#we’re tossing around either a random Saturday in April
freddieandersen · 5 months
is it weird to get married the day before your parents’ anniversary
ok now what if your parents’ birthdays are a few days either side of that date
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Title: Gifted (Sequel to Giftless)
Imagine that you are Stark’s niece and you secretly share a strong relationship with Loki since he entered the crew. One day you get hurt so bad during a mission that you are about to die.  Loki knows a spell that will save you and share his immortality with you but you and he will be linked forever sharing thoughts, pain, emotions…
RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS:  Also on AO3 click here
You found out what Tom had sent you a few days later while you were sitting on the common room couch with Loki, doing your homework.  You had been living in the tower so much since you’d gotten back that you were seriously considering giving up your apartment, since you never spent any time there anymore anyway.  You needed to be at home in the tower, and it wasn’t like you couldn’t teleport to your classes.  You didn’t need to solitude of the isolation of your apartment to hold yourself together after Loki had left, now that he was back. 
“Kat, you got a letter,” Tony told you as he entered the common room, holding the mail.  He tossed the envelope your way. You grabbed it with telekinesis and floated it over to you gently. You could never catch items thrown in your direction any other way.  You pulled it from the air and smiled when you saw it was from Tom. You ripped it open and pulled out two tickets and a letter.
You and Loki are coming to the premiere of the new Avengers’ movie. It’ll be a lot of fun. Kelly and I will help you get ready the day of the premiere. I know it’s your first one.
See you there
You laughed and handed the letter to Loki, who also laughed in delight at getting to spend time with his other friends.  You looked at the tickets. It was still a couple months away. At least Tom had given you plenty of notice beforehand.  Especially since the premiere wasn’t in the city.  
“Why are you two laughing?” Tony asked suspiciously.  He wisely didn’t trust either of you laughing and trusted you less when you were both laughing.  
“We’re going to Hollywood in a couple months for a movie premiere!” you told him excitedly, waving the tickets for emphasis.  
"You got invited to a movie premiere?” Tony asked, confused. He hadn’t gotten to the part where he would tell you that you couldn’t go.  He’d get there eventually.  Though he let you go to Asgard.  And you were an adult.
“Tom,” you explained simply.  That was actually enough of an explanation.  
Tony huffed. “Why did you have to become friends with an actor?” he grumbled. 
You shrugged. “It’s fun, and it’s the film crew’s fault. They’re the ones who confused Tom and Loki in the first place,” you reminded him. 
Tony just sighed. “I want to tell you that you can’t go, but it’s not like you haven’t been further away than across the country.  Just be careful, imp,“ he told you firmly.  
"I’m always careful. It’s not my fault trouble keeps finding me,” you grumbled at him. Both he and Loki just laughed at you. You glared at them both in return.
Things around the tower actually stayed relatively quiet until Loki’s birthday. He kissed you goodnight on March 31st, insisting that he was sleeping in his own suite that night and that you were not. You didn’t argue with him, accepting his decision, but your suite was lonely without his presence. He had done this his last birthday here too. April 1st wasn’t really his birthday, as the day the Sigynite flowers bloomed in Asgard wasn’t really your birthday. You had assigned the date for his birthday for him his first year here, because it was April fool’s day. That year he had swapped genders of everyone in the tower, except you and Helene. You figured he had a big plan set up for his birthday this year too.
-I miss you- you texted him as you laid in bed trying to fall asleep that night.
-I miss you too, but I want you safely away from the pranks, or accusations- he reminded you.  He had done the same thing last time too.  He didn’t want you in trouble for something that wasn’t your fault. 
-I know-
-Tomorrow will be fun- he promised and you could practically hear the glee in his text.  
You made your way down to the common room early the next morning. No one was up yet, so you curled yourself in your spot on the couch with a book to wait for everyone to join you. You hadn’t seen any pranks yet, but that didn’t mean anything.
“KATHRYN WHERE IS THAT CURSED BOYFRIEND OF YOURS?“ you heard Tony’s roar through the entire tower.  
"Ah, the sweet dulcet sounds of my darling uncle,” you commented to no one, waiting until he stormed into the room to find out what Loki had done this time. 
Nat came storming in to the room first. "Where the fuck is your boyfriend?” she demanded, but it was Tony’s voice that came out of her mouth. 
It took you a minute to understand before you started laughing so hard you nearly fell off the couch. “Haven’t seen him,” you finally managed. Nat was a tiny deadly assassin.  Tony had to be pissed to be in her body. You just started laughing again.
More people started to file into the room, all of them were some mix of pissed and laughing their asses off. The game of the morning seemed to be finding out who had whose body.
“I need to go find Pepper, she’s probably freaked out,“ Tony said out of Nat’s body.  You snorted. Pepper was probably having the time of her life "And find Loki so I can kick his ass for this.” Tony growled and stomped off. Pepper came and sat down next to you shortly after. You saw her grin and the mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Having fun, Lo?” you asked him, recognizing that familiar going in his eyes.
Loki nodded from Pepper’s body. “Though Lady Natasha was quite upset with me for seeing her in Tony’s naked body this morning. Apparently I must purchase a new black leather jacket for her to make up for it,” he replied with a laugh.
“Are you buying her the jacket?” you asked, curiously.  Loki usually didn’t give in to demands.
“It is already purchased and will be here tomorrow,” he replied with a grin.  No one messed with Nat, not eve Loki. 
"Smart choice,” you replied with a laugh. Nat could be scary when she was angry. Though the scariest thing you saw that morning was Fury cooking breakfast for everyone. “You pranked Helene?” you demanded. That just wasn’t nice.
“I asked her permission first. She said it sounded like fun,” Loki replied from Pepper’s body. “I would not prank her otherwise. That would be mean,”
“KAT! Tell that cursed boyfriend of yours to put this right!” Tony yelled awhile later, dragging Loki’s body with him, but that wasn’t Loki.
“That’s not Loki,” you told him calmly.
“I know. It’s Pepper,” Tony growled.
“Hi Pepper!” you waved. Pepper teleported over to you. Apparently she had Loki’s powers that day too.  
"Hi Kat! This is so much fun!” she greeted you excitedly. “Loki, you have the most amazing birthday plans ever!” Pepper was an excited ball of happy and went over to Tony in Nat’s body to kiss him.
“Stop that!” Nat yelled from Tony’s body. You just laughed. This whole thing was ridiculous and chaotic. Fury, from Helene’s body, still made everyone go on patrol, while he was laughing his ass off at everyone’s discomfort and the hilarity of the whole situation.
“Why didn’t you get pranked?” Pepper asked you when she realized everyone else had..
“Loki loves me too much,” you replied automatically.
“That is true,” Loki replied. “It would be unwise to make my  lady displeased with me,”
“Kat, you and Loki are on patrol this morning,” Fury reminded you. You nodded and Loki disappeared up to Pepper’s room to get ready. You used magic to summon your armor. You still had your usual powers.
“Kat, be careful. Pepper doesn’t have Loki’s powers. You’ll have to be the main super on patrol today,” Tony told you, overly worried as per usual. 
You rolled your eyes. “Uncle Tony, we’ll be fine. We’ve patrolled together how many times now? Plus it’s the middle of the day on a Saturday. He treats me like an equal on patrols, and not just a support healer, like you do,“ you reminded him. He glared at you, but the effect was diminished coming from Nat’s body. He didn’t do her scary anger look justice.
Loki came back downstairs in Pepper’s armor and the two of you headed out on patrol. You teleported us to your starting point. "So you don’t have your powers today?” you asked him.  That was actually a point of concern.
“No, I do. Everyone else, however, has switched powers,” he answered. That was a relief. “It is more fun to make your uncle worry,”
“Lady Sigyn!” a random reporter called as you were walking. “Do you have a new partner? Where’s Loki?”
“He’s with another patrol group today,” you told her with a smile, easily lying thanks to your god-of-lies soulmate. “Animorph is my partner today.” Pepper hadn’t officially chosen a name and secret identity, but she could go through a few until she decided on one.  She was going with her shapeshifting ability for her identity for right now.  Loki was wisely keeping silent. They would notice his voice coming out of Pepper’s body and you weren’t exactly advertising his birthday prank.
“Loki won’t be jealous?” she asked, hoping for a juicy story. 
You shook your head. “Not at all. Don’t forget your mythology. Sigyn is the goddess of fidelity,” you told her with a grin. “Besides, it’s one day of patrol. There’s nothing to be jealous of about patrol.” You gave out a couple of signatures and you continued on your way.
"Goddess of fidelity, huh?” Loki asked once you were away from the reporter.
“Well, she is…” you replied with a shrug. “She’s also known as the fetterer. I thought it would be smart to at least read up on the superhero name I ended up with,”
“Smart plan, Sig,” he replied. You rolled your eyes, but laughed at him. Your patrol path was quiet today, besides the reporter and some fans who saw you.
When you got back to the tower, Loki’s birthday party was set up and waiting. You laughed when everyone jumped out from behind couches to yell ‘surprise’ at him. You squeezed his hand when you saw the hint of tears in his eyes. He was actually surprised that you would set up a surprise party for him. You had cake, ice cream, and pizza and everyone congratulated Loki on that year’s prank. He got mostly books, prank gifts, and human magic tricks for birthday presents.
Your present for him was last. You summoned the small box and handed it to him. “It’s not much, but it’s my first time enchanting an object…” you hedged. You had worked hard on it, but it was your first time enchanting an object and you couldn’t make it as cool as you wanted. He opened the box to reveal a gorgeous fancy watch. He slipped it on his wrist at once.
“It is lovely, darling. Thank you,” he told you with a smile. “Now, how is it enchanted?” he asked curiously. He was more interested in your magic than the actual watch. You didn’t blame him, but he was adorable about it as ever.
“Push both the buttons at the same time,” you told him with a smile. He did so, and a bluish-green shield popped up around him.
“Very creative,” he admired. You saw him investigating the magic in it further. “It looks like it is also set to automatically activate if I am attacked?” He asked for your confirmation.  You nodded you agreement, not at all surprised that he could see what the spell did. “Very ingenious indeed.” That was high praise from him. He leaned down to kiss you, or would have, except you were nearly the same height since he was still in Pepper’s body. You held him at arm’s length.
“Nu-uh, no kisses for you until you’re back in your own body,” you told him firmly. He pouted and Pepper looked especially pathetic when she pouted.
“I can kiss you instead!” Pepper offered from Loki’s body.
“Thank you, no,” you replied with a laugh. “I can live without kisses until the spell ends,”
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killingxrangers · 6 years
TW: Rape. It’s not described, only mentioned through second hand accounts. It’s all throughout this chapter in brief passages, but once again the actual act is never once written.  It is through Clarke’s thoughts and memories that the assault is mentioned. 
Chapter Two- October 31st, 2018
Clarke knew this date, had it engrained in her memory, even at twenty-two. This day, this moment, would never leave her mind. It’s been nearly a month since Clarke woke up in this seventeen year old body and believed she was here to save her father. She’d done nothing differently since then, had followed the path she’d originally forged to the best of her memory, even going as far as continuing to date Finn, despite knowing what was to come. She would already be changing the future severely come April, and who knew what that would alter. She shouldn’t risk changing anything more.
And yet.. yet...
This one Halloween had nearly wrecked things beyond repair. Nearly wrecked Raven beyond repair. Knowing what was to come... knowing what was going to happen to Raven tonight... Clarke needed to do something.
The party was Jasper’s idea, as all stupid things tended to be, though if he hadn’t suggested this one specific party someone would have suggested another. It wasn’t his fault, even though he would feel that way in the coming days for mentioning this event. It wasn’t Bellamy’s either, who felt responsible for letting Raven out of his sight for more than five minutes. It wasn’t Raven, who faced accusations at school when the news went public, and was told shouldn’t have worn that costume. It was no one’s but the guy who pinned her down in the bathroom and raped her.
Who faced no kind of repercussions because he was white and on a college’s football team, and Raven was a slutty girl who drank too much.
It would not happen again. Clarke would make sure of that.
She had thought she was here to save only her father. That had been the only thought in her mind these last few weeks, until she woke up today and realized why she had come back in October 2018, not April 2019. There was so much more she could stop, so much more she could change, that would improve everyone’s lives.
“I don’t want you driving tonight. If you’re too far to walk back home or to one of your friend’s, call us. We’ll come pick you up.” Abby wasn’t stupid, and while she wanted to operate under the impression Clarke was innocent, she knew otherwise, and knew how tonight would go. Or, how she thought it would go. Would hopefully go, if Clarke could change anything. They’d go drink and hang out, wake up tomorrow and talk about what they’d gotten up to. There’d be do police reports and hospital trips, no hours spent in the bathroom with Raven, watching sobs wrack her body.
“We’ll be safe, mom,” Clarke said with finality. And they would be. Nothing was going to happen tonight. She kissed her mom’s cheek and walked out the front door, where Bellamy was waiting in his beat up car, Octavia and Raven already situated and in costume. The three of them were flappers and Bellamy a mob boss, a stupid group costume that Clarke used to think back on and smile. Before Raven spiraled out of control and-
“Hey, Griffin, catch up.” Raven tossed a bottle at Clarke, which explained while her and Octavia were already giggly and Bellamy looked annoyed. He gave her a pleading smile as she held the bottle but didn’t open it. There would be no drinking on her part, not tonight. She’d been drunk and distracted by Finn the first time around. Tonight, there would be no excused. She wasn’t leaving Raven’s side.
Somehow down the line, Clarke had forgotten what a high school party was like. College parties tended to be... more mature. The music wasn’t as loud, the alcohol not as cheap, and the people (while still horny) knew of how to talk about things other than how high or drunk they were. She didn't miss this part of being a teenager in the slightest. She’d live it once, and it had been more than enough. 
“Drink up, ladies,” Jasper laughed, thrusting a cup in everyone hands as soon as they walk through the door. The party was in full swing, most people in costumes and some indistinguishable behind plastic masks. “You’re way too sober. You still aren’t attracted to me,” he joked, causing everyone in the vicinity to laugh as well. 
Raven took a sip and responded, “There isn’t enough alcohol in the word to make me attracted to you, Jordan.” At that, everyone laughed harder and Jasper shrugged good-naturedly, laughing with them. They all broke apart soon after, though Clarke made sure if she wasn't right next to Raven she kept the girl in her line of sight. 
They’d been at the party for almost an hour when Octavia appeared at Clarke’s side, her pupils wider than than average. She was sober enough to ask, despite her slightly slurred speech, “You good? You aren’t drinking.” 
“Someone should stay sober to watch all of you heathens,” Clarke joked, searching the room until- There. 
Paxton fucking McCreary. A college freshmen and older brother of one of the boys at this party. He was home for the weekend and looking to party. He’d told the jury he’d been drinking, a mistake on his part he admitted with regret clear in his voice. He would look at the jury and say how sorry he was that the events had happened, but from his point of view Raven had wanted it. She dressed and acted like she did, and Paxton acted under the guise of believing implied consent. The jury ate it up, and found him innocent. 
The bastard was a rapist, and Clarke could see he was already looking at Raven, standing near the dining room and laughing with Bellamy. 
“Clarke?” Octavia followed her gaze to Paxton and frowned. “Do you know him?” 
“I’m not feeling that well.” Clarke forced herself to look away from Paxton and frown at Octavia, faking sickness. “I didn’t eat before I came here, and I think I’m getting my period soon, and I’m just.. super nauseous. Can we head home soon?” It was close to eleven. Raven didn’t get trapped in that bathroom until much closer to twelve. There was still time. 
Octavia frowned as well, staring at Clarke hard. “You’ve been acting funny a lot recently. Is everything okay?” 
“I’m fine, Octavia. I just.. want to leave. Can you get Raven and let’s go?” 
She’d have to drive, based on how Bellamy was using the wall for support and Octavia could do little more than nod dumbly before shuffling off to gather everyone up. There’d be questions about this in the morning, but Clarke would take all the questions if it meant protecting Raven. 
The news spread around school quickly Monday morning. The gossip had originally spread from the girl’s locker room, as all things tend to do. It focused on the party Saturday night. The very same one that Clarke and her friends had attended. A good portion of the upperclassmen were at that party, bouncing between that one and others for a long night of fun. 
But the news came suddenly and spread just as fast. A girl had been raped at that party. Some freshmen who Clarke didn’t know, would never have known otherwise. And this... this was not part of the story. Not at all. It was supposed to be Raven, and when Clarke took her home, it was supposed to all be okay. 
But a girl was still raped by Paxton fucking McCreary. 
The school held an impromptu assembly in the gym before third period, as they had for Raven. The principle didn’t outright say it, but everyone knew he was talking about the girl, some kid named Charlotte. Clarke would bet the girl wasn’t in school today, and apparently neither was Paxton’s brother. Paxton had been arrested in the middle of the night, after the girl and her friends went to the police. 
Clarke knew nothing was going to come of it, and that thought laid too heavily in her stomach for the remainder of the day. Raven and Octavia asked why she was so quiet multiple times, and it was all Clarke could do to keep her mouth shut. How could she explain it should have been Raven, not Charolette? How could she explain that if she hadn’t asked to go home, Paxton would have trapped Raven in that bathroom and did the very same thing to her he did to Charlotte? Would it be better or worse that it was Raven, and not some fifteen year old freshmen? Did her age make it better? Did being Clarke’s friend make it worse? 
“The school sent out an email today about your assembly,” Abby mentioned at dinner later that night, all of their food untouched and their eyes downcast. “Was that the party you were at?” 
Clarke shook her head silently, forcing back tears as she pushed around the pile of corn and potatoes. 
“It’s a shame what happened to that girl.” Jake responded, shaking his head in disgust as he took a bite of chicken. Abby nodded her agreement as he turned to look at their daughter. “I know you and your friends go out to parties, Clarke, and while your mother and I may not agree with that, we understand. We’re just asking you to be careful. Saturday it was a random girl. Next time it could be you or one of your friends. Always be on your guard.” 
He didn’t know how right he was. Clarke jerked away from the table, blindly standing up and rushing to her bedroom. Jake and Abby called after her, but she barely made it to the toilet quick enough to vomit in it. Any more delayed and it’d have gone all over the floor. She heaved multiple times until her stomach settled, and even then she stayed on the floor with her head pressed against that cold toilet for a while longer. 
Thoughts of Charlotte plagued Clarke well into the night, sleep rendered impossible as she kept thinking about that fifteen year old girl. Were mistakes made tonight? Should Clarke have said something, something to anyone? Said something to Paxton? But what would she say to him, to anyone? 
I know what's about to happen? I know what you’re about to do?
And say she did say something. Say she went to Bellamy and told him some guy had his eye on Raven all night and something didn’t feel right. Bellamy would cause a scene, him or Octavia, Clarke knew that. Paxton would most likely argue and fight back, but ultimately he’d leave. Until the next party, and the next girl. Had he done it before? No girls came forward the firs time around, so Clarke assumed it was the first attack. Would that spur on more? Was Raven, or Charolette, the catalyst that started it all? 
Clarke doesn’t know, and its driving her mad. 
Those thoughts swam through her mind for the next few days, the school seemingly back to normal and would continue to be normal until the trial began- if there was one. Raven decided on a trial, but Charolette is not Raven. She went to the police, and Paxton was arrested, but he was back home the next day. Did Charolette recant, or was there lack of evidence? 
Lack of evidence and reliable witnesses is what ruined Raven’s case. 
Would Charolette suffer more of the same fate as Raven? Would the events transpire the exact way? 
“Raven and Bell want to hang out tonight. We haven’t see you since Halloween.” Octavia’s voice trails off at that statement, both her and Clarke’s minds immediately going to the party. “You know,” Octavia changed the subject when Clarke failed to reply. “Apparently the police are interviewing people that were at that party. They’re trying to get evidence.” 
Clarke knew it wouldn't bring anything. The police interviewed a bunch of people from the first party and no one had anything to say that would help. Many were afraid to admit they were drinking underage and therefore lied, said they were somewhere else. Others said they hadn’t seen anything at all. Even Clarke and her friends couldn’t testify that they’d seen Paxton follow Raven into that upstairs bathroom. 
“Monty said he heard from some of Charolette’s friends the police aren’t finding much.” Clarke isn’t sure why Octavia feels the need to share, but each new word is another stab to her heart. Clarke had saved Raven from all of this, but at the cost of Charolette. “It’s all really fucked up, huh? Can’t believe any of this happened. This is shit you see on TV, you know?”
“Yeah...” Clarke sighed as the two of them walked through the halls, heading from their third period class to the lunch block all of them shared together. Bellamy was already at their usual table, sitting next to Monty, who had his arm thrown around the back of Harper’s. If memory serves correctly, they would have been dating for close to a year by now. When Clarke is twenty-two, Harper is pregnant with their second child. There is nothing to change about their storyline, she’s relived to realize. Everything that happened to them worked out in their favor. Both of them are unmarked by death or heartache, and staring at them now, so carefree and joyful, she’s suddenly taken by a powerful wave of jealously. 
She’s jealous of them all right in this moment, she’s ashamed to admit. Of Bellamy and that confident smirk of his, Octavia and her shameless attitude. Monty and Harper’s love, Jasper’s humor. All of it. They are unmarred by adulthood, by loss and tragedy and despair.
Charlotte was raped because of Clarke. Because of what she did for her friends. 
“Where are you going?” Monty frowned, ever the observant and caring one. Clarke had turned away from the table, headed back towards the exit. 
“Bathroom,” she forced herself to respond, and marched straight towards an open stall. She locked the door and didn’t come out until lunch. 
In that moment, she hated them all and hated herself, hated this stupid fucking attempt at a redo on her life. 
“Where have you been recently, kiddo?” 
Clarke was in the theater with her father, both of them silent as Jake enjoyed the movie and Clarke enjoyed watching a movie with her father. Abby would be home late tonight if she came home at all, and Clarke didn’t mind. A new round of interns had started at the hospital and Abby was busier than usual with their introductions. These next few days as everyone became acclimated would be hectic in the least. 
“I’ve been here every day, dad.” Clarke frowned at the question, refusing to break her gaze from the movie even though she could feel her father’s on her. Out of the corner of her eye she could see his broad shoulders raise and fall with the sigh he let out. 
“You’re here but you’re not here, Clarke. You’ve been distracted recently.” His tone was soft, gentle and encouraging. The way he sounded when he wanted Clarke to open up, to admit what was bothering her. Most of the time, it worked. She knew there was nothing she could ever possibly do that would change how her father viewed her, changed how he loved her. But this... she couldn’t go about this. Because a part of her was afraid he might very well change his opinion about her when he learned what had happened to Charlotte. “If there’s something going on, Clarke, you know you can talk to me. Your mother and I can help with whatever is happening.” 
Clarke forced herself to look away, forced herself to meet her father’s eyes and smile. She couldn’t keep the pain off of her face and she knew he could see it. Jake had always been able to read her like a book, except this time he could never know the story. “I love you, dad.” 
“I love you too, baby,” he said automatically, the words falling from his mouth without any sort of hesitation. “What is going on? Talk to me.” 
“I-” Words escaped her then, all thoughts fleeting as she struggled to come up with something, anything. And then she was crying. For Charlotte, Raven, her dad, herself, her twenty-two year old life. Everything. “Daddy, I don’t know what to do.” She curled into his side, hiding her face in his chest like she did so often when she was a child and had a bad dream. And just like then he wrapped her arms around her, kissed her forehead. “I think- I think I messed up, but I don’t know, and-and... I don’t know what to do. I thought I was doing the right thing, but... I don’t- I don't know.” 
And that was the truth of things. Clarke didn’t know what was going on or what to do. Because yes, Raven had been saved, but at the cost of any girl’s sanity and innocence. Would that be how everything Clarke tried to change went? She could save one person but damn another? And when it came time to saving her father... preventing his death... would that mean killing someone else? Would it count as Clarke murdering someone, even if she didn’t physically do the killing? Just knew that saving her father cost someone else their life? 
There were still five and a half months between now and April Nineteenth, and so many events took place before then. There was time to find a way to save her father and everyone else. She would do it. 
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