#if you've read this before you might wanna read it again because i've added quite a lot
deepfriedtrout · 11 months
Ahab’s wicked, frankly deranged smile falls off her face. It shouldn’t be possible for anything like this to happen, but even the winds silence its loud whistling, the storm slightly quieting down its deafening rumbling. Some of the sinners take note, Outis can feel Faust’s stare on her back, intrigued. Even Ishmael has started to notice, despite her tunnel-visioned, trauma-and-vengeance-fueled rage. Outis can feel herself become singled out with the searching stare from above, and she, with nowhere to look but up, does exactly that, meeting eye-to-eye with Ahab. The old captain’s mouth hangs open. Then morphs a name that can’t be heard through the waves, but Outis knows, knows in her head what she says. “Odysseus?”
In the words of one person who commented here, I think this fic can be summarized by:
Penelope is a woman in Limbus: good Ahab is a woman in Limbus: great Penelope and Ahab are the same woman in Limbus: divinely inspired
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wasyago · 1 year
Dear Wasyago,
Strange, I have always thought it was spelled as Wasayago. But recently I've realized, I can't read very well.
I want to send appreciation today, to you.
You've taught me a lot about art. You've taught me a lot how to draw certain things, and you have opened my eyes to new perspective of art, ever since I started following you. Colours are brighter, I experiment more, I can see a specter of visuals that was previously hidden from me. It's like gaining shrimp colors.
Your art feels like an art classroom. There's sun pouring in from the windows, and there's tree leaves in front of them. Every time you come in you see different art projects. Paints add on to the tables, that will never scrub off again. There's dirty cups with paint water, and brushes, in the sink. It's lunch break, and there's people here. Some are just doing their math homework right before class, some are working on their sculpture, some are picking out paints, some are working on their new piece, on a fresh canvas. And it is so alive.
Your art feels so alive. Like the leaves, the people, the stains. It's really nice to see, every single time you post, how lovingly you bring a character into the world (My favorite so far is that one doodle of Modern au Gillion eating noodles, I have it in my favorites gallery).
I would like to see some unfinished, maybe forever to be so, doodles that you weren't especially proud of. We'll love it all.
Marcus Bloodsmith
oh, thank you so much, this is so sweet qwq
im happy to know that you feel this way about my art, and im glad i could help you with some advice! it feels a bit weird to show unfinished or scrapped art under such a nice message, but yeah why not. and its funny that you mentioned the gillion eating noodles one, because its also one of the pieces that i really didn't like and didn't want to post hdgsh. i dont have that many unfinished drawings left because i delete or redraw most of them, but i have a couple that might be fun to share... and i guess it's gonna be a long post bc i wanna tell a little about each one or at least name them.
there's this art of chip, the first time i properly tried to figure out a way to draw him back when i just started listening. redrew this piece later, kept the sketch on the left, but the right one i changed completely because i didn't like the vibe this one has.
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there's this attempt at redesigning caspian after i found out he was a water genasi, plus the first version of that art of caspian, pretzel and gill. this design didn't feel "caspian" enough, it looked too soft and kind where i wanted him to be more layed back and chill and sarcastic and with a bit of an edge. redrew both pieces later. the underwater drawing also has an unfinished background in this version, i added some fishies later so it didn't feel that empty.
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some random sketch of gillion to show off how the lightning scars look on his face and neck. i quite like it, but it didn't really fit in the post with three proper drawings and one sketch so i decided to scrap it.
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there's this drawing where i tried to figure out how the capital of the undersea looked like. i really didn't know where i was going with it and didn't have a good idea when i started drawing, so its a mess of things with nothing to really focus on. i tried to add a character on it later to breathe some life into it, but it didn't work out since i didn't focus it on the character from the beginning. plus i don't like how the colors turned out, and the entire concept of the environment feels weak and boring to me. i still want to draw more concepts of the undersea and try a couple other ideas, but probably at a later date...
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the first version of whatever try it was to design gill's armor. (fun fact, i have more armor designs scheduled for tomorrow). this one i redrew almost immediately, i really didn't like how it turned out and how the legs were cut off and it looked so messy with no real accent point or personality. plus the smaller copy of the drawing in the corner just didn't look good. im not exactly proud of the redrawn version either (that's why i did another one yesterday lol), but im glad i redrew it anyway, it looks a lot better than this one.
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the first sketch of that one gillion drawing. i couldn't figure out the colors for it for so long and wanted to drop the idea entirely. but i left it to sit for a couple hours and eventually got the motivation to come back to it and finish it. for most of the illustration pieces i did for jrwi there were multiple versions, where i just didn't like the first one and redrew the whole thing with a different composition and colors. didn't save any of those drawings tho...
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this drawing of jay but with green wings and a slightly different color shirt. it was actually the first version of this drawing, and i changed the colors to blue later. wanted to post both of them side by side but then decided against it. that's why this drawing survived and was properly saved and not just deleted.
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more recent attempts at designing the chaingel. i like the concept, and the pose in the second sketch is pretty badass, but the execution is just not there. it doesn't feel right, doesn't have the right kind of vibe that this character gives off. so im sure i will try and draw her later when i figure out what's missing and how to show her personality in the way it feels in my head. but these two sketches were never going to see the light of day, so now they're here.
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aand this is it, this is everything that wasn't deleted in the past month for one or another reason. i feel like im more chill with deleting and redrawing things, so a lot of initial sketches and concepts never get saved or seen by anyone. im also on mobile so i can attach only ten files lol. not that it matters, the last two were just random figure drawings for warm up, not much to talk about.
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roostersmustache · 2 years
The Hard Deck IV.
Pairing: Rooster x O.C. Bisexual Female Character
Author's Note: I started this one early because all of the love I've been getting for 'The Hard Deck' has really fueled my desire to write again! So thank you to everyone who reads and enjoys, it truly means a lot <3. I'm writing this chapter with acrylics on so if there are errors, that is why and let me know. This isn't the first or last installment of this fic! Make sure you check out the first three parts! Also, some of the dialogue of the movie might be off! Sorry I tried my best!!
Synopsis: In which Charley really can't stop thinking about Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw after seeing him play dogfight football on the beach.
Warnings: Mentions of an age gap, swearing, sexual tension, SMUT 18+ Minors DNI!, mentions of an abusive relationship, possible TGM spoilers, and really sexy aviators shirtless on the beach playing football.
Word Count: 8.5k (I got wayyyy carried away)
Part One Part Two Part Three
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"Wanna go to the beach?"
Charley shot up from her bed after hearing that question yelled at her, and turned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes to her door frame to see Penny and her father standing there staring at her. She gave them a confused look before grabbing her phone and checking the time, seeing that it was about noon.
"What?" She asked, sleep still masking over her voice.
"I said," Maverick said, "Do you wanna go to the beach?"
"Oh," Charley said, yawning and rubbing at her eyes. "Do you not have training today?"
"I do, this is training."
"For...?" She asked, giving her dad a confused look.
"The team isn't really a team. They need to work on teamwork. So we're going to play some beach football."
"As long as I don't have to participate in the football, I will go."
"Alright, kid, then let's go. You've got ten minutes to be ready."
"Ten minutes?" Charley asked, actually shooting out of her bed and scrambling to get ready. She quickly brushed through her hair, washed her face, and brushed her teeth before throwing on some jewelry. Then she went out and grabbed a swimsuit, it was a basic green bikini, with a triangle top and matching bottoms. The bottoms were a bit cheeky, but not too cheeky, making her feel like she could safely wear them around her dad. Then she grabbed a tote bag, throwing sunscreen, lip balm, a water, a towel, and a book in there. After she grabbed some denim shorts and a white button up and added them to her outfit before lastly slipping on her flip flops. She ran out to meet her father and Penny, who were both seated on his motorcycle. She opted to drive herself.
"You ready?" Maverick asked her.
"I guess so," she called back before stepping into her car and driving off. She wasn't quite sure what the day at the beach entailed for her, but she was excited nonetheless.
Charley is honestly not sure what she was expecting.
She knew they were at the beach, and she knew her dads pilots were here, and she knew they were at the beach, so they would be in beach clothes. But for some reason, she was not expecting to see Bradley shirtless. With abs like that. The last time she had seen him shirtless was long before he went to the Naval Academy, and he looked different.
He was tan, glowing in the sun, and it did wonders for those abs of his. Charley couldn't help but stare. She tried her best not to give herself away, but that was a very hard task.
She had laid her towel beside her dad's beach chair, and she laid there on her stomach watching them all play 'dogfight football.' Penny had chosen to sit at a picnic table, watching from afar, but Charley was trying to get some type of tan. She was wearing Rooster's aviators, and she was very thankful that her dad didn't seem to notice.
Her and Bradley hadn't spoken a word to each other, but they kept stealing glances at one another. Obviously Charley had been looking at him, but he had also been looking at her. He loved the fact that she was wearing his aviators, especially out in public. He didn't know if she would, seeing as how anyone could look at them and question where they came from- especially Maverick. But it seems as if no one has said anything, and that makes both him and her happy.
Maverick wasn't beside her because he was out playing football with the others. The ball kept getting tossed in the air, different pilots catching it each time, but Charley didn't care about them. She was only watching Rooster. At one point his team had made a good play, Charley doesn't know anything about football or really any sport, and Bradley and one of his fellow pilot friends chest bumped. Once he fell back he did this shimmy thing with a bright smile on his face and oh. That was all Charley needed to get her hot.
It's like the Universe felt how hot she was from that one movement because suddenly she was in the shade being blocked from the sun.
She looked up and was greeted with her dad's smile as he sat in his chair next to her. His sunglasses were on and he had a big smile on his face, indicating to Charley that he was having a good time.
"Havin fun, kid?" Her dad asked.
"Yep," she replied, looking at him. "Looks like you are too."
"Oh yeah. I think this is what everyone needed."
"I agree, it kind of looks like everyone's getting along."
"That's definitely the goal," he said, watching the aviators play. "Hey," he said, turning to face her. "Would you mind if I went out with Penny after this? Her and I have gotten close again."
"Of course I don't mind," she said, rolling her eyes at him. "Just don't break her heart again. I don't know if either one of you could take it."
"I don't plan to. I think I want to move here."
"What?" Charley asked, pulling the aviators down her nose a bit to get a better look at her dad.
"Yeah, I think I want to move here. Obviously I'm not sure yet, and I haven't talked to Penny, but I think it's where I belong."
"What happened to your program at home?"
"That's going to be fine. Especially now that we've proved Mock Ten to Admiral Cain. I just know I belong here with her, and I owe that to her."
Charley was speechless. Honestly she didn't know what that meant for her father and his flying because he was doing everything he wanted back at home. But for him to choose Penny over that program? Charley couldn't hardly believe it. He'd never done that before. The only person he had every put above his planes was his daughter, so this told Charley just how much her father cared about Penny. It made her smile.
"Anyways," he said, turning back to look at the pilots. "Any romance coming your way?"
Charley's heart skipped a beat at the question. She absolutely hated lying to her father. She never lied, but she knew she needed to. He wouldn't approve of her budding relationship with Bradley, especially because it's moving fast.
"Nah, nothing so far," she lied, feeling guilty.
Before her dad had any time to reply, however, a figure appeared next to the two of them. She looked up and saw it was Admiral Simpson. He didn't look happy, and it was in that moment that Charley assumed her father had not let his supervisor know he would be taking a different route in training today.
"Hello, Charley," he said to her.
"Hi, Admiral," she said back before turning to watch the pilots have fun on the beach.
She tried not to eavesdrop as she heard the Admiral scold her father for his training choices today, but it was a bit hard. She just kind of chuckled to herself, and it wasn't long before the Admiral left, grumbling to himself because he was mad. Not long after she left, Phoenix came running up to her, holding her hands out. She gave her a confused look and hesitated to give her her hands.
"Come on, Charley! We all agree that you should come play, you look bored."
"Oh," she said. "I'm okay...I don't know anything about football."
"We're hardly even playing anymore. Really just throwing the ball around."
"Go on, Charley," her dad said, smiling. "Go make some friends. I think it'd be good for you."
She looked between her dad and Phoenix one more time before finally agreeing to go play with the pilots. She gave Phoenix her hand and the two of them were running down to the others, the pilots cheering upon their arrival.
"Well, if it isn't Mav's kid," one of them said. "I'm Fanboy."
They all took turns introducing themselves, and Charley waved back at all of them. They all seemed really nice, especially Bob, though she's not quite sure why that's his callsign.
"You two not going to introduce yourselves? Kind of rude," Coyote says to Hangman and Rooster.
"Oh Charly and I know each other," Hangman says, wasting no time in putting his arm around her and smirking. "She's actually going home with me after this."
Charley just rolled her eyes and shrugged herself out of his arms, stepping away from him.
"You wish," she said back. All of the pilots laughed.
Except Bradley.
"Aw stop playing hard to get, Char, we can all see how bad you want me."
"The thing is, Hangman, I'm not playing hard to get. You just aren't at all what I want. Besides, I have plans with someone else after this, that are far more important to me than speaking to you," with that, Charley walked away from him and stood next to Phoenix. All of the aviators laughed and Phoenix gave her a high five. The only thing that made her stomach twist was the fact that Bradley seemed extremely unamused.
"What about you, Bradshaw? Not gonna introduce yourself to Maverick two point o'?" Payback asked.
"I also know Charley," he said. "We kind of grew up together." She tried to look at Bradley, but he didn't look back.
"Well, now since everyone knows each other, let's play!"
They all played on the beach a little while longer, and Charley really enjoyed herself. She made friends with all of the pilots, except for Hangman, who had thankfully decided to leave his comments to a minimum. Bradley seemed to have loosened up a bit because at one point Charley scored a point for their team and he put her on his shoulders like he had done with Bob earlier. Instead of setting her down in a normal fashion, he had basically thrown her over his head and caught her before putting her down. At one point, her dad had come up to the group and told them he'd see them at training the following morning, and he told Charley he'd see her later. Soon everyone began leaving one by one, and it eventually was just her and Bradley. The sun had began to set, but it still felt great outside, and Charley was enjoying it.
Currently Bradley was chasing her around the beach because she had playfully taken the sunglasses he had worn just to spite him. She was laughing and he was yelling after her. She didn't win, however, because next thing she knows Bradley is picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. She shrieked at him and began hitting his back.
"Bradley I swear to god put me down," she said.
"Unfortunately, I cannot do that," he said. "Those guilty of stealing must be thrown overboard."
"Very funny, Bradshaw. Now put me down."
He just ignored her and continued walking towards the ocean.
"Bradley please don't throw me in the water. Bradley. Bradley. Bradley!"
But it was no use because next thing she knew she was being thrown into the ocean. She came up sputtering and coughing up water, a glare on her face as she gazed at the pilot who was laughing at her.
"That was not funny," she said, walking up to him.
"Now I'm all wet. And my hair is wet. And I hate when my hair is wet."
"What do you do when you shower then?" He asked, still laughing.
"That's completely different."
"So," He said, looking down at her. "Where do you want to go eat?"
"You really think I want to go out with you after that?"
"I do," he said, shrugging.
"I can't even put my clothes on anymore because they'll just get wet."
"Sounds rough," he said, smirking at her. She just groaned before trying to lunge at him herself, but it didn't do anything. He just laughed as her hands hit his chest, trying to push him. It didn't work. Charley grunted in defeat.
"Fine, Bradshaw," she said, crossing her arms. "Yes, I still want to go out with you. I just genuinely don't have clothes to wear anymore because of the stunt you just pulled. I have my shorts, that's about it."
"What about your cute little white top thing?" He asked.
"Yeah that things drenched because my dad mistook it for his towel earlier." Rooster laughed.
"That's okay, baby. I have a shirt you can borrow in the car."
"That's not very appropriate for a dinner date is it not?"
"Charley when I said I wanted to take you out to dinner, I meant I want to take you to my favorite place in this town. I grew up going there, they have the best burgers, and believe me, they don't care what you wear."
"Honestly that sounds better than some five star high class restaurant anyways."
"See? That's what I'm saying. Don't get confused though, I will be taking you to a nice fancy dinner one of these days, but not tonight."
"Lead the way then, Lieutenant."
When they got to Bradleys car, he handed her a t-shirt of his. It was his old Naval Academy tee, and it had his last name on the back. With her shorts and his tee in her hands, she made her way over to her car where she dropped off her items, because he said he would drive, and she quickly got changed. She had to forgo any undergarments because her suit was soaked, so she just slipped the shirt on and put on her shorts before coming back out to Bradleys car. She saw that he had thrown on a tank top with an old Hawaiian shirt overtop.
"Ready?" He asked, opening the passenger side door for her.
"Yep," she said, climbing inside.
Once Bradley joined her, he turned on some classic rock before driving off to the diner. The ride was mostly silent, other than Bradley's singing along with what was playing through the car.
"You have a very nice voice, just so you know," Charley said.
"Oh yeah?" Bradley said, stealing a glance at her. "You think so?"
"I know so."
"Well thank you, I get it from my dad."
The two fell back into a comfortable silence the rest of the way there. Once they pulled up, Charley was amazed she had never seen this place. It was this small diner about fifteen minutes away from The Hard Deck that looked like it was straight out of the sixties. In the midst of her gawking, she hadn't even realized that Bradley had opened her door and was waiting for her to get out.
"Oh," she said, turning to see Bradley smiling at her. "Sorry, just hard to believe I've never seen this place."
"You've never been here?" He asked, shocked.
"Nope," she said, walking alongside him into the restaurant. He told the host that it was just you two, and next thing you know, you're in a booth sitting across from the handsome pilot.
"Well, you'll love it. They've got literally everything and it's all so good."
"I'm excited," she said, looking at the menu.
"What looks appealing to you?" He asked.
"I dunno honestly...I think I want a burger and a milkshake."
"That sounds so good."
"What about you, Rooster?"
"I always get the same burger with fries and lemonade."
"Lemonade?" She asked, giving him a grin.
"What's wrong with lemonade?" He asked.
"Nothing, just didn't take you for a lemonade guy is all."
Once the waitress came and took their orders and got them settled into their food, the two had fallen into a nice flow of conversation. She wanted to know everything about him, and it seemed that the feeling was mutual.
"So what made you want to fly?" She asked, slurping on her milkshake.
"I wanted to follow what my dad did. Not only to make him proud, but I guess because being in the sky, flying, doing what he loved to do just as much as me, makes me feel really connected to him, you know?" She nodded. "What about you? Why didn't you fly?"
"I wanna fly," she said. He raised a brow at her. "Not putting my life at risk, though."
"Then how else are you going to fly?"
"I want to be a flight attendant," she said. He smiled at her, seemingly happy with her answer.
"That makes so much sense," he replied, grinning at her.
"What does that mean?" She asked, squinting her eyes at him.
"I don't know," he shrugged. "I can just see you in that position. Besides, you'll look so good in a uniform."
"Oh please," she blushed. "It's just a blazer and a pencil skirt."
"Exactly," he said, winking at her.
It was then that she realized that Bradley knew bits and pieces about her past love life, but she didn't know about his. She didn't want to cross a line, but she was curious. Because, he was thirty five and unmarried, which was a bit uncommon for men in the navy his age. She knew plenty of pilots who had settled years ago, long before they even reached their thirties.
"Please tell me if this oversteps," she started, giving him a cautious look. "But, how come you aren't married? Or engaged? Not that there's anything wrong with it, but you're just so attractive it's hard for me to believe you're single."
He gave her a smile and chuckled a bit before replying. "That doesn't overstep, I'm more than happy to answer," he said, shifting in his chair. "I guess...I don't really want anyone to have to mourn me if things go south in my life. My mom...what happened with my dad...I don't want to put my wife in that position. But as the years have gone by, I've realized how lonely it's made me, and that I can't really live my life in fear."
Charley just listened and let him talk. She wasn't around when Goose died, but she's known Bradley her entire life, and she knows how hard his death was for him. Then his mother died, and Charley remembers that clear as day. The way that Maverick treated Bradley as his own son resembled the way Carole treated Charley as her own daughter. Understanding that Bradley has purposely left himself without any attachments just so he doesn't have to hurt someone is so sad to Charley. To her, he deserves the world, and she hopes that he can see that.
"I guess I just don't want to have to worry about leaving anyone behind. I mean, when- if- I have kids, what if something happens to me in the air? I just-- the possibility of it is so scary to me, and so I've just left myself alone because of it. But it's made me miserable, honestly, because I want that. I want it so fucking bad. I want to get married, I want to have kids. I'm just scared."
"That's completely understandable, Bradley," Charley replied. "I know my dad grappled with what to do about flying when he had me. Nevertheless, he kept doing it because Penny told him he needed to, and that he couldn't live his life in fear like that, but it was so hard for him."
"What about you, though?" Bradley asked, looking to her. "Do you want to get married?"
"I do. Now, at least. If you would've asked me that about a year ago I would've said no, and that I wanted to live the rest of my romantic life by myself in my home with a dog and a cat."
Bradley chuckled at her reply, giving her a smile. "That still sounds like a lovely life," he said.
"Yes, except for the fact that it was fueled by abuse."
Bradley's smile immediately dropped, and he tensed up. "I'm sorry he did that to you."
"It's okay, I'm sorry I made the conversation take a dark-ish turn," she laughed. "I cope with humor sometimes."
"Well, Charley, you didn't deserve that. I don't know what all he did to you, but he did enough to make you upset and be scared to give your love to someone else. That's enough to make me hate him."
"I appreciate your support," she laughed, giving him a salute. "But, no, yeah, I'm just glad I'm out of that situation."
"I am too, baby," he said, placing his hand on top of hers.
Once the check came, Bradley quickly pulled his card out and gave it to the waitress, beating Charley, who also had hers out. He just gave her a grin and a wink, and she playfully scowled at him. They got back in the car, he opened the door for her of course, and started driving.
"Where to now?" Bradley asked, turning over to look at Charley whose face had noticeably gotten pink from the sun.
"Well, I can't go back to my house," she replied.
"Why is that?" He asked, raising a brow at the girl.
"Because my father is there with Penny. And Amelia isn't home right now. So I would rather not go back and interrupt something."
"That's fair," Bradley chuckled. "Wanna go to my place? Have a drink?"
"Sounds great to me."
They pulled up to his place, which was one of the military dorms that he's provided with during his time on base. They go in, and Charley makes note of her surroundings. It was any typical dorm style room, but it was also so Bradley. He had a mini fridge in one corner with stickers on it from his various favorite television shows, musicians, movies, planes, and of course, stickers that related to his position in the Navy. His bed was made, which didn't surprise Charley at all, and his bedding was black. He had some posters on the wall of the Star Wars movies, and lots and lots of pictures throughout the room. She loved it, and it felt so much like him, which made her like it more.
"It's nothing fancy, but it works," he said, putting down his bag.
"I think it's great," Charley said, smiling at him.
"Well," he said, walking over to the mini fridge. "What do you fancy?"
"What do you have, Mr. Bradshaw?" Charley asked, walking over and joining him.
"Beers, seltzers, many different things, love, but I feel like you're a seltzer kind of girl."
"You know me so well," Charley said, giving him a wink. He smirked back and handed her a Truly before grabbing a beer of his own and sitting down on the bed. She joined him and sat next to him, the both of them sipping on their drinks.
For the next hour or so, the pair had been talking and laughing, the drinks kicking in for them both. Neither one was drunk, moreso on the verge of being tipsy, but they had enough in their systems to make their comments more bold.
Thus how they ended up in the position they're in now. Bradley is currently on top of Charley, who is laying on her back on the bed, and they're making out. Except this one is different. Bradley is more urgent with his movements, unlike the last time they made out, where he was more gentle. His hands, however, won't move from her face or waist, and it's driving Charley crazy. His lips are currently on her neck, both hands on her waist, as he holds her to him tightly so he can mark her neck up.
"Bradley," she breathes, patting at his chest. She's trying to stop him now before things go too far and she gets too turned on. "Bradley," she says again, this time a bit more urgent.
"Huh?" He asks, stopping his actions and looking at her, his eyes are glazed over and his lips are parted.
"Shouldn't-," She starts, licking her lips because her throat has gone dry. "Shouldn't we stop?"
"Probably. Do you want to?"
Something in Charley's chest sparks at his question. No, no she does not want to stop. But she thought he would want to stop. Especially because of last night. But she feels like that was his way of saying he didn't want to, leaving it entirely up to her.
"No," she says, doing her best to rub her thighs together without being noticed by him. It doesn't work.
"Neither do I," he said, tightening his grip around her waist.
"But-," she's hardly able to finish her sentence because he goes back to kissing on her neck and the side of her face. "But what about what you said last night?"
"I still mean what I said," he says, looking back up at her. "I'm not going to fuck you," Charley let out a huff of frustration. "But," he says. "That doesn't mean we can't do other things."
Charley's breath hitched, taking in exactly what he had just said. Knowing that she'd maybe get something was making her feel all kinds of things. Nervous, excited, and even more nervous. She hadn't been with anyone since Dylan, and she was scared.
"If you don't want to do anything, we won't," he said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "But I would really like to make you feel good."
"No," Charley said. "I want to. So bad, Bradley. I'm just nervous."
"That's okay, baby, but I've got you," he leaned down and kissed her cheek, then the other one. "I'm just going to make you feel really good," he said, kissing along her jaw. She whined. "Is that okay?"
"Yes..." she breathed out, lost in the feeling of his lips on her neck again.
"Yes...?" He asked, looking up at her and raising a brow. She gave him a confused look, and he just nodded at her expectantly.
"Yes, Bradley," she said.
"Good girl," he said, kissing along her jaw again. She moaned.
"Please," she whined.
"Please what?" He teased, hands slipping under her- or his- shirt.
"Please touch me," she breathed, shutting her eyes tightly as she felt his hands slide to cup her breasts.
"I am touching you, baby," he said, giving her a peck on the lips. "Can I take this off?" He asked, motioning for her top. She just nodded, her eyes still wired shut. "Words, Charley, we've talked about this."
"Yes. Yes, yes, just please," she said, squirming under him. With her approval, he gently slid her top off, exposing her bare chest to him. He was in no hurry, though, because he just looked at them. Charley got shy from his staring, so she made a move to cover them with her hands, but he quickly caught on and grabbed her wrists, pinning them down on either side of her head.
"Don't get shy on me now, Charley," he said, gazing down at her.
"I feel so exposed with you just looking," she said, a blush rising to her cheeks.
"That's because you are exposed, baby," he said, smirking at her. He released her wrists, but gave her a look telling her to keep them there, before taking his own hands and exploring her now bare chest. As if on instinct, her back arched, pushing up into his touch. He trailed his fingertips across one of her nipples and it immediately hardened under his touch. He smirked at her, seeing how she had her bottom lip captured by her teeth. He took his pointer finger and thumb and pinched her nipple between his finger, earning him a loud moan from her.
"So sensitive," he said, making goosebumps rise on her skin.
"Been a while," she breathed out.
He went back to kissing her, his hands still exploring her chest. Each little noise she made was captured with his lips, and he loved it. Bradley was a man with lots of self control, but Charley was making it so difficult for him to contain himself. His jeans were getting tight, but he wanted to keep his clothes on. He felt her hands come up and try to tug his shirt off, so he pulled them off and pulled away from her.
"My clothes are staying on," he said, giving her a dark look.
"Why?" She whined.
"Because," he said, scooting down the bed and attaching his lips to one of her nipples. "You're the only one getting pleasure tonight."
Charley just laid there gripping the sheets as she felt Bradley's lips on her chest, leaving marks. Something about the fact that he was completely clothed and she was bare made her that much more turned on, but she didn't want to admit that. No one had ever paid that kind of attention to her chest before and it felt good. Honestly Charley was embarrassed about how much noise she was making and Bradley hadn't even touched her where she needed him to touch her.
While she did love the attention he was giving her chest, she really needed him to take care of the issue that was borderline hurting her. She had become a squirming mess, unable to keep her hips still because she needed him so bad right there. He seemed to get the idea because he stopped his movements and looked up at her.
"What is it, baby?" He asked, his voice an octave deeper than usual.
"Need you. Need you to touch me."
"Again, I am touching you. You're going to have to be more specific."
"Bradley," she whined, squeezing her thighs together and huffing in frustration. It was unbearable. "Need you down there," she said, raising her hips.
"Down...here?" He asked, moving his hands to cup her ass.
"No..," she said, biting her lip.
"Here?" He moved his hands to the inside of her thighs. She shook her head again.
"What about...here?" He asked, moving one hand to cup her over her shorts. Her breath hitched in her throat and she nodded at him.
"Yes, please," she said, pushing up into his hand.
"Desperate, aren't you, baby?" He asked, moving both of his hands to the top of her shorts. "May I take these off?"
"Yes," she breathed. He undid the button on them and unzipped them before sliding them down her legs. She lifted her hips to help get them off before kicking them off with her feet. Once they were off, she realized that she was now completely naked, and she closed her thighs tightly together. But Bradley would have none of that, so he reached up and grabbed her knees, parting her legs so he could look at her.
"I can see how wet you are from up here, sweetheart," he said. His words went right to her core, and she tried to squeeze her thighs shut again, but he wouldn't allow it. "None of that," he said, giving her a glare.
"No panties, huh?" He asked, giving her a smirk.
"Swimsuit was wet," she reminded him, struggling to get the words out of her mouth.
"Dirty girl," he remarked before moving his hand down between her legs. He slid his fingers through her slit, making her moan below him, pushing her hips up to get as much contact with his hand as she could.
"Please, Bradley," she whined.
"No one's ever taken care of this pussy properly, have they?" He asked, using his finger to circle over her clit.
"No," she said, screwing her eyes shut.
"Poor baby, never been treated right. But don't worry, you don't have to worry about that ever again," he said, drawing his finger away from her clit and to her opening, circling it, teasing her.
Charley knew that she wasn't going to last long, and it was hard for her to feel bad about it when she was feeling so good in the moment. It had been far too long since she'd had any experience in the bedroom and she hadn't really missed it, mostly because all of her previous sexual encounters had been extremely sub par. Dylan never made her finish. In fact, she faked it every single time. The only time she's ever been able to have an orgasm was when it was with her own hands, but she could tell that with Bradley, it would be different. She knew that he wouldn't stop until she had finished.
"You know," he said, prodding her opening with his finger. "Been thinking about touching you all damn day. Ever since you showed up to the beach in that bikini," he slipped his middle finger inside of her, making her immediately arch her back and moan.
"Oh my G-," she started, writhing under him.
"Seeing you in my aviators in that skimpy bikini...wanted to take you right there on the beach, in front of everyone."
"Wanted," she started, groaning as he began fucking his finger in and out of her. "Wanted you too."
"Oh yeah?" He asked, speeding up his pace.
"Yes, so bad," she moaned. "Looked so good."
"Then Hangman started flirting with you," he said, pushing a second finger into her, making the girl moan even more, her legs trying to close around his hand. "Made me so jealous baby, but he's not the one about to make you cum is he?"
"No," she squeaked.
"Is he?" He asked louder, using his other hand to grab her chin and make her look him in the eyes.
"No," she said, locking eyes with his brown ones, hers completely glazed over in pleasure.
"Didn't think so," he said, curling his fingers inside of her.
He used his thumb to toy with her clit while his middle and ring finger fucked in and out of her, hitting her in all of the right places. His lips were on her jaw, whispering dirty things in her ear, all things helping her reach that point. Charley's fingers were never this good, and she knew he could tell just by how loud she was being. And she couldn't find it in herself to care, knowing that the walls were probably thin. In the moment, that was the last thing she cared about. All she cared about were Bradley's fingers thrusting in and out of her at a brutal pace.
She felt that familiar coil in her belly building, ready to snap at any given moment. But this was more intense than any other orgasm she had ever had, and it scared her. She couldn't keep quiet, and her hips were grinding down onto his hand at their own accord.
"C-Close," she panted, looking at the pilot with dazed eyes.
"Good," he said, picking up his pace. "Cum for me, Charley."
With his words and one last flick of his thumb on her clit, she was coming apart. It was so intense, so earth shattering. Her jaw fell slack and her eyes rolled up into the back of her head, and she clutched onto the sheets for dear life. He helped her ride it out, only removing his hand from her once she had settled down and was left shaking on the bed, panting. She opened her eyes to look at him, and saw him looking at her before he slipped his fingers that had been inside of her into his mouth, licking her off of him. That alone made her wet again.
"How do you feel?" He asked, giving her a kiss on the nose.
"That," she started, still trying to catch her breath. "Was incredible."
"I'm glad," he chuckled.
He climbed over her and laid behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist as she leaned into him. Her head laid on his chest, and she listened to his heart beat to lull her into a calm breathing pattern. Charley doesn't know how long they laid there like that with her basically sleeping and him running his fingers through her hair and kissing the top of her head, but next thing she knows, he's shaking her, telling her to get up.
"Char," he said. "Charley, wake up."
She did, with a groan. She opened her eyes to see a handsome Bradley in front of her. She gave him a soft smile before sitting up and stretching. She realized she was still completely naked, and began the hunt for his shirt that she could put back on. It's as if he read her mind because he bent down and picked it up, handing it to her. She slipped it on and was able to relax some more.
"What time is it?" She asked.
"About eleven or so. Do you want to stay the night here?"
"Of course I do, but I can't. Dad will get too suspicious and Penny will worry. I probably need to get back."
"That's okay," he said. "Do you want me to take you to your car, or straight back to Penny's? I can come get you and take you to your car tomorrow if you want," he offered, making her smile.
"You can take me to my car," she said.
"Alright, m'lady, then let's go."
He grabbed his keys and slipped on her shoes while she stood up and slipped on her shorts and shoes as well. She finished grabbing the rest of her things before the two of them headed to his car. The walk to his Bronco was silent, as was the ride back to the beach to Charley's car. It wasn't awkward, though. It was comfortable. Once they arrived back, Charley made no motion to get out of his car, instead turning to him with a smile on his face.
"I had a great time, Bradley," she said. "Thank you so much for taking me out."
"Of course, I hope you want to go on a second."
"I absolutely do, Bradshaw. I'd be very upset if you didn't take me out a second time."
"I am so glad," he smiled, pulling her in for a kiss.
"I'm serious, Bradley," she said, pulling away and looking at him. "I really really like you, and I want to see where this goes."
"And I'm serious too, Charley. I also want to see where this goes."
"I'm glad we're on the same page, Lieutenant," she said, pulling him in for another kiss.
The pair kissed a couple more times before parting ways. Bradley walked Charley over to her car, who insisted he didn't have to do that, but he said it was necessary. Once at her car, he kissed her one more time and told her to text him when she got home, and she told him to do the same. They parted with one last kiss, before they both got into their separate cars and drove off.
Once she got back to Penny's house, Charley noticed that her dad's motorcycle was still in the driveway. She assumed he was still inside, so she laughed to herself before walking up to the front door. She was glad he had found someone that made him happy. However, all assumptions of him being inside went out the door when she saw him walking to his motorcycle, a very embarrassed look on his face.
"Dad?" She asked, walking over to him. His eyes shot up to her, and he relaxed when he saw that it was her.
"Oh, hey, kid. Did you have a good day?" He asked.
"I did. Did you?" She wiggled her eyebrows at him.
"Yes," he rolled his eyes. “Until Amelia saw me jump from her mother's window."
"May I ask why you were climbing out of her window?" Charley laughed.
"She didn't want Amelia to see me, but that backfired." Charley now understood why he had looked embarrassed.
"Oh," she giggled. "Well, I got a long day tomorrow so I better head to bed. Love you, dad," she said, turning around and heading to the front door.
"Love you too, kid," he called back. "Oh, and may I ask why you're wearing Bradley Bradshaw's shirt?"
Shit. Charley cursed herself before turning around and facing her dad, quickly coming up with a lie.
"I didn't have a top to wear once we left the beach because my white top was dirty from where you used it as a towel," she rolled her eyes and he cracked a smile at her, remembering that exchange from earlier. "So he offered me his shirt." It wasn't completely a lie, but Charley felt guilty enough about hiding her relationship with the aviator from Maverick.
"Ah, I see. Just as long as it was a friendly gesture," he said, giving her a pointed look.
"It was, don't worry," she said.
"Okay, kid, go get some sleep," he said, mounting on his motorcycle and starting it up.
"You too, dad!" She said, walking inside.
When she got inside, she came face to face with a very embarrassed looking Penny and an amused looking Amelia.
"I was trying to set an example, honey," Penny said to Amelia.
"I know, I just think it's funny," Amelia replied.
"What's funny?" Charley asked.
"The fact that you look like a hot mess and are wearing Rooster's Navy shirt," Amelia laughed.
"I do not look like a hot mess," Charley said, blushing. "Anyways, what's so funny."
"I found your dad sneaking out of my mom's window like some teenager," Amelia giggled.
"Oh, yeah I saw him when I was coming in. He told me about that," Charley smiled.
"I just wanted to set an example by him being gone before you could see that he was here," Penny said.
"I mean his motorcycle was in the driveway so I kind of assumed he was here." Penny just rolled her eyes.
"How was your day, Char?" Penny asked.
"It was good, I went to this good diner about fifteen minutes away."
"With Bradley?" Amelia asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Yes," Charley said, not adding anymore to her statement. "Well, I'm exhausted, so I'm going to retire for the night. Goodnight, everyone!" She said, rushing off in a hurry. She didn't want to elaborate on the time she had spent with the pilot.
When she got back to her room, she flopped down on her bed, opening her phone, seeing that she had a text from Bradley waiting for her.
rooster 🐓: I got home. Let me know you also got home safe. I had a great time, can't wait to see you again.
Her heart fluttered, because she also couldn't wait to see him again.
c: i also just got back! my dad saw ur shirt on me, but i played it off and he bought it. i also can't wait to see u! really really looking forward to it.
rooster 🐓: I wondered if he would comment on it. Glad he left it alone, though.
c: yea me too, i was worried for a sec. well, goodnight! i'm off to bed. i'm beat after...certain activities...so i'm gonna go to bed a bit early tonight lol.
rooster 🐓: Haha, sleep well beautiful, talk tomorrow.
Charley was falling hard, and she was falling fast, and she wished she cared enough to slow herself down. But she didn't.
Training today felt tense.
Nothing had happened to make it feel that way, but Bradley felt on edge. He wasn't sure why, because he's not usually an anxious person. Considering his job, anxiety can't really get in the way, so he's not quite sure why he's feeling this way.
Mav had been going through a simulated version of the mission today, and the main focus had been the steep climb out of the mountain. The mission was coming up fast, and Bradley would be lying if he said it wasn't a bit of a daunting one. He wanted to fly it, wanted to prove to Maverick that he was a good pilot, because it seemed that getting into Top Gun wasn't good enough.
Bradley wasn't ready to forgive Maverick for pulling his papers into the academy. He had never been given an explanation as to why that happened, and it angered him so much. It had been what damaged their relationship, and that had yet to be mended. The entire time they had been training for this mission together they had been making remarks to one another. Mostly it was Bradley, because Maverick had tried to talk to him on the first day, but Bradley wasn't really ready for that yet.
Currently, he was sitting in the room with the other pilots, listening to those that were in the air doing their training exercise. Currently it was Maverick, Coyote, Phoenix, and Bob in the air. They were getting ready to climb up the simulated mountain.
Bradley must've zoned out for a minute, because when he focused back in on what was being said over the radio, it was Maverick yelling at Coyote who had gone into G-Loc. The aviators raced to the window to get a glance outside to see what was going on, and sure enough, Coyote's plane was spiraling to the ground below at a rapid pace. Maverick was closely following behind him, trying to get the pilot to regain his consciousness. The aviators watching all held their breath, hoping that their friend would pull through and regain his composure.
At the very last second, Coyote's plane disappeared behind a hill, and before the pilots could lose all hope that he was lost, his plane shot over the hill and back into the air. Bradley let out a sigh of great relief while the other pilots cheered and high fived each other.
That was close.
However the pilots had no time to recover because next thing they hear through the radio is Phoenix yelling "Bird Strike!"
Any pilot knows what that means, and it's never a good thing. Many pilots have lost their lives during a bird strike, so hearing that a bird strike is occurring is never something good. The room falls silent again, as worry take everyone over for a second time in the last five minutes. Bradley couldn't focus on what was being said over the radio, all he could focus on was watching Phoenix's plane try to stay up in the air. Both of the engines were on fire, and the second she'd extinguish one, the other one would catch on fire. Just like Coyote, Phoenix and Bob were quickly losing altitude, so Bradley concluded they'd have to do what any pilot dreads thinking about doing. They were going to have to eject.
And that's exactly what they did. Bradley could see both Bob and Phoenix come shooting out of the aircraft, parachutes deploying, while the plane crashed into the ground, blowing up. All of the pilots were relieved again, but it wasn't as good of a feeling. Phoenix and Bob had to eject, and doing that is something no pilot wants to have to do because there are so many cases where the seat fails to eject, Bradley would know that better than anyone.
They got word that Phoenix and Bob were going to be okay, and Maverick closed training early that day because of how many incidents had happened. Bradley headed back to his room and sat on his bed, staring at the wall. He had come close to losing three friends today. Three. And it wasn't even the mission. It was training. He was worried about all three of them, even though he knew they were all okay. Accidents happen all the time in the air, it's one of the things you sign up for when you join the Navy.
He was interrupted from his thinking when he heard a soft knock at his door. Turning around, he saw Maverick standing in the doorway, and with a sigh, Bradley turned back around and stared at the wall again.
"Phoenix and Bob are staying at the hospital overnight to be observed, but they're going to be okay," he said.
"That's good," Bradley said.
They stayed silent for another moment longer, the tension thick in the room.
"I almost lost my burner too. There will be others," Mav said, breaking the silence.
"That's easy for you to say," Bradley replied. "No wife, no kids, no one to mourn you when you burn in." While what he said was said to Maverick, he was really talking about himself.
"Let's get some sleep," Maverick said, turning to walk out of the room. It was at this moment that Rooster lost his composure, shooting off of his bed and turning to face Pete.
"Why did you pull my papers at the academy?" He yelled. "Why did you stand in my way?"
"You weren't ready," Maverick said, his voice calm.
"Ready for what? To fly like you?" Bradley said, moving closer to Pete, their faces a mere six inches apart.
"No. To forget the book. Trust your instincts. Don't think, just do. You think up there and you're dead. Believe me."
"My father believed in you too," Rooster said, glaring at Maverick. "I won't make the same mistake." He could tell that what he said said upset Maverick, but he found it hard to care. He was so angry with him, pulling his papers like that.
"Maverick," a voice said. Both men turned to look at the Admiral who was standing there, giving Maverick a somber look. Bradley was confused, but Pete seemed to not be confused. He seemed to understand what the Admiral was saying. Both men just stood there, waiting for a further explanation, and it came.
"It's Ice," he said. "He's dead."
When the words came out of the Admirals mouth, Maverick turned to look at the floor before excusing himself and leaving. Bradley went and took a seat on the bed, also staring at the ground. The Commander was dead. While he never really knew him, he knew how important he was to everyone in the Navy, especially Maverick. Ice had flown with him, and Ice had known his father. Bradley felt sadness wash over him, knowing that he'd have a funeral to attend the following day in remembrance of him. He quickly got ready for bed and laid down, just staring at the ceiling. He thought about Charley, and how she had been in this very bed the night before. It made him smile, thinking about her. He missed her, and it had only been a day. Everything with her had been so easy, and it felt so right.
He knew the two of them were moving fast, as of last week they hadn't seen in each other in about a decade, but he knew he wanted her. And why wait? Especially with such a threatening mission ahead. He wanted to give her what he could while he could, before the possibility of burning in became a reality.
He only hoped that she felt the same.
A/N: AHHH this chapter is so long! It's def my favorite one now too! In the next one, we're gonna dive into some angst hehe...my fave genre! Also, this was my first time writing smut, so please be gentle! It'll get better over time haha. Anyways, let me know what you think! Talk to me!! Send asks!! Sends blurbs!! I dunno just talk to me! Makes my day!
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virghogh · 3 years
Guessing NCT's rising signs: Huang Renjun as a Cancer rising
Welcome to my first post where I write all about why I think this idol is X rising sign! I don't know how many of these I'll do because it heavily depends on how confident I feel in my guess of their rising lol for Renjun's rising sign, it's something I've been sitting on for a loooong time just to see if anything else comes into my head. At the end of the day we really have no way to know for sure, even if the idols gives us their birth time it still has to be taken with a grain of salt! But it’s still fun theorize and to test your skills while learning at the same time. So for now I feel pretty confident sharing my thoughts on Renjun as a cancer rising.
Let’s ✨explore✨ why:
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧long post! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✦ Before I even decided to look up his chart layout, there were 2 characteristics of Renjun that initially led me to think he’s a Cancer rising. His eyes and his physique. His eyes aren’t necessarily as big as idols we’ve seen with moon in 1st, but they’re still very notable features of his physical appearance that he’s very well known for. They’re bigger, soft and dreamy, and sometimes look like he quite literally holds stars in his eyes. The biggest physical feature though is his, well, petite frame. Next to his eyes, renjun is also really well know for his smaller build. It’s even a well known inside joke amongst NCT, they all him “big shoulders renjun” (lol) because “for a guy” his shoulders a on the smaller side. Both of these physical attributes can also be identifying characteristics of cancer risings.
✦ So, in general I think he is a Cancer rising. But if we want to be more specific; I do think he is a 3rd decan Cancer rising which is the Pisces/Neptune ruled decan. I initially chose this because his house and planet placements just make so much more sense to me when the rising is in the 3rd decan (I'll get into that below), but after reading about the 3rd decan I also think it fits his personality really well! With the Neptune and Pisces influence, he's more on the open side of Cancer rising but more notably, 3rd decans are a lot more inclined to art/creativity and sometimes, music specifically. These people also have a very dreamy attraction about them. He also has his Venus trine ASC which can further add to this kind of creative vibe he gives off, but is also drawn to! It emphasizes the importance of aesthetics, art and creativity in his life. If you've never been on Renjun stan twt then you might not know that a lot of his fans see him as this incredibly dreamy and ethereal boy (as they should) and I can see why!
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*:・゚✧house and planet placements *:・゚✧
Scorpio moon, Sagittarius Pluto in 5th:
✦ yea... just yes. Okay but actually, if you read my NCT Dream Hexaco x Birth Chart analyses, I talked a lot about his chart already because I really like it. As someone with a Scorpio moon, I can't help but be really interested in how his plays out. And I have to say, I am quite attached to this theory because I think his scorpio moon in 5th just. makes. sense. I'm not going to go much into the descriptions of the placements, I'm mostly going to stick to the house influence. We know that Scorpio moons have really intense emotions, they internalize everything and are just highly sensitive people to their environments. Renjun has been incredibly open about his mental and emotional struggles ever since being a kid. I've honestly never heard an idol talk about their struggle like he has. He even opened up recently about how a few years ago he had an art therapist that really helped him and lowkey changed his life. I feel like a lot of this can be reflected in his 5th house. The house of creativity, expression, creation. His 5th cusp is also in Scorpio. 5th house in water tend to be really drawn to arts and music. Having a Scorpio moon, a moon sign that can be quite guarded, in a fire house can also explain his readiness/openness to share his emotions and art. Also let's not forget his chart ruler is his Scorpio moon in 5th! What I've wrote above are big themes in his life, which we've seen.
✦ As for the Pluto in 5th. Because his 5th house is in Scorpio this would mean the 5th ruler is in 5th. I know it might not make sense at first because it's pluto and pluto is misunderstood. But it makes perfect sense to me. Pluto in 5th is a deeply passionate and creative placement. It bring so much energy to this house, and can even create a borderline obsession with themes of this house. With creating and expressing. But I could also see having this and his scorpio moon in this house bringing so much energy, it just kind of adds to the confusion and intensity of a scorpio moons emotions and processing abilities, like, emotionally overwhelming. Scorpio moons always need an outlet and they usually figure that out the hard way at some point in life. The outlet can vary based off the chart, his is without a doubt connected to his art; whatever that may be to him.
Aquarius Uranus in 8th:
✦ This part is brief because it's more of like, additional details to what's already in his chart. Something that is really well known about Renjun too is how much he is into space and aliens and stuff like that. He, once again, has been very open about it lol on variety shows I've seen him light up every time its briefly mentioned and he'll comment on how much he finds that stuff interesting. The 8th house is weird, it can manifest in a lot of different ways. The biggest point here for me is that the house is in Aquarius with Uranus here. I know someone with this placement too and, while they're open minded to astrology and tarot etc. it's a bit more focused on logic. I can't say for sure because I don't know him, but he kind of strikes me as the kind of person that would fight to death over aliens existing, but draws the line at astrology lol. I actually do think he would be open to astrology and tarot, but he'd need the right introduction to it. Anyways, yea this placement to me explains a lot of his interest in space and things we don't understand. He's expressed his curiosity in it. I think a lot of this is coming from his Scorpio moon and Pisces mercury/venus which is why I think it's just additional support.
Pisces Mercury/Venus in 9th:
✦ THIS HOUSE right here... so much to say. Firstly, Pisces in 9th is probably one of the main culprits for his creativity, deep thinking and curiosity in the world. And more importantly: his imagination. I've mentioned this a lot when I talk about renjun but, he's very well known for his creativity, but I want to make it clear that there is a distinction between creation and imagination. His imagination is truly... on another level. Well, planet actually since it's pisces! Again, amongst fans it's really well known his imagination is just so unqiue. This is less about the 9th house and more about the fact that he has 2 pisces placements but it still affects it lol. He's very open about his imagination and speaks about it so naturally. He shared his drawing of a bird, hybrid, thing? and how it's an animal that steals your dreams in your sleep. Anyways, Pisces in 9th aren't necessarily the travelers we'd see with an air or fire sign here, but they like to travel mentally. He's also talked about how he's just in general a very curious person and you can tell his thoughts probably travel far and wide in his down time.
✦ What's really interesting to me about this house is his mercury is here and Mercury in 9th is a very specific kind of placement. It almost always guarantees an interest and talent in learning languages. I don't know if languages are necessarily a passion for him but he definitely is interested and cares about learning language and other cultures. He also did pick up on Korean and English with ease. Which also reminds me that, he actually was exposed to Korean at a young age because I'm pretty sure he went to a bilingual school (chinese and korean). This is also a big deal to me because planets in 9th, especially sun/mercury often indicate very early exposure to languages or other cultures... so yea that checks out. This can also be proved by looking at his IC in Virgo, which puts the ruler in 9th. His mercury is also sextile Jupiter. I also wanna comment that he has his Mercury in the 5th degree, I'm not great at degree theory yet but that feels significant to me. Of course we cannot forget his absolutely angelic voice. Renjun is also very well known for his stunning vocals. Not only are Pisces placements musically inclined but Pisces mercury are known for their sweet voices.
✦ As for the venus is 9th, I feel like I have more to say on his venus being in Pisces because that's where so much of his artistic creativity and imagination come from. But venus here adds to a lot of what I've written above, adding to his curiosity of the world. What I find most interesting about venus in 9th though, is it brings another inclination to art! He might really like art from different places in the world, or just exploring all types of art being very open minded to its different forms etc. Venus here also brings ease to language learning, and these people will naturally have other cultures and people from them as a big part of their life. I feel like, in general it's not surprising at all to me that as a foreign member (being from China), that he would have 9th house influence! It can often manifest as like.., travel, other languages, cultures and parts of the world etc. are just very naturally a part of their life. Some people never really contemplate life overseas or in another country. But for 9th housers, it's never not been an option. His 9th house influence can also make him a great teacher, mentor and just overall supportive person. We've seen some of this in the content he's made with NCT. Like trying to teach his members chinese with Chenle, except he was taking it way more seriously lol but was so supportive. He's also tried to get Jeno and Jisung involved in his art making, but keeping the process very open and fun.
Aries sun, Taurus mars in 10th:
✦ This is the last part I'm going to cover because it is really just the icing on the cake to finish this up. The 10th house is considered pretty important when looking at celebrities/idols because it's very likely a lot of what we see from them is their 10th house influence. In the chart model I'm using for Renjun, it puts his MC in the very last degrees of Pisces, so there's a chance it's in Aries but either way with his sun and mars here they are still playing a big role. So for that reason, I'm opting for Pisces MC. I also think Pisces MC fits though because first it puts the ruler in his 7th house. Meaning he could really benefit and work well in something that involves a group! Because it's Pisces in Neptune, it also adds to his very ethereal vibe and how people just seem to love him wherever he goes. He's very magnetic and can come off as artistic and sensitive. He's known for being dreamy, unreal, artistic, sensitive.
✦ Again, we know he has an aries sun and taurus mars so I'm not going to explain them here, just how they affect the house, but having his these here makes so much sense to me too. Having planets in 10th also influences what kind of "vibe" people get from you, and what you're "known" for. Mars and Sun bring similar energy of being well known for for energy, drive, and even stage presence. Not being afraid to be on stage, being good with attention and spotlight. He's known for his kind of playful and childish behavior at times. He is charismatic, bold, brave, happy and upbeat. With the sun, he is again known for his creativity and creations and also self-expression.
Thank you to anyone who read all this. I don't really expect many people to because I'm mostly writing this for my own curiosity and to finally just put this theory out there! Anyways, stan Renjun best boy <33
Thoughts and feedback are always welcome <3
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devilbat · 4 years
Quarantine Online
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A/N: sorry I have been MIA for months now. A lot has going on in my life and Depression sucks, making it hard to write, so forgive me.
Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Warnings: Just fluff
Summery: dating is hard it's even harder when a Pandemic happens.. 
     The picture you stared at only showed a well-toned lean body in a well-tailored suit. Most of the photographs showed the same, never his face. His name was Tom 39 years old, living in London. Though he dose travels a lot for work. Shakespeare fanatic, runner, enjoys cooking, long walks with his dog when he's not running and lots and lots of dancing. Six foot one, six foot two on a good day. Who was testing the waters out there, but will be the perfect gentleman and very respectful.
        His profile stated as you looked through it. He had messaged you right as you thought about giving up once again. Everyone on these dating apps only wanted one of two things. Nudes or sex nothing more. No connection, no relationship, not even a friendship. Sure, you were offered friends with benefits.
That was something you were not looking for. Did it not state in your profile that you weren't going to do any of that. Do men even read?
       The few dates you have gone on all ended up a bust. Then the quarantine happened right as you were getting yourself out there. So it was conversations via text. But soon you were ghosted far too many times because you wouldn't send nude.
        You were all about to shut down your account when this man named Thomas H. sent you a message. You weren't even sure why you click on the email from this man without a face. Here you were reading what he had to say.
           My name is Thomas, but naturally, I go by Tom. I'm sure you might not even respond to this as there is no face to this profile. With my job and for my privacy would be one of many reasons why. But I thought I might give it a shot. And I have to say I'm quite mesmerized by your beauty. You are quite lovely, and I'm sure you get that a lot. But I genuinely mean it. I was a bit fascinated by your profile as I read it, might have had chucked at a few bits of it. I would like to know more about you.
       Like what type of nerd are you? Marvel or DC?
Star Wars or Star Trek? And of course, I'll answer any questions you might have for me. As well I would not ask for any pictures of you clothed or nude as I would like to get to know you as I'm hoping you wouldn't mind getting to know me without the nudes as you put it. Ehehe.
     I genuinely hope to hear from you. But understand if I don't.
Sincerely, Tom.
    Ps, I do hope this quarantine hasn't made you gone completely bonkers.
       Usually, you wouldn't have responded, but something about him told you not to pass this up. What was the worst that could happen that already hasn't happened on an online dating app? Well, there was always the fact he could be a serial killer.
       Hello Tom,
    You may have messaged me in time I was about to give up on this site and return to my habit.  Marvel all the way. I would hope you would agree or we can't continue talking. Though, I can't deny that DC needs to just stop with Batman movies. The should have stopped before George Clooney. Though I will give Christian Bale props, he did a better job than Clooney.
         As for Star Wars and Star Trek? That is a tough one, so I'm just going to say both are good. But let's face it. Captain Kirk is the better star fleet Captain. Sure Picard is excellent as well. But anyone after them just doesn't do it for me. Ha ha..
     And it's all about Baby Yoda. If you are not a baby Yoda fan, you're just wrong. Yes, I'm one of "those" girls.
Coffee or Energy drinks? I would say I dabbled in both. Pancakes or waffles? Yes, there is a difference. I'm a waffle girl myself. Well, that is all I can think of right now.
You hit send before setting your phone down on the table next to you as you yawned. Maybe it was an early bedtime, not like you had anything better to do. You puddled around your usual routine before bed. A loud ding brought you back to your phone.
"That was quick." Recognizing the chim of the app all too well. Grebing your phone, forgetting your face cream as you were curious about what he had to say—settling into bed, getting comfortable before you opened your phone.
I'm delighted to hear from you. If I'm quite bold, and for starters, its tea for me. With two sugars and a splash of cream. As for waffles or pancakes, I'm French toast kind of man, duh. Lol. Though you can't beat a good old fashion English Breakfast and a side of Earl gray. Eheh.
I'm quite a fan of marvel though it is a rather vast universe. What movies/comics praytell do you prefer?
Sorry love to disappoint, but I'm going to say Doctor Who I am British. The tenth and the eleventh doctor. I do hope you've seen the show. I used to watch the reruns of the original with my father when I was a young wide eye lad. I am a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek. And there is nothing wrong with liking a baby Yoda. He is exceedingly loveable.
          It says your new to England, where are you from originally? How long have you've been here? Seen any of the sights England has to offer?
       That's all for now.
Sincerely, Tom.
          Emails went on for weeks talking back and forth first on the dating app than via text. You were the one to leap by giving him your number. After hitting send your phone vibrated with a text.
         Unknown number: Hello love, this is Tom. I'm delighted to receive your text.
        More weeks had passed. Still, you had yet to see his face though he did send you photos of random things during the day. You did the same as your toes sticking out from the bubble bath. Then you got a text of his toes sticking out from under the blankets. The two of you would watch a movie together. The quarantine was still in effect. Each of you would pick a film out every other weekend and sit back and watch it—text throughout the movie.
          Y/n: Omg did she just run up the stairs like a dumb big boobed bimbo!!! She makes the rest of us look bad.
Tom: Eheh, you said it darling, not me. Though I think she might survive this.
Y/n: Wanna make a beat? I think she will die within the next few minutes.
Tom: Oh, it's on. Now, what do I get if I win?
Y/n: Whatever it is you want cause mister you are going to lose.
You both patiently wanted to see what happens next. The movie ended, and you waited in annoyance for Tom to respond to gloat about being right. And to see what he desired for his spoils of war.
Tom: Well, Love, it looks like I have won this round.
Y/n: It seems you have butthead. What is it that the winner wishes for?
Tom: Did you just call me a butthead? Eheh. Hmm, let's see. How about a Skype date? I figured it was about time to reveal myself.
Y/n: Tom, I just meet you. I'm not sure I'm ready to see your eggplant. Haha.
Tom: I probably should have rephrased that better. My face love, my face. Eheh. Tomorrow at 7 pm?
Nervous was an understatement. You had cleaned your whole flat even if you were going to stay on the couch, laptop resting on a large pillow setting on your coffee table. You sat playing with your hair, unsure if you wanted it up or down. A chim from your computer startled you from straightening out your dress you finally had settled on. Soon a well-tailored suited chest came on screen.
       "Hold on, darling, trying to adjust this blood screen." The deep British, very attractive yet somehow familiar voice rang through the computer speakers. You only assumed it belongs to Tom.
           You watched the man attempting to fiddle with the view, cursing ever so quietly. Making you giggle relaxing a little bit more. Your laughing came to an abrupt halt when Tom's face came into Focus. Your jaw dropped. And now the unmistakable "ehehe" came in to play as you stared at none other the most eligible bachelor in England none other than loki himself Tom Hiddleston.
           "Darling, I think your drooling." Tom teased point to the side of his clean, shaved face. Tom fidgeted with his now raven-colored hair.
          "Oh, I-I," You stammered out, trying to compose yourself.
           "Didn't see this coming did you?" Tom smiled, wetting his lips with that blasted tongue of his.
           "Well, no. I wasn't expecting Tom
           "Is that a bad thing?" Tom spoke up.
           "Oh, no, no. I would be an idiot to say it was. Hey, wait a minute. I've told you that, that, that. Shit." You muttered.
          "That I was your hall pass if given a chance. Eheh. Well, it looks like you'll have had wasted your hall pass privileges. You only get one and can't use it on someone if you are already seeing them."
        "You know, sir, you are still a butthead." You stuck out your tongue at the man.
        "You do like calling me that. Why are you calling me a butthead this time?" Tom grinned.
              Your time with Tom was extraordinary, the two of you talked throughout most of the night. He told you things you never knew about the actor every woman pined over. Here you were, the one woman out of a billion he seems to fancy.
           "Well, love." Tom cooed as he watched you try not to nod off to sleep. "I should let you sleep."
         "I'm sorry." You muttered sleepily.
          "Do not apologize, my dear. I should be the one to apologize I've kept you up most of the night.” Tom smiled softly. He watched as you rub your eyes, a shy smile softly graced your lips. Making Tom’s heart flutter.
”Perhaps, my dear, would you like to meet for coffee at the cafe that opened back up?” Tom hummed in high hopes.
”Hmm, I don't know.” You smiled, trying hard to look like you were contemplating though you were going to say yes. To hell with this virus, it was Tom Hiddleston asking you to coffee.
”I mean, I'll wear a mask and stay six feet if needed.” Tom added quickly.
”No, no, there is no need for that. I don't mind unless you feel like it's needed.” You pipped up—Tom grind like a fool shaking his head no.
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newtsies · 3 years
Great Outdoors || Ch. 1 {{ Kid Blink x Mayors Daughter OC}}
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A/N: hiya! so here's somethings you might wanna know about the story!
1. it's a kid blink x oc story, the oc is the mayors daughter. based off of his line in King Of New York (92sies version) where he says 'a saturday night with the mayors daughter'
2. i included their accents, but not like too much? let me know if you think i should write it with less of an accent or more of an accent.
3. this is based off of the 1992 version but includes some characters from the Broadway version. any character in both versions are based off the 1992 version. for example: racetrack, david, jack, les, mush, ect. are all based off of the 1992 version
4. i won't be writing any of the songs, because it's harder to do that. if you think i should include songs, let me know!
5. i swear the other a/n after this will be way shorter-
word count: 4375
read on wattpad
Heat stuck to her skin as she slipped out the window of her room. In New York, the middle of summer scorched everyone who dare leave their fanned homes. It also scorched those who worked outdoors, or burned those who didn't have homes. But Juliet was willing to take the chances of getting sun burned, she needed to get out of her room.
She had been reading for hours, there was really nothing else to do. Reading for 6 hours tends to get boring, especially when all the books you can read are about wars. Most of the war books were historically incorrect anyways. She swore to one day rewrite every historical book she read, but make it accurate.
She ran down the fire escape and took in the scene of the hot Manhattan streets. She had no idea what to do, Juliet rarely left her house and when she did, it was with her father in a carriage. Without a map or guide to help her, she let her feet lead her through the streets.
"Hiya, ma'am," A boy said exhaustedly, tipping his cap at her, "Care ta hear todays news? The World seems ta want everyone ta know there was a baby born with two heads!"
"Hiya, ma'am," A boy said exhaustedly, tipping his cap at her, "Care ta hear todays news? The World seems ta want everyone ta know there was a baby born with two heads!"
"Oh, well, sure! Is a quarter alright?" Juliet asks, pulling out a quarter from her pocket.
"Ma'am, a pape is only 1 penny!" He smiled at her as he took his cap off and wiped his forehead, "Please, I really couldn't take any more than a penny from a sweet girl like you."
She flushed with embarrassment, "I'm so sorry, I've never been out in the city on my own before. I promise you, loosing a quarter sure doesn't affect me much."
"Thank ya, ma'am," The boy grinned, trading the paper for her coin, "Ya said ya'd neva been on da streets?" Juliet nodded, scratching her arm as the feeling of embarrassment bubbled inside her. "Care ta wander with me?"
"Well- I'm sure you're busy, right? I'd hate to intrude," She rambled.
"Ma'am! I'm free all day, honestly. I'd love ta show ya around, if you're up for it o' course!" He admitted with an honest smile, "Come carry da banner with me for a few more minutes and I'll show you good 'ol Manhattan!"
"Thank you-" She started, pausing to silently ask him for his name.
"Kid Blink," He smiled, "Wanna try sellin' a pape, ma'am?" He offered a newspaper to her, which she hesitantly took and turned to look at people walking by.
Juliet raised the paper and called out, "Daily news!"
A chuckle came from behind her, "All due respect, ma'am. You gotta yell out a headline or a story!" Her cheeks went red with embarrassment but she nodded, flipping through the paper quickly.
"Baby born with 2 heads! ... Medical anomaly!" She added, someone rushed towards her and handed her a penny for the paper. "I did it!"
"Great job, miss! Oh, keep the penny, ma'am!" Kid Blink stated sincerely as Juliet attempted to give him the penny, "Da quarter ya gave me has got me set for longer den a week!"
Juliet admired the boy, for he had great talent when it came to selling newspapers. When she had bumped into him, he had been carrying a whole stack of papers. A stack that looked plenty heavy. However, not once did he complain nor even look for a second as if he might drop them. He just kept carrying them and calling out headlines. Within 10 minutes of meeting him, his stack of papers were all sold.
"Honestly, ma'am, the streets of Manhattan ain't got much to see," Kid Blink explained earnestly, "Oh! I gotta place that's got some good wadda, want to go there?"
She grinned, "I'll admit, I'm a little hungry. I don't know any other restaurants, so if you say the place is good, all I can do is believe you! Lead the way, Kid Blink."
"Please, ma'am, call me Blink!" He stated, starting to walk away. She walked close behind him, nervous from stories her father had told her about the streets, "You alright, miss?"
"Peachy," She lied, "So, you, uh, do this everyday?"
Blink nodded, "Everyday! Carry the banner, eat if I'se got the money, sleep, den do it all again!"
"That's gotta be rough, how old are you?" Juliet asked.
"14, ma'am," Kid Blink replied before turning to her, "How old are you?"
"14," Juliet answered, "It's insane you're doing this everyday, living like this."
He smiled at her and tipped his cap, "Jus' life, ma'am!"
They stood together in front of a restaurant, the sign above it read Tibby's. Kid Blink turned to Juliet with a grin then moved to hold open the door for her. She nodded at him before cautiously stepping in, feeling the boy press against her as he closed the door behind him.
"Blink!" A boy called from a table, waving him over. Kid Blink looked at Juliet and nodded at the table full of boys then started walking over to them. She let her head fall down as she walked close behind him.
"Hiya, boys!" Blink grinned, sliding into the seats and shoving another boy into the wall so Juliet could sit down too, "This is, uh-"
"Juliet," she stated nervously, "Juliet Adams."
One boy joked, "Say, Adams is da mayors last name. You his daughter?"
"Yeah," She laughed, obviously very scared.
They all gaped at her. Kid Blink laughed and wiped the sweat off his forehead, "I woulda neva guessed. Anyways, Ms. Adams, this here is Racetrack, Elmer, Mush, and Skittery." The named boys grinned and waved at her as their names were called.
"Nice to meet you all," Juliet said, "Do you all work as newsies?"
Racetrack nodded, "Yes, ma'am. Now, I've gotta ask. What did 'ol Blink here say ta get ya ta come all da way over here wit 'im?" Blink rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his hair before placing his cap on his head again.
"Well, you see, I've never really left my house, not on my own at least. Kid Blink offered to show me around the city!" Juliet explained before looking at a menu above the register, "What do you boys usually get?"
"Wadda," Elmer states, then adds with a shrug, " 'Ts free."
She glanced around the table, assuming it was a joke, but was met with honest faces. She shook her head, "Why don't you all get some food. I'll pay, don't worry."
Kid Blink interfered, "Ms. Adams, we couldn't possibly let you pay for us-"
"Call me, Juliet, or Julie, all of you. Honestly, you've helped me a lot today, Kid Blink. It's the least I can do to make sure you all have full stomachs for at least a day. Let me pay, please," She pleaded. He looked at her and sighed and nodded before looking over the menu.
"She's a gift from the gods!" Elmer exclaimed, leaning over the table excitedly and giving her a hug. She laughed and pat the golden-retriever-like boy on the cheek.
Skittery nodded in agreement and Albert joked, "An angel me thinks. Think Big Man'll miss her if we keep her?"
"The mayor or God?" Racetrack asked before drinking his water.
Elmer looked at her with a look of fear, "Think he'll try to chop off our heads?" She laughed and shook her head.
"If anything, I'll be the headless one. He'll kill me once I get home. It's already getting dark," Juliet stressed, "I should be heading back after you all eat."
And so the boys and the girl, who had been isolated her whole life, joked and laughed together over plates of food. They begged and begged to help her and chip in for the bill, but she stubbornly refused. Eventually they were forced out of the building due to the 'dinner rush.'
Racetrack had joked, "By dinner rush, he means 5 customers who actually buy da food instead of drink all his wadda!'
They talked for a while longer before reaching the lodging house where 4 out of the 5 boys retreated into the building after waving goodbye to Juliet. Kid Blink lingered behind, hesitant to let her go alone through Manhattan at night. She insisted she would be fine, but Blink knew better than to not trust his gut instinct.
"I'm walking ya home, I cant let you walk alone during da night. 'Specially cuz ya don't know da streets all too well," He explained earnestly.
"I'm sure I'll be fine! Honestly, how dangerous can it be? Besides, won't it be dangerous for you to walk back alone?" She asked.
"Nah! I know dese streets like da back of my hand!" Blink reassured her as he lead her through the streets, "What's it like being da mayors daughter?"
Juliet sighed, "It's not horrible, but he never lets me leave the house. The only time I get to leave is to go with him in a car to some meeting he has. All I do is study. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm lucky. I have a consistent roof over my head, a consistent food source, and I'll never run out of money or new clothes. But what's the point if I don't ever get to talk to anyone?"
"I see," He nodded, "Hey, me an' da boys may not be rich or have any of dat food stuff often, but we sure as hell is a family! Life is worth the living as long as you got good friends to live it with. You ain't neva had no friends ever?"
She chuckled a little and shook her head, "Sure, I've had friends. They were all quite rude and stuck up, though. I sure hope I don't come off that way to you-"
"No, ma'am. You ain't stuck up, don't worry 'bout it!" Kid Blink told her, stopping at the house that towered over them. "Nice place ya got here."
"Thank you," She grinned, "Oh, and thanks for showing me around, Kid Blink."
He tipped his hat and nodded, "My pleasure, Ms. Adams."
"Juliet," She corrected.
"How 'bout Jules?"
"That works too, Blink."
She ran up the fire escape and waved at him from the top. He gave a short wave before turning back around to head back to the lodging house. Juliet tapped on the railing, deciding on what to say to the boy. She groaned and cupped her hands around her mouth.
"Kid Blink!" She shouted, "Think I could help you sell some more papers tomorrow?"
"It would be an honor to spend another day with you! I'll be here tomorrow with some papes, all right?" Blink yelled back, a grin playing on his lips.
"All right! Thank you, Blink!" She waved again before smiling widely and running back into her room.
"Julie?" A voice boomed from downstairs, Juliet cringed.
"Coming Father!" She called, going through her door and down to his office.
He continued to work on the papers laid out in front of him as he talked to her, "I'm sorry about our argument today. Thank you for keeping quiet. I've decided that you can go outside tomorrow, on your own. I trust you, for the most part. Just stay away from those newsboys, got it?"
Her eyebrows furrowed and she tilted her head at him, "What's wrong with the newsboys?"
"Flirts! All of them," He explained angrily, "Dirty and aggressive too!"
"All right, Father. I'll steer clear of the newsboys," She sighed. As she walked back to her room, she laughed to herself. Of course she wouldn't stay away from the newsboys, not like she listened today, right? Kept quiet, She thought, more like wasn't here to make noise.
Juliet woke up the next morning, already feeling the heat from outside, and rushed to her window in hopes to see the newsboy from the day before. Much to her dismay, he was not there. She decided not to stress, maybe he slept in or sold all of his papers already.
"Morning, Father!" She called as she walked into the kitchen, she gave him a kiss on the cheek, "I'm heading out now!"
"Stay safe, Juliet! And remember," He stated firmly, "Stay away from the newsboys!"
She rolled her eyes, "Yes, Father!" Then she was out the door, a wave of heat pushing against her. Juliet smiled before running off towards The World building.
Boys crowded around the town square, shouting and pushing into each other. She looked around and tried to push through the crowd, the kids all backing away from where she was. Juliet looked for familiar faces but couldn't see anyone.
"Ma'am! Ms. Adams! Juliet!" Elmer called out happily, pushing past everyone and bouncing over to her, "Watcha doing in these parts?"
She had to shout over the chaos to be heard, "Kid Blink said he would meet me at my house with papers, but he didn't! Did something happen? Do you know where he is?"
He grinned goofily at her, "Oh, boy, are you in fah a treat! We'se newsboys is on strike! Pulitzah raised the pape prices, so we'se don't sell till he puts it back! C'mon, Blink is over here!" Elmer grabbed her hand and pulled her through the crowd to the very front.
"- Gotta be ambastards and go tell the others that we're on strike!" A boy who stood in front the building shouted. Juliet was dragged by Elmer to stand next to Kid Blink, who turned to her and smiled.
"Say, Jack, we'll take Harlem!" Blink called out to the boy, Jack, and grabbed Juliet's arm.
"Good- Who's dat?" Jack asked the other newsies, Blink and Juliet were already gone.
"Da mayors daughter! Anyways, I got Midtown!" Race shouted before running off.
"Mayors daughter?" He shouted in confusion, but they ignored him and people continued to call out turfs they would go to.
"Sorry, Jules. Honest ta God, I'se was gonna go get ya! But, the price raise was ridiculous! Anyways, we'se goin' ta Harlem, tell dem about da strike! Dat alright with you?" Kid Blink asked after rambling.
She grinned, "Sure! Oh, guess what? My Father finally decided to let me go out freely, so I don't have to sneak away anymore."
"Nice! How'd ya manage ta convince 'im?" He questioned. They walked together through the streets, Kid Blink pulling his shirt to try and give himself some cool air.
"I don't know! Said he was happy that I didn't make any noise after the conversation yesterday! So, he's letting me out freely and he said..." She paused hesitantly.
Blink looked at her and tilted his head curiously, "What? What did he say?"
Juliet groaned and looked at him, "He told me to stay away from the newsboys. I won't, of course! But it's just- I don't get him. It's hard work, isn't it? I think you should all be admired, working this hard at such a young age with no one treating you fairly."
He laughed, "Thanks, miss! Sure is hard work, but we'se don't complain! Now, when we get ta Harlem, just ignore everything dey say. If dey make you uncomfortable, let me know, alright? I'll soak 'em! Or we can just leave. Whatever's easiest!"
"Thanks, Blink. Let's go," She said hesitantly, walking with him into the new borough.
A young boy ran towards them, "Hiya, Kid! And- pretty goil! Hi! Watcha here for?"
"Gotta talk ta Stitch," He explained, "He here, Scram?"
"Well, I reckon he's out by our circulation building! Trying ta calm down all da boys n' stuff! Hear bout the prices?" The boy, Scram, asked them.
" 'Course we did, Scram. That's what we're here to talk 'bout, 'Hattan newsies is on strike," He explained.
"Strike? Ya crazy! Ya know dat means makin' no money, right?" Scram questioned them, absolutely baffled by the idea of loosing a days pay.
"We know, Scram," Blink sighed, "But listen, if we don't work, they'se don't make money either. They need us! They gotta put the price back up soona o' later!"
Scram gave them a look, "I dunno, Blink! Think da World, Journal, and da Sun, and all of dem can go longer then we can without making money!"
"If we get all of da newsies togedda, they can't ignore us!" He explained, hoping to get through to Scram.
"Whateva ya say, Blink! C'mon, I'll take ya two ta Stitch. See what he gotta say 'bout it!" Scram nodded to the side before walking off. Juliet shrugged at Blink and they both started following him. There was havoc everywhere around the circulation building. People were shouting at each other and pushing each other into the floor. She walked close to Blink and Scram, trying to stay away from the fists people were throwing.
"Stitch!" Scram called out, tugging on the shirt of a boy about a foot taller than him. The boys shirt was tight on his arms and completely unbuttoned. His brown suspenders tugged at his shoulder, probably chaffing him. He had multiple scars all over his chest.
"What Scram? What?" Stitch groaned, shaking the boy off his arm.
"Kid Blink and a goil is here to talk to you about somethin'!" Scram explained.
The boy tipped his hat at Juliet, "Ma'am," Then spit in his hand and shook hands with Blink, "Kid Blink. What's up?"
"Well- We- 'Hattan-" Blink attempted to speak but couldn't talk over the yelling. Stitch looked to Scram and nodded at him.
Scram grinned widely and screeched, "Scram! Da bulls!" Everyone froze, stopped yelling and fighting, and bolted away. Scram waved to them, tipped his hat at Juliet, and ran off with everyone else.
"We'se on strike over in 'Hattan. We want you to join too!" Kid Blink explained.
Stitch hesitated, "Oh, I dunno, Blink! We won't make any money at all! We don't like da price either, but it's hard ta make no money at all. All dem newspaper big shots could go months without making money!"
"Yeah, but they can't ignore us if we get all da newsies in New York!" Blink tried to convince him.
"What's Brooklyn doin'? What'd they say?" Stitch asked.
Blink sighed, "I dunno yet."
"Look, when ya get the nod from Brooklyn, come back. Alright? Get the nod from Brooklyn and you can count on Harlem," Stitch promised. Kid Blink sighed again but nodded.
Juliet tilted her head, "So, Harlem is just a bunch of followers? Can't make your own decisions? Seems like Brooklyn is more the leader of Harlem than you are, Stitch." Both boys looked taken aback by her statement.
"No way, ma'am! It's just- We ain't gonna win dis thing if we ain't got Brooklyn!" Stitch explained.
"Oh! You guys aren't strong enough to help us, right?" She instigated.
"Yeah we are!" Stitch groaned, "Fine. Count us in, alright? The second you guys give up, or show any sign of giving up, Harlem is out. Got it?"
"Got it! Thanks, Stitch," Blink smiled, spitting in his hand and sticking it out for Stitch. He spit in his own hand and shook hands with Kid Blink.
"No problem, Blink. Now, as Scram would say, scram! I got to prepare me boys for a strike," He chuckled. Juliet started off, but Stitch grabbed Blinks arm and whispered to him, "Great gal, pretty too. If we get all da newsboys in one place with her, she's gonna be snatched up quick. Beat 'em to it, Blink. Or someone else will." Kid Blink rolled his eyes at Stitch and tugged his arm away, running to catch up with Juliet.
"Jack! What did Spot say?" Race asked as soon as he saw the leader.
"He was concerned 'bout us being serious, you believe that?" Jack scoffed.
The boys looked amongst themselves before Race spoke up, "I dunno Jack. None of da burrows will join us without the O.K. from Brooklyn."
"Wrong! None of da burrows except for Harlem. Harlem'll be here," Blink shouted as he ran over to them with Juliet.
"Awesome! Nice job, Blink," Jack praised.
He shook his head, "Not me. All thanks ta Juliet!"
"I knew she was an angel!" Elmer gushed, grabbing the girls hands and grinning at her.
One newsboy nudged another, "Looks like one too!" Blink shoved the boy who made the comment with his elbow.
"Shut up, Romeo."
The boy who had been nudged the first time laughed, "He told you!"
Said boy, Romeo, rolled his eyes, "Shut up, Henry."
"So what? We got Harlem, how does that help us? Gives us maybe 50 more kids? We should call it off, Jack. We need Brooklyn," A boy stated glumly. Jack looked at Davey, who Juliet had learned was the co-leader of the strike, with desperation evident in his eyes. David nodded and started to sing.
Juliet honestly didn't know how she ended up on the floor. Before, she was listening to the boys singing and watching them dance. At one point, Kid Blink pulled her up to dance with him and the others. She danced with them, but not for long due to the circulation bell ringing. The newsies charged and shouted at what they called 'scabs.'
Then, she was getting shoved all around. She was on the floor and looking to get out. Harlem came running in to help Manhattan, fighting scabs right along with them. Stitch noticed Juliet's struggles and grabbed her arm, yanking her to her feet. He shoved her to Scram, who took her and lead her out of the crowd.
"Hey, Scram!" Julie said breathlessly, smiling down at the young boy as she caught her breath.
"Hiya, ma'am. Ya alright?" Scram asked her.
She nodded, "No need for the formality, Scram. Call me Juliet, or Ms. Adams if you really insist to be formal."
"Okay, Ms. Adams! We gotta run, da bulls is comin'!" He shouted at her, noticing the police running into the circulation building. Scram grabbed her arm and dragged her away.
"Ms. Adams, please take some wadda," Scram begged her, but she refused. She didn't want them to waste any water on her.
"I'm all right, Scram. I promise. Do you think Kid Blink and all the others are all right?" She asked him. He shrugged.
"I dunno, Ms. Adams, but I can check fa ya!" He grinned and bounced excitedly.
"No! It's fine! Relax, Scram, take a running break. I'll check in with them tomorrow," Juliet assured. Stitch walked up to them and sat down behind her on a crate.
"You alright.. Uh.. Wat's ya name?" He asked.
"Juliet Adams," She replied.
Stitch nodded, "Ya alright, Ms. Adams?"
"Yeah," She reassured, "What happened after the police came?"
"Dey only got one guy, 'Hattan guy. The gimp," Stitch reported, "Dey didn't back down though. Still won't quit. We'll be there 'gain tomorrow." Juliet nodded. "Stitch, introduce her to the boys. Have Charles walk her home, got it?"
"Yessir!" Scram called and walked over to a group of boys. "Hiya, guys! This here is Juliet Adams! Ms. Adams, this is Charles, John, Skippy-"  Juliet swore he kept talking for a hour. There was about 25 boys she was being introduced to, maybe one day she'd actually keep track of them all. She just nodded as he kept listing off names and pointing at boys.
Juliet just kept nodding, "It's very nice to meet you all. I really must be heading home now, though. Thank you for everything, Scram. Tell Stitch I said thanks too, okay?" Scram nodded excitedly and waved at her as she walked off.
"Wait up!" A boy called, running up next to her, "C'mon, I'll walk ya home. I'm Charles."
"Thanks, Charles. Hey, were you at the circulation building in Manhattan, today?" She asked him.
"Yes, ma'am," He nodded, "Wherever Stitch is, I'm there too."
"I see. Gotta follow the leader, right?" Juliet joked.
Charles blushed and adjusted his cap, "Something like dat. Think we can win?"
"The strike? From what I know, Brooklyn basically leads most of the burrows, right? After today, Spot Conlon, whoever that is, will know we won't back down," She started, "Hopefully, he'll join us after seeing what happened today. Then we'll have all the other turfs. We'll be unstoppable with all of them. We're bound to win."
"Well, I guess you're right. Unstoppable, huh? I like the sound a' dat," He grinned.
"Me too," She smiled, "This is my house. Thank you for walking me here, Charles. I really appreciate it. I'll see you at the circulation building tomorrow."
He tipped his hat at her before walking away, "Bye, miss!"
Juliet walked through the doors of her home, "I'm back, Father."
"Dear! How was your day?" He called back to her.
"Good. I really just walked around, I sat by the Brooklyn bridge and just looked over the scenery," She lied.
He huffed in acknowledgement, "Hear about the newsie strike? I think the streets are gonna be too dangerous. I want you to stay inside again-"
"Father!" Juliet sighed, "You can't do that! I've finally had a taste of freedom. Let me stay out, please? I promise you, I'll be extremely careful."
"Fine. Just," He paused, "Stay away from them, okay? They're already getting violent. Don't get hurt, if you do, you'll be stuck inside until you're an adult, got it?"
She rolled her eyes but nodded, "Yes, Father. I'm going to sleep now." She ran up the stairs to her room and groaned as she sat on her bed. She wouldn't stay away from the newsboys. Maybe she wanted to rebel, maybe she like their company. Her Father was right about one thing, they were already getting violent. And although she couldn't pull herself away, she was scared of getting sucked into the angry force of the newsboys union.
a/n: uhhh sorry if this sucked i havent written in a while but i hope you enjoyed!!
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Amelia & Jac
Amelia: My mum heard wrong and you're actually okay, right? Jac: I am now Amelia: but it was you Jac: me and half of Dublin Amelia: I could care less about about 3/4 of this town Jac: generous, a whole 1/4 Amelia: you know what I mean Jac: yeah Jac: your maths isn't that shocking Amelia: what happened? Jac: what do you mean Jac: I didn't accidentally swallow my mouthwash or something Jac: you know how it goes Amelia: alright, why did it happen? Jac: It was new years Jac: simple as Amelia: you don't give a shit about New Year's Amelia: or anything else right now Jac: I was feeling festive Amelia: because? Jac: because it's the reason for the season? idk Amelia: you're really going to make me figure it out? okay Jac: there's fuck all to figure out Jac: you've got drunk, you know why Amelia: What did she do? Jac: which nurse was it that told your mum Jac: or was it a receptionist, they're the fucking worst Amelia: answer my question so I don't have to go on her profile Jac: go ahead and look Jac: you won't be surprised, no one else is Amelia: [does so a pause] Amelia: I'm sorry Jac: I knew anyway Jac: well, was 99% sure Jac: but then that 1% went so Amelia: You could've called me Amelia: nobody on the gossip grapevine even knows the lad who brought you in Jac: I very much couldn't Jac: I was passed out Jac: so me either, the thank you note will sit here unsent, like Amelia: before, I mean Amelia: she didn't post that last night Jac: it was Christmas Amelia: so? Jac: a time for family Amelia: you used to be Amelia: basically Jac: well that's just weird Amelia: again, you know what I mean Jac: not acceptable to float your incest fantasies just 'cos you've got no siblings to go there with Amelia: ugh, shut up Jac: works for me Amelia: no, it doesn't Jac: ask anyone Jac: I've had a very relaxing break Amelia: none of this is working for you, that's why you ended up in hospital Amelia: for fuck's sake Jac: that was the tequila Amelia: none of this is funny Jac: what do want me to say? Amelia: quite literally anything that isn't a pisstake Amelia: that's how low my bar is now Jac: I got drunk, it isn't the drama your mum and whoever the fuck is making it out to be Amelia: it isn't a drama that you got so drunk you had to be medically emptied out after being brought in by a stranger, no of course not Amelia: anything could have happened to you but why the fuck would that matter Jac: clearly I was surrounded by nice people Jac: I wasn't in a crack den Amelia: you wouldn't tell me if you were Amelia: unless you had a joke you could make out of it Jac: I appreciate that you find me so amusing Jac: I'm not making jokes, there is just nothing to actually be said about any of it Amelia: Fine, we'll go back to not talking Jac: don't let me ruin your good time Amelia: it's a bit late for that advice, thanks anyway Jac: amazing Jac: way to make my hospital stay about you Amelia: how could I? It's all about Savannah fucking Moore, as always Jac: so you wanted to be the one I drank myself into a coma for Jac: I'm so sorry Jac: I'll try again next time and leave a note shouting you out Amelia: no you won't, because that would involve telling people about me Amelia: I might as well not exist Jac: 'cos I'm going around telling EVERYONE that this is about her Amelia: it's never been any secret how I feel about you or that I need you even though you don't need me Amelia: and you could've fucking died or something Jac: seriously Amelia: yeah Jac: it's bullshit if you actually believe that Jac: and you're not just saying it Amelia: all of this is bullshit Jac: I'm a fucking mess Jac: I hit you up all the time Jac: why do you need me to spell it out to you Jac: hire a fucking skywriter Amelia: none of it matters because when things actually matter, like this, you don't Jac: because I'm not fucking okay Jac: that doesn't mean that I don't those other times Amelia: I know that Jac: you clearly don't Jac: it means nothing Jac: then fuck it Amelia: it doesn't mean nothing Jac: it's so fucking Jac: infuriating Jac: I haven't talked to anyone else in person for so long Jac: and I barely do it in writing now either Jac: don't pretend you don't know that means something just to fit your narrative Amelia: what to do want me to say? or do? Amelia: I've spent ages worried about you even before this and there's nobody I can talk about it with because you won't Amelia: I don't get to be upset because it's Christmas and we're not friends and I'm over it, that's the narrative for everybody else Amelia: then I hear this and it's no big deal to you, apparently Jac: just not be so fucking dense Jac: at least when you're talking to me, you don't need to pretend that now Jac: what would you like me to say? how fucking vile it was having to bring up my entire stomach contents, what it smelt like? how terrifying it was to be there on my own? Jac: or what can I do for you now? start sobbing about how out of control my life is, repent, promise to change and be different? Amelia: I've already lost you once because of her, I can't do it again Amelia: especially not like that Jac: I can't stop loving her Jac: I can't stop it hurting Jac: all of us Amelia: I can't stop loving you Amelia: and she isn't going to force me to when she isn't even fucking here Jac: There's no point blaming her Jac: if she didn't know, before I showed her how I felt Jac: she didn't know about you and me Amelia: and you think I'm dense Jac: I don't think she's perfect Jac: not completely Amelia: it's progress Jac: shut up Jac: I'm sorry, alright, I wouldn't have told you, you wouldn't have needed to be worried Amelia: I'm worried by all the things you don't tell me Amelia: where you go and what you do when you're not 'hitting me up' Jac: it's not as if you'd wanna hear it though Jac: you want me to stop, like everyone does Jac: but I just Jac: I can't Amelia: I don't want to hear it because I know it's not what you really want Jac: I can't have what I want Amelia: you can't have her, it doesn't mean you have to have that Jac: None of it was real Jac: but it doesn't erase all that time, what was said and done and felt Jac: not for me Amelia: of course it doesn't Jac: it's like I'm trapped Jac: I can't go back but I'm just left here, she's left me here and all of the things we were going to do and be together aren't going to happen Jac: I'm not going to be that person but I'm not the same as before Amelia: it's like she killed you, you have to grieve Jac: I don't like who I am now Jac: without her Amelia: you said it, you're a mess Amelia: not much about that for a virgo to like Jac: this is just another day in the life for you is it Jac: 🦂 Amelia: it's not about me Amelia: how you feel about you Jac: it's no secret I CLEARLY hate myself Amelia: it'd be the worst kept secret ever if it was Jac: so yeah, it's nice to flip the script, have people think maybe I hate them instead Jac: I ruined Christmas because I hate you all, like, yeah, fine Amelia: maybe Cammie's brothers are little enough to fall for it Jac: it's surprising how effective playing at being a coma patient is for the cause Amelia: everyone knows you're hurting instead of hating Jac: alright Jac: sounding like a cringe 90s rnb love song is not cute Amelia: I'm not cute today Jac: have you got your serious face on to match your tone Amelia: my parents have and if you can't beat them, join them Jac: did your nan say something homophobic and they forgot to call her out on your behalf? Amelia: I'm grounded because of what you did, that's what passes for logic in this 🏠 Amelia: they haven't stopped talking about it or trying to overhaul my life Jac: oh great Jac: I'll not be able to see you too now Amelia: they've told me to stay in, they can't make me Amelia: you can see me whenever you want to Jac: your parents are actually sensible, if leaning towards over-protective Jac: they'll get a restraining order Jac: or me sectioned, if they can really sell it Amelia: they don't know about us Amelia: you're fine Jac: they know they don't want you being my friend Amelia: they don't want me getting hospitalised, that's all Amelia: they know if we were still friends I'd look after you and vice versa Jac: it isn't catching, it's alcohol poisoning Jac: can we go to the beach Jac: we've obviously missed the official swim but I want to Amelia: they did run out of Christmas drinks because I never got around to replacing what we stole and I did have to take sole blame, so that's where they think I'm heading Amelia: but yeah, we can go to the beach Jac: their friends always could put it away Amelia: and I wasn't even drunk last night Amelia: because I'd already had a lecture Jac: how drunk did you get on Christmas day then Amelia: it's not my fault they all stop at a couple of glasses Amelia: or want to my life a competition vs the child or children of every single person my parents know Amelia: 🥱🙄 Jac: you didn't know miracle was a lifetime obligation as well as a fancy title? Jac: gutted Amelia: did I hit you up, no, therefore I CLEARLY wasn't drunk enough Jac: Charming Amelia: 😏 Jac: you know, when I get drunk, I make really bad choices/nearly die Amelia: not always Amelia: and I might've given my cousin my phone so I didn't send you anything, okay? I'm that 😳🤓 Jac: She blatantly wanted to nose at all your private texts anyway Jac: I wouldn't trust any of mine as far as I can throw them Amelia: she'd have to steal my fingerprint, I definitely wasn't that drunk Jac: don't you delete them after? Jac: amateur Amelia: what would I do when you aren't talking to me if I did, read a book? Jac: you're quick with the recommendations for me, so yeah Amelia: I get enough migraines without encouraging them Jac: 😏 Jac: we definitely shouldn't be friends then Amelia: that's not even in the top 10 of reasons why we shouldn't Jac: again, so polite Amelia: come on, you know I'll break any amount of rules Jac: it's not supposed to be adding to the fun of it, like Amelia: fuck supposed to as well Jac: alright Jac: but I ain't going out and getting drunk tonight Jac: I feel inside out still Amelia: what do you want to do then? Jac: I don't know Jac: let's just start with the beach and I'll see Amelia: okay Jac: what do you wanna do Amelia: I only give a shit about seeing you Jac: It might take me a while to get out Jac: goes without saying I'm more than grounded Jac: one pair of 👀 on me at all times Amelia: that kind of wait won't kill me Jac: alright Jac: I'll think of something Amelia: remember a coat this time, yeah? Amelia: I can't lend you any more without literally taking the one off my own back Jac: oh no Amelia: you didn't nearly die in my coat, did you? Jac: I was wearing it Jac: but I don't have it now Amelia: oh Jac: I do remember where I was, I wasn't that gone when I arrived Jac: but I don't wanna go back, I can give you the address? Amelia: do I want to go there or should I just hit the sales? Jac: yeah Jac: consider it a late christmas present? Amelia: wait, my late Christmas present isn't that you didn't die? Jac: you're glad, aren't you, that's a gift Jac: but I also meant money for a coat, that's only fair, if anything Amelia: I can afford my own replacement coat Jac: alright Jac: but I did lose it Amelia: I lent it to you, if it was that precious to me, I wouldn't have Amelia: and my mum will be thrilled I'm asking to go shopping Jac: yeah, true enough Jac: what did you get her for christmas? Amelia: [something her basic mum would actually love because she only had to buy for her parents so might as well go in] Jac: wow, daughter of the year much Amelia: I'm their only daughter, there's no contest Jac: all I got mine was a nervous breakdown so you know Amelia: I did that last year, you know, before it was cool Jac: 🤓 Amelia: I'm sorry that you didn't invent pining Jac: I'm not pining though, you can have that Amelia: I don't want it Jac: I'm sorry you invented pining Amelia: I didn't, I just happen to be amazing at it Jac: or bad at it, depending on your outlook Amelia: well yeah Jac: I look awful Amelia: how do you feel? Jac: awful Jac: at least there's no disparity there Amelia: you've nailed it, along with the majority Jac: start as the year will go on, no matter my intentions or otherwise Jac: fucking hell Amelia: I look great, you've been warned Jac: 😂 Amelia: 👧🏻 Jac: at least it isn't bowl-esque now Jac: like your xmas throwback Amelia: I knew you'd like that Jac: that santa is creepy looking though Jac: your face says it all Amelia: 😂 Jac: how likely do you think any of my siblings are to cover for me right now Amelia: 🤔 very unlikely Jac: distract and run it is Amelia: can you even 🏃 the state you're in? Jac: They gave me IV, I'm technically in my prime, thank you Amelia: carry on Jac: you don't have to come Amelia: I want to though Jac: alright Amelia: okay Jac: [I think she should ask Jesse to cover but whatever the outcome of that convo let us say you do get out somehow and you can go to the beach] Amelia: [yeah even if he won't, find a way gal] Jac: [have your nice moment] Amelia: [it's deserved, well not really because you ruined christmas and new year's but Savannah ruined everything first so it kind of is lol] Jac: [it's what being a teen is all about henny] Amelia: [not this teen, I was a goody two shoes] Jac: [my boo is too good she would never lmao, I did so] Jac: [I think they should have a nice time but then someone/someone's parents is at the beach so she's like well bye] Amelia: [that's very valid because you lowkey wouldn't be able to go anywhere without seeing someone either they know from school or Amelia's parents know the parents of] Jac: [exactly, it's an easy way to end things before anything really has to be said or done so tah everyone] Amelia: [I hope you're both going home, we don't need any more drama immediately] Jac: [my boo says get your ass back home] Amelia: [mhmm] Jac: [she has nowhere to be so I'm sure she's going back to bed lol] Amelia: [get your arse back home too Amelia even though I'm sure that girl has text you at Christmas and New Year's] Jac: [at least you weren't at the beach gal] Amelia: [I 100% vote you do see her when school starts though even though she in the year above and would have to seek you out lol] Jac: [my boo says let her have it] Amelia: [we do love the jealousy always] Jac: [mhmm] Amelia: [not letting you date her though because she actually seems to like you so that'd be rude] Jac: [only jac and savannah can do that lol] Amelia: [Savannah do like this boy cos he reminds her of Jac remember LOL] Jac: [lmao]
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