#if you see a silhouette of an egg in the background no you don't
jaratedeguadalupe 1 year
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the fool
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semi-annual tradition of roasting HeR's questionable fucking merch because all their designs are bad again let's goooo ->->->
remember how for a bit there it felt like HeR was putting some effort into making their merch good? desirable? well-designed?
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welp it seems pretty clear they're done with that, because i'm sorry but this just looks awful. the font? bad! the horse/lasso clipart? bad! the layout? very, very bad!
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"I left my at Shadow 馃挍 Ranch" are you serious rn? bad! i don't think you tried at all!
actual Mystery of the Seven Keys merch ffs why isn't it called Case of the Seven Keys that sounds so much better has dropped - and while it's nothing special (though some of it is weird - hey do you want an 8x10 metal print of the game 'cover' awkwardly centred on a blurred, indistinct background? 'cause HeR made 'em!) it seems like they can't decide what nancy silhouette to use? because while most of it uses the new exorcist-head-turn pants-y drew silhouette, they've also got a couple pieces with the classic silhouette - the one they haven't used since Stay Tuned for Danger. because who needs brand consistency.
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(the nancy silhouette use from mhm to sea - aka for nearly 90% of the games - has not resurfaced.)
the presence of actual KEY merch raises the spectre of who they think is gonna buy all the merch they made during the lead-up to the game - seriously is there any reason someone would buy this now?
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i would also argue there was no need for anyone to buy any of these before, but now? $60 for a hoodie with your fucking launch date?? really???
does anyone know what separates the 'classic' icons on the left from the 'deep cut' icons on the right? also wow they're really just never going to acknowledge ran at all anymore huh.
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ah yes. noted 'deep cut' references. like henrick. and ethel. and hotchkiss.
these next designs are clearly not the worst things in the store and while I guess they're not awful though I don't like the font they are blatant Bess and George erasure and thus I hate them on principle.
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Bess + George > Deirdre. Also, Bess + George > FrankenJoe. hope that clears things up.
the 25 year anniversary merch is a whole load of bad - the 'and all i got was this lousy _____' trend is lame, and has been for 10,000 years, but there are worse crimes. the mug is just boring in a way that looks unfinished rather than minimalistic. font crimes from the magnifying glass - every time i see it i think it says 'snoopers' not 'snooping'. i actually thought the teal callback designs were kind of neat in a nostalgia-bait kind of way until i realized the necklaces were the only option without all the text under the magnifying glass? maybe folks who were more active on the boards get a nostalgia kick from that last one but i'll be honest, it does nothing for me.
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i don't mean to be an exhausting pedant but. no sassy detective until trt, no koko kringles until ssh, no easter eggs until dog, no horse shirt until ddi, can't call carson until clk, no lost luggage until dan. also the placement of the text is just. weird. doesn't look right.
and jenna's whale t-shirt still isn't available in green. bye.
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superior-witness 3 months
Everything I Noticed in Hazbin Hotel Pilot Pt. 1
By everything, I mean everything. From the stupid things I read too much into, to the things that have already been pointed out to you.
Eye imagery in the background.
We see a human figure fall from the sky. I assume this possibly means that sinners initially go to St Peter and fall from the sky into Hell if they are deemed a sinner.
In the silhouettes in the first few seconds I can make out Sir Petentious, Angel Dust, Cherry and maybe Mimzi?
When the girl is crying, the first two silhouettes that pop up seem to be Adam and Lute. The horn shapes resemble the ones on their masks really closely.
The other silhouette has to be Lucifer, with the hat shape.
Obviously Pentagram city surrounded by exorcist Angels.
Silhouette of Charlie at the line 'Why have I always been a failure?' with her dad lurking behind her. Which, makes sense as later she states that dad was right about her. He probably made it clear to her at some point her idea wouldn't work in his mind, making her feel like she was stupid for trying. Unsure if this is canon anymore, as it isn't on brand for their current relationship.
Hello Lute.
Also the exorcist angels behind her are covered in red, because sinners bleed red, not black.
FUCK YOU!! HEAVEN is written in red, I assume in blood. Definitely from an exorcist angel.
The banners and papers on the exorcist weapons that have exorcist imagery, with one even saying CLEANSE all over it. They genuinely believe they are cleansing Hell, and it kind of gives me 'Repent!' vibes. Don't know why.
Interesting to remember that the extermination count down wasn't always the hourglass, it was a giant clock tower.
Carmilla pilot design! I love seeing it. I like how her hair is half up half down but goodness I prefer her current design. She looks good regardless.
Aight so behind her we have Zestial, Missi Zilla and I actually think Lucifer. I looked at the Overlord meeting and genuinely couldn't find an overlord that looked similar to the silhouette there. Plus, the top hat and apple cane is just. That has to be Lucifer. Why is he there? No idea.
Not so much what I noticed but god I love seeing the Vees. Vox didn't change much from his pilot to his show design aside from colours. I love it so much. Valentino was given a fully fluffed antenna so good for him. Velvette has changed, pretty much entirely. Aside from colour scheme, really.
"Did you get my money Angie Baby?" "I'm wittha John now. I don't get why this needed to happen so soon after the extermination tho, Boss." "Just do it. No sass, k sugar." "yes, Val." Valentino made him go out basically right after to get what he needed- probably not caring too much if Angel actually got hurt or not if he stepped out too soon. Don't know.
I don't know which one is which between Carmilla's daughters- like which one is Clara and which one is Odette. One of them changed- a lot.
I doubt that that body in front of Rosie's Emporium is Franklin? But eh. Who knows. Also, hi Rosie.
Jackpot Hotel is behind the demons gather bodies. It's a cat themed casino. Maybe Husker's?
Roo (Root of All Evil) could be on the pillar with all the posters. Looks like a tree on her forehead too, and all the roots coming down the neck.
There are posters talking about 'Extermination Mandatory.'
Also, 'Resist' 'Lilith in Concert' is one of the posters on this pillar.
Love seeing Sir Petentiou's little crest beneath the control panel and I want a sticker.
Where did Cherry's other shoe go???
I love the snakes on the gold panels.
Yes, we have an egg holding a taser, one holding a wrench... But what was the guy in the back with the ruler thinking? And I'm laughing at the one that's flipping Cherry off.
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sparkanonymous 4 months
Alright... who's ready for me to talk about Hazbin Hotel?
鈿狅笍 Spoilers for Hazbin Hotel Below 鈿狅笍
I'll most likely do this for Helluva Boss as well, if I even finish this, but I don't promise anything. If you're unfamiliar with how this goes, I jot down notes while I watch the episode. Most of the time, it's probably easier to watch the episode while reading the notes so that you know what I'm talking about, but it's not necessary if you just want to read someone's random thoughts on something.
I have not heard a lot of great things about the HH and HB fandoms. I'm not gonna try and be mean or anything, I'm just writing this stuff down for the shits and giggles. I don't see this doing well on my page anyway since I focus on Total Drama and Ninjago of all things. (I will most likely not join the HH and HB fandoms after this, either. I lurk a little bit in those spaces because of the art, but I don't really participate or go looking for anything related to these franchises... except for rewrites that I don't end up reading.)
Towards the end of this, I became increasingly more distracted and tired, so it's kinda just me listing things that I liked.
Have fun!
Hazbin Hotel - The Pilot
(I've watched this twice, but that was when it first came out.)
The song the pilot starts on is actually really pretty, imo. I've started getting sick of the songs that come from Spindlehorse (I watched the first episode of HH on Prime a bit ago, and I didn't really like either of the songs in it), but this song reminds me of why I wanted to watch this series back then.
Maybe this show is why I like the color red so much, lol
I've seen some spoilers on TikTok. I recognize the design of that one angel character by Adam- I think I saw Adam's silhouette for a moment too, that character that's Alastor's bestie, that techie demon, and maybe I'll recognize more. But how much of this story did Viv have planned before her show got the go-ahead?
(30 second unskippable ad after about 2 and a half minutes into the episode)
I remember when I saw this when it first came out, and I did not understand the point of having the snake villain. He was stupid, his egg minions were stupid, and there were clearly bigger things to focus on- like Charlie's hotel idea and advertising it, and then later, Alastor's whole thing. I had thought this entire battle between Cherry Bomb, Angel, and the snake (what is his name again) could have been cut, and there would be no issues. I still kinda think that this could've been written around. But I do like the snake guy. He's fun and eccentric.
(Another 30 second unskippable ad. We're 5 minutes in. Is it because I keep pausing to write?)
Wow, there are a lot of sound effects.
Where did those goat guys come from?
I wouldn't think that the princess of Hell would be this... innocent? Like, she can't seriously think that this whole hotel ordeal would be that easy, can she? She was literally singing at her balcony over the dozens of fallen demons. Is she just trying to stay happy and hopeful, or is she really just like this?
"I don't touch the gays-" So Charlie and Vaggie are open about their relationship? Or do they just do a terrible job at hiding it? I don't know why, but for the longest time, I thought that their relationship was secret. Damn, I'm just dumb.
"- I have standards." "Oh, yeah? How's that workin' out for ya...?"
Did we really have to cut to Tom in the middle of Kill Joy's rant? It takes away the focus.
Why is she threatening the princess of Hell? Charlie could break her scrawny neck with a hand and wouldn't be told off for it, or Charlie's father- fucking Lucifer- could catch wind of this and kill her himself. Does she want to die?
That quick sweep of the random characters and Vaggie behind the cameras was definitely sped up due to how short Charlie's "well" was. Or to save time. I don't know.
That one background character looks WAY too close to Blitz's design.
Damn. For how feared Alastor seems to be, he was able to walk behind those characters with no one screaming.
Was that Loona? Or that one character from Viv's Timber animation?
A lot of the scenes are way too quick. There are too many quick cuts, and some of the animations seem to be sped up?
During the song, Charlie's singing gets too high-pitched; I couldn't understand some of what she was saying. It's a nicer and shorter song than what Spindlehorse has been coming up with recently, though.
Is Kill Joy supposed to be cicada? Is that why the cicada sound effect keeps playing whenever we zoom in on her? I'm sorry... but if that's the case, she looks nothing like a cicada.
I know realistically bombs would make it hard to hear, but, realistically, being too close to bombs would also make your ears ring and would knock you off your feet. I don't know half of what Cherry Bomb or Angel are saying.
"Oh, harder, Daddy!~" "Son?!" I remember this clip being everywhere. I still like it. But, also, to the snake, have you even fucked anyone? Why would you immediately think that this is your kid? I honestly don't see this snake character enjoying the thought of sex.
The hat on the snake has teeth sometimes, and only sometimes. I can tell this character was probably HELL to animate.
Aw, Angel saving Cherry? Sweet...
So Angel can pull a Stitch and grow another pair of arms? Why? Spiders can't do that, so why should Angel?
I really enjoy Tom's design. He reminds me of a Looney Tunes character.
So... what happened to the turf war? We had like three different fights going on at the same time, and we see none of them? Do we hear more about that later?
Vaggie and Charlie's relationship here is really sweet.
You really thought anyone would want to stay there with how the place looks, Charlie? You're supposed to have the place ready before advertising.
So, wait... I thought Charlie's dad was really nice in the spoilers I saw. Did Charlie's dad say Charlie was useless, at least based on the intro?
How has Angel not heard of Alastor? Ah... for exposition purposes. Nevermind.
I'll be honest, Alastor's hair bothers me. I've never liked how it looks.
Was that an early design for Stolas in the Radio Demon exposition?
Alastor's colors were flickering a tiny bit when Vaggie and Charlie were talking about him.
Alastor clearly does not care about Charlie's dad being king of Hell or Charlie being the princess of Hell. He's just doing this for the shits and giggles.
"What can I do for you, my feminine fellow?" "Uh- I can suck your dick!" "HA- No."
"You think I'm some fuckin' clown?!" "... Maybe."
I thought HuskerDust was supposed to be canon. They're acting like they've never met.
I love the outfit change.
Alastor's reprise of Charlie's earlier song.
So, wait, when was Sir Pentious's first encounter with Alastor?
Alastor's smile when supposedlh killing the snake guy.
Episode 1
(Watched this when it was released on YouTube. After this, everything's new.)
So... new backstory. Also, new backstory for Charlie's dad?
New voices.
Alastor's little commercial is so lazy. He wanted entertainment. How will he get entertainment if the commercial doesn't sell it?
The sound effects haven't exactly been toned down.
The animation feels a little stiffer.
They noticed the fan love for Angel and decided they really wanted him to talk.
The threatening angle on Alastor is not as threatening as in the pilot.
What's up the random scene changes within scene changes? It's cutting randomly.
The first song is alright... for the most part.
I thought Charlie's thing was to not curse, at least not as frequently.
Adam's ramblings remind me way too much of Fizzarolli's boss. They're kinda the same in that aspect, and it doesn't really work for me.
Wow, the acting for the commercial.
How has Adam not been banished to Hell.
Nifty's great.
"You're doin' great, Vagina." lmfao
Exactly. Vaggie speaking facts.
The outfit changes are so nice.
Do sins not count once they die?
Adam should not be cursing, imo
If rules are black and white, you would be banished to Hell, Adam.
The second song with Adam is pretty good... for the most part.
You can't wait to murder? That says bloodlust to me.
Come on, let us see the commercial.
Tom's voice should have stayed the same.
But the body is just sitting there. How have more demons not seen the dead angel.
Damn, this outro song is sick.
Episode 2
That little cat thing is adorable. Kinda reminds me of the cat from Ruby Gloom.
Ooh, Sir Pentious is back.
"-battle, like, 20 times?" What? When? How long have you known Alastor.
I feel like Vox's voice should've been different. Like... imagine if he had Husk's VA.
How many accents does Valentino have?
Valentino x Vox?
Angel encouraging Alastor.
How many times does Sir Pentious have to die? Stop killing him :(
Vox trying to put a bad name on Alastor. He's so petty lol
"That's the tea-" Who told this old man about this generation's lingo?
Overall, the song's actually pretty good.
Face first into the sofa. Same, Charlie
Yay, more Sir Pentious! I actually kinda like him now.
Aw, poor Angel. But Charlie and Vaggie have a point.
Sir Pentious and Nifty give off Damien and Scary Girl from TDI, respectively.
Alastor burning the little piece of his coat in front of Sir Pentious, lol
Sir Pentious is so adorable.
The drug PSA with Angel and Pentious, lmao
The pig from the music video.
So Angel has self-worth issues, got it.
Well, that lasted all of five minutes. Poor Sir Pentious.
Charlie's bedhead is awesome.
His theatrics and the self-depracating comments don't really make Sir Pentious sound so serious about his apology.
This song was meh.
Episode 3
Why do you keep bringing that up, Vaggie?
I think a writer came on to the team and didn't look at the previous scripts very thoroughly.
Charlie, why do you look so uncomfortable with Pentious crying? You should've known that you would've gotten a lot of that.
Is Alastor trying to keep the egg minions safe? If so, cute.
"We have names?" Lol
Damn, they don't give a shit about Alastor. He got too comfortable with everyone knowing him.
The Velvet song reminds me of a different song. Pretty catchy, though.
Their definitions of trust are so different. Awesome.
Poor Nifty lol
Vaggie's army voice doesn't really work imo
Why are Carmine's earrings hanging off her hair?
The second song isn't really my thing, but I can understand why someone may like it... except for the green guy's echoing voice in the song.
Vaggie's singing voice is way too different from her speaking voice.
Pentious redemption. I like that Angel is warming up to him. The snake's precious.
Episode 4
Here's the episode on SA. Guess I'll finally be able to form my own opinion on this.
Poor Charlie and Pentious.
Aw, Husk being a people reader.
Goddamn, what did Nifty do?
So after ignoring Val's calls for days, he's suddenly answering? Maybe he realized it had been too long, and it would be worse if he continued to ignore him?
Charlie, you should've known that this would be difficult?
So Val knows to "respect" Charlie to her face, but
Angel's real name is Anthony?
Angel's VA is selling the performance here. It's gut wrenching.
Angel's song is okay.
I think the writing has been pretty solid since the song. I like Husk and Angel's dynamic.
I like the HuskerDust song and the visuals going with the song.
Goddamn the song's cut off, lmao
I dunno, besides the abuse part, I think the episode was solid. I can't speak on how well it handled SA, so I won't.
Episode 5
Why is this episode so much quieter than the rest?
Why is clown music Lucifer's ringtone for Charlie?
I like Lucifer's design, and his voice matches him, but I don't think he works as Lucifer, y'know?
Where was Alastor for that little meeting?
Alastor's eye twitching just the tiniest.
So Lucifer hasn't heard of Alastor? I thought he was the most threatening demon? Also, why is Alastor testing Charlie's dad?
Lmao, Pentious meeting the king of Hell.
Do people ship Lucifer and Alastor?
Nifty being in the song.
Alastor trying to insert himself as Charlie's father figure.
Oh, yay. Mimzy.
I like the song, besides when Mimzy came in from nowhere.
Lucifer's face in the background when Alastor's pushing Charlie away.
How does Mimzy know everyone? Did she meet Husk and Nifty because of Alastor?
New Alastor lore. I thought people would call him the Radio Demon, not that Alastor named himself that.
Alastor being owned by someone else makes sense.
Poor Husk.
Why does Hell even use money?
Aw, Pentious saving Nifty.
Angel and Husk enjoying the father-daughter drama.
So, does Alastor actually want to keep the hotel safe, or is it because of a deal?
The song reminded me of a Greatest Showman song. It's okay.
Vaggie, you're acting sus.
Episode 6
Yo, Cherry Bomb is back, and she's Aussie.
Pentious lol you're so nervous for nothing.
I love Sera and Emily's designs.
Heaven's song should've been church choir-esque y'know?
Adam has already talked about the exorsists with angels around. There's no way that more people haven't heard about them by now.
Adam named Vaggie? Wth
Damn, they ripped Vaggie's eye clean out with no struggle or hesitation.
Sarah's voice did not hold much confidence for Adam.
Why is Pentious trying to hit on Cherry?
Adam, you fucked multiple times. What the hell are you talking about, you hypocritical asshole.
Aw, poor Nifty. I like Angel and Nifty's dynamic.
Aw, man, poor Pentious.
Why did the music stop when Angel and Val argued? Let him argue without causing a scene.
I don't like that the song has to do with the plot so much, but I like the song.
Please banish Adam to Hell.
I love Sera and Emily.
Episode 7
Aww, Pentious petting the kitty thing.
Alastor is pushing Charlie a little too much.
Alastor kicking his feet while laying on Charlie's bed.
Charlie is going to push Alastor to beating her shit.
"I know something you don't know~" Love this guy.
Charlie's demon horns coming out when making the deal.
With how much they made out Vaggie's past angelhood, I would think that Charlie would be more offensive?
Ah, there it is.
"I know you're an ace in the hole-" "A what now?" Lmao
I love Rosie.
Rosie and Alastor's dynamic is lovely.
They have a month to prepare. What are they gonna do to keep their defenses up within a MONTH. That's like no time.
Who voices Carmine? She sounds mildly familiar.
Why did they have to introduce Susan?
Carmine basically calling Charlie a dumbass.
Vaggie getting her wings back is kind of bullshit. Or am I missing something?
Carmine's song is alright, but give it a little. The UnderTale fandom will get to it. There'll be a parody.
Rosie and Charlie's talk is so nice.
Alastor and Rosie kinda being the parents that Charlie needs is mad deIicious. Love me parental figures.
Despite the name, Cannibal Town is amazing.
I love the song here in Cannibal Town.
I love this episode.
Episode 8
Vox is here. Again. Yay.
Wrong Angel, Nifty lmao
I still love Sir Pentious. He has reserved a place in my heart.
Love this small peaceful scene.
Aw, Alastor and Nifty interacting.
Angel admiring Husk.
Pentious and Cherry? Kinda nice, actually.
Vaggie's song to Charlie is pretty sweet.
I can't... who's righting the relationships in this episode? They're all so lovely.
Adam's rocking "ATTACK!"
The 3 V's watching from the TV.
The outfits the main guys are wearing.
Vox getting turned on by Alastor's impending doom.
Beat his ass, Alastor!
Alastor's staff breaking and him mildly panicking.
Husk enjoying the sex jokes.
Alastor fake out death.
Angel saving the egg.
Cherry and Pentious kissing in front of explosion.
No, not Pentious!
Loved the animation where Charlie and her goats transformed.
Damn, Vaggie fighting even with a hole in her hand.
The angel bitch Vaggie was fighting ripping her arm off was a bit much for me.
Lucifer appearing and fucking Adam's shit up.
Adam's mask falling off.
Nifty getting the last hit on Adam. Awesome.
'Shitting and cumming' being in the headline during the news is fucking hilarious.
Lucifer is fucking fruity.
Lucifer and everyone cheering Charlie up.
Velvet recording Vox and Val dancing.
Sir Pentious's memorial.
Alastor showing up for the last bit of the sing.
I liked most of the song.
YO Sir Pentious showing up in Heaven?!
What was Lilith's agreement?
Overall, I enjoyed watching this show. The pacing and writing could use some work, but yeah. Mimzy was kind of annoying, but she was only in the show for a few minutes in one episode, so it was easy to ignore her... unless you're listening to the song that she so rudely interrupted at the very end of. The constant need to bring in new characters is kind of annoying, but I enjoyed at least half of them.
If I were to draw fanart of any of these characters, it would probably be Husk, Nifty, or Sir Pentious. I'll be patiently waiting for a second season. If there ever is one.
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pudding-parade 2 years
Sorry for making this a post @thebleedingwoodland, but this was just too long for comments.
So, as part of a conversation about this post regarding the problematic nature of, specifically, Shang Simla, there was this reply:
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And my response, cut in order to spare your dash:
See, that's the thing! As a USian, I wouldn't be at all insulted by a "Simerica" world being represented by an Eiffel Tower icon. I would go "WTF?" and then think it hilarious and just play the world. But that isn't the same as a supposedly Chinese world being represented by a torii icon, because Japan and China are historical enemies, whereas the US and France have been allies since before the US was a country and before France was a republic. A closer equivalent in insult, I think, would be a "Simerica" world represented by a hammer and sickle or something recognizably Russian, like a silhouette of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow or something like that. That might anger some USians because the US and Russia are historical enemies. (I, personally, would think it weird but still wouldn't be insulted, but I might be in the minority there.)
The others鈥 certainly wouldn't be insulted by a burger and spaghetti served on the same plate. In fact, as I type this, I'm eating tamales (a traditional Mexican food that my Mexican mother-in-law made for me) and a bowl of Chinese-style fried rice for dinner, and later I'm going to have a slice of fresh-baked apple pie and some ice cream for dessert. I'm pretty sure I've seen a combo meal of burgers and spaghetti on the menu in a few US diners. I'm not sure how Italians would feel about that, but I don't think any American would give it a second thought. Give me all the stereotypical cowboy gun duels, please (because in a fictional setting they're cool, and I live in what was the "Old West"), and, indeed, a significant portion of US citizens are overweight/obese (though I have the opposite problem, due to a chronic condition), so portraying them that way would just be accurate. Make them all have a "rude" or "loud" trait, and we're in business. (And I'd be LMAO.)
I think the overall issue here is that American corporations cater to Americans, and the US in general sucks at cultural sensitivity. Mix that with American exceptionalism and you have a recipe for disaster. I could be wrong, but I think this is partly because the US is populated mostly by immigrants combined with the fact that US culture varies greatly from region to region, precisely because US citizens have all sorts of backgrounds on top of the usual differences between urban and rural people. As such, there is no unifying American culture, nor is there any major aspect of it that is particularly unique to here and that would be considered insulting if not portrayed properly. Instead, it's a "culture" stitched together from pieces of many others. I'm going to guess that this is why many Americans don't fully grasp why culture is so important to people in other countries or even among certain marginalized groups here in the US. In turn, I would imagine that people from other countries/cultures, particularly countries that are fairly monocultural for whatever reason, often don't understand how Americans are or can be OK with the cultural "melting pot" that America is ideally supposed to be.
In the end, I think the goal with the WA worlds was not accuracy -- which would, indeed, require research -- but rather simply creating an easily recognizable backdrop for the quests. Unfortunately, that only requires, in Shang Simla's case, including anything that "looks Chinese," and that was as far as EA's "thinking" went. So you have the Great Wall and Japanese torii and, of all things, completely American "Chinese" things like fortune cookies and egg rolls. I'm not saying that this is a good thing. It isn't. At all. I think it's terrible (though unfortunately not surprising) that the average USian can't tell the difference between things that are Chinese and things that are Japanese. Worse, it's terrible that many also don't understand why mashing together things from those cultures is insulting to both of them. I'm just saying that that's what it is. EA should have done better, but they didn't. USians in general should do better, just as people in other countries should do better than believe that people not from their own country/culture are all one way or another. But, this is the world we live in, at least for now.
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