#if your a moot and wanna be added lemme know
ivymarquis · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
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Nail technician and quasi unhealthy dynamics has me in a fucking chokehold. You cannot convince me this man does not have separation anxiety I appreciate everyones patience with the requests in my inbox I swear I will get to them lmao
Tag list; @gaeadene @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton @deadbranch @glossythor @mockerycrow @tacticalanklebiter3000 @luminousbeings-crudematter @bunny-extract @fnny-bnny @kneelingshadowsalome @thanksbutno98 and anyone who wants to participate (pls tag me I love the snippets)
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blowedtvhead · 9 months
hi hi! ship your moots with characters they normally don't ship themselves with?
Ooooo!! Yay!! I love doing this!! (I tried to do as many as I could!! If you wanna be added lemme know!!)
@im-a-loser-fight-me - Daichi Sawamura <3
@ilyluffy - Chifuyu Matsuno <3
@dark-mnjiro - Takashi Mitsuya <3
@saintshiba - Diluc Ragnvindr <3
@saintokkotsu - Yuji Itadori <3
@honeykaes - Neuvillette <3
@gojoest - Atsumu Miya <3
@benkeibear - Giyu Tomioka <3
@deliqwuette - Loid Forgor <3
@chiffiorra - Tengen Uzui <3
@saenora - Mikey Sano <3
@saescum - Kei Tsukishima <3
@mekiza - Dabi <3
@nkogneatho - Shuji Hanma <3
@true-form-hoe - Suguru Geto <3
@seisitive - Kenma Kozume <3
@strawberrystepmom - Kento Nanami <3
@pawchive - Naoto Tachibana <3
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arcplaysgames · 1 year
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Man do y'all remember when I was sad at the start of P4G because the game did not adequately pat my head and feed me soup and give me friends on day one like P3P did
that was fucking little leagues. I'm gonna light everyone in this game on fire.
Anyway, we are in the tutorial stages so lemme sum up except with there's weird shit I wanna pontificate on.
Reverie missed a bunch of school on his first day with frankly doesn't look amazing for him. We met Ryoji GODDAMN RYUJI on the roof, because all Persona games love the school roof, and he wants to go back to the App World so he can poke around on Kamoshida.
There is palpably some Beef between Ryuji and Kamoshida. There is some fucking t-bone 3-inch cut that I have seasoned in mushroom salt and fresh ground pepper and left to air-dehydrate for three days, there is soooo much beef between them.
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In the Not-Velvet Room-- Look, I am gonna start calling it the VR for efficiency's skae but be aware I do not think this is actually the Velvet Room, or if it is then someone has booted Igor and is pretending to be him.
But yeah Notigor says our rehabilitation can begin and I just wanna claw my hair out. What's funny is I know for a lot of fans, Persona 5 was their entry point. Did they know this was as severely fucked as it is? I feel like the game is pushing Fucked As Hell vibes pretty well, so maybe it was obvious even to the initiated.
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Oh so Notigor is the one pushing the unauthorized APK onto my phone. I think Reverie is rocking a Samsung, it's got that Chonk to it.
Also, I dunno what it's called in the Japanese... hang on, to google!
Isekainabi, or "Otherworldnavi" that's pretty good. Which, the adjustment of "navi" to "nabi" reminds me that Japanese doesn't use 'v' does it? Or.... wait.... R is also a no, right?
(That is shit I learned from fucking Metal Gear Solid 2 actually, because my beloved Problematic Fave Kojima called the big villains the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo, because they were 'invisible', they weren't even a part of the language, metaphorically speaking, which when I understand that I thought was fucking smart as hell, though I imagine the original voice actors who had to say it a lot and rapidly did not agree.)
ANYWAY I AM GETTING DISTRACTED, POINT IS, I picked a hilariously un-apt name with Reverie Vantas. That is a tongue-twister and I am sorry.
what the fuck was i even talking about OH YEAH Netscape Navigator, yeah. That's our Dark Hour/TV World, the Metaverse. I find it cursorily interesting that Persona has many different manifestations of the whole Jungian Collective Subconsciousness. P4's TV World was fully separated and impossible to access without the power of Persona. But Reverie and Ryuji stumbled like idiots into the....
wait, that cutscene from the start, that was Reverie's awakening to Persona. So what caused it. Also: Is that relevant to the mystery here like it was in P4, because in P4 that was super important, and I would prefer it wasn't Super Important again lmao.
God the Izanami thing was dumb. ANY FUCKING WAY.
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I briefly meet THAT ONE GIRL FROM THE INTRO on the train, and her personality traits seem to be "worryingly doormat-ish" and "thin'
Like man, P5R is not hitting me over the head with DIET SODA ADS but we are still fatphobic, don't forget! BTW if you want a Persona game that doesn't do that shit, P3P Girl Route baybeeeee best Persona.
I am apprently ribbon girl's senpai and she bows to me twice nad runs off to school. Later, gator.
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holy shit this game doesn't fuck around with its classroom questions, are you kidding me
also I am sitting behind Moot in class. how's your life been since relinquishing 4chan, moot? I hope it's better.
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Mitsuru would use her rapier to carve you like a chunk of roast.
Kamoshida's influence over everyone is kind of baffling to me. It's a VOLLEYBALL TEAM. Oh is that the Japanese equivalent of a football team? Because then I TOTALLY GET IT, CARRY ON.
Like, I understand sort of academically that having sports teams is good for students but also I fucking hate school sports culture. Dunno if its as vile in Japan as in America but if its even half as bad, yeah, abolish it.
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Ryuji is so far not the brightest bulb on the tree, bless him. He keeps trying to locate a castle and getting frustrated. Finally, we put him out of his confused misery and use the app to make castle happen.
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HE IS JEALOUS! In almost every jock there is a theatre kid's soul, crying to get out.
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Ryuji has like no indoor voice, Morgana, I am sorry.
Also, I have so far zero indication of Morgana's gender, which I do like. 8) Gender don't matter, just don't call me a fucking cat.
There is a huge tutorial section, and I immediately understand why this game is +100 long, these sequences are much more complicated now. There's psuedo-stealth mechanics? Blurgh.
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Ryuji wants to save the volleyball slaves and Morgana explains that these aren't actually them, they are cognitive copies that are.... essentially the projection Kamoshida has of each person in the school.
I don't wanna be a jerk Persona but this is adding more and more complexity to your already complex world. But maybe I am still in P4G mode, where every aspect of how the Midnight Channel worked was a clue. At this point, there is no central mystery.
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hey yo what the fuck
Somehow Kamoshida broke Ryuji's fucking leg?????
What the fuck happened there? Also yeah, Ryuji, I don't know you super well yet but I'm with you, we can wreck this guy. Holy shit.
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boy howdy getting your persona stings a bit in this one huh
Ryuji has Captain Kidd as his, with is pretty fun NGL. So our theme is literally Various Types Of Thieves in this game, huh? I'm cool with that.
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agedre-kitty · 3 months
hello !!!! Are you in the bs agere fandom too ? Wanna be moots ? :3
Also if its okie could I request a cg doug stimboard please ??? Maybe sea themed ??
Thanks a lot in advance :))
hihi !! yea i am!! sure- i already follow u from my main blog lol
and sure! here's your stimboard, i hope u like it :D also i wasn't sure how to include the cg theme so i mostly just added some agere-ish stims. hope thats okay! lemme know if u want me to change anything
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sp1rit-realm · 1 year
Hi again, Hannah!! Now that we're officially mutuals, I just have something I wanna ask you: would you care to be added to any of my taglists, and what emoji would you like for your moot tag?? All the fandoms I write for are right here, and all the emojis that have already been claimed you can see here, so just lemme know whenever!!
On that subject, I would love to be tagged in all your writing from now on, since your writing is amazing and I love all the beautiful boys you write for!! (Although, maybe leave me out of the NSFW stuff if that's okay, just because I'm ace and that stuff makes me a wee bit uncomfy 😅. I'd love to be tagged in all the other stuff as well as your amazing art, though!!)
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope you're having a great day/night!! 💜💜💜
1. i’ll def add myself to your tag lists
2. sounds good!
3. emoji 🐞 i’d love ladybug if not taken
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bbangsoonie · 3 years
hello maybe it’s the aftereffects of valentine’s day but i just wanted to cry about how soft this fandom makes me 🥺  tbz + deobis is a new family to me and i have encountered so many lovely people across tumblr, tiktok, youtube, etc (whether it’s through passing comments or chatting with mutuals) in less than 2 months. it genuinely warms my heart to see how kind both the members and fans are 😭💝
i’m not drunk but wanna express my affection for a few of my moots LOLOL (i know i didn’t list all my moots but i swear i love you all)
ps i added the hearts to this pic does it look ok HAHAH
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thank you @banhmi07 for being my first friend here (+ first deobi friend) and for teaching me how you celebrate tết
thank you @mochinyu for talking about 2nd gen idols with me and for trusting + sharing your feelings with me (lemme give you a virtual hug ehehe)
thank you @atbzkingdom for fangirling over soccer sunwoo with me and for calling me your grape 🍇
thank you @fullsunhee for being so easy to talk to and chatting with me about a wiiiiiide range of topics haha
thank you @cuppasunu for hyping up hyunjae’s drama with me i can’t wait to cry over his upcoming scenes together
thank you @sohnhorizon for literally being the eric to my sunwoo and for opening up to me ily
thank you @elcie-chxn for being so friendly despite just getting to know each other (and for the acrostic poem !!)
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yshai-tia · 3 years
. layercake
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name: y’shai tia
“at yer service, mate. aye, though ye might wanna ask again inna moon ‘er so-- lil’ more papers ‘ta push through an’ the last bit’ll change there. still can’t gods damned believe it if y’ask me.”
eye color: blue (left), green (right)
“pree’ common combo fer seekers, y’know? green from me ma, can only guess the blue from dear ol’ pops. is tha’ how it works? i ain’ a genetics sorta guy.”
hair style/color: black, lackadaisical
“oi now, leas’ it ain’ a qiqirn’s nest. take care ov’ me braids though, if yer lucky jus’ might tell ye what they mean some day.”
height: 5 fulms, 9 ilms
“look, ‘m tall fer a miqo’te, thas’ gotta count fer somethin’. ain’ about the height, mate, s’all ‘bout how ye use what yer slapped with.”
clothing style: predominately black with abhorrent amounts of leather
“what, like either ov’ those things ‘er ev’r gonna go outta style? lookin’ good an’ bein’ durable, ye can’t really go wrong there. an’ it ain’t like ‘m allergic ‘ta change, startin’ ‘ta get used ‘ta this whole buttoned ‘ta the throat business. sorta.”
best physical feature: absolutely everything, take your personal pick
“c’mon now, lookit yers truly, notta shortage ov’ ‘bests’ in sight, choosin’ jus’ one would jus’ be cruel. thick thighs, thick arse-- lil’ thick in th’ head sometimes but, aye, leas’ yer lookin’ at somethin’ nice.”
your fears: physical restrictions, i.e. being bound, failing to protect those he loves and/or hurting them himself, powerlessness and ineptitude, particularly large coeurls
“cor, jus’ had ‘ta go from a fun question straight ‘ta this. lighten up, mate.”
your guilty pleasure: who’s guilty?
“ain’ nothin’ guilty ‘bout indulgence-- an’ i sure as shit don’ think ‘bout-- ... ah, fuck. guess there was one time... but that was long ‘go now, ain’ no point bringin’ it up.”
your biggest pet peeve: don’t get him started
“the fact that ul’dah exists, does that fuckin’ count? aye, yer right, ‘ta big ‘ta be a peeve. cor, i dunno, what ye cryin’ over spilt yak’s milk fer. i guess... aye, well, this is a personal one-like, but whiddle this fer a second; self-proclaimed sorts ov’ engineers who go off wif’out a single thought fer consequences. ... aye, aye, i hear ye, real fuckin’ bold fer someone like me ‘ta bitch ‘bout that, but, listen, a guy can change. it’s one thing ‘ta fuck ‘round with things ye don’ understand fer the sake of curiousity but ye also don’ see me gettin’ ass deep in allagan bullshit jus’ cause there might be a fancy toy there that tickles me boredom away fer a spell. shit’s got its conveniences, aye, not like i dunno the uses ova’ tomephone-- but most ov’ it is also fuckin’ dangerous, not sayin’ that it shouldn’ be explored proper, but not by some renegade blighter who fancies himself some magitek wiz so far up his own arse it makes yer local garlean look like a dozen o’ roses.
swear, ye got folks out here thinkin’ jus’ cause they can take apart a chronometer ‘er do some basic maintenance on a firearm that they’re ready fer solo-scavenging-- next ye know they’re wadin’ in aetherochemical spills an’ huffin’ ceruleum.
so that’s one fer the road there, ask me again sometime an’ i’ll enlighten ye ‘bout all the fuckin’ joys ov’ seeker racism ‘ve ‘ad the pleasure of gettin’ ‘ta know.”
your ambition for the future: much and more
“one day ‘atta time has always been me go of things, aye, gander though i ain’t without dreams, ‘specially now with tha’ stability in me life-- let me think ‘bout things that i nev’r really thought mattered ‘ta much ‘ta me ‘fore, the future an’ like.
firs’ thing that comes ‘ta mind would be me projects, bein’ able ‘ta have me own workshop has been both a blessin’ an’ a curse; blessin’ fer obvious reasons, curse cause ‘m startin’ ‘ta have one ‘ta many irons in the fire, if ye whiddle me meanin’. the biggest one though... even i gotta admit tha’ this is a generational project at bes’ outlook, but. workin’ ta’wards bein’ able ‘ta purify an’ clean the land ov’ the remnants of war-- speakin’ ov’ ceruleum spills an’ the like. with hope me husband says that we could maybe one day bring th’ elementals’ blessin’ back ‘ta tainted lands, thas’ his field of expertise at work there... jus’ bein’ able ‘ta rid the land ov’ imperial consequence is a worthwhile goal ‘ta me, i reckon.
oth’r than that.. there’s some silly things, aye, winna big marksman competition ov’ sorts, fish up a catch that no one’s ev’r seen ‘fore, get stronger... thas’ one thas’ nev’r changed, fer differ’nt reasons now mind.”
your first thoughts waking up: depends on the morning
“considerin’ the curr’nt season an’ all, most of me mornins’ start with me husband latchin’ on ‘ta me an’ not lettin’ me leave the bed at leas’ an extra bell fer the sake of warmth.
which is ‘ta say me first thoughts when wakin’ are pree’ fuckin good ones.”
what you think about the most: his husband, work, personal projects, underlying worries and responsibilities he’s not prone to publicly airing
“i ain’ exactly the ‘fee-low-sof-ick-al’ type, mate. keep it simple-like, thinkin’ ‘bout what’s in front ov’ me, the next step aft’r that.”
what you think about before bed: depends on the night
“‘pends on if ‘m too fucked out ‘ta even think ‘fore sleep takes me ‘er not. still, thoughts still mostly the same ‘gardless-- usually somethin’ long the lines of jus’ how godsdamned lucky i really am.”
you think your best quality is: once again.... take your personal pick
“well, ‘lready mentioned me ass, me thighs... if ye fancy scars me chest an’ back are pree’ damn nice too, me arms got some neat lookin’ ones lemme-- oh, y’don’t mean physical this time. cor, why didn’ ye say so.
shit, uhh... well, i ain’ the type ‘ta give up, come hell ‘er high water. shit tha’ might be a flaw but fuck it, it gets results, at leas’.”
single or group dates: single
“the hell issa group date? like a bunch’a folk all mated goin’ out? separate mated pairs? yer missin’ me here. only got eyes fer one, so the point is prolly moot.”
to be loved or respected: respected
“this issa easy one. trus’ me, know what is like bein’ ‘loved’ without respect, shit’s fun fer a spell, strokes the ego ‘til yer cummin’ yer own pride an’ fumes, but is all the same as a grog binge down at the Wench-- ev’ry single time ye’ll wake up feelin’ like shite an’ prayin fer death. ye can get mighty high on’a pain an’ pleasure cycle like that, aye, but ‘ventually the pain wins out.”
beauty or brains: they correlate
“me baby’s got both, so it ain’t like i gotta choose. ‘m a spoiled bastard, i know.”
dogs or cats: both
“cute buggers aren’t they, the both ov’ em. been at the mercy ov’ the teeth ov’ ‘em both too-- from coeurls ‘ta imperial trained bloodhounds. still, can’t rightly hate the animal fer instincts an’ trainin’, all jus’ tryin ‘ta survive.”
lie: naturally. but also poorly
“ain’ ‘xactly me strongest suit, fair, but ‘ll bullshit me way ‘round somethin’ if i gotta.”
believe in yourself: of course-- sincerity is a non-factor
“fake it ‘til ye make it, mate. call it cheesy writin’ on the wall ‘er what’ver ye like, shit does the job. no one gives a shit how ye feel ‘bout yerself-- jus’ fuckin’ tell yerself that ye got this an’ go. don’ look back.”
believe in love: he’s in it
“kinda hard ‘ta refute somethin’ ‘m experiencin’, y’know.”
want someone: every second of every day
“jus’ ‘cause ye already have it don’ mean that ye stop wantin it. aye, if anythin’ jus’ want ‘em even moreso. constantly, shit never stops. it’s fuckin’ heaven, lemme tell ye.”
been on stage: not professionally
“nothin’ like singin’ er dancin’, less ye count bar tables as impromptu stages.”
done drugs: not always consensually. but a moko edible every now and again isn’t such a crime.
“relax, ain’ like i make a habit ov’ it. special occasion, really. don’ fancy bein’ out ov’ it ‘ta of’en.”
changed who you were to fit in: naturally
“ye gotta if ye wanna survive beyond yer own comforts, mate-- that is if yer lucky ‘ta be born inta’ such ‘ta begin with. look, is called adaptin’, an’ if ye haven’ noticed we miqo’te are pree’ fuckin’ good at it. not even mentionin’ tryna fit in at home-- when i left it was change ‘er die; changed when i started learnin’ the common eorzean tongue, changed when i started dressin’ different, when i started learnin’ how ‘ta act, walk an’ talk so as ‘ta survive, hold me own. y’see it all the godsdamn time-- lookit every miqo’te who changed their name once they started livin’ in one ov’ the big cities, aye, not all ov’ ‘em do, but ‘nuff do ‘fer us ‘ta notice.
it’s adaption. it’s survival. hide parts ov’ yerself ‘ta preserve the greater whole. ain’t sayin’ it’s a nice thing tha’ we gotta do it-- but, aye, survival rarely is ev’r nice.
... if yer lucky though, if ye live long ‘nuff, ye can start reclaimin’ them hidden parts ov’ yerself back, aye, s’process.”
favorite color: black
“were ye expectin’ anythin’ else? ain’t gonna say no ‘ta gold either-- ‘specially of the rosey sort. they jus’ go ta’gether so well, y’know.”
favorite animal: jaguars, of course
“biased? me? ‘course not.”
favorite food: seafood in general, rustic homecooked meals, spicy food, way too sweet cream-filled coffee, nostalgic preference for almonds, coconuts, and fruit based desserts
“ye ev’r have those lil’ balls of cod deep fried in batter? could get meself sick on those buggers. too damn good. ‘specially if ye add a generous ‘mount ov’ dragon pepper ‘ta the fish ‘fore hand. ‘course if it’s good, fresh catch then ye can’t go wrong with simplicity neither, crab meat straight from the leg with no bells an’ whistles issa snack fit fer the finest.”
favorite game: card games, puzzles, anything that can spur fun competition, whether it be from hunting, to racing, to a snowball fight, isn’t adverse to the cheap thrill of betting on a race chocobo every now and again
“anythin’ can be good, fun competition if yer willin’ an’ rarin’, nothin’ like a lil’ friendly fire under yer arse ‘ta get the legs movin’ an’ cogs whirrin’.”
day your next birthday will be: 28th day of the first umbral moon
“would be pree’ wild if me nameday wasn’ on.... me nameday.”
how old will you be: 29
“ugh, c’mon, i’m tryin’ not ‘ta think ‘bout it. knock it off.”
age you lost your virginity: between the ages of 19 and 21, he does not specify
“whas’ it matter? past is the past. leave it alone.”
does age matter: to an extent
“i ain’ no damn preacher, but it’s pree’ godsdamned obvious when someone is exertin’ power ov’r another. s’reason there be words like kid an’ adult. don’ fuckin’ be that person.”
best personality: bullheaded, smart, witty, compassionate, strong-hearted and strong-willed, brave, stubborn, impatient, and rather tactless
“maybe toss in a damn fine arse an’ voice like’a songbird-- wait, those ain’t personality traits?”
best eye color: rose gold
“bonus points if they gotta nice, natural glow ‘ta’em.”
best hair color: a warm rose peach with a streak of pale blonde
“what? ‘m a guy who jus’ knows what he likes. an’ i like what i like, cuff me if issa crime.”
best thing to do with a partner: exist with them in the entirety of life’s capacity
“call me fuckin’ sentimental, but learnin’ ‘ta fuckin’ live, really godsdamn live, with ‘em rath’r than jus’ survive... can’t fuckin’ be beat, jus’ can’t. shit’s golden, can’t wait ‘ta do it ev’ry single day on this star ‘til me times’ up.”
i love: “me husband.”
i feel: “pree’ chuffed, might go fer a nap.”
i hide: “poorly. mean have ye seen me, mate? ain’t easy hidin’ when yer this big. less’ maybe was in a house built with roes in mind.”
i miss: “me ma. aye, still lot’sa things that make me miss home, wouldn’ change where i am now fer the world, mind.”
i wish: “... fish. er, sorry, mind blanked there. they rhyme. been at sea fer the past few days now.”
tagged by: @ffxiv-sunderedsouls​ tagging: this is a stupidly late response so not sure how alive this particular meme is still but, here’s the deal; you wanna do this? do it and tag me THAT WAY i’ll know in the future to tag you in other things, good deal, right? right?!
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: Rowan
Writing Blog URL(s): @yayhei 
What fandom(s) do you write for? Stray Kids, Ateez, NCT, (and more to be added)
Age: 19
Nationality: American
Languages: English fluently, with limited knowledge of Korean, Japanese, and Spanish 
Star Sign: Libra
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite food: Chocolate Chip Cookies
Favorite movie: Pet Cemetery/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookies and Cream
Favorite animal: Lions
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? 
Coffee. Medium Iced French Vanilla coffee with three cream three sugar. Or if I’m super tired I will get Jaemin’s death coffee (iced americano, Venti, with four extra shots of espresso, lots of ice and no water)
Dream job (whether you have a job or not) 
I want to work for a record label as a producer
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? 
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? 
Victorian age
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you? 
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? 
One horse-sized chicken
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? 
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? 
I have a snake named Leviathan . . . He’s a good lil danger noodle
When did you post your first piece? 
5 JUN '20 / 12:20PM
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? 
I mainly write crack and angst because that’s what comes easiest to me.
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? 
I write x reader, but I wouldn’t object to writing ships or OCs if I had a good idea for one.
Who is your favorite person to write about? 
I love writing for Lucas and Ten (if you looked at my WIP list then you would see how many I have for them, my official WIP list doesn’t have even 1/9 of my wip)
What inspires you to write? 
Music Videos, TV shows, and just Music in general
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? 
I love writing like gang/criminal aus and the more darker types of writing which I haven’t showcased a lot on my blog yet.
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? 
I love enemies to lovers, and witch aus (we need more of witch aus) and I don’t really have tropes I can’t stand other than like, romanticizing of toxic relationships and stuff like that
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? 
I really just try to talk to some people and also sit down and try to force myself to write a drabble or so.
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? 
I really liked Dysphoria, since it was my first piece and I really like the concept. My most successful I think is a seonghwa timestamp (10:15)  
What do you think makes a good story? 
A combination of things really. For me I notice that the more planned out/researched stories are normally better. Like when you research the cultures, myths, places, etc. surrounding the contents of the story.
What is your writing process like? 
Just scroll on Pinterest, talk to my moots, write 3 sentences, procrastinate, try to write again, slam my head against a wall, repeat.
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose? 
For me, my writing styles are very different when I write original stories then when I write fanfiction, but really there isn’t that big of a difference other than that you get more freedom with original stories.
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? 
I think so. If I had an idea I really liked, yes I would, but I don’t have anything currently.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? 
It means a lot to me. It encourages me to write more and get more stuff out. (ok lowkey you could just write, ‘I really like your fics’ and I would write 4k in one day)  
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? 
Communication with other writers. Like, they give me advice, they help me with ideas, and they are cool. Like, make some cool writer friends they will never fail you
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times? 
Y e a h
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? 
Yeah definitely. There are some problematic writers but it’s unfair to say that they are all like that.
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? 
Yeah definitely. Most of the time I will just scrap the fic if I feel this way, but I have had a few fics that just, they weren’t anything I would ever write.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? 
No and I would like it to stay that way
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? 
I wanna give you all kithes and cuddles
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? 
I hope that my readers can just get some form of enjoyment from my writing and maybe inspiration for their own works.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? 
Join networks and reach out. Those mutuals you have will be some of your biggest support and if you can just talk to a few of them, they will be so willing to help you. You can DM me if you need help, and I'm sure other writers would be willing to help too.
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? 
Sometimes. Its mainly just the drama with idols and fanwars, but like, I love the community and I never regret it enough to want to leave or anything.
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? 
Y e s. Pretty much all of my moots have been so supportive and so helpful. Lemme just say that Admin Sunny (@neocitybynight) is amazing and she is so encouraging. Love you, boo. 
Do you think art can be a medium for change? 
Yes of course. There are a ton of controversial paintings and books that helped change things. 
Ending thoughts: 
“When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich” - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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