#if you give me a chr who is way too into wanting a romantic relationship I will make it flip all the way back to ‘u don’t really desire it
jrwiyuri · 8 months
Aromantic chip jrwi.. save me aromantic chip jrwi
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migleefulmoments · 6 years
Is Darren’s watch gay?
Today the CC fandom has a theory that Darren wore his PINK and blue watch because it’s a “gay” watch or a symbol of his queerness.... because PINK obviously means gay, right? 
The watch has the added advantage of being both pink and blue ...therefore it’s a solid representation of both Chris and Darren -at least according to the CC belief that blue represents Chris and PINK represents Darren, like DUH! For anyone new, the color symbolism is something the CCers have long believed....I mean, that is something normal adults do right? Assign colors to their OTP or even better, to themselves and then actually wear those colors once a year to send a secret “high-five” to those fans who are paying enough attention to “get it”..I mean it’s totes normal, right?  
Anonymous asked:
hello love! i hope you’re doing well! i know this doesn’t mean anything but i saw the thumbnail for the interview you linked of d saying he doesn’t know who he came out straight to and he’s wearing a watch with a blue band and pink face and i noticed he’s wearing either the same or a similar watch when rehearsing in lsb! but then his watch changes and i thought it was weird,,, anyway sorry for the ramble!!
ajw720 answered:
Hello nonnie!!!!  Excellent observation.  That is a watch he has had for years, He used to always wear it, now much less, likely not approved by his team, plus often the watch he wears now is a paid endorsement.
But the pink and blue watch, that is genuine D and what he loves.  Add pink is D and Blue is C and those colors have been associated with their relationship since the beginning.
I always smile when he wears that watch. I think it is very special to him.
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LSB rehearsal 2019. He clearly looks happy and like his watch is “special to him” and we all know that photos (and screen grabs) are PROOF of Darren’s emotions. 
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LSB BTS package 2019. He’s MUCH happier here. 
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George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight 2012 
Apparently, Darren hasn’t worn the watch much -not something I have ever paid attention to- but it was spotted on his arm during rehearsals for LSB. It’s clearly not the same watch as the band is teal in the 2012 screen grab and blue in the more recent one.  
(I posted the comments out of order so ya know go read the original if you want a more accurate reflection of their thought process).
Sometimes the CC Conspiracy Theorists catch the fact that the items they are matching- don’t actually match....
If I remember correctly, this is not the original watch though. I don’t remember what he said about the original one, but he stopped wearing it for a while. At the first Elsie (or was it the second?), a fan gave him the new watch. There was a post about it back then, but I don’t know if it’s still around.
Anyway, I do believe though that he loves this watch for what it stands for - the original and the new one - so it always makes me smile when I see it!
(Plus, these BTS videos made it obvious that he is wearing the silver one for promotion and prefers the other one in private. And now look at the paps shots and so-called “private outings with friends” again and look at the watch he is wearing there.)
I’m happy that at least he can wear something that’s special to him personally. Even for a short time.
There is always a “no longer available” post to explain CC Confirmed. As for whether it is special to him? Darren has never indicated that the watch is special to him. That is called MAKING UP A STORY. But from this day forward the fandom will believe that this little queer watch is meaningful to Darren. 
The watch is a sporty, more causal-and presumably less expensive- than the watch he has been wearing.  Wearing a less expensive, more casual watch while exercising isn’t logical CC reasoning, noooooo, logical CC reason is of course that his team WON’T LET HIM wear it. He has to be sneaky when he wants to express his sexuality through accessories. Also, they claim that he is forced to wear a “paid endorsement” watch most of the time.. 
@flowersintheattic254 it has been almost 5 months since the JH promo began and they essentially stripped him of the rings we know mean the world to him (absolutely intentional, M and RR knew precisely what they were doing when they got that campaign, it was about much more than a free trip to Bali).  So I agree, it is good to see him supplement an accessory here and there that is actually meaningful to him.  I cannot wait until he is free to just be himself.
Sooooo, I’m not entirely sure why she brought up “JH promo” here, but I read it to mean that the watch that he normally wears is promotion for John Hardy. They have obsessively raged about the John Hardy jewelry since his trip to Bali in September. Yes, I am sure that was a promotional trip. Who cares? He got to spend a week in Bali and all he and Mia had to do was wear some jewelry. Darren seems to enjoy the designs as he has worn them quit a bit since then- UNTAGGED. I honestly never pay attention to these things but the CCers always comment. The thing is, something is only “promotion” on social media if it is tagged. Wearing an untagged ring or bracelet isn’t in anyway promoting the item. Only the most diehard, rage-filled fans recognize the untagged John Hardy pieces. The idea of promotion isn’t simply to get free stuff and wear it on social media, it’s to drive traffic to the John Hardy website and them to get people to actually purchase the pieces. Wearing them untagged doesn’t serve this goal. 
But back to the watch...is Darren wearing an (untagged) John Hardy watch as per his endorsement deal?
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Uh, NO.  There are no John Hardy Watches. If he is wearing a promotional watch for a different brand-he really sucks at it.
Some thoughts on other CC comments:
...they essentially stripped him of the rings we know mean the world to him (absolutely intentional, M and RR knew precisely what they were doing when they got that campaign, it was about much more than a free trip to Bali).  So I agree, it is good to see him supplement an accessory here and there that is actually meaningful to him.  I cannot wait until he is free to just be himself.
So let’s analyze the facts: 
Chris gave him ring(s)? The CCers have long claimed that Chris gave Darren a ring, a ring he often- but not always-wears on his right hand. Over the years, there are I believe, 5 different rings that Darren has worn and all were attributed to Chris until the John Hardy rings were added in September. Why were they attributed to Chris? Literally NO reason whatsoever other than their fantasy.  These same people have raged over their claim that Mia has sported 5 different engagement rings in the last year. The rings all look to me like the same diamond ring with other rings added when the mood struck her. CC Mia is horrible for caring so little about her Engagement Ring that she would wear 5 different rings, but Chris is romantic AF for giving Darren 5 rings. 
The rings are meaningful to Darren? Darren has NEVER said the rings hold any meaning for him or who they are from that I am aware of. He doesn’t wear them consistently. Seems to me that they are fashion accessories and nothing more. He’s worn the John Hardy’s rings quite a bit since September.  Clearly, the CC fandom couldn’t claim the John Hardy rings are from Chris, so they fell back on their favorite excuse: his team “forced” him to wear the rings. I’m never sure exactly how one “forces” another adult to do something. I’ve been married for 24 years, if someone can tell me how to “force” him to do my bidding, I would love it.    
One final CC comment on this topic- The Impossible Dream comment
Concur @ajw720. The thing is D has always found a way to fight back, sometimes subtly, sometimes overtly. We have seen it on the frontline, we do not see behind the camera or in the soecifics of his life. Sometimes I am sure he has sat it out, waiting. D has said too many times he is private, social media is not his way of communicating. He seems to pick whatever means he is afforded. Glimpses that we see, I love…it reminds me he is fighting and still remains the human being I so love and support. He is Dar/ren Eve/rett Cri/ss first and formost a son, brother, uncle, cousin, but first and formost a partner to one Chr/is Col/fer. He will do what he needs to do for those he loves. And that includes fighting a foe that we will never know the depth of.
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest, to follow that star
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far
To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march
Into hell for a heavenly cause
And I know if I’ll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lay peaceful and calm
When I’m laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this
That one man scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To fight the unbeatable foe
To reach the unreachable star
Songwriters: Joe Darion / Mitchell Leigh
The Impossible Dream lyrics © The Bicycle Music Company, Helena Music Company
I believe D would not agree. This song always comes back to haunt me in relationship to D. He lives it, he breathes it, he feels it on a daily bases. Soon he will find he will reach the reachable star.
D has always found a way to fight back, sometimes subtly, sometimes overtly? Yes, because the CC fandom literally fabricated all of these things he did to “fight back”. The things are “subtle” because the fandom made them up...they are overt because they made them up.  As long as CCers continue to make up claims about what he is doing and how it represents a ‘fight”, Darren will continue to “fight” back in ways that are asinine. He will continue to hide deep In the closet while sending the CC fandom subtle messages of his “truth”.  He will continue to walk the red carpet with Mia and take her to awards shows where he says nice things about her. He will continue to be a straight bro, to wear John Hardy jewelry and play piano at Tramp Stamp Granny’s BECAUSE THAT IS WHO HE IS. The CC fandom will continue to claim that everything he does that we see and everything he says that we hear- is all fake or forced upon him by this team while he lives a secret queer life with his husband Chris Colfer. A life we cannot see or hear BECAUSE IT ISN’T REAL, it’s pure CC fantasy. And his story will continue to be something only they are paying enough attention to see it because they are the ones writing it.
D has said too many times he is private, social media is not his way of communicating. He seems to pick whatever means he is afforded. This is literally an argument for why he isn’t secretly communicating with the CC fandom via social media. 
Isn’t it convenient that “he seems to pick whatever means we fabricate he is afforded”? He will always “conveniently” do whatever fits the CC fantasy...that is how it works when you are writing the fanfiction as you go.
Is Darren’s life The Impossible Dream? The CC fantasy about love conquering all and CrissColfer being “a love for the ages” is how tweens and young teens believe love works. It is fodder for fanfiction and the best rom-coms, Twilight and Disney Princess-esque romance novels, but it isn’t real life. Real life is messy and hard. Love rarely survives even the most mundane stressors of life, it would never survive
9 years of hiding from the world while the spotlight is focused directly on it
9 years of being apart and pretending to love someone else 
9 years of overt lying about Darren’s sexuality and his life
9 years of traveling with someone else and sharing his life with Mia with the world
9 years of mundane real-life stressors while hiding
Add on Chris’s mom’s death, his dad’s remarriage, his sister’s illness,  Chuck’s divorce, and all of the things we don’t know about
Love doesn’t save people from life’s difficult moments. Love certainly doesn’t excuse deception and lies. Darren isn’t gay because he wears a PINK and blue watch. 
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ryujin-zanba · 8 years
chapter 3, sorry it’s late~ as always i’d like to shout out @imagine-some-fluffy-asks  (*´∀`*)
tw; for panic attacks & very mild suggestion toward previous thoughts of suicide ((yikes this sounds like it cant possibly be happy right??)) the good news is,, actual appearance of reader finally!!  ( ^▽^)
ch 1, ch 2~
The feeling comes back to his feet when his heart starts to pound and his breath comes in short pants. Clearly his body knows he needs to get out of here right now before he makes a scene. People are already staring; he can feel their eyes on him, and so he finally acts and pockets his phone before darting out of the rental shop and doing what he does best: running. He runs as fast as he can, faster than he’s ever run in a game, and he keeps going and keeps going and keeps going until he is so out of breath that by the time he has to stop, he doesn’t know where he is. The streetlights are sparse here; it isn’t as well illuminated as the high streets, and even though it is dark there is usually a lot of traffic, but not in this place. ‘What neighbourhood is this?’ He wonders to himself, panting before he wipes the sweat off his brow and looks around keenly for a road sign or something. There’s a huge open expanse across the road. It’s hard to make out exactly, but judging by the fence that encircles it and the closely planted greenery, he’s near a park. He doesn’t think he’s ever been here before, but he recalls something that brings him comfort, and he’s already heading over there to find a bench, thinking about the picture you sent him with the owl. He sits heavily and hunches, closing his eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath. Having practically run away from a breakdown, he’s feeling pretty exhausted, and also cold without a jacket and just his school shirt on. He rubs his arms anxiously, looking around in the bleakness for any sign of direction to home, but he really doesn’t know this place. He could be one street over from his own house, or he could be half the city away. With no sense of direction, he does the sensible thing and takes out his phone. His battery is low, but that isn’t the most imminent problem.
Rather than searching GPS maps, he finds himself opening the message from his ex… His eyes sting even before he begins to read it again and he knows perfectly well that the words won’t have changed, his partner won’t have thought twice or texted, ‘hi,’ telling him that it’s all a cruel joke but they still love him and want to be with him. That doesn’t stop him from wishing for it though. He runs his middle finger over his bottom lip thoughtfully as his index finger rests in the perfect divot under nose and his thumb frames his chin, and slowly his hand comes to cover his mouth as the lump in his throat starts to waver under the pressure of a sob that he desperately bites back. 
The relief of running away is so very short-lasting, and he’s crying again now, even after all that. Loneliness is hardly an unfamiliar feeling to Ebumi, but this is a kind of pain that has coupled itself with his most bitter emotions, and it is making them stronger than they’ve ever been before. 
He really could do with a cigarette right about now, he thinks. The pain is unbearable, even to the point where he wonders, for just a brief second, about something he is sure he’d talked himself out of years ago.
But who is he living for? Who would miss him? He has nothing. He is nothing, and he’s convinced he won’t find anyone to love him the way he loved his only partner. As if God himself is telling him just to do it, the heavens open and it begins to rain, soaking the poor lost boy in seconds. He’s grateful though. With the sound of the falling sky and no one around to hear him, he can cry his eyes out, where the tears will be invisible in the raindrops, and his broken, pleading voice will be drowned out by the clattering of heavy downpour on concrete. Maybe he’ll get washed away; swept up by a flood and swallowed by a storm drain, he hopes anyway. His phone is dead now, and he is so cold on this bench in the darkness and the wetness, but he simply doesn’t care, and he almost thinks he’s slipped out of consciousness when he hears it. “Ebucchi!” Someone calls out, louder than his harrowing thoughts and stronger than sound of the rain. “Jesus Chr— how long have you been out here?!” You exclaim. Your voice is coarse and almost chastising with panic as you reach him. You immediately take off your coat and wrap it around the listless boy, but it isn’t until you crouch in front of him and hold his arms firmly, gazing up at him with bright and brilliant eyes even in the darkness, that the blond actually sees you, and begins to cry harder as he throws his arms around you. “Come on sweetheart, we have to go inside right now,” you instruct, guiding him to his feet and keeping a strong arm around him as you march him back to your apartment across the street. The difference from cold, howling, stormy weather to the peaceful, dimly-lit ambiance in the safety of your house is almost overwhelming for Ebumi, and he stumbles a little on his way over the threshold. You catch him with ease, and hold him up. “How long were you just sitting there for?” You ask, your voice drenched in pity just as he is drenched in rainwater. You speak softly though, able to communicate sympathetically now that you’re out of immediate danger and in the solace of your living room. Ebumi can’t reply; he’s too tongue-tied trying to stop himself from crying in front of you and feeling like an idiot. It’s quieter here and compared to how he howled outside along with the wind, it’s hard to rein it in. “It’s okay,” you assure him, sitting him down on the couch and snatching two towels and a blanket out of the nearby basket of freshly dried laundry. They’re still faintly warm, and it’s nice for him when they replace the heaviness of your damp coat. “Sweetheart, we need to get you out of your wet clothes or you’ll get hypothermia. I’ll go and run you a bath while you warm up, okay?” You reason with him, slipping his open school shirt off his shoulders and attempting to lift the hem of his undershirt that is plastered to his body. “No!” He suddenly cries; his cold, trembling fingers desperately gripping your hands. “Don’t make me take it off— p— please don’t!” He wails, starting up into full hysterics again. “You can do that, angel. You can do it yourself,” you promise, rubbing up and down his arms to both soothe and warm him. “I won’t undress you, sweet pea, you can do that bit. But you need to take off these wet clothes or you’ll get sick.” The appeal of such cherishing, kindly worded insistences and terms of endearment seem to soften him a little, because he nods in understanding, but then he looks at you almost helplessly and shakes his head immediately after. “I can't— t— take— it— off,” he sobs, hiccupping between breaths as he struggles to even get the words out. “Why not sweetheart?” You sympathise, every ounce of patience and understanding that you can fathom swimming in your gaze. “It's— gro— it’s ugly! It’s t— too— they didn’t like it! They said it’s not— normal!” He begins to cry, stumbling over himself as he covers his face and breathes erratically, his hands running into his hair as he tugs at his dyed tresses and fails to keep the wretched, straining sounds of a sob inside. You frown at this, starting to get an idea of why Ebumi is suffering such a drastic attack.
He’d kept it quiet at first that he’d started dating someone, but he became far too proud of the situation not to celebrate, and soon word spread when he began boasting how lucky and how in love he was. Everyone was happy for him; seeing a wild card like Ebumi, who usually had terrible luck with getting anyone to consider him romantically, now in a serious relationship, was genuinely adorable and something you were all eager to support. That was until you met them. When his partner showed up to a rugby match, Ebumi had begged to be put on so that he could show off to them, but it was hard for anyone but him not to notice that their interests weren’t on how well he had played, or how many tries he had scored, but in the stoic captain who had little interest to give them. From there onward Ebumi started telling stories that he laughed at and regarded with good humour, but for those not blinded by love, it was clear that his partner was not a kind person, and their affection for the blond seemed to be motivated largely by gifts and persuasions. You have to remind yourself not to let your fingers dig in as you gently support his elbows, but thinking about how badly Ebumi must have been treated is absolutely heinous. You can’t let yourself get mad though, not now. This is a time where you should focus on making things better… you can tackle his ex later… metaphorically and, at this rate, literally.
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