#if what they implied in ep1 with that lil scene is what i think it is
gnp-sara · 11 months
If you know, you know
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mikanrulz · 7 years
I legit don't get how Nina only remembers azazel when he's right in front of her or doesn't even think about the fact that he's angry with her after he stormed away. I kinda just want him to be mad at her forever. Seven or eight episodes ago I thought Nina would have tons of development she would go through. I started strong with azanina a few months ago but that's not the same Nina I was expecting. I want azazel to dump her ass so she realizes how limited her perception is. Too lil too late :)
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regarding azazel + nina relationship tho,
I do think it’s always been rather one-sided on both of their parts. Er how to say this, like ships in the night thing, passing each other without actually getting through to each other? augh I wish I was better with words :(
but basically, azanina baiting in ep 1-4 (yes, the baiting actually did happen) and nina’s lack of inconsistent characterization aside, I always feel the show always tries to put nina in an outsider’s position for azazel. and this is rather consistent until ep18.
the rundown, from azazel’s perspective:
she’s the strong but crazy girl chasing after him; he mistakes her for mugaro but doesn’t drop her; rather than him caring about her, this is more about him doing kind things without thinking, just like when he saved favaro in ep12 genesis even tho he told favaro he didn’t know why he did it.
tells mugaro she’d be valuable to their (Demons) cause; tries to recruit her; failed and scared her instead; you can make a case here that his tsundere-ness his pride gets in the way and makes him unable to directly ask for help; here, he basically commands nina to fight for something that nina herself doesn’t understand nor care. here, he comes off as treating her like a tool to be used.
he doesn’t mention nina at all, doesn’t seek her help and tries to do things on his own (+ mugaro). the fact he doesn’t seek nina again tells me that he sees nina is unmoved by him in ep2, and he actually gives up on her and forgets her. it means in ep2, he actually still sees her a being with a mind of her own, and him commanding her instead of asking for her help is actually only bcs he’s a tsundere he wants to preserve whatever left of his shattered pride, and not bcs he thinks he’s better than her.
for whatever reason she finds him and he tries to tell her to take mugaro and go; she refuses; they fall, and he puts his arms around her not necessarily bcs he cares about her but more bcs it’s just his reflex; let’s not forget, he still *thinks* she’s a demon, and so since he’s trying to go save demons anyway, save her too while he’s at it.
it’s not personal for him.
then she asks to hug him; he hesitates but complies; for me, with him still thinking she’s a demon, he probably thinks she’s afraid and only asked to be comforted; he hesitates bcs 1) he’s not one to offer comfort, 2) his pride, 3) wtf. he complies bcs wth he’s gonna die in a second anyway, might as well do something completely unlike him.
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this is where he changes his mind; and the words above implies it’s bcs of her powers; but I actually disagree with this assumption. after all, he did see what her powers could do in ep1. He *knows* her dragon is powerful. This is never in doubt.
he changes his mind about recruiting her bcs she actually comes to help him without being asked.
this is *important*.
Be it demons or angels, free wills have powers, and obeying contracts/commands is mandatory. And this also applies to Azazel, bcs once he realizes he can’t get nina to agree, he leaves her alone and doesn’t do anything to force her.
He needs her *wills*.
Which is why the dragon transformation scene is the game changer for him; not bcs of the dragon herself, but bcs nina, out of her own free will, comes without being asked and actually helps the demons.
This is why in rita’s place he doesn’t ask for her agreement and goes straight to offer to control her: it’s bcs he assumes he already has it - after all, she does help them all, doesn’t she.
This is where he is totally wrong.
we know from the end of ep3 that the one she tries to save is azazel and azazel only; she tries to stop him again in ep4 bcs she doesn’t want him dying, even tho stopping him means she basically lets the other demons get beheaded. in ep4, it’s important for her that azazel doesn’t die.
Azazel, meanwhile, doesn’t see this. Keeping in mind that he still thinks her a demon, he totally assumes she’s actually trying to save the demons from getting beheaded, like he is trying to do. He assumes it’s about demons solidarity.
About the hug as control thing, he may and may not understand the significance of it, but for him, the hug probably only means as a comfort thing; like a reassurance; like the way a pat on the head is enough to reassure mugaro, he seems to think all nina needs in order to transform is a reassurance in the form of a hug. Nothing less, nothing more.
He thinks she has a self-confidence issue, when that’s not true at all.
He thinks she cares about the demons, when, again, this is not true at all.
he doesn’t tell her anything other than a place to meet, bcs, to refer to ep4, he *thinks* they both are already on the same wavelength, that they both have the same wish and goal: to free the demons.
He only ever appears to her to preach about saving the demons anyway, and so here, he just assumes she would understand what he refers to, without actually confirming anything.
Nina meanwhile, doesn’t get his reference or what he’s talking about bcs she never cares about the demons, they’re never on her mind, and she knows him but she doesn’t know or get what he’s thinking, and therefore she puts it out of her mind too.
He doesn’t get why she doesn’t come to the place he tells her to, he doesn’t get why this time being hugged is not enough to reassure her and make her transform comfortably, and he doesn’t get why she’s balking out *now* of all times. Doesn’t she want to free the demons too, like him? aren’t they on the same page? Why is she being stubborn?
And, most importantly, he doesn’t get that *she* doesn’t get him, doesn’t understand what he’s trying to do.
But even after that, he goes on his own and leaves her, doesn’t force her to do anything.
I’ve written a bit about ep8 for nina, but for azazel, ep8 is also where he finally lets go of his pride and asks for her help *directly*. And it’s important that till the end, he doesn’t say “help me”, he says “help mugaro,” and then “help us the demons”. He uses ‘us’ bcs he still thinks nina’s a demon too, and if nothing else, she should want to save fellow demons like her.
Him calling out her name, “nina”, is important, bcs he very, very rarely calls ppl by their names.
For all of genesis and vs, ppl who he called by name so far: pazuzu, Lucifer, Beelzebub, mugaro, nina, charioce.
He’s been calling nina ‘komusume’ or little girl, only to switch into her name in this scene, which is very telling of his desperation. He needs her to actually pay attention to him, and so he calls her by name.
Yes, at the same time, calling her by name in that place means he also indirectly condemns her and is proof that she’s an acquaintance of a terrorist; but again, he also thinks her a demon; it doesn’t matter whether ppl knows they’re related bcs by virtue of being there at all she’s already guilty, and even more if she’s a demons then she’s about to be killed like the rest of the demons.
In his head, he probably thinks they’re all gonna die anyway and so she should at least try to save herself and mugaro.
There’s no other demons there, remember. There’s only azazel, and nina and mugaro (who he thinks are demons).
By ‘us’, I really think he only means mugaro; this is esp bcs he only starts fighting again when he sees mugaro being captured by angels. He already accepts his fate, but he still wishes mugaro would get saves somehow.
This line tho:
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A total lie, bcs ep4-8 pretty much established that he did expect something out of her; he had hope for her; his entire plans revolved around her caring about demons and being able to turn into dragon.
This scene is honestly only him being tsundere 1) trying to spare her feelings, 2) trying to cover for his desperation back then and how he seemed so needy, 3) trying to establish boundary again, she and he had nothing to do with each other, she’s nothing to him, let’s continue being nothing.
He’s actually, in this scene, trying to be considerate and let her off the hook, free her of guilt.
…only to have her throw it all back on his face the moment she cheerfuly transforms into a dragon lulz
So much for being considerate
I know you don’t mean it that way, but it bothers me when ppl used ‘he should dump her forever’ bcs this implies they had a relationship to begin with when this is not true. His interest in her is purely, er business, so to speak. He considers her an asset even more bcs he makes a mistake and assumes she’s a demon like him when this is obviously not true.
Azazel never has romantic interest in nina.
Ep1-4 baiting aside, nina never has romantic interest in azazel.
Of course ppl are free to ship whoever they want. And honestly writing this kinda makes me missed their old interaction, even if now I don’t want her anywhere near him.
Just. er. Trying to put Azazel’s perspective out there I guess :’)
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