#if you ever get the chance to go i strongly advise to get an audio guide!
violetthekiller · 2 years
not me thinking "aww, tomdaya" when i saw you're header and not "oh this is the louvre" HAHAHA they altered my brain chemistry
Haha. The truth is that’s a photo I took when I went over summer!
I even tweeted this when the pics of TZ there came out lmao
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Here’s some more of my Louvre pics considering we never got any that Z took 😒
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3 notes · View notes
khoicesbyk · 2 years
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The Royal Romance.
Love Everlasting.
A/N: I had a different name and plot for this fic over a year ago. But after being in the RP community for more than a year, I've decided to write the current Royal Life of my favorite OTP.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 9,717 words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
Tag List: @txemrn @peonierose @twinkleallnight @shewillreadyou @choicesficwriterscreations
Chapter 8.) Mortal.
It had been a couple of weeks since the disaster of a state dinner with Shanelle's cousin and uncle. She didn't mean to lose her temper but, there was only so much of her sniveling uncle’s snide remarks that she could stand to hear. And when he came for her, Marquise, and her father she’d had enough. 
She didn't feel bad about throwing her water glass at him. He deserved it. What bothered her was the fact he’d gotten under her skin. 
She is the Queen Of Cordonia. There is a standard that she has to maintain. Not just for her, her husband, or the kingdom, but for her daughter. She knows that Khari will one day eventually become the next ruler of Cordonia. And she wants to be able to set an example for her. She never wants Khari to be perceived as someone who doesn't know how to control themselves in the face of an adversary. 
But she was thankful that Marquise didn't hold it against her. He knows how she feels about the former King, and even he knew there was only so much she would've been able to stand before she snapped. She is human after all. Just like anyone else. 
Which is why he had Damien get her out of the dining room as fast as possible. He knew she would've strangled him. But because she's pregnant with their twins he couldn't afford to have her lose her temper.  
Shanelle was staring out at side garden next to her office, so lost in thought that she didn't notice her husband behind her. 
“You look like a woman with a lot on her mind,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her.
“Sorry. I'm just distracted,” she says. 
“Oh? What has you so distracted, my love?” he asks.
“That disastrous dinner. From what I understand, Edward has been claiming for the last two weeks to be the victim of Cordonia’s vindictive queen.” 
Marquise rolled his eyes.
“If anything the palace is the victim. Ever since he stepped foot in it it's felt icky as Khari says.”
Shanelle snickered. 
“I shouldn't have let him get under my skin.”
“It's not your fault. You’re human my love. I'm just happy that you didn't go hopping over the table at his neck.”
“I thought about it. I wanted to.”
She felt him kiss the back of her shoulder.
“Again, I'm glad you didn't. It would've been a tragedy for me to have to sentence Edward to death.”
“A tragedy or charity?” she asked.
“Both,” he replied.
Shanelle made a face.
“Don't worry about Edward. If he becomes a problem I will deal with him.”
“How?” she asked.
“There's a reason why I chose that specific dining room. On the off chance, Edwin would show his ass it's on video with working audio,” he replies.
Shanelle smirked.
“That's why I love you.”
He kissed the side of her head while he rested his right hand on her growing belly.
“How are you, my Queen? How are my little ones treating you?” he asked.
“Ugh! The indigestion is about to be the death of me,” she replied.
“Be sure to bring that up when we go see Dr. Ramirez tomorrow.” 
“I can't believe we'll find out what we’re going to be having tomorrow.”
“I know. It doesn't feel real. But it is.”
“What do you think we'll have?” she asked him.
“With my luck, I'll be stuck with two more girls,” he replies.
“You're not complaining, are you?” she asks.
“Not at all. It's just one of you is bad enough. My blood pressure doesn't need three of you.” he replies.
“I'm not that bad.”
“You're not always that good either.”
“Fair enough. Now I'm hungry. Wanna grab a bite to eat?” she asked him.
“With you? Always. I'll have lunch brought here.” he replied.
“Good. And while we eat you can help me strategize this meeting.”
“Which meeting?” he asks.
“The one I'm gonna have to have with Edwin,” she replied.
“Ahh yes. The budget meeting. Very well I will be glad to be of service to you my Queen.”
“You always are.”
“Indeed. Now let's order lunch and then get down to business.”
“To defeat the Huns?” she asked.
“You watch too many Disney movies,” he replied.
“You know how much your daughter loves her Disney.”
Marquise shook his head with a smile.
After making a quick phone call to the kitchen, lunch was served. The two decided to eat out in the garden. 
“What did you get?” she asked.
“I decided to treat myself and get a Grilled Chicken Taco Salad. What did you get?” he replies.
“Two Croque Monsieurs with extra ham and Gruyere and Espresso Chip Ice Cream,” she replies.
Marquise made a face.
“What?” she asked.
“Those sound like cravings.” he replies. 
“I mean well yeah. Baby A likes Croque Monsieurs with extra ham and Gruyere and Baby B likes Espresso Chip Ice Cream.”
“Translation: you like Croque Monsieurs with extra ham and Gruyere and Espresso Chip Ice Cream and are blaming my children on your cravings.”
“Well, it is their fault that I'm craving them.”
They two dug into their lunch and began to strategize about her meeting.
“So what is this meeting about?” he asked her.
“The Comery Isle Budget. He wants to finally sit down and discuss it,” she replies.
“What's in the package?” he asked.
“So far, an increase in the disaster fund in case of bad storms again, he wants to allocate money to working on infrastructure and the roads, he wants an increase for maternity leave pay, he wants the new Nintendo plant to be built there, and he wants to start having more hospital and clinic inspections,” she replies.
“That's the good part. What's the bad part?” he asked.
“He still wants me to sign off on a severance package for Neville and his family as well as be okay with the exclusion of the tax incentive program,” she replies.
“Okay. So now I want you to explain to me why you want the tax incentive to stay.”
“We created the tax incentive program to help the businesses of the island. Comery Isle was damn near bled dry by the Vancouer family’s greed and embezzlement and Edward’s outrageous tax hikes on the region. The tax incentive program gives business owners relief for when they hire people who aren't native Cordonians to work for them. On top of the fact that the program has helped increase the population and the economic growth of the island has all but tripled in the last 3 years alone. It has literally been vital to the revitalization of Comery Isle and its people. Also, the people voted not to pay the severance package for the Vancouer family. It would look bad on Edwin and it would look even worse on the Monarchy if the people's wishes were not honored.” 
“That's a good argument. You should lead with that.”
“He also submitted names for his and Naya’s advisory panel.”
“Let me guess, his father is one of their top advisors.”
“Yup. The former King has yet to come to terms with the fact that he's no longer in power.”
“And what better way to gain power than to ride his son and future daughter-in-law's coattails?”
“Now you see my dilemma.” 
“Indeed it is. But I know you. I know your resilience. I know you won't let him or Naya push you around or bully you. You are their Queen. Not the other way around.”
“I just have to remember to keep my emotions in check.”
“My love, you are human. Always remember that. No one can blame you for reacting to being provoked. I know that it will be hard to hold your tongue but I know you are stronger than you’re giving yourself credit for.” 
“You have always believed in me.”
“And I always will. I believe in your strength. I believe in your intelligence. I believe in your perseverance. So now that we have a plan for your meeting, straighten your shoulders, hold your head up high, and be the Queen I know you are.” 
He kissed the back of her right hand.
“You're right. I am not just a Queen. I am their Queen. I am Cordonia’s Queen.”
Marquise nodded.
“Exactly. And if you do need me I will be there.”
“I know. I can always count on you.”
“Always and forever as you always say.”
Shanelle smiled at her husband. She knew he was right, she just had to get out of her head. 
“Thank you for this babe. I needed it.”
“Of course my love. I'm always available for pep talks and lunch. And your terrible puns.”
“Whatever. You like my puns.”
“And your buns too.”
Shanelle snickered.
“You're such an ass.”
“Spank me.”
“You're impossible.”
He winked at her.
“On to better things. Like our appointment tomorrow.”
“I'm excited and nervous. I just want everything to go right.”
“It will my love. Then we can really begin to celebrate.”
“I haven't felt like this since we had Khari.”
“I know. I feel the same way.”
Shanelle sighed.
“A small part of me still feels sort of guilty though.”
He kissed the knuckles of her right hand. 
“Don't be. You have nothing to be or feel guilty about.”
“I know. It's just…I miss him.”
He rubbed her knuckles.
“I know you do. I miss him too.”
“I'm not saying that I'm not thankful for Khari or our twins, I just feel like I'm betraying him. I feel like he should be here. He should be just as excited as our daughter.”
Marquise pulled her to her feet and into his arms.
“It's okay my love. I swear to you that he doesn't hate you for being excited. Wherever in heaven he is, I can promise you that he's smiling and is happy for you.”
“Us, Marquise. This pregnancy isn't just about me. It's about you too.”
“True but I’d rather the attention be all on you. You’re the one putting in the work of carrying and nurturing them.”
Shanelle shook her head.
“You always put yourself last.”
“When it comes to our family, I have to. I can't think of myself when I have you, Khari, and now them.”
He held her as close as he could, as he kissed her forehead softly.
“Just think as of tomorrow, we'll be one giant step closer to holding our babies.”
Shanelle snickered.
“They aren't ready yet.”
“No, not yet but they will be.”
He tilted her chin up and ran his thumb over her bottom lip.
“You're an amazing mother. You always have been. You are what keeps our family going, thriving, and growing. Never forget that.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, my Queen.”
He truly does. There is nothing Marquise wouldn't do for her and especially their daughter. And with their appointment being the next morning, he knew there would be nothing that he wouldn't do for the twins.
They were at her appointment bright and early the next morning. They even took time to speak to and visit the other expectant couples in the office. That's where Shanelle got the idea to host a communal baby shower at the palace. She wants to help those who need assistance with getting the essentials. 
As they waited for Dr. Ramirez, Shanelle’s nerves started to get the best of her. She couldn't stop her hands from shaking.
“Are you alright my love?” Marquise asked.
“No? Yes? Maybe? I don’t know? I feel excited and scared and hopeful and terrified and anxious and antsy and everything else in between.” Shanelle replies.
Marquise gently took her trembling hands in his.
“It's okay to feel my love. I'm just as much of an emotional wreck as you are. But we're here. We're about to find out if these two are girls, boys, or one of each as you put on your Instagram poll.”
Shanelle smiled softly. 
“Thank you, babe. I guess I'm just ready to know.”
“I am too, my love.”
There was a knock at the door. 
“Well…here we go,” Marquise said to her.
In walked Dr. Ramirez and her nurse.
“Good morning Your Majesties! How are you this morning?” Dr. Ramirez said as she greeted them both.
“We're doing well Dr. Ramirez. Thank you for asking.” Marquise replies.
The doctor smiled at Marquise before turning to Shanelle.
“And how is mom doing? Any new concerns I should be aware of?” Dr. Ramirez asked Shanelle.
“Well, indigestion, nausea, and heartburn have really been kicking my behind as of late. And then there's my sporadic blood pressure. But other than that I think I'm okay.” Shanelle replied.
“Any pains?” Dr. Ramirez asked.
Shanelle shook her head no.
“Well, your tests came back and so far we're doing well. You’re on track as far as baby weight. As for the complications you've mentioned, I will adjust your medications and we'll see if that helps.”
“Now in the meantime, are you two ready to know what you’re having?” Dr. Ramirez asked.
“Definitely,” Shanelle replies.
“More than ready,” Marquise added.
Dr. Ramirez nodded.
“Well, my Queen. Time to find out. If you'll just lay back and lift your shirt.”
Shanelle laid back with a small wince.
“Now I know you don't like this part, but it will be worth it in the end.” Dr. Ramirez said as her nurse applied the cold gel to Shanelle’s stomach.
Shanelle let out a breath as the gel hit her stomach.
“Ugh! Cold! Cold! Cold! This should be illegal!”
Marquise snickered.
“I'm sorry, Your Majesty. But it's going to be worth it for you and His Majesty.” Dr. Ramirez assured her.
After applying the gel the ultrasound machine quietly whirred to life, showing them a clear picture of the twins.
“Look at them,” Marquise whispered to his wife. 
“They're beautiful,” Shanelle said with tears in her eyes.
Dr. Ramirez smiled at them both.
“Now, let's see what your two little ones are.”
Dr. Ramirez moved the wand around trying to get a good look but the twins decided to play hide and seek. Or at least that's what she let Shanelle believe.
“What's wrong Doctor?” Shanelle asks.
“The twins have decided to play a round of hide and seek. They don't want to show what they are.” Dr. Ramirez replies.
“Awwww!” Shanelle pouted.
“I'm so sorry, You’re Majesty. I'll tell you what. Why don't we give it a few minutes and we'll look again? How about that?” Dr. Ramirez asked.
“Okay. We can try that.” Shanelle replied.
“Now I'll give you both a few minutes.”
Dr. Ramirez walked out of the room giving them space. 
“I'll be right back. I have to make a call right quick.” Marquise said to Shanelle.
“Okay. Hurry back,” she said to him.
He smiled at her before walking out of the room. Once outside he was pulled aside by Dr. Ramirez. 
“Well. How was that?” Dr. Ramirez asked him.
“Remarkable. To be honest, I almost lost my nerve. I don’t know how you were able to keep a straight face.” Marquise replies.
Dr. Ramirez chuckled.
“Years of practice. Now, are you ready to find out?” she asked him.
“Yes. I'm more than ready,” he replies.
Dr. Ramirez smiled warmly at him.
“Congratulations my King. You’re having twin boys.”
The news hit him like a ton of bricks.
“Boys? You’re serious?!” he asked.
“Yes, Your Majesty. For the first time since you were born, there will be two little Princes running around the palace,” she replies. 
“Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God! I can't believe it. We're having two little boys.” he said as if to convince himself.
“Again congratulations to you both. Now I do believe that you have a wife to tell the great news to.” 
“Yes. Yes, of course. I just have to send this text. Thank you again.”
“My pleasure. I'll be back in soon.”
Marquise smiled appreciatively before texting Robin, Shanelle’s best friend the good news. 
After sending that series of texts it was time to tell the Queen about her boys.
“Sorry, that took so long my love,” he said to Shanelle as he stepped back inside.
“It's fine. Is everything okay?” she asks.
“Yes, everything is fine. I have something to tell you,” he replies.
“What? What is it?” she asked.
He sat down next to her and gathered her hands in his.
“I did something that normally would've pissed you off,” he replies.
“What did you do?” she asks.
“I lied to you,” he replied.
“What? What do you mean?” she asks.
“Yesterday I called Dr. Ramirez and I asked her not to tell you what we're having,” he replies.
“What?! Why would you do that?!” she asked.
“Please let me explain. I didn't want her to tell you because I wanted to be the one that told you,” he replies.
“So you know what the twins are?” she asked.
“Yes, I know. She told me when I stepped outside,” he replies.
“Well don't just sit there Marquise! Tell me!”
Marquise closed his eyes and when he opened them, he had tears in them.
“My love…we’re having twin boys.”
“What?!” she asked.
“Our twins will be boys,” he replies.
“You're sure?” she asked.
“Yes. Dr. Ramirez confirmed it. Our son gave us not one but two blessings.”
“Oh My God! They're boys. My twins…our twins…are boys. We get to have…” she trailed off. 
“Yes, my love. Our guardian angel has blessed us abundantly.” 
When Shanelle looked at her husband, she burst into happy tears. She couldn't believe it.
“I thought he would hate me.” she cried.
“Never my love. He could never hate you. He loves you. Even more than I do. You are his mother.” Marquise said as he rubbed her back.
Shanelle dried her eyes and took deep breaths as the reality of the situation hit her.
“Oh. My. God! We have to tell Khari! We have to tell your mom! We have to tell my parents! Oh My God! I have to tell the girls! Quick! Where's my phone?!”
“Whoa! Whoa! Slow down, my love! We will tell everyone. I promise. Don't worry. One thing at a time.” 
Shanelle nodded.
“Okay. It's just I'm…” she trails off.
“Excited? I am too. I can't wait to hold them.”
“We're having boys. Two boys. I can't believe it. But at the same time, I'm so happy.”
“I know you are. And I know he is too. He heard your prayer. He felt your love. He knew that you yearned for him. And now we will have not one but two little boys.” 
Shanelle took a deep breath. 
“This is one of the best days ever.”
“Indeed it is my love.”
She looked at him and smiled warmly.
“Thank you so much, baby.”
He kissed the backs of her hands. 
“Anything for you, my love. You know this.”
Just then there was a small knock on the door and Dr. Ramirez stuck her head in.
“I take it the good news has been delivered?” she asked the couple.
“Yes. Thank you so much, Dr. Ramirez. I don’t know how he got you to do it but you did it.” Shanelle replied.
“As I told His Majesty, years of practice. I do apologize for the subterfuge.” 
Shanelle waved her away.
“It's okay. I know now and I couldn't be happier.”
“Wonderful. Simply wonderful. And now that we're halfway there I have some signs and symptoms that I want you to be aware of. But so far, we're doing great. I'll have my assistant print out some information for you but other than that you both are good to go.” 
“Thank you Dr,” Marquise said to her.
Dr. Ramirez bowed her head.
“My pleasure, Your Majesty.”
Dr. Ramirez closed the door. Once again leaving the happy couple alone.
“How are you feeling my love?” he asked Shanelle as he rubbed her knee.
“I'm so excited. I can't wait to tell Khari. She's gonna be all over the place.” she replied.
“Yeah. Namely climbing all over me.”
The two laughed.
“Are you ready to head home my love?” he asked Shanelle.
“Yup. I'm ready to tell our daughter that she's gonna be a big sister to our boys,” she replies.
Marquise smiled at her as he offered her his arm.
She took his arm.
They smiled at each other before leaving the doctor's office and heading home. After getting home they ran into Margo and gave her the good news.
“Boys? Are you two sure?” Margo asked them both.
“Yes, Margo. You are about to be the grandmother to two boys.” Shanelle replies.
The joy in Margo’s eyes brought tears to Shanelle’s eyes.
“This is amazing news! I can not tell you both how happy I am for you.” 
She hugged Shanelle tightly.
“Thank you, Margo,” Shanelle said as she hugged her.
Margo then turned her warm smile to her adopted son.
“This is everything I could ever want for you, son. I have prayed for this moment for you both. Especially you. I know how much you've wanted a big family. And now you'll have that family.”
Marquise hugged his mom.
“Thank you so much, mom. You've always been here for me. And I can not thank you enough for everything you've ever done for me. I can't thank you enough for loving my family.” 
“Je t'aime mon fils. Je le ferai Toujours.” she said to him.
“Je t'aime Aussi maman,” he replied before kissing her forehead. 
Margo smiled at him.
“Now you two have a little girl to break the news to.”
Shanelle smiled at Margo.
“Thanks, Margo.”
“Of course. Now I'll go get the little one and you two get ready for squeals, giggles, and excited claps.” 
They watched Margo walk down the hall. Once she turned the corner they walked to Khari’s room. They sat down on her bed as reality sank in for them both.
“We're about to tell our daughter that she's gonna be a big sister to our boys,” Shanelle said quietly.
Marquise squeezed her hand gently.
“My love, I know you’re nervous. But she's going to be over the moon.” 
“I just don't want her to feel like we'll be forgetting her when they get here.”
“Never. This is something she wants. Just like us. The only thing we have to worry about is making sure she lets us have time with them. Because you know she will not let anyone hold them but her.”
Shanelle snickered. 
“True. Those two will wind up being her babies. Not ours.”
“Pretty much,” Marquise replied with a smirk.
Just then Khari walked in with Margo.
“Hi, mommy! Hi, daddy!”
“Hello, my love,” Marquise replies.
Khari climbed into her father’s lap.
“I'll leave you to it,” Margo said as she closed the door.
 “How was your appointment?” she asked her parents.
“It was good, Peanut. We have news for you.”
“Did you find out what the twins are?” she asked.
“Yes, my love. We did find out.” Marquise replies.
“What did you find out Daddy?” Khari asked.
“Well…how do you feel about having a brother?” Shanelle asked.
“I'm having a brother?!” Khari asked.
“Two of them, my love,” Marquise replies.
They watched Khari’s eyes light up.
“Two brothers?! I get two brothers?!” Khari asks.
“Yes, Peanut. I'm having two boys.” Shanelle replies. 
“I'd ask if you’re excited about the news Peanut but…” Shanelle trailed off.
“Very!! I get two brothers! Wait, how many of us will it be?” Khari asked.
“Five of us. Plus Grammy Margo, Grammy Shantel, and Pop Pop, your aunts, uncles, and your cousins.” Shanelle replied.
“Yay! Our family is getting bigger!” Khari squealed.
“Indeed my love,” Marquise said to her.
“With the twins being boys, does that mean they get to be Princesses too?” Khari asked.
Shanelle and Marquise looked at each other before dying of laughter.
“What's so funny?” Khari asked.
“No, my love. They'll officially be named Princes like I was.” Marquise replies.
“Ohh! Will they have a corinmation as I did?” Khari asked. 
“Yes. They'll have a coronation. It won't be as big as yours though.” Marquise replies.
“How come?” Khari asked.
“Because you are the Crown Heir my love. Like uncle Leo and I were.”
“Oh okay. Can we have a parade for them?” Khari asks.
“We’ll think about it,” Shanelle replies.
Khari nodded but something in her eyes troubled the King.
“How do you feel, my love?” Marquise asked Khari.
“I'm happy. But…” she replied.
“But what?” he asked.
“Will you and Mommy still have time for me?” she replied.
“Of course, we will. What makes you think that we won't?” Shanelle asked.
“Because Grammy Margo says babies need a lot of attention, love, and care. And it's more than just me.” Khari replies.
Marquise held Khari close.
“She's right. They do. But that doesn't mean your mother and I will forget about you. You are our brightest star. We would never love you any less because of your brothers. You are the reason we are parents in the first place. The happiest day of my life is and always will be the day you were born. Do you know why?” Marquise said to her. 
“No, why?” Khari asked. 
“Because that was the first time I held you in my arms. You were so tiny. I was scared that I would drop you.” 
Khari smiled at her dad.
“You promise, Daddy?” she asked.
“I swear to you. You will always be my number one girl.” Marquise replied.
“I thought that your number one girl was Mommy.”
“I conceded the title to you when you were born,” Shanelle said to Khari.
Khari thought for a second.
“We can share the title, Mommy.”
“I accept those terms.”
“Shake Mommy?” Khari asks with her hand out.
“Deal!” Shanelle replied, shaking her daughter's hand.
“So what happens now?” Khari asked.
“Well, we do have to decorate their nursery at home,” Shanelle replied.
“Oooh! Let's go!” Khari squealed as she hopped off the bed.
“Wait up!” Marquise said to his daughter as she ran out the door.
“You go after her, I have to go call the girls and tell them,” Shanelle said to her husband. 
“Okay. Let me go catch up with this tiny tornado.” 
Shanelle snickered. 
“Good luck.”
“I'm going to need it.”
Shanelle shook her head with a smile as she watched her husband walk out and chase after their daughter. She couldn't wait to tell her girls the great news. This was about to be the greatest FaceTime call she’d have with them.
“Well do you know?” Nina asked.
“Yup. I know.” Shanelle replied.
“Well…don't just keep us in suspense! Tell us!” Bronwyn exclaimed.
“What she said!” Dee added while holding her daughter AJ.
“So bossy! If you two must know, the twins are boys. You women, get not one but two nephews to love and spoil.” Shanelle announced.
There was a moment of utter silence that scared Shanelle.
“Uh? Y'all gonna say something or do I need to start calling paramedics and spouses?” Shanelle asked.
Shanelle didn't have to worry because the girls broke out into cheers, tears, and excitement.
“Oh My God! We're having nephews!” Bronwyn cheered. 
“Congratulations Nelle!” Dee quipped.
The girls couldn't be happier.
“Our family just got bigger,” Chut added.
“Now I have a reason to visit Cordonia more often,” Nina said. 
“I'm so excited for you and Marquise Shan,” Aly said.
Shanelle wipes tears from her eyes.
“Thank you, girls. Your love and support mean the world to me.”
The only one who hadn't said anything was Robin.
“Alright, Jackie Robinson. Why are you so quiet?” Shanelle asked.
“Because I already knew,” Robin replied quietly.
“WHAT?! He told you before he told me?!” Shanelle asks.
“Yeah. He texted me after he found out. Because guess who's planning your baby shower?” Robin replies.
“Aht! You don't get a say in this!” Nina sniped at Shanelle.
“But it’s MY baby shower!” Shanelle pouted.
“And? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?” Nina asked.
Shanelle huffed.
“Nina’s right. WE are planning this, not you.” Bronwyn added.
Shanelle sucked her teeth. 
“Don't worry baby. You know we're gonna do right by you.” Robin assured her.
“I know. But y'all know how I feel about surprises unless I'm in on them.”
“We know. But this is one surprise you’re gonna have to sit out.” Dee replied.
“Fineeeee! In other FabBabes news: who's ready to head to the Maldives this weekend?!” Shanelle asked her friends. 
The girls started excitedly talking all at once. This was about to be the girl's trip of a lifetime.
“Aly we're going to miss you on this trip. But we hope you have fun at Comic-Con. And oh! If you just happen to see my future ex-husband Dwayne Johnson…think you can put in a word for me?” Shanelle asked.
Aly snorted. 
“I'll see what I can do,” Aly replied with a wink.
“Love youuuuuu!”
The rest of their video chat was filled with tears, giggles, excitement, and well wishes. Shanelle couldn't have been more blessed to call them her best friends in the world. The next day Shanelle was on a plane to London to pick up Dee before flying to Los Angeles to meet with the rest of the girls then it was off to the Maldives. 
“One of the reasons why it's always good to be friends with a Queen is you get to fly private class like she does,” Bronwyn said as she reclined her seat.
“And she keeps the alcohol cold and flowing,” Dee added.
“Why do y'all always make me sound bougie?” Shanelle asks.
“Because you are bougie…Princess.” Nina replies.
“Fuck you, Keane!” Shanelle hissed.
The girls laughed just as the pilot announced they were about to depart. 
“Next stop! The Maldives!” 
The flight was smooth. The girls were excited to be able to spend time together. And Shanelle was excited to have them be the first guests at her new Rys International resort. 
That entire weekend was a total #FabBabesTakeover. It was nothing but babes, beaches, and bikinis. They had an amazing time. They had sand, surf, sea breezes, and sunshine. Shanelle made sure the staff at her resort pulled out all the stops. Whatever her girls wanted at the resort, they got. It almost seemed unfair to leave but the girls did have families and lives to get back to. But they knew they'd be having a girl's trip again soon. 
When Shanelle got home to Cordonia she had to deal with the cutest saltiest 4 years old in the world. 
“Are you mad at me?” Shanelle asked her daughter who had her arms crossed.
“You went on vacation without me!” Khari replied. 
“Baby I went on a girl's trip.”
“I'm a girl Mommy! I could have gone too!”
Marquise just shook his head while snickering.
“I know. And I'm sorry. I'll tell you what. Next time I go, you can go with me.”
“You promise?” Khari asked.
“Pinky promise.” Shanelle replied as she held out her right pinky. 
Khari nodded.
“Did you have fun Mommy?” Khari asked.
“I did. Your aunties and I had a lot of fun.” Shanelle replied.
“What did you do?” 
“We spent a lot of time at the beach, on the hammocks, going down the slides, we went to the spa, and we ate a lot of food.”
“Did you try anything from the kid's menu?” 
“Yup. I had the Oreo sundae. It was so good!”
“I hope so. The menu is named after me, Mommy.”
“Yup. And I can tell you that the Khari’s Kidz Klub menu will be a resounding success.”
“What else did you do?” Khari asked.
“Well, I took a little time and named your brothers,” Shanelle replies.
“What did you name them?” Khari asked.
“Kylo Jeremiah and Zyon Shomari,” Shanelle replied.
“I like those names. They're pretty.”
“Thank you, baby. How was your weekend? Did Daddy behave while I was gone?” Shanelle asked.
“Barely,” Khari replied.
“Hey!” Marquise piped up.
“That sounds like your Daddy.”
“We went to Regent Lake and rode the boats. Daddy even let me drive.”
“Really?” Shanelle asks.
“Uh-huh! I even saw that they're building something near the lake. Some kind of big building. I don’t know what it is though.” Khari replied.
“Interesting. I'm sure we'll find out soon. In the meantime, I'm hungry. Wanna get something to eat?” Shanelle asks.
“Yup!” Khari replied enthusiastically.
Shanelle smiled as her daughter ran off toward the kitchen. 
“I'm glad you and the girls had a great time,” Marquise said as he wrapped his arms around her. 
“Uh-huh. You’re not off the hook sir.” 
“What did I do?” he asked.
“You told Robin about the boys BEFORE you told me,” she replies.
“I had to. I wanted the girls to plan your baby shower and they needed to know what you were having so they knew how to plan.” 
Shanelle shook her head with a smile.
“You're lucky that you’re handsome, sweet, and devilishly charming, Your Majesty. Otherwise…”
“Otherwise you'd be mad at me.”
She leaned into his arms. 
“So our boys' names are Kylo and Zyon huh?” he asked.
“Mmhmm. You know how I feel about giving our children names that will stand out.” she replied.
He rested a hand on her stomach.
“Can you believe that we're almost there?” he asked.
“No. But at the same time yes,” she replied. 
“This will be an amazing time for our family. Not to mention our people.”
“I know.”
He kisses the side of her forehead.
“Now we have to go catch up with our daughter and make sure she isn't running around the kitchen.”
“Oh boy! Let's go.” 
The two walked down the hall to the kitchen to see what their daughter was up to.
The next day was a big day for Shanelle. She would finally be sitting down with her cousin Prince Edward and his fiancee to discuss the new budget for Comery Isle. As she walked to her office, she was ready for whatever opposition her cousin and Naya had for her. All she had to do was remember to keep her emotions in check. She nodded politely to the doorman outside her office door. When she walked in she was greeted by her cousin.
“Good afternoon, Your Majesty,” Prince Edwin said in greeting.
“Good afternoon, Your Highness,” Shanelle replied to Edwin before greeting his fiancee. “Good afternoon Princess.” 
“Good afternoon,” Naya replied stiffly.
“You're looking well, Your Majesty.” 
Shanelle smiled politely.
“Thank you, Edwin. As are you. How is your mother doing? I heard about her fall.” Shanelle asked.
Edwin smiled appreciatively.
“Thank you for asking. She's recovering quite well. Her fall was frightening but I am thankful for the Monarchy’s concern for her well-being.” Edwin replied. 
“Of course. His Majesty always cares about his people, unlike some people.” Naya quipped.
Shanelle caught the swipe at her but decided to let it go.
“We also want to give our congratulations to you and His Majesty. We heard the great news. Twin boys are amazing. We wish you and your family the absolute best and lots of love.” 
Shanelle placed a hand on her growing belly.
“Thank you, Edwin. We appreciate it. Now let's sit down so we can get started. I don't have the best balance when I'm upright.”
Everyone took their seats around Shanelle’s desk.
“Now we have Business Of State to attend to,” Shanelle said to them both.
“Yes, we do. Naya and I are here to formally submit the names of our advisory board as well as the new budget package.” Edwin replies.
“I got a look at the preliminary list. I noticed your father is one of the names on your advisory board list.”
Edwin sighed. 
“I understand how you feel about my father from both personal experience and his time as King of South Cordonia. But he knows the area. Much better than any of us.”
“I see. And what about you Naya? What do you have to say?” Shanelle asked as she looked at Naya.
“I agree with my fiance. His father’s transgressions are of the past. He's an expert of the region and should be given a chance.” Naya replied.
Shanelle nodded.
“Very well. I will approve the advisory board but only if you swear to keep Edward in line.”
“I can assure you that my father will not be a problem.”
“Besides, it's not like he's you, Shanelle.” Naya quipped.
Shanelle raised an eyebrow.
“I'm not too sure what you mean, Naya.”
“What I mean is, Edward wasn't just blindly handed the keys to a kingdom like you were. He actually worked for his title.” 
“For your information, I wasn't handed anything.”
Naya scoffed. 
“Yes you were. You were literally gift-wrapped a golden package of my former fiance and all of Cordonia.” Naya hissed.
“I'd watch my tone if I were you. Also, you’re forgetting you were already married to Tariq by the time His Majesty married me.”
“Now let's not get off track. We're here to discuss business.” Edwin piped up.
“You're right my dear. I'm sorry for letting something like her distract me.”
“That's Her Majesty. Princess.” Shanelle warned.
“Whatever,” Naya muttered.
“Yes, well, back to the matter at hand. I assume you've had a chance to review the budget package as well.” Edwin said to Shanelle.
“Yes, I have Edwin. There are some great improvements and incentives in the budget.” Shanelle replies.
“Thank you, Your Majesty.” 
“But two key pieces are sticking out to me,” Shanelle said to them both.
“What is sticking out to you?” Edwin asked.
“You're still including the severance package for the Voncouer family, while not including the tax incentive program.”
“Yes, we are,” Naya said emphatically, “despite their shortcomings, former Lord Neville and his family deserve to be compensated for their time and hard work for the people of Comery Isle.”
“And what about what the people voted for Naya? Why you both insist on going against their wishes is beyond me. Giving the Vancouer family a severance package was on the ballot as well as the two of you. The people voted for you two and voted against the severance package. It would look bad, VERY bad on the two of you if you grant this severance package.”
“The people will understand.”
“Understand what? That you would reward the same family that misappropriated funds? The same family that stole from the island’s treasury to finance their lifestyle? Is that the message you want to send them? That yeah sure, they stole from the people, which is bad, but we still think they deserve compensation?” Shanelle asked.
Naya huffed.
“Okay fine, I see your point.” Edwin replies. “It would look bad on us as the leaders if we were to go ahead with the severance package.”
“Exactly. You campaigned as a better leader than the Vancouers. Do you want the people to think that you lied to them?” Shanelle asked.
“Of course not. Because we are better leaders than they were.” Edwin replied. “Very well I will exclude the severance package from the budget.” 
“Good. Now as far as the tax incentive program is concerned.”
Naya waved her off.
“The tax incentive program is a waste of money.”
“Are you really going to be this difficult?” Shanelle asked.
“I'm not being difficult. You are being stubborn. The tax incentive program is obsolete at this point.” Naya replied.
“Let me ask you this, would you say any of that to my husband? Would you have this much of an attitude if he told you not to exclude it from the budget?” Shanelle asked.
Naya kept her mouth shut.
“That's what I thought. The tax incentive program is why and how Comery Isle has been able to come back to life. After years of dealing with the Vancouers and recovering from Edward’s sky-high tax hikes, the island is finally thriving. The population has increased tenfold, within the last two and a half years alone, since the implementation of the program, not to mention how it has bolstered the island’s economy. Businesses are no longer being punished for seeking outside help.”
“Fine whatever,” Naya said dismissively.
Edwin sighed.
“Fine. The tax incentive program will stay. But I want to be able to modify it if and when necessary.” 
“That's fine.”
Naya scoffed. 
“The spoiled brat gets what she wants again,” Naya muttered a little too loudly.
“If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you were jealous, Naya.” 
“Well, it's a good thing you know better. Because I would never be jealous of you.”
“Sure sounds that way.”
“Well, it's not! You have nothing for me to be jealous about anyway.”
“Except the King. We all know how you feel about our marriage.”
Naya rolled her eyes.
“The farce you call a happy marriage will end soon enough.” Naya sneered. 
“And then what? He’ll come running back to you?” Shanelle asked.
Naya just glared daggers at her.
“I mean it's good in theory. There's just one not-so-tiny problem. You'll already be married. Again. Which was your problem the first time.”
Just as Naya got ready to respond there was a knock at the door.
“Yes?” Shanelle answered.
The door opened to reveal the Princess. 
“Hi, mommy!”
“Hi, baby.”
Khari turned to the doorman with a friendly smile.
“Thank you, Otto!” she said to the smiling doorman before giving him a fist bump.
“You are always fist-bumping people, little girl.”
“Well yeah. That's how you say thank you.”
“True. What are you up to little one?” Shanelle asked her daughter.
“Grammy is taking me to my ballet lessons. And she said you were in a meeting but I wanted to show you my new tutu. It's the sparkly unicorn tutu I wanted! See?” Khari replied with a twirl.
“I would hope it's the sparkly one. Your Daddy would be miffed if it wasn't. Come here for a sec.”
Khari walked over to her mother.
“Do you remember Pop Pop telling you he has an older brother?” Shanelle asks Khari.
“Yeah. Daddy said that I wouldn't be able to meet him.” Khari replied.
“This is Pop Pop’s nephew. My cousin, Prince Edwin Miller.” 
“Pop Pop has a nephew?” Khari asks.
“Yes. Can you say hi?” Shanelle asked Khari.
“Hi!” Khari greeted Naya and Edwin.
“Hello, Princess. It's good to finally meet you.” Edwin said to Khari.
“It's good to meet you too,” Khari replied with a smile. 
“And this is Naya. Prince Edwin’s fianceé. And just like you, she's a Princess too.” Shanelle said to her daughter.
“Really?!” Khari asked.
“Mmmhmm,” Shanelle replies.
“Whoa! Cool! Hi Princess Naya.” 
Naya smiled stiffly. 
“Hello, Princess. My my, you are a very pretty little girl. You must get your looks from your father.” 
“Uh-huh. And my mommy. She's pretty too.”
“Oh really? And here I always thought your mother looked common.”
Khari shook her no.
“Mommy has always looked pretty.”
“Oh? Gee, I hadn't noticed. Thank you for clarifying.”
Shanelle took a deep breath and held her composure.
“You're welcome, Princess.”
“My! You know your titles, don't you?” Naya asked Khari.
“Uh-huh. Mommy and Daddy help me to remember.” Khari replied 
“I knew your dad would help you. He is the King after all. But I'm surprised your mom would help you as well. I'm learning so much about her. Thank you, dear.”
“Well yeah, my mommy always helps. She is the Queen after all. A Queen always knows the stations and titles. Or something like that.”
“I guess I've always seen her as a commoner. But thanks to you Princess, I'm finally seeing her as Queen.”
Shanelle could feel her blood start to boil. She was thankful when Margo walked in.
“There you are, little one! Are you ready to go?” Margo asked Khari.
“Uh-huh! I just have to show my tutu to Daddy. Mommy was just letting me say hi to her guests. Did you know Mommy has a cousin who's a Prince just like the twins will be?” Khari replies.
“Yes, I did my dear,” Margo replies.
“Hello, Margo,” Naya said to her.
“Hello, Princess. It's been a long time since we've last seen one another.” Margo replies.
“You're looking well, Margo.” 
Margo smiled politely at Naya. 
“As are you, Your Highness.”
Margo turned her attention back to Khari.
“Come along now, dear. We have just enough time to show your Daddy your tutu before we leave.” 
“Okay, Grammy.” 
Khari hugged her mother. 
“Bye, mommy! I'll see you later.”
“Bye, baby. I'll see you when you get back.”
“Can we have a snack when I get back?” Khari asked.
“Sure. We'll go to your favorite bakery for cinnamon rolls.” Shanelle replies.
“Yay! Thank you, mommy!”
“You're welcome, baby. Off with you now.” 
Khari gave her mom one last hug before following Margo out the door.
“What a beautiful little girl she is! She's absolutely adorable. It's such a shame that you’re her mother though.” Naya sneered. 
Shanelle steeples her fingers together. 
“Bitch…I am about two seconds away from stabbing yo ass with a letter opener!” Shanelle hissed. 
“Are you threatening her?” Edwin asked.
“Your fianceé just showed her whole ass in front of my daughter, Edwin. So excuse me if I don’t care that you're offended.” Shanelle replied.
“How very unbecoming of a Queen to threaten an unarmed woman.” 
“Considering how your father had a man beheaded because he didn't like his taste in decor, not that I blame him, you have no room to talk.”
Down the hall, in his office, His Majesty was just ending a conference call when his little spitfire came bursting through the door.
“Whoa! Hah! Stuck the landing!” Khari said triumphantly although she was a little wobbly standing up.
Marquise chuckled.
“Very good, my love.”
Khari ran over to her daddy and climbed into his lap.
“Oof! How are you, my love?” Marquise asked Khari.
“I'm good. I'm going to my ballet lessons with Grammy but I wanted to show you and Mommy my new tutu. It's the sparkly unicorn one I wanted. Thank you for getting it for me Daddy. I love it so much.” Khari replies. 
Marquise smiled at her.
“You are most welcome, my beautiful one. I'm so glad you love it,” he said before kissing her forehead. 
Margo appeared in the doorway. 
“You two would be absolutely sickening if I didn't love your relationship so much.” 
Marquise smiled before walking over and hugging her.
“How are you mom?” he asks Margo.
“I'm doing good, son,” Margo replies.
“How was your doctor's appointment this morning?” he asked.
“It was good. I'm fine. No need to worry about me.” she replied.
“I'll always worry about you, mom. You know this.” 
Margo wrapped him in a motherly hug.
“You're such a good boy.”
“And a good daddy too,” Khari added.
Marquise chuckled.
“Thank you both. You two are just the ego boost I needed.” Marquise said to both before turning his attention to Margo. “Now I understand Shanelle is in a meeting.” 
Margo nodded.
“Yes. With Prince Edwin and Princess Naya.”
Marquise nodded.
“How bad had it gotten, mom?” Marquise asks Margo. 
“It didn't seem too bad but I know your wife. And I know how Naya likes to push Shanelle’s buttons.” Margo replied.
“They were nice to me, Daddy,” Khari added.
“Good. I'm glad they were nice to you my love. Now did it look like Naya was behaving herself?” Marquise asked Margo.
“It seemed that way but you of all people know how she feels about your wife.”
“Daddy you know Princess Naya?” Khari asked.
“Yes, mon amour. Princess Naya and I have been friends since we were kids.” Marquise replied.
“Like me and Xavier?” Khari asks.
Margo snickered when Marquise winced at the name.
“Yes, my love. Like that.”
“I'd say it was a little more than that son.” Margo teased.
“Anyway…Shanelle is meeting with them today to discuss the new budget for Comery Isle.”
Margo nodded.
“That's right. Her cousin won the election to become the new Head Of State for the people there.” 
“Yes and today they're meeting to establish the new advisory board and set the budget for this fiscal year.”
“I'm so happy the people there will never have to deal with the terrible family that was there before. They were snobby, inconsiderate, rude, and always thought way too damn highly of themselves.”
“That’s the Vancoeur family for you.”
Margo scoffed. 
“I never did like that family.”
Marquise snorted.
“Ahh yes. Who can forget your utter disdain for Lady Beatrice, mom? Not to mention how much you couldn't stand Neville’s older brother Luther. And don't get me started on that one time where, if I wasn't standing in between the two of you, you would've whacked his father Gorman in the head.”
“Grammy you almost did what?” Khari asked.
Margo shrugged.
“He earned it! He insulted me and your Grandpa George.” Margo replied.
Marquise shook his head.
“And no one ever does that without paying the price.” Marquise teased. 
“Exactly! I give respect because I expect respect to be given back. The Vancoeurs were never respectful of anyone they considered lesser than them.”
“But you're not lesser than anybody Grammy. You’re the best!”
Margo shook her head with a smile. 
“Thank you my little love bug,” Margo said to Khari before checking her watch, “now it's time to go meet Jenna and Callie so we can get you two off to your ballet lessons.”
“Okay. Just one more thing.”
Khari wrapped her dad in the biggest hug she could muster.
“Bye Daddy! I'll see you later.”
He returned her hug.
“I'll see you later my love.”
“Mommy said we can go for cinnamon rolls after my lessons. Is that okay?” Khari asked him.
“Sure. As long as I get a Chocolate Croissant out of the deal. Because you remember what happened the last time,” he replied.
Khari giggled.
“Okay. I will make sure Mommy doesn't forget your chocolate croissant.”
“That's my girl.” he said to his daughter before giving her a kiss on her forehead, “Now go on. You don't want to be late.”
Marquise gave Margo a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.
“I'll see you later mom.”
“I'll see you later, son.”
Marquise watched them disappear around the corner before catching the sound of raised voices coming from the direction of Shanelle’s office. He knew that it couldn't be good. He decided to go investigate what all the ruckus was about. The closer he got to his wife’s office the louder the voices got. With a quick nod to her doorman, Marquise walked in on a very heated shouting match between Shanelle, Naya, and Edwin.
“What is the meaning of this?” Marquise asked as he walked in.
“Good afternoon Your Majesty. I'm glad you asked. This is another prime example of your wife throwing a temper tantrum.” Edwin replied.
“And threatening me!” Naya added.
“Excuse me?!” Shanelle exclaimed.
“I see. So this was all unprovoked on Her Majesty’s part?” Marquise asked.
Edwin and Naya went quiet.
“Uh-huh. That's what I thought.” Marquise said before turning to Shanelle. “What happened?”
“Everything was going good until your ex’s jealousy reared its ugly head and she started taking shots at me.” 
Naya scoffed.
“If you can't take a few criticisms every here and again, then maybe you shouldn't hold the title of Queen. You’re way too overly emotional anyway.” Naya sneered.
“For the record, if Shanelle shouldn't be allowed to hold the title of Queen because she's way too emotional, neither should you, Naya. A drunken Queen is way more unbecoming and disastrous than an overly emotional one.” Marquise shot back at his ex.
“Now see here! You may be King but you will not disrespect my fianceé!” Edwin snapped at Marquise.
“Edwin. You may be the new leader of Comery Isle but don't you EVER forget that I have the power to override the people’s vote and have you both removed.” Marquise warned. 
“And then there's the part where the Princess here thought it would be cute to show her ass in front of our daughter.”
Marquise looked at Naya expectantly.
“What is she talking about Naya?” Marquise asked his ex.
Naya rolled her eyes.
“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” Marquise asked Naya.
“No,” Naya replies.
“Then what is my wife talking about?” he asked.
“I made a few jokes about her being common. It was nothing serious.” Naya replied.
“First of all, you made those jokes, as you call them, in front of my daughter. The same daughter who is the Heir to the Throne. Secondly, you disrespected your Queen by calling her common. Disrespecting her is the same as disrespecting me.”
“She's fine Marquise-” Edwin tried to say before Marquise cut him off. “It's Your Majesty!”
“Fine. Your Majesty, your wife is fine.”
That's when Marquise had heard enough and was ready to lay down the law.
“Edwin, I understand you don't like Shanelle as your cousin. That's fine. That's your prerogative. But you will respect Her Majesty and especially her authority as your Queen. Do I make myself clear?” Marquise asked.
Edwin swallowed hard.
“Yes, Your Majesty,” he replied.
Marquise looked over Edwin’s shoulder at Naya.
Naya looked at him.
“Come here.”
“Be reasonable Your Majesty-” Edwin tried to say before Marquise held up a hand to silence him.
“Now!” Marquise commanded.
Naya walked over to Marquise with her head down. When she got to him, he tilted her chin up so she was looking him directly in the eye.
“Everyone in this room knows that you and I have a very complicated history. But no history between us, complicated or not, gives you the right to disrespect my wife in any way, shape, or form. Especially when you, yourself are already on VERY thin ice with me as it stands! And the more disrespectful that you are, the more that ice cracks underneath your feet.” 
“But!” Naya tried to protest.
“Naya. Don't you ever forget that you walk free, because of the deal I made with your now-deceased husband, to keep you out of a well-deserved dungeon after the stunt you pulled!” Marquise growled causing Naya to flinch slightly.
“I haven't forgotten,” Naya replied quietly.
“Good. See that you don't.”
Marquise took a deep breath before turning his attention to Shanelle.
“Have you come to a decision, Your Majesty?” Marquise asked Shanelle.
“I have. There are a few adjustments to be made to the budget before I sign off on it,” Shanelle replied.
“Very well,” Marquise said to her before turning his attention back to Naya and Edwin. “Now I believe the people of Comery Isle have waited long enough for their new Head of State, so you both are to have the newly revised budget on Her Majesty’s desk, ready to sign within the next 72 hours. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Edwin replied.
Marquise looked at Naya expectantly.
“Yes, My King,” Naya replied softly.
“Good,” Marquise said before knocking on the door to have it opened. “I trust you two can see yourselves out.” 
Naya walked out of Shanelle’s office without looking back and was followed by Edwin. Leaving the couple alone.
“Are you alright my love?” Marquise asks.
“I'm fine. Are you alright?” Shanelle replied.
“I'll live,” Marquise said with an exasperated sigh.
“I know that was hard.” 
“Yes, it was. But it was absolutely necessary. I can live with that.”
Shanelle sighed. 
“She will never get over us being married.”
“I know. But be that as it may, it doesn't give her the right to be disrespectful to you. The more erratic she acts the more she confirms my suspicions about her.”
“What suspicions?” Shanelle asked.
Marquise made sure to lock Shanelle’s office door before he walked over to her desk.
“It's still a hunch but I have long suspected that Tariq’s death wasn't due to natural causes,” he replied.
“What do you mean?” she asks.
“I think she might've killed him,” he replies. 
“Wait! You actually think she killed him?” Shanelle asks.
“I'm not 100% sure. And I won't know for certain until his body is exhumed and an autopsy is done.” Marquise replied.
“You can do that without her permission? How?” Shanelle asked.
“King!” he replied.
“True. What makes you think he was killed?” she asked.
“Tariq was a lot of things. Most of those things were good. And he was good to her. But I know for a fact that she never loved him.” he replied.
“I mean she did try to kidnap me. But that's a far cry from murder.”
“I know. But I can't shake the feeling. Tariq was relatively healthy.”
“I mean to be fair, heart attacks can happen to anyone. Healthy or not.”
“True. But something about his death is bothering me.”
“So what are you going to do?” she asked. 
“His body will be exhumed and an autopsy will be done. And that'll either confirm or deny my suspicions,” he replied.
“I never thought you of all people would suspect her like that.” 
“I never thought she’d try to kidnap you but here we are.” 
“True. So when are you gonna have his body exhumed?” she asked.
“Within the next 72 hours,” he replied.
“Well played, Your Majesty.” 
“I have a few good tricks up my sleeve.”
“So let's say hypothetically speaking, your suspicions are correct. What then?” she asks.
“She will be stripped of her title and charged with murder,” he replies.
“Are you ready for that?” she asks.
“I have to be. Justice will have to be served and well…”
“You have to be the one to serve it.”
“I don't envy you.”
“I know. But it has to be done.”
“Good luck,” Shanelle said to her husband as he walks out the door.
“Thanks. I'll need it,” he replies.
Shanelle hoped that he was wrong. But if he was right, he knew heads were gonna roll. 
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vegetacide · 5 years
Whump prompt#4 - part III
Veg-notables - I noticed in some of my older stuff that I tend to write a lot of internal dialogue and thoughts so I decided to push myself to write more about the surroundings and such..for this part I actually looked up the picture of an old, wood mill and I attempted to draw a picture of it with words.. Not sure if I was successful but I think it was good practice..  Let me know what you think.
Thank you to @gumnut-logic for hashing out plot points with me.  
Proofed by me..mistakes.. Blah blah blah .. be nice.
Likes, shares and comments are my motivational fuel and all that jazz
Rating:  M for suggestions of torture.
Characters: Kayo, Scott and John is floating about
Prompt snippet -  no title yet ‘cause I am still lazy and haven’t thought of one
Part I can be found HERE and Part II HERE
Part III
Kayo approached the ramshackled grouping of buildings on silent feet.  The red rust of the corrugated siding staining its rocky footing as if the dilapidated structure had met its end by exsanguination.  Chunks of decaying metal sat like the curled husk of a dreadful creature across the marred vacant yard that was nestled between the forsaken mill and her bricked siblings. The  bracket space between, a parody of some sick graveyard that lay ragged and open to the sky littered with the fossils of rotten wooden pallets and tipped over oil drums.  
Pressing her back to an ash coloured brickwork of the stubbier of the two outbuildings, Kayo held her breath and listened.  Her eyes ever moving over the landscape of disuse before her, scanning the skeletal remains for any sign of life.  The gaping holes in the main structure absorbing the dying light of the summer sun and obscuring her gaze from seeing anything more than pitted cross beams and the ragged teeth the massive head rig.  
Hearing nothing but the sound of wind through the four and a half story mill and the distant sound of the GDF patrol flyers that had been called in,  Kayo allowed her lungs to once again expand. Alighting along the building’s perimeter she kept the scarred brickwork close to her back, her fingers dragging along its craggy surface as she continued her reconnaissance of the abandoned facility. 
Coming to a wide opening,  she halted her forward motion.  Shuffling along to the very edge of it, she carefully peered around the broken framework of what was once a large, framed window. The mullions broken or missing in the absence of what would have been a rather hefty sheet of glass, the remains of which crunched under foot and glinted dully in the tapering light of day.
The dimly lit mottled interior was in utter ruin, particles of dust dancing about in the shafts of sunlight that filtered in from the ceiling, parts of which had caved in decades ago.  Bits of old roofing tiles lay scattered across the moss covered floor along with support beams and metal fittings. 
Across the large space of what she could only perceive was the main room,  hung two heavy insulated doors. The once pristine polish of their surface now scuffed and tarnished. One sat open, its maw revealing nothing by darkness beyond. If she could guess this was a kiln house. A building that housed the large industrial ovens used to dry out and season newly milled wood.
Stepping out from behind the safety of her cover, Kayo gripped the edge of the decaying sill and made quick work hoisting herself in.  The fact that the large machinery that made up the kiln hadn’t yet fallen through the floor, telling her that the structural integrity was most likely sound enough to support her weight.  
Once within the confines of what was surprising a very large space,  she tapped her comms twice, signalling to John that she was on site and triggered her camera.  Recording everything she saw in case reference was needed later to correctly recall a poignant detail. 
Stepping gingerly around the detritus of wood shavings,  mouse escarpment and bird dropping Kayo began her search.  The tracks she found at the further part of the mining camp some five clicks away had pointed her in this direction. They’d been hastily and haphazardly concealed and she’d picked up the trail easily after going another 30 feet or so into the underbrush.  The snapped saplings and disturbed soil standing out is stark contrast to her well practiced eye. 
After a quick call up to 5, John had provided her with an overview scan  of the surrounding area and it hadn’t taken her long to stumble upon the old mill even though the likelihood of this actually leading anywhere was slim but she had to check.  Only an idiot would use something so obvious as a… 
A glint of something out of place brought Kayo up short and she stilled, eyes tracking back and forth along the floor boards. Something had caught the light as she’d been panning her vision around the space in her inspection.Tilting her head, she crouched as the change in angle caused something to catch the light again and her slender browns dipped downwards in concentration. 
Four inches from the floor a fine, silver filament stretched across the expanse of a large archway at the head of a back hallway that appeared to run the length of the building. A tripwire.  It was old tech but given the environment very practical and very skillfully applied.
Stretching her body out carefully alongside it, her eyes traced it length to it terminus, looking for any sort of trigger or devise hidden under the stacks of broken factory paraphernalia pushed off with little care at the base of the archways wooden support pillars.  
Hidden just out of sight and strapped to what appeared to be a heavy old canister of some sort was a small, blinking red light.  Definitely a trigger, though whether it was for a security system or an explosive she couldn’t tell and she couldn’t risk disturbing it to figure it out. Someone was definitely here if the trip was live.. 
Tapping her insignia, Kay opened an audio only channel to 5.  As per protocol for Kayo, John would only be able to communicate with her verbally over the line, no visual holo-cast.  He kept it short and professional, falling back on old CB radio codes on the small chance someone was piggy backing their secure line and eavesdropping. “10-2,”  a short pause followed by “10-18?”  
It was old school but it worked and kept chatter on the line to a minimal. With two short transmissions, John had verified that her channel was securely receiving her communication and had asked if she had anything to report.  That last part she knew John would usually leave out as she wouldn’t have made contact otherwise so that meant that Scott was on the line too and chomping at the bit for anything he could get on his missing brother.
“Possible contact, have the GDF stand by”
“Message received. Alerting GDF to hold at perimeter.”   
“10-4”   Kayo heard a click over the comms as John change over to the GDF frequency but the quiet was short lived as he once again patched back over to her.  Shaking her head as she lightly got back up to her feet and stepped over the tripwire, she should have known with the Defense Force so close they couldn’t sit still.  
She had enough experience with Rigby to know there was good reason for the Colonel to call on her expertise for the more delicate operations. The man was good at his job in the guns blazing, hit them first sort of way that marked his and a lot of the other GDF personnel main character traits. 
“GDF strongly advising use of backup before proceeding.”
“Negative.” Came her blunt, clipped reply.  The GDF were not known for the ability to be stealthy and in this situation that was exactly what was needed.   There was no telling what else she was going to find around here and the last thing she needed was their big boots stomping about the place tripping god knows what.  Virgil’s life could very well be in the balance and that was a risk she just would not take. 
The line went silent again after that and Kayo let out a breath.  John would pass the information on and he wouldn’t bug her about it again.  The GDF would be either mollified by that or not, she didn’t really care at the moment.
Scott on was another matter altogether though, she would prefer to handle this on her own but she knew that despite her hard no on the GDF joining that it wouldn’t forestall the commander of iR from racing over from where he was reconning.  She just hoped she could clear the scene before he got there.
Pausing a moment to mark the hazard on the digital layout her wrist comm was compiling so Scott wouldn’t trip the thing when he inevitable got there, Kayo pulled a small pen light from her pocket and flashed it up the dark hallway.  Light back here was poor with only a small 12 by 8 window every 10 feet or so making the long length a veritable minefield of hazards. A sprained ankle was the last thing she needed or worse if she happened to come across another surprise like the one she’d just found. 
Picking her way cautiously down the hall, eyes alert and ears straining for any sound out of the ordinary she continued on.    
Coming to a blind corner, Kayo glanced back up the hallway and assessed what she’d already seen and heard.  With the skill needed to trick John with a false call,  getting the upper hand on Virgil, left barely a trace and the set up with the trip wire, she knew that whoever was responsible was skilled,  very skilled. She suspicions made her think that whoever it behind it was a pro 
Hearing the tell tale sound of a jet pack, Kayo did her best to keep her internal mental tirade of courses just where they were and double tapped her  comm. 
“Sorry Kayo, Scott is en route.”  
No shit, she thought to herself.  “Be advised,  area is not secure.  Hold position until further notice.” If she could have, she would have added  I will beat Scott’s ass if he doesn’t listen but she left it unvoiced.  She hoped that her tone would be sufficient enough to pass that little ditty along. 
“Understood,  message has been relayed.” Guess it had.
Grumbling at the delay, she carried on until she came to a section of wall that looked like it had been removed with a sledge hammer, the jagged edges of which appeared fairly new and revealed a wooden stairway that descended into the earth.  
Hugging the wall, Kayo took them with care, mindful to place her foot as close to the stringer as possible.  Settling her feet on the first tread she gave a sigh of relief  when the stairs didn’t just outright collapse under her weight. They looked study enough but looks could be deceiving. 
Shifting back and forth she tested the next one down and so on and so forth until she reached the landing and the stairs made a 90 degree turn.  Taking it as a sign when there was no creaking of loose boards or anything else that might result in her broken bones she alighted down the final flight with a bit more haste.  
The tunnel that she found at the bottom was not what she expected.  It was roughly constructed and lined with concrete, the ceiling being held in place by rough cut wood beams intersected by a newer spattering of electrical cords that ran off and disappeared behind a sealed door at the far end Pocked marked between the beams was an errant placement of naked light fixtures, the bulbs of which flickered and swayed.  
It was damp and water had accumulated in several spots along the uneven rocky flooring. The dampness not only felt with a chill up her spine but smelt. It was earthy and metallic and clung to the inside of her sinuses.  
Listening, she could hear the muted pitch of a motor. The faint scent of fuel and exhaust carried along with the wet soil that permeated the air had her picturing a generator, something easy to procure and set up. Her suspicions peaked again that this was anything but a random attack on her family. They were too well prepared for this to have been a spur of the moment, which meant organized and more proof that the perpetrator was not just some run of the mill kidnapper. 
The click of her comm activating, had her cursing under her breath.  Now was not the time.  She quickly shut it off again.  Scott could damn well stay upstairs and wait where she knew he would be safe. She couldn’t worry about him on top of all this.
Ducking into a shadowed alcove, Kayo parked behind a large crate, ears keenly tuned to pick up on any sounds that indicated her infiltration was a bust  Back pressed to the tunnel wall she could just make out the first door.   It was unlatched and moving slightly, caught up in a mild breeze that seemed to originate further down the tunnel.  
The gap was just wide enough that Kayo could catch a glimpse of what lay beyond.  There was a flickering light but by its random movements she guess a gas lamp of some sort was burning.  Crates seemed to line a wall..  They appeared new and from the markings on the side possibly army surplus supplies. So who ever this one, they had been here a while. 
Holding her breath as she waited a beat for some sort of reaction from the other side. A voice, a shifting of shoes, anything to forewarn her that she had been discovered. The small hairs on the back of her neck prickling with sensation as her adrenaline spiked a notch.    
When nothing changed or came charging out, she plucked a small device from her the pouch at her waist and dropped it. Automatically a duel set of miniature rotors unfolded from it and it began to hover in the air. A little something that Brains had supplied her for just this situation.  
The small device carried a micro camera and was easily controlled from her wrist comm.  The magnetic rotors were virtually silent and their independent movement allowed the tiny bot the agility to move about basically anywhere that Kayo required.  
There were some downsides to the tech, like heat sensitive and its range capabilities  and battery life were limited due to its size but overall it was perfect for Kayo’s uses. It had a few other handy add-ons though that more than made of its for what it was lacking. 
With a flick of her daft fingers, her wrist unit sparked to life and an image of herself from the little flyer sprang up on the screen.  With easy, she maneuvered the craft out and around her hiding place. It hugged the ceiling, its onboard sensory preventing it from crashing into any obstructions and zipped easily over to the open door way.   With a quick title on its axis, it breached the gap and entered the room beyond.
Automatically,  data and floor blueprints popped up on Kayo’s display. Geological information followed,  GPS locations and the general makeup of the room, ambient temperature.  Everything that one could possibly need to know about a 10 x 12 space. It was as she had guessed,  a storage room of some sort and from the tiny screen, she could make out an empty rustic seating area, remnants of food containers and even a small cooker.  No bio reading or heat signatures indicative of a person though and a quick glance at the composition of the wall told her she would have to go room by room.
The little flyer made quick work of the tunnel and in a matter of minutes Kay had a good read of the layout of the place.   Four rooms total,  and no trace of any occupants.  The place had been deserted and deserted in a rush by the looks of things. 
Leaving the alcove, Kay stepped out into the middle of the tunnel and hit her comms.  “Scott,  you can stop your pacing. John,  let the GDF know the place is a ghost town and that they can send in their team now.. Give em a heads up about the trip on the first floor and they should watch out for more.”  
“Roger that”
Within seconds, the tall brunette leader of iR was striding down the stairs towards her. The scowl in place not impressed at being caged upstairs while she did her initial scans. 
“Report?”  His voice was blunt with barely contained anger. 
“Nothing so far,  but the place has been cleared out.  No trace of any electronic signatures that could signal additional defenses but watch your step and stay behind me. If I had a choice you would be back at the island..”
“Tough shit.” 
The made their way through each room.  The storage room was first and proved Kayo’s theory that the facility had been set up for the long run.  The next room was a bunkie with a couple of pallets for sleeping and little else.  There was a generator room, that had makeshift ventilation system that vented exhausted into the mill above, it was heavily padded to reduce noise and the door was actually steel reinforced.
That left door number four.   Pausing outside it,  Kayo looked to Scott and laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder.  The little flyer hadn’t picked up on anything living down here but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t find something else.  
When his blue gaze met hers,  he gave a single nod and Kayo put her shoulder into the door.  
The room was dark and barren.   The only light source the signal bar bulb at her back which swayed lightly, illuminating briefly first one side of the room and then the other as its light cast about in the breeze.   
Like the rest of the tunnel system the flooring was dirt covered but the walls appeared damp with water run off from some unknown source.  It was colder in this room compared to the others as well and the creepy feeling she’d experienced out in the alcove returned, sending shuddered up Kayo’s spine.  
Pulling her penlight out once more she flashed it around the room.   There was a metal chair to one side of the room and discarded lashings strewn about the floor at its base.   Walking over to it,  Kayo did a cursory scan of the floor and didn't like what she found.  
“The chair is fastened to the ground.”  She pointed out, crouching to examine the bolts holding it down.  Picking up one of the lengths of rope she tried her best to push down the fear at the sight of blood that darkened the strong twine, her light once more sweeping over the room.
She could trust Scott to stay out of the way, he knew how she worked and he kept himself over by the door so she could do her job.  “What’s that over there?”  He nodded, squinting his eyes as he tried to make out what it was from across the room. 
Glancing back over her shoulder, she pushed up to her feet aiming her light at what Scott had indicated.  “Not sure..”  Walking over to it, she bent down to take a look and stilled. 
Proof. “They had him here.”  Turning back to Scott as he finally stepped further into the room she held the torn remains of a soft, grey shirt, one she knew that Virgil had put on some sixteen hours earlier. 
In the early hours of the morning she’d been lazing in a tangled mess of bed sheets, languid and completely sated. Happy for the first time in ...she had no idea how long and oh so relaxed. She’d raked her gaze over his fine physique and with a smile watched him pull the soft cotton down over his finger tousled hair before he’d turned and cupped her cheek for a good morning kiss that had once again led to other things..
Clenching her eyes shut she pushed the image from her mind. The shirt in her hand that smelt of his aftershave (the one she’d bought him last Christmas), the irony tang of blood and fear sweat, held tight as she tried to make sense of all of this and couldn’t.  
Drawing in her breath, she gathered her bearing and returned to the task at hand.   Peridot eyes swept around the earthen room that for  lack of a better word it was what amounted to a cell.  Archaic as it was, the place looked like something out of one of the many old war movies she had seen and it was hard to believe that in this day in age people still resorted to them. 
 Eyes narrowing as something caught her attention across the room behind Scott,  she canted her head slightly trying to make out what it was. “Scott,  behind you on the table.” She directed with a head nod towards the far corner. 
Sitting on a small utility table amidst various discoloured rags and  a roll of duct tape rested a folded note address to Scott and a holo-recorder.   “What is it?”
“I’m not sure.” Picking up the note, Scott examined both sides of it. His name graced one side of it with thick block letters but other than that it was blank.  Furrowing his brows he turned his attention to the recorder and powered it up, the small piece of tech casting odd shadows about the cell walls as it started to play some pre-recorded video. 
Within seconds Scott’s face went from confusion to a look of abject terror that found Kayo instantly at his side having no idea she’d even made a conscious decision to move.  The look in his eyes had her heart stuttering and relocating somewhere North of her chest.
Instantly everything else in the room suddenly dissolved, like someone had hit the dimmer switch on the rest of the world.  Sound took on a tinny quality and faded into nothingness.  Her panic breath and what she was looking at now the only things that seemed to registered in the vacuum. 
There on the screen was an image of Virgil,  bound to a chair and bereft of his uniform.  He was blindfolded, the dark material obscuring part of his face but she knew it was him. She knew intimately that slumped form and the filthy cloth did little to mask the angry bruises and sluggishly oozing blood. 
Off screen a modulated voice spoke and Kayo heard it as if it was distorted by some great distance. Movement in the back of the recording drew her eyes as a darkly dressed form came into frame behind the battered pilot. The camera at such an angle that the body of the person was cut off above the shoulders masking their identity.   
Virgil’s limp head was yanked painfully back by his matted hair, putting his face in the camera lens as a glint of finely honed steel pressed into the soft skin at his throat.  A small nick with the blade let forth a small trickle of blood but by the lack of response and the lax, bloody mouth it was obvious he was unconscious.
Biting back a growl at the mistreatment Kayo didn’t dare blink or look away as she prayed for Virgil  to show some sign of life. Anything to set the world in motion again.  The poor quality of the holo hampering the search but than the faintest of movements caught her eye and made her breath hitch and her heart gave a mighty kick in her chest.
There, under the ruddy skin along his stubbled jaw, straining awkwardly due to the thrust of his head was a laggy pulse of life at his jugular  
“He’s alive.”  She thought she heard herself say, not realizing as she began to shiver just how worried she’d been that she would have found something else down here. 
The brother beside her cursed and sagged back against her. “Oh god…”
And just like that everything came into sharp focus again and sound returned. Along with it like the rush of a burst dam a surge of anger coursed through her and immediately she registered what the digitally obscured voice was saying.  
The robotic cadence crackled through the little speaker of the recorder.  “Tracy, meet my demands and your Brother will live. No security, no GDF..if not...” The voice trailed off as another unidentifiable figure came into frame and with a rough hand bared down on Virgil’s shoulder. The scream that the action ripped from Virgil’s split, bloody lips and his body’s shuttered contortion of pain had Kayo nails biting into her palm in anger.
The warped laugh that followed the torturous sound was sinister and laced with an edge of madness, “We’ll be in contact.” A chuckle and the screen went dark.   
13 notes · View notes
hanahaki-dot-com · 6 years
Arcade Bartop with Raspberry Pi & RetroPie DIY tutorial (with pictures) - Part 1 of 6 - Introduction
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Owning a "coin-op", or to better say an arcade gaming cabinet, has always been one of my biggest dreams since I was a kid. Unfortunately, they take up a lot of space in a typical house and they're also rather expensive: on top of that, they are usually limited to a single game (or a given set of games), which is far from ideal for a home-entertainment scenario. Starting from the late '90s, the MAME project (Multiple-Arcade-Machine-Emulator) and the subsequent release of small single-board computers such as the NUC and the Raspberry PI paved the way to fix most of these issues - yet only for the few heroes brave (and capable) enough to build their own Arcade Cabinet and equip it with the required amount of hardware, software and ROMs to make everything work: those who couldn't do that had to lower their standards down to a standard PC with a couple of joysticks/joypads. They could still feel the joy of playing countless retro-games on a single machine, yet they won't have the chance to revive the cabinet look & feel like the former ones. For countless years I was one of them - until the day I decided I would also try to design and build my own Arcade Bartop! This post is the first part of an extensive tutorial containing all the required instructions on how to do that - together with a lot of pictures, graphics and photos explaining and documenting the task. I would have liked to condense everything into a single article, but considering the huge amount of info and photos I had to put up to decently explain all the required steps I eventually had to split the tutorial into six parts. Part 1 of 6: Introduction & Raw Materials Part 2 of 6: Tools, Design & Prototype Part 3 of 6: Building the Cabinet Part 4 of 6: Painting & T-Molding Part 5 of 6: Installing the Hardware Part 6 of 6: Configuring the Software (Raspberry PI & Retropie) Check out all the pictures of the Arcade Bartop (all those used in this tutorial + more) on my Arcade Bartop album on Flickr.com.
Introduction: Full-Size Cabinet vs Bartop Cabinet
As soon as I chose to build a gaming cabinet by myself, I was forced to choose between doing a Full-Size (aka Upright) or a Bartop (aka Countertop) cabinet. As clearly explained in this awesome Wikipedia page, the former are what we're used to see in a typical Arcade Gaming Hall: five-to-six feet (180/200 meters) tall, with the control panel set perpendicular to the monitor at slightly above waist level and the monitor itself at eye level, with the marquee above it - either matching the player's head level or encompassing it. Conversely, Countertop or Bartop cabinets are usually only large enough to house their monitors and control panels: they're called that way because they can be usually found on bars or tables in pubs and restaurants. Long story short, I went with the Bartop cabinet - I'll just call it Arcade Bartop from now on - for three main reasons: It's way cheaper in terms of required raw materials and tools. It's way easier to build,  as you won't have to do complex wood cuts. It's more practical, expecially if you want to make it fit into an average apartment: the full-size cabinet requires a fixed place and a certain amount of space, while the bartop can be easily moved, placed upon a table/desk/shelf and so on. For the above reasons, the guide you're about to read will explain how to build an Arcade Bartop. In case you want to build a full-size cabinet, you can check out this exceptional tutorial from ILikeToMakeStuff.com. Why Do it Yourself? In case you're asking why DIY in 2018 when you can just purchase a pre-made cabinet from a dedicated store such as GameRoomSolutions, ArcadeWorld or even eBay or Amazon, well... That's not as simple as you might initially think. First of all, you have to accept that given layout - which is a relevant aspect of the whole thing; you'll probably also have to bear with a sub-optimal software setup, since these pre-made cabinets are rarely equipped with a NUC or a Raspberry PI with an updated RetroPie - which is the only solution that gives you the chance to play virtually any retro-game ever made: MAME, NES, SNES, Genesis, PC Engine, NEO-GEO, Amiga, Laser Games such as Dragon's Lair and so on; last but not least... you'll definitely miss a lot of fun! And also the immeasurable gratification of looking something like this...
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... knowing that you actually put that beast into life with your own hands. Needless to say, if you don't think that such feeling is not worth the hassle of having to draw, saw, cut, screw, sand, polish, paint (and many other heroic acts) for A LOT of hard-working hours, just spare yourself from the trouble and buy a pre-made, ready-to-play cabinet or bartop from one of the resellers above. I can personally guarrantee that you won't lose much in doing that: although it's true that doing it by yourself will cost a lot less in terms of raw materials, the required amount of work you'll need to invest will definitely square up. Which lead us to the following question... How much it will cost? The whole project will cost you about 230€ (approx. 265$) of raw materials and will give you a machine that can be compared to the GameRoomSolutions' Plug & Play Deluxe, which is currently being sold for 1099$ (approx.  945€): this basically mean that the DIY will cost roughly four times less (!) than going for the hassle-free purchase - as long as you'll have the required tools (see Part 2). That's not bad, as long as you're willing (and capable) to deal with it. If you're still reading I guess you are up for the task, hence... Enough with the talking and let's do this!
Raw Materials
Let's start with a comprehensive list of what you'll need in terms of raw materials (and the approximate price) to build the Arcade Bartop shown above. I also put some advices and considerations on the various pieces and a descriptive photo with some other comments that you could find useful to better understand the role of each one of them. Multi-layered Wood  - 2 square meters (50€ / 60$). You could also use Chipboard Wood instead for half the price, which is the wood type used by to build most pre-made cabinets... However, I strongly advise to go with the multi-layered, as it's stronger, lighter and won't have moistness issues.
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These are the required raw wood panels - don't worry, I'll explain how to get/cut them later on. 19" TFT monitor (40€ / 50$). Don't spend much money on this... a used or refurbished one from eBay or Amazon Marketplace will be more than enough - as long as it works! You need to be sure that it will fit in the Bartop cabinet case, hence get one with a 420 mm max width and 340 mm max height rame (or less). Also, ensure that it supports a HDMI and/or DVI connector, otherwise you'll be forced to also buy a HDMI-to-VGA adapter (6€ / 8$) to make it work with the Raspberry PI output. I was lucky enough to find a refurbished NEC 19" EA193MI for 40€ on eBay, which has the perfect size (408 x 338 x 65 mm) and a DVI-in.
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Here's the NEC EA193MI, the monitor that I used for this project. Needless to say, the base stand won't be needed and will be removed. USB Stereo Speakers (10€ / 12$) for the audio part.  For this project I picked the Trust Leto, but any other Speaker set will do as long as the speakers have a width, height and length size of 8 centimeters max: the Arvicka Speakers, the Myguru Stereo and many others around that size would also work.
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A couple of Trust LETO boxes: I bought two sets of speakers because I built two cabinets, but you'll need only one. Raspberry PI 3 B (or B+) kit (40€ / 50$). Be sure to get a kit which includes the board together with a case, the heat sinks and a power supply: there's a lot of them on Amazon and eBay. The one I used here isn't available anymore, but this one from CanaKit is almost identical and has the same set of features.
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Here's the Raspberry PI, already secluded in its case. The one I got also had a cooling fan on top of the two heat sinks... a nice add-on. MicroSD Card - 64GB (15€ / 20$). I got this one for my setup, but the Raspberry PI will accept anything else. You could also go for a 32GB and save some bucks here - it will still contain thousands of ROMs.
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The Samsung EVO Plus is a class-10 MicroSD: it's 100Mb/s transfer rate will perform well with the Raspberry PI. T-Molding (15mm) - 5 meters (3€ / 3.5$ plus shipping). You'll probably have to buy this online, as few stores have it available. I got mine from arcadeworlduk.com and I'm very happy with the results, although it was quite difficult to put it on... as you'll see later on.
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A couple Raspberry PI Arcade Joystick Kits (35€ / 40$). For this project I bought  two of these kits from Quimat which are a perfect fit, but any other kit will do - for example, this Gamelec kit will also work: just remember that the Raspberry PI will need two driver kits (the green circuit board), one for each joystick, hence you need to avoid the 2-kits that come with a single driver board (such as this one - just like the item description says).
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The QUIMAT Arcade Joystick kits... at a rather advanced implementation stage. More on that later on! A power strip (5€ / 7$) and a IEC320 C14 power socket connector (5€ / 7$ including the 10A fuse) for the power part. Just get these stuff on Amazon without worrying too much for the size, as the cabinet will have enough space to host it. If you can, try to get both of them with an ON/OFF switch for increased security and versatility: I did that to be able to turn the Bartop ON and OFF from the inside and/or from the outside.
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Each one of these will go within a cabinet to plug the Raspberry PI, the monitor and the (optional) LED bar. We'll see how to properly wire them later on. It's worth mentioning that the power part of this tutorial might need some adjustments, depending on the country you live in: what I bought and did below will work well for Italy and for most EU countries. A (optional) 50cm LED bar (3€ / 5$) and a AC/DC driver to power it (5€ / 7$ including the power plug). You'll only need these if you want to retro-illuminate the Bartop Marquee through a simple (and energy efficient) LED-based back-light mechanism. Once again I got everything from Amazon: the SODIAL led bar was ridiculously cheap, as well as the Liqoo 12W Led Driver that I used to power it: both of them performed greatly.
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The LED driver DC cables go to the LED strip, while the AC ones go to a power socket through a plug. Water-based enamel (8€ / 10$ for a 5L can) and Primer for wood (8€ / 10$ for a 5L can). Within this project I went for a total-white cabinet and a black/white one: I managed to do both with a single Primer 5L can and two 5L enamel cans (one black and one white).
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Primer on the left, black enamel on the right. I chose water-based paintings because they have low environmental impact and will perform well for this kind of work. A pack of (at least) 100 screws (6€ / 8$ for a 250-pack of 3.5x40mm size) to assemble the cabinet, plus 10-20 mini-screws (3€ / 4$) for the small parts - if you don't want to use the glue, see below - and also 4 VESA mount screws/bolts (M4) for the monitor (1.5€ / 2$). As for the VESA screws, they'll be most likely included in the monitor itself, yet you'll probably need them to be longer since you'll have to mount the monitor in a non-standard way: I used four M4x25mm for such task, as you'll see later on. I got the screws from Amazon and the rest from a local hardware store for few bucks.
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A couple of hinges and magnet lockers for the openin/closing mechanism of the cabinet back-side opening (5-10$ total). If you sum all the listed prices, you'll end up with 230€ / 265$ - which is precisely what we said earlier.
That's about it for Part 1: throughout this post we got a good understanding of what an Arcade Bartop actually is and we went through the pros and cons of building it by ourselves: right after that, we put together a list of the required raw materials & components together with their price and some useful insights on how to properly choose and buy them. Let's now jump to the Part 2 of this tutorial, where we'll take a look of the required Tools, learn how to Design our project and build a full-scale, cardboard-based Prototype to check up the sizings & measurements before cutting the wood. If you have any question or want to leave your feedback, you're more than welcome to do that using the comment section below! Here are the links to the next parts of this guide: Part 1 of 6: Introduction & Raw Materials Part 2 of 6: Tools, Design & Prototype Part 3 of 6: Building the Cabinet Part 4 of 6: Painting & T-Molding Part 5 of 6: Installing the Hardware Part 6 of 6: Configuring the Software (Raspberry PI & Retropie) Check out all the pictures of the Arcade Bartop (all those used in this tutorial + more) on my Arcade Bartop album on Flickr.com.   Read the full article
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“Is maintaining a personal blog a good way to keep track of one's research?” Forum.
Source: https://www.quora.com/Is-maintaining-a-personal-blog-a-good-way-to-keep-track-of-ones-research
Forum Question: I'am just starting out as a Grad student, and I find that I need to keep track of ideas and new concepts that I keep coming across in an organized manner. A friend suggested keeping a journal. Is having a personal blog a good way to implement this? 
-11 Answers-
1) Rishabh Jain, MIT PhD, Imperial MSE, UPenn undergrad
--> Answered Mar 24, 2015
I think you should answer this question by first asking what you want to accomplish. Shriram Krishnamurthi argues that the greatest value to him comes from committing ideas to paper. For me, the most useful reason to keep track of ideas was so I could refer to them over the course of my PhD. Most importantly, when it came time to writing a paper, to be able to find relevant results easily. So you might have your own reasons, and this will certainly be field dependent. 
Regardless of how you choose to document your ideas and work, I would strongly recommend that you think about what are the most important common themes of your work and link your 'documents' or 'ideas' accordingly. A simple example is if you are an organic chemist, perhaps the relevant strategy is to organize your work by molecule (whether that is a folder, a single document, or a blog 'topic'). So try to be exhaustive in how you will want to refer to it in the future and 'save' it in that fashion. 
Finally, to the blog point specifically, I think that as long as you can create thoughtful tags and links between 'posts,' that using a blog will be very effective. As a plug, this issue was one of the big motivations for creating Open Lab, we enable you to create links between your thoughts and data sets arbitrarily so it is easy and fast to find and store your ideas/results! We are hard at work building a beta that we can deploy, but please feel free to follow us on twitter for updates (@openlab_app)--> *Personal Note: Sadly, this app seems to be defunct.*
-Are there any good personal blog?How do researchers keep track of all of their ideas?How do you keep track of research and developments in your field?How can professors in universities, especially top schools like MIT, Stanford, and Berkeley, publish so many papers per year?Is it a good thing to make a personal blog?
2) Shriram Krishnamurthi, Professor of Computer Science, Brown University
--> Updated Apr 1, 2015
First of all, congratulations on realizing this. Far too many students go through too many years of graduate school without ever coming to this realization. The fact that you did early on will serve you well.
By blogging, I assume a private blog. Maybe you even mean a public blog. However, before you go down the latter path, make sure you talk to your advisor and confirm that they're okay with you publicizing everything you're working on. They may have good reasons for you to not do so (some of which are obvious and apply to everyone, some of which may be specific to their projects).
Next, by blogging I wonder you really mean blogging in the conventional sense. I stopped blogging because blogs are focused on temporal order, but so often the things I want to write about are not temporally meaningful: i.e., blogs induce a false temporality. They also make it slightly annoying to add forward pointers from older material. You should consider whether, say, a wiki would be better, because a better organization may be to have a collection of tightly interlinked pages.
Next, ask yourself whether the technology is at the right point. Depending on your subject, it may be onerous, painful, or even impossible to get the right notations, markup, etc. in a conventional blogging platform. Do you really want to spend all your time fighting with stupid markup and/or the hideous posting interfaces of some blogging systems? The more painful it is the less you'll feel like writing at all, which is the opposite of the intended effect.
So what is the real value you might get out of "blogging"? There is a very real one: it's that committing ideas to prose forces you to clarify them. I find it's much easier to think incoherent thoughts than to write them. Especially if you share the blog with someone who might read it—a group mate or even your advisor—you're forced to think more clearly. In fact, I advised a student long-distance who I forced, once a week, to post a message to a private Posterous (RIP) board—it had a great interface (just email to an address, attach a variety of formats, etc.). He kept it up for a while and it was good, but then he lost the habit. 
Of course, you can get this value from other media too. For instance, buying a notebook and writing it in could be just as good, maybe even better if you are in a subject where presentation on the Web is painful (writing a lot of math, drawing a lot of organic compounds, etc.). It's also very easy to sketch out things (for any discipline) on paper. Of course, you lose the benefits of sharing—unless you photograph and upload images of the notebook pages (don't laugh, this is a perfectly sensible thing to do).
So, step back and ask yourself some key questions. Whom is this for? Who will read it? Is it temporal? Will it be tightly interlinked? Will the computer get in the way of writing and cause me to not write as much? Etc. Answering all these will help you figure out for yourself what medium and format is best. But either way, do something. It'll be a great practice.
[Personal aside. As a grad student, I had a file in my research directory in which I wrote down ideas. No blog, just a big ol' file of ASCII text. Most times that I added something, I also went back and cleaned up some of the old entries, etc. 
I picked off very few of them in grad school, but when I accepted a faculty position, I felt this was finally my chance to attack all the ideas I'd been writing down and curating for so long. Then I hit on two new problems, one just before finishing up and the other on the drive from my grad school institution to my work institution. 
You can see where this is going: I never even opened that file again, and have long since lost it. But there was no harm in writing any of it down anyway!]
3) Shenoy Handiru, 3rd year of my PhD journey !
-->Answered Mar 30, 2015
If your intention is to just to keep track of your research progress, then I would recommend a simple cloud-based software. Personally, I use Evernote as a daily journal. 
There is a blogging assistance tool as well -https://github.com/matigo/Notewo..., If you want to organize your ideas, you can have different notebooks within Evernote with appropriate labels/tags.  For ex: I have a notebook named "Daily journal" where I write my ideas and literature review of papers that I read (almost everyday). 
In my opinion, Evernote is one of the must-have tools for researchers. It comes very handy, where you can record the audio during your lab meeting and post it in Evernote. You can take the snapshots of presentation slides of others (ex: lab meeting/ conference/ workshop etc.) and sync it with Evernote. 
I apologize if my answer sounded like an advertisement of Evernote. But, trust me, you will not regret using Evernote to organize your research progress.
4) Pavao Pahljina, Philosopher & Entrepreneur.
--> Answered Mar 23, 2015
For the last 4 months, I have been writing a journal every single day. Journal is a place to simply "dump" your brain, but it has to make it easy for you. I've tried journaling using MS Word, Notepad, Evernote, Wordpress blog on private, various paper notebooks... but nothing really stuck. I would keep going for a few days, and then give up.That is until I found the perfect place for this kind of continuous "get ideas in writing" endeavour. 
Ideal journal.It's a simple little site 750 Words - Write every day. But it is amazing because of it's underlying gamification mechanism that makes you motivated to keep your journal up to date. And it is extremely fast and clean to use. Try it out. Later you can extract and organise everything you wrote and sort it out for research papers.
5) Ferdinand Brueggemann, runs a Wordpress blog since 2004.
--> Updated Jul 29, 2015
I guess it depends on your field of study. If you just write down well published stuff for your own records a blog doesn't make much sense. 
a) blogs are highly static. You can't work well with the memos afterwards (reorganize, sort, restructure, e.g.
b) If you have a lot of entries it's cumbersome to find old memos (even with the search function)
c) text book stuff won't attract a considerable readership except some peers who are too lazy to read the books themselves. 
Therefore for collecting thoughts, notes, webpages, PDF's, whatever, like  Vikram Shenoy Handiru, I would recommend Evernote The workspace for your life’s work. IMHO it's the most versatile solution for collecting _everything_ which comes into your mind. I use it frequently for my research, travels, receipts.
If you collect stuff which might be of interest for your peers, other academics or laymen start a public blog. Daily hits and communication with the readers IMHO is huge incentive to keep on blogging. - Since you are writing 'in public' you will learn to structure your thoughts and get a deeper understanding of the stuff you are interested in.- You will improve your writing skills. - You might get in contact with people around the world.- And it's a great tool for self-marketing in your area of interest. 
Anyway. Just Do It. That's the only way to find out what's working for you. Most blogs don't survive the first months, very, very few still exist after a few years. Quality content and persistence are the keys to a successful blog.
6) Arvind Devaraj, Researcher in Computer Science
--> Answered Oct 24, 2015
There is a difference in being a researcher and a blogger. 
Maintaining a blog just to keep a tab on your research may not be very useful. Blogging is cumbersome, technology-based and time-consuming. I prefer applications like Evernote or OneNote to organize, categorize and retrieve all that I want from time to time. 
Maybe you could try these or something similar and see if  they work for you: 5 Apps To Help Students Organize What They Learn
I tried various techniques to keep track of my research work while writing my thesis. Tools like Diigo, Mendeley helped to some extent. There is still more lot of work to be done in the knowledge management space. 
I got so fascinated by the possibilities in this field. Now started working on  Hyperbook - a tool that helps researchers to keep track of their research content.
7) Amy Hicks, I only excel at the nearly impossible. Otherwise, I'm lazy.
--> Answered Mar 31, 2015
I track my research - even books I read aloud - through audio recordings. Or brainstorming sessions, I do it on my phone, whenever inspiration strikes or I don't want to take notes. I lock it on my server if I'm not done yet. And try to keep the following limited. (Is 4.4K plays limited?) my favorites require lots of research before they're released.
8) Nita Ostroff, A short step from needing a boss, to being one.
--> Answered Mar 21, 2015.
If you do a blog, it normally gets shared, right? So if you want it to be private, maybe a word document would be better. But if you don't mind sharing, honestly I love reading research blogs. I've seen some great ones out there. 
One of the cool things about them, in my opinion, is that if yo keep having problems and nothing is "working" together, sometimes someone can read your blog and figure out where the logic problem comes in. It can be a big help. 
Sometimes I read stuff and am so wowed at the person writing the blog!
9) Joe Velikovsky, PhD & Bio-Cultural Evolutionary Systems Theory Scholar
--> Answered Mar 28, 2015
I certainly think it is.
Here's my PhD research blog: StoryAlityI try and post once a week, but sometimes it doesn't happen (too busy). But I do post about conferences, and major events that I attend, etc.
It's also a great way to get feedback on your ideas, etc. 
And I also have met many like-minded scholars via my blog. 
I personally think: it's priceless.
10) Mark Hawkins
--> Answered Mar 24, 2015
Blogging can help you to 'keep track' in that it can aid your memory of certain stages you went through. And it acts as a neat reference point.
But more than this, the practice of personal writing in various forms serves to deeper embed and imprint memories and experience in the brain. In writing you reinforce and validate to yourself, which can strengthen a memory or learning, as well as merely leaving a record.
11) Robert J. Kolker
--> Answered Mar 25, 2015
Keeping a diary is always a good idea.  If you get a bright idea or even a piece of a bright idea  write it down before you forget it.  Later on, when you have time you can review your bright thoughts and decide which if any to take action on.
*Personal Note: I copy and paste articles and forums like this (especially the forums) because sometimes the sources or the sites go defunct and I lose the info. It’s also time-consuming though. I’d like to find a way around that--some way to save the info that’s more efficient. I use Evernote, but it doesn’t let me link articles to my research notes. Until I find a better way, I’m going to have to keep doing this.*
0 notes
Kiss of betrayal: Part 12
I shuddered as my frame slumped limply against my bonds. Just as I'd anticipated there was no way I was going to be going anywhere on my own. The stasis cuffs holding my wrist let go and I would have fallen to the floor had it not been for Prowl. "I believe we over did it." I grunted softly as he laid me out on the bed, tucking himself into my side as a few drops of transfluid trickled down my thigh from his still half pressurized spike. Jazz flopped limply against my other side, spark still glowing brightly as Prowl pulled me back into a merge. His spark pulsed warm and inviting against mine and I sank more fully into him, deepening our connection. I hadn't fully allowed anyone into my spark since Ironstar took the sprite from me. That had taken a huge toll on me and the medic told me I'd never be able to carry again because of the damage he'd done. The forced destabilization had left my spark running too weak to support a sprite. Prowl caught my sorrow and soothed me down as best he could. *I'm so sorry. I wish things could different.* He nuzzled into me, kissing my neck as I held him against me. *Prowl is not at fault. Soundwave had accepted the lose sometime ago.* Prowl moved more fully into me, gently brushing against me until I opened up, allowing him free pass for the first time. Fingers stroked gently over my sides as he slipped fully into my spark to chase away all the darkness that resided there. It was nice to just be allowed to enjoy this level of intimacy without fear of pain. Jazz nuzzled into my side, fingers petting over my belly as he watched us. I wanted to give him the same trust but I honestly doubted I'd be awake long enough to see the end of this merge. Let alone finish another. "Ah got ya Sounders. Ya need to rest, later on ah'll take care of ya." I sighed, managing enough strength to wrap my arm around Jazz as he smiled against my shoulder. I just hoped they continued to get along so well... Prowl POV: My optics drifted over Soundwave once more as Jazz watched me in shock from several steps away. "Ya bit meh...* Even through near crushing demand to drive away the intruder I had enough thought left to felt ashamed of myself. Jazz edged forward and I couldn't stop the low growl that rumbled from my chest. Soundwave slipping an arm under my front legs and pulled me back into his lap as I fought for what little control I had left. "Prowl is likely sparkcalling. Praxian's can become quite possessive of their mates durning that time. Once we have fully established our bonds it will ware off. It may help Prowl to have your full attention. It will help him recognize you as a mate until his coding settles." Fingers brushed my fur and I felt most of tension ebb when Jazz stopped looking at Soundwave. "Go on, everything is fine Prowl." Soundwave gave me push toward Jazz who was just sitting in the chair now. Slowly I moved over to him, resting my helm in his lap when I got close enough. He sighed, brush his thumbs down my cheeks as he offered his neck in submission. That finally banished the last demands to run him off from my coding and I leaned more fully into him. "Its OK Prowler. Ahm here too ya know, ya don't hav'ta protect Sounders from meh." He pulled me up, lifting my helm so we were at optic level before kissing my muzzle. "Ah love ya Prowl..." His sudden confession through me for a loop but I was over joyed to finally have my feelings requited. Jazz laughed, shaking his helm and I realized I'd began wagging my tail without even thinking about it. "Oh Prowler, yer so cute in this form. Come on, ah'll rub yer belly." That did sound good. I stepped back, letting him stand and this time the coding didn't rebel nearly as much when he approached my other mate. He was able to settle into his side without any protest and I hopped up as well, stretching out over them both as Jazz struggled to get free. "Personal space Prowler. Belly rub does not mean ya lay on top of meh." He said finally escaping as Soundwave chuckled, fingers rubbing my audios gently. "Prowl will be feeling clingy for a while, Jazz should know that. It will pass in a few cycles." It hadn't passed, if anything it had gotten worse and I could now say with a high degree of certainly that I was not sparkcalling. In fact I was beginning to think it had less to do with me and more to do with Soundwave. Jazz seemed to be showing some of the same symptoms as myself, just not as strong. He was more tense than usual and while he wouldn't attack anyone unlucky enough to cross our path he still put up an imposing front that warned anyone else off. I sighed as I watched my mate twitch against the bed lightly. Jazz was busy ensuring no one was too close to our flat so that left me to watch over our other pack mate. My optics flickered around the room as I laid over him, protecting him from anyone that may find their way inside. The door swished open and I sat up on my hunches until Jazz came around the corner. Soundwave sat up next to me. Hand running over his spark as he refused to look at us. "I believe I need a medic..." I shifted back to mech form flanking his left side as Jazz took his right. This wasn't going to end well, but what could I do? Soundwave POV: The streets leading up to and entering the clinic were thankfully empty, giving Prowl no perceived threat to protect me from. I just hoped that Ratchet would be exempt from his aggression. Most medics opted to have several codes installed that helped to calm not only sparklings but also seekers. If memory served it had become law for medibots have their carrying codes online durning shifts in order to avoid being offlined by a panicked seeker. I hoped it worked as well on my trine mates. There was no one inside as I stepped up to the desk and rang the bell. There was a room always prepped for emergency, and had this been such I would have gone directly there. Things being how they were I opted to wait the few kliks it took for Ratchet to wake from his nap and motion us back. Prowl paced me several steps while Jazz flanked my side as we approached the room. The door came in reach and I held my vents as Ratchet moved over to me. Neither Prowl or Jazz showed more than passing interest in him though thankfully as he did a quick scan with his optics. "What brings you here today?" The cot dipped slightly under my weight but I had no doubt to the integrity of it seeing as it was built to hold far largest mechs than myself. Ratchet stood waiting for his answer and I triggered my spark open. "The passed 6 orns I've been having symptoms of carrying, but my spark is too weak to be able to support a sprite." I lost count over how meant times I'd told myself that since I first felt the tiny flicker against my spark. I didn't want to let that hope take root only to have it yanked away. Ratchet inclined his helm, scanning over my spark before raising an optic ridge toward me. "Ratchet has identified the cause?" He chuckled softly. "Yes, I'd say it's fair to say I've identified them. 4 and half deca-cycle's should take care of that for you." My optics brightened and for a second I didn't dare to let myself believe what he'd just said. My throat tightened, refusing speech as lubricant began building behind my optics. "Ratchet is sure? How-... How long until they will destabilize?..." Pain lanced my spark at just the thought of having to feel another of my sparklings lose its change at life. He shook his helm. "Its too late for that I'm afraid. Their already too strong to be able to destabilize and I'd strongly advise against trying since it will do irrepairable damage to your spark." For a long klik I could only watch him in shock before managing a dry crack of my vocalizer. "How?... A former lover forcefully destablized my fully developed spirte leaving my spark too weak to carry..." Ratchet drew back at that, anger burning bright in his optics as he watched me. "Was that at your request?" I shook my helm, rubbing over my chassis. "It was against my wishes... Ratchet is sure they will not be lost?" A sad smile crossed his face as he clasped a hand on my shoulder lightly. "They are going to be just fine. Your spark reads just fine to me but I believe I know what happened. Both Jazz and Prowl have abnormally strong sparks and as I'm very sure you've found out they're very ambitious durning interfacing. Sometimes too much so." His optics narrowed and my mates took a collective step back. "Let me catch you in here because you've over worked yourselves." Prowl growled at him but shuffled back as a wrench was smacked in Ratchet's palm. "Don't you growl at me!" Prowl peeked out from behind Jazz and I couldn't help but laugh. I never thought I'd get the chance to feel my sprite grow next to my spark and being here now was nearly overwhelming. Ratchet caught my attention once more. "This is important, you need to keep interfacing and merging frequently. Normally I'd said no less than twice every 6 groons but given your history I want you merging at least 6 times a cycle. The sprites will canniblise your spark if they aren't given proper care." I nodded, glancing towards my mates. "We will be sure to follow your advice. When do you want to see me for my next check up?" He seemed thoughtful for a moment before answering. "We'll set your check up's for every orns to be sure there are no complications. I don't foresee any so long as you continue as you are, it's only to air on the side of caution. Have you ever carried to term?" I shook my helm, fingers still rubbing over my chest as I fought to wrap my mind around the fact that I was really going to become a carrier. "No. I was rather young when my sparkling was taken from me. I am glad that I have been given another chance." Fingers curled around mine and I squeezed back, glancing over to see Jazz watching me. "That would explain why you both have been hovering. I did not know Polyhexians became protective over sparklings." Ratchet snorted. "Polyhexians are quite aggressive when it comes to there mates and I'm honestly surprised has done so well in your trine. In most cases one member is singled out and bullied until they either leave on their own or are forced out. Trines like your rarely work out but you seem to have a knack for beating the odds." I frowned, glancing back to Jazz as he leaned back into Prowl. "It wasn't without some hurtles but I believe we're passed those now." Ratchet nodded, looking to a shelf behind him. "Do you feel you're in need of any additional additives? Getting them from your partner is preferred but twins can be hard to keep up with." A large bag of powdered ore was set down but I declined. "If we find it too taxing keep up with demand we will discuss that later. As of now I am getting plenty. Jazz and Prowl may need that though to avoid their frame being depleted of vital metal." Prowl took the bag when it was offered. "2 level scopes a day for both of you should be sufficient to avoid any deficiencies that would send you to me. On your way so I can get back to my nap. And good luck! If those young ones are anything like your mates you're going to need it!" The old medibot called after us as we were shooed from his office. Prowl POV: A soft smile curved my lips up I felt the gentle knocking under my hand even before I onlined my optics. "Shhh let your carrier rest." I rubbed firmly against his strained middle as one of the twins demanded attention. It was still so hard to believe that we were at a point that my biggest worry was my mate being woken to early from his slumber. The door opened and even though I knew the odds of it being anyone but Jazz I still caught myself growling at him until he was in view. "How is he?" "The contractions finally evened out. They're still spaced pretty far out though. In the last groon he's only had 4." Jazz nodded, smoothing down my left door as he watched us for a long moment. He had been helping in the construction of a new housing complex a few miles away in preparation for some new arrivals. I had offered to swap out with him every few groons but he thought it would be easier on Soundwave to have a steady partner durning separation. He was probably right and I was sure to update him on any changes. Things had been pretty mellow this cycle so far but I could tell he was dragging. "Why don't you stay with him? Things are progressing slow anyhow. Ratchet said it could even be another cycle yet. Let me help with construction while you rest. You're not going to be any good to him if your ready to fall over." I caught his hand and he gave in with little resistance until I had him tucked into my spot at Soundwave's back. "Rest your hand here, they like to feel you right now." His fingers were carefully arranged against my mates over extended plating but I doubted Jazz was even online long enough to know it. I should have insisted a few groons ago but he was as stubborn as ever and would have fought me over it ending in stressing Soundwave, something he needed as little of as possible. A last glance was given toward my soon to be extended family before I slipped away to pick up where Jazz had left off...
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