner, your ‘I do Crew’ should be made up of serious pros!! One of our extremely helpful dream team favorites is a bridal dresser.
A bridal dresser can assist you with the transport, storing, displaying, dressing, buttoning, zippering, bustling, unbustling, bustling again and keeping that train on full display, amongst many other Wedding Industry tricks!
He or she is undoubtedly also very attentive to detail and will rest your qualms about dress dealings, back boob, bustle blunders and a million and one other things we’ve seen and things they’ve fixed! Pair their fashion eye with our camera eye and you won’t even know they were there.
Ok let’s break down the first look, shall we?? There are generally two camps for the First Look.
Camp A: ‘Heck yes let’s do first look and ugly cry in that cute way together, privately and have Rose + Co perched in the stairwell, treetop, rafters, or atop a nearby cab car! That would be so sweet and then we can take fun photos with our crew around the area before the ceremony even starts and maybe even knock out family formals, too’!!
Camp B: ‘Hmmm, well both of our families are SUPER traditional and we aren’t sure if we really want to see each other beforehand. Maybe it’s bad luck? Maybe I’m just really old fashioned? Either way we really just want to keep it real and walking down the aisle will be the magic!!’
Whichever camp you are in is totally cool. Again, it is your day! From my experience over the past dozen years, I will say this: If you are on the fence, planning for more time for just the two of you is never, ever a bad idea. The wedding will zoom by in a snap and whilst it is so key to celebrate with all your amazing pals you’ve brought together for the occasion, a few minutes here and there with just the two of you, #priceless!
My crew and I are actually photo ninjas so you won’t even know we are there. And, if you choose to stick to the isle for the eye contact experience of a lifetime, we will be sure to follow all the rules of the altar and swing from only the strongest chandeliers to get that first emotional look!!
Think about it and in the meantime, enjoy Nina + Jim’s picture-perfect first look brought to by two photo ninjas and one video sansei.
Much like a prime timeline, locations for the best wedding photos ever are very important. Quite literally they are the backdrop to create next-level portraits of you, your boo and your entire wedding crew.
Now let’s say your wedding party is just the two of you and you are super low key, private and maybe don’t even want that many photos. PERF!! We will dial up the best, most intimate little spots, en route and dodging traffic to get you to your party on time, even if you make a later appearance ;)
Now let’s say your wedding party is 12 people on either side, 4 flower girls, two ring bearers man, a mini labradoodle and a cockatoo!? OK we can work with that, too!! Buttttt, we would highly suggest a separate set of transportation of the children and animals. Just saying!!
Either way, we need wide-open spaces where everyone fits, can form a ‘Flying V’ ( I still dream in Mighty Ducks speak and Ducks fly together, ok!?) and also have the opportunity to set up the penultimate cover shot I know you are dreaming of with your entire possé!
Shiny is the new…everything! I’ve confessed this in other RP Diary Entry and I promise to be buried in a pile of sparkle or at least be shot from a canon in the midst of a glitter bomb! But that’s just me ;)
The point I’d like to share here is the details of your day, whether they are shiny, matte, lacey, velvet or whatever your hearts desire, the little details deserve as much limelight as they can get. If you have all your goodies together in one beautiful, big day box, we can be sure to give each item it’s own mini fashion shoot, promise!
You can start from the ground up and build your detail box from your shoes, onto your **unmentionables**, to your jewelry, hair accessories, and even your fab sunnies! Of course, it goes without saying any family heirloom or VIP piece of shiny gets bumped up the shot list. Keeping that previously suggested timeline in mind, we love to have about 30 minutes or so with all the good props of your fabulous wedding style to get those detail shots. Carve out a few more minutes for us and we get to comb the venue for amazing decor and architectural shots, too!
I honestly catch myself saying this line almost every, single day! ‘We direct you naturally!’ Meaning, I will ask you and your bridal party to line up with a general directive, ‘Dresses over here! Suits over there!’ and then give people a minute to find their way to a spot.
Here’s where it gets fun- I sorta glaze over in a stare and figure out how everyone would stand if I didn’t tell them how to stand a certain way and just adjust their attire, flowers, chin, sunglasses, red solo cup…you get the idea! Once we have a comfortable but distinguished looking crew in front of the RP lens, we get snapping. As mentioned, I’m always on the lookout for that Vanity Fair cover shot!
I also like to make sure there is an equal amount of candid photos or, candies as we love to call them! My very favorite yet ultimate cheesy directive to give is literally ‘LOL!’ I sometimes even scream it!! And people, naturally, LOL bc WTF is our wedding photographer doing right now?! Getting your best side, that’s what she’s doing, baby!!
When you are looking to hire your wedding photography and video team that will seamlessly produce the best documentation of your love story, be sure to track them on all the outlets where you can find their work.
Ask to see their vision through and through if it does not stand out initially to you. Requesting website links to weddings shot in your wedding venue, work showing your preferred florist or hairstylists’ creations, or even having worked in very specific lighting conditions is a great way to see that the crew you hire shares your aesthetic and vision for the exact end result you would will love to review for years to come.
Websites are great places to dig into once you’ve found your way out of the Instagram rabbit hole. Almost true story: we actually live in IG land and only venture out of our phones for weddings !! Really though, we do spend a lot of time curating our Rose Photo feed to reflect our most recent projects including our couples’ anniversary shout outs, new members of families and of course, we get super excited for our wedding to be featured publications both online and in print!
Our Rose Photo + Video web experience contains even more photo gems and video tear-jerkers to show our vision through and through. We often get asked to send specific links we can reference back to our URL and even other vendors that share our same vision of wedding day perfection.
How did you two meet? When did you get engaged? Do you live together? Where’s your favorite spot on a sunny afternoon to hang out? Are you so excited for all the fan fair or would you rather not be the center of everyone’s attention for the day? These are key points for your photo and video team to know about you so they can see you best.
I’ll just say it: I’m downright nosy! love to get into your business about your love story. The more details I know and can share with my team on your coming together, the better the output of good, juicy moments. I mean it. It’s real.
It’s our job to tell your love story with multimedia tools, pro tricks, and secrets of the trade. I endlessly fall in love with my job over and over again; I tend to cry at almost all my weddings and I promise it is not out of sheer exhaustion. Weddings inspire and energize me because it’s a love story and I’m a big old, hopeful romantic.
Even as our RP team of storytellers grows to include more trained photojournalists and videographers, portrait perfectionists, and image creators, I get to keep dreaming up big shots for the best wedding day experience for our couples so we can tell that love story seamlessly.
I hope this entry was helpful and if you’d like to hear tips from other areas of wedding daydreams, drop me a note! I would love to hear from you.
I’ve got to get back to my tripod as I set up the next perfect portrait!
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