#if you see this you have to play morrowind. pls.
kyo-hiki · 5 months
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did i play morrowind just to see dagoth? yes. did i also find out that morrowind is the best game ive ever played? also yes.
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friesian · 2 years
*gently pats your arm* hello you're really cool and I love marwyd I wanted to know if I could give him a lil kiss on the cheek - @moonlit-grove
(Ps UHHH TES brainrot got spread to me do you play ESO if so pls.... tell me about bbys)
HELLO FRIEND!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU he is always spinning in my mind.
you may try to give him a kiss. he needs to be loved more. however i give you two warnings; 1. he cannot wrap his head around receiving affection and will probably try to parkour away. not elegantly mind you. he's about as nimble as a horse. which is VAGUELY nimble but also he's the broadside of a barn in terms of size. he'd just probably jump off from a 10 foot balcony and splat on the ground. he has Problems <3
2. his body oils/sweat/blood (you get the gist) is all VERY psychedelic in nature and is VERY potent as well. if you're lookin for a good trip give that man a kiss on the cheek (if he doesn't literally jump into the ocean from a bridge first.)
AND GOD. i need to play more ESO. i 100% have it and have MANY characters but i've mostly been playing morrowind and skyrim. i will give a tiny shout about my babies since i have to get it out of me. for morrowind. i have my dunmer/nerevarine Aros!! i don't have much of a personality for him yet, but i do think of him to be the type of guy to charge in with a sword and ask questions later. (how i've been playing the game since im scared of everything Getting Me). i started him as a bard but i have slowly somehow transformed him into a weird medium armor wearing two-hander sword knight LOL. he's very strong and charismatic. here's a WIP i have of him (right) with my good friend bo's nerevarine (left). by the way ordinator armor is FUCKING KILLING ME. however i love it so much, so it is worth it.
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NOW FOR SKYRIM. FLYSHER. MY BABY BOY FLYSHER!!! (he's also in ESO but im gonna be talking about exclusively skyrim here) probably one of my second fav OCs after marwyd. he's my nightingale/thieves guild leader (maybe also dark brotherhood member?? still deciding on that one. we'll see.) and is very silent, and usually monotone. archer, acrobat, sneak thief, and rather good diplomatic talker when he has to be... however, he's got BAD luck. i mean bad. bad. BAD luck. he's known for 50/50 completion of contracts in terms of them being done right. usually known as 'the grey area' among the guild. he gets MUCH better later when he becomes a nightingale and has much better luck, but this doesn't ALWAYS help. he does have bouts of incredibly bad luck from time to time.
he may have also belonged to a certain dunmeri house in the past and is MAYBE desperately trying to escape his past. but that's all i'll let slip. for now.
also, i think a little bit of butt and body hair is fine on tumblr right? if not im about to find out the hard way LOL. i censored the actual bad bits already. but have my flysher reference i've been too scared to post because of the censors. i'll tag this nsfw-ish just in case tho.
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dalamusrex · 6 years
I love your Dunmeris cheat sheet! Definitely stealing some of those phrases. :) I just have one minor query - I've seen it stressed elsewhere that sera and muthsera aren't gendered, since they're used indiscriminately ingame, and muthsera is just the more polite/respectful form of address. Is there anywhere which says otherwise? If there isn't and that's just how you headcanon it, that's obviously cool too. :D
I’m glad you find it helpful!! I had some fun learning the grammar and translations haha~
As for the terms of respect, I think I remember seeing that they used to be gendered, but I could be wrong! The wiki has updated quite a bit since the last time I looked at it for anything serious, and if they were gendered before on the wiki, they aren’t now.It’s entirely possible that my brain just went “this sounds more feminine and the other sounds more masculine” and I went with it at the time because it made sense. (Mun is cishet pls forgiv)
I haven’t played more than 5 minutes of Morrowind (assuming that’s the one you’re referring to because Dunmer xD), so again I could be missing information, and now that you’ve mentioned it, it makes more sense for them to be non-gendered. Because respect is respect, yeah? I’ll edit it to reflect that~
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