#if you're asking yourself why they all change skin/hair colors in each drawing it's very simple it's because idk wtf im doing
eliphasgraham · 1 year
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Just two gay rogues surprising each other with smooch attacks and some carrots
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theamberwriter · 4 years
Hi!!! Umm, if you're not too busy can I ask for an Alpha!Fem!Reader x Omega!Todoroki or Bakugou (or whoever you want, as many as you want)? In which the omega is nesting and wants the reader to scent things but is too shy to ask?
A/N: Hhhiii!! I’m so sorry this took so long! I had fun writing this, and I hope that you like it! I’m slowly chugging through requests.
Word Count: 4351
Katsuki Bakugo
Anyone who looked at Bakugo would assume he was an Alpha.
But one quick whiff and anyone could tell he was an omega.
He wasn't just anyone's omega, he was yours.
He was still very new to being with someone, even if you'd been together for a few months.
Katsuki loved every bit of you.
You were an amazing alpha, able to handle his outbursts, and simmer him down.
He'd wanted you as his alpha from the moment he saw you, even more when he smelled you.
He couldn't believe he was finally yours.
Everyone who saw him thought he'd be a difficult one, but one little touch or one little word would make him melt inwardly into a puddle.
Not that he'd ever admit it.
He claimed no one could truly tame Pro Hero Ground Zero, but it was all one big lie.
He was a just a little puppy begging for attention inside.
Katsuki could feel when his nesting time was beginning.
The primal draw deep within his gut. The restless urge to hide away in all the things that brought him comfort.
You didn't mind when he disappeared for a few days.
His scent had started changing, so you knew what was happening.
You let him carry on his business.
You did check in, making sure he was eating and bathing, and that he had all of his favourite snacks to keep hoarded away.
You really wanted to scent something for him, but you knew it wasn't your place to until you were asked.
And you weren't sure that he was ready for that step yet.
You wanted Katsuki to be yours, always. But you worried that you weren't a good enough alpha for him.
When Katsuki was finished his nest, he was restless.
Something was wrong, he could feel it.
The itching inside to add something – but what??
He felt like he was losing it.
It wasn't until he came for a visit that he figured it out.
Your scent.
That was what was missing.
When he opened the door to your apartment, your scent flooded through him and he knew he wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in it.
“Shit,” he muttered. Hoping he didn't smell too distressed.
That would mean he'd have to ask you to scent something.
And the Great Katsuki Bakugo had too much pride to bow before such base omega instincts.
He wondered if he could sneak something.
Just one thing, anything.
Just to get this scent pining out of the way.
You two were going out that day, he wondered if maybe he could trick you into scenting something.
“There's my omega!” you chirped happily, coming from the back of the apartment.
Katsuki melted at the sight of your wet hair, crisp, clean clothes with a fresh strong scent wafting off you.
You wrapped him up in your arms, giving him a little peck.
You couldn't help but scent him just a bit.
He'd never asked you to scent him, but he never pushed you away when you tried.
You wanted everyone to know he was spoken for.
He leaned into your touch, his eyes drooping just a touch, a light purr coming from deep within his chest.
So Katsuki wanted you to scent him after all. You smiled to yourself.
You brought him more comfort than he showed, which made your heart swell.
Your alpha reared up in pride.
But it was nothing compared to your prideful omega.
“Are you ready to go?” you asked.
Katsuki hummed.
He was nearly lulled to sleep.
“Are there any special places my omega wants to go today?”
This jerked him right out of his stupor.
He had an idea.
He pulled out of your arms, giving you a stiff nod.
“I want to go to a nesting store. It's starting to get too fucking cold, I want a few more blankets,” he said.
His face tinged the slightest pink.
You chuckled a little. “My Katsuki getting cold, that's a new one.”
“Don't be stupid. Just because I have a fire quirk doesn't mean I don't get cold.”
You smiled gently at him, giving his cheek a kiss.
“We can do whatever makes you happy, my love.”
Little did you know, something as simple as calling him 'my love' could make him the happiest omega in existence.
You grabbed your coat and keys and were out the door.
You didn't live too far from the main shopping district, so you walked.
You kept Katsuki close, always finding a way to touch him. Letting everyone know he was claimed.
You sent a few deadly glares at alphas who were eyeing him up.
They immediately turned tail. But you didn't know if it was because of you, or because you saw Katsuki giving them his own deathly look.
He wasn't going to let anyone try to take him from the perfect alpha.
One of the first stores on the street was a nesting store.
They didn't hide the bias towards feminie Omegas, nearly everything was pink and frilly.
Katsuki crinkled his nose at many things.
“Can I help you two find anything?” a girl asked, she looked to be in her teens. She smelled like an Omega.
“Some blankets, nothing too girlly,” you answered.
The girl smiled at Katsuki. “Your omega definitely knows what they want.”
You were prepared to let it slide, but you could see the annoyance pinching in Katsuki's face.
He grabbed the girl by the collar. “I'm the omega here, dumbass. [Name] is a strong ass Alpha. If you can't tell, then maybe you should get your fucking nose checked.”
“I-I'm sorry,” the girl stuttered.
You glared at him. “Katsuki!”
You two shared a tense look, but he did put her down.
The poor girl scampered away.
“You can't keep doing this,” you said lowly.  “People make mistakes –”
Your scent peaked in anger. Souring the slightest.
Katsuki hated that smell, reaching his own scent out to comfort you.
“You think I should let it slide when people think I'm the Alpha?” Katsuki growled. “You're better than any the rest of the shitty Alphas, and I wanna make sure everyone damn well knows it. I'd be a crap Alpha. But anyone would be compared to you.”
Katsuki stalked off, going to hunt down what he was looking for. Leaving you bewildered in your spot.
He found an aisle with neutral colored blankets and pillows.
He was almost to angry now to even shop.
Soon he found himself choking in pheromones. Two people rounded the corner to the aisle, eyeing him down.
One stood way too close to him for comfort. “What's wrong, sweetie? I do believe this one is an Alpha.”
“I think he's a cute little omega. I want him as my own. Has someone upset you? Should we hunt them down?” asked the other.
“Would you two get the fuck away from me?” Katsuki grunted.
But the two got closer, rubbing on him. Rubbing off your scent.
There was no way of escaping without blowing something up. And he was trying not to upset you anymore.
You smelled it immediately as Katsuki's scent became sharp in distress.
What trouble had he even found on the other side of the store?
It didn't matter, because you were charging off to find him.
Seeing two betas pining after your omega set your nerves on fire.
What were they even doing in here?
Your scent thickened. Sending off dangerous messages to anyone close to you.
Their heads immediately snapped to you, Katsuki's gaze followed.
Shelves were shaking in your wake, rattling their contents to the floor.
The lights began to flicker.
Katsuki had never seen you in such a rage. It was kinda hot.
“Get your hands off my omega,” you warned. “Or someone's gonna get hurt.”
The betas released their grip, tripping over each other as they ran off.
You glared after them for one very long moment.
Everything around you went still, the lights coming back on.
You wrapped Katsuki in your arms. You nearly gagged at their scents on him.
He resisted just a bit as you scented him, wanting this to be something done in private.
It just made your scent flare more. He quickly gave in to its subconscious messages.
“Pick anything you want,” you demanded, pointing to the shelves. “As much as you want, I don't care. But I'm taking you home.”
Katsuki didn't argue, instead he picked a few things he wanted.
You piled a cart high with more, despite his protests.
No one bothered to come yell at you about the mess you'd made.
Between the obvious power of both your quirks, plus the murderous scent rolling off you waves, no one had the guts.
You left with nearly more bags than you could carry.
This was not at all what Katsuki had wanted.
Why was nothing was ever simple?
You started cooking lunch as soon as you got in the door.
Normally Katsuki cooked, but he figured it was better to let you do something productive to burn off the rest of your anger.
In the mean time, he'd find something productive to do.
And he knew just what.
By the time lunch was done, your anger had dissipated and Katsuki had made a second nest right on your couch.
To say you were surprised by the massive pile of blankets and pillows and stuffed animals would be an understatement.
Katsuki had very carefully constructed a huge blanket fort.
You wondered if this is what his nest at home looked like.
“Uuhhh, Katsuki?” you spoke to the blankets, a plate in each hand.
You had no idea where the entrance to this thing was, and you didn't want to enter his nest without absolute permission.
There was no answer.
Only a second past before he came out of your bed room with a heaping arm full of blankets.
“These are mine now,” he said, and ducked back inside the fort.
“Uh – okay? Yeah. Sure. Whatever you want, Suki.”
You set the plates on the coffee table as Katsuki started throwing things at you.
You gathered up what he threw, unsure of what you were supposed to do with them.
He clambered out, face a blazing red in embarrassment.
“Don't just fucking stand there!”
He grabbed a few things, starting to rub them roughly against your skin.
It didn't take long to click.
“You....want me to scent these?” you asked, gently rubbing a little stuffed penguin against your scent gland.
“What fucking else?” he snapped, and nearly dove back into the fort to hide his face.
You smiled gently, doing as he asked of you.
Once he stopped throwing things, you slid a plate under the entrance on the fort. You sat on the other side with your own plate.
You were more than prepared to eat like this, to give Katsukit he space he needed.
“Why the fuck are you out there?” he demanded, lifting up the flap. “Get your ass in here.”
“A-Are you sure?” you asked, knowing what this meant.
Katsuki nodded. “You're my Alpha. - Now get in here!”
You two spent the rest of the night inside the fort.
Stealing small pecks and cuddling.
You couldn't have been happier, knowing just how much your Omega loved you.
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto really wasn't sure he was doing this whole 'Omega' thing right.
He had the most amazing alpha he could've asked for. A better one than he thought he deserved.
And he couldn't even ask them to scent something for him.
He definitely wasn't doing this Omega thing right.
Every time he tried he froze up.
Far too shy and self conscious to get the words out.
You were his Alpha, you'd been together a year. Why was this so hard???
More than once Shoto stood stupidly in your kitchen as you made him something.
When you asked what he was doing, he simply replied he was wondering when the food would be done.
You always kissed him, give him a little taste of what you made, and he'd wander back off.
Then he'd just sit there staring at whatever he'd wanted you to scent, carefully tucking it away for next time.
Shoto was itching to finish his nest, but it would never be complete without something from you.
Which meant that his nest would never be complete.
He had the thought to sneak something when you weren't looking.
But he didn't want to break your trust in him.
Though you were his alpha, so surely you wouldn't mind...
Still, Shoto felt guilty when he snagged a shirt from your room.
He returned it the next day.
There had to be someway to get your scent in his nest.
He called Midoriya, maybe he would have an answer for the conundrum.
“I'm sure [Name] wouldn't have a problem with you borrowing anything,” Midoriya told him.
Shoto shook his head, though it wasn't like the guy on the other end could see it.
“I feel too guilty doing that.”
“Has [Name] ever said anything about not taking their things before?”
Shoto took a long pause.
“No. But I know Alphas don't like their things being taken.”
Midoriya laughed awkwardly.
“They're your Alpha, it's a bit different.”
“I still worry about losing their trust.”
Midoriya hummed in thought. “Let me ask Ochaco when she gets home.”
Shoto didn't like the wait.
His nest agitated him, it wasn't fair.
A nest was supposed to feel safe.
Be a paradise.
This place was pure torture for him.
What if [Name] thought they were a bad Alpha because he couldn't ask them to scent something.
He couldn't bear if you ever thought anything bad about yourself like that.
He had to find a way to let you know he wanted you.
You were the perfect Alpha to him.
You were kind and patient.
You let him open up as slowly as he wanted.
You worked on his self worth. You showed him so much.
Shoto was so much more of the kind of person he wanted to be now.
And it was all thanks to you.
He'd never be able to show you the full amount of his gratitude.
Which was why it was so painful for him to be unable to ask you this one thing.
The thing that showed he trusted you unconditionally.
A few hours later, Ochaco called back.
“I have an idea, Izuku and I went through a few possibilities. But I think this one will work the best.”
They spent a few hours conspiring.
A perfectly guilt free way to get you scent something for Shoto's nest, without his shyness getting in the way.
“[Name], can we go somewhere today?” Shoto asked.
He was making you two tea.
He was always happy when he got to make you something in return.
You smiled at him. “Of course, Sho. Where were you thinking?”
“I'm not sure yet. I thought we could go to the mall.”
You gave him a peck on the cheek.
This always caused his heart to do a little flip.
“When we're done our tea, we can go. I'll buy you anything you want.”
Shoto planned on buying his own things, since he could afford to.
But he was going to let you, his Alpha, purchase him a few things.
He knew you got sad when he didn't let you buy him things.
And the last thing he wanted to do was upset his alpha.
Once cups were empty, washed, and put away you were off.
It was only one bus to mall from your house.
You could smell the food court as soon as you walked in.
But you could also smell all the lurking Alphas.
Anyone would be lucky to have Shoto as a mate.
And you were very damn lucky.
You held him close, threatening anyone who looked his way.
He seemed as oblivious as ever.
Though you did notice the determination in his stride.
He was up to something.
You weren't going to press it.
Shoto always had his own way of doing things, and you always tried to make sure he went at his own pace.
That he knew it was okay to do things his way.
That's why you hadn't asked if he wanted something scented yet.
You knew Shoto.
You'd taken so long just to get him to this point.
To get him to see his own potential.
You didn't want to scare him off.
You'd be lost without him.
One of the first places you went was a large department store attached to the mall.
It smelled like perfumes and store warehouses.
You were just following Shoto, trying to figure out what he was up to.
It was cute watching him as he headed towards bedding.
He made a beeline for the throw blankets.
They were on sale two for ten.
Taking each one between his fingers, giving it a soft rub.
Finally, he decided on a plain one in your favourite color and a patterned one.
Shoto held it out to you. “I want these two.”
You took them from him, nodding.
He didn't ask for anything else from the store.
So you paid and went to the next.
He bought a shirt here.
You went to each store, and Shoto bought one or two things at each.
Finally, you ended up in a nesting store.
It was the last store with anything that interested him.
Shoto piled a cart full of stuff.
There was no way all of this was fitting in the little room you knew he used for nesting.
Maybe you should talk to Fuyumi, see if he's okay.
Shoto didn't even seem phased at the large price tag that came up at the register.
The question was how you were going to get all this back on the bus.
You'd been shopping for quite a while at that point. Your stomach just starting to shout in hunger.
“Would you like to get food, love?” you asked. “Are you hungry?”
“We could make something at home,” he said.
The way he said home shot a tingle of pleasure down your spine.
You were going to have to move him in soon.
You forced yourself to shake your head.
“I have to go grocery shopping later. It'll be better to eat now.”
Shoto nodded, then followed you to the food court.
It was packed to the absolute brim.
You were glad that the food overwhelmed the mixture of pheromones.
“I'll find us a table, and keep watch over our things,” you offered. “You can go get what you want to eat.”
Shoto scanned the food stations, then headed towards one.
His eyes were on you as he waited.
God forbid another Omega come and try to weasel their way in.
You tried to keep your eyes off Shoto.
Off the Alphas you could see trying to inch their way to him.
A few minutes later, you heard your name.
You looked up to find Izuku and Ochaco pushing their way towards you.
“Hey!” you greeted, grinning. “It's been a minute since I've seen you two. How've you been?”
“We've been good!” Ochaco rushed. “We should've gotten together earlier, it would've be –”
Izuku was frowning. “Is that....another Alpha trying to scent Shoto?”
You head snapped to the line where your Omega had been waiting.
Sure enough, another person stood very close to him.
Shoto seemed as indifferent as ever, but you noticed his tense shoulders.
And your nose, all too attuned to his scent, caught it as it snapped bitterly in distress.
“I think the hell not!” you growled.
You pushed people out of your way as you marched up to the line.
That earned you some grunts.
You ducked under the ropes separating the lines.
People called at you for butting.
But they went ignored, your eyes laser focused on the smugly grinning Alpha.
You aggressively butted between the two.
The Alpha jerked back.
“Everything okay, Sho?” you spat, still glaring down the Alpha.
“It is now,” he replied.
“Good. - Now back the fuck off my Omega.”
The Alpha was not happy.
“He's not mated, he's fair game!”
They tried to make their scent menacing.
You growled. Your scent overpowering theirs in threat.
You felt eyes on you.
“He is not! Shoto smells like me. He's my boyfriend! He's mine. And some random, stinking loser in the mall making him uncomfortable isn't going to change that!”
“Order up!” the guy behind the counter called.
“That's me –” Shoto started softly.
You whipped his container off the counter, slapped money down, and shoved him out of the queue.
People stepped away as you did.
You reeked like murder.
Once back at the table with Ochaco and Izuku, you clung to Shoto.
You didn't even bother eating.
That could wait until you were sure Shoto was safe from assault.
You invited your friends back to your place when you were cooler.
They helped carry Shoto's bags.
A little too willingly, honestly.
Every now and then Ochaco would let out a suspicious chuckle.
The pair stayed for a few hours, then offered to walk Shoto home.
You had wanted him to stay with you.
But he was insistant on going home to his nest.
You weren't going to argue with him and his instincts.
A little after they left, you noticed a bear Shoto left behind.
It was sitting casually on couch where he'd been.
You knew he wasn't forgetful.
Why was it there though?
It still smelled like the store and the residual scent of many other people.
You decided to scent it, just to see what he'd do.
To your surprise - the next time he was over, the bear disappeared.
In it's place was left a pillow.
In the same spot.
You scented that too.
Where was he hiding these when he came over??
The next time Shoto came, that disappeared too.
A blanket this time was left.
This happened every time he came over for a month.
You chuckled every time he left something.
Did he really think he was being sneaky?
Either way, it was adorable.
Shoto never said anything about it.
You figured this had to be what he was up to at the mall.
Buying things to sneakily leave for you to scent.
“Hey, Shoooto,” you cooed, about a month and a half later.
He kissed your hand and hummed.
“So you keep leaving things for me to scent....”
He went stiff next to you, not even a breath leaving him.
Of course you had caught on.
Now you were angry with him, weren't you?
“I was thinking....why don't you just – move in? We're both financially well off. So it wouldn't be a problem. Plus, it will be easier than trying to be secretive about wanting me to scent things.”
“I could never. I would take up too much space -” he retorted.
“Don't be silly. I want to marry you eventually,” you threw in casually.
Shoto's scent went sharp in surprise then danced delightedly.
“It would be silly for the two of us to live separately. - So, what do you say? Will you move in with me?”
Shoto was very still for a moment.
You began to worry.
Had you gone too far too fast?
Shoto suddenly tackled you, wrapping you up and giving you kisses everywhere he could reach.
You took that as a resounding yes.
Happiness swirled within you both as you started talking logistics.
Shoto was over the moon.
Maybe he really was good at this Omega thing after all.
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claireunoia · 4 years
↬ 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐬. 𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 ·˚✩
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↳ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧, 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘦, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘦
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
”hi, can i please get an ice vanilla latte with amond milk please?” you asked the man with a soft smile that worked at the cafe you were currently at, the small name tag read the name sam.
he gave you a curt nod with a grin, “yes! comin’ right up, ma’am. name?” he asked with another toothy grin.
sam turned his head towards the very very attractive, big beefy man, his long black hair sprawled at his shoulders while the rest up; his hair in a half up half down. he had his back turned, cleaning up a bit as he worked.
“ayo, bucky! ice vanilla latte with almond milk, macho man” sam shouted, bucky giving him a tight lipped smile with a eye roll before getting started on your drink.
“i’ll do it! the machine stopped working, this son of a bitch. buck can you fix this while i’ll make that up for you?” you notice a tall, also another really beefy- also another really attractive, blonde man ask. you seen bucky give the man a nod, going to the machine.
“that’ll be 5.98!” you gave sam a 10 bill. gathering your change, you thanked him. ‘why all the workers so fuckin hot? the hell they put in these drinks’ you thought to yourself as you moved to the pickup line. an amused smirk pulling at your lips as you see the men interact with each other. you stood in line a lot longer than you’ll usually wait for a latte but you didn’t pay any mind to it.
”ice vanilla latte with almond milk, y/n!” you heard someone shout, you moved to get your drink. the handsome blonde man gave you a gentle smile. “here you are, beautiful. have a wonderful day”
you felt a sudden heat at your neck, becoming flustered at the man's charming words but quickly shooked it off, thinking he was just being nice; ‘he was just like this with every customer’ you thought.
“thank you so much,” your eyes flicked down at his name tag. “steve. you too!” you grabbed your coffee cup, steve giving you a boyish, dorky smile. you thanked him with a shy wave and went to one of the tables. setting your drink down and setting up your laptop and work.
you instantly got to work on your paper for your history class, knowing just how strict your teacher was. taking big gulps of your drink, quiet groans leaving your lips at the great taste of it.
the cafe wasn’t really busy so the quietness of the place was really soothing as you wrote, but after a minute you stopped typing, giving your fingers a quick break you reached for your drink, you didn't notice at first but it wasn't until you put the drink back down that you caught sight of the pink and yellow colors on your cup; with raised eyebrows, you lift your drink back up and turned it around, your eyes going wide at the gorgeous drawing.
it was four small sunflowers and four small peonies, a heart right next to the big bolded word, beautiful. then it was a tiny little animated character of you that rested under the word. the characters hand pointing up to the word, beautiful.
a wide, but confused smile spread across your lips at the amazing drawing on your cup. you turned your head around to see steve giving you a shy grin, his cheeks flushing with pink.
you can see bucky and sam smirking at steve and you secretly while they were helping other customers, your eyes widen and you also became shy. not knowing what to say you ran your hand through your hair as you giggled; your eyes looked down at the ground before meeting your gaze back to steves ocean ones.
you saw steve saying something to the men before taking off his apron and started making his way to you.
you quickly turned back around, your hands becoming sweaty as you fiddled with them. soon enough you see a smiling steve taking a sit in front of you.
you two stare at each other for a second before laughing. ”i-im sorry” you spoke, pushing a piece of your hair back.
”no no, you're fine! you probably think i'm some type of creep or something” steve repressed, his eyes flickering down at the table instead of your eyes.
you furrowed your brows with a shake of your head,
”what? no! your not a creep, you're really sweet actually. thank you for the drawing- it's amazing. you're so talented” the praises made another blush come down over him; his ears pinking at the top.
”so you don't think it's... weird?” steve questions you, still not making eye contact.
”hell no, it's amazing. especially the cute little character you drew of me. do you sketch?” steve orbs finally met yours. his face lighting up at your question. a cute beamed on his face, the skin by his eyes crinkled. he's so cute wow.
”yeah actually, i went to art school a long while back. i have a whole book full of my sketches and stuff” steve answered.
“yeah? you should definitely let me see them some time” your shyness instantly fading as you sent a playful wink at steve.
“that really follows up to my next question,” he chuckled
“so, would you like to go on a date with me, doll? there’s this new great pizza place across the street. you’ll love it— wait, do you like pizza because if not i’m sure we can just-“
“steve, of course i like pizza. and of course, i’d love to go on a date with you” you giggled at his rambling, finding him so cute.
steve looked at you fondly before giving a thumbs up towards sam and bucky.
you look at him with a raised brow but it quickly went away when you heard loud cheering. you turned and saw bucky and sam clapping eachother and cheering very loudly.
everyone in the cafe looked at them like they were crazy. both men quickly stopped, giving you and steve a thumbs up before getting back to work.
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𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘳𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 : @nsfwsebbie @obxpankow
𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 : @ballyhoobarnes @cloudystevie
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gwynplaine89 · 5 years
Paper hearts (A Fanfic)
Summary: You come home to a very sad Arthur but you always know how to make him smile.
Soft and sweet, no smut.
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You hated Mondays. We all do. But it was more likely that you hated what Mondays represented, going back to routine and being away from Arthur for twelve hours a day. And just as you hated Mondays, you also hated Fridays, because on Fridays you worked longer hours at the diner and never came home before 10pm. It was the only day of the week that Arthur arrived at the apartment earlier than you did and even though he was very tired, he always waited up for you, usually watching the Murray Franklin Show. The other week days you liked to cook dinner together, it was something Arthur enjoyed. However, on Fridays you always left him something prepared so he could eat earlier and didn't need to wait until you came home. Today was one such Friday.
- Arthur!! I'm home!!- you announced as soon as you came in.
You felt particularly happy and you owed that happiness to the contents of the bag you carried in your hands. A small surprise for your Arthur.
He usually got up and ran out to greet you, even if he was watching Murray's show. Nothing was more important to him than you.
But today there was no reply and no greeting. You wondered if maybe he had fallen asleep, it was really very late. But as you walked past the kitchen, you saw that the meal you had left him was untouched. Arthur hadn't eaten. You left the bag in the kitchen and went straight to the bedroom. When you found him there, sitting in a corner of the bed, hugging his legs to his chest and resting his head on his knees, an awful sensation of anguish built up inside you.
He wasn't in a state of anxiety, he rather looked like he was in a trance. He was wearing his pajamas and his hair was quite a mess. His beautiful green eyes were open but they had an empty look. And when you noticed that the Murray Franklin Show was on and Arthur wasn't even paying attention, you worried.
You walked over and sat down next to him. You feared he might be sick and you put a hand on his forehead but he didn't feel warm.
It was nights like these when Arthur felt very sad. You noticed in the way his shoulders hung and in how quiet he was. Tonight was one of those nights.
- Arthur, honey, what's wrong?
You came a bit closer, cupped his face with your hands and kissed his nose. It was something he liked and it always made him laugh because it tickled. But today the effect was quite the opposite and as if it was a reflex, tears started to fall from his beautiful green eyes and ran down his cheeks.
- What is it, sweetheart?- you asked with a lump in your throat.
But Arthur remained quiet. You opened your arms and he just fell into them. He clung to your waist, burried his head in your shoulder and silently cried. You held him tightly and mumbled words of love into his ear. You didn't know what had happened but you could very well imagine.
- Don't cry, angel. I'm here. Everything's gonna be alright...
Several minutes went by like this until you felt his body relaxing in your arms and his breathing calming down.
- You wanna tell me what happened?
Arthur wiped his nose with his sleeve and without letting go of your body, he began to speak in a voice so soft you had to put up all your effort to understand what he was saying.
- I t-tripped while I was working...those shoes a-are so big. And the sign I was holding in my hands broke.
You stroke his back as he spoke.
- And when I got back, Hoyt started yelling at me in front of the others and they all made fun of me. He said he would take it out of my pay check.
- Did you get hurt?- you asked, very much concerned.
- No.
You hugged him to your chest and kissed the top of his head. You silently swore to kill Hoyt or at least to kick him in the nuts next time you saw him.
- It's OK, Arthur. You didn't do anything wrong. It was an accident and it happens to all of us. You know...today I broke a mug at the diner.
- You did?- he asked in surprise.
- Yes!- you lied.
It wasn't true but you wanted to make him feel better.
- It just fell and crashed on the floor. I'm very clumsy, too...
Arthur let go of his embrace and looked at your eyes, as if he was silently thanking you for that small comfort. You smiled, kissed his forehead and dried the remaining tears under his eyes. You took his hands in yours and noticed how cold they were. In your mind you cursed yourself for not being able to afford a fucking heater.
- Baby, you're cold.- you said getting up and headed to the living room. You found the blue sweater Arthur had left on a chair and brought it back with you.
- Come, let me put this on you.- you said and with much love you put the sweater on him and buttoned it.
Arthur looked at you with his sweet eyes that were still so sad and your heart could simply not stand to see him like this. You quickly changed into your own pajamas and got into bed with him, taking him in your arms once again.
- Hmmmm, I know how to make you smile...- you said all the sudden. - Close your eyes!-
Arthur did as you said and for a second you watched his beautiful eyelashes that gave him such a sweet look.
You always kept a box of chocolates locked in the drawer of your nightstand. It wasn't like Arthur shouldn't eat them. You just had to keep him from eating them all at once. It had happened the first time you came home with a whole box of chocolates you had gotten for Christmas at work. Arthur had been so excited, rarely did he get the chance to enjoy such luxury and he definitely had a sweet tooth. The poor thing, he hadn't been able to control himself, eating up a dozen chocolates and he had ended up with an upset stomach. You knew this would cheer him up right now and so you opened the drawer and placed the box in his lap.
Arthur opened his eyes and when he saw what you were offering him, he couldn't help but smiling with the joy of a small child.
- Choose one, baby.
- Oh, but... I'm not allowed to touch that box.- he reminded you.
Your heart melted away.
- You are allowed for tonight, sweetheart.
Arthur's eyes grew big at the sight of all those chocolates. You could tell he was having a hard time picking just one.
- You can have two.- you offered.
You felt pure bliss when you saw Arthur enjoying something so small and simple so much. Simple souls are happy with so little...
Arthur hugged you and kissed your cheek, leaving chocolate stains on your skin.
- Thank you.- he whispered.
- Hold on...I still have a surprise for you!!- you said, suddenly remembering the bag you had dropped off in the kitchen.
You came back with it, sat down again and handed it to Arthur. His curious eyes opened wide and he carefully opened the bag. His beautiful face beamed when he realized he was getting a present without it being his birthday or Christmas or any special occasion at all. He was getting a present for the simple fact that he was loved and never ever before you came into his life had anything like that happened.
His eyes were filled with happy tears when he unwrapped the book. Arthur loved books, especially children's books because they were sweet and easy to understand. Above all he loved stories that had animals as their main characters. They weren't cruel and they never had double intentions. They're just like Arthur, you thought to yourself, there's no evil in their hearts. That's why you had chosen this book in particular. Earlier, you had walked past a book shop and the colorful cover with animal drawings had immediately captured your eye. You didn't have much money but you put together all the tips you had received this week and bought it for Arthur. You knew he would like it.
His favorite part was when you read the stories to him. He loved the sound of your voice and the way you made a different voice for every animal. You always allowed him time to run his fingers across the drawings and when he asked you about the meaning of a word he did not understand, you always had the patience to explain it to him. You never read him a sad story, only those with a happy ending. And you loved to read for him. You could read him the same story ten times over and Arthur never got tired of it.
- Thank you...- said Arthur, touched by your generosity. - I don't deserve all these presents. I know they're expensive...-
- You deserve so much more, sweetheart- you replied.
You saw the look in his eyes and knew what he wanted to say and yet he didn't dare. After so long he was still shy to ask this of you.
- You want me to read it to you, darling?- you asked.
- Mhm- said Arthur, hugging your waist and leaning his head against your chest. It was his favorite position because it allowed him to look at the drawings as you turned the pages.
You received him in your arms, covered him with a blanket  and kissed the top of his head, enjoying the smell and the softness of his hair.
- My sweet Arthur- you said - I love you with all my heart.-
You read and re-read the book three times over until Arthur's eyes finally closed and he fell asleep in your arms. It was so late.
Ever so carefully, you laid his head down on the pillow, Arthur softly moaning in his sleep at the loss of your embrace.
- Shhh, sleep baby. I'm right here. I'm going nowhere.- you whispered.
Then you pulled the blanket over his body, making sure he was warm and cozy and you watched him sleep for a while. How you wished you could always keep him safe like that, safe from the outside world and from all the pains of life. You couldn't. But at least for tonight you could provide him this much care and comfort and it mattered. Arthur was now soundly asleep, a soft smile drawn onto his beautifully thin lips. And you knew there couldn't be a bigger paradise than this, a small and run down apartment in the ugliest side of the city where, nontheless, lived two hearts that loved each other.
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pierregasly · 5 years
hiii, if you're still doing the dialogue prompts can I ask for sewis + 13? if that's not something you feel like writing then maybe 4? thank you :)
#4: “I should have told you a long time ago.”
(you’ll understand this better if you’ve read my other Sewis fics)
          “I love you.”
         And the words feel so foreign to you. So foreign it catches you in your tracks. There is a hand clutching at your wrist, tugging you backwards. You hear his heavy breathing, you sense his desperation as it buries itself into his words. But you don’t turn around. Not even as he begins to plead with every fiber of himself.
         “Sebastian… please.”
         You shut your eyes. A brief moment of clarity in the sweaty heat in the parking lot. Perhaps it’s how you know his eyes are starting to well, as you understand his voice is cracking under the weight of his own sorrow, even as… you feel just how badly he needs you.
         You keep your eyes shut. The air around you is so still you can sense the evening air gently brushing your hair. All you do is remember.
         It is Baku, 2017. Ever since the night on the balcony, his attention follows you everywhere. In each interview when your back is turned or when you intentionally do not look to him. You’re trying so hard to suppress whatever softness for him may be tempted to boil to the surface. Whenever you turn your back, you recall his expression a few meters away. Australia. You looked to him and he smiled–and by god if you felt something there. When you returned to your hotel room that night you collapsed in a fear, an utter and inexplicable terror of what you’d felt flutter back to you. You recalled the sentences, phrases from the worst of your fights, from all your darker moments.
         “I think you should leave.”
         How he pushed you away and now more than anything he’s forcing you close.
         “You won’t tell anyone about this.”
         How he denied his affection, dismissed you and now every chance he presses himself to you.
         “You’re different.”
         How he told you this when he begged for you.
         How he said you made him want things he can never have.
         How he says you had changed–that you had altered what made him in the most beautiful ways.
         But never once did he admit he loves you.
         Not one damn time.
         Perhaps the tensions seeped over in that race. Both of you banging and charging each other into the corner. Your penalty. The anger. The darkness of his eyes subtly mocking you without verses. A large piece of you wanting to punch him. But you noticed it for a brief moment: the sadness. It lay hidden like a faltering flame deep within himself and you wished more than anything to cradle it, to hold that flicker in your beaten and calloused hands. To shelter him, to hold him–to have him. But even as you search, as you pry every dusty crevice of your aged mind: you do not discover gold. The cruel words; the deep ridges of bruising his nails left in the flesh of your back; the mean spirited dismissal of his affection; the hurt he caused you. But you still find yourself coming back to his smile, the rich hue of his skin beneath the sun, the charcoal bite of his eyes every time they peered towards you.
         Lewis caught up to you after the race. You were preparing to leave but he placed a hand on your shoulder to stop you. You knew without turning around who it was because you’d felt it so many times–dreamed of it. Eyes meet and the sun casts its fallen shadows over the city streets. He says your name, “Sebastian”, And you realize you missed how you sounded on his tongue.
         Immediately, your anger peaks. “What do you want?”, you bark, somehow calm but firm.
         Your tone takes him off guard and Lewis slides his hand off of your shoulder slowly and reluctantly. His expression transforms instantly at your snap, his brows narrowing and his eyes regaining their steely composure. “You haven’t apologized yet,” he utters coldly.
         The anger tempts inside you, pricking at your veins as it rises hotly into your cheeks. You attempt to contain it and if it were anyone else you would’ve apologized hours ago, left without another word. So you dismiss your emotions. You toss away your pain to the wind for just a moment and you treat him just as any other man.
         “Well,” you nod curtly, “I am very sorry for how I acted.”
         Lewis is taken back. He expected you to snap, to push him away, to swear or maybe to punch him in the jaw. The depression drips itself back into his vision and he appears even more lost than he every looked before. Even on the balcony, under the moonlight and his yearning for you itching at his trigger fingers. The silence pools heavy between you two. As past lovers. As racers. As rivals. As only… men. Alone. And alone without meaning.
         “Goodnight, Lewis.”
         He doesn’t force you back. But oh how you wanted him to.
         You turn away from him again as you have done so many times.
         He speaks something to you across the distance before you can leave him. He draws you back as he always managed. He says what you’ve always wanted him to say. What you’ve craved. The words blossom a flower, a field you’ve passed through only in the paradise of a dream.
         “I love you.”
         You freeze. Even as he approaches you from behind and his lips caress the shell of your ear. His hand slips forward, cradling your wrist but not to hold you there, not for force–only because he wants just one piece of you in his desiring hands. You’re back where you were before.
         “Sebastian… please.”
         Before you shut your eyes.
         You keep your eyes shut.
         The first time he made love to you and the bitterness of his touch had blurred the line between every kiss… every embrace…
         The first time you slept together with your fingers twisting in the charms of his hair…
         And with those: the first time he asked you to leave.
         “I beg you.”
         In one swift action you twist yourself around. Your eyes meet and he appears startled by your reaction. “No,” you growl, “You don’t understand, and you never fucking will.” Your fists quiver, tremor by your sides with a furious fervency that you never knew hid in your bones. “You will never, ever fucking know how many hours I’ve spent hurt for last ten years.” Tears brim the lines of your eyes and you swear to god saw him biting back a sob. “You’ll know how many hours I spent wanting you, thinking you were mine only for you to throw me out–a kid, just a kid,” you put your head down. How many nights you spent tracing the muscle on his back, how long you spent memorizing every blemish on his skin. “I changed because of you. You changed me in the worst ways, Lewis.” You sense his collapse at the sound of his name and a silence that begged to be anything but permeated.
         Lewis tightens his grip around you, his chest centimeters away from your back. You can almost remember exactly how his heartbeat felt between your caressing fingertips. He tries to tell you: My mouth, my eyes, my hands are mine. But me? I’m yours. “I love you. I always have. And I should’ve told you a long time ago.” He lets go of your wrist then and you suddenly feel cold. “I have championships. I have gold. I have everything I ever wanted but you. Because you? Sebastian… I need you.” And all you ever wanted was to be loved. “If you don’t listen to a word I say, I understand. I only want you to know I’m sorry.” For hurting you again and again. Is that why he pulled his hands away from you? He was afraid of hurting you once again? “I am yours. Eternally.” As the stars belong in the sky as the waves in the ocean… as your heart in your chest. You hear him leaving, stepping away slowly. The whisper of I’m sorry filling the messy, broken void.
         The sun catches on your eyelashes and you open your eyes. Everything is still and there is not a voice or body around. In the distance, the city settles into an evening slumber mixed with color, light and love. You think how you both are melted and molded: one. That you yearn to mix your honeyed sunshine with the moonlight that drifted over his skin on the balcony. Him leaving provided you with most beautiful lie you could’ve ever hoped for. You hate, more than anything, how much you still love him with the dust of who you are, the skin you’ve always worn–body and soul. But even more? You hate that he keeps trying to have you after all these years. 
         What makes you chase him was one simple remembrance. The first moment in his life that Lewis smiled at you first. How you finally forget that you were never meant to be together at all. That there was no accident to your meeting. A blind spark drives you forward, a flame of hope–and it welded you together. When you finally catch up to him, Lewis widened his eyes in surprise. But before he can speak a word, you kiss him–long and dark as though making up for wasted moments. After a second of shock, he melts into your arms, his hands rising to hold your face. He traces his fingertips over your cheekbones, his breaths murmured with promises that he’ll never push you away again if you swear to never leave.
         “Your suffering is mine,” you both say as you kiss the words off quivering lips. He only holds you in his arms in the sunset on the city streets. The pillars of glass and concrete swallowed away by your love. It’s true: I can be anywhere as long as I have you.
         “Sebastian…”, Lewis says your name another time.
         “How do I know this isn’t a dream?”, you whisper.
         He smiles. “We share the same sky.”
         The sun dips one final time for the night as you prepare to dress yourself in the glow of his moonlight; and you know now, more than anything, how he cannot survive without your sunshine.
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