#if you want somebody to write a long fucking post about some things in precure hit me up dude i love talking and never stoping
goatboard · 8 months
I said I have no words but actually I have a lot of words, so many words
Hime's character arc is so well written and enjoyable for two main reasons (at least for me), which are that Hime growth both as Cure and as a person are parallel and something that you can clearly and slowly see develop on screen. the other factor is that Hima from the very first episode has a role to grow into, which while it's not visible to the characters themselves is clear to the viewer (especially to someone who's a magical girl liker)
Hime's role in the group is being the blue one, but when we meet her in episode she's anything BUT blue, she's whiny, selfish and the biggest coward around. from the moment you see her, you know that she's not the version she's supposed to be, but since the characters are not going to go out and break the 4th wall (+ though if they did they could use the argument that Hime is somehow actually related to Blue and that's why this is her color) we don't actually get the more typical storyline for growing into a role that's designed for you, with the character not really wanting to/not feeling good enough. Something about Hime's growth as a person being so ingrained into the meta of the series makes me so satisfied with its writing.
there's also how all of the characters around her influence Hime's perspective and behavior. I'm specifically talking about Megumi and Yuuko - mostly because they have the most different approach to helping Hime. Megumi gives Hime the push that she needs to get out of her comfort zone and feel much more confident, while Yuuko is the force that manages her momentum, helping Hime with self-reflection and understanding the perspective of others.
and the way it all crescendo's in the mid-season finale! when she actually applies all that she's learned, when she apologizes to Iona without actually having to be explained to do so. how she gives her all of her cards, literally forfeiting her chance at coming back home, because she can empathize with the pain Iona is going through, as well as understand that her actions do have consequences and, manipulated into it or not, she is the one who had opened Pandora's box
[this finale and interaction with Iona is also handled so well with Iona also being able to empathize with Hime, to understand that while, yeah, she's made mistakes, awful ones, she's been thrust into this position that she wasn't ready for in the same way Iona has.]
I actually love this season so much, especially the first part (I will admit... I'm not too crazy about the Blue/Mirage storyline); if not marketing, I'm sure Hime would be the actual main character of the series but Hime couldn't be any other color than blue.
she couldn't even go the Tsubomi route because Hime being built to grow into someone curageous, somebody that other people can lean on, somebody that can be strong for others, into her own kind of "cool" (bandori reference) is something that makes her character that much more enjoyable and satisfying
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