#And Another Thing
coldasyou · 2 months
Underrated funniest part of people getting mad when Taylor “blocks” other singers on the charts is everyone acting like she’s taking the achievement away from some indie underground artist who hasn’t had their big break yet like guys somehow I think charli xcx and billie eilish will survive this
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monsterfucker69420 · 7 months
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this is the only ending that's canon inside my deranged mind
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cleolinda · 1 year
I'm gonna admit that I got on Twitter like a big ol' dramatic dork last night and said, knowing full well that Elon Musk was doing exactly this, "If he changes the name to X, I'm out, I can't do this anymore."
Not because "X" is doofy and a terrible branding move, although it is, but because he wants to do THIS shit. Yeah, no, I am not hanging around for your global interactivity "everything app" bullshit. You want me to fucking BANK with you? YOU? You just lost about $30B running a platform into the GROUND by FIRING EVERYONE and doing whatever damn thing popped into your head between shitposts? Are you HIGH? I cannot hang around for this "tech king of the world, 420 blaze it lmao" bullshit. I could not stay at my beloved Livejournal after SUP said all the users would be subject to Russian law in 2017. I know The Moment when I see it. I can't do this.
I admit, I might go back every few months and say "Hey, I posted XYZ on any platform but this, please leave this godforsaken place," and I don't want to delete my accounts. I've been on Twitter since 2008, and I have a ton of livetweet threads (on my main and also on an alt for that purpose. Remember that time I livetweeted the Twilight gender-change book? That glorious trainwreck?). I've saved some of them via Thread Reader PDF downloads, but there are still more to get. I don't want to utterly destroy book and TV discussion we did over there.
I haven't used Twitter regularly since maybe 2016 (about the time the post-Gamergate alt-right really moved in), but the conversation and community, decentralized though it was, before that--we're going to lose the last vestiges of that, the way everyone on Reddit was upset about losing the collective knowledge over there. And I'm so fucking angry about it. I'm so angry. I immediately came back here the week he took over last year because I knew, I KNEW, somehow that Twitter would be destroyed. I just thought it would burn down in a smoking heap of rubble, not turned into a shambling tech zombie under a different name. I just. I can't do this anymore.
Also, shut the fuck up, Linda Yaccarino. Just because you can put Elon Musk's nonsense into coherent verbiage doesn't mean "a global social media/marketplace/banking system/walled garden that's basically X-Treme AOL" isn't a fucking nightmare. I hope the EU bans the fuck out of you both. See you in bankruptcy court.
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bbydeathclaw · 8 months
look, if this isn't the state i've left him in after scurrying out of his office like i didn't just suck his soul right out of him, i don't want it. i need him hunched over and gasping for air while he grips that silly little armrest like his life depends on it. i need him to question everything he's ever known up until this point as he slicks his hair back into place and tries to go about his day like i didn't just give him the nastiest sloppy toppy of all time.
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raisinushigher · 8 months
am i just so far gone with these two that i can barely correctly comprehend anything they do toward eachother as normal casual interaction anymore or was this actually topher being worried about abe
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soulthesimmer · 2 months
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twig-tea · 8 months
Fire and Dynamite Can Sit With Me
There have been a couple of really excellent posts about Fy and Dy on my dash this evening, and I wanted to yes, and them but am making my own post because things were getting long. First, if you haven't read this post by @waitmyturtles or this one by @lurkingshan or this one by @bengiyo do that first!
In addition to the moments all of these brilliant people have pointed out, I wanted to highlight a couple of other things.
First, like Ben mentioned, we find out later in the series that Dynamite first fell for Fire because he beat up bullies for him. The important thing this informs about how Dynamite interacts with Fire in the early episodes is that he sees Fire's fierceness as safety. This is important because Fire is RUDE, and it alienates other people from him. It also means that he knows Fire is a straightforward person who is not afraid to punch people he's genuinely mad at. Dy knows what Fire looks like when he's genuinely mad.
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Second, one of the things that Dynamite picks up about Fire is how much attention Fire actually pays him. He says himself, if you weren't interested in me and you were interested in Jane, you wouldn't notice or care about my presence.
Third, Dy did not move in with Sansee in order to stalk Fire. It was a series of coincidences that led to them both being in that condo building. And when he says it's fate thanks to a goddess granting his wish, Fire doesn't disagree, he just curses out the goddess for granting Dy's wish.
Fourth, Dy is excellent at reading people and situations. You have to be when you have been bullied for your attitude in the past. He's constantly correctly reading Ten and his reactions to Prem, and he takes encouragement from how Fire reacts to him up until Fire legitimately wavers, and as mentioned by Shan in the previous linked post, that's when he backs off. Dy is not ever pushing when he can tell he's really unwanted, and he doesn't stand in Fire's way. He encouraged Fire to speak to Jane; he even got Fire Jane's contact info. He continues to flirt in front of Jane but he can tell she doesn't mind--we see him look at her and clock her reactions in those scenes. And he steps in immediately with Fire's mom to take the heat for Jane being in Fire's condo, without even talking about it, because he knows how damaging it can be to be cut off by a family member for being a disappointment.
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So much about consent is body language and nuance. I'm not saying "no means yes" or whatever nonsense, but pushing when someone is genuinely uncomfortable even if they're not saying no is so much worse than sticking around even when someone tells you to go away because you can tell they're relaxed and not actually upset. The contrast in power dynamics, reading of body language, and consent vs non-consent is strong between Fire and Chef Changma, and Changma heartily loses that competition.
Despite clocking Fire as closeted from jump, Dy does not push Fire to come out. As Ben mentioned, he puts his own friend group--friends who at this point are functioning as his found family replacing the family that abandoned him, like so many of us have had to do--at risk to respect Fire's right to come out at his own pace.
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Fire at first defaults to staying in the closet. But when he sees the toll that this has on Dynamite he decides to push himself to come out anyway, even though Dy is not making any demands.
As Turtles mentioned in their linked post, when Fire stops fighting himself with his whole being, he's soft. And this is how he is used to expressing love, it's how he expresses his love to his mother too.
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In short (lol), I LOVE THEM YOUR HONOUR.
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jcams88 · 1 year
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I know a lot of other stuff happened in this but from a costume perspective HOW DID YOU EVEN MANAGE TO DO THAT?! The destruction. The FORCE at which this had to happen. It's blowing my MIND.
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twinkalicious · 11 months
no cause the fact that richter thought alucard was a myth is absolutely killing me. he grew up hearing stories of his ancestors' heroism, but for some reason a central figure of those stories was merely a legend to him, an immortal fantasy creature who he never got to meet. honestly i'm willing to bet his own mother and grandfather and any other belmonts before them didn't either. they only told the stories of defeating dracula as their parents did before them, thinking them dramatized and never literal. it became a game of telephone, with each person doubting the existence of a friendly dhampir ally more and more because alucard wasn't there to corroborate it. alucard separated himself from the belmonts at some point. he wasn't there to see trevor and sypha's lineage despite the fact that they merged their houses and literally founded a city together. speculating the when and why is going to drive me absolutely insane, you don't understand.
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ineffable-ezra · 4 months
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stonecoldsilly · 2 years
some ppl have real rancid cold takes on here the difference between accidental PC deaths due to novice players and too many shenanigans in fantasy high versus the unwinnable stakes of an experienced level one party v 21 enemies and nat 20 only saves is calculated as hell and a joy to watch like you gotta be kidding I know mister lee mulligan has a plan I trust him you really sat through 133 episodes of dimension 20 and were like oh this is where I draw the line? couldn’t be me im d20 or die bby the horror isn’t in the dome it’s in your goddamn head
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jaskiercommabard · 1 year
Jaskier knows what he means to the continent. He knows what Burn Butcher Burn means.
At the end of my days when I'm through,
No word that I've written will ring quite as true as
It's not about Geralt. It's about JASKIER. It's about Jaskier knowing, in his anger and grief, that when the time comes he will say "fuck it" and fall back in step with Geralt.
It's about saying - this will always have happened, no matter how I feel later.
It's about this human man using his greatest power to say to Geralt: You, now, have done this to me, permanently. This will, permanently, mean something, just like the other White Wolf ballads did.
It's not petty. It's not about revenge. It's not even about Geralt's reputation, it's about Jaskier's legacy and what he owes himself. It's not just about singing his pain it's about honoring his pain!!
Yeah we never got to see Geralt hear BBB we never got to see them talk about it yeah yeah we didn't NEED TO it's not aBOUT HIM it's not FOR HIM it's for JASKIER from JASKIER because Jaskier is the only thing he'll have forever.
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javaghoul · 6 months
Oh and please hot take for my favourite bitch Shuu 🥺
everyones fave bitch.
Sorry this is late
When he first came into the story, i KNEW he was there to fuck shit up and he didn't disappoint. Literally tried to turn Kimi and Kaneki into like a weird turducken: so creative of him.
I loved his whole "I will help (eat) you kaneki. I promise 🙂(😈)" thing, and I think that was written well. I was with Banjou & co the whole time: had no idea what he was up to.
His breakdown and redemption (?) was executed exceptionally well. I feel that he went from everyone's favourite narcissist, to a misunderstood anti-hero. The only criticism I can make about Shuu/how he was written, is that I wish the other characters treated him better. Shuu pulled JUST AS MUCH bizarre shit as any other character, yet he had to work continuously to prove himself and was still the subject of ridicule, mistrust, and exclusion etc. I know that happens in real life, but when we consider how other character's were instantly forgiven for their pasts (cough Uta cough Ayato cough Ken cough everyotherghoulinexistance), Shuu was done bad
Jealousy is a terrible thing 💅
Shuu was meant to be a side bit in Kaneki's story, but honestly Kaneki was the plot device to Shuu's Hero's Journey.
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nebulanewts · 6 months
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So,along with the Liella unit album covers,they released the winners for that fantasy mixed unit thing!! Honestly I can’t pick a favorite,it’s between 3,6 and 8 for me but they’re all SO GOOD - anyways,here’s the themes for each unit (according to May’s Love Live Days issue) :
1 - Stoic Leaders
2 - Costume Makers
3 - Attractive Hourglass Figure
4 - Cozy Eater
5 - Ultimate “Cuteness”
6 - Serious Girls Connected by “Sakura” (桜)
7 - Perfectly Round Dango Hair
8 - Cool Girls in STEM
Honestly again,I feel like all of these combinations work for different reasons to the point where idk which one fits best ‘,:/c plus the themes definitely help,what do y’all think? Which one’s your favorite?
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samarecharm · 6 months
Its so funny that Makoto gets such an awful rep (usually bc of her treatment of Futaba), but going through the game again, Makoto is the one who leads the conversation into getting her to open up for the palace door. She immediately offers up the idea of just being honest with Futaba; no lies or soft words, just straight facts in a calm voice. She knew Futaba wanted the change of heart, badly enough that shed listen without having to be convinced by force. And when Futaba panics about having to open up, Makoto makes sure she has no chance of backing out (‘give me time to open the door’ ‘ten seconds’ ‘WHAT???!’). Its for her own good!!
I think it can come across as mean and overbearing and even insensitive, especially if you are someone who is sees themself IN Futaba, but Makoto is both incredibly caring, sisterly, and understanding during the entirety of her arc. Like most characters, fandom seems to completely warp and exaggerate very specific moments and traits and sum up entire personalities bc of it. Ryuji and him being stupid; Ann and her being loud and mean; Yusuke being dumb as shit and singleminded for NO discernible reason, etc etc. People took the snooping and her one vaguely insensitive comment (about futaba and her whole Thing) and decided that she was a cunt and a bitch that couldnt be reasoned with.
Its so bizarre. Im aware that every piece of media w vaguely assertive girls has this issue (Sakura, Katara, Aqua, etc etc) but its still crazy that this is prevalent. Shes like the direct mirror of Goro and he does not get this specific kind of hate (usually its ‘he backstabbed and blackmailed us so i hate him’). Sorry. I need to be a Makoto Apologist to protect her from the rest of the world. My girl did nothing wrong shes just weird. She thought she could fight a mafia boss and she was RIGHT! She WON!!!!
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monsterfucker69420 · 7 months
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the best bang since the big one
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