#if your partner refuses to check in on you durining.
digenerate-trash · 8 months
Hey sluts! Just a reminder that if you're gonna do some hard-core shit (or any sexual activity let's be real) and the person you're about to have sex with tells you that "you don't need a safeword"
Don't have sex with them. Safewords are a safety net. Ment to make sure you can withdraw consent at any time
If they refuse to let you have one they do not respect you or your potential limits!! Even if you were going to have the most vanilla missionary 10 second sex always have a safeword!!! You never know what could happen!!
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
Hello! I saw you want requests for our Durin gang huh? Can i request Fili who tries to get his s/o out of work cause she's working 24/7 without a day off and he's a prince who miss his girl :C (if you write for F!Reader, if not - gn!reader is perfectly fine, too💖)
- @errruvande 💖
Overworking, Fili Durin
Headcanons, female s/o
Tw: stress, crying, overworking, fluffy Fili
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- He understands the pressure and addiction to work. Whether it is an approaching deadline or simply not being able to draw the line on where to stop, claiming you “just need to finish this last thing.”
- He knows the feeling, but he also knows how important time for yourself is.
- So he will try to get you out of your work, but very gently. At first, he’ll start braiding your hair softly or toying with the ends of it. Just the little things to relax you.
- He’ll probably offer you something to drink or he’ll bring you a quick snack in between.
- Then he’ll see if he can get a kiss from you. From there on, he just tries to convince you to join him in whatever he is planning to do. Sometimes, he likes walks, sometimes he enjoys simply laying on the bed, doing nothing but cuddling.
- Of course, he is aware of the fact you won’t immediately agree, so he’ll set a challenge or deadline for you. Maybe he’ll challenge you to finish writing something within ten minutes, but if you truly need to take your time, he’ll ask you to stop when you’re done with one part of the project.
- These small things bring you a sense of victory and satisfaction while Fili gets to take some time with you. It’s a win-win situation.
- Eventually, breaks become a normal thing. For every two hours you’ve worked, you’ll spend half an hour with him. If you don’t feel like getting back to work afterwards, that’s fine. He will stay with you the entire day if he must.
- If you will decide to continue working, the same rule applies. Busy yourself for two hours and then take a thirty minute break.
- And it truly works miracles for the both of you. It doesn’t feel like you’re missing out on anything important and Fili can get to see you function like a normal living being again.
- Yet, it’s not always you’ll stop after two hours. Fili respects your boundaries and (thankfully) would never steal something out of your hands or turn you around mid-work.
- Instead, he’ll just start a conversation with you. Over time, you’ll spend more time talking to him than actually focusing on your work. Therefor, you’ll still get that break. Whether you’ll realize it or not.
- This works vice versa too. As I said, Fili knows what it’s like to overwork yourself and not being able to stop. Thanks to his overworking in royal business, you get to see what it does to people from another point of view.
- Fili does need a good push before he’ll interact with you. He tends to hyper fixate and not stop until everything is done. He gave you permission to drag papers out of his hands whenever you notice it gets too overwhelming for him (or when he simply seems like he needs a thirty minute break himself)
- Only you are allowed to steal papers though. He knows you do it out of love and care, and not out of mayhem and chaos like his brother.
- One particular day had been difficult on you tough; there had been a very close deadline and one of your partners refused to work on a project, so you had been all by yourself and it just became too much. To the point where you could quite easily break out in tears.
- Fili knew, of course he does. He helps you with everything he can. He takes over the role of your partner, even if he has no idea what is happening or what is supposed to happen.
- It would surprise you how quick of a learner he is.
- He is also very good with time???? Like, he makes schedules for every little thing that needs to be done and it’s finished within record time????? It helps him work and focus and having a list where he can check things off helps him see progress and encourages him to work harder.
- So with him at your side, he gets it done within a matter of hours.
- Then, when there are only three/four hours left, it finally becomes too much for you and you just snap, letting the tears fall, explaining too him that it’s too much for you and you need a break, yet you can’t bring yourself to quit working, even for a minute. You just need the satisfaction of a finished product, but the stress has become too overwhelming.
- Poor Fili nearly breaks down crying too. He hates seeing you sad, always has. He just pulls you in a hug and let you rant to him about everything that has been bothering you.
- And it’s so relieving because he actually listens and comments on your problems, handing out great advice????? This man is amazing????
- You end up taking a quick break to get some fresh air and a nice cup of ice cold water. When you come back with him, all you want to do is forget about the project for the rest of the day. You had done more work with Fili than you would’ve gotten done in four days, and you still had two more until the deadline.
- You’d get there, you had convinced yourself, diving into bed with Fili, even though it hadn’t been dinner time yet and the sun had only just begun to set.
- Both of you were exhausted after all these hours of work. So Fili just pulled you next to him in bed, him spooning you as his hands held your gently, his head rested on top of yours, his breathing somehow always steady.
- And it calmed you down so much. The way his fingers would trace your hands, the soft thumping of his heart and the warm breaths he released every now and then,,,, you were asleep before you could even realize it.
- And so what if you and Fili slept through dinner and woke up the next morning. It was a great sleep the two of you had gotten. And a great stress relief.
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Day 3 Hobbit Plot Bunnies
Title: Second Chance at a Happy Ending
Summary:  Modern Reincarnation AU. Thorin is the CEO of Erebor Industries and Bilbo is a reclusive paralegal. Two people who have no business existing in the same universe as each other, and yet they dream of each other from the time of The Hobbit. So when Gandalf offers Bilbo’s services in regards to a legal problem in Erebor, well it’s a second chance neither of them thought they would be lucky enough to receive.
Possible Trigger Warnings: Thorin struggles with PTSD
POV: Switches between Bilbo and Thorin
It was happening again. The dreams. It wasn’t every night. In fact, sometimes Bilbo would go months, even years, without having one. However, every single one of them was as vivid as the last and seemed to haunt him for the rest of the day.
“You! What were you doing?” The injured dwarf commanded relying on the help of his kin to regain his footing.
“You nearly got yourself killed!” He continued taking a step closer. “Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild? That you had no place amongst us.”
At this point he was mere inches away. Close enough that Bilbo could feel the warmth radiating off of him and the glare burning into him. Not that he was able to raise his eyes higher than the dwarf’s booted feet.
“I have never been so wrong in all my life.” The dwarf sighed in relief before enveloping Bilbo in a tight hug.
Bilbo stiffened completely unprepared for the embrace, and he was certain his jaw was dropped in surprise. Being in his arms though...a smile split his face as he hugged back just as tightly amidst the cheers of the remaining company. Too soon, the dwarf stepped away looking him over as if to double check that he was alright.
“I am sorry I doubted you.” He stated, his eyes full of guilt.
Bilbo shook his head, his chest burning under that look.
“No, I would have doubted me too.” He answered. “I’m not a hero or a warrior...or even a burglar.”
Never once did the dwarf’s sky eyes waver. Never once did his soft smile wane. Bilbo would have done anything to always have that smile on him. However, the sounds of eagles screeching seemed to drag both of their gazes away, and when Bilbo looked back the dwarf was staring over the top of his head, his mouth agape. As he walked ahead, Bilbo spun around as well only to see a single mountain rising out of the expanse as if trying to reach out to the rising sun.
“Is that what I think it is?” Bilbo questioned following the dwarf to the edge of the ledge they were standing on.
“Ere.... The Lonely Mountain. The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of Middle Earth.” A familiar voice answered.
“Our home.” The dwarf breathed reverently.
Bilbo stared at him with a smile appreciating his strong profile as his eyes stayed glued on the mountain. Somewhere behind them there was something about a bird.
“We’ll take it as a sign.” The dwarf grinned looking over at Bilbo fondly. “A good omen.”
Bilbo felt his chest puff up in pride as he nodded along. He turned back towards the mountain as if it held all the answers to his problems.
“You’re right. I do believe the worst is behind us.”
Bilbo truly believed it too. And then there was a giant golden eye glaring at him.
Bilbo gasped, his hand reaching for his ring finger, yanking at something that wasn’t there. When he finally had his wits about him again, he fell back against the pillow rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He glanced over at his alarm clock with a groan. It was still too early to get up.
He fiddled with the lamp on his side table before reaching for the notebook in his first drawer. His mother had taught him to keep a dream journal back when he finally decided to confess them to her. The beat-up twenty year old spiral was full of torn and stained pages that contained detailed accounts of the odd encounters with the dwarf king he had taken to nicknaming Oak. 
Once he wrote down what he remembered of the dream, he flipped to the back where he had been working towards a sketch of Oak. The problem was, as clear as he could see him while dreaming, the image always tended to flicker away from his consciousness the moment he woke up. All he had so far was a very detailed set of eyes with a rather striking nose. When Bilbo finished eking out every last moment he could remember, he carefully put the notebook back in the drawer and hopped up to make a pot of coffee before starting his day.
Not that long ago, his morning would consist of fighting his way into a suit to get out the door with plenty of time to fight the Tube’s morning commute to one of the top law firms in London. However, the death of his mother three years ago had him re-evaluating his priorities. So he said goodbye to the spacious apartment, goodbye to the hustle and bustle of Zone Two, and retreated north to Lancashire. He would have quit his job as a paralegal completely, but Gandalf Grey, one of five partners at Maiar Law, refused to accept his resignation.
So here Bilbo was, receiving his workload via email, and going outside only for groceries and to mess around in the garden in order to preserve his image from total and complete hermit. Not exactly where he pictured himself at thirty-four that was for certain. He was in the process of seeing what exactly Gandalf had in store for him today knowing he still needed to finish putting together the information on the Proudfoot case only to narrow his eyes at the strange email in his inbox.
As he opened it and scanned the contents, he immediately had his phone in hand and Gandalf’s name highlighted before he even stopped to think of whether it was a good idea or not. Especially considering it was 6:30 in the morning.
“Bilbo! My dear fellow, how are you on this glorious morning?” Gandalf’s voice answered.
It was almost obnoxious how cheery he was.
“Do you at all remember our conversation last week?” He demanded, skipping the pleasantries.
“Of course.” Gandalf returned.
“You came all the way down to my house and said there was a job for me in London if I wanted it, and I told you I was fine where I was.” Bilbo prompted further.
“I dare say my memory hasn’t failed me quite yet.” Gandalf huffed. “I recall the conversation.”
“So then why in the world do I have an email from Erebor Industries confirming my 2pm appointment with someone named Thorin Durin?!”
“Because I thought your argument was a load of poppycock.” Gandalf scoffed. “So I took the liberty of accepting for you.”
If the man was standing before him, Bilbo would throttle him. He swears he would.
“No, absolutely not. I won’t do it.” Bilbo snarked, rubbing a hand down his face.
“Can you give me one good reason why you shouldn’t?” Gandalf pestered.
“How about the fact that I only stayed with the firm because you allowed a work from home clause to my contract? How about the fact that I’m woefully underprepared to meet with one of the richest CEOs in the UK? Oh and if those aren’t good enough, let’s bring up the fact that I’M NOT ACTUALLY A LAWYER!” 
There was silence on the line for a long moment. Long enough for the anger to slowly dissipate out of Bilbo.
“Bilbo, what you’re doing right now isn’t living. It’s existing. The world isn’t there in your little cottage amongst your books and garden. It’s out here. Come back to us. Besides, all I need you to do is gather information on what Mr. Durin needs our services for. You’re not to advise him in any way, and he’s well aware of this fact. Just this one small favor, and I’ll leave you to your precious Shire.”
Something ugly and painful welled up in Bilbo’s chest at Gandalf’s words. What did he know anyways? Bilbo was perfectly content here in his mother’s house. Perfectly content.
“I’m sorry Gandalf, but you have the wrong person for the job.” He murmured softly.
“Well…” Gandalf’s disappointment rolled through the phone in waves. “I don’t believe that is true. But if this is what you wish, I won’t press the matter. Take care of yourself, Bilbo Baggins.”
With that, he ended the call, and Bilbo numbly set his phone down on the countertop. Well that was that. He decided to pitter about the kitchen and start on something for breakfast. Probably just eggs and toast. He pretended the silence of the house wasn’t oppressive in the least.
He took a shower, dressed in something sensible, and settled himself into his study again with a nice cuppa. He fished a pair of reading glasses out of the pocket on his jumper, staring at the documents to do with Mr. Proudfoot’s case. However, he couldn’t take in the words. His mind was elsewhere. He felt relatively guilty for his behavior towards Gandalf. Maybe he could just put together some information about Erebor Industries that could help whoever was going to take his place.
He opened up a search tab on his computer and started reading through the google listings. He knew the company for it’s massive steel mill, but he had no idea they had a jewelry chain, and that they made weaponry for the military. That seemed rather ominous until he read further and found out that Thorin Durin was a war vet. Medically discharged eight years prior for a shot in the chest that nearly collapsed his lung. Bilbo winced, rubbing his own chest in sympathy.
His search switched gears at that point, and he clicked on a page dedicated to the relatively young CEO. Forty-two, only surviving family was his sister and two nephews. Seemed to be a relatively private person. He found it odd that there were no scandals surrounding him or the company. It was odd for someone seeking legal counsel outside of his own company. Then, there at the bottom of the page, was a photo of Thorin Durin, and Bilbo swore his heart forgot how to beat. 
It was him. It was Oak, the dwarf king. Bilbo would recognize the face from his dreams anywhere. How though? How was this possible? Bilbo’s fingers traced Thorin’s haunted eyes and humorless face so unlike the soft smile from his dream this morning. In that moment, Bilbo wanted to do whatever he could to relieve this man of even a fraction of his worries.
Bilbo jolted. The meeting. He had to be there. No way was he missing out now. He checked his phone. He had time. He ran into his bedroom turning on the iron as he searched the closet for one of his good suits stuffed in the back. Twenty minutes later, he was all but flying to his car. It was going to be a long drive into London. He paused to send Gandalf a quick text before peeling out of the drive like his house was on fire. He had an appointment with destiny he was not about to be late for.
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blankdblank · 4 years
Next Caller Pt 28
“Come in!” Belly called out through the door making Thorin look from the sports car out front of your place. Cautiously he turned the doorknob and eased the door open bringing the Raven dangling from the arch across from the door with a grin on his face to his attention. “Contracts are being signed, come in.”
Thorin nodded and stepped through the door he eased shut behind himself watching Roac fly off after Belly leaving him confused a moment alone in the entrance hall.
Moving farther in the house he made for the kitchen assuming that if you were signing contracts that you would be in the dining room. In cheerful Hobbitish he could hear a pair of voices chatting with you and once in the kitchen he smirked seeing you cross legged on your bench at the table beside Ecthellion hearing one of the men over the video chat saying, “We are so thrilled to have finally gotten ahold of you. This show has just taken off like wildfire since The Shire caught onto it.”
His partner said, “Yes, and no matter what the issues with it being limited to solely Hobbit frequencies in television we assure you that on our streaming platform anyone with a membership could get to see just how amazing your show is.”
“Thank you,” you replied in Hobbitish, “It’s been incredible seeing how well the show has just taken off. We’ve even gotten offers to extend merch for it as well which my co-owner has been thinking on herself.”
Looking down again when Ecthellion brought out the last packet of contracts pre signed by them you signed your name and caught their spreading grins through the screen. Thank you’s were traded with well wishes and Ecthellion said, “I am on my way to your office with your copy of the paperwork right now gentlemen.” Signing off before shutting down the laptop he added to his bag and stole a hug from you kissing your forehead, “Sorry Dear, they sprung it on me two hours ago after they had found out about the culling that freed up objections. Want a bump to their spring lineup.”
Shaking your head you said, “No problem, I was awake. Drive safe.”
He chuckled and stood lifting his bag saying, “Enjoy your snuggling.”
Making you roll your eyes and shift on your seat to grin at Thorin, who said, “Hobbits are picking up the show?”
“My old tv show. All three seasons, gonna make a big thing of the voice actor from the Bunny Show voicing and animating it. Celebrian is pretty thrilled about it.”
Moving to the table he sat down asking, “Which streaming platform?”
“Bombedil.” Parting his lips making you giggle, “I know, it’s so crazy they bought stream time for two years! So huge!”
“That is huge, can I ask for how much?”
“2 million, but split between the both of us owners and paid out over two years it’s much more sensible than it sounds.”
“I’m so proud of you that is incredible.” He said laying his hand on yours resting on your knee smiling deeper at the blushing creeping grin his words triggered from you.
“Well, it’s only the beginning it seems for the show, it seems the Buckelberry Awards have put me in the pool for the Old Timer Award, for old shows that make a comeback. Animation and vocals.”
“Old Timer?” He chuckled out.
With a giggle you replied, “More than a century old.”
“If you win,”
“I most likely won’t, I hear it’s a rough competition most years.”
You pointed at him and said, “I don’t need awards. I’ve won two costume ribbons and I am good for life with that.” Making him chuckle again, “Sleep well?” You asked breaking the conversation to a different topic.
He didn’t end up staying long once Frerin called him to join in on his own stop to see Gloin. Where the first was the next day their lease would be up in two months and forcing his brother and Nephews together in one time for actual house hunting and he knew right where to start. From the list of Dwobbit dwellings that he and Gloin had been emailing about he spent the past couple weeks digging through. Since first seeing your home that Gloin had helped you into the endless traveling and hotels bringing him back to another parking garage and lift up to his assigned rooms that deep ache for something solid to return home to.
A spacious cave home in the larger portion of your own suburb. It needed some serious love and on his days off between his races he would head the relative crews to adjust it to everyone’s styles. Mainly shelving and other built ins were the most of the structural adjustments and the boys loved all the space they would have in the new place that their uncle hoped to design with ample space for guests. It would be slow even with his money to design the place and to their surprise Gloin already had the papers drawn up in Frerin’s name alone, already stealthily planning on the trio eventually moving out granting him more space to decorate. Thorin would end up with the second Master bedroom even though he seemed reluctant to plan on decorating the dwelling to his taste at all, somehow feeling like a sham compared to the thought of helping you fix up your home.
While he was off helping his brother settle his roots and head home again to start designing you were off on an adventure of your own. Dusting off your copy of your show you settled back to relearn after not having seen it in centuries since it was shut down in your refusal to pay your father’s clan your earnings. Disk by disk it all came back and calling it a night at a decent time you went to bed to be up and cheerful enough to get through the next show that could lull you to sleep if you didn’t with how slow paced the first part would slow to until the heroine would be found on the edge of impossible.
“17k,” you muttered after having confirmed that your first check had been direct deposited into your account at 4 in the morning. Leaving 18k you slid your checkbook closer to you and across your latest in the Alice in Wonderland checkbook with the walrus and the carpenter on it you wrote out the check to repay Glori for his fronting you the gold to pay off your scooter.
Once again checking your email you smirked seeing the confirmation of the bunk bed crew coming to install your beds in your sisters’ room on Friday. Opening the saved mattress company website you went ahead and purchased the four saved mattresses for the bunk beds to your account in full that would show up on Thursday. Next the sea foam cushioned headboard and platform bed frame for your mother and Cirdan’s bed along with the four platform bed frames with cushioned headboards for the blue and orange bedroom were ordered.
Durin, for the first three hours the Durins listened to their ancestor’s forces grouping up with Wolsey and his forces shifting gears. Threat was aimed at Osgiliath and telling of an Ent uprising in Isengard had grated him possession of Holm. Though the admission of that had the cackling villain in his cage saying they would never find their precious Bunny. Their dearest friend who was assumed to have been lost in the waters flooding Isengard.
A switch however had it back to Bunny when it seemed the mood had sunk to the lowest for the avenging heroes. On the edge of a white city she awoke after being left by the Ent who had spent the past ten minutes singing a song. The song offering a reluctant state of calm to the listeners before a low gravely offering of long sleep from the protective Ent laying the damsel down in the tall grass. Eyes shooting open to the vibrations of distant marching through the earth were followed by the sound of a distant cannon however had her rolling over into all fours to start sprinting for the nearest shelter. Osgiliath. More and more moods sank while between the scrambling soldiers and beginnings of attacks from the dark forces encroaching they listened to the odd gathering of scraps and random objects.
Loud explosions edited to muffle to mimic ringing in Bunny’s ears with overlaid muffled orders and shouts played in the background while you kept narrating from the unknown third person narrator yet to be introduced. A scattering canon was fashioned and atop one of the highest towers still standing Bunny fired off in various directions giant balls of energy that once hitting he earth expanded two feet then snapped back in tighter sucking those within fifty feet of it, the closest being vaporized before the ball would explode into sporadic streaks of energy vaporizing others. Around the city the forces dwindled with the forces inside rallying to destroy those within the city walls thankful for their unknown protector. When the hull of the cannon snapped at its use being extended as long as possible it crumbled and wielding the largest piece of the stand she could muster to hold Bunny descended to try and aid those within the walls.
Swords clashed and arrows flew between explosions taking out walls more than once causing Bunny to stumble. “And that’s when she saw it, the foot of a small child cowering while the galloping brute with a mace overhead imbedded with nails swung carelessly into anyone and everything within his reach. Contorted and bred on malice and contempt for everything fair, everything he once was and had been torn from him, the beast rampaged tirelessly against the arrows lodged in his legs in failed tries to stop him. That was when she rose from the latest blast coating with her from debris off the last tower collapsing. Hair strewn about her lodging between tiny rocks and splinters of crushed timber beams and arches strewn about the courtyard in which she had fallen.
Between her now ash colored curls her eyes landed on the approaching fiend and clenching her fist around the hastily made handle of the support turned bludgeoning tool up she shot. Right in the fall of his mace the tiny terror clashed her tool knocking the deadly mace right in the proper spot to send it soaring from his hand. Victory however was not at hand just yet as in the force to swing the tool that hard her body had twisted out of position to block his next blow from his foot in a one legged re-gathering of his balance. Bouncing and tumbling across the rubble coated ground she came to a stop and in a trembling rise to all fours she groaned her way upwards in the beasts step past my hiding place.”
Gasps rippled through the masses listening hearing now at least a hint who the narrator was.
Again and again she was thrown and beaten down only to rise again making the narrator coil up more until on her back she laid coughing for air bloody and broken after managing to be thrown closer to a small crossbow. Loosely it was lodged under a beam allowing her to shoot the beast between the eyes in his leer over her ready to stomp the life out of her.
“In the loud crashing of their brutal battle soldiers had gathered to bring aid and in the rising cloud of dust over I raced to kneel beside her seeing again those same fearless glowing eyes brimming with kindness settle on my feeble self. Under the sight of flying shark crafts high above those same eyes closed in the streak of a dirt cleansing tear leaving a single hint of there being a person under all that blood and debris.”
The Captain of the Citadel approached with his soldiers and asked him what he’s doing here the boy stated he was running for the passages below the city as his father had ordered the unconscious woman saved his life from the beast
Atop two braced shields between the group of soldiers Bunny is carried to the Healers where the boy remains by her side while the second wave of forces attack with aid from Durin and Wolseys’ forces.
The King comes himself to inspect the woman the narrator is revealed as the Crown Prince, easing the chain around her neck up he lifts the pendant with a rabbit footprint set into a polished sphere of emerald.
Wolsey came to speak to the King after having come from the battle and spots Bunny. His saying her name is the last thing heard before the narrator saying, “I had no clue just how profound an effect that woman would have on my life. And in all these years there wasn’t a day where I didn’t think of my savior and how for decades I would not realize just how she had stolen my heart. But I wasn’t the only one to openly admit to her innocent thievery.”
“I thought you were almost gonna kill Bunny off!” Giggling in the hall you shifted the strap of your bag on your shoulder watching the next group get ready to start their own shift. “The Prince then? Bunny ends up with him?” Again you giggled and she huffed, “I hate this wait it out thing. This could be considered torture you know? The guys expect me to know something since I work on the show you know.”
“All the more reason to keep you in the dark.” Making her huff while you pulled out your phone after wondering about your first drive to the shop.
Peering over your shoulder she saw your thumb hovering over the open text chat for Thorin making her smirk, first at the name but then at the picture of the pair of you making faces in your trip. “Texting your snuggle buddy?”
“Wondering where I’m gonna park. Not sure if I can-,”
Reaching over in the absent tilt of your hand when you turned your head to wave at the man wishing you good morning on his way into his office she typed hastily, ‘Hey, Handsome, on my way. Where do you want me?’
“Hey-!” Turning your head you eyed the message then narrowed your eyes in a glance up at her while she gave a giggle and turned for the lift. “That-,”
Following after her you hugged and she said, “Oh like you haven’t teased worse.”
“Where do you want me?”
Thorin mumbled and Dwalin grumbled back, “Bout a foot to your right would suffice, you’re cramping my caboose.” He said in an awkward twist around his frozen cousin who snapped out of his current grind mindset to answer your personal ring tone.
Thorin inched over and said, “Jaqi sent me that.” Dwalin chuckled in eyeing the message and turned back to finish his order with the mint drizzle he had grabbed. “That’s not helping.”
Balin behind him claimed his phone and typed back, ‘Park in my lot anytime, my Mafioso.’ A smile puffed his cheeks up when Thorin turned to look at him from Dwalin taking his phone back, “Just telling her she’s welcome to our lot. Clearly she’s asking about her scooter.” He said walking away sneaking a wink to his deeply smirking brother on to starting another order after passing the last over.
Thorin looked at the message, “Park in my lot anytime?! Do you know what that sounds like?!”
Dwalin chuckled patting him on the back rumbling lowly, “Like a fine response to ‘Where do you want me?’ Tit for tat.”
Thorin, “Ti-, don’t even get me started on that.” Looking to Balin he asked, “My Mafioso?! Mine?!”
At the counter a woman sighed making Thorin’s face drop and he pocketed his phone when she said, “The torment. Bare your soul. Just tell your lover how you feel, your family will have to understand. You can’t stop love.” She said lifting her mug she carried to her seat of still swooning friends wondering about Bunny’s love life from the ending of the show.
Thorin looked at Dwalin as he said, “Bare your soul.”
Thorin grumbled back, “How did my life become a soap opera for the world to pine over?”
Dwalin chuckled saying, “Two words,” Thorin nodded and Dwalin continued, “Surprise me.” Chuckling at Thorin’s turn to focus on his drink again with his mind wandering back to that first trip of yours into their little shop by chance when he couldn’t take his eyes off you or resist going up to talk to you again.
“Vana help me,” You said smoothing your hand through your bangs hanging into your face to brush them behind your ear again.
Mal leaned in and squeaked at the reply, “Park in his lot anytime!” Bumping her arm into yours earning an eye roll from you, “His Mafioso, he said his.” She pointed at your necklace again, “Told you. Your babies are having babies and now he’s getting all domestic on you pining helplessly. Couldn’t stop staring the other night by the way, like every other time I’ve seen him near you. He’s hooked, you little opiate you.”
Shaking your head you giggled saying, “I’m drugs now, thank you.”
She giggled again saying as she adjusted BamBam’s carrier bag in her arms while he napped, “It’s true, for him,” leaning in she added in a whisper, “His little green fairy.”
Shaking your head again you giggled out, “That’s absinthe.”
“Still illegal,” she said stepping to the opening doors of the lift letting you out into the garage to lead the way to your scooter section she strapped the bag into the basket mounted where her back half of her seat used to sit secured to the backrest to keep BamBam and other animals she transported safely on the pastel pink scooter.
“Have fun Mal.” You said and she smirked adding her own helmet straddling her idling scooter.
With a finger wave she said, “Enjoy your stop with your Mug Dealer.” Then took off leaving you shaking your head and exhaling deeply before brushing your hair back to add your own helmet. A turn of the key later and you raised the kickstands with a press of the right pedal and you were off to see where you could park to be out of the way for the workers in the shop. Trying your hardest not to imagine Thorin rumbling those words to you in a very different context than over a arming spot threatening to make you blush the closer you got.
Around the shop you drove and the trio’s eyes followed you until you vanished from sight, the action signaling the woman at the table to tap her friends’ arms casting them to silence.
Trotting on toe top in your usual bubbly way around the shop you wove between those passing on the streets and those exiting the shop ready to see their friends or return to work from their breaks to conference about the show. Though once you got up to the counter Thorin blurted out, “I’ve been framed.”
With a brow ticked up you fired back quite innocently though no less temptingly for the already flustered Dwarf. “Do you need a lawyer I know a few?”
“No, I was planning on handling this out of court.”
At your lips puckering before your voice sounded his brows twitched upwards, “Ooh is that the oiled up shirtless duel out of court settling or an under the table money trading type of deal?”
Thorin letting out a growling grumble through his instant deep blush spreading across his cheeks and turned away muttering to himself as if in an order, “Tea.”
In a giggle curious for what you said but also in amusement of his reaction you looked to the chuckling brothers with bill in hand that Dwalin accepted as you asked, “I missed something?”
Dwalin shook his head, “Nope, you certainly did not miss.” Narrowing your eyes a moment you looked him over then shook your head at his deepening smirk and turned for your usual seat.
Balin however lingered by Thorin’s side and muttered, “Alright, tit for tat remember that. Tillie just got in you go relax.”
Heaving a deep breath his chest sank then rose in a mustering of courage after having spotted the table of women already whispering about the pair of you with chins in their palms. Cradling your mug he walked to your table and said as he set it down. “Alright, I’ve got a tat for you.”
With brows raised in a glance up from your journal you were sketching in that you closed around your pen, smirking in asking, “A tat for me? Like a tattoo?”
“What? No, for your t-,” shaking his head your eyes narrowed curiously as he blurted out, “I am not bringing up your-,” his outstretched fingers motioning in a circle half heartedly gesturing to your chest. Deeply he exhaled curling his fingers on the hand he set on the table while you leaned forward only nearly drawing his eyes to your chest again at the table pressing your cleavage up more into his view over the criss-crossing tank top under your open flannel. “We should go to the zoo.”
“No, Wednesday. I’ll have to find some kids.” Again you giggled and he said, “And their parents, from my clan...Dwalin is going!” He added loudly glaring at his cousin.
Dwalin nodded, “Where?”
“The zoo!”
Dwalin’s eyes narrowed and Balin said, “Ooh, Billi has been asking to go again, we’re going too, on-,”
Thorin, “Wednesday!”
Balin nodded, “Yes! Can’t wait to see you there as well.”
With cup in hand Dwalin approached bringing Thorin his distraction brew in excuse to get closer only to see him blush as you took a picture of your mug asking, “So, Wednesday’s when we’re going to talk about my breasts again?” Smiling widely you watched Thorin inhale and lay his hand over the mug Dwalin set down to slide it closer to him. Lifting your mug you added, “As long as I get some dik-dik pics I’ll be ecstatic.”
Snorting deeply Dwalin turned seeing Thorin’s eyes snap wider as you took a sip of your tea, laughing loudly Dwalin staggered his way back to the office with Balin curiously after him to ask what was so funny.
In a broken croak of a whisper he asked, “A what?”
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Smirking in lowering your mug you pulled up a picture of a dik-dik on your phone you handed to him causing his eyes to close and him to heave a deep exhale in the smoothing of his free hand over his face that came to a halt propping up his chin in passing back your phone. “That’s-,”
“Adorable, and I haven’t seen one in person. Well worth the stop.”
Keeping the topic off your stunning body he asked, “What are your plans today?”
“Buy my paint, then paint. You’re jealous, I know.”
“If you need a trunk I can go with you.”
Dwalin came over and seeing your mugs were nearly empty he proceeded to chat with the pair of you until they were and then ushered you both out the back to the parking lot.
On your scooter you settled and watched him pull out leading the way to the shop you had mentioned wanting to go to. Following behind it didn’t take long to get there and after your minute wait for him to walk from his parking spot to the bike section you waited by one of the dividing painted posts then walked in at his side. Calm chatting about the house picked up easing Thorin’s nerves about what you could talk about without being seen blushing madly through the hardware store.
Ample cans of paint later and a couple spray cans complete with masks, gloves and goggles for those metal pieces you stopped at the curtain rod section. With tons to choose from you lingered there a bit listing possible choices before you purchased the ones you wanted along with rings to add to the fabric for the curtails you were buying the next day.
Home again you went and stopping in the driveway you pulled into the empty section of the garage and pivoted the scooter around to face outward while he parked in the drive and got out with trunk open to start unloading. Paint was stacked on the workbench next to the new brushes and rods were left along the wall. Though for a moment in tying back your hair you froze seeing Thorin easing out of his sweater leaving him in his tank top, tossing that in the driver’s seat of his car he came back to join you in seeing what there was to be done. Each row was divided by what colors were needed and right away you got to work on the job at hand. Though between pieces his gaze couldn’t help but sneak to you and his phone would come out and steal pictures of you at work. A stretched out tongue in an awkward face for his last picture had him laughing at your having noticed him.
Closer and closer he inched taking notice you had joined in on the picture taking resulting in you both having a picture of the other stealing another picture creating a partial stand off and pause on painting for giggles. An echo however turned your head hearing a group of teens bickering their way to your mailbox. “I swear it is!”
“No it couldn’t be!”
“No one famous lives out here!”
Turning as well Thorin watched with you as the boy held up his phone saying, “See! The runes match! I told you it had to be her! Says right here animator and voice actor, she works on the Bunny show!”
“Oh this can only end well.” You muttered and Thorin came closer in their rush off after looking to your house. The smallest in the group returning your wave before joining his friends on their hurry home shouting about they were going to watch it right away. “Isn’t the show a bit mature for their age?”
Lowly with brows furrowed he hummed out, “Um, most of it should be fine. That pirate episode, yes, that one yes. Only got through the first season so far.”
In a giggle you replied, “Then no doubt season three might leave some scars. Serious angst and drama.” Making him chuckle to himself and join you in getting back to work to finish it all through the continued whispers of those passing by also commenting on the runes on your box also having taken notice of the latest show being advertised on Bombadil for streaming.
A break for lunch you made was followed by Thorin’s aiding you through the house to carry each piece to where you wanted it. Each piece being crossed off the list only made his smirk deepen and his pride swell seeing how much more together the house was coming. Nodding he said on his way to his car as you walked him out, “It’s looking spectacular. Now all you need-,”
“Thursday the mattresses for the bunk beds arrive and Friday the crew will be here to install them along with another to assemble the bed frames for Naneth’s and the blue/orange guest room.”
“Wow,” though his brows sank a moment and he asked, “Two teams? With just you here?”
“They’re very reputable companies.”
“No I don’t doubt that, it’s another old Dwarf tradition, if you don’t mind we’ll drop by, keep you company. You should always have an ally when builders come.”
“Fine, thank you again, now go get some sleep.”
Making him chuckle and climb into his car, “Same to you. Night. See you first thing.”
Pt 29
12 notes · View notes
x-kytanna-x · 5 years
Partner in crime
It can also be read on ao3
Dwalin was getting desperate; he couldn’t believe his plan had failed once again. This was getting out of hand, honestly, what kind of dwarf he was when he could barely talk to the one he wanted to court.
Not that Ori was making things easier, it seemed that every plan he put flew over the scribe’s head, how that was possible, Dwalin didn’t know. He had tried everything short of giving him a bead and Dwalin didn’t wanted to gift him with one until Ori knew at least about Dwalin feelings.
But Mahal fussy balls, it was hard!
Expressing his feelings was something Dwalin had never had to worry about; the people he cared and loved already knew him well enough and seemed to know how to read between the lines of Dwalin’s gruff affection. He cared about them and it was easier to show it than say it.
But of course he had to go and fall for the softest and sweetest of all the dwarfs of Erebor, and probably all Middle-Earth. He could bet Fundin was laughing at him from the Halls of Mahal. He had always been the one to say that one day he would encounter someone that would turn Dwalin world upside down and no brute force would change that.
Not that regretted falling for Ori, mind you. He was a blessing that Dwalin was not willing to overlook. He knew that despite all the softness and pureness of Ori, he had a spine of mitrhil and a heart even stronger.
It probably was one of the reasons he fell so hard for him, the scribe was full of contradictions and Dwalin was dying to uncover them all. He loved every single thing about Ori, despite that a lot of dwarfs thought Ori’s ways “un-dwarfish” or “too soft”. What a load of orc dang! That was all that was. Any dwarf that didn’t respect another’s dwarf craft was an honourless dwarf. What mattered was the care and the dedication one put in their creations and Ori put plenty and some more.
It didn’t help that a lot of dwarfs bullied Ori out of jealousy. The Ri family was considered one of the more beautiful, and Ori was no exception. All the brothers were blessed with Vuori’s looks that were known to turn heads and steal hearts of all races.
But thinking about Ori and all his virtues wasn’t going to solve Dwalin problems, he had to think about something, and quick, Durin’s day was approaching and with that the caravans of Ered Luin, and Dwalin was dwarf enough to admit that he was scared, scared that with the arriving of the new dwarfs, someone would catch Ori’s eye and he would have lost his opportunity.
He had tried asking for help, never being said that he didn’t knew when to surrender. He didn’t like asking for it, but this was no any time, this required dedication and everything that Dwalin was and ever would be; so if to court Ori meant putting aside his pride, then so be it, he was more than worthy.
He had already tried asking Balin, and the stone-head had suggested that he outright declare his love for him. As if. Ori deserved more than a simple declaration.
He couldn’t ask Ori’s brothers, he didn’t want to die; it was enough that Dori and Nori gave him the stinky eye every time they crossed paths, since they had realized about Dwalin’s feelings for his little brother.
Dwalin had also thought of asking Thorin; that thought left him as soon as it came, that idiot could barely talk to their burglar without being and awkward mess. Even Bilbo himself was staring to notice that something was amiss, and that was saying a lot since Bilbo’s obliviousness was even worse than Ori’s.
The burglar…
That’s right! He could help him, he was good friends with Ori, and despite being oblivious to Thorin’s feelings he knew what Dwalin felt for Ori.
With that thought in mind Dwalin turned around from his pacing in an empty hallway and went in search of the burglar.
He remembered that Bilbo had mentioned the night before that he was going to spend the morning in the kitchens; since Durin’s day was approaching and he wanted to try some of his family recipes.
On his way there, he passed the hallway that lead to the royal room and made sure to check on his guards.
Dáin had decided to leave a few of his warriors with them when he went back to the Iron Hills; he said it was just in case the tree-shaggers tried anything again, besides there were a few who wanted to move permanently to Erebor. One example was one of the head-guards, Kórh; he was a seasoned warrior and a loyal one to boot. He was a tad older than Dwalin, but he had knew him even before the worm attacked their kingdom, the only reason he had not moved with them to Ered Luin was because he had family on the Iron Hills, so instead, to help his people, he had taken a third of the Ereboreans, specially the wounded and the children with him to the Iron Hills. It was not easy, but Kórh had made sure all arrived safely and with that he had gained the favour of the Durins and Dwalin’s respect.
Still, despite being offered to have a more important role in the kingdom he had refused, saying he needed none of that and that he was happy with the life he had. When Dwalin passed him, they smirked and nodded at each other, after that Dwalin kept going. Kórh was planted on the door that lead to the royal meeting room, where Dwalin was sure his brother and Thorin were discussing and writing treaty letters to their neighbours. That idea came when Bilbo mentioned their need for food and all the future supplies they would need, and didn’t have, for when the Ered Luin caravans arrived.
That was not the first time Bilbo had helped them with the kingdom’s matters. It came as a surprise to the rest of the company, but not to the sons Fundin, Dwalin and Balin were observant and they had seen how Bilbo had, even if reluctantly, welcomed them in his home when he didn’t expected them (and didn’t that came as a surprise), and through all the quest they had got to know the hobbit and if what the lad said about those nasty relatives was true, then it was no surprise he could deal with Thranduil at his worst and knew how to smooth ruffled feathers everywhere.
When he finally made it to the kitchen, to his surprise it was quite empty, one would have thought that after hearing that Bilbo would be making sweet baked gloriousness that seemed to come from the halls of Mahal, all the dwarfs would be there, pestering Bilbo for a taste. Dwalin himself had already planned to go later, but now he really needed to talk to Bilbo and if it came with early treats, well that was no one’s business but his own and maybe the burglar; he always seemed very amused by Dwalin’s sweet tooth.
He had always liked sweet food, especially his ma’s sugar cookies; after she had died there was a time he could barely watch those cookies without feeling his chest clench painfully. He only started eating them again when his father and Balin tried to make them for his birthday.
It was a disaster and the cookies practically inedible but for Dwalin they were the best gift they could have given him.
He ate them all.
His ma was a great cook and even a better baker, in Dwalin humble opinion.  He was sure she would have liked the burglar as much as she would have liked Ori. Ásla had always liked soft things even if on the outside she was anything but. She was strong and fierce, and Dwalin had always resembled her more than his father. But with her family she was different, she was sweet and caring and Dwalin could see and feel how much Ásla loved them all, even if sometimes she wasn’t quite sure how to say it. He still missed her, but the pain and the sadness had faded to a light aching with the years. Balin had made sure of that.
Bilbo was currently working on what looked like muffins, made of what, he wouldn’t know, to their mother’s frustration he was worse than Balin in the kitchen.
“If you have come to steal my food I will hit with my spoon, like I did with the others and I’m not afraid to do it with you as well” threatened Bilbo while wagging his wooden spoon and glaring at Dwalin.
Dwalin snorted, so that was why there was no dwarf on sight. It seemed that the others had awoken what the company referred to “the Baggins anger”. For such a wee little thing their burglar sure knew to put someone in their place. They had quickly learned that Bilbo Baggins-Took (apparently the last part was important, Dwalin wasn’t sure why) was someone you didn’t want to trifle with. No one likes to get scolded by an angry hobbit. If all were like Bilbo it was no wonder they lived in peace; he had a way of making you feel ashamed of yourself and regret all the choices you’ve ever made, all without even having to scream.
“Easy lad, I come in peace, just wanted to talk to you”
At that Bilbo seemed to relax, but he still was looking at Dwalin with suspicion. It didn't  surprise Dwalin, after all he had never looked for Bilbo to talk, despite being good friends with the hobbit. Durin the quest Dwalin had learned to respect and cherish the hobbit as much as the others. He was much more than what reached the eye and had a way of merging their ragtag group now that the thing that had united them in the first place was dead, (and thank Mahal for that!). He also knew how to calm and ease the rough and reckless edges of the Durins, for what Dwalin was eternally grateful. He didn’t think he could endure another prank from the princes without killing them.
When Bilbo didn’t say anything, Dwalin kept going. “You know about my feelings for Ori, don’t you?”
This was awkward, but he wasn’t going to back out now, so he held his head high and looked at Bilbo straight in the eyes, as if daring him to laugh.
“Oh!” Bilbo answered, comprehension showing on his face.
“Have you finally told Ori about your feelings?” he asked excited.
“That’s the issue, I don’t know how, everything I try seems to fail and he still doesn’t know how I feel!” Dwalin practically screamed irritated, finally letting it all out with someone who didn’t think he was being unnecessarily difficult.
Bilbo looked surprised at Dwalin outburst, but he recovered quickly, adopting an inquiring expression.
“I-, well, I don’t know how much help I can be; I’m not an expert in dwarfish courting”
“You and me lad, you and me…” grunted Dwalin
“What do you mean?”
“Like I said, everything I tried has failed. For dwarfs our craft is something sacred and more so when it comes to play in courting. When we court, the proper thing to do is to give gifts to the one yer heart desires, and you have to make those gifts with yer own hands.” Dwalin showed his gloved hands to Bilbo
Dwalin sighed looking at his feet. “But I can’t do that…”
“Why?” asked quietly, Bilbo.
“Because I have no craft, I have always dedicated my life to fighting, protecting…there was never something else that called to my soul. I learnt how to make decent enough beads, but I am no smith, and I’m not going to give Ori a bead until he knows what I feel.”
“Why do you want to wait to give Ori a bead? For what I understand there are also courting beads to show intent, there is no way that Ori would mistake a bead for something else”
“Because it seems that you haven’t put enough effort in letting your intended know how you feel for them. You just give them a pretty thing but you haven’t really shown them how much you actually cherish them, how much you care for them, and how much they mean to you…”
This was not the first time Dwalin had to explain his reasoning. Other dwarfs didn’t understand. They had a craft, which in exchange made them feel things that Dwalin couldn’t even grasp. But he felt that if someone could understand it, it would be Bilbo, so he kept going.
“That’s why I want to make things right by Ori, show him how much he’s worth to me, and make him realize his own value. Enough people have tried to make sure he didn’t know, I won’t be one of them”
Bilbo stood there watching him stunned and then he smiled, brightly and full of unabashed happiness.  He then, approached Dwalin, taking one of his massive hands between his small ones.
And then he added softly. “I’m sure he will appreciate it. I will help you in whatever way I can”
Dwalin gripped Bilbo’s hands tightly, giving him a small but kind smile. “Thank you”
“So, what did you have in- wait, I just remembered something! The other day I was talking to Ori and made an offhanded comment about hobbits cooking for their beloved and then he said that he would die a happy dwarf if someone made his favourite cake or cookies as a romantic gesture. We could start from there!”
It was a solid idea, it would be great to learn to make something Ori loved-
Wait. Something he loved…
Something he-
Of course!  
By his beard! How is that he had never thought of that before?
“Dwalin? What do you think?” It seemed he had been silent for too long.
“Teach me to knit”
“Wha- what?”
“You heard me; I need you to teach me to knit”
“Why would you- Oh! Of course…” it seemed that Dwalin’s idea was finally dawning on Bilbo.
“You would be following dwarf traditions but at the same time showing Ori your appreciation of one of his crafts… how brilliant!”
“I don’t give an orc’s shit about tradition but I want to make Ori happy and this seems the best way.”
Despite being scribe was Ori’s main craft, he was also considered an outstanding knitter and he loved it as much as scribing. He had once told Dwalin, that back in Ered Luin and before he started his mastership with Balin, he used to sell his knitted goods to help support his family, and Dwalin was witness that they could be sold at a pretty price. Ori had given him, and the rest of the company, scarfs to protect them from the harsh cold of Erebor.
They were maid of cheap wool, but Ori had maid something to the wool and after he had worked his miracles the scarfs were incredibly soft to the touch and when you put them on, it felt like the very forges of Mahal were keeping you warm. It was glorious.
It was a nightmare.
How in Durin’s name was he going to achieve something worth of Ori’s work?
And the last time he had tried to cook something it tasted like ash. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.
It seemed that the same thought passed by Bilbo’s mid, because he hastily reassured Dwalin.
“Maybe I’m not as good as a knitter as Ori, but I make decent enough stuff, besides back in the shire I was considered to be a very good cook. I learnt from my father. I’m sure we will be able to pull together something that is good enough for Ori, and even if not, he will still appreciate all the love and dedication you put on all of this. That’s what really counts, isn’t it?”
“Aye, that it is…” Dwalin could only hope that Bilbo was right.
And so Dwalin’s lessons in cooking and knitting began.
In the end they had decided to make Ori some new mittens and prepare some of Ásla’s cookies.
The next morning, they went into Dale that was just starting to being rebuilt, it was still very far from being the mighty city it once was, but one day it might be even better.
At the moment there wasn’t very much on the market, but Bilbo had said it didn’t hurt to look around and that they might even find high quality materials if they knew where to search, and by the look of it Bilbo knew exactly where to begin.
After a few hours on the market they had found everything they needed, from butter to a very soft yarn of wool that had been dyed to a wide range of cold colours that faded one into the other within the same yarn. Bilbo was very proud of his finding and Dwalin thought it would suit Ori very nicely, they were striking colours but weren’t showy so Ori wouldn’t attract unwanted attention or wouldn’t be feel conscious of wearing them. He knew that Ori preferred muted colours; he had once said to Dwalin that his hair was colourful enough.  
Apart from the wool that would make Ori’s mittens they had also decided to buy a few other yarns of cheap wool so Dwalin could practice with them and use the colourful yarn when he learnt how to do the mittens properly. The same had being done with the ingredients for the cookies, Bilbo, after hearing of Dwalin’s past experiences in the kitchen had been adamant on that, and Dwalin cound’t help but agree. He knew his own limitations.
How they had found so much stuff and of such good quality, Dwalin wasn’t sure. It seemed that the hobbit had been in Dale before, since almost everyone appeared to know him. A few small children had even approached them to give Bilbo flowers. He didn’t know when Bilbo may have had the time to go into Dale, since he had being busy helping with the reparations in Erebor, but Dwalin had stopped being certain about things when it concerned the small hobbit. He had a knack for being silent and go unnoticed when he wanted. If the events of the quest weren’t enough proof, he had once seen Bilbo accidentally sneak up on Nori, something that he had once thought impossible (he knew what he was talking about, he’s failures in catching Nori back in Ered Luin were proof enough).
The fondness that the men and women of Dale had for Bilbo eased some of Dwlain concerns. All the Company was worried that Bilbo, once the caravans arrived, would go back to the Shire. He hadn’t mentioned anything about going back to his home but he hadn’t said anything about staying either, so they didn’t know what Bilbo’s thoughts on the matter were, and they didn’t want to bring it up with the hobbit in case he actually wanted to go back to the Shire but ended up staying only for them. Not because he really wanted to be on Erebor.
The Company knew how fiercely loyal Bilbo was, and they could never doubt the affection and love Bilbo had for them. They wanted Bilbo to be happy, and if that meant he had to leave, then so be it, they would have to learn to live with it.
The ones that were the most worried, thought, were Thorin and his sister sons. They boys had grown incredibly fond of Bilbo, and Dwalin was certain  that they thought of the hobbit as another uncle, and Dwalin was sure that even Mahal himself had seen how happy Bilbo was when he was with the boys. He had seen that sometimes they even asked Bilbo to brush and braid their hair (something that was only done between family and lovers). Of course it also helped that Bilbo knew how to make very intricate braids. When asked, Bilbo had explained that he had learnt when his mother had gotten sick and was too weak to fix her own hair, so she had taught him to do it for her.
As Dwalin was seeing it, Bilbo would make an excellent consort for Erebor. He knew how to handle the kingdom affairs, he was kind and had a gentle soul but when the time needed it he could be ruthless.
He was loyal and not only the royal family loved him but also the people within the mountain and even the neighbouring kingdoms. He had also taken an essential part in the reclaiming of Erebor and Dwalin wasn’t stupid enough to believe they could have been as successful without their burglar.
Now if only Thorin would gather his wits and talk to the hobbit…
 When they got back to the mountain it was time for lunch, so they left their purchases in Bilbo’s chambers where they had decided the lessons would take place. Luckily for them, in Bilbo’s chambers there was a small kitchen and an oven that would be enough for their lessons in making the cookies. Dwalin had made Bilbo swear not to tell anything to anyone. He may trust the others in battle with his life but if he wanted to keep Ori’s gifts as a secret the only ones he could trust not to say anything were Bilbo and his brother, the rest were a bunch of gossips. If one found out Dwalin’s plans all the mountain would know by the end of the day; even Thorin, who liked to pretend otherwise, was the same.
Bilbo had mentioned it reminded him of home.
After leaving Bilbo’s rooms they head to the dining room, where probably everyone already was. The Company had made the habit of eating lunch and dinner together every day so if they wanted to arrive on time and not look suspicious they would have to speed up.
Luckily they weren’t the last to arrive, Ori and Balin were probably still in the library. They said they might not make it for lunch that day since there was too much work to do on the library, but Thorin and the boys were already there, and Thorin gave him a suspicious glare before directing his gaze to Bilbo.
“Master Baggins, I thought you would be spending your day in the kitchens again”
Trust it to Thorin to turn an inquiry into a demand.
“Oh! I went to the market on Dale to buy a few things” At least the hobbit didn’t take offence into Thorin’s tone.
“With Dwalin?” added Thorin eyeing suspiciously at Dwalin, as if the idiot thought Dwalin would steal the hobbit from his side.
Dwalin rolled his eyes, the things he had to put up with. “We bumped into each other on his way to the market. He asked for my help. He was going to buy flour, lots of it. With those wee arms of his, he would have broken something trying to carry those flour sacks”
“Sacks?” asked a few or the other dwarfs, who have been avidly listening while pretending not to.
“I would have been able to carry all my things on my own, thank you very much; I just thought it would be better to go in company” Bilbo hastily added with his arms crossed and chin lifted.
After a beat of silence they all erupted in laughter, and started talking about the new mine of aquamarine crystals they had found in a place previously thought barren.
Thankfully for Dwalin since there were so few dwarfs on the mountain, he had very little work to do as the main head-guard, something that would drastically change with the arrival of the caravans, so after eating he had the rest of the day free to work on Ori’s gifts.
Dwalin left first the table while Bilbo was still eating, they couldn’t be seen leaving together or there would be more questions, so he went to his own rooms and changed into more ‘comfortable’ clothes as Bilbo had suggested, whatever that meant. All his clothes were the same. But he guessed that he should wear his oldest and rattiest clothes since he was surely going to get them dirty with the baking. Dwalin also decided to take off his knuckle dusters and a couple of his more heavy weapons.
Finally ready, he went to search for Bilbo who my now would probably have finished eating. For such a tiny wee thing he surly ate a lot, and wasn’t a surprise to learnt that hobbits ate seven meals a day? It explained why the hobbit was always munching on fruits and nuts he kept picking up along the journey. They all worried for a moment that they had been starving their burglar, but Bilbo was quick to reassure them that he could easily live with five meals, and that on their journey he had gotten used to four, three that dwarfs provided him and the other that he tended for himself by picking fruits, nuts and vegetables on the way.
When he arrived at Bilbo’s door he knocked loudly, it amused him to no end to startle Bilbo with his knocks; the hobbit had complained that it felt that the very doom was knocking at his door.
“What did I told you about knocking like that?” Bilbo said sticking his head out of his rooms.
Dwalin chucked. “Not to do it”
“Exactly, so why are you?” Bilbo huffed “You know what? Never mind, come in before anyone sees you”
He opened the door for Dwalin and started laughing quietly while Dwalin closed it behind him.
“No, nothing, it’s just that it feels like we are having an illicit affair and I’m sneaking you up before my parents notice”
Dwalin snorted “It feels like you talk from experience”
“I may have snuck one or two hobbits in my youth without my parents knowing, but they were hardly illicit or torrid”
Dwlain could only stare at Bilbo, it always surprised him how open hobbits were about the topic of sex.
“What- Oh, that’s right, you dwarves are typically untouched until marriage right?” Bilbo tilted his head to one side. “I always forget about it.”
“Have you really lost your virginity?” Dwalin had spent a lot of time in the cities of men and he had gotten used to that kind of topics, so they didn’t make him feel as uncomfortable as they used to in his youth.
And he may or may not be interested because of personal reasons, as in Ori reasons.
“Ha! That ship sailed decades ago!” said Bilbo with mirth on his eyes. “We hobbits like to enjoy the pleasures of life, and of course that also includes sex. I haven’t had that many partners, but I’m experienced to know what I’m doing” Bilbo paused for a moment. “So…anything you want to know?”
Dwalin gave a low chuckle, who would have thought that hobbits would be this shameful, maybe it was only Bilbo; he was the only hobbit he knew after all.
“Maybe after I’m finally courting Ori”
Bilbo gasped “That’s right, we have to start the gifts, there’s no time to loose”
He grabbed the practice wool he seemed to have already prepared before Dwalin arrived and sat in one of the armchairs that Bifur had fixed for him.
“I think we are going to start with the knitting since is something you can practice by yourself in your free time”
And so Bilbo began to explain and show Dwalin how it was done. He started by explaining all the different patterns the mittens would have, from the part that would cover Ori’s wrists to the one that would go on the fingers.
It was a lot harder than Dwalin had thought. But Bilbo insisted that he was doing great since he knew how to use different weapons and had dexterous fingers.
For Dwalin it just felt awkward to work the needles with his huge paws.
Since they didn’t have Ori’s size, a big miscalculation of their part, it had been decided that Dwalin would practice by making a pair in his size and another in Bilbo’s.
Dwalin left well into night and only when he and Bilbo felt that he knew all the patterns and would be able to start making the mittens on his own.
 The next morning Dwalin went back to Bilbo’s rooms to start working on the cookies. He felt more confident with that since he knew the recipe by heart.
After a quick breakfast, Bilbo cleared his throat before talking
“So have you made these cookies on your own before?”
“Aye, I tried a couple of times. Both turned out like orc dang.”
“Hm, okay, can you explain to me the procedure?”
“What procedure?” Dwalin asked confused before looking at the remains of his breakfast focusing on  remember how he made the cookies “You just measure the ingredients and then mix them all together. You then squash the dough until is kinda thin and even, after that you put it on the oven in a metal sheet and bake it for about 3 minutes with the oven as hot as you can get it”
He looked up after hearing a chocking sound and found that Bilbo was gaping at him while giving him a disbelieving look.
After a while of looking at Dwalin like a gaping fish, he finally closed his mouth and gathered his lost wits and said “We have much to work on”
As Bilbo started getting the ingredients ready with Dwalin’s help he began to explain. ”First of all to bake something you have to be patient and don’t try to take short cuts. That’s when things get cocked up.” He grabbed one big bowl “As you said the first thing to do is measure all the ingredients and have them ready, then you go mixing them little by little. Typically the wet ingredients go first and then you add the dry ones by parts. When you have the dough well mixed and there are no lumps and had made sure that it tastes okay then you flatten it until is around half an inch thick. After that you cut it, be it with a knife or with something sharp, you can do all kind of shapes. To finish you put your cut cookies on top of a metal sheet covered in waxed parchment and they you bake it at medium temperature for about ten to twelve minutes.”
That explained why the never turned out okay, he had being doing it all wrong.  But now that he knew what to do it would be easy.
 It wasn’t easy.
It was nightmare.
They had made 5 attempts and Dwalin still had fucked them all up, one was too lumpy, the other was over mixed, and so on. All had a tiny mistake that ruined all his hard work. This must be Mahal testing him.
Well he would not give up, and by look of it, Bilbo neither. It looked like he had taken Dwalin’s failures as his own and wasn’t going to give up until he made something edible.
 It wasn’t until six more tries that Dwalin finally succeeded. Bilbo’s kitchen looked like it had been attacked by wargs and they, for their part, were covered in flour and eggs, but they have finally done it so it didn’t matter.
Dwalin had learned from his mistakes so he was confident he would be able to make the cookies again, they had tasted them and they were exactly like his ma’s. She would have being proud of him.
Now he just needed to practise making the mittens and more importantly. Find Ori’s hand size.
 He didn’t get the opportunity until a week later, and by then he had being able to finish Bilbo’s mittens.
They were a little crooked and the fingers weren’t completely even, despite that, they had turned out okay for being his first time and Bilbo had said that they were comfortable. He had slept wearing them for testing.
Thorin had sent him to look for Balin after he had received Thranduil’s letter that said that he was willing to meet to negotiate possible trading arrangements.
Dwalin had found Balin on his little study, that was next to the library; after delivering his message he was planning to go and make a few rounds of sparring with his guards and soldiers, but as he passed he caught a glimpse of Ori between the doors of the library. He couldn’t hear anyone else so he guessed Ori was alone.
He had been wanting to catch Ori alone for a while, but since the retaking of Erebor it was hard to have time for themselves. How they had managed when on the road, surrounded by thirteen other people was beyond Dwalin. So he squared his shoulders and entered the library with heavy steps so Ori wouldn't startle.
Ori was fussing over a book that had seen better days. It was tattered and half of the cover was missing.
Hearing someone enter Ori raised his head from his book and when he realized who it was, he gave Dwalin a dazzling smile. “Hello, Mister Dwalin”
“Hello lad, busy?“ Said Dwalin gesturing the battered book.
“Yeah, there are lots of books that still need taking care off. Some of them are missing a few pages, in others the ink has faded. We are just lucky that no bugs dared to enter the mountain with Smaug inside. But what brings you here? Mister Balin is in his study.”
“I have already talked to Balin, just wanted to check how you are doing. Since we arrived to the mountain we have barely seen each other and you still haven’t finish yer story about how you and Nori set Dori’s hair on fire”
Ori looked surprised “Oh! that’s right; we have all been very busy after the battle. I had almost forgotten that I never ended up finishing that story” Ori pulled a chair by his side and draw it nearer to him. “Please, take a sit” He waited for Dwalin to sit. “So, where was I? Did I tell you about the candles?”
“Aye, lad you told that Nori had ‘found’ some special candles which wax barely got warm”
They never really brought up Nori’s profession. But Dwalin, after meeting Ori and Dori could somewhat understand why he did what he did. The one of the Ri family he had met first was Nori and not for the best reasons; but it was also thanks to him that he had met Ori.
The times that he rarely caught Nori it was usually Dori the one that came and paid for his release, but then there was one time that a young Ori came, and seeing the state of his clothes and the humble look on his young face, Dwalin finally understood why Nori was leading that kind of life. It was all for that sweet little boy that as soon as Nori was free rushed to hug him as if it had passed years since he had last seen his brother. After that he had tried to give less shit to Nori and if Nori noticed he never said anything.
At the time he only thought of Ori as a sweet smart little pebble. He was the one who talked to Balin about Ori’s potential as a scribe, to this day the only one who knew of that was Balin. He had never expected to fall for Ori, he was a dwarfling after all. But then he and Balin had starting to take jobs with the merchants, Dwalin as the caravans guard and Balin as a merchant himself. They never stayed in Eerd Luin for too long and the only news he had of the Ri family were the ones that Balin got as Ori’s mentor.
It wasn’t until they had all arrived to the Shire that he found out that the Ris were going on the quest with them, and by then, the last time he had seen Ori were at least eight years.
In the time they had been apart, Ori had grown into a beautiful dwarf with an even more beautiful heart, if a tad self-conscious. After talking to him for a bit and seeing him smile and laugh, Dwalin was instantly doomed.
That wee pebble had turned into a mine of mithril without Dwalin even noticing. It was a dizzying thought, and as the days went by he kept falling harder for him.
“Oh, yes, so he had found those candles and that week, Dori, had been being a jerk so we decided to play him a prank.” Ori started gesticulating with his hands. It was something he always did when he got excited, and while he would have find that kind of thing annoying in another person, in Ori it was absolutely endearing. Mahal hairy balls, he was getting soft.
Ori kept on talking “We had thought to make silly drawings with melted candle wax while he slept but since it was very dark and the only light we has was the one from the candle; we couldn’t tell apart Dori’s hair from the sheets, so we didn’t notice that some of the wax that fell had a spark on it and had fell on Dori’s hair. Thankfully, it was at the end of his hair so it wasn’t that terrible, but he still almost killed us. When he’s feeling petty, he will reminds us about, specially on his birthday”
Dwalin chuckled, he could picture Dori doing that. The dwarf fussed over his hair like no other and when un-braided, it went pass his lower back.
It was in that moment that Dwalin saw a few cuts on Ori’s fingers. Nothing uncommon, he tended to cut himself with the parchment and the tools he used to restore the books, but this could be his chance to take Ori’s hand size.
“What have you done to your hands lad?” asked casually Dwalin.
“Mm?”Ori looked at his fingers “Oh, this? Nothing, just some cuts.”
“Here, let me” Dwalin took his hands and slowly pulled them free from his mittens, watching Ori’s reaction, to see if his forwardness was unwelcome.
He was blushing.
Ori was furiously blushing and Dwalin was going to die.
Mahal dirty hairy balls! He could feel his face growing hotter by the second. But he could not stop; he was doing this for a reason. Maybe this meant that he had an opportunity with Ori after all. He seemed to be enjoying how Dwalin was softly rubbing his hands. He had to memorize the size difference that, to Dwalin surprise, was not that big. His palms and the back of his hand were incredibly soft from being hidden within the mittens; his fingers on the other hand were rough and a bit calloused.
For just a bit of hand holding it felt incredibly intimate and Dwalin wished he was allowed to kiss Ori. The need to be closer was overwhelming, but this was not the time for that, he was not that kind of dwarf and Ori deserved much better than a horny kiss. If he ended up accepting the courship there would be time for those, he just had to be patient.
With that in mind he retracted his hands slowly “You should see Oín with those cuts, you wouldn’t want them to infect”
“What? Oh! Yes, I-I will go right now” and with that Ori practically ran from the room with a face redder than one of the hobbit’s tomatoes.
Dwalin wasn’t sure if that was something good or bad. Nevertheless he had no time to duel on it; he had to finish Ori’s mittens.
He had a dwarf to woo.
 Despite Dwalin’s determination, it still took him about two more weeks to finish the mittens but in the end they had turned out very good. He had to start all over again a few times but it was worth it. In Dwalin’s opinion the colours would suit Ori really nice and bring out his red hair and hazel eyes.
While he was working without rest on the mittens he had also made time to bake several practice batches of the sugar cookies, and he had finally mastered them. They looked almost as nice as Bilbo’s and tasted as good as his ma’s.
After a lot of thinking he had decided to ask Ori to meet him on the library after dinner. Bilbo had promised him that he would make sure that no one would go around there.
After all that the hobbit had done for him, he really should be planning something to make sure that either he or Thorin admit their feelings.
He had skipped diner to make sure that everything was as it should be and also because he didn’t feel like he could eat anything. His stomach was tied in painful knots. He was not used to feel anxious and it was killing him. He just hoped Ori would arrive soon.
He had to put the cookies in the middle of the table Ori typically used. They were on a plate that he had seen on the kitchen.  It had some fancy designs but it wasn’t too flashy that the cookies would look ugly so Dwalin was happy with it.
For the mittens he had commissioned a courting box from Bifur. Thankfully the other dwarf hadn’t said anything and had agreed to do one for him.
Courting boxes were basically used as the recipient for courting gifts, this also stopped from misunderstanding since every dwarf knew how a courting box looked, and just by seeing them one would know the gift giver intentions.
He was looking at the carvings of the box when Ori finally arrived.
Dwalin quickly raised his head and squared his shoulders, as Ori closed the door behind him and askes hesitantly.
“Master Dwalin, you wanted to see me?”
“A-Aye, this is for you” Dwalin trusted the box into Ori’s hands.
Ori squealed at the abruptness and almost dropped off the box. “What is-”Ori gasped “Is this a courting box?”
“F-For me?” Ori looked at Dwalin with uncertainty and hope
Dwalin snorted “Who else would it be?”
Ori could only stare at Dwalin in amazement, then he let out a quiet sob.
Oh Shit!
Dwalin quietly panicked.He hadn't planned for that outcome. But before Dwalin could do anything Ori started talking
“Oh, Mahal, there was a time that I used to think that you liked Nori, but then I saw come out of Bilbo’s rooms very late at night and I thought that you were together” Ori laughed histerically “I was wrecked since I had fallen for you a long time ago. I always knew it was a hopeless love but then when I thought you were with him, I was a bit relived, because if I could give you to someone that would be Bilbo. He had being alone for far too long and I knew that you would be able to make him happy. I was prepared to be happy for you two” He then started openly sobbing while Dwalin gaped at him. He was supposed to be the one confessing, not the other way around. He drew Ori in hug and Ori buried his face into his neck.
“And then you go and practically tell me you want to marry me. This is more than I would have ever hoped for and yet is happening…”
“How could you think I would like anyone else, when there was you.”
Ori raised his head to look at Dwalin “You could have so much better than me, I'm a simple dwarf. I don’t even know how to use a sword”
Dwalin pressed their foreheads together. He was going to crush anyone who had dared to diminish Ori’s value.
“Open the box Ori”
Ori reached for the box he had hastily placed on the table when he had started crying. As soon as he opened it he let a surprised gasp.
“Mahal, they are beautiful! Where did you get them?”
“I made them”
Ori gasped again covering his mouth with his hand.
“I wanted to show you how much I respect you. How much I value your crafts, I cannot become a scribe in a month, but I can learn to knit; it was harder than I expectes but it was worth every second just to see you happy.” Dwalin took a deep breath. This was the hardest part, but also the most important one. “You mean the world to me Ori, you make things easier, have always made me feel that I could do anything. You make me want to do more and better. Not to just settle with the lot I got in life. And I don’t know and I don't care what other dwarfs have told you. You are more beautiful than any diamond and worth more than mithril itself.” Dwalin reached for the cookies and put them in front of Ori. “I also learnt to bake this, they were my ma’s famous recipe. They represent the life I want to have with you by my side. They are the love I hold for you.”
Ori’s face was full of tears but his smile was enough to light the whole mountain. Dwalin slowly and carefully wiped the tears away with the hand that was not holding the cookie. Ori took his hand and brought it to his lips to brush a soft kiss against it. He then took the cookie from Dwalin and gave it a good bite.
Ori let a happy laugh “These cookies taste like home” said at Dwalin’s questioning look.
Dwalin though his face would split from how big his smile was.
After finishing the cookie, Ori tried on the mittens, they were a bit big, but as Dwalin had thought it suited him perfectly.
“By Mahal! These are the softest mittens I have ever seen! How did you even found this kind of wool?” marvelled Ori while rubbing his face with the mittens.
“That was all on Bilbo, he was the one who helped me” he admitted begrudgingly while rubbing the back of his neck.
“So that’s why you were on his chambers…”
“Aye, right now he’s also making sure no one comes in here” Dwalin said. “So you accept the courtship?” asked hesitantly.
“Of course I accept! Didn’t you hear anything I just said? I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, you have said that I bring the best out of you; well, is the same for me. You give me courage and make me feel incredibly special. You are my One Dwalin.”
Dwalin pressed his forehead against Ori’s, giving his nose a soft nudge. Ori tilted his head and suddenly they were sharing their first kiss. Dwalin could feel his heart hammering in his chest. It was the softest kiss he had ever given, and yet it was the best he has ever had.
Dwalin leaned his mouth directly into Ori’s ear and softly whispered in their forefathers language “I give you my soul”
“And I give you my heart” Ori answered in kind
“May Mahal be the witness of our love” they said lastly, together.
  And in that moment Dwalin was certain that his life would be full of soft kisses and easy laughter. Whatever Mahal decided to throw at him, he would be able to overcome it; with Ori by his side anything was possible.
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