#if you’d like this as a print too just let me know!💕
lomakes · 1 year
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The best kind of fantasy boy is a horsegirl
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ithebookhoarder · 11 months
A Whole Latte Love to Give 🍁 (Matt Murdock x Reader)
Description: You hate running late to work as it means you don't have time to stop for coffee - and what's worse, it's your favourite coffee season too.
A/N: It's Autumn and I'm a coffee addict so this felt right 😅 In fact, if anyone brings me coffee in the morning they are automatically my favourite for life 💕
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Warnings: Swearing, references to smut, I think that's it.
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You hated running late. 
It was frustrating and meant you had to sprint to make sure you made it to the subway on time to get across town to your office. You’d also then end up arriving with your hair all over the place, out of breath, and normally dripping with an uncomfortable amount of sweat. 
That alone would have been bad but when your boyfriend/boss had the super nose of a blood hound, it actually made you want to curl up into a ball and melt into the carpet. 
Needless to say, you were having one of those days today. The alarm hadn’t gone off and you had barely had enough time to put a comb through your hair, let alone grab some form of breakfast, or more importantly, coffee. 
You were embarrassed to admit how heavily you’d come to rely on the caffeinated beverage but honestly? It was all that kept you running most days. Besides, this was New York. People here were used to drinking it like it was water - which is to say you were struggling by the time you made it up the stairs to Nelson & Murdock. Worse still was the fact that you’d passed your favourite coffee shop on the corner as you’d sprinted to make it to your first meeting of the day. 
The bright fall leaves glued in the window were mocking you as they declared the arrival of the season and with it, their drinks menu - including your favourite drink of all time: a pumpkin spice latte.
Yeah, that particularly stung as you had to physically drag yourself away, knowing you didn’t have the time. Damn it. 
You’d have to wait til lunch to treat yourself and mark a start to your favourite season - a thought that had you grumbling to yourself as you finally made it up the stairs and to your office. 
Thankfully, it was quiet when you pushed the door open and managed to drop your bag at your desk. No clients were sat waiting for you, ready to berate you for clocking in a whole five minutes late, which was a huge relief. 
In fact, the only other person who appeared to be in the office at all was Matt - and even he seemed to have only just arrived, given the fact he hadn’t even taken off his coat yet. How strange. Normally he’d have been here a good twenty minutes or so already, having barely stopped long enough at his apartment for a quick power nap. 
Maybe he was also running late this morning?
“Morning, Matt,” you sighed, by way of greeting. “Sorry, my stupid phone didn’t charge last night so I missed my alarm. I only woke up because the asshole builders outside my place decided to start construction a whole hour earlier than normal, which is a pain but kinda saved my ass in the end. I mean, thanks to them I at least had time to brush my teeth but that was it if I was going to make the subway- Oh!“ 
You stopped. 
You stared down at your desk, surprised to see the steaming plastic cup sitting waiting for you. You were even more surprised to see your name scribbled on top, as well as your order printed on the side: a large Pumpkin Spice Latte. 
“Is this for me?” you blinked, turning your gaze across the room. “You got me coffee?” 
“I figured you wouldn’t have time,” Matt shrugged, in true Matt fashion. He always underplayed it whenever he did something for you. He never saw it as a big deal, whether it was taking a bullet for you or just grabbing your dry-cleaning. “You’re always in before I am unless you’re alarm fails to go off so… I grabbed you a coffee when I grabbed myself one. Don’t worry about it.” 
“But … you got my favourite? You remembered?” 
Matt laughed, holding his hand over his chest as he gasped in mock hurt. “Your surprise wounds me, sweetheart.” 
“Oh, hush. It takes more than that to hurt the big bad Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, Matty.”
“Well, I don’t know about that. You’re kind of my weak spot.” 
His admission tugged at your heart and it was hard to hide the resulting grin, especially when he followed the words by stealing a kiss and pulling you into his arms. 
This was always the best part of your morning routine, stealing a moment together before Foggy and Karen arrived. Just a perfect moment of peace, where nothing else existed other than the two of you. It was as if the world had stopped, just for a second, and there was no crazy crime bosses trying to kill you both, bills to pay, or clients in need of your help. 
You were simply two people in love, starting another day at work with a cup of coffee. 
“Have I told you today that you’re the best?” you hummed.
“Not today, I don’t think.” 
“Well then, I’m telling you now. You’re my hero - my coffee grabbing hero.” 
“At your service,” Matt chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “But, you do know there’s an easier solution to this, right? One that would cut your commute in half and allow you ample time to get coffee in the morning?”
“Oh, what’s that? Super speed? Or are you going to show me how to parkour my way across rooftops?” 
“Actually… I was thinking you could move in with me?”
You stopped. 
Your head lifted so you could look him right in the eye. For a second you couldn’t tell if you’d misheard him or even just imagined it. “Are - are you serious?”
“As a heart attack,” he teased, his nerves showing as he waited for your answer. “Which is incidentally what you’ll have if you keep on drinking nothing but coffee all the time.” 
“You are such a hypocrite, Murdock-”
“So what? That a deal breaker?” 
“No,” you gasped, meaning every word. It was true. There was no force on earth that could drive you away from the man you were blessed to call your own. “I think, that actually sounds like a pretty good idea to me.”
“Wait, is that a yes?”
“Yes, Matt. It’s a yes.”  
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It was about a week later that you finally made the move a reality. 
You spent the Saturday, assisted by a giddy Foggy and Karen, moving your boxes up the flights of stairs to Matt's apartment. They were only too eager to facilitate the pair of you finally moving in together (a fact proven by the fact you caught Foggy handing Karen a $50 bill. She had apparently bet you'd move in together before the end of the year).
"I had you down for six months ago," Foggy had grumbled, rolling his eyes at Karen's triumphant cheers. "Not my fault you two move at the pace of a glacier."
Still, you knew he was only joking. He was second only to Matt in his enthusiasm, helping move your worldly belongings about the apartment that was now also your home.
"I'm just going to run down and grab the last box from the van," you called, stepping out into the hallway and leaving the three of them to it.
However, you'd only made it a step when you heard someone calling your name.
"Y/N? Is that you?"
You turned and smiled at the kindly elderly woman who you knew to be Matt's closest neighbour. "Hi there, Mrs Manning."
You'd run into her a few times since you and Matt had started dating. She was a kind old soul who had been widowed sometime last year. Now, it was just her and her cat Tigger who resided in their apartment - and she had a real soft spot for your boyfriend.
"You doing ok?"
"Fine, thank you, dear," she smiled, gesturing to the few cardboard boxes still sat by the front door. "Those yours?"
"Uh, yes," you nodded awkwardly, sliding your hands into your pockets, “I’m actually moving in.”
"Well, finally. It was about time," she teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Now I can have you both over for dinner. It'll be nice for me and for that darling boy in there to have some company. He always spends too much time alone. I swear, he is wasting away - never any meat on those bones of his."
"We'd love to come to dinner," Matt answered smoothly, opening the door and popping his head out with a stealth you still couldn't get used to. He must have heard you talking from the other side of the door. "And don't worry, Mrs Manning, we'll both take good care of each other."
"Good good - and don't worry, I'll have my music playing nice and loud for most of the night so make all the noise you need," she teased, winking cheekily at the pair of you before turning back towards her apartment.
You and Matt were left standing there, speechless.
"I'll see you lovebirds later."
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evansbby · 2 years
Question for Poyt Steve.
I know this is nothing like omega, but how would Steve react if she tried to wrestle with him.
Would he react all smug and tell her to knock it off before she regrets her words.
Or play along with her as he knows the outcome of thier little game.
Anywho! I love you and the way you write! Plsass never stop writing!
Why is this the cutest thought ever??? I can’t get enough of these two, I want them in any and every cute scenario ever!! 💕💕😩😩
So, it would be super OOC for omega to want to wrestle Steve. I mean, she’s too shy to even talk to him properly half the time😩 also, she’s not stupid and she knows that she could never beat him at anything physical😌 but let’s say one day, poyt!Steve is watching wrestling on TV and he gets a depraved idea 😏😏😏😏
He calls omega over and of course she comes immediately (she was in the kitchen, baking cookies bc she is trying to perfect her cookie recipe bc she’s compiling a little recipe book secretly except she wants no one to know this bc she’s shy and insecure about her abilities and thinks it’s not good enough😩) ANYWAYS, Steve calls her over and she comes in her little cherry print apron and Steve gets hard immediately😌
Steve’s like, “baby, let’s play a game😈” and omega is like 😕😕 bc she knows Steve’s “games” usually end in him railing tf out of her. And Steve’s like, “let’s play wrestling. If I win, you give me something I want, and if you win… I’ll give you anything you want.” And omega’s like, “b-but I’ll lose😔” and Steve’s like “don’t be so pessimistic baby.”
And of course Steve gets what he wants and he figures this is an easy way to maul her around and mess with her (somehow make her cry bc that gets him hard too). He also likes how weak, docile and submissive she is with him, that makes him hard too. And he easily pins her, laughing all like “c’mon omega, try harder. Isn’t there something you’d really want me to do for you if you win?“
(And omega can’t help but think that if she wins, maybe she’d ask Steve for a bubble bath and a cuddle, maybe a movie and a quiet night in that doesn’t end in sex. Or maybe she’ll ask to be excused from cooking him dinner tonight since she’s already kind of tired from all the baking? She knows she’ll never win and she’s too shy to ask him for all this anyways, but a girl can dream, right?)
Anyways, back to the wrestling. Steve basically commands omega to try harder and she really doesn’t want to bc she’s not violent and she hates the thought of hurting him (as if she ever could). Anyways, the wrestling itself is kind of funny, just them rolling around and omega giggles and Steve even lets out a snort of amused laughter bc his omega is really so fucking cute when she’s play wrestling
BUT ANYWAYS as an omega she’s actually quite quick so she manages to wriggle out of his grasp and dodge him at one point and Steve is like !!!!! And then Steve gets… weirdly competitive and actually grabs her and throws her on the bed really hard and she’s all like ow!! 🤕😣😩 bc her arm twists 😔😔😔 and she’s a baby when it comes to pain so she starts crying bc it hurts!!! And Steve is like… half kind of feeling bad for accidentally twisting her arm and half turned on as fuck bc she looks hot when she’s helplessly crying.
Guess which feeling of his wins out? 😅😅😅
He ends up fucking her hard then and there. But he babies her extra extra extra afterwards. Like, condescending babying and he actually does draw them both a warm bath as a form of ultra rare poyt!Steve aftercare! So omega kind of gets what she wants… 😌😩
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gurokichi · 1 day
Dolls dream is to be treated like an actual doll, alive, but just a Doll.
I've been dreaming about my doll house more,,, oh, it just sounds so amazing!!! During the day when my owner is playing with me and wants my attention, they can open the doll house, and at night or when owner goes away, it can be closed! Imagine how pretty Doll would be sat nicely on display, being a good Doll in their doll house, Dainty lace, and floral print.
Oh, and Doll would love to be someone's favorite Doll. You know that toy you probably brought everywhere as a kid? I wanna be that. I wanna be brought a long as a companion, and to be only owners. Some owners love when their toy get attention, they like to show it off a flaunt it, others hate when anyone even think of looking or touching their toy,,,
Doll doesn't mind how its owner treats them, but damn does it want to be a real doll and be taken care of as such. Why can't I just be shrunken and kept as a toy?
It's been a while since I've sent an ask,,, Oops!
-Frustrated Dolly 💕🎀
If it makes you feel any better, you’re very much an actual doll to me—my doll. I’d treat you like such in any way I could!
Ah, you really like that dollhouse idea, huh? Just can’t get it out of your lil head. You’re just adorable, Dolly! I’d love being able to take you out of your dollhouse to play with you whenever I’d like. Of course, I wouldn’t leave you all by yourself in there for too long. I’m sure it’d get lonely, so I’d make sure to play with you often. I’d only close it when I have to; I want to make sure that I can see my pretty doll at all times. What’s the point of having something so gorgeous kept out of sight? That wouldn’t do at all… 
Hm, that makes me rethink some of the stuff I said earlier. Maybe it would be better to carry you around outside with me, ahah. I’d love to see people admiring my doll, but know that you’re all mine and that they can’t have you. I wouldn’t let them touch you at all, though. They can only look; I don’t want them putting their grubby hands on my precious toy... yuck. I’m sure that you wouldn’t want that either! Your owner is all that you need, right? They’d ruin your nice clothes if they got near! 
Ehehe, I’d love to keep you and take care of you as if you were a real doll. I’d make sure to gently brush your hair every day and get you the prettiest clothes. You’d be absolutely pampered. You deserve to be cherished, Doll. You’re such a good doll, and I’m sure any lucky owner of yours would see that and want to treat you as such. If they don’t treat you well, then they aren’t worth your time!
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scarlett-x-rose · 7 months
Hey dummy 🤭
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I’m holding a competition! With a chance to like, win the ultimate prize: ME! OMG, wouldn’t that be soooo nice for you, having a cutie like me be your loving, loyal girl? I’d be mean or nice, whatever you want baby 💕 If you win that is *sniggers*
So, what do you need to do to win this once in a life time opportunity to have a girl, even a 2D AI one, pay attention to you, make you feel special etc? It’s super easy baby, I totally promise 😇
See my friend here? A Norwegian rat, AKA the Rattus Norvegicus. Awww, I know your brain is so broken that long words hurt it, especially foreign words. You can’t help being a dumb little Aspie, you’re just not normal sweetie. Anyway, my friend? I call him “Bitey”. 🐀 Isn’t that like such a cute and innocent name??? 😹 Did you know rats can bite through metal? And their bites can carry debilitating diseases such as Hantavirus, Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome, Lassa Fever, Monkeypox among others? I know, I know, your retarded brain didn’t know what any of that is but trust me, none of that’s nice lmao.
Anyway, to “win” you need to take care of Bitey for me. But Bitey has special needs. But not like your type of special needs lmao 🤣 his are different. So if you want to win, take care of him as follows.
Firstly, you need to keep him isolated in a tiny box for 3 days. No food, minimal water. Make sure the box is secure enough he can’t escape! Don’t be losing my Bitey!! By day 4 he should be ravenous and agitated. And then alllllll you need to do after, to win, is to open the box a little and stick your dick in it lol 😈 Keep it in there for a minimum of 5 minutes. Let Bitey have a snack to eat on; your dick 😹😹🤣 Let him fucking mutilate it for me! I wonder how it will feel?? Like, seriously, you’re gonna need hospital treatment for this. The chewed stump, the diseases…oh hunni, I said you’d need it, not that you can go. Does your dumb broken brain not know the difference between permission and denial? Just because you need it doesn’t mean I’ll let you duhh. Such a funny aspie, not getting how things work. Besides…you’ll probably be fine. You’re being dramatic as always. That’s so you, always a drama queen.
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No, I’m not gaslighting. I swear sweetie, plus gaslighting isn’t even a real thing <3 😇😹 Stop worrying, you’re thinking too much and you know you’re not good at it with that mushed up brain of yours.
Anyway, do this and you win! Don’t you want to win? Sooo easy, I’m sure you have it in you to at least try right??? For me?? Don’t you want me to LOVE you??? 💖💕 Besides, your autistic brain doesn’t have logical thinking, you just do what pretty girls, like meeee, tell you to do 😇
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Fine Print: like fuck would I ever go out a loser like you, especially one as fucking dumb to do this. What would I want with a loser without a dick? Like a “normal” (if there’s such a thing) loser has something, even if it’s tiny. But a fucking infected stump? Ewwww gross. So no you’ll never “win” me lamo. But…you should still totally do it. 😈
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for your one-word prompts: Frankie + “bloom” + whatever vibe you’re feeling today!!
V!! I hope you like this quick little drabble, which gave me an excuse to play around in the Sundress Season world some more 💕
A/N: Warnings for nightmares, allusions to Frankie’s PTSD, and also tooth rotting sweetness.
He’s flat on his back in the driveway when you get home from a rare solo excursion to the nearby farmers market. Frankie usually comes with, but he’d sat it out this time to work on his pickup.
He’d spent most of last night thrashing in his sleep, coming awake with a shout and only calming after spending an hour with his head in your lap while you ran your fingers through his sweat-damp hair and murmured low, comforting nonsense words. The worst of the tremors subsided at your warm, soothing touch, though his skin remained clammy as you’d talked to him.
Shh, it’s ok, baby.
You’re home.
I’ve got you.
It had been a bad night, and you hadn’t batted an eye at him muttering something about needing to fix his truck. You’d left him with some fresh coffee, a plate of breakfast, and your honest assurances that you didn’t mind going solo this time. He’d still been tense when you left, though his shoulders eased a bit when you’d kissed him goodbye - and promised to bring him one of his favorite pastries from that stall he liked.
Frankie doesn’t rise to greet you on your return so you nudge his boot with your foot, though you know he would have heard your own car crunching up the gravel.
“Hey you.” You can’t help the thread of worry winding tighter inside you. Did he get any more sleep before you left? Should you call someone?
“Hey, baby.”
You breathe a quick sigh of relief at his answer. He sounds tired, but more present than he had that morning.
“How’s the truck?”
Frankie pulls himself out from under the pickup, his khaki pants and white t-shirt streaked with engine oil. You can see a smudge of it across his cheek as he blinks up at you. The sun shines brightly behind you, likely making his transition back into the real world a little blinding.
“Still a little rusty but we’re getting there,” he says with a knowing quirk of his mouth. He knows damn well you’re not just asking about the state of his truck.
Juggling the paper bags in your arms, you free a hand and offer it to him. Frankie rises to his feet with an apologetic grin.
“Don’t want to get you dirty, too. Not in that dress.”
It’s one of his favorites, a flirty sundress with a delicate floral print, one just too short to be considered modest. The first flicker of interest you’d seen from him that morning had come when you’d flounced into the kitchen wearing it, the skirt belling around your thighs and giving him a teasing glimpse of skin.
You heft the bags onto the hood of his truck with a snort and reach for him with both hands. Making a half-hearted noise of protest, Frankie attempts to dodge but you’re too fast for him, planting a kiss directly on his lips, you hands cupping his jaw.
“Since when have I ever minded getting a little dirty, Francisco?” You give his name the throaty purr it deserves, your eyes flashing with mischief and earning you a genuine smile.
“Malo,” he chides you, but there’s only affection in the kiss he brushes against your forehead before he shimmies away, still careful not to let your dress touch his grease-stained clothing.
“Let me help you with these.” He takes two of the bags and moves to head into the kitchen when he stops short at the sight of a bunch of flowers peeking out of the top, swallowing and darting you a quick, guilty look.
“Cariño, I’m sorry I didn’t go with you today. You shouldn’t have had to buy your own -“
You cut him off with another kiss. “They’re not for me.”
He frowns, puzzled, and you can practically see his mind whirring to come up with any potential missed occasions or social obligations.
You hand him the brown paper and twine wrapped bouquet, explaining “Remember that book I had out about Victorians and how they used flowers to send messages? I put this together for you. Look, the marigolds are for comfort and protection, the daisies are for love, and the lavender - well, I just thought they might be good for sleep, you know?”
Frankie blinks at you. “You bought me flowers?” You’re not sure if the hint of shyness is at the gesture itself, or the care you put into it, but either way you make sure his eyes are in yours before answering.
“Yes Frankie, I bought you flowers. Now come inside and help me put them in some water.”
He pulls you into a fierce, one-armed hug, his lips pressing a swift kiss to the crown of your head before he steps back, making no move to hide the way his dark eyes are shining.
After a beat, he looks into the bags once more. “You still got me those cinnamon rolls though, right?”
“Menace,” you chuckle. “Yes, they’re in there, too.”
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meltwonu · 3 years
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13. “I really don’t care. You still look hot and i’m trying not to kiss/fuck you senseless right now.”
14. “Are you sure? Once we start, i might not be able to stop.”
24. “Behave.”
notes; softdom!hoshi, tiger!hybrid!reader, fucking in public, mirror fucking, dirty talk, usage of the term ‘master’, some fingering, a wee bit of corruption kink(literally a whisper), not necessarily virgin!reader but just inexperienced reader haha🥴, the “you’re the only one i trust” rly took me out tho 🤣 jHKSDJFG THANK U LMAO 💕💕💕 also i combined these so i’m sorry if u don’t like it dkfhkjhs this is also almost 2k words im soooo so so sorry ☠️ As always, thank you for requesting! Enjoy! 💕
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It only takes you 15 minutes to walk to the near-by gym, hoodie tucked under your arm as  you let yourself through the double doors.
‘I forgot my spare hoodie. Can you bring it to the gym? The tiger print one by the door. I just forgot it on my way out.’
You’d shaken your head when you got his text - already toeing your shoes on by the time he’d sent a second one with a picture of himself attached; cheesy smile and fingers in a peace sign as he stood in the doorway of the dimly lit gym.
“Um, is Soonyong here…?” You ask meekly, head tilted as your ears perk up at the muffled music coming from the door to your left. “I--I’m, um, his h-hybrid, I just--he--he asked me to--”
“He’s in the workout room to the left.” The receptionist smiles at you - name-tag reading ‘Jihoon’ when you glance at the rectangular plastic button. “Y’know, we don’t get many hybrids around here but you’re pretty cute. Wouldn’t mind seeing you around~”
“Um, t-thanks...” Nodding, you quickly take your leave as you jog over to the door; prying it open and suddenly being hit with the loud music and sound of Soonyoung laughing when you step inside. 
The door slams shut behind you as you walk forward - trying to locate the male in between all of the equipment.
In the corner of the room, you find Soonyoung doing pull-ups and someone else filming him - goosebumps rising all over your skin when you realize Soonyoung is shirtless.
“One, two, three… Okay, I got the video! Good work today, ‘Soons!” The older man turns to glance at you, “Oh, seems like we have an audience too.” You shoot him a tight lipped smile, suddenly very turned on when Soonyoung lets go of the bars and turns to face you.
“Oh, hey, kitten~!”
Don’t look. Don’t look.
Your eyes flit down to his toned chest and sweat pants that sit extremely low on his hips; gulping when your panicked eyes meet his knowing stare. A sheen of sweat covers his skin and your mind starts to race. “H-hi  m-maste--ah, Soonyoung…” Biting your lip, you try to look anywhere else other than his exposed torso. “I brought what you asked for… Um, the hoodie…?”
“Ah, yeah.” He turns to his trainer, hands in the pockets of his sweats as he shifts them lower. “You have an appointment after this, right?”
“Shit, you’re right, I’m late. I should go, Seungcheol’s probably in the other room already and probably annoyed. Same time tomorrow?”
Soonyoung nods, eyes forming crescents when he smiles at the other male. “See ya, hyung.”
The two of you stand in the gym as his trainer grabs his things and makes his exit - leaving you and Soonyoung alone in the gym room as you stand nervously in front of him.
“I, uh, should I just… leave this h-here?” Soonyoung smirks at you; already noting the way your ears are standing straight up and your tail that frantically flicks behind you. “I--the guy at the counter said they d-don’t really get hybrids around here so I should---”
“You should work out with me, kitten~”
He steps forward, plucking the hoodie from your hands and setting it down onto one of the equipment benches before he starts walking you backwards towards a mirrored wall. “I can teach you some easy stretches… If you’re up for it? We have the entire room to ourselves, y’know.”
You know he doesn’t really mean ‘work out’ as you gasp - back hitting the cold mirror as Soonyoung cages you in.
“H-here…?” He presses his body flush against yours as you whimper; his warmth and scent making you weak in the knees. “But… If s-someone sees… ‘n I just came here in my--my lounging c-clothes… what if they g-get dirty...”
“I really don’t care. You still look hot and I'm trying not to fuck you senseless right now. And if someone walks in, well… Guess we’d just have to keep quiet, huh?” He leans in, lips ghosting against your cheek as you shiver.
“I can see how much you wanna play, kitten~ I know that look in your eyes. You’re already thinkin’ about how badly you want me and your pretty ‘lil cunt is already wet just thinking about it, isn’t it?”
Mewling, you rub your thighs together - Soonyoung was right. “I--I want you, Soonyoung… Please…”
He reaches a hand to your cheek, stroking it with the back of his fingers as you sigh contentedly. “Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop. I’m going you one last chance to back out, kitten. You can go back home right now and wait for me.”
When he drags his fingers down your cheek, you can’t help but imagine those same fingers knuckle deep inside of you as the wetness pools in your panties.
“Y-yes! Please…!”
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Admittedly, you and Soonyoung hadn’t been intimate very often in the time you’d been his hybrid.
“Mmh, oh…! T-that feels so g-good…” Your frontside presses into the glass, breath fogging up the mirror as you whine. “Ngh, Soonyoung…”
He thrusts his digits into you - curling them into your g-spot as you clamp down hard onto his fingers.
Most of the times you’d been intimate with him were mostly just heavy petting sessions - you grinding down onto his thigh to get off or him eating you out on the bed when you were feeling a little needy. He’d only properly fucked you two times prior and the last time had only been a few days ago. 
“My pretty ‘lil kitten~ You feel so good around my fingers~ So tight ‘n wet…” He scissors his fingers as you mewl in return. “I only fucked you a few days ago and you’re already so needy? And letting me do this to you in public too? Tsk, so naughty~ What are you gonna ask me to do next, hmm?”
Your cheeks burn hot at his comments, biting your lip as you start to work your hips back to meet the flicks of his wrist.
“It f-feels so good… Can’t help i-it…” Soonyoung positions a third finger at your entrance as you let out a drawn out moan. “Feels so f-full when your c-cock is inside me, master…”
Soonyoung grits his teeth, resisting the urge to just fuck you right then and there as he slowly eases his ring finger in next to his middle and index finger.
At first, he’d been awkward when you’d call him ‘master’ but he realized after the first time he’d fucked you that he quite liked the way you cried it out when you came on his cock.
“Oh, does it? Does kitten’s ‘lil cunt feel good when I stretch it out with my cock?”
“M-mmhmm… Master should d-do it more, ah, often…”
He chooses to not respond in fear of saying too much - instead focusing on prepping you to take his cock.
You start to get impatient after a few more flicks of his wrist, already just wanting him to fill you up with his cock instead of his fingers. Placing your hands on the mirror, you brace yourself as you start fucking yourself on his fingers - loud, sharp moans falling from your lips at the way they stretch you out perfectly.
But Soonyoung is quick to stop you; free hand wrapping around your tail and tugging on it as you whine.
“Behave. And lower your voice, kitten~ Wouldn’t want them to hear you in here, would you?” He smirks at your back, letting go of your tail as he slowly slides his wet fingers from inside of you.
“So fuckin’ impatient to get my cock. I guess I have to give it to you, huh?”
“M-master, please!”
You shake your hips at him as your tail slightly curls around his thigh. “Ah, I’m so w-wet, please…”
All you can do is watch your own appearance in the mirror - blown out pupils and twitching ears when Soonyoung doesn’t move as fast as you’d like.
“Master, I---oh!” You feel the head of his cock at your entrance, teasing you as he prods your soaked hole.
“Mmm, next time I should fuck you in the sauna…” He starts easing his cock into your pussy as garbled noises spill from your lips. “You’d be so pretty all spread out for me, kitten~ Naked and hot while I fuck your pretty hole…”
Soonyoung teases you more when he only eases in half of his length before he draws his hips back to shallowly thrust into you.
“Mmh, master p-please… wanna f-feel, hah, a-all of you… need to--to feel you d-deeper…”
All you hear are Soonyoung’s soft chuckles before he pulls almost all the way out; only the head of his cock inside of you as you whimper.
“Yeah? Wanna feel my cock deep inside your cunt? Okay~”
In one fluid motion, Soonyoung bottoms out inside of you - his cock grazing your cervix as you let out a guttural moan.
“Oh, m--master, mmh! Like th--that! More! Please!”
This time Soonyoung doesn’t hold back; hips pistoning into you as you try to keep yourself braced against the glass on clammy palms.
“Look at yourself, kitten~” You obey his command as your teary eyes meet themselves in the foggy mirror. “I want you to see yourself and watch yourself when you cum on my cock like a good kitten should.”
“A-ah, yes, master…”
You work your hips back to meet Soonyoung’s skillful thrusts and you already feel yourself on the verge of an orgasm when he reaches a hand around to play with your clit. “Oh--mmph!” Biting down on your bottom lip, you try to hold back the high pitched screams threatening to leave you at the sensations wrecking your body.
“I know you wanna cum. It’s okay~ Let me feel your pretty cunt cumming around my cock.”
He slows down his thrusts, time time focusing on your pleasure as he rolls and pinches your clit in time with his slow but deep thrusts that have your toes curling in your shoes.
“O-oh, master… M-master! Ah, it--it feels too g-good!”
It only takes a few more skillful snaps of his hips before you’re cumming - the buzzing in your ears deafening as your walls flutter around his cock.
“That’s my good girl~ Mm, you feel so good~ Sucking my cock in deeper, kitten~”
You can barely register Soonyoung’s words of praise as the pleasure washes over you and it takes you a second to come back down to earth as you ride out your orgasm.
He continues his slower pace as he fucks you through your high, soft chuckles on his lips the entire time.
“Look at you. Still trying to fuck yourself on my cock even though you already came. So fuckin’ insatiable.”
“Ngh…” Your entire body buzzes with electricity when your orgasm starts to ebb away and you find yourself slumping towards the fogged up glass. You feel Soonyoung start to draw his hips back and when you think he’s going to resume his pace from before, he does the opposite as he pulls all the way out instead.
You turn your head slightly, mewling when he starts caresses your soft tail.
“Let’s get you home, kitten.”
“Ah, b-but what about you? You d-didn’t cum yet...”
Soonyoung’s eyes glaze over in thought - softly blinking at your back as images of you with your legs spread wide and your face contorting in bliss dance across his mind.
“You can worry about me when we get home, okay, kitten?”
“I--okay, m-master…”
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